I think this storyline is sickening for two reasons:
1. The legacy of Eddie Guerrero. It's hard to watch because Eddie was one of my all-time favorites. Just like I hated watching Randy Orton say that Eddie was "in hell". Tasteless. This is a cheap, although guaranteed, way for people to tune in and see who is defiling the memory of the late great Eddie Guerrero. WWE has a lot of class - once a year around the HOF / Wrestlemania.
2. Edge. I can barely watch SmackDown simply because he is on the roster. He has a neat gimmick / look, cool entrance music, and badass fireworks....but that says nothing about his talent and his personality. In the ring, he is boring to watch. Ask anyone if he has ever had a 5-star match, and you won't get one where the stipulations didn't involve "hardcore" or "tables, ladders, and chairs." He is out of shape, obnoxious on the mic (not "heel" heat, "change the channel" heat), and has one of the most underwhelming finishers in the business (the "spear"). He would be better of if he went back to the Edgecator, but that wouldn't be much of an improvement. I only liked E&C because of the "C", who is now in TNA and is better off than his former partner will ever be.
Sometimes I wish WWE would push the people with talent, like Kennedy, Matt Hardy, etc. instead of using that valuable push time for tastless angles such as this.