Edge/Vickie Gettin' Hitched

I really dont like the angle at all. I mean, like mentioned before, how could the guerrero family go about feeling about this, expecially Chavo and Rey Mysterio. I don't think it will even help Edges character at all, hes a great wrestler, decent mic skills and does an amazing job at being a heel. I like him alot, but this storyline seems wrong and unneeded.
I actually think that it is a good storyline besides the kissing angle at the beginning on SD last Friday. It will be interested to see how this plays out in the coming weeks leading into the 2007 Armageddon event. I like how Edge screwed 'Taker out of the championship in Hell in a Cell at Survivor Series and I think that this feud will be very entertaining. Vickie being the mastermind behind it all only escalates the drama... I'm hoping they do the right thing with this storyline.
I see Edge winning the title at Armageddon and keeping it til the Royal Rumble where he will lose it to Batista. He will then earn it back one PPV later with his Rematch Clause and then will lose it to the Undertaker at WM24 and he will hold it for a long run then going on to Retire. As for the angle, like I said, I dont care for it at all =\
hate this Angle, yeah it has been 2 years since Eddie has been gone but it is just... I don't know it is just weird to watch her kiss Edge for me

but I actually like her as this heel GM though and I think she has been doing good as the GM of Smackdown, her always picking on Jamie Noble is always funny LOL
Not digging this at all. It does absolutely nothing for Edge. He could have come back and moved up the ranks by himself. He had a built in angle due to his injury and relinquishing the title in the first place so this is highly unnecessary. I think it's in bad taste too. I got a real bad taste in my mouth watching the make-out session and I'm sure Rey and Chavo did as well.

I love Edge and all but instead of making him a a monster heel, with Lita and now Vicki they're really only portraying him as a womanizing scumbag.
I just hope he dumps her after he uses her for his title shot because its disturbing.I dont like the angle at all its just wrong and i cant belive vicky is going along with it.
One Word. Disrespectfull.

I'd leave it at that, as I feel that fits the bill purfectly, but I'd get an infraction for smamming, and rightfully so. But whoever though of this idea should be in the doghouse. tHIS IS JUST HARSH. The WWE fans will never forget Eddie Guerrero, and we'll never forget what Edge did to Matt Hardy and Lita. Edge already has Perma heal all over himself, while Vickie could go on forever as a Face is she pleased, and we'd all love her for it. I just really hope Vickie don't mind this storyline, cause if she was the least bit upset at it, and they made her do it... Well, Shame on them. Thats all.
I don't understand why so many people are upset about this. Isn't this the exact response a heel Edge is looking for anyways?

Vickie Guerrero and the other Guerrero's could have gone the way of the Hart Family after the death of Owen, and that's simply disassociate themselves from the WWE.

Blame the Guerrero's. The WWE wouldn't be exploiting Eddie if the Guerrero family didn't allow it. Blame Vickie for this, if she would have just went away instead of staying in the spotlight, we wouldn't be going threw this right now.
I don't understand why so many people are upset about this. Isn't this the exact response a heel Edge is looking for anyways?

Vickie Guerrero and the other Guerrero's could have gone the way of the Hart Family after the death of Owen, and that's simply disassociate themselves from the WWE.

Blame the Guerrero's. The WWE wouldn't be exploiting Eddie if the Guerrero family didn't allow it. Blame Vickie for this, if she would have just went away instead of staying in the spotlight, we wouldn't be going threw this right now.

You make a very good point, one that has been noticed by some. I know they'd all agreed on it backstage, and yeah, it's gonna push Edge even further as a heal, I just think, and I speak for alot of others, that watching Vickie with anyone else on TV, especially someone like Edge, it's just hard to watch. when I read it on the spoilers a few weeks ago, I just hoped they were fake spoilers, I really didn't want to see Vickie turn heal in such a bad way. Yeah they probably both agreed to it, but the fans didn't, and in a bigger than normal way. This isn't just heal heat Vickie is getting, it's the nod of shame.
OK now Edge officially has been in two angles that sicken me to the core. First Vince makes an angle out of the real life situation where he had an affair with Lita because Vince has a problem with Matt. Ok yeah that was dispicable, but it's Vince......YOU ARE HAVING EDGE MAKE OUT WITH THE WIFE OF A WRESTLER WHO LITERALLY GAVE YOU HIS LIFE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I know Vickie needs the money but lets have some damn respect.
I don't know. Personally, I don't like this angle. Sure, it fits Edge's character perfectly, and you know there has to be a switch where Edge gets what he wants and dumps Vickie, but I don't think Vickie herself is such a good role for this. Now, Stephanie McMahon would have been PERFECT in my opinion, and then after that, Trips would come in and whoop ass (or something), and we'd see another whole angle from the WWE draft that is supposedly coming up. Hell, I'd love to see an Edge/HHH match for the title.
I think this storyline is sickening for two reasons:
1. The legacy of Eddie Guerrero. It's hard to watch because Eddie was one of my all-time favorites. Just like I hated watching Randy Orton say that Eddie was "in hell". Tasteless. This is a cheap, although guaranteed, way for people to tune in and see who is defiling the memory of the late great Eddie Guerrero. WWE has a lot of class - once a year around the HOF / Wrestlemania.
2. Edge. I can barely watch SmackDown simply because he is on the roster. He has a neat gimmick / look, cool entrance music, and badass fireworks....but that says nothing about his talent and his personality. In the ring, he is boring to watch. Ask anyone if he has ever had a 5-star match, and you won't get one where the stipulations didn't involve "hardcore" or "tables, ladders, and chairs." He is out of shape, obnoxious on the mic (not "heel" heat, "change the channel" heat), and has one of the most underwhelming finishers in the business (the "spear"). He would be better of if he went back to the Edgecator, but that wouldn't be much of an improvement. I only liked E&C because of the "C", who is now in TNA and is better off than his former partner will ever be.
Sometimes I wish WWE would push the people with talent, like Kennedy, Matt Hardy, etc. instead of using that valuable push time for tastless angles such as this.
I don't understand why so many people are upset about this. Isn't this the exact response a heel Edge is looking for anyways?

Yeah maybe it is the heel respnse Edge is after. But unlike a lot of WWE storylines this one has got too close for comfort. I was and am a huge Eddie fan, and to see his wife making out with a wrestler for nothing buy money makes me feel sick.
This is like the Vince McMahon death story; it's messing with people's emotions way too much to be funny or entertaining. IMO it just shouldn't have been touched. Vickie is a widow, and I aren't saying she can't get with anyone else, but seriously, making out to be with someone in front of thousands of her dead husbands fans isn't exactly classy.
I Agree the thing with Vickie simply doesnt work i mean she's a freaking widow

So, are you saying that Widow's can't find love after their "other's" have passed away? I mean, the one thing I've noticed is a couple people disagree that this doesn't work, because she's Eddie's Wife, & because she's a Widow.. but the thing is.. her life didn't stop, when Eddie's did.

The storyline is disturbing because of the real life situation with Vickie & Eddie, & of course Eddie's death. But people, its a storyline, & its selling the way it was made to sell. It makes you sick, thus, it makes you angry that its being done.. THUS.. Edge is making more money off it, by being completely dispised & hated.

I can't begin to explain how many times "I" feel sick when I see him kiss her, but at the same time.. I find it unbelieveably workable, because "I" love Edge, yet even "I" think its wrong & disturbing.. which means the gimmick, the storyline.. is working.

not only that shes 9 years older then edge not only is it weird it F###### dustcusting

What does her being older have to do with anything? So, she's older than him.. it wouldn't be any different from a guy being older than the girl. Some female's like younger men. Some guys like older women. Whats disgusting about it? Its just a fricken number.. get over it.
Has anyone seen this storyline before?? Cast your minds back 8 years when WWF introduced the McMahon/Helmsley Era. Which in comparison was a much better storyline because you had better opponents, Rock,Foley,Austin,Kane,Taker etc who are all soon to be H o Famers, with a McMahon as the main character and with DX, New Age Outlaws in supporting roles, it was much more believable, dramatic and surprising. This new story is a mix up of middle of the road superstars and rivalries which was done so much in 07 and my money is on Taker/Edge/Batista/Rey Fatal Four Way at Mania. Was really excited at Raw XV when Steph kissed HHH and revealed their backstage marriage (finally),would have been good to see them two take on Vince again! Also expect Vince/HHH at mania it explains why a top star like HHH is not in the Royal Rumble Match, which will leave the door open for a Cena (if fit) (although would like to see a Hardy push that guy has been round for years) Orton rematch at Mania?
The only thing that makes it disturbing to me is that Vickie is Eddie's wife. WWE turned Eddie's death into an angle, and to have his widow make out with Edge on TV was pretty distasteful.

However, Eddie was someone who gave up a lot to entertain the fans. Maybe that's why the Guerrero's don't mind that WWE is turning all this into story lines, because it's entertainment for the fans.

Anyways, I think the angle is great for Edge's character. It makes him into a better heel than before. I assume it'll end with Edge betraying Vickie, which will draw even more heel heat.
This whole thing is messed up, first of all Vickie is Eddie's widow and honestly it is just disgusting seeing them two make out anyways. Vickie is ugly and is a horrible actor when it comes to being GM, the only good thing is that Edge is returning to what he was when he was great on Raw, but please let him move to somebody more attractive, PLEASE!
People who keep saying that this is disturbing because of Eddie's death is so easy to say. Nobody thought about how Vickie felt when edidie was in a love angle with Chyna, or what eddie did to Vickie when eddie was going through mutiple problems. But now because of the death of eddie(rest in peace) it's wrong for Vickie to be in an angle similar to that lol.

Now they have in some ways brought out eddie's name in this angle, but this is all acting. This isn't real and Vickie have to do what she has to in order to keep her job....

Now i think the angle so far has been very good. Vickie promos r def. delivering and helps edge get more heat with the fans somewhat.

Do agree that Vickie isn't the greatest thing to look at especially when she's making-out with someone, but it gets ppl attention lol.
I find this whole situation to be disgusting and disturbing. I mean is this really how much Eddie's memory means to WWE, they put his widow in a romantic storyline with Edge. Everytime i see them on Smackdown! making out I want to throw up. It is disgusting and should be ended immediately.

And how about tough luck for Edge, I mean he went from Lita to Vickie, thats a slight downgrade to say the least.
Its not that attractive, but it does draw more heat to Edge which is the most important thing. Anyways Edge will probably betray her very soon. Seeing how their suposed to be getting *married* i asume Edge will betray her on the wedding day. WWE Weddings never go to plan with the exeption of Kane & Lita.

Hopefully we won't have to put up with it for much longer.
This i8s my opinion on the matter, it is a stupid and disrespectful way of having us all remember the Guerrero name, we have it shoved down our throats every Friday when we sit and watch wrestling, Eddie is gone. The only reason WWE are doing this is to get more cash, its a money-grabbing show of disrespect, they could shit on his grave and not have shown as much disrespect to Eddies memory! I understand that it is a storyline, but it really hits close to home for me, as I have also lost someone in my life.
DISCLAIMER: I know there is a thread about their love angle. It is about 4 months old and I didnt want to bump an old thread. If I'm breaking the rules I apoligize. Now..... With 3 weeks to go until the "big day." I have this to say.

When the hell do marriages on WWE T.V. ever work out? most dont even get past the vows. This will be Edges second wedding on WWE T.V. Now I don't ever recall him getting divorced from Lita. That Edge is a sly dog to be able to be married to two women. Anyways enough at the attempt at comedy. How many people here think that this sets up perfectly for a return of a favored superstar?

I'm thinking this could either be where Rey Mysterio or The Undertaker returns. I do not read spoilers so I have no idea what there plans are for this, but I think it would set up a perfect opportunity for either superstars return. Same old thing of where they are asking if anybody has any objections to the marriage, a couple seconds past and the preacher then continues on but gets interrupted with either a *GONG* or "Booyaka". Then either Rey or Taker comes down and tears up the set and raises some unholy hell on Edge.

Either that or Edge finally turns on Vickie and says that he was only with her to get the title. What do you all think about this?
Let's face it. This bitch cannot act. Everytime time I hear her grating voice I want to throw something at my TV...usually supper.

Vince seems to think that because the live audience boos her, she has tremendous heat. Wrong! They literally hate her because she has no place in this business.

Perhaps one of our more enlightened readers can research this theory of mine. I believe that Eddie Guerrero was under a long term contract and/or died owing Vince and the company a lot of money. Vince being the vindictive asshole in life that he plays on TV, he brought Eddies widow in to fulfill the remainder of Eddies contract or to pay off a debt. Vince is a smart business man so I have a hard time believing he hired her because of her talent, which after a year or better she has yet to show.

As Bill OReilly would say, "What say you"?
I say, since she's getting one hell of a reaction, keep her until the storyline is over. When that's finished with (which I'm hoping is at the latest, by Summerslam), don't ever give her the microphone or any screen time again, cause she truly is terrible in many aspects. Don't like listening to her voice, she forgets her dialogue and struggles through it, she's hideous, has no charisma, etc. But, for now, keep her, as the fans are booing her more than even Hawkins and Ryder (which is a mistake in their booking).
Keep in mind of course that their "wedding" is taking place after the draft. So the writers could do something like having Vickie drafted to ECW, and with her not able to be the GM of SD, Edge basically says "What the hell do I need you for?". Either that or you could have Chavo turn out to be a mole or something and turn on Edge with Mysterio's help and break it up. Or maybe Edge turns on Vickie at the wedding, and the true partner to his master plan shows up at the wedding and fired Vickie(Shane o Mac?).

Either way, a lot of people are going to tune in to see what goes down.

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