Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Excellent use of caps lock, and deduction skills, really.
We never said it WASN'T Taker, quite a few of us believe there's more to the promo than just him though, and we won't know until tonight, so, whatever happens, this thread has been PURELY speculation, and analysis of news involving the 2/21/11 video, nothing more.
This is just a thought, and maybe I'm just extremely hopeful that sting will play SOME role in all of this. Maybe I am delusional, like every other sting hopeful supposedly is, so maybe im just se[/SIZE]eing things. I swear, though, Im watching this and stepping through it on dvr and somewhere between 17 and 20 seconds or so when the lightning flashes and the figure is walking past the window it kind of looks a lot like stings face on the right wall beside the window..but like I said, maybe im just seeing shit.

Im just saying it kind of looks like it. Dont be too hard on me, Im just a huge sting fan.:shrug:

This is just a thought, and maybe I'm just extremely hopeful that sting will play SOME role in all of this. Maybe I am delusional, like every other sting hopeful supposedly is, so maybe im just se[/SIZE]eing things. I swear, though, Im watching this and stepping through it on dvr and somewhere between 17 and 20 seconds or so when the lightning flashes and the figure is walking past the window it kind of looks a lot like stings face on the right wall beside the window..but like I said, maybe im just seeing shit.

Im just saying it kind of looks like it. Dont be too hard on me, Im just a huge sting fan.:shrug:


I see it as well.Im a huge Sting Mark and I hope its him.I wont be that dissapointed if its undertaker but Sting will make my year.
I see it as well.Im a huge Sting Mark and I hope its him.I wont be that dissapointed if its undertaker but Sting will make my year.

I totally see where you are coming from..i've been a sting fan for almost 20 years :worship: .. and im not saying I am gonna cry myself to sleep or even be shocked if the stinger doesn't show up..but everybody can dream right? and the only thing sure about sting is nothing is for sure, right? haha

And I refuse to accept what some people say about sting being a "dried up fossil" Admittedly, he is not what he was back in 1997, but the man can still go, and he could easily work a program with Undertaker( It's not like 'Taker is what he was in '97) Sting has never been a master "wrestler". When it comes to pure wrestling, he has never been a Bret Hart, Lance Storm, Dean Malenko, or even Triple H, but its not about that. It's about the Spectacle. It's about the rain, the thunder, the dropping from the rafters, the paint, the crow, the gimmick. We as Sting fans deserve to see him have "one more run" on WWE televison. I am not a TNA hater, but its no secret that WWE is the "bigger brand" and pretty much the place to be. Not only that but Sting, deserves a chance to be in the hall of fame just as much as any hall of famer: past, present, or future.
Ok, I'm going "3 Faces of Foley" on this with three different personalities on the matter.

Positive Dude Love View: Something historic might happen. We might be getting Sting in the WWE, when no one said it could/would be done. To add to that, the speculation is that he will either face or team with the returning Undertaker for a match at Wrestlemania. This is a supermarks dream, Sting in the WWE. We might get to see another type of history made as well, like Triple H being history and casualty to "The Streak". Another interesting and controversial angle. Even if it's neither of these situations, it is still the return of The Undertaker and the start of his feud for "The Streak" leading into WrestleMania, something most people look forward to every year. 19-0 here we come.

Pessimistic Manking View: We're all just kidding ourselves about the possibility of Sting coming to the WWE. All the supposed spoilers, clues, and speculation is just our imaginations running wild with desperation. The leak about Triple H vs Undertaker/Streak vs Career is also just a bunch of speculation. Triple H would never end his career in a 6 week feud, especially since he has unfinished business with Sheamus. The only way for that to make any sense is to fabricate the excuse of Triple H seeking out revenge on Undertaker for ending HBK's career. There will be no Shawn Michaels either, there will be no career matches. Anyone else they put with Taker will be a let down and there is nothing to be desired by this match at WrestleMania. We all know Undertaker is going to beat whoever it is moving to 19-0.

Realistic Mick Foley View: The WWE has done a pretty good job of keeping the fans on their toes and somewhat in the dark. There are different theories floating around out there, a lot of different emotions towards the scenario, and that's a good thing because that means there is a lot of interest as well. No matter what, the WWE has something in store that they want to be big. They've put quite a bit of effort into this whole thing trying to convince us, and if any of the stuff the fans are predicting is true than it is big and the WWE is doing a good job. The Undertaker defending his streak has become the main attraction of WrestleMania and knowing that the WWE tries to make these big time every year. No matter what they are going to surprise you, and even if you don't like the initial direction they choose to go, the Undertakers matches at WrestleMania are the stuff of legend, literally. The Undertaker always delivers and puts on great matches. He lets you believe he is going to lose and that it's all over, then he shows you every time why he is the main event of WrestleMania and will be 19-0.
Has anyone thought of these videos as Sting coming for Taker? We know Taker is in the cabin, but it could be Sting going to the cabin. Just because we see only Taker doesn't mean that all it is to these videos.
Maybe, but I just don't see it. Personally, I don't think we're going to see Sting, but I would be delighted if I was wrong!
When you read through this topic and it's 800+ posts, one thing keeps occurring to me: It's going to be really disappointing if Sting has absolutely nothing to do with the promos. We've been reading members of this forum who are positive it is Sting.....and members who are positive it isn't.....plus a wealth of other possibilities. I think it's great the community has so much involvement in this; it reminds me of all the excitement and guessing involved in the Nexus program last Summer.

Still, if all we see tonight is another return of Undertaker, and nothing else, it's going to be a letdown. How many times are we supposed to get excited by his coming back?

With the WWE Creative Dept. doing so many great things in the last year, I think they've been orchestrating the whole campaign to make it as ambiguous as possible, and that's great. But the ending has to be great, too. Don't think for a minute that WWE isn't aware that it's audience has been speculating about Sting. If it really isn't him, they should have been deflating the rumors these past weeks.

Yes, the sun will still come up on Tuesday morning if Sting hasn't joined the company.....but a lot of fans are going to be disappointed in the scenario the company has spent a lot of time and effort creating.
what the hell are you guys talking about.. Taker is already registered in smackdown so how can he come in raw. It is for sure sting or DX
At this point, I just about realize that Sting is not coming to the WWE. WWE can just about show you a real scorpion and its not going to change anything. They should have Undertaker vs Triple H sign, sealed and delivered by today. I am really pessimistic about this scenario and I just hope they make the segment interesting between the two veterans. I hope my assumption is inaccurate, I can still hope.......hope
he didn't just make that up alot of people know that the two aren't friends.
and hhh does have an ego, doesn't mean he isn't good and people don't like him.
and what have you done to support your theory? and if he was really putting sheamus over he would of lost to him at mania and then again at extreme rules instead of just extreme rules

sooooo if he didnt make up the fact that HHH and 'taker dont like eachother behind the scense then where is the link? perhaps you can provide it? Sorry, but "alot of people know that the two arent friends" isnt a real compelling argument.

Dont all wrestlers have an ego?

regarding his theory...I posted this earlier but it was deleted, his "theory" is just stuff he is posting from another site basically word for word.

Regarding what I have done to support my theory...nothing. I am not convinced one way or the other on who it is...how would you like me to prove that? I think its interesting as hell though and I can not wait for tonight. WWE Creative has done a damn good job stiring up intrigue.
The thing is, a Triple H versus Undertaker career versus streak match doesn't make any sense on any level.

It leaves the HHH/Sheamus matter unresolved. Usually, when one guy puts another guy on the shelf for an extended period of time, and gloats about it afterwards, the injured guy comes back for retribution, almost always. This would not occur here if HHH goes straight to Taker, without avenging his ituation with Sheamus.

Same goes for Taker. Doesn't he have to avenge being buried alive by Kane, or Barrett, or Nexus in general? Otherwise they bury him alive and get off totally free for it, without paying the kayfabe price.

I don't see Trips returning after such a lengthy absence, just to return for 6 weeks and then retire, it simply doesn't make sense. Backstage situation aside, I don't see HHH hanging it up quite yet, and if he was going to, why return for 6 weeks and then retire? And I definitely don't see HHH being the one to end the streak as this accomplishes nothing for no one.

I am not necessarily saying Sting is involved, but I haven't fully ruled it out either. It certainly makes as much sense as Triple H/Undertaker does.
its just an idea...
could be a mind trick..
but it does kinda look like his face from a side view or something..

First it was a scorpion... now sting's face? His face is appearing everywhere according to people! It looks more like two people shaking hands to me! I think people see what they want to see, to be fair, rather than any hidden message from the WWE.
I agree with everything Hatehabs said about Triple H vs Undertaker making no sense. It does in theory because of Taker retiring Shawn last year, but that would mean there is so much unsolved with Sheamus and Nexus/Corre for both HHH and the deadman.

I honestly think this was a last minute decision due to creative probably thinking that as great as Punk vs Orton, Cena vs Miz, Del Rio vs Edge are going to be, none of those matches really have that GREAT match factor to them and they needed to scramble something together for this mania to have that big match. It may just be lazy booking, but who knows.

As far as the 02/21/11 promo, I honestly can't wait until it's over. I HIGHLY doubt the WWE thought it would stir up this much debate within us about who it is. I am quite sick of it frankly. Would I love for it to be Sting? hell to the motherfuck yes. Do I think it is? Never say never. It will be him and be an amazing moment or it will just be underwhelming and be the undertaker return for millionth time. As of right now, it is not looking like Sting.
i agree. it is not like the WWE to drop a storyline with a returning superstar. i cant remember a time when a superstar has been injured and put out of action and then returned and did not feud in some way shape or form with the responsible party. I cant see them doing it twice here.

the video shows two people..maybe it is HHH and 'Taker and both will be seeking revenge against Shamus & Barrett. Maybe they will be tagging together at WM. This will tie in and resolve both storylines.
One thing that makes no sense to me is if it isn't Sting why wouldn't he just come out and say sorry guys, but it's not me. It doesn't make any sense for him to stay quiet and I'm sure he's heard the rumors as even his friends have been asked by people if it's him.

Also it doesn't make sense for an unnamed WWE source to say there has been no contact between WWE and Sting. In early January there was a Story in the UK Sun in which Vince reportedly told them he wanted Sting for the HoF ceremonies and the paper said they were working hard to get him signed. Sting is a Free Agent so he can be singed by anyone so I don't understand how if the head of a company says he wants someone signed how less then a couple months later said company has had no contact with that person.

That said I don't know if the guy outside approaching the cabin after the Undertaker is seen inside the cabin in the 3rd vignette is Sting or not but we shall know after tonight.

Vince also knows all about the Buzz about it being Sting and would he not come out and say sorry guys but it's not Sting? Seeing the buzz he knows their is going to be a lot of disappointed people if it isn't Sting so why allow it to go on if it isn't. I'm sure he knows there are wrestling fans out here like me who due to the treatment of WCW when he first bought it out have refused to watch WWE TV for years. He also knows many like I will be tuning in tonight to see if it is Sting and will probably start watching his programing if it is. He should also know if it's not Sting the ones like me will go back to not caring what WWE TV does and not come back. But a few weeks or a year of Sting on WWE TV and him being treated with respect will get a longer look from us and may possible turn us into every week viewers even after Sting leaves.

So like I say I don't know if it's Sting or not and a lot of these things people claim to be seeing in the promos that are clues to it being Sting I just don't see. But the 1st one was a Sting type return promo with the rain and thunder and all so I will wait and see. And there is the supposed scorpion cut into the post as the camera follows him up the stairs towards the door which did look like it could maybe be there.
Vince also knows all about the Buzz about it being Sting and would he not come out and say sorry guys but it's not Sting? Seeing the buzz he knows their is going to be a lot of disappointed people if it isn't Sting so why allow it to go on if it isn't. I'm sure he knows there are wrestling fans out here like me who due to the treatment of WCW when he first bought it out have refused to watch WWE TV for years. He also knows many like I will be tuning in tonight to see if it is Sting and will probably start watching his programing if it is. He should also know if it's not Sting the ones like me will go back to not caring what WWE TV does and not come back. But a few weeks or a year of Sting on WWE TV and him being treated with respect will get a longer look from us and may possible turn us into every week viewers even after Sting leaves.

hate to break it to you but Vince doesnt give a shit about what you or i think and it has never factored into how he works out storylines. He could care less if you watch his product or not becuase of your "emotional ties" with past WCW stars. I hardly think Vince views this as an opportunity to get scorned WCW viewers.
hate to break it to you but Vince doesnt give a shit about what you or i think and it has never factored into how he works out storylines. He could care less if you watch his product or not becuase of your "emotional ties" with past WCW stars. I hardly think Vince views this as an opportunity to get scorned WCW viewers.
If that is so then he's not a good businessman and we know that's not the case. Vince supposedly has a Sting DVD in the works for after he retires so yes I think he does care about my money and the many WCW fans who never turned on his programmings money.

I would bet when he bought out the WCW he expected a spike in ratings because WCW still had OK ratings. But he didn't get that spike because a lot of WCW fans didn't watch. They were still pulling on average of about a 2.5 share going head to head with WWE in 2001 when everyone knew the end was probably near while also pulling about a 2.0 average share on Thursdays show.

But like I said I don't know if it's Sting or not but we do know ratings brings money and Vince likes money.. Besides I didn't say that was what he was doing it for because fact is there's no telling how many or if it would do much good anyway for the ratings. I was just making a personal note that in effect it could get some former WCW fans who normally don't watch WWE to maybe start watching again and Vince probably knows that.
and how many times has vince listened to what the mass public has to say on something? he doesnt. he is a damn good business man and that is exactly why he isnt trying to lure in a WCW crowd. Its his product, its the WWE. old WCW fans who have never watched raw is a small market...how many of the kids out there now that follow WWE are as familiar with Sting as the older generation? How many of the younger kids, will understand just how epic it would be if Sting stood side by side 'Taker?....i'll answer that for you...not many.
Hey guys, I found something really interesting. And no im not trying to get something into my head to think its not going to be the undertaker, which i know it will be, but there is deffintitly going to be a second person. And no i dont think its sting.

Look at the third 2-21 promo, and while you can clearly see that its the undertakers body walking in the window, and when there zooming up his body the second time in the window, its clearly the undertakers body again. But look at the face, colsely, thats deffinitly not the undertaker. It looks alot like HBKs or Triple Hs face(mouth and beard area), but it looks more then HBK more then HHH. Look at it and let me know what you think.

Whatever the reports are saying, i still dont beleive that taker is facing Triple H at WM. I just find it hard to believe that HHH will come back after being gone like 10 months, and then just retire right away. He still has business to finish with sheamus, so how can they just let that go. Ill believe its HHH facing Undertaker when I hear it on raw myself.

That other guy in the Third promo is deffinitly HBK unless ium just seeing things, but HBK will be involves with The Undetakers match at WM somehow.
Hey guys, I found something really interesting. And no im not trying to get something into my head to think its not going to be the undertaker, which i know it will be, but there is deffintitly going to be a second person. And no i dont think its sting.

Look at the third 2-21 promo, and while you can clearly see that its the undertakers body walking in the window, and when there zooming up his body the second time in the window, its clearly the undertakers body again. But look at the face, colsely, thats deffinitly not the undertaker. It looks alot like HBKs or Triple Hs face(mouth and beard area), but it looks more then HBK more then HHH. Look at it and let me know what you think.

Whatever the reports are saying, i still dont beleive that taker is facing Triple H at WM. I just find it hard to believe that HHH will come back after being gone like 10 months, and then just retire right away. He still has business to finish with sheamus, so how can they just let that go. Ill believe its HHH facing Undertaker when I hear it on raw myself.

That other guy in the Third promo is deffinitly HBK unless ium just seeing things, but HBK will be involves with The Undetakers match at WM somehow.

I also posted earlier that it looks like Triple H in Takers hat & coat. It should lead up nicely to Taker vs Triple H match at Wrestlemania
My theory is that the Promo's are to make us think it's for only The Undertaker but is really for multiple people. We will find out for sure tonight but I'm thinking it's not just The Undertaker in that Cabin.
I also posted earlier that it looks like Triple H in Takers hat & coat. It should lead up nicely to Taker vs Triple H match at Wrestlemania

I don't know how anyone can get excited by this Wrestlemania 17 rematch.

If this were to happen, it would be the most disappointing scenario that I could think of.

I still say it's a smokescreen.
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