Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Seriously, anyone who thinks that Sting is coming to WWE to face Taker needs their head checking. It isn't happening, end of.
If these promos were about the Undertaker and only him, then these promos were a waste. I doesn't make no sense for it just to be him.
But if this is only the Undertaker, then what is he trying to tell us ? He looks sad (if thats him), he's moping around the house, he doesn't look like he's ready to come kick someones ass like he would look in his usual return promos. Nothing intimidating. Thats why i don't think these promos are for him.

When I first read this post, quite honestly i thought it was a little bit silly. Then I thought about it and actually, I think it makes a lot of sense.

Many times in the past, the Undertaker has left, and has returned a while later. But he always returns with an air of fire and brimstone, with anger, looking for retribution against those who put him on the shelf in the first place. With promos that are clearly him, playing mind games with those who opposed him.

A typical return of the Undertaker would see darkness, cemeteries, druids, dry ice/smoke, eerie music, with no doubt that it is Taker, and aimed directly at Kane, or Nexus, or Wade Barrett, the guys responsible for putting him out in the first place. And I just am not getting this vibe from any of these vignettes. It is more subdued, less focused, and less intense. Plus, I get the whole concept of Taker returning on RAW because it is live versus pre-recorded, but when he returns, doesn't he have to address the people responsible for burying him alive in the first place? These guys are all on Smackdown. Jumping a returning Taker into a career versus streak match with Triple H simply does not make any sense. It leaves both of these guys with unresolved scenarios from prior to their absences.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me one thing, one newsflash, that renders the possibility of a second mystery man in the videos impossible, and specifically that it being Sting is impossible. Because while I concede it is probably unlikely,i t is hardly impossible. Far stranger things have happened.
If these promos were about the Undertaker and only him, then these promos were a waste. I doesn't make no sense for it just to be him.

I have to agree with this. To me you don't do promo's like these unless it's more then just Taker and if you do it's best not adverise his return in ads for Raw AND still have these mysterious promo's being shown for 3 weeks. To me the WWE must know it would take away from the return of Taker that night.
When I first read this post, quite honestly i thought it was a little bit silly. Then I thought about it and actually, I think it makes a lot of sense.

Many times in the past, the Undertaker has left, and has returned a while later. But he always returns with an air of fire and brimstone, with anger, looking for retribution against those who put him on the shelf in the first place. With promos that are clearly him, playing mind games with those who opposed him.

A typical return of the Undertaker would see darkness, cemeteries, druids, dry ice/smoke, eerie music, with no doubt that it is Taker, and aimed directly at Kane, or Nexus, or Wade Barrett, the guys responsible for putting him out in the first place. And I just am not getting this vibe from any of these vignettes. It is more subdued, less focused, and less intense. Plus, I get the whole concept of Taker returning on RAW because it is live versus pre-recorded, but when he returns, doesn't he have to address the people responsible for burying him alive in the first place? These guys are all on Smackdown. Jumping a returning Taker into a career versus streak match with Triple H simply does not make any sense. It leaves both of these guys with unresolved scenarios from prior to their absences.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me one thing, one newsflash, that renders the possibility of a second mystery man in the videos impossible, and specifically that it being Sting is impossible. Because while I concede it is probably unlikely,i t is hardly impossible. Far stranger things have happened.

Your point about the typical Taker return promo's is what causes me to think that these 2/21/11 promo's are meant to set-up whatever match Taker is going to have and the promo's clearly want us to know that there are 2 people in them. It's either someone going after Taker or someone who is meeting Taker to team with him.Why show Taker walk to the cabin in the first promo, then show him inside the cabin in the second promo only to show him leave the cabin in the third/ It makes no sense.

What does makes sense is someone going to the cabin (1st promo), then we find out Taker is in the cabin (2nd promo) and finally we see the 1st person entering the cabin with Taker inside and ending with what looks like Taker (and maybe someone else coming to Raw) (which would be promo 3).
Well, let's run through the popular choices, starting with the first obvious 2....

Sting: A lot has been said to dissuade the notion, but not impossible. It would be somewhat refreshing to see attention put on someone who has never had attention in the WWE but has accomplished a great deal in his career. I still see this as a remote possibility, but not impossible as I've said.

Undertaker: The obvious first choice, as it's tailor made for his persona and has worked well in the past to draw attention to him after a long absence. It's also the safe and smart choice. Yes fans have seen it before, but most know he doesn't have a lot of WM's left and would still give the man his due as he's certainly worked for it.

Other possibilities...

Awesome Kong? Not sure what to say about this one, as this thread is the first place I've heard it. highly unlikely, and the bottom part of the face revealed would make no sense if it were her, though it would be an amusing turn if it were. I think not.

Triple H? Also a first hearing that speculation in this thread, and considering the buzz of a Taker match at WM it would be a clever swerve as all the attention still appears to be on Sting or Taker. while Taker is taller, HHH could pull of most of the other stuff shown in the video. So I suppose possible but still unlikely.

A new face would be possible but unlikely this close to the grandest stage of them all. It would have to be someone that they have LOADS of confidence in and I see it as also being quite a remote possibility.

My guess stays with Taker, though if it turns out to be someone else I won't be disappointed. The hype has made for interesting TV itself.
I'm still thinking this triple H v. Taker match is a cover to prevent leaks...and there "hasn't been talks between sting and Vince" I find that hard to believe...
When I first read this post, quite honestly i thought it was a little bit silly. Then I thought about it and actually, I think it makes a lot of sense.

Many times in the past, the Undertaker has left, and has returned a while later. But he always returns with an air of fire and brimstone, with anger, looking for retribution against those who put him on the shelf in the first place. With promos that are clearly him, playing mind games with those who opposed him.

A typical return of the Undertaker would see darkness, cemeteries, druids, dry ice/smoke, eerie music, with no doubt that it is Taker, and aimed directly at Kane, or Nexus, or Wade Barrett, the guys responsible for putting him out in the first place. And I just am not getting this vibe from any of these vignettes. It is more subdued, less focused, and less intense. Plus, I get the whole concept of Taker returning on RAW because it is live versus pre-recorded, but when he returns, doesn't he have to address the people responsible for burying him alive in the first place? These guys are all on Smackdown. Jumping a returning Taker into a career versus streak match with Triple H simply does not make any sense. It leaves both of these guys with unresolved scenarios from prior to their absences.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me one thing, one newsflash, that renders the possibility of a second mystery man in the videos impossible, and specifically that it being Sting is impossible. Because while I concede it is probably unlikely,i t is hardly impossible. Far stranger things have happened.

Exactly. And Triple H's career ending by Undertaker ..? I don't see that. Triple H has a big ego, and ( what i heard) doesn't like Undertaker.

And if Triple H were to feud with Taker, he should of came out earlier, and not appear the same night as the Undertaker.

And, call me nuts, i don't care, but these promos are FOR Taker, but they are NOT Taker.
I can't wait for Monday....this is nuts....I hope they have three more promos on raw before stinger comes out at the end of the show...
Exactly. And Triple H's career ending by Undertaker ..? I don't see that. Triple H has a big ego, and ( what i heard) doesn't like Undertaker.

And if Triple H were to feud with Taker, he should of came out earlier, and not appear the same night as the Undertaker.

And, call me nuts, i don't care, but these promos are FOR Taker, but they are NOT Taker.

HHH...big ego? how so? last i checked the guy has hardly had the title on him the past several years and he put Shemus over. I love when people just throw bullshit out there. And link to him not liking the undertaker? again, just throwing bullshit out there to support your "theory"...
reported on the main page:

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE went to very great lengths to keep Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's return to WWE a secret.

It's being said that internally, WWE was telling people that Justin Bieber would be announced as the guest host of WrestleMania, in an effort to swerve everyone. In fact, the title of the script for Raw this past Monday was reportedly "Leave it to Bieber," which was yet another attempt to make sure The Rock's return was not spoiled."

not saying that it is or is not Sting...all im pointing out is that the WWE saying that HHH vs Undertaker at 'Mania is a 100% lock, IMO is a smoke screen and is meant to be a swerve.

WWE is very aware of how quickly sup surprises can be leaked and ruined. If they went to such great lengths to protect The Rock surprise I imagine they would do the same for Sting. As it was mentioned by a few other posters on the board, it makes more sense to have Taker and Sting as a tag team avenging the Taker being buried. The whole Sting being the "crow" and raising from the dead/helping Taker raise from the dead angle could be played. it would allow Kane and Barrett to tag against Taker, concluding their feud. It would allow HHH to face Shemus to conclude their feud.

for those that are so 100% sure that it is not Sting and there is no 2nd person in the promos I ask how the f*ck are you so sure. Nobody can be 100% sure one way or the other.
The Undertaker will be at RAW tommorrow night, that is obvious.

Wether or not Sting show's up is what people are going nut's over.

I do'nt know is Sting is going to show up tommorrow, and I'm not getting my hope's up he's there. If he is, cool, if he's not, so fuckin' what?

Anyway, where is this Undertaker vs. Triple H Career vs. Streak match coming from? Why would Triple H return, and after 7 week's, retire? He's got business to end with Sheamus. The continuosly mention the Sheamus may have ended Triple H's career, most recently this past RAW.

I can't see Shawn Michael's having any part in Wrestlemania, the man's retired! What would he do, screw Triple H? Then Triple H will want revenge and Shawn will just leave again. Screw Undertaker? Very half-assed way of ending the Undefeated Streak, IMO.

Why, also, would Undertaker face Sting? Becuase their both kinda dead? The both wear black?
Not Undertaker is not in the house. Heres why.

1st promo you see here, seems like a short guy, wearing cowboy boots. To me, i think its Shawn Michaels


2nd promo. Different boots, and notice how high his jacket is compare to the on the first promo. And (to me)was holding a bat. To me, this is Sting


3rd promo. Notice how wider the person is. Maybe more builder than the others. And he kicked something with his foot and placed it on his shoulers, could be sledge hammer. To me, its Triple H


And the mysteries ghost outside, is none other, than the Undertaker. Why ? Look at how the ghost has his head covered, just like Undertakers hoody jacket.

how the f*ck can you tell the first guy is short? its a waist down shot of him.

the boots look different because on is standing in muddy dirt, the other is standing on a wooden front porch

as far as the last looking "wider"...the wind is blowing and hes walking...wind will catch the jacket...it wont stay totally still when in motion
Hahaha, still people reading way to far into this. Its utterly pathetic!!! "He's taller", "He's wider", "He's carrying a bat".....lol

People convinced Sting will be there. People convinced Sting wont be there. Alot of people with eggs on their faces in a day or 2!!!

MNR is in California. Sting isn't in TNA at the moment. Thats all you have to go on kids. I wouldnt be suprised either way.
If Triple H, or Shawn are part of this promo, why the fudge would they want to dress as Taker? For what conceivable reason would they do it?
HHH...big ego? how so? last i checked the guy has hardly had the title on him the past several years and he put Shemus over. I love when people just throw bullshit out there. And link to him not liking the undertaker? again, just throwing bullshit out there to support your "theory"...

he didn't just make that up alot of people know that the two aren't friends.
and hhh does have an ego, doesn't mean he isn't good and people don't like him.
and what have you done to support your theory? and if he was really putting sheamus over he would of lost to him at mania and then again at extreme rules instead of just extreme rules
I'm really looking forward to this. On one hand, I know the Undertaker is returning tomorrow night, but on the other hand I just can't help but think something else will go down. Like seriously, I doubt they'd blow all these promo’s on The Undertaker returning. Look at him returning from his vegetative state, he returned without any promotional videos, he just appeared in the coffin. I'd much more associate Undertaker returning with a surprised bursting through the ring, or something like that. A tiny part of me thinks Taker won’t be the only one returning, not saying Sting is debuting, but the promo's all point to a swerve in my eyes, so something is definitely going down, whether it be Triple H, or maybe Sting, which is unlikely yes, but didn't a lot of us think Rock wouldn't be back for a really long time? I'll be pretty bummed if nothing else happens during Takers returns, as with the build-up promos, there’s just a different feel to this one IMO.
reported on the main page:

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE went to very great lengths to keep Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's return to WWE a secret.

It's being said that internally, WWE was telling people that Justin Bieber would be announced as the guest host of WrestleMania, in an effort to swerve everyone. In fact, the title of the script for Raw this past Monday was reportedly "Leave it to Bieber," which was yet another attempt to make sure The Rock's return was not spoiled."

not saying that it is or is not Sting...all im pointing out is that the WWE saying that HHH vs Undertaker at 'Mania is a 100% lock, IMO is a smoke screen and is meant to be a swerve.

This I agree with. In fact, they even had female feet exit the limo to keep folks guessing about the Wrestlemania host. I think the 'leak' of what to me would be a completely uninspired Undertaker/HHH rematch was done intentionally to keep people in the dark about what is really planned.

WWE is very aware of how quickly sup surprises can be leaked and ruined. If they went to such great lengths to protect The Rock surprise I imagine they would do the same for Sting. for those that are so 100% sure that it is not Sting and there is no 2nd person in the promos I ask how the f*ck are you so sure. Nobody can be 100% sure one way or the other.

Until 2/21/11 is here, nobody knows anything for sure.
theres gotta be some twist to it...its not just Taker coming back...if it is...then WWE Creative made something big out of nothing....ya gotta give them credit either way...
People, the 2/21/11 video is for The Undertaker, the guy was in the video!

Unless there's some swerve and it was Shawn Michaels for some odd reason dressed as Undertaker (which is highly unlikey, no matter what the dirtsheet's say) it's The Undertaker.

I know people are against it being the Undertaker becuase they don't want to be wrong, but it is him. I'd knew it was The Undertaker since the song aired on the second video killing all hope, but people still "saw," a bat, scorpian, heard a crow, I'm not gonna name any name's, but you know who you are.

And besides why would Sting face Undertaker, becuase their both kinda dead? They both wear black? Give me a break.

Also, even though it's off topic, Triple H vs. Undertaker "Career vs Streak" is'nt happening either. Why would Triple H return for 6 weeks? And he has unfinished business with Sheamus, just as Undertaker has unfinished business with Barret and Kane. And Shawn Michaels is gonna be involved somehow, yeah ok? People, don't believe the dirtsheet's.

If Sting show's up on RAW, i'll be completely shocked. But, as of today, I have complete faith that the 2/21/11 video is only for Undertaker and people are sadly still crasping at straw's.
People, the 2/21/11 video is for The Undertaker, the guy was in the video!

Unless there's some swerve and it was Shawn Michaels for some odd reason dressed as Undertaker (which is highly unlikey, no matter what the dirtsheet's say) it's The Undertaker.

I know people are against it being the Undertaker becuase they don't want to be wrong, but it is him. I'd knew it was The Undertaker since the song aired on the second video killing all hope, but people still "saw," a bat, scorpian, heard a crow, I'm not gonna name any name's, but you know who you are.

And besides why would Sting face Undertaker, becuase their both kinda dead? They both wear black? Give me a break.

Also, even though it's off topic, Triple H vs. Undertaker "Career vs Streak" is'nt happening either. Why would Triple H return for 6 weeks? And he has unfinished business with Sheamus, just as Undertaker has unfinished business with Barret and Kane. And Shawn Michaels is gonna be involved somehow, yeah ok? People, don't believe the dirtsheet's.

If Sting show's up on RAW, i'll be completely shocked. But, as of today, I have complete faith that the 2/21/11 video is only for Undertaker and people are sadly still crasping at straw's.

OK so let me ask you this then. Why would they just be showing the Undertakers Return, and NOTHING else??? It's the final countdown to Wrestlemania. They've got a short span of time to set up a program for the UT to work in in order to keep his streak going. So here are your list of options:

1. UT vs Sting. Least likely of all of the options, just from the standpoint of Sting not wanting to "job" at his first WM.

2. UT & Sting vs ???. More likely. UT might not be 100% for this WM, and if that's the case, what better thing to do than have him in his FIRST WM Tag match ever, and who better to tag with than the Icon?

3. UT vs HHH. Not going to happen. If HHH is going to retire, they're going to give him a MUCH bigger send off than a short 6 week program. He's the heir to the throne, and they'll treat him as such. Plus, if the WWE wants to keep accurate story lines going, then Sheamus will be on Raw saying that even though he didnt win in the Chamber he's still King of the WWE, and that will trigger the game coming out to confront him and setting up their WM match.

So with all of that said, I would say that Options 1 and 2 are much more likely to happen than Option 3. And to get back to your original post, why on earth would the WWE hype the UT coming back and have NOBODY for him to feud with?!?!?!? that's because the other person in the promos, the crow himself, will be there tomorrow night to join him one way or the other :)
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