Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Here dude. You see the black eye design


Dude, it's a wall! And a shadow.

Your looking way to into it. I don't see jackshit!

What's next, the hanger look's like a bat?
That would be so epic. I had hoped for Sting but its not going to be.

I really don't wanna see HHH v Taker again. I do really want to see Sting get his due on the biggest stage of them all.

If I was Sting its time to come in. PG WWE is the best chance he has of protecting his beliefs. If HBK could cope with it so should he.

Finish his legend and become a true mega star by going to Wrestlemania.

It very likely is HHH v Taker in a career v streak match which I guess will be fine but still... STING.

Rock being back as well makes this Mania very interesting.
Seems the clips are somewhat based around an 'attitude era Monday night wars theme'.
Theme in being the undertakers house and a lurker outside ready to come in. Hell it could even be Goldberg the way things are going and there was a lot of speculation bout his return remember.
I think it is Sting but Dont put too much hope innit being him as you could very well end up being disappointed come Monday.
I honestly don't know what to expect for WM in regards to the Undertaker. We've already seen HHH/Taker at a Mania. To me that match up just doesn't deliever any sense of who will win and who will lose. But After seeing all the promos, I'm pretty convinced Sting will have nothing to do with this. Should be an interesting Raw on 2/21.
Dude, it's a wall! And a shadow.

Your looking way to into it. I don't see jackshit!

What's next, the hanger look's like a bat?

Nah... quite clearly that long horizontal shadow on the wall is the bat... as Sting points towards the grave where he is going to bury Undertaker!!! :-x
i keep hearing reports the reason sting wont come to wwe is b.c. of the heavy schedule. Why cant sting sign a one month deal until mania? At his age does anybody actually expect him to be a full time wrestler? A short term deal with a few appearances on raw and a showdown with taker at mania would be HUGE.
I don't get why people trying to find a deep meaning behind the number 2/21/11. Here's the inside scoop - IT'S A FUCKING DATE. It just so happens that it's the date of when this specific event is going down, and if anyone's trying to interpret the meaning behind those numbers, anything else they have to say on the matter shouldn't even be entertained.
I honestly can't believe that people are still clinging to the Sting theory. Was it not enough that there reportedly no talks between Sting and WWE? Was it not enough when the 2/21/11 promo played the Johnny Cash song? Finally, was it not enough that we actually SAW the Undertaker in the last promo? This is just people who hinged their bets on it being Sting, people who told us all, "I'll be the one laughing when it's Sting," covering their butts. Really, if you think at all that Sting is going to show up on 2/21, please stop. Also, whenever he doesn't show up, don't you dare accuse WWE of dropping the ball. All the Sting talks ever were was fan speculation. WWE didn't promise Sting, the fans did, and people like TheC's1990 who made this Youtube video are just setting themselves up for a massive disappointment.

Sorry to just go off like that, but I've friends who still swear that it's Sting and not the Undertaker. Even if Sting does for some reason show up on 2/21, these promos had nothing to do with him. Until I see a promo that has Sting's reflection in the windows and plays one of his signature songs, I refuse to believe that it's happening.
I honestly can't believe that people are still clinging to the Sting theory. Was it not enough that there reportedly no talks between Sting and WWE? Was it not enough when the 2/21/11 promo played the Johnny Cash song? Finally, was it not enough that we actually SAW the Undertaker in the last promo? This is just people who hinged their bets on it being Sting, people who told us all, "I'll be the one laughing when it's Sting," covering their butts. Really, if you think at all that Sting is going to show up on 2/21, please stop. Also, whenever he doesn't show up, don't you dare accuse WWE of dropping the ball. All the Sting talks ever were was fan speculation. WWE didn't promise Sting, the fans did, and people like TheC's1990 who made this Youtube video are just setting themselves up for a massive disappointment.

Sorry to just go off like that, but I've friends who still swear that it's Sting and not the Undertaker. Even if Sting does for some reason show up on 2/21, these promos had nothing to do with him. Until I see a promo that has Sting's reflection in the windows and plays one of his signature songs, I refuse to believe that it's happening.

yeah we all saw the undertaker on the 3rd promo, but why would they make it so obvious? An 8 year old could tell who it was. Maybe they are throwing a swerve at the fans just like they did when we were led to believe the guest host was a woman right before the rock came out. Who knows it may not be sting or taker.
i keep hearing reports the reason sting wont come to wwe is b.c. of the heavy schedule. Why cant sting sign a one month deal until mania? At his age does anybody actually expect him to be a full time wrestler? A short term deal with a few appearances on raw and a showdown with taker at mania would be HUGE.

Wrong. Sting won't sign because he hates Vince. Its plain and simple. He has said it many times before why he won't go to WWE.

If Sting is there next week though along with the Undertaker, the Sting sold out. Though I believe he would as I have heard before he's been broke and that was the main reason why he went to TNA for the last couple of years. We haven't seen him since around Bound for Glory so it would be a good idea to put Sting in the light.

Though I agree it's Triple H vs Taker at Wrestlemania the video package that was thoroughly investigated does not point to Triple H vs Taker but Sting vs Taker.
I just hope they tell us what these videos are about on 21/2, as they're damn confusing and slightly ermmm random!
Don't buy into the fact that what is being put out there by WWE "sources" as fact. The same "sources" were telling people all weekend that Bob Barker was going to be the guest host for WM. Apparently WWE has been upset with stuff getting out for a while but espically since the rumble with the whole Nash and Booker appearances. While I say this, I am no way saying it's gonna be Sting and all the HHH stuff is bs, but people are hanging off the words of stuff from "sources". I am intrigued by last night's promo in the sense that it appears 'Taker is in the inside of the house, and there is a figure outside the house about to enter it. Is it crazy to think the house is 'Taker's "yard" and someone is about to enter it?? I can't see WWE giving it all away a week early. Also in years past when 'Taker has come back, they have never hid that he was coming back. All his return promos pointed out his return. After last night, it is not crazy to think the promo shows someone coming for 'Taker, instead of 'Taker coming back. We'll see in 6 days. If Vince can pull Rocky, Taker, and Sting in back to back weeks, I'll totally crap myself. I might be over guessing here, but I also get a feeling the woman coming out of the limo before Rock came out last night, may not be a dead issue just yet either. If it is going to be HHH/'Taker, is it crazy to think Stephanie could be involved as well? 2/21/11 get here soon.
Wrong. Sting won't sign because he hates Vince.

So did Bret Hart.

I think the video is a little farfetched, specially the crappy numerology. I don't think the three promos follow a storyline either. It would be cool if it was Sting, and I'm not saying it can't be. The fact that several sources have said there has been no contact between Sting and WWE means nothing, as much as the promos mean nothing either. I believe we should just wait and see.
When the first promo came out, people came to the conclusion that it's Sting. So when the 2nd came out, WWE made it obvious that it's The Undertaker to stop us from thinking it's Sting. Then people came to the conclusion that it's 2 people. So when the 3rd promo came out, it was clear that Taker was in it, and sources started to reveal that plans for Triple H vs Undertaker is planned this year in a Career vs Streak match.

Sting has not come out and said he hasn't signed with the WWE. Don't you think Sting would squash that by now?! Also, Career vs Streak, we had that last year. Yeah this year it's a different person, it's still the same concept. It's a recycled match, lazy booking. In less than a week we find out what the 2/21/11 is.

Undertaker is advertised on Raw, why? Well first people thought for him to come after Cena, but with the Rock addressing Cena last night, it's clear that they will be involved in some way at WrestleMania. But really, it's to market something big. Since RAW is live. People would pay attention. Plus, it's the road to WrestleMania, Del Rio and Edge have been Raw regulars in the past few weeks, so it really doesn't matter anymore.

It's The Undertaker and Sting.
You know something, I like the idea it could be both of them. Both characters at their best have an otherworldly aspect to them so why not play off that as an alliance of sorts with an eventual match down the road, say at Summerslam.

I've said it before, the product the WWE puts out is a lot more palatable to a religious man than what TNA has. I won't be suprised if we see Sting in the WWE, if not next week then down the road.
Sting is a huge name in wrestling, the biggest never to wrestle for WWE. He doesn't need the money, or to build a legacy. So why would he sign with WWE just to wrestle a handful of matches, just to lose arguably the highest profile match in his career?

Don't forget, they did something similar leading upto Undertaker vs Kane at (I believe) WM20. Vignettes showing the desert, a grave, a hand through the earth.

It's a classic Taker return promo. If it was a promo for Sting then they would show him in it, as most casual WWE fans think he's either retired or still with TNA. More hardcore fans know this not to be the case, they also know why Sting would never sign with WWE, despite of how much we would want him to
What's funny is that NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT WEEK. You can speculate, sure, but don't state anything as a fact. Saying that it's definitely Sting is just as presumptuous as saying that it's definitely not Sting. Anything could happen, guys. It could be Sting. It could be Awesome Kong. There could be more than one person in the cabin. The "exclusive" stories on WZ could be false information sent by WWE. The WZ staff could be in on it. Point being, we won't know until next week.

And why is it so farfetched that Vince might be fucking with the Internet fans?
Hmmm this video does actually seem to make sense apart from the whole numbers thing. It's just a date dammit. If VKM can actually pull off the rock and undertaker returns and sting debut in wwe In just over a week that would be absolutely epic. I would crap my pants and Mark the fuck out to see tht it is as someone said earlier "someone entering takers yard" (that someone being sting) I may need a week off work to recover from all the excitement lol.
johnseamann is right, Bret Hart hated Vince for the Screwjob, but we saw him come back. We saw him come back and hand Vince his ass at WrestleMania, then we saw him become general manager, right? WWE knows Sting will not want a full schedule, Sting has said it in the past. Plus, besides a program with Taker, what else can Sting be involved with? I wouldn't mind him coming to WWE, and having a short program with Taker with the conclusion at WrestleMania, then be inducted to the Hall of Fame next year. He's old, WWE can't expect him to perform like he did in his younger days. Plus Vince is gonna be handing his role to Triple H soon. Let this be his last big contribution to WWE, Rock, Sting, and Undertaker at WrestleMania.
Just like most of the posters, I really don't think that Sting will be on Raw this Monday. I hope I'm wrong, God-DAMN do I hope I'm wrong...but like most, I feel this is just an Undertaker promo.

All of this speculation on whether or not there is a second gunman on the grassy knoll...er, in the cabin is intriguing, but we haven't seen any "big" clues pointing that out. People will state that the boots are different in the promos, there are scorpions, tattoos, facial hair, etc...these are all decent theories, and you have to give it to WWE creative for creating such a buzz with all of this.

If there is a second guy that the promo is pointing at, I think it's going to be HHH. I don't think HBK is coming, or Sting, but I don't know for sure. The good thing is that we won't have to wait long until Monday night (although it sure will feel like an eternity until we see what actually happens).

I think what we'll actually see, is the lights go out...the Undertaker's classic *gong*, then the druids. We'll see a figure in a trench-coat and hat, with long (wet) hair approach the ring. When that hat is removed, I hope it is someone other than the Undertaker, but it will probably be the Deadman. How awesome would it be to see Steve Borden in the Crow makeup under that hat?

If it's not the Undertaker who comes out, my best guess is that it will be HHH disguised as Undertaker. It's so easy to set up a HHH vs. Undertaker - career vs. streak match, and that simple promo cut by HHH would set it up perfectly. Can't wait until Monday.
So did Bret Hart.

I think the video is a little farfetched, specially the crappy numerology. I don't think the three promos follow a storyline either. It would be cool if it was Sting, and I'm not saying it can't be. The fact that several sources have said there has been no contact between Sting and WWE means nothing, as much as the promos mean nothing either. I believe we should just wait and see.

Very true but also Hart needed money as well. So your right Sting could come for the paycheck.

Hart was different as he had to score to settle.

The thing is WWE is keeping their usually big mouths shut this time around. Same with Rock's announcement last night. We guessed it but generally they kept their mouth shut. If WWE continues to do this, sites like this will turn into opinion sites, and no news. Which to me is fine.
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