Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Um, nope.
That's just a part of the door.

We already know Taker's coming back, but like I said, its a question of who is coming with him.

Well the promos are different. It's almost 100% Taker will return but as you said it's a question of who comes with him whoever, the person who comes with him is. Whether it's HHH or Sting or <insert name here>.


^this video is Undertaker after bragging rights 2010 after he was buried alive. I'm not sure if we can connect it to this one but it's interesting because the music is very different to the 2/21/11 one.

This is something I realised not sure if it matters or not. In the first promo the lights are on in the cabin so that means that someone was in the cabin. In the 2nd one the lights are still on and then the mystery person has their back turned to the door then the door opens with "powers." The mystery person then walks into the already lit cabin. Almost like he was let in by someone else. Probably looking too much into it.
The thing is though, haven't all of the undertakers returns been flashes of lightning, or eerie music flooding the arena during previous RAW's , this one is a video package that's not been talked about by commentators , or infact anyone , usually the lights would go out, something would flash on the titantron and it would have the commentators talking , video packages like this are usually done to debut someone , not for returns, especially the undertaker
Well apparently Wrestlemania is being billed as Taker vs Triple H.
Can't say I'm completely disappointed, I like Triple H.
Things could probably change between now and 2/21/11, so who knows.

If we don't see Sting 2/21/11, I hope he shows up before he retires.
Well apparently Wrestlemania is being billed as Taker vs Triple H.
Can't say I'm completely disappointed, I like Triple H.
Things could probably change between now and 2/21/11, so who knows.

If we don't see Sting 2/21/11, I hope he shows up before he retires.

Just remember that these reports are coming from internet dirt sheets. Maybe it really is the plan, maybe there is nothing to the reports, or maybe, just maybe, the creative team is purposely leaking false information. It's even a possibility (nothing more) that Vinnie Mac worked out these plans with the team to throw them off because even they may not no about Sting's signing and he doesn't want to have the surprise spoiled. Even though it still seems like a long shot, I won't be convinced that Sting HASN'T signed with WWE until one or more of the following this happen: Sting makes a statement that he hasn't signed with WWE or that he has signed with TNA, TNA announces that Sting has signed with them, or Sting doesn't show up on Raw on 2/21/11.
Just remember that these reports are coming from internet dirt sheets. Maybe it really is the plan, maybe there is nothing to the reports, or maybe, just maybe, the creative team is purposely leaking false information. It's even a possibility (nothing more) that Vinnie Mac worked out these plans with the team to throw them off because even they may not no about Sting's signing and he doesn't want to have the surprise spoiled. Even though it still seems like a long shot, I won't be convinced that Sting HASN'T signed with WWE until one or more of the following this happen: Sting makes a statement that he hasn't signed with WWE or that he has signed with TNA, TNA announces that Sting has signed with them, or Sting doesn't show up on Raw on 2/21/11.

Good point.
I mean, spoiling the surprise is rather anticlimactic, and honestly nothing's ever 100% with these dirtsheets.
Who knows what could happen between now and the the Monday after Elimination Chamber.
Can't wait for the third promo though.

And I still find it odd we haven't heard from Sting...
Someone brought up non-disclosure, well I may be stretching things a bit, but its possible.
Good point.
I mean, spoiling the surprise is rather anticlimactic, and honestly nothing's ever 100% with these dirtsheets.
Who knows what could happen between now and the the Monday after Elimination Chamber.
Can't wait for the third promo though.

And I still find it odd we haven't heard from Sting...
Someone brought up non-disclosure, well I may be stretching things a bit, but its possible.

Yeah, remember the one about Chris Masters being in line for a big push? If you're watching SmackDown, you know that's definitely not true lol. Anyways, yeah the fact that Sting hasn't said anything about this is THE main reason why I still think it's possible that he has signed.
It's been all Undertaker/Sting this Undertaker/Sting that.. why hasn't anyway came up with any other ideas?

What a Skip Sheffield?! Cowboy boots, western setting?.. & it's been documented Vince believes Skip will be a huge star

What about Mistico?! Big announcement about his WWE hire and not a word since..

How about Kevin Nash coming out as the RAW GM?!

I'm jus sayin
It's been all Undertaker/Sting this Undertaker/Sting that.. why hasn't anyway came up with any other ideas?

What a Skip Sheffield?! Cowboy boots, western setting?.. & it's been documented Vince believes Skip will be a huge star

What about Mistico?! Big announcement about his WWE hire and not a word since..

I'm jus sayin

Look through all the pages, we have actually mentioned plenty of people.
Kong, Mistico, Skip, even Seven (lol).

But the consensus goes with Sting, as there's evidence pointing towards him.
But now, its quite possibly Triple H, as stated on an article posted on Wrestlezone.

But as always, anything on the dirtsheets about this right now is up in the air until the cat is out of the bag.
I haven't went back through the pages cause I hate going back 50 pages, but for some reason today. After hearing about Taker/HHH. I pictured 2/11/11 being Shawn Michaels.

Don't know if this has been discussed but besides Taker/Sting, Michaels could be the only other person who wouldn't just piss everybody off.. Mocking Undertaker, going heel with HHH to help him do what he couldn't
I haven't went back through the pages cause I hate going back 50 pages, but for some reason today. After hearing about Taker/HHH. I pictured 2/11/11 being Shawn Michaels.

Don't know if this has been discussed but besides Taker/Sting, Michaels could be the only other person who wouldn't just piss everybody off.. Mocking Undertaker, going heel with HHH to help him do what he couldn't

Its been said HBK could be involved with Wrestlemania in some capacity, possibly guest referee in the Taker match.
so 2 21 11 could be a sting taker or kong but if it is taker could hhh also return and interupt taker leading up for this so called wrsetlemania match againts taker we heard about on WZ home page so could hhh return there before or later...thoughts and opinions???

Undertaker died, guys. This video clearly shows that. If you don't agree, then you're just stupid.

Taker no longer has the power to rise from the dead as Kane kinda stole all of his powers before burying him.

Now I know what you're thinking. What does this have to do with the videos?

Remember the first 2/21/11 video? This was just some mysterious guy walking into a cabin for some unknown reason. We get a continuation of the video this week. The new one shows a mysterious figure appearing out of nowhere to walk into the cabin. It was almost ghost-like.

It's pretty obvious that these are two separate people.

Ahh f*ck it. The first video is clearly Shawn Michaels while the second video is the ghost of The Undertaker. HBK is attempting to resurrect Taker to exact revenge upon Kane at mania.

Just watch and see. HBK resurrecting Taker. Just watch.

Oh. LMFAO at everyone who thinks it's Sting. Ignorant...just ignorant.

Undertaker died, guys. This video clearly shows that. If you don't agree, then you're just stupid.

Taker no longer has the power to rise from the dead as Kane kinda stole all of his powers before burying him.

Now I know what you're thinking. What does this have to do with the videos?

Remember the first 2/21/11 video? This was just some mysterious guy walking into a cabin for some unknown reason. We get a continuation of the video this week. The new one shows a mysterious figure appearing out of nowhere to walk into the cabin. It was almost ghost-like.

It's pretty obvious that these are two separate people.

Ahh f*ck it. The first video is clearly Shawn Michaels while the second video is the ghost of The Undertaker. HBK is attempting to resurrect Taker to exact revenge upon Kane at mania.

Just watch and see. HBK resurrecting Taker. Just watch.

Oh. LMFAO at everyone who thinks it's Sting. Ignorant...just ignorant.

Ignorance is pushing your opinion as fact.

Look at the evidence before calling us ignorant:
Sting reportedly signing a 1-year deal, as reported in New York Daily News, a reputable publication.
No one's heard from Sting himself about any of this since long before this news even broke out.
Familiar with the term "non-disclosure agreement?"
Not even TNA has heard from him, reportedly.
The first video had some similarities to Sting's Starrcade 97 video.

That's evidence, reasons that people believe its Sting.
Am I saying that its absolutely 100% Sting?
I'm presenting the reasons why we believed it could be Sting.

Last week I was going with it being Taker, but not just Taker, but Sting as well.
Its been made obvious Taker is going to be at 2/21/11 show, and 2/22/11 taping of Smackdown, as it is revealed to the ticketholders, and there's also videos promoting his return at those events.

Signs right now are pointing to HHH vs Taker with HBK as a ref, if you look at what we've been learning over the past few weeks.
I'm not saying that's the truth, but that's what we've gathered as evidence so far.

We're just trying to cover our bases.
Ignorance is pushing your opinion as fact.

Look at the evidence before calling us ignorant:
Sting reportedly signing a 1-year deal, as reported in New York Daily News, a reputable publication.
No one's heard from Sting himself about any of this since long before this news even broke out.
Familiar with the term "non-disclosure agreement?"
Not even TNA has heard from him, reportedly.
The first video had some similarities to Sting's Starrcade 97 video.

That's evidence, reasons that people believe its Sting.
Am I saying that its absolutely 100% Sting?
I'm presenting the reasons why we believed it could be Sting.

Last week I was going with it being Taker, but not just Taker, but Sting as well.
Its been made obvious Taker is going to be at 2/21/11 show, and 2/22/11 taping of Smackdown, as it is revealed to the ticketholders, and there's also videos promoting his return at those events.

Signs right now are pointing to HHH vs Taker with HBK as a ref, if you look at what we've been learning over the past few weeks.
I'm not saying that's the truth, but that's what we've gathered as evidence so far.

We're just trying to cover our bases.

Well said. Plus, why would HBK resurrect Undertaker so he could get revenge on Kane? He has nothing to do with that situation. Maybe that was a joke but otherwise yeah doesn't make sense.
I just wanted to know if anyone noticed a figure with great speed going on top of that house. I saw something flying onto the roof of that house around 15 to 16 seconds of the 2nd promo. There is also a whoosh noise. It is a similar whoosh noise like the one when the figure in the trench coat and boots disappears. Please check it out and tell me that you see that also. My opinion is that the first promo is for sting. It is a person walking to that house. The second promo in my opinion has a paranormal spirit going to that house and checking things out. It has to be for two different people or two different personas.
Am I the only one kinda pissed at the rumored HHH vs Taker match? I know they are two big names that can sell tickets and that it has been 10 years since these two have had a WM match. But I think they are just throwing away 2 already built up story lines to put these two in a match. HHH vs Sheamus have a long build up, with Sheamus putting HHH out of action. Also with him going around talking about being king. A HHH vs Sheamus match with Sheamus winning would give him the huge lift into the main event scene again. Also with Taker vs Barrett starting from Nexus helping to bury the Undertaker. You can have Barrett lose and it still pushes him into the main event scene once again. They need to tie lose ends not be making new ones.

The way I want to see this whole 2.21.11 thing play out is during the next vignette we see the cabin, then we go inside. We see one pair of feet walk and meet face to face with another. Both wearing boots and the trench coat. Screen cut to black and the same 2.21.11 logo burns on the screen. If Sting is not coming to WWE only one pair is seen, but we will pretend he is.

At EC Sheamus pins R-Truth then JoMo. Leaving only Sheamus in the ring, Randy's chamber unlocks. The two have a stare down, then HHH's music starts. He shows up at the top of the ramp letting Randy hit the RKO pinning Sheamus. Around this time the refs unlock the door to let him out. Out runs Nexus to beat down Orton. CM Punk's chamber opens and he get the easy pin on Orton. Then we are left we Cena winning at the end.

The next night on RAW Nexus is in the ring talking about something. The Corre come out(it is WM time people can be on what ever brand they want which is how WWE seems to run this time of year) the 2 groups get into a big brawl. The Raw GM says in the main event tonight is Corre vs Nexus in a 4 vs 4 match(remember Harris has been taken out via an Orton punt). During the match Orton takes out CM Punk. Otunga, Ryan and McGillicutty are left to fight Corre. At some point the match breaks down and we are left with a 4 on 3 brawl with Barrett spending most of his time giving orders. The 2 teams take each other out with only Barrett left standing. The lights go out and on the tron the numbers 2.21.11 are burnt on the screen. The area fills with smoke, fireworks go off and Undertaker rises from the stage(kinda like Kurt Angle does). At this point Taker just kinda points at Barrett. Cole goes on about how he is calling out Barrett. NOW if Sting isn't coming to WWE we end scene but if he is we can go on. What Taker is really pointing at is something behind Barrett. Sting comes up from the bottom of the ring. Hits him with the baseball bat. Sting and Taker are then seen staring each other down with Sting still in the ring and Taker still on the ramp. It teases a Taker/Sting match but we soon learn they are on the same team and are here to unload on Barrett and Kane. AGAIN if Sting isn't coming we can build up to a Taker vs Barrett/Kane match or just throw Kane in the Money in the Bank while Taker and Barrett have a match.

This the sets up a Taker/Sting vs Barrett/Kane match at WM. While it also sets up a Corre vs Nexus 3 VS 3 match. Sting can be put on Smackdown to feud with Kane while Taker continues feuding with Barrett. While not a star studded Wrestlemania it does what needs to be done and that is put some of the younger talent in the spotlight. This leaves WM looking like this: ADR vs Edge with Edge winning when Ricardo Rodriguez cost ADR the match. Miz winning over Cena. Corre vs Nexus. Taker/Sting over Barrett/Kane. Sheamus over HHH while Michaels makes a reluctant 3 count. Punk vs Orton. Throw in a Rey vs Cody mask vs mask match, a divas match(with Kong showing up the next night on Raw), a 4 way tag team match, Money in the Bank and Daniel Bryan/Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase/who ever goes after the IC title. Maybe also a Bella Twins vs Gail Kim Match. Again while not a huge mega star vs mega star WM but it lets the young talent shine. Next year(if Sting is in the WWE) we can have Sting vs Taker with this being the last match for both men.

This is how I want the 2.21.11 thing to end while building towards what may not seem like a huge WM now but in a few years it will be known as the WM that let the new comers shine.
And if Triple H were to have a feud with Undertaker, shouldn't he appear on T.V already ? Just to build up the feud. Makes no sense for him to be in promo like this, which doesn't fit him and to make everyone not believe its a new debut.
I do not want to see Undertaker vs. Triple H with HBK as special referee. Taker/HBK one and two were great matches, the build up was great both times, good stuff. However, HBK was retired, and this whole saga should be over. Triple H/Taker has happened already at Mania, and like someone else said, Trips and Taker have feuds that need a conclusion. I want to see Taker and Sting vs. Barrett and Kane, but if that isn't going to happen, I would almost rather see Taker/Barrett because that at least makes sense.
how exactly would hbk resurrect the undertaker?

1) singing "sexy boy" until undertaker could not stand it any longer, even in the netherworld?


2) wearing entrance clothing that is so full of cheap gems and tiny mirrors, that god himself finds it offensive?


3) the sheer hypocrisy of hbk's character? (arrogant ass to born again christian to crotch chopping, suck it yelling to selling glow sticks to kids) causes taker to rise from his grave, since the glory hound can't stand not being cheered and adored?
I was actually just thinking about the "2/21" promo (just rewatched RAW) and something hit me.

I know we've all come to the conclusion that, based on Sting having no talks with the WWE and the all but confirmed match with Triple H at Mania, that the promo is completely and inarguably for the return of The Undertaker.

What if it's for Triple H? Running a return promo for The Undertaker would be like running a promo saying Randy Orton is going to flail in the ring like a doofus. Returning is all The Undertaker does. I'd love to see it be Trips and it being the way he starts to antogonize The Undertaker.

Any Thoughts?

Or is there anyone else (aside from Taker) who you think it could logically be?
Undertaker, come on man. On the main page, it says "return of the Undertaker". Don't give me the runaround saying it might be a dark show or something.

It doesn't make sense because HHH doesn't wear a cape and boots. Also, we saw a post on the main page saying "Return of the Undertaker". Come on, how much more proof do ya need?
Its not sting. There has been no talks with sting and he wouldnt survive the shedule. he doesnt want to work WWE hours. Im going to say it the only time you will ever see sting on WWE programming is if the rope him into do an interview for a best of sting DVD or at his HOF induction ceremony which will happen at some point.

But Sting at WM? its never going to happen Steve Borden has too much pride in the fact he is the only man in wrestling who has never bowed to Vinces charms.

Its Taker too many coincidences
Ok this is possibly a crazy idea but, as much as i hope its sting it will be takers return they are hyping. My question to you guys though is, do any of you think this could be the date of a HUGE announcement? linking these videos together?? If it is for both taker and sting, the videos look the same, based around the same house, video 1 somebody walks into the cabin, video 2, a "ghost" appears and walks in....who's to say that on 21 2 11 we will see a video where you have 2 people heading for each other and they reach each other and just stare at each other, the camera starts at their feet and slowly pans up to their faces where we see taker and sting staring each other down, and it says Wrestlemania 27. not saying this is it but it could be possible that its not a return/debut for somebody but an announcement regarding this particular person. anybody agree?
Is it just me, or are people posting without reading previous posts?
People throwing out ideas we've already talked about, and not regarding any evidence of the previous post.
I'm staying out of this thread until Monday night...:banghead:

Undertaker, come on man. On the main page, it says "return of the Undertaker". Don't give me the runaround saying it might be a dark show or something.

It doesn't make sense because HHH doesn't wear a cape and boots. Also, we saw a post on the main page saying "Return of the Undertaker". Come on, how much more proof do ya need?


You really can't read, can you?

Also, we already know its Taker.
He's not coming to Raw alone, however.
If you maybe read a few of the posts before yours, you'd gather that as well.
I can't wait for the next promo. I agree with a few people that the promos are meant for two different people. So it wouldn't surprise me to see two figures inside the house in the next promo.
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