Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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So they just showed it again, and though I'm sitting here the WHOLE time say ..that's The Undertaker, I just saw the first shot of the "wall" that you guys speak off. I don't see a scorpion. But I totally see the shape of a Crow. Again ..just like with the smoke and Seth, it could be my mind making me see it since I've read you guys talking about it.

Also, after it shows Taker in the window, when the camera moves up from his chest to his face, then he walks off to the left ..it then looks like someone else wearing a hat is walking behind him. I'm positive the person on the outside of the house is The Undertaker though.

I am with you when it comes to seeing things. At first I thought it was someone else on the outside of the cabin but after watching the replay it looked like it was Taker leaving the cabin to comeback to the WWE.

I enjoyed these promos over the past 3 weeks and trying to figure out who t was for. If it is just for Taker I think this was the first time we didn't have bells tolling and lights going out to hype his return.
Whatever happens and whoever shows it just shows that the best writers aren't paid by WWE but sit here patroling forums and posting their thoughts and ideas. We make the best suspense and make the show worth watching every week. So those hating all the people who are "digging into it too deep." Calm down it doesn't harm you in any way so let us be.
i watched it the second time, its the undertaker, then the candles go out, and its another man outside the shack in a black trench coat, so sting may still be coming, just have to wait and find out.
I've read a couple of posts after tonight's edition of RAW and I do agree that Taker is definitely coming back next Monday. However, after seeing Taker inside the house we still another trenchcoat with boots standing outside the shack. Most likely this is probably editing screwing with our heads. After the big excitement they got after the first promo Vince probably crapped his pants in excitement and set the fans on a course of high expectations.

I will continue to hope for the appearance of Sting and a possible match with the Deadman. Like Justin Labar, I have not lost all hope for the spectacle. He might be a little more optimistic then I am, but my fingers will crossed until Monday. It might hinder my work performance, but it's well worth it.
I, too, am still holding onto hope. I re-watched it on youtube and I'll point out a couple more things. Yes, Taker is inside and then there's a guy outside. Why would he go back outside to stare at the house if he walked up to it and entered it in one of the other promos? He'd be walking away from the house, not staring at it.

Also, if you watch the first part when you see Taker walking past the window, you will see a shadow briefly behind him after he walks to the left. I'm seeing 2 people here.

One other thing, when they're doing the song, right after the song and before the 2-21-11 burning logo, there is a sound similar to a crow.

I'm usually not one to get this fanatical about a conspiracy theory (unless it's Jesse Ventura's on TruTV) but I have to say, there's just enough there to show something else. I'm banking on Vince thinking everybody's just going to write it off as Taker, lose the excitement, and then blast everybody w/the Stinger.

And btw, he'd better be there. I'm scrounging up the money (even though I'm temp. out of work) to take my son 10 plus hours from WV to Atlanta to see WM. lol If he's not, no biggie. It'll be an adventure to remember. Sure, it will be a once in a lifetime thing for me, but hopefully he will have memories to cherish well after I'm gone.

If anybody's going to be there (especially if you have access to a couple backstage passes) let me know and we can b.s. for a bit.
i don't want to knock anyone really (ok, a little it's fun) but how can any of you believe this last promo especially is about 1 person?

two people, people! - one outside, one in. one kinda dark, the other kinda supernatural.

the 1 person theory? - so for all the other ways they could have show undertaker, ie crawling out of a grave or some other similar style - you'd believe that they would have 3 weeks of undertaker walking around and about a old cabin? walking up to the door, then away from the door, then changing boots and vanishing in front of the door etc...

lastly, as for not enough time to promote a wrestlemania match? laugh, it took 5 minutes and i was ready to watch a rock vs cena match.

ps. i was going to say that since it is two people , and we know one is undertaker. who else wears a long trench coat? (well edge does,but he's obviously not in this promo)
I thought it was Taker all along, now I'm 100% convinced Sting is with him. Did you guys really not see it? The scorpion on the wall, the live scorpion on the ground between the steps? Taker still looking through the window WHILE another man walks towards him?


Poor quality, but still video proof with evidence. Quality makes it hard to see the scorpion on the wall, but you can easily see the scorpion moving during lightning flashes at 0:06.
its sting bringing the undertaker back from the dead.. Undertaker got buried alive, we all know sting has the crow gimmick, Sting is bringing back the undertaker they aint gonna fight each other yet.. Who ever produced these promos for wwe is fucking smart, good job u got everyone talking..
I thought it was Taker all along, now I'm 100% convinced Sting is with him. Did you guys really not see it? The scorpion on the wall, the live scorpion on the ground between the steps? Taker still looking through the window WHILE another man walks towards him?


Poor quality, but still video proof with evidence. Quality makes it hard to see the scorpion on the wall, but you can easily see the scorpion moving during lightning flashes at 0:06.

There's no scorpion on the wall, I want it to be Sting too dude, but really, stop grasping at straws.

And, if you look at the face, either Taker shaved, or someone's taunting Taker.
Probably Triple H or HBK.
There's no scorpion on the wall, I want it to be Sting too dude, but really, stop grasping at straws.

And, if you look at the face, either Taker shaved, or someone's taunting Taker.
Probably Triple H or HBK.

I can't tell if you're serious or not - I'm assuming you might be a little coked out. What straws are there to grasp? Do you need me to still frame it when a better quality video is released and encircle the scorpion (ON THE WALL) with a big red line, draw an arrow and help you see? I'll even make a .gif for you to show the live scorpion moving between the steps. A crow's screech right as the candles go out? Sorry, but are you really suggesting that someone is "taunting Taker"? Does that even make any sense? Why would they do that? THAT'S more believable than the suspension surrounding Sting? Okay, whatever, whatever floats your boat. :)
I have to admit I'm a bit confused with these promo's. (fuck up don't say anything) Are they just using the one person or is there supposed to be two people in that promo? cos the undertaker is inside the house, it pans out to outside and another person is there. It could be interesting to see if the undertaker has picked up a Protege of sorts, It could keep the undertaker off tv but still keep him relevant and also if he is still injured by wrestlemania they could make it a tag match to help with the load.
Everyone is saying the face/body in the vignette is the Undertaker.

It appears to be the Undertaker from the ring attire and the hair... however, if you look carefully at the face, the jawline and mouth look like Shawn Michaels, I kid you not.


Look carefully at 0:27 in. That face does NOT belong to the Undertaker. Why would Michaels be involved? Good question... if the Undertaker's streak match at WM was against HHH as is reported, Michaels could be involved as guest referee (as has been rumored), etc.

It could be an actor they hired to play the part of the Undertaker, not sure.

As for the Sting rumors, even IF Steve Borden has signed with WWE, he'll likely not appear until after WM. Then again, everyone thought Cena's WM match was going to be against Punk/Miz. Now that the Rock's back...
Just watched, rewatched, and REwatched that damn promo... there's no scorpion, there's no second person, and there's no crow. Stop reaching. It's Taker and Taker alone...
Looks like Taker smells like taker heck Taker is scheduled there that night wouldn't it be awesome if it was taker and someone else. With the Rock back and then you add taker and someone big it will be a huge raw wow.
I can't tell if you're serious or not - I'm assuming you might be a little coked out. What straws are there to grasp? Do you need me to still frame it when a better quality video is released and encircle the scorpion (ON THE WALL) with a big red line, draw an arrow and help you see? I'll even make a .gif for you to show the live scorpion moving between the steps. A crow's screech right as the candles go out? Sorry, but are you really suggesting that someone is "taunting Taker"? Does that even make any sense? Why would they do that? THAT'S more believable than the suspension surrounding Sting? Okay, whatever, whatever floats your boat. :)

You take everything I say so seriously, don't you?
I didn't see a scorpion.
I also said "Either Taker shaved, or that's HBK or HHH."
More than likely he shaved, but look at the jawline.
I have not seen Undertaker without facial hair in a while, so yeah, I could be wrong, so what?
You're acting like a smartass smark, when in fact, you know as much as any of us do.

We know its Undertaker, I'm just making an observation of what I saw.
I never claimed it was FACT.
Remember Lex Luger on the 9/4/95 episode of WCW Nitro? Or the 11/17/97 edition of Nitro with Rick Rude? Two HUGE suprises that no one expected.

I will say this:

IF, and that's a big IF, Vince McMahon can suprise wrestling fans in this, the age where NOTHING is a suprise anymore, especially in the wrestling world, he will be the man.

I won't go as far as to say I see scorpions and another man in the vignettes, because anyone can see whatever they want to see. And since when has WWE ever made sense? Someone walking outside the cabin? So, it could just be the Undertaker.

You think they're going to bring the Rock back, AND debut STING?!?! I want it so bad, because it would trump just about any suprise any wrestling organization has ever pulled off, considering how easy it is to have something leaked.

Congratulations WWE, you have me hooked like you haven't had me hooked in a very, very long time. I'm still hoping for Sting, and I can't wait for next week.

And the previous poster's post about the way he would want next week to go, with Undertaker looking spooked and all that, that's pretty sweet.
You take everything I say so seriously, don't you?
I said "Either Taker shaved, or that's HBK or HHH."
More than likely he shaved, but look at the jawline.
I have not seen Undertaker without facial hair in a while, so yeah, I could be wrong, so what?
You're acting like a smartass smark, when in fact, you know as much as any of us do.

We know its Undertaker, I'm just making an observation of what I saw.
I never claimed it was FACT.

the jawline does look different, but remember we're looking inside from the outside and it's raining, so a clear view isn't seen.

i don't think it's HBK either, although i can see why people think that. look at the chest, he's never had a chest like that. why have someone in a house, randomly trying to bait Taker while Taker is outside looking at them from the outside? it'd be like a promo of a feud that's happening there?
To be honest, on initial viewing I said well that's it then. If last week wasn't enough confirmation, this is. It's Taker. I've since gone back and watched it though..

First off, people are reaching for the scorpion thing. There is no scorpion or crow or anything, have your eyes checked. And maybe, I mean mayyybe it could be talking about 2 people as one stands outside while the figure may still be in the window. It's hard to tell, but I guess we'll know in a week.

The most interesting thing is the figure in the window. When he walks past it certainly looks like Taker, but with the closeup I'm not so sure. The hair and the face don't look like his. I've never really considered it was gonna be anyone but Sting or Taker for this, but I think it might very well be Shawn Michaels. I mean you're fresh off the last ppv before WM and really on the road to it next week. We just saw the Rock return, so regardless of whether he's there or not next week it'll draw huge ratings. What if Michaels comes back and gets even more ratings next week and the following? Is it so far-fetched? It looks to me like he dressed as Taker to mess with him and knows he's retired but says he's got a challenge for Taker, to face HHH with Michaels as the guest ref. I think this scenario is entirely possible but the fact is I'll definitely be tuned in next and in no way am I 100% certain that it's Taker in these promos.
One thing, this is me just adding fuel to the fire, but the guy in the promo looking out the window doesn't have a tattoo on his neck like Taker does. I don't know what that means, but yeah. Also since when did taker get ripped again? He hasn't looked like that in at least 2 years.
Ok so what's the gameplan then for Undertaker's return next week? He'll show up...issue a challenge for someone to try and end his Wrestlemania streak and what?

1) Triple H comes back to try and avenge Shawn maybe another Streak vs. career match

or the less likely

2) Sting Phenom vs. Icon match

I really couldn't see anything else because what else could be the final match at mania Miz vs. Cena? Is Miz ready for that? maybe have The Rock as a referee? I don't know
Ok guys, I know most have decided that these promos are the Undertaker. But I had something hit me today after seeing the 3rd one. What if they were in the wrong order? Not that WWE aired them in the wrong order but kinda like Kill Bill. If you break down each promo it looks like this.

1st - We see the feet walk to the cabin

2nd - we see the door open from inside the cabin(meaning someone inside opened it) letting someone inside

3rd - we see Taker already inside and then we see the same feet we have been seeing for 2 weeks walk towards the cabin.

Now the "real" order

3rd - we see Taker in the cabin(didnt we see him through a window, so he was kinda looking out) then the feet show up.

1st - the feet then walk to the house

2nd - someone inside opens the door and lets this person in

Now I know I may be looking way too much into everything but he we can dream cant we? I hope I was able to get my point across with words or how the videos may have been "shown" out of order. If I can find a way to get copies of these promos on my computer I will re-edit them in the order I think they really go.
One thing, this is me just adding fuel to the fire, but the guy in the promo looking out the window doesn't have a tattoo on his neck like Taker does. I don't know what that means, but yeah.

Really all you'd have to do is look at your own Signature to see what is actually the case, Undertaker no longer has the "SARA" tattoo on his neck anymore. When they were divorced, he got it removed. It's a painful and expensive procedure, but I'm sure he can handle the pain of it, and he clearly has the money. But yeah, he no longer has that tattoo.
Not that I think that it is Sting on the 2.21.11 Promos, but I am not convinced its the Undertakers return either. Why you ask... it this video, I saw the Undertaker in the house, and the figure was outside the house, almost as if he is stalking him. So if its not the Undertaker, its whoever he's facing at Mania...
how do you play out being HBK? he left with no problem last year, Taker showed him respect and vice versa. it was a heartfelt moment between the 2. the only one who would have a prob would be Hunter, but i don't know how HBK would be behind this scenario while staying in storyline.
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