Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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I have to agree that I think the promos from last night were of 2 seperate people. Clearly, The 1st one was of The Undertaker. Now, if you go back to the beginning of all the videos starting 2 weeks ago it starts with someone walking up to the house, then someone entered it, then last night The Undertaker in the window, and the last video from last night was of another person walking up to the house. Now, why would WWE end this series of videos with "The Undertaker" arriving at the house if thats how the video promos started? That does not make any sense. It has to be a 2nd person.
When the first promo came out, people came to the conclusion that it's Sting. So when the 2nd came out, WWE made it obvious that it's The Undertaker to stop us from thinking it's Sting. Then people came to the conclusion that it's 2 people. So when the 3rd promo came out, it was clear that Taker was in it, and sources started to reveal that plans for Triple H vs Undertaker is planned this year in a Career vs Streak match.

Sting has not come out and said he hasn't signed with the WWE. Don't you think Sting would squash that by now?! Also, Career vs Streak, we had that last year. Yeah this year it's a different person, it's still the same concept. It's a recycled match, lazy booking. In less than a week we find out what the 2/21/11 is.

Undertaker is advertised on Raw, why? Well first people thought for him to come after Cena, but with the Rock addressing Cena last night, it's clear that they will be involved in some way at WrestleMania. But really, it's to market something big. Since RAW is live. People would pay attention. Plus, it's the road to WrestleMania, Del Rio and Edge have been Raw regulars in the past few weeks, so it really doesn't matter anymore.

It's The Undertaker and Sting.

Sting doesn't talk much. When TNA formed he didn't get in contact with Jerry, Jeff, or Dixie for almost 5 years. Nobody heard from him, not Nash, not Luger, not even Flair. Its like he crawled into his basement and just vanished.
I have to agree that I think the promos from last night were of 2 seperate people. Clearly, The 1st one was of The Undertaker. Now, if you go back to the beginning of all the videos starting 2 weeks ago it starts with someone walking up to the house, then someone entered it, then last night The Undertaker in the window, and the last video from last night was of another person walking up to the house. Now, why would WWE end this series of videos with "The Undertaker" arriving at the house if thats how the video promos started? That does not make any sense. It has to be a 2nd person.

WWE has always had a good production staff. It will be 2 people that's almost for sure, Triple H and Undertaker is what is going around. I hope to be amazed next week with Sting, but I doubt it.

As I said in another thread (or this one) if Sting did come in vs the Taker at Wrestlemania that would make that match more epic then Rock's return last night and that was epic.
ok...maybe i'm acting like a 12 year old mark but around the 41 second mark in the third video after you go back outside and see the dude in the trenchcoat...my eyes tell me that you can see the Undertaker standing in the window...maybe i'm wrong but it looks that way to me...there has to be a 2nd guy...otherwise i'll give the creative team props for creating something this big out of nothing...another simple taker promo turns into speculation...let me know if anyone else sees this...watch it again...i'm like 90 percent sure there is the undertaker in the window when it shows the guy outside....
I swear I saw two people in last night's video- One definite Undertaker, and one other man. I hope it was Sting. But it would be as, if not MORE epic than Rock's comeback. We've seen Rock, and I was so excited and happy to see him, but Undertaker vs Sting has never been seen
ok...maybe i'm acting like a 12 year old mark but around the 41 second mark in the third video after you go back outside and see the dude in the trenchcoat...my eyes tell me that you can see the Undertaker standing in the window...maybe i'm wrong but it looks that way to me...there has to be a 2nd guy...otherwise i'll give the creative team props for creating something this big out of nothing...another simple taker promo turns into speculation...let me know if anyone else sees this...watch it again...i'm like 90 percent sure there is the undertaker in the window when it shows the guy outside....

Yo i didn't notice that.... Now i think its 3 ppl all together. I think its Taker and Shawn in the house and Sting outside.
lol curious though .. why would they all debut together just to say .. guess what guys, were fighting eachother
I was a huge fan of LOST and spent hours studying camera angles and possible hidden messages only to find that most of them were fictions of imagination. I will not get into the speculation that there are two men in the video.

Although all evidence so far points against Sting, Here is why I do think there will be the return of 'Taker and debut of The Icon.

1. Vince has a flair for the dramatic. The Rock showed up last night at Raw and pretty much guaranteed that next weeks show will be one of the most watched episodes in recent memory. More importantly, he appeared himself to promote the Rocks return and let it happen one week before the already hyped 2/21. The Rock could have returned at any point before 'Mania and it would have been huge and achieved the goal of increasing PPV buy rates. Vince wants more than just the buy rates for 'Mania, he wants ratings. Why? So the whole world is watching when he lands the biggest star to never step foot in a WWE ring! Now that is making a statement and pulling off the most legendary/historic debut of all time.

2. HBK is headlining the HOF. He deserves to headline and is WWE royalty. While it would be appropriate for Sting to be inducted in Atlanta, he will not be. He can't be. What kind of precedent does it send to induct a guy who has never wrestled a WWE match (HOF is before 'Mania). Instead, Vince is going to give him a cake schedule - insert him in a feud with Taker that will sell many PPVs over the next calendar year. Be entertaining on TV (Sting doesn't need to be on TV all the time to be effective, his Crow character back in the day didn't speak and still had a huge impact). Then Sting will be inducted at WM28 when his one year contract is up.

3. It is absolutely plausable that VKM has signed Sting the same way he signed Goldberg. For a year with a set number of work dates.

4. If the Rock isn't going to be in front of live crowds for the next few weeks leading up to Mania (his status for upcoming Raws is unknown), then it would be a huge letdown and mistake by WWE and likely turn off many of the casual fans who are now planning to tune in. What better way to keep their attention than Sting, perhaps as recognizable a star to fans of the Attitude Era (Monday Night Wars) as The Rock.

5. Why has Sting not surfaced to squash rumors? He has stated in the past he wouldn't work for WWF/E so wouldn't he just as soon squash rumors he is going to debut there. More so, why has TNA not rushed to get Sting in front of a camera if they are going to get him back. Sting did not retire as best we all know. After losing Nash/Booker, wouldn't it be priority #1 to show that TNA didn't lose Sting? - Unless they did!!!

These are my theories for why Sting will debut. I won't be shocked or disappointment if he doesn't. But I don't put it past Vince to have masterminded this entire schedule of returns and debuts in order to make what has seemed like a very par WM into a "Must See".
Yo i didn't notice that.... Now i think its 3 ppl all together. I think its Taker and Shawn in the house and Sting outside.

Although I agree that there is a possibility of 3 people all together. There's something that's got me thinking that maybe it is undertaker and sting inside the house and a third unknown entity outside the house. Could we all be looking at this wrong way and it could infact be undertaker and sting joining forces rather than be against each other?? Yet another unknown element I thought I might throw out there. Anyone else think this may be a possibility??
I 100% agree with everything you've said till you mentioned Nash,its a well thought out theory and i in fact also think their promoting 2 comebacks Undertaker and someone else.Im also leaning towards Sting.
However theres not a chance its Nash not because of the logic you used which was a pretty good reason but for the fact that Nash entered the rumble. Why heavy market a star we've seen 2-3 weeks ago?.It just makes no sense, however i could see a Sting/Nash alliance or rivalry in the coming weeks if it is Sting and would also lead to Taker goin in another direction for Mania,most likely HHH,Wade,Punk.
Or perhaps an angle of Taker and Sting alliance v Nexus, alot of possibilities if it is Sting and im looking forward to it.
Excellent Marketing by the WWE i have to say,iv been looking at the clips on youtube about all these theorys on who it is, was interesting ye should check them out
All I know there 2 people in the last 2 videos and Taker didn't dig himself out of the grave. All 3 videos give you a feeling of the 1st Crow movie. Showing a bird or scorpion would had been to easy, I know HHH likes to play the head games but he was mention on raw during the kiss cam, for me that eliminated him. I may be wrong on Nash but I always said you can't fall asleep on him, I think its sting but my wild card is Nash. I also can see sting and Undertaker working as a team at mania this year and facing each other next year in miami. I really believe Sting sing on for a year but not a full schedule. I see him doing a undertaker schedule. I ask myself why would sting sign a one year contract just to lose to Taker at this mania, I don't see that. But I do see him wrestling at this year mania and next year and going into the HOF. I strongly believe this going to be a scatter dates 1yr contract.

it doesn't lol why would a mark prove something as fact? he most likely goes on this site and others, like the rest of us.

it wouldn't "accidentally" be revealed. there's no way WWE "accidentally" advertises Taker's return. they want to leak that out so people can watch it. Taker was shown last night in one of the promos with another man, why just spoil the person behind those videos if it's just Taker? why not keep it mysterious throughout?

bank on us getting one last promo at the PPV, leading up to RAW and we'll probably have more questions than answers.
so on monday i was watching monday night raw and saw the 3rd 2-21-11 promo. While watching it as you know they showed undertaker and they showed another ominous figure (sting). I feel ive crcked the the code of 2-21-11. how u ask simple the 2 is 2 legend the 21 is over 21 titles for both and 11 over 11 years of wating for this match. What do you guys think
Over thinking it big time. There is no hidden meaning behind the numbers 2/21/11. It's simply a date...which just happens to be the first Monday after the Elimination Chamber PPV. Now, as far as people trying to figure out whether Sting will be there on Monday as well, I'm fine with that. Just leave the numbers out. I to find it odd they showed Taker inside the house and then showed a 2nd person outside the house in the 3rd video.

I know that reports have made it clear that it will be Taker vs HHH at Mania, in a Streak vs Career match, but I just can't see that happening. HHH hasn't been in the ring in a very long time, and I would like to see one last run from him, not just one last match, before he calls in quits in the ring. Who knows though.

All I can say is, don't get your hopes up that Sting will show up in the WWE. You will most-likely see Taker and HHH this Monday. Sting is my all-time favorite wrestler, and as much as I want to see Sting in WWE, it probably will never happen. But this is professional wrestling....anything and everything can happen...we all did just witness the return of The Great One this past Monday night...thought that would never happen as well.
im not sure if its sting, but im having my doubts as to if its really taker. they showed a body which clearly looked like taker, but why would they do that? I think they want to keep this whole 2-21-11 a mystery until the very last moment, so why would they give us such an obvious clue?
I do think its taker and sting together. A video that someone posted earlier summed it up nicely. The first video was Sting entering the cabin, the next video was Taker entering from the back, and the third showed both (although Taker was featured prominently).

Everyone says Sting won't return because the dirt sheets haven't picked up on it, and because both sides deny talking to each other. That means it is being kept secret. It was already reported in a news paper that Sting signed. That paper being more credible than most/all dirt sheet sites.

As for your analysis of the numbers, you're wrong. This is what the numbers mean:

2 - February, the 2nd month of the year.
21- The 21st day of the month.
11- 2011, the current year.

People are looking way too closely to the numbers. It's just a date.
Well it is very close to 27/11 which was the day and month the Undertaker made his WWE debut but the initial 2 wouldn't have coincided with anything

The only code is, it's a return or a debut for someone, and the way the previous teaser went they are pretty much guarenteeing it's the Undertaker, but ofcouse nothing is set in stone.

Sting should come in with no teaser leadup if he was gonna at all. That would be far more intriguing. Much like Nash and Booker turned up out of the blue with no pre-promo
trips vs taker at mania in a streak vs career match makes no sense to me personally, storyline-wise it could fit but does it really need to happen? is trips really ready to hang em up? OR is it undertaker thats ready to hang them up?

i believe it is solely taker, and we are all getting our hopes up.
If there are in fact 2 different people in the video, I do believe it could possibly be Sting for one reason, the candles. WWE could be doing a shot at TNA


Pause at 32 seconds and you see the candles, now go look at Sting's video series for his return to TNA for Bound For Glory 2006:


I like everybody else want it to be Sting who shows up on 2-21-11, but I dont want to get my hopes up. All I am saying is if you want a clue, look at the candles.
I think that maybe everyone is thinking too much of the short term with this. I'm still not sold on the HHH/Taker match at Mania. We haven't seen HHH is a very long time. And I highly doubt he is going to be coming back as a heel. If he come back as a heel, there won't be any badass 'give ya goosebumps' returns, like we are used to. He'll have to come outta the blue to take someone out. And there really wasn't much tie in with HHH in the HBK/Taker matches.

And don't count Sting out even if its gonna be HHH/Taker. I agree with Legend Killer, above. The fact that they are saying that the two sides haven't spoken could just be a major smoke screen that is obviously working, cause the thought of Sting has been shot out of most people's minds now. There are two people in that video...Taker being inside, and at the end, there is someone outside. And there was ONE man that Sting called out in his interview where he discussed why he didn't sign with WWE like the others did after the fall of WCW......and that man returned to Raw this past Monday night......

Just another side of the coin for everyone to think about.....
Over-reading it big time mate.. Its just a date like others have said.. If i started reading every date as a sign, heck i can pick out at least 10 wrestlers who could mean something by the same no.s

having said that, I do think that by the way the JOHNNY CASH "Aint No Grave" is being played, and knowing how he has mocked Taker in the past, could it be HBK coming back with the Dead Man.. I mean having heard that HHH is ready to hang the boots like his buddy in a Career vs Streak match, can the HBK somehow come back as an enforcer/guest ref in this match.. Just my thoughts..
It definitely seems like there are two people in the video and last I checked Triple H doesn't wear a trenchcoat..however I think Triple H will be the one to show up first on Raw next week and the vids will have been his idea to coax Taker from the "grave" to face him at Wrestlemania.
This thread is pulling massive LOLS! Look at the candles. OK, i have been told to look at the shows, dates, house, numbers. This thread has had it all. haha

Im just going to watch the video backwards and see if it makes a sound that resembles sting's 98th video from WCW back in 1991!
This thread is pulling massive LOLS! Look at the candles. OK, i have been told to look at the shows, dates, house, numbers. This thread has had it all. haha

Im just going to watch the video backwards and see if it makes a sound that resembles sting's 98th video from WCW back in 1991!

Well, if you're talking about me, i said DON'T look at the candle. Because you would see what i'm talking about. Because if you block the candles and focus on the wall, you will see it. Or don't.
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