Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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To me, the last video is of someone outside the house, stalking The Undertaker. In one of the stills, you can absolutely see the facial structure of the person in hat/trench coat:


Now, I'm not sure what the connection will be completely, but to me, that is clearly the lower half of HBK's face, right down to the facial hair around the mouth. Whether this means he will be a "enforcer" or something that has to do with Taker's match, is yet to be seen. I still have a slight inkling that it will still be a Triple H vs Taker match, with HBK as the swerve of being the enforcer. This would generate huge buys in itself because HBK would have to count the 3 for Taker, when he would clearly favor Triple H to end the streak since he couldn't, or, count the 3 for Taker. People would view this as impossible for Taker to win.

Anything is up in the air still obviously, and I change my opinion on the matter every few hours. I just thought this was interesting still in the video.


Looking at that pic it looks like a pissed off HHH and that would set-up the rumored Taker vs HHH match. As for HBK he cut his hair recently so if it was him then he is wearing a wig.
Not Shawn. Look at the hair. Dead (pun intended) giveaway. Also, where's HBK's chest hair? I'm sure he's not going to shave it just to look like Taker. Definitely not the same type of build, either. Shawn's gotten a little thinner build in his old age (and wasn't very huge to begin with). And lastly, you're used to seeing Taker w/a goatee. That pic only has stubble. Do you know what Taker looks like w/out his goatee? I'm sure it's that pic right there.
As much as I'd like there to be some mysteriousness behind these's promos, BrucePettit, you overlooking simple characteristics of the Undertaker in thinking its HBK. First of all, the hair is much "fuller" than balding Shawn's. Also, it's clearly more on the black side than Shawn's lighter brown color. Sure, he could dye it, but I doubt Whisper would let him lol. Secondly, the chest. HBK for nearly the last decade or so has let his chest hair grow out. And again, he could've shaved it, but I'm sure his wife likes it.

I've simply given up on this though, personally. I was stoked thinking it could've been Sting, and now I really could care less. I've gotten kinda tired seeing 'Taker come back all the time. It would've really turned heads and been more intriguing. But that's just my take on it.
Both figures shown in the latest promo are Taker.

When the first figure walks past the window inside the house, you can see the shiny band that's typically on Taker's hat shine in the light.

On the close-up panning up the body, when it settles on the chin (rather than still panning up onto it,w hen you get image artifacts stretching the picture so that it actually does look a bit like HBK's chin), you can see the typical Taker goatee, and if you pause it at the right point you can clearly see Taker's cute button nose, and the deep lines either side of his mouth.


Plus, those are Taker's pecs.

Well I re-edited all three promos to go along with my theory that we may have been seeing them in the wrong order. If you watch them this way they tell a better story. Taker is in the house already and someone is coming in to see him. The idea that we may have been seeing things out of order hit me when I saw the person outside during the 3rd promo. When I say out of order I mean like Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction.

[YOUTUBE]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l5KMKzPeRXA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE]
Both figures shown in the latest promo are Taker.

When the first figure walks past the window inside the house, you can see the shiny band that's typically on Taker's hat shine in the light.

On the close-up panning up the body, when it settles on the chin (rather than still panning up onto it,w hen you get image artifacts stretching the picture so that it actually does look a bit like HBK's chin), you can see the typical Taker goatee, and if you pause it at the right point you can clearly see Taker's cute button nose, and the deep lines either side of his mouth.


Plus, those are Taker's pecs.

And just to add ontop of that, for those who think it is HBK or something ridiculous like that, are we supposed to just pretend that we didn't see the man walk through the house seen through the window before that panned shot? Did Shawn magically grow 7 inches? The guy inside the shack is tall and has a chest that looks nothing like Shawn's. Sorry. :(
I think from a 'poetic' point of view, it being Sting would make perfect sense.

Undertaker is in the cabin (WWE) and Sting is looking on from outside, waiting for his time to strike. Undertaker is aware of his presence, but can't quite see him.

My way of doing the whole thing would be that Undertaker comes back on 2/22/11 destroys Nexus, then you could have another video that shows someone approaching the house, getting closer and closer. Then the lights go off and when they come back on Taker's gone. The following week you could continue with the videos, someone walking up the wooden steps, opening the door, then as they look in the mirror it all fades to black and Sting appears in the ring when the lights come back.

All in all, I think if it was Sting WWE would of signed him up a lot earlier, and would of started the program sooner. Perhaps they could both work two shows a week to really build the rivalry.
Wow. The poster who edited the videos to be in a different order did a great job. Awesome.

I honestly don't know who it is. Maybe it's the Taker some how torturing himself for taking so many "souls"? Maybe he is announcing that WM 27 will be his retirement on Raw. Those videos have a "Lost" feel to it. Pretty exciting though.
Anyone think it would be Jericho? Maybe issuing a challenge to Taker to wrestle him at Mania? I don't think HHH is going to go after Taker. He has unfinished business with Sheamus.
I don't know what will happen entirely, but I am certain of one thing:


You're going to tell me that Sting signed a deal with WWE, to come to Atlanta (the home of what was WCW!), just to job to Taker? People actually think that would happen?! His first match, no matter how big, just to get pinned? That would squash the Sting character in so many ways. Besides it's raunchy product, the reason Sting said he didn't come to work for Vince before was because of how WWE buried the WCW guys when they came in. Wouldn't this be something of the same effect? Regardless of it being to The Undertaker or not?

On the flip side...

You think the boys in the back and the WWE faithful, would be okay with Sting coming in and just pinning Taker at Mania, ruining the streak? That won't happen either! If they didn't have Shawn, the man that has been the most loyal person to ever walk through those curtains in WWE beat Taker, they sure as hell won't let some guy come in and in his first match ever in WWE, end that streak.

The second promo told me all that i needed to know. Call me crazy or maybe i'm seeing things, but on the second promo i saw a bat.
I&#8217;m not trying to be a dick here but I don&#8217;t understand some of you people. Why is everyone trying to play Sherlock Holmes? This is clearly a video hyping the return of The Undertaker. We&#8217;ve seen this kind of thing before. It&#8217;s nothing new. Why do you all think there are hidden messages and clues in this video? WWE hasn&#8217;t done that before and there&#8217;s no reason to think they&#8217;re doing it now. I could see curiosity being sparked the first week, but since then it&#8217;s become obvious. Now you&#8217;re just desperately searching for something that&#8217;s not there. No offense but going through the videos second by second and pausing at each frame is kind of silly. Do you really think WWE buried a tiny clue somewhere thinking people would watch the video a thousand times searching for it? Why not just wait and see what happens instead of try to play detective? You&#8217;re just setting yourselves up for a let down. Now maybe I&#8217;m wrong and if I am then more power to you. I still don&#8217;t see the point of examining every split second of this video. Let&#8217;s say you find what could be something the shape of a crow and Sting does show up. What have you accomplished? Quit obsessing over this video and just look forward to Raw on Monday.

By the way this topic also exists in the spam section which may be a more appropriate place for some of you.
From the start, I wrote it was the Undertaker. I used video evidence to support my claim and it even ended up on the Wrestlezone homepage. Anyone who believes it is not the Undertaker seriously needs to go to a hospital and have their head examined for brain damage.
What's sad is there are gonna be a bunch of people here all pissed off about this.

But they will have no one to blame but themselves for being so pissed.

Ever since the first video, there has been all this speculation. I was right there with you all on it.

Then came the second video when it was hinted that this is most likely Taker but the speculation still continued.

Then last night, the WWE all but said, "Hey! Wake TFU! It's Taker! Not Sting! Not HBK! Not HHH! IT'S TAKER!!"

Yet the speculation still continues.

Next week, Taker will return and then there'll be a bunch of pissed off people. But those people have no right to be pissed.

Ever since the speculation started after the first video, the WWE has done everything in it's power to put any rumors and speculation to rest.
Has anyone ever stopped dreaming and simply thought of who got rid of The Undertaker? Nexus did, and why would Sting debut on RAW? Undertaker has every reason to debut on RAW simply for the fact that Nexus took him out, sure it's not the same group but Undertaker could possibly just be looking for answers? Memory Loss? His powers were drained? Think literally and maybe we will get some actual answers as to what might happen.
For those who say " OMG ITS NOT STING " that they're CLUES in the video ?? Clues are suppose to be hard to see. These promos are not there to look at say " ohhhh loook Undertaker....scaryyyyyy". Come on now guys. And yes, Undertaker is in the video we know that. We know he was coming back for the 400th time. A 4 year old could have said thats the Undertaker.
2-21-2011 is about Taker vs Sting. There is someone on the outside looking in on the Undertaker. The Cabin represents the WWE Takers home, his stomping grounds. The person outside been looking in for a long time thats why we have seen 3 different video's of this segment. And on 2-21-2011 that person will enter the Undertakers home in grand fashion. But why Raw? Because the guy outside was part of the Monday nights war. It will not be HHH or Brock, if not Sting then is Nash. Nash is the only one connected to the Monday Night Wars, HBK and has the most motives to get even with the undertaker. But personally I also would want it to be Sting but wouldn't be shock if its Nash
I know people say clues are too hard to spot so why would they do that? They did it w/the Y2J thing w/the code and all of that.

Anyway, I wanted to come in here and address the bashing, the hating, the bickering. One reason why I don't mind this discussion still going (save for the totally ignorant, name calling, angry posts) is because it takes me back.

"WTF??" you may be asking yourself. What the blue hell does that mean? It means that people are seeing clues, still speculating, hoping beyond hope, noticing small details, and basically GETTING EXCITED AGAIN.

That is the main point. Getting excited again. We've seen swerves before, and if it ends up w/Sting showing up it will be extraordinary because they have done such a good job at keeping a secret. I still believe in the possibility, because things such as why Sting just hasn't come right out and said anything directly against the notion still raises doubt. Maybe, since he's a born-again Christian (aside from the fact of making a huge impact) he doesn't want to come right out and go on record saying he won't be there because...... he doesn't want to lie. Think about that one a minute.

But back to my point, I'm loving the rampant speculation. There's talks about a crow design on the wall. Somebody mentioned a scorpion on the steps. Hell, somebody even tried to say they saw HBK in that promo. :lmao:

But I'm loving every minute of it, and having an absolute blast. I feel like a kid again. From the actual posts that make a sensible point (like mine :)) to the posts that are so off the wall people scoff at them. It's mad fun, it's exciting, it's refreshing, and takes me back to when surprises weren't in jeopardy of being ruined before they happen.

And that, my friends, is what true wrestling fanaticism is all about. The fun and excitement.
Has anyone ever stopped dreaming and simply thought of who got rid of The Undertaker? Nexus did, and why would Sting debut on RAW? Undertaker has every reason to debut on RAW simply for the fact that Nexus took him out, sure it's not the same group but Undertaker could possibly just be looking for answers? Memory Loss? His powers were drained? Think literally and maybe we will get some actual answers as to what might happen.

I agree on what your saying but I think Undertaker and Nexus will pick up after Mania, then we will find out that Nexus and The Corre are One. I think the hand that gave Punk the chair and wrench is Wade Barrett. This video of 2-21-2011 is not connected to Nexus.
People you need to ask yourself questions and if you have the answers Ill agree its the Undertaker.

1. The Undertaker has been out longer with little promo for his return, so why would they build up his return?

2. There are two people in the Video. One person outside and one person inside, they also show a person looking at the Undertaker.

3. Why wouldnt the announcers say anything about the videos?

4. Why wouldnt Sting put an end to the Rumors?

5. Why Would there be a report of him signing a one year deal? Why would TNA take down his profile?

6. The trench coats are completely different why?

It dont make any sense for the Undertaker to just magically appear on Monday and then all these people are gonna want there shot at the streak. Very anti climatic if so. There is someone out of the cabin that is the question. So lets take some guesses

I know that when I saw the Taker it blew a little wind in my sails but I seeing the promo again later on Raw I must agree that there is still room for speculation that it's just not the Taker as there's clearly somebody else outside and something tells me that it wasn't the Taker. If that somebody turns out to be Sting that would be one hellva surprise. I'm thinking that with the Rock in the picture Wrestlemania 27 is already going to be epic but to add a Sting vs. Taker match would be the icing on the cake. I know people are saying that Taker would never job to Sting and why would Sting debut and lose his first match. I feel no matter if Sting jobs or not I don't see Sting pulling a Hogan and refuse to lose. Sting to me has always seemed like a team player as shown some of his losses were to wrestlers that you wouldn't expect would defeat Sting especially in TNA. As I've said before the last major Undertaker angle was spoiled in 2004 and Vince was livid. I'm sure Vince has this storyline within his inner circle and nobody will know for certain until 2-21-2011 which will be epic.
2-21-2011 is about Taker vs Sting. There is someone on the outside looking in on the Undertaker. The Cabin represents the WWE Takers home, his stomping grounds. The person outside been looking in for a long time thats why we have seen 3 different video's of this segment. And on 2-21-2011 that person will enter the Undertakers home in grand fashion. But why Raw? Because the guy outside was part of the Monday nights war. It will not be HHH or Brock, if not Sting then is Nash. Nash is the only one connected to the Monday Night Wars, HBK and has the most motives to get even with the undertaker. But personally I also would want it to be Sting but wouldn't be shock if its Nash

I 100% agree with everything you've said till you mentioned Nash,its a well thought out theory and i in fact also think their promoting 2 comebacks Undertaker and someone else.Im also leaning towards Sting.
However theres not a chance its Nash not because of the logic you used which was a pretty good reason but for the fact that Nash entered the rumble. Why heavy market a star we've seen 2-3 weeks ago?.It just makes no sense, however i could see a Sting/Nash alliance or rivalry in the coming weeks if it is Sting and would also lead to Taker goin in another direction for Mania,most likely HHH,Wade,Punk.
Or perhaps an angle of Taker and Sting alliance v Nexus, alot of possibilities if it is Sting and im looking forward to it.
Excellent Marketing by the WWE i have to say,iv been looking at the clips on youtube about all these theorys on who it is, was interesting ye should check them out
Been a long time reader and never registered until reading some of the idiocy on this thread.

Let me just address some of the things brought up...

Why would Taker come to Raw?... SIMPLE Raw is LIVE Smackdown is not. ADR, Edge, Dolph have all been doing double duty quite a bit lately. This is a stupid argument.

Why would Sting come to the WWE only to job in his first huge match. Makes ZERO sense.

Anyone saying they see Scorpions or crows.... You're freakin ******ed.

They SHOWED the Undertaker and yet some clowns on here still swear it's not him.

I am also leaning toward the two man theory... and the face did look an awful like HBK. and given that it's being reported that HHH will face taker and HBK will somehow be involved... I can see this being a possibility.

There was no Bat.... No crow... no scorpion. Get over it.

The bottom line is.... STING is not involved with this promo. For the love of God... let it go.
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