Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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C'mon guys

It's pretty obvious it's Taker, listen to the song that is played "No grave can keep my body down"

Ring any bells at to what happened in Taker's last match?
Okay people this might sound odd, but I woke up today and just thought of an idea. I feel that the promo will be Undertaker, and someone else. I think HHH. Why do I think it is two people? Here We Go

-In the first promo there was a person. He seemed completely normal, like a everyday wrestler.
-I believe it is HHH due to all the rumors circulating their possible match at Wrestlemania.
-In the second promo it was nothing like the first. The man had "powers" the way he opened and closed the doors, the song that played.
-I feel this is Taker
-I believe that this promo symbolizes something. I feel that a superstar (HHH) walks into a yard. This yard is Taker. He slowly enters the cabin with an eerie feeling. The eerie-ness is going into Wrestlemania having to face Undertaker. The Cabin it self is Wrestlemania. Showing the cabin with the man in it is the match at Wrestlemania. Then in the second promo, Taker with walks out of Wrestlemania with his streak intact. Which is the man "magically" opening the doors.

That is just what I see, maybe not HHH, but the second man is definitely The Undertaker.
One word.. Se7en.


I know it's more of a long shot, and the odd's are in favor of Skip, or Tyler Black. (I doubt it'd be Taker because it doesn't feel like a Taker-isque promo.) However, I would LOVE for the Company to try using Dustin Rhodes in this failed WCW role. Just the promos alone gave him a TON of potential, and I believe the WWE has what WCW doesn't, to make it worth using/trying.

Seven could be a great (dark) character and another way to allow Goldust (who recently wrote a book) to get on-air activity.

Will is on to something here. Look at the date 2-21-11, add the numbers together 2+2+1+1+1=7. Not enough proof take the song that everyone keeps pointing to "No grave can hold my body down", seven words!!! It has to be none other than Seven returning.

No matter who WWE has planed for that date, people are going to bitch about it.
It's so obvious that it's Undertaker. Apparently first promo was also supposed to give people feeling that it's taker, but that didn't happen because people started to think that it's Sting. So they fixed things and put the music to the end so people have no doupt that deadman is returning at 2/21/11.

Sting would been epic and I am pretty sure that everyone would wanted to see that, so it's kind of shame that it's "just" Undertaker. Well it's also great to see Undertaker back and fight another Wrestlemania.
Breaking News:

There was no contact between Sting and WWE as of last week and no serious discussions had taken place reports The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. WWE officials became aware of buzz online involving Sting, especially when some media outlets falsely reported he had signed a deal with the company.

As noted earlier this week, TNA removed Sting's profile from the company's official website which may indicate that talks between both parties were not progressing when he didn't sign a new contract.

Take it for what you will.
so your trying to make the case that because it's been reported that there has been no contact between wwe and sting, that sting can't be coming to raw?

step one - ok, i already explained about a non disclosure agreement, look it up. it would state that no information about any deal would be allowed to be "disclosed"

step two - when a reporter calls sting and asks about the situation does he simply say "no, i haven't talked to the wwe about work"? and if so, how come there isn't a comment by sting anywhere saying something to that effect?

step three - it's a done deal otherwise why isn't any reporter asking the new york times writer who reported sting has a 1 year deal with the wwe to verify his information?
Ok, I posted this in another Taker/Sting thread but wanted to do it here too because it relates to the vignette/promo that has everybody talking.

Before I post a video I found on YouTube, I just want to go on record as saying that if I had a potential moneymaker such as a Sting debut in the WWE I definitely would not want it getting leaked. I would make sure that there were myself, Mr. Borden, his agent, and my legal representative around only, and all were swore to secrecy at the risk of a lawsuit. If it is Sting, we would not be reading about it on the dirtsheets like salivating hyenas.

The suspense is what sells. Suspense is what drives people into a frenzy until it cannot be contained any longer. What happens when they talk about a new video game system or "innovative" toy around Christmas time? People act like complete idiots, salivating, waiting, camping out for 2-3 days until the damn store opens so they can trample others, get into fistfights, even try to kill or maim somebody just to get this stupid piece of merchandise that everybody knows will be re-stocked to the gills, even if the store only has a "limited number" on the initial release date. (Sorry, went a bit long on that, but people's ignorance in regards to shit like that is one of my biggest pet peeves. But that's another thread...)

My point was that suspense drives people to the frenzy point and would definitely cause Mania to completely sell out in minutes and merchandising to go through the roof if Sting were to show up at Mania but was kept a well guarded secret until his unveiling. You don't allow the entire process to be scrutinized, it just takes away from it. If there were open talks and people were allowed to point out that there were negotiations even before anything was finalized, by the time Sting debuted it would be old news. We want shit "right now", but if we are made to wait for it we become rabid. I'm sure Vince knows this too.

But anywho, I'm thinking that it still very well could be Sting. I know I'd keep it a secret, so why wouldn't they? Extra safeguards to keep it off of the internet so it wouldn't ruin the surprise. Still possible these days. Nash tried it (although unconvincingly I might add) when asked about him being in the Rumble. Plus, Sting in the "E" is about to the point where it would be "now or never".

I'd like to post this video I found that I didn't even know about when it aired back in the day. It's a promo for Sting/Hogan at Starrcade 97. 1997 is far enough in the past for people to forget about this little gem. Plus, Vince owns the rights to all of the WCW material, so I'm guessing he's seen it. Could it be this video that gave him his idea? Plenty of similarities...


Here's a 2nd one I didn't see until just now.


Has a similar feel, wouldn't you agree?
Ok, I posted this in another Taker/Sting thread but wanted to do it here too because it relates to the vignette/promo that has everybody talking.

Before I post a video I found on YouTube, I just want to go on record as saying that if I had a potential moneymaker such as a Sting debut in the WWE I definitely would not want it getting leaked. I would make sure that there were myself, Mr. Borden, his agent, and my legal representative around only, and all were swore to secrecy at the risk of a lawsuit. If it is Sting, we would not be reading about it on the dirtsheets like salivating hyenas.

The suspense is what sells. Suspense is what drives people into a frenzy until it cannot be contained any longer. What happens when they talk about a new video game system or "innovative" toy around Christmas time? People act like complete idiots, salivating, waiting, camping out for 2-3 days until the damn store opens so they can trample others, get into fistfights, even try to kill or maim somebody just to get this stupid piece of merchandise that everybody knows will be re-stocked to the gills, even if the store only has a "limited number" on the initial release date. (Sorry, went a bit long on that, but people's ignorance in regards to shit like that is one of my biggest pet peeves. But that's another thread...)

My point was that suspense drives people to the frenzy point and would definitely cause Mania to completely sell out in minutes and merchandising to go through the roof if Sting were to show up at Mania but was kept a well guarded secret until his unveiling. You don't allow the entire process to be scrutinized, it just takes away from it. If there were open talks and people were allowed to point out that there were negotiations even before anything was finalized, by the time Sting debuted it would be old news. We want shit "right now", but if we are made to wait for it we become rabid. I'm sure Vince knows this too.

But anywho, I'm thinking that it still very well could be Sting. I know I'd keep it a secret, so why wouldn't they? Extra safeguards to keep it off of the internet so it wouldn't ruin the surprise. Still possible these days. Nash tried it (although unconvincingly I might add) when asked about him being in the Rumble. Plus, Sting in the "E" is about to the point where it would be "now or never".

I'd like to post this video I found that I didn't even know about when it aired back in the day. It's a promo for Sting/Hogan at Starrcade 97. 1997 is far enough in the past for people to forget about this little gem. Plus, Vince owns the rights to all of the WCW material, so I'm guessing he's seen it. Could it be this video that gave him his idea? Plenty of similarities...


Here's a 2nd one I didn't see until just now.


Has a similar feel, wouldn't you agree?

Absolutely agree, its the reason why we still believe it could be Sting, though evidence is pointing in many different places right now.
Just waiting for tomorrow night's video, maybe we'll have more clues then.

Still hope its Sting.
Though, I'm looking at this objectively, with the evidence that we've been going over.
I dont think it is Sting because they still talk about Sting on TNa. If you notice, they dont say jeff hardy's name on WWE or any other wresters that have went to different companies.If they are promoting Sting on TNA, why would he go to WWE?
as far as the Undertaker goes, he is getting old and needs to retire. the Wrestlemania thing is getting old. he needs to have one more match against Kane and beat him. Not in just any match, maybe in an inferno match or something completely new.
I hope this announcement is a promo about Triple H coming back to RAW.
I dont think it is Sting because they still talk about Sting on TNa. If you notice, they dont say jeff hardy's name on WWE or any other wresters that have went to different companies.If they are promoting Sting on TNA, why would he go to WWE?
as far as the Undertaker goes, he is getting old and needs to retire. the Wrestlemania thing is getting old. he needs to have one more match against Kane and beat him. Not in just any match, maybe in an inferno match or something completely new.
I hope this announcement is a promo about Triple H coming back to RAW.

They aren't promoting Sting on TNA, haven't heard much about him in the last couple of months.
No one's heard anything from him in the past few months, besides the Bischoff speech, in which Sting, Nash, and Booker were in the same sentence as people who weren't part of the "They" storyline, and Nash and Booker ending up going to WWE.
They also took him off of TNA's roster on the website.
They won't mention Jeff Hardy on WWE because:
1. He isn't with the company anymore, and WWE usually doesn't mention people who aren't with their company anymore, unless they're a legend like Hogan, or Flair, but only as passing references, not in any storylines.
2. Jeff Hardy has a criminal history. He could possibly be facing jailtime on drug-related charges for drug trafficking, and if I were WWE right now, the PG WWE, I would distance myself as much as possible from someone who could potentially be facing those charges.

But, back to the Sting part.
Things are very secretive right now, TNA hasn't heard anything, or won't say anything, WWE won't really say anything either.
And we have yet to hear from Sting himself.

Add that to the long list of evidence posted in this thread, and you get reasons to believe Sting is either:
A. Going to WWE, and WWE is keeping it secret.
B. Going to TNA, and TNA wants to have the advantage by not spoiling a Sting return in the near future.
C. Retiring quietly, no one's heard anything from him.
D. No one knows for sure about Sting's future.

WWE sources reportedly told dirtsheets the plan should be HHH vs Taker this year at Wrestlemania, but honestly, nothing is definite.

And Sting signing the 1 year deal, reported in the New York Daily News, why that wasn't corrected or addressed.
The videos' similarities to past Sting promos.

And THAT is why we believed in the beginning, it was Sting.

Maybe people will actually read this next time they post here, before they post asking "Why does everyone think its Sting?"
Again, not saying its Sting for certain.


More than likely its Triple H and Taker, returning next week, as reported by sources close to WWE.
As nothing is for sure.

"The only thing for sure about the Stinger is that nothing's for sure..."

Keep that in mind when thinking about Sting's future, and about whoever may be in the vignette.

Nothing is for sure.
This 2/21/11 thing is curntly the biggest wrestling discussion,wl acording to me both sting and taker are going to appear on 21feb episode of raw bcause iF taker returns alone th univrse is going to boo wwe bcause it will be a hrt bReaker as all wanted sting to Debut at raw.If this hppens then wwe will go all into dust so both taker and sting vl appear
Why it's The Undertaker... The Johnny Cash song was a dead giveaway

"Gonna get up out of the ground
There ain't no grave gonna hold my body down"

The last time we saw 'Taker, he was "Buried Alive"... This is the obvious choice.

If it's Sting, then it's been the best kept secret in Professional Wrestling since the Internet started ruining surprises... There was alot of talk floating around that Sting was a fixture in this years HoF induction. If he IS involved, I'll be floored...
I think it's funny how you guys take everything that get leaked to the internet as gospel. Yes, 95% of the time it's true, but did you ever stop to consider that maybe they say something things that intentionally aren't true?

"WWE Sources are saying the most likely opponent for Undertaker at wrestlemania will be HHH".

Coincidence that Triple H isn't back yet either? Now you have three mega-stars who could all potentially be returning at any moment. At the precise moment that we all assume it's Taker, Sting or both, the WWE throws us another name. Almost as if they want you to keep guessing... hmmm... sounds like a smart way to draw ratings, doesn't it?

What I'm saying is, stop taking every morsel of information that shows up as the truth. You all thought it was CERTAIN he would face Lesnar. Then you all KNEW he was gonna wrestle Barrett. Then it was a GIVEN this was Sting coming challenge him. Now you're POSITIVE it will be Triple H. They are doing this on purpose, and the vast majority here are buying into it, hook, line and sinker. They could throw you a clue tonight that it was Jericho, and all this week we'd hear about how it's Taker vs. Jericho.

Just relax. Good things come to those who wait. I like the analogy the poster above used about christmas toys. You've all got yourselves worked into a frenzy, and you clearly have no idea who it really is. Now is the time to unplug yourselves and just wait. I will be glued to the set next Monday, and it'll be like I was 13 years old again, no matter who it is.
Guys for your information the whole bit about thinking its Undertaker just because of the advertisements is dumb. I go to Raw & Smackdown everytime it goes to Richmond VA. The last time Smackdown was here, they said there was going to be a Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Undertaker and Kane. But it never happened. As a matter of fact Undertaker never even showed up.

Knowing how WWE likes to try and keep us guessing... I seriously doubt its Undertaker and I even more seriously doubt its Sting.

Yes there was a "report" that Sting had signed a one year deal. But nothing's official, there's been absolutely no confirmation of it. I mean when Awesome Kong signed, it was confirmed and people spotted her backsstage and all. With Sting, none of that has been confirmed.

I really think that the 2/21/11 has something to do with HHH. I mean everyone thinks he was going to come back at the Rumble... didnt happen... woulda been too obvious. A lot of people think he'd come back at EC because of his history in the EC. Plus the fact that HHH has a rivalry w/ Cena, Orton, and Shaemus all who are in the EC for Raw.

Plus as I've stated before someone on here had made the comment whenever HHH comes back, its going to be about him. And the first thing thats going to prob happen is he takes a sledgehammer to Shaemus for putting him on the shelf for so long.
could be the comeback of the gobblegooker:lmao:

Even if it is sting, i say big deal. He won't be in long term plans.
There's another thing to consider in the possibility of Sting being the reason for the promos. Sting is a born again Christian, right? He's been known to be pretty vocal about things that go against his beliefs.

Now, with all this speculation, and all the Sting fans hoping beyond all hope that Sting is going to be a part of WWE and/or Wrestlemania this year, why would he want them to be disappointed? Why would he not just come out and say it wasn't so after all this time? I mean, I would think he would feel bad about all the speculation and maybe even offended that this speculation would not be addressed by Vince directly, as he could come to the conclusion Vince is manipulating people for his own advantage (which I would think his beliefs would be against).

And I read another post that said just because they're saying Sting isn't in talks w/the "E" doesn't make it true. I agree. Look at what happened when Nash was interviewed at the airport about being in the Rumble. He flat out denied it, and made up a story about being there for a movie and visiting a sick kid. But he ended up at the Rumble, didn't he?

I don't know if Sting is the man behind the promos or not, or if they might even be dual layered and point to both Sting and Taker. But what I do know is that I am not counting out the Stinger arriving to WWE.

Think about it. He wouldn't need much of a build up to a Mania match. The speculation has done most of the build up. And they could do the build up to the match itself w/minimal effort. Hell, you could bring him in 3 weeks to a month before Mania and have enough time. Have him in the rafters a couple times, do a couple of dark, broody effects, maybe say a word or two, and show a couple vignettes. Done.

I'd say it's still a reasonable possibility and we will just have to wait and see.
Really the only way that WWE couldn't disappoint people now is actually bring sting out and in hind sight have The Rock as the host of wrestlemania this year with TNA running up on wwe and starting to build their shows better WWE really has to step up and deliver right now in the most important part of the year. If they don't then i think many people will end up being upset as I think many are right now and might be enough to make them jump ships.
I really did think it was Sting at the beginning. I really hoped it was too. All the fan made stuff, whether it be WM posters, tale of the tapes, promos on YouTube really brought an aura of excitement back to being a wrestling fan. Which is something we like get, once a year, usually around WM time.

But the line, "Ain't no grave gonna hold my body down", and with the last image of the Undertaker being him "buried alive", I just don't see how they can connect it with Sting.

Trust me, if it turns out to be Sting. I'll mark out and cream my pants off, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I really did think it was Sting at the beginning. I really hoped it was too. All the fan made stuff, whether it be WM posters, tale of the tapes, promos on YouTube really brought an aura of excitement back to being a wrestling fan. Which is something we like get, once a year, usually around WM time.

But the line, "Ain't no grave gonna hold my body down", and with the last image of the Undertaker being him "buried alive", I just don't see how they can connect it with Sting.

Trust me, if it turns out to be Sting. I'll mark out and cream my pants off, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

They could connect the vignettes to Sting because of the Crow character. Have you ever seen the movie? The guy dies and is resurrected by the Crow. So, technically, the grave could not hold the guy down. Or the "grave" could be used to reference retirement. Simple.

The song could just be a curve ball to make you think it's Taker.

Or the two vignettes could point to two different people. First vignette, Sting. 2nd vignette, Taker. Maybe tonight it will blend the two together to point at two people.

Again, long shot, but don't count Sting out just yet...

P.S. If I hear the sound of crows tonight in a vignette I'm going to piss myself.
They could connect the vignettes to Sting because of the Crow character. Have you ever seen the movie? The guy dies and is resurrected by the Crow. So, technically, the grave could not hold the guy down. Or the "grave" could be used to reference retirement. Simple.

The song could just be a curve ball to make you think it's Taker.

Or the two vignettes could point to two different people. First vignette, Sting. 2nd vignette, Taker. Maybe tonight it will blend the two together to point at two people.

Again, long shot, but don't count Sting out just yet...

P.S. If I hear the sound of crows tonight in a vignette I'm going to piss myself.


If I see or hear anything resembling Sting, I'm marking out.

But, in all seriousness, HE'S COMING.......BACK! For revenge and redemption.

The Dead shall rise, again.
Am I the only one naive enough to think that while the vignettes are likely in reference to the Undertaker, that there may well be a second person involved, or at least some kind of a swerve? The second video was so obvious in reference to Taker, it just seems too obvious to be him and him alone. Possibly it could be him, as well as Sting, or Triple H, or Jericho?
There's another thing to consider in the possibility of Sting being the reason for the promos. Sting is a born again Christian, right? He's been known to be pretty vocal about things that go against his beliefs.

Now, with all this speculation, and all the Sting fans hoping beyond all hope that Sting is going to be a part of WWE and/or Wrestlemania this year, why would he want them to be disappointed? Why would he not just come out and say it wasn't so after all this time? I mean, I would think he would feel bad about all the speculation and maybe even offended that this speculation would not be addressed by Vince directly, as he could come to the conclusion Vince is manipulating people for his own advantage (which I would think his beliefs would be against).

And I read another post that said just because they're saying Sting isn't in talks w/the "E" doesn't make it true. I agree. Look at what happened when Nash was interviewed at the airport about being in the Rumble. He flat out denied it, and made up a story about being there for a movie and visiting a sick kid. But he ended up at the Rumble, didn't he?

I don't know if Sting is the man behind the promos or not, or if they might even be dual layered and point to both Sting and Taker. But what I do know is that I am not counting out the Stinger arriving to WWE.

Think about it. He wouldn't need much of a build up to a Mania match. The speculation has done most of the build up. And they could do the build up to the match itself w/minimal effort. Hell, you could bring him in 3 weeks to a month before Mania and have enough time. Have him in the rafters a couple times, do a couple of dark, broody effects, maybe say a word or two, and show a couple vignettes. Done.

I'd say it's still a reasonable possibility and we will just have to wait and see.

I love your optimism...because the last thing I want to see is another streak vs career match....this time involving Triple H.

Atlanta..Wrestlemania..Georgia Dome.....Stinger! It has to happen. I've been doubting it since day 1, but here's hoping it happens!

- Sources report this past weekend that WWE officials are still trying to lock Sting to a deal for WrestleMania 27. As of last week, Sting had not agreed to or signed a deal but he is not saying no for sure. Sting or Sting’s representatives have had talks with WWE.

Oh yea.....
Okay we just saw Undertaker in the house but then it goes back outside to someone with a long jacket and their back turned to the camera
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