Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Sting is a huge name in wrestling, the biggest never to wrestle for WWE. He doesn't need the money, or to build a legacy. So why would he sign with WWE just to wrestle a handful of matches, just to lose arguably the highest profile match in his career?

Don't forget, they did something similar leading upto Undertaker vs Kane at (I believe) WM20. Vignettes showing the desert, a grave, a hand through the earth.

It's a classic Taker return promo. If it was a promo for Sting then they would show him in it, as most casual WWE fans think he's either retired or still with TNA. More hardcore fans know this not to be the case, they also know why Sting would never sign with WWE, despite of how much we would want him to

I disagree about the 2nd point as i think there is no way the WWE would show Stings face in this promo,maybe they would a couple of months ago but definitely not now.
The reason being the Rock has only just returned and its huge at the mo,the wwe only reveals a certain big name superstar in comeback promos when the company needs a spark and/or to get the most ratings for a particular superstars return. With all the momentum that the WWE has now and the surprise factor it has going,i think there is no way the WWE or Sting would reveal hes coming or not and definitely would not allow it to be leaked plus the video has a dark tone so of course the Undertaker would also be in it.
Anyway i wont be surprised if it wasnt Sting tbh,im just stating my opinion about the reason for the promo if it is him.
All im sure of is,there is two people in this promo_One being the Undertaker and another.
Also did anyone notice in the 3rd video the guy standing at the window had a beard just like HHH? its probably just the taker though. But it would be excellent to see HHH with a fresh character image with a dark side.
stop the video at 0.31 you will see,anyway its just food for thought.
heres a thought, i do think it is 2 people, and I do think its sting


if vince can make us think the wrestlemania host was someone other than the rock up until the last minute (those heavenly legs appearing out of the limo), then why the hell cant he make us think its just the undertaker up until the last minute!? and then have someone else come out aswell

i think its deffo the undertaker, and either sting/ or triple h!

praying its sting though!
Yes there are two people in the promos. Undertaker for sure, but the other Im not sure. I dont think it would be HHH tho. As far as Sting it very well could be. I can tell you this tho, I havent been this excited, or thrown for a loop in a very long time.
Honestly...I haven't read the entire 68 pages of this thread...but if you haven't seen it yet...here's an idea that someone posted on youtube claiming that these 2-21-11 promos are for different people. The first one for Sting...the second for the Undertaker. The third has them both in it. It's probably the most interesting idea I've heard yet. Anyways...check for yourself.

I would love for it to be both Undertaker & Sting. But, in the 2nd promo, the trenchcoat figure disappears. So if that can happen, it could be possible that Taker could be outside then inside at once or flashed outside quickly for whatever reason. I am on the fence of there being two people in the promo cuz of the coat, but o well. It is true that Sting HIMSELF hasnt come out & said anything confirming or denying a deal with WWE. Its been sources close to him & supposed WWE officials, but no one I can recall except Dave Meltzer has said anything about this. He first said Sting was coming back then changed his story that Sting has had no contact without directly answering whether or not Sting has even signed a deal. We shall c next week. Could be Triple H, but I wanna c him do something else.
I think the person in the trench is Sting. Hasn't showed his face, hands, upper or anything. Just the back of the jacket. And those boots look like something he wears. They just have a heal in the back. He's not gonna wear his wrestling boots outside.
I still dont get it. Even if it was both of them, which I highly doubt, what are they both gunna come out at the same time? Is taker going to say something was stalking him while he was inside the house? I mean it just sounds like nonsense to me. Maybe its taker watching himself? Maybe its ministry taker? Who knows
Ok currently this is my opinon. Yes there is a hidden image. Look on the wall and you will see a VULTURE, not crow. Think back to Taker's first appearance, he had a vulture on a stand. Sting when first appeared in the rafters had a vulture as well. Now think of this, Taker has that surreal feel to him right? Why couldn't he like a ghost flash from inside to outside or vice versa in a promo? The scenery has nothing to do with it other than it gives a desolate eerie feeling. Also matches the outlaw wild west feel that taker dresses in.

Now for the Sting stuff. Sting hasn't come out and said anything directly. This is true but why would he? Bischoff hasn't said anything either. Both WWE and TNA benefit from the silence. WWE gets viewers to see if he shows up and TNA gets viewers to see if he returns. Nobody knows if he will come back to wrestling and which company he will go.

I say lets just sit back and wait to see what happens this day. Will there be great "gasps" had by all. Disappointment? Heads exploding? This is why i watch wrestling. Its entertaining, makes you think, and you never know. All those hating need to calm down, and those who are thinking outside the box will have to wait with me.
I think the person in the trench is Sting. Hasn't showed his face, hands, upper or anything. Just the back of the jacket. And those boots look like something he wears. They just have a heal in the back. He's not gonna wear his wrestling boots outside.

The ouside thing is kinda a stretch. Look back at the promos for Starcade with sting and he wore what he wrestled in. I mean logically he wouldn't be in wrestling boots and tights outside casually would he. They put some thinking into this promo but doubt that much. Sting however did wear cowboy boots early in his career when he had the "surfer" gimmick going. Still though your thinking and thats what they want us to do! They want us to go mad:banghead: so we HAVE to tune in monday to see what it is.

Adding to the madness. People say what would be the connection between the two? Taker is the guy that takes souls to the afterlife. Stings "crow" gimmick is a soul sent back to earth to finish somthing. So my angle would be that Taker is after his soul because he has "accomplished all feats in wrestling" and therfore but return to the afterlife. Sting would say that "he hasn't done everything." He needs to headline Wrestlemania and stop the Takers streak. Just my wildcard for all those imaginitive minds out there. Enjoy.:rolleyes:
Dream scenario - Taker comes out on Raw and the announcers say this must be who the videos were teasing etc. and then out comes s heel Sting with bat in hand and he lays Taker out.

Reality - Taker is the only person in the video, and if there are two, the second is HHH.

Face facts people, Sting is NOT coming to WWE as much as we would all love it to happen and if he did, it won't be to face Taker at Mania. I think the most we can hope for is that WWE manages to get Sting to appear at Mania and do something with him there, but he won't be back before then.
Guys, in last part, which the person outside with the trench, lifts up his foot and takes a big step, and i said, "why does he do that ?". I think , i think, Its Sting lifting the bat with his foot. And i said this before, how he carries something on his shoulder, its the bat. ( i think) Go check it out
Guys, in last part, which the person outside with the trench, lifts up his foot and takes a big step, and i said, "why does he do that ?". I think , i think, Its Sting lifting the bat with his foot. And i said this before, how he carries something on his shoulder, its the bat. ( i think) Go check it out

As much as I would love for this to be true, I think you and others are seeing things which just are not there purely out of wishful thinking.

If there are two people in the video it is Taker and HHH, but I really think this video was made to create hype around that particular show, and we will see Taker return only for HHH to return heel and take out Taker.

I do NOT want to see Taker v. a face HHH at Mania, it has to be a heel one.
I think that it has to be Triple H. The WWE should be heading down this direction. However, WWE is trying make this 'BIG' if the 3rd promo is anything to go by.
I highly doubt it will be Sting. HBK is the wild card of all this though, especially when the lower chin of the anonymous individual resembles the retired Showstopper.
It would not make sense though. At this point, Triple H is pretty much the favourite for this. He has every reason to go for Taker and barring any hiccups, it should and most probably will be him. My fingers are crossed against my own assumption though.
As much as I would love for this to be true, I think you and others are seeing things which just are not there purely out of wishful thinking.

If there are two people in the video it is Taker and HHH, but I really think this video was made to create hype around that particular show, and we will see Taker return only for HHH to return heel and take out Taker.

I do NOT want to see Taker v. a face HHH at Mania, it has to be a heel one.

Idk if the WWE would do to us. Play us like that. That be messed. For us old school it would be. The kids would love it. Lol.
I would just like to say that Sting probably will be the guy, there will be Sting "sightings" in the arenas leading up to Wrestlemania but I do not believe he will actually show himself in the ring before Wrestlemania.

I mean the New York Daily News came out and just down right said he's signed with the WWE. If the New York Daily News hadn't posted claim that Sting signed with WWE, all of this would be mere speculation. The fact is that Sting did sign with the WWE, people love to debate over pointless crap, and can't see that the WWE probably fished this HHH vs Undertaker garbage out there to deflect the New York Daily News report.

The WWE wasn't happy with the Royal Rumble appearances by Booker and Nash getting leaked, so when the New York Daily News leaked the Sting signing, they are trying to do damage control.

So when I combine the leaked New York Daily News story, with the OBVIOUS and I mean OBVIOUS promos, I'd have to be a lunatic to say Sting wont make his first character appearance on Raw and it will be mysterious ala Brandon Lee in the crow..

I also believe the fact that Sting put his concerns out there in plain sight on camera, that Vince probably addressed these following concerns the same way Vince did Bret:

I honestly believe that Sting said he wanted to be presented in a similar fashion to the way he was presented in his peak "crow persona" WCW days, the WWE writers went back and looked at the way WCW promoted Sting's persona, and even used the rain, the lurking in the shadows type imagery, and even right down to Hogan's face being on a broken piece of glass in the Starcade promo, combined with the Taker's face being shown in a window. The only difference is they are not showing Sting's face because they want the type of build up that's happening to continue.


Lastly, the 2/21/11 promos, in the Sting promo, clearly there aren't the tell tale signs of a Taker promo, the bell sound (you can hear a Taker type sound effect in the second promo), and the obvious change in music. WWE is proving to Sting that they can properly promote his character, and what Vince will accomplish by letting Sting break the streak (which I believe he will) is that everything Sting said about Vince's handling of the WCW guys was out of context. Vince wanted to prove that he could put water under the bridge with Bret, and Vince also has deep motive to push WCW's "Hulk Hogan" (remember the Pro Wrestling Illustrated dream match when Hogan was on top of New York and Sting was on top of Atlanta?), by pushing Sting to this level.

It's an obvious rehash of the Starcade buildup. What better event to rehash when it pertains to building it up?

So in my opinion the condescending fans who are giving these guys hell who believe the obvious, that Sting will make an appearance (I predict on the Titantron or in the rafters) on Monday night, get your crow (no pun intended) ready to eat nice and warm on Monday.

A blind man can see that this is a Sting build up and the HHH angle is a coverup.

Oh and one last thing... triple H doesn't wear a f'ing trench coat, now someone might say, well that's the Undertaker in the first promo "then too", no, why does the guy in the first promo walk up to the house lurking in the shadows, but the guy in the second promo just appear in the doorway like some "from the dead" entity. lol. It's so freaking obvious. Can't wait for Steve to get his just due exposure on the big stage, finally, in a New York ring. The Undertaker rose from the dead, and Sting is lurking in the shadows in the f'ing promos. DUH!

That is all. /end thread
I would just like to say that Sting probably will be the guy, there will be Sting "sightings" in the arenas leading up to Wrestlemania but I do not believe he will actually show himself in the ring before Wrestlemania.

I mean the New York Daily News came out and just down right said he's signed with the WWE. If the New York Daily News hadn't posted claim that Sting signed with WWE, all of this would be mere speculation. The fact is that Sting did sign with the WWE, people love to debate over pointless crap, and can't see that the WWE probably fished this HHH vs Undertaker garbage out there to deflect the New York Daily News report.

The WWE wasn't happy with the Royal Rumble appearances by Booker and Nash getting leaked, so when the New York Daily News leaked the Sting signing, they are trying to do damage control.

So when I combine the leaked New York Daily News story, with the OBVIOUS and I mean OBVIOUS promos, I'd have to be a lunatic to say Sting wont make his first character appearance on Raw and it will be mysterious ala Brandon Lee in the crow..

I also believe the fact that Sting put his concerns out there in plain sight on camera, that Vince probably addressed these following concerns the same way Vince did Bret:

I honestly believe that Sting said he wanted to be presented in a similar fashion to the way he was presented in his peak "crow persona" WCW days, the WWE writers went back and looked at the way WCW promoted Sting's persona, and even used the rain, the lurking in the shadows type imagery, and even right down to Hogan's face being on a broken piece of glass in the Starcade promo, combined with the Taker's face being shown in a window. The only difference is they are not showing Sting's face because they want the type of build up that's happening to continue.


Lastly, the 2/21/11 promos, in the Sting promo, clearly there aren't the tell tale signs of a Taker promo, the bell sound (you can hear a Taker type sound effect in the second promo), and the obvious change in music. WWE is proving to Sting that they can properly promote his character, and what Vince will accomplish by letting Sting break the streak (which I believe he will) is that everything Sting said about Vince's handling of the WCW guys was out of context. Vince wanted to prove that he could put water under the bridge with Bret, and Vince also has deep motive to push WCW's "Hulk Hogan" (remember the Pro Wrestling Illustrated dream match when Hogan was on top of New York and Sting was on top of Atlanta?), by pushing Sting to this level.

It's an obvious rehash of the Starcade buildup. What better event to rehash when it pertains to building it up?

So in my opinion the condescending fans who are giving these guys hell who believe the obvious, that Sting will make an appearance (I predict on the Titantron or in the rafters) on Monday night, get your crow (no pun intended) ready to eat nice and warm on Monday.

A blind man can see that this is a Sting build up and the HHH angle is a coverup.

That is all. /end thread

Wow you are living in a dream world.

The New York Daily News did not say that Sting had signed, it said he had reportedly signed, there is a big difference.

You are a fantasist and while this video being Sting would be awesome, it is Taker, end of.

And I laughed out loud when I saw that you think Sting is going to break the streak. Seriously man, you need to get your head out of the clouds and come back down to reality.
This is horrible quality but this video uploader got it, watch the video annotations at the end:


Taker = in the house, Sting = lurking in the shadows.

Also, Sting would have publicly denied these "rumors" by now. Which they aren't rumors.
I must say, I'm ready for Taker to come back, no question. I'm rewatching his Wrestlemania matches on Youtube, and really, I hope this year's match is great.

The first person I thought of in the vignette was Sting. It SCREAMED Sting to me. Now, the WWE is honestly in strange territory. The Rock came back, maybe not in a wrestling capacity, but the fact he showed up floored me, so, who knows what else will happen. Also, these promos are of a very different variety than what I'm used to seeing on WWE.

I will be realistic here and say, if it is Sting, there's a really, really small chance based on the evidence we've gathered. My impression changes as each week goes by, and I think the HHH vs Taker scenario seems the most realistic. But anything can change between now and Wrestlemania.

I'm wondering what's going on with Sting, honestly. This is probably the biggest silence since ever from him in my recollection. Maybe he'll retire? Maybe he'll sign with WWE. Maybe he'll come to TNA. Nothing's ever for sure with that man. But he's my favorite wrestler of all time, I hope he hasn't hung up his boots just yet. If he ever shows up in WWE, it should be huge.

Truth is, I think Taker's last match will see him be 20-0 at Wrestlemania, that's just my opinion, but the way things look right now, with Taker's career possibly at a crossroads, that seems likely. If he ever faces Sting in a match, I don't see Sting winning. I don't see the streak breaking due to a legend, if it ever breaks at all. He will probably put someone over, big time, if he ever loses a match at Mania.

My posts have been disappearing lately, and not sure why, but hope this one doesn't get deleted for some strange reason...

I'll end with this:
None of us know for sure who Taker will face. Whoever it is, I'm looking forward to Mania. But, I'm still interested in hearing anything on Sting, in any capacity, regardless of whether he is in WWE or TNA. I just hope he doesn't hang up his boots.
I think there's 3 different promos for 3 different people, I don't know why but it's just a thought

1st promo: Sting, Pointy boots, Somewhat type of his WCW theme.

2nd promo: Undertaker, Curved boots, Ain't no grave song.

3rd promo: HBK, This might sound stupid but just look at his chin, browish beard.

Who knows, guess we have to find out what to see on the 21st.
I think there's 3 different promos for 3 different people, I don't know why but it's just a thought

1st promo: Sting, Pointy boots, Somewhat type of his WCW theme.

2nd promo: Undertaker, Curved boots, Ain't no grave song.

3rd promo: HBK, This might sound stupid but just look at his chin, browish beard.

Who knows, guess we have to find out what to see on the 21st.

Is it so hard to believe that taker being gone all these months couldnt have grown a beard
I think there's 3 different promos for 3 different people, I don't know why but it's just a thought

1st promo: Sting, Pointy boots, Somewhat type of his WCW theme.

2nd promo: Undertaker, Curved boots, Ain't no grave song.

3rd promo: HBK, This might sound stupid but just look at his chin, browish beard.

Who knows, guess we have to find out what to see on the 21st.

I love your post.
You're probably the only poster who hasn't put down people who originally thought it was Sting, or people who thought it could've been HBK.
Thinking outside of the box isn't a stupid thing at all...
And I think the fact that this vignette isn't something WWE would normally do actually adds to that mentality.
HOLY CRAP! You see a GHOST! Its Takers ghost

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