[OFFICIAL] Bret Hart is Raw's new General Manager Discussion

I think Raw needs a Heel GM.

I think if you have a face GM, the only role he can really take is a facilitator (like Teddy Long on Smackdown). You might, with a Triple H role, have the GM being a bit of an enforcer (ie stopping the heel from cheating) but this would get repetitive very easily.

With a heel GM, you can develop heat real well (please NOT VICKIE - I know the storyline says it shouldn't be I'm worried that they'll wangle her back in). With Bischoff back in 05/06, alongside Jericho - it was a heel GM at its best.

As for who should do it now (is it too late for Bischoff! - I'm joking!). Can't think of any credible heel GM's who are with the company. Regal possibly. Would love it to be JBL if he was still in the 'E.

Triple H is a wildcard, but would make so much more sense if Shaemus was in the main event at Over the Limit.

Thinking about it - it would make a lot of sense if Shaemus wangled his way into it on the night of the PPV - won the title - then it would lead greatly into HHH as GM - although wouldn't necessarily work as a hell GM.
I put my money on... Abraham Washington. C'mon, would be fun to see him be the permament GM... Also would be a BIG surprise to see him as one. Anyone else with me ?:D
I put my money on... Abraham Washington. C'mon, would be fun to see him be the permament GM... Also would be a BIG surprise to see him as one. Anyone else with me ?:D
I think Abe is a great choice. His talk show was very funny and the perfect platform for his verbal skills. He was more of a tweener with that but as a heel he could be great. My only gripe is it would be ANOTHER heel gm.
So the main page has a story reporting that the current front runner for GM is none other than Abraham Washington. It also says that plans could change now that this news has leaked onto the internet.

Honestly, I wouldnt mind if he became GM. He wasnt bad at drawing heat on ECW and no one even cared about that show. If he did a decent job on ECW, he should do fine on RAW.
The best choice of General Manager would be the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase Sr.

The last time DiBiase Sr. was on RAW, he set up a possible feud with his son. DiBiase showed when he guest hosted RAW that he still has what it takes to be a fantastic authority figure and the fact that he would be on the same brand as his son could lead to some great interactions between the two. Sr. could teach Jr. how to be a proper Million Dollar Man, or Jr. could blow off Sr.'s help and enter a feud that could really elevate him.

Sr. has the ability to be a face, heel, or neutral, and would make for some great interactions on RAW. This is why I think he would be the best choice.

I think this is a great idea. Why not have one of the original guest hosts and WWE Hall of Famer as the permanent GM? Ted Dibiase along with Jesse Ventura were some of the best guest hosts on Raw. It would also be great to see Stone Cold on Raw as GM, but that is unrealistic with his work schedule. I really think in order for Raw to be credible again would be to have an old school Hall of Famer as the GM.

Someone that can bend between heel or face. Someone that the wrestlers as well as the audience will respect and either cheer or boo for.
Bret Hart is probably done with WWE now so I don't think he would be a good replacement since his time has run out.

Also, JBL would also be a great replacement since he has been out of the public eye for a while and he could gain some incredible heat from the audience. It would be great to see him interact with Orton, Cena, and Jericho, etc.

I think the worst person in my opinion could be Abraham Washington. This guy is nothing but boring. Maybe he could be put on Smackdown and do a show since Smackdown is a shell of its former self. Raw is the flagship show and we already have d list celebrities that stink up the show. There is no need for a boring no talent wrestler that doesn't wrestle to host the show.

Most of the people have forgotten him. I think you will hear crickets if he is the one picked for the GM spot. I would rather watch paint dry then Washington. A GM is supposed to be someone to be revered not some fly by night rookie from ECW.

Anyway, we will have to wait and see who they choose. If they do pick Washington I will give him a chance, but I don't think the audience will give two shits about him. Washington could turn out to be another Adamle in the long run.

My Top 5
1. Austin (unlikely)
2. JBL
3. Ted Dibiase
4. Ventura
5. William Regal
And then there's Abraham Washington. It may seem like this name was picked out of the blue, but remember, Washington has been a General Manager for FCW recently, so it's not like WWE would be conducting another experiment that fails horribly. I honestly don't see this happening, but anything can change within a matter of hours with this creative staff.

From the moment the position of permanent Raw GM was announced, I stood by my first opinion above. And tonight, I read that Abraham Washington was indeed the frontrunner, and I was excited! But, again, anything can change within a matter of hours with this creative staff, just like the article says. But I'm sticking with my original opinion, and I guess in a way this proves that the WWE really does listen to the fans sometimes.
Raw has all the good superstars right now and I would definately stop watching if Vicki is appointed as GM. So I'm praying she's not. Triple H would be cool, JBL, Stone Cold, Dibiase, or even HBK (though he wants his family time now he's retired). I just dont see Triple H being GM cus he's got unsettled business with Seamus. Maybe it will be the return of Shane-O-Mac. I cant wait to see what happens
Although I completely hate the guest host idea, Vickie becoming GM is worse. In my opinion, real life talking, if you put a women in power, it get's to their head, and they act like there god, which is what Vickie's gimmick seems to be.

As a woman, without going into lengthy detail, I'll just say that this is not true. This is what female characters do. And if it is true of females, is it not true of males as well? If you say no then I'll know that something's terribly wrong with your sense of perception. :disappointed:

But seriously, I would maybe have liked Stephanie again but it's highly unlikely. William Regal, maybe?
LOL @ the Michael Cole idea. That could work. As it would finally make his announcer character into a WWE character. Then we could hate him for making matches instead of calling them. Hes already hated by all of us.

But, in seriousness, I think it should go to Bret Hart. Why not? IF he wants to keep making money and work with the WWE, what better position. WWE would be getting the most out of him.
To be honest, I'm hoping for Orton.

His huge face push has just started and this injury couldn't have happened a worse time. So WWE, scrap your old GM plans and throw Randy into the role. He could be a GM that no-one could question due to his psychotic persona. Keep him on TV, give him TV time, and constantly have him announce when he hopes to return to the ring to finish off the job against Edge.
I hope it'll be...

Well, honestly, anyone who's not Abraham Washington. We need a heel GM, yes, but for the love of everything that is sacred in wrestling, not THIS schmuck. He'll be getting Vickie-heat, sure, but not for the "right" reasons...

I'd rather have Hardcore Bob Holly be the GM than that atrocious abortion that is Abraham Washington.

A favorite pick for me as GM would be Stephanie McMahon. At least that'd be fresh and it could tie in with Vince's retirement from the WWE down the line.

But I'm sure they'll have SOME kind of swerve waiting for us.


I think Bret Hart is a great choice for the new Raw GM. This was really a shock, because I was sure Bret was leaving WWE pretty soon. Bret's return to the WWE has been great, and the GM position is just the icing on the cake. Although, I'm wondering, how long will Bret stick around? How will his position affect the Hart Dynasty?

I really don't know how long Bret will stick around, but I hope he stays for a good amount of time(3 or 4 months). I'm glad WWE decided to take the power away from the celebrity guest hosts because that concept was starting to become stale.

It'll be interesting to see how much interaction there will be between The Hart Dynasty and Bret. He was right behind them as they won the unified tag titles, but now Bret's the general manager, so It wouldn't be right if he abused his power to help them hold on to the belts. Although, I would find it hard to believe that WWE would want to go down that road, because these type of actions mean a heel turn would take place, and I just can't see that happening.
Bret Hart is a Great Choice for the New RAW GM,He definitely made an impact his 1st night on the Job. Making the Four Way Qualifying Matches,Getting in Batista's Face,and an Entertaining Segment with Edge & Y2J. Im glad he is sticking around longer which makes this Hitman Fan Happy.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a MASSIVE Bret Hart mark, so I am ecstatic that he's staying on as GM! He really handled himself well on the mic tonight, especially in the opening segment with Batista. He can help the Hart Dynasty out and just be awesome no matter what he does. I'm just glad I'm going to see lots of Bret Hart on my screen every week. He plays a great authority figure if tonight is any indication.

The question of course is, how long is he staying? I'm hoping he'll stay for quite a while for the reasons mentioned above, but no one really knows how long his contract is. If he must leave, I want to see another new face get a shot at the role. Possibly a hot heel like The Miz (if he hasn't already graduated to main event by the time Hart steps down) or another Hall of Famer like Ted DiBiase Sr.
i really am happy for bret that he has been able to get over the past, move on and now help the product that made him famous. he genuinely seems he is enjoying himself and i really hope they signed him for a decent length.

the big thing that makes me sad, however, is that shawn michaels isn't around to see bret make the second phase of his comeback. i really think the storylines between the two would have been great.

but i'm really not sure how comfortable bret would have been if vince wanted to start up the montreal screwjob storyline again. i really doubt bret would have gone for it.
I loved the decision to make Bret Hart the general manager of RAW, I said it from the start that I thought he'd be the best choice currently contracted to WWE, and I had hoped they would do something along the lines of that.

Bret Hart could really spice up WWE tapings as general manager (not that he couldn't do it as a regular character, but, yeah) and I'm excited to see what WWE is gonna be doing with Bret, I loved the "first ruling" that he had with the whole introduction of qualification matches.

WWE is doing great as of late, and this decision, in my opinion, proves it.
Yea I was pretty pumped to see Bret as the new Raw GM. I think he was the top choice to take over, the problem was he was leaving. Hopefully with this move, this means Bret will be staying for some time. I think you can see Bret get more and more comfortable on the mic and I love this move. He is the perfect authority figure to have run Raw. You saw that with the decisions to have the qualifying matches and setting up the U.S title match. So a great move.
This is the perfect role for Bret. He brings credibility back to the role of GM. One of the greatest wrestlers in American history is now Raw's GM. IMO, they couldn't have made a better choice. So far, he has been pretty good on the mic, and is rather funny. People bash Bret's mic skills, but my guess is most of those people were not paying attention during his heel days, as the lead of the Hart Foundation. He was great on the mic then, playing the bitter, cocky heel.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to signal the end of the Guest Host garbage. But, at least those people won't be making wrestling decisions. They can have their idiotic segments with wrestlers..who don't wrestle, and move on.
This is a great role for Bret, but I think WWE waited too long to announce this. It doesn't seem as special since Bret has been in WWE for months now and has already beaten Vince and he has also won the US Championship. I don't think I would ever side with Michael Cole on anything, but I do agree that Bret has done everything in WWE and there is no need now for him to be GM.

Even though Bret has been exposed a lot on Raw, the fans still love him and I do think is a good for the job. I just wonder what Vince McMahon will do since Bret is the GM now. It is a breath of fresh air to see an actual credible Hall of Famer book the matches then D list celebrities. It is also nice to see a face GM for a change. Someone that will call things down the middle. Bret is a great GM for Raw, I just think the announcement could of been done months ago with more effect.

Now that Bret is GM, it's great but not as newsworthy as it could of been. Hopefully Bret can be in this role for a while, but we will have to see how many dates he has left. I just hope Bret's title match last week against the Miz for the US title was his last match ever. There is no need for Bret to "wrestle" again.
I feel like Bret will stay through the summer. Part of me feels like when he finally decides he wants out, they have a perfect solution by bringing Vince in saying he hired him only so he could screw him all over again, and fire him. But I'm definitely going to enjoy it while it lasts.
I think Bret is a fantastic choice for GM. I am very glad he isn't US champion anymore and like Kenny Power i hope he doesn't wrestle anymore. He has proved himself and shown he still a great star and paid his dues hundreds of times over. I think having someone there with that wealth of knowledge with be great for the guys there in the ring and behind the scenes. Vickie was an awful choice and i really hope that she leaves the wwe soon. Vince and Bret can have great feuds without having to be in the ring with Bret being in this postion so great news alround.
I also like Bret being the GM. But it doesnt make any sense to the WWE storylines. I mean Vince is supposed to HATE Bret but yet he appoints him as Raw GM?
I also like Bret being the GM. But it doesnt make any sense to the WWE storylines. I mean Vince is supposed to HATE Bret but yet he appoints him as Raw GM?

It's a business move. Take Warrior's DVD and Savage's DVD and we know Vince hates both of them with a passion. Keep in mind also that you have the board of directors in it too.
It's a business move. Take Warrior's DVD and Savage's DVD and we know Vince hates both of them with a passion. Keep in mind also that you have the board of directors in it too.

I feel you on that. Though i didnt watch Warrior or Savage's DVD. I forgot about the board of directors, thanks for bringing me up to speed on that....
I love seeing Bret Hart as the new GM of Raw.

He was gone from the WWF/WWE for over 12 years.

So what if he's back for a few months and then becomes the GM.

Let's just bask in this moment because evantually Bret Hart will be gone from our TV for good. Though I hope he stays GM for at least 2-3 years.:)

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