Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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After seeing the new 2 -21 - 11 video on raw, you could clearly see that it was the undertaker... so does this come as a disapointment?? do yall think they should have showed the undertaker in tonights video or saved it for next weeks raw... thoughts opinions???
Well considering you just saw takers face , its obv him... Waits for people to start with " BUT WAIT HES IN THE HOUSE , WHOS OUTSIDE!! " Get over it ,its taker
t's Undertaker. Don't read too much into his, Taker, no one else, can we PLEASE just end this? It's not Sting, it'd be awesome if it was, but it's not, so let's END IT.
Just watched the new vignette.
It showed the Undertaker, however, it looks like it showed someone else outside.
We know its Taker now.
But, who was that standing outside?
Yeah, I stand corrected on it being for Seth Rollins, though I saw it clearly when the smoked disappeared. Then again, it's a case of seeing what you want to see. Which I had originally thought it said SETH so now that's all I see.

That being said, I TOLD YOU ALL SO! :p So yeah, it's not Sting, it's 100% for The Undertaker now. For those of you who wanted them to at least "SHOW" us that it's not Sting if it's not.. well, they just did.
Yeah, it's interesting scheme how they did this.

But if that's true, with Taker just chilling in his cabin and he gets a late night visitor, that just makes it weird.

Plus the whole cabin thing doesn't make sense to me.

I kinda find it a disappointment that this whole thing is about the Undertaker. I rather him come back in a stunning surprise and not with a month long affair of announcing his return. So if it's somehow not the Undertaker next week I won't be too greatly disappointed.
Yeah, I stand corrected on it being for Seth Rollins, though I saw it clearly when the smoked disappeared. Then again, it's a case of seeing what you want to see. Which I had originally thought it said SETH so now that's all I see.

That being said, I TOLD YOU ALL SO! :p So yeah, it's not Sting, it's 100% for The Undertaker now. For those of you who wanted them to at least "SHOW" us that it's not Sting if it's not.. well, they just did.

We already assumed it was Undertaker, no surprise.
It didn't confirm he was alone though.
Oh jesus.. dude, he was alone. I see the argument that it showed him in a ton of different spots throughout the video, but it clearly was JUST him.
I think they wanted to put an end to all the speculation. I also think since rumors were circulating that it might be Sting, WWE didn't want a disappointing reaction to a Taker return. So, they just killed all rumors and got the disappointment out of the way, now.

I obviously want Sting to come to the WWE. But, I am not disappointed it is The Undertaker. I am just happy he is back. The return of "The Deadman" immediately makes the WWE a better place. Bring on Mania and 19-0!!!!
well, im glad takers back, i am a huge fan, dissapointed that it isnt sting, but WM 27 is still a month and a half away so you never know what could happen right, its like what happened with kevin nash and booker t, they didnt expect to come to wwe till the last second so, it could still happen, (lets just hope that if sting does come it becomes undertaker vs sting)
I am very excited to see it is The Undertaker, But, If his match is a Streak vs Career, HHH vs Undertaker, Then i will be pissed.

It would be sad to see the two members of the original DX to leave, We already lost Shawn, Please not HHH, Anyways, Back on topic, I wasn't dissapointed to see it wasn't Sting, He is the Icon but i just don't want to see him in WWE.
Oh jesus.. dude, he was alone. I see the argument that it showed him in a ton of different spots throughout the video, but it clearly was JUST him.

They tried giving him the Spectre treatment. Could have made him seem a little more ghostly and then it would leave more room for speculation. Wait there still is. The guy in the window was him in his coat, hat, and tights. I love having Dish with a dvr, RWD button is amazing.

I was kinda let down though. Why all the hype and this way? Are they trying something new because supposedly the old method wasn't working? Scares me as though they may be looking to minimize his travel time and possiable retirement:confused: Anyway Sting fans can now be disappointed i know i kinda am but at least one of the "dead" is back!
Ok so after watching the 3rd promo a few times I get one of 2 things from it. Either it's just Taker coming back and first they showed him in the house (with no coat on) then he turns the candles off and is shown outside the cabin getting ready to come back or it's showing someone other then Taker outside the cabin (aka yard) and Taker is still in the house.

So we will have Taker returning alone or whoever is supposed to be the guy outside the cabin will show up soon after Taker returns.
Just watched the promo again in slo-mo and rewind. I could swear that when the wall is shown and lightning hits, you can see what appears to be a 'scorpion' carved into the cement wall with a bird in flight (a crow perhaps?) just above it. If you pause the frame, you can see these 'carvings' just right of center.
Annd who is that outside if Undertaker is inside?
Fuel to the fire?
Whatever happens next Monday, it was fun guessing.
Sting or not, Undertaker being back is gonna be great.
But I'm worried how his match will be planned.
Career vs Streak seems way too soon.
Triple H retiring after his first PPV back?
That just seems anti-climactic.

I'm not throwing away the theory of the vignette being about 2 people though, not yet.
Anything can happen between now and Wrestlemania, and same goes for 2/21/11.
I saw something there as well but couldn't get the picture to look clear first time. Second showing though i will get that right.

I don't wanna see HHH VS Taker at WM because if it is streak vs career then HHH is done because they will take Takers streak to "the grave". I would hate to see HHH go without a good run. This all could be a sleight of hand as well people. They make you look at the figure and you miss the little hints. Kinda like the hints when Jericho came back.
I saw something there as well but couldn't get the picture to look clear first time. Second showing though i will get that right.

I don't wanna see HHH VS Taker at WM because if it is streak vs career then HHH is done because they will take Takers streak to "the grave". I would hate to see HHH go without a good run. This all could be a sleight of hand as well people. They make you look at the figure and you miss the little hints. Kinda like the hints when Jericho came back.

I have USA HD and a PVR so I was able to reverse and forward to the exact frame and freeze it. I swear there is something there...why else would they show a wall? Just my opinion and maybe a bit of wishful thinking but there's got to be something more to this. Plus there is absolutley no reaction from the announcers...heck, they don't even acknowledge it...even though the Undertaker was clearly shown. You'd think the announcers would have some type of reaction...but Nada. Seems strange to me...just saying
So they just showed it again, and though I'm sitting here the WHOLE time say ..that's The Undertaker, I just saw the first shot of the "wall" that you guys speak off. I don't see a scorpion. But I totally see the shape of a Crow. Again ..just like with the smoke and Seth, it could be my mind making me see it since I've read you guys talking about it.

Also, after it shows Taker in the window, when the camera moves up from his chest to his face, then he walks off to the left ..it then looks like someone else wearing a hat is walking behind him. I'm positive the person on the outside of the house is The Undertaker though.
Its taker, only taker , nobody else but taker , please stop saying its not only taker.

Raws boring , im going to watch takers
The first wall i didn't see anything but knew the second wall showed something. Yes it does. It shows the silhouette of a vulture. The lightning flash kinda makes it glow white. This can be taken as undertakers deadman persona or when sting first appeared in the crow-like makeup with a vulture on his arm. Did not see any scorpion however but the vulture alone can be bent either way. Also it does appear the taker pears out the window at another cloaked figure. Man WWE knows how to give just the right amount for those obsessed huh? Alot have written it off as taker already...:shrug:
watchingh it for the second time obvisouly taker coming back but the last person outside the house haas a wet mettalic baseball bat go check it out for yourself the light hit it just wright and a coat cant be that shiny and on an offtopic it takes three weeks for him to get into the cabin he must walk really slow and how is it still raining
As much as we all want Sting, I think we're just grasping straws at this point. The promo is clearly entirely centered around the return of Taker. If by some miracle they actually did get Sting though, I think the best way to bring him in would be as follows (of course this is too cool to actually happen)...

So Raw starts on Monday, and the arena is black no announcers, no fireworks, nothing. The tron shows the 2.21.11, and a gong sounds. The usual Taker entrance follows, smoke, druids, lightning, the whole bit. He gets in the ring, the lights turn on, and he's got a mic in his hand. He's right about to talk, when...

The lights in the arena go out again. You hear the sound of crows, and the tron turns back on, you see another vignette, with the same black coat/feet and you see a black baseball bat shatter through the window! Then you see the silouhette of "someone" walking in to the door, end promo.

Camera goes back to Undertaker standing in the ring, and for the first time in his career, HE IS SPOOKED! He drops the mic, the lights come back on and he RUNS back up the ramp.

The commentators can then speculate about what the hell just happened. More mind games the next week, the week after that we finally see Sting in the rafters, let it build form there. Maybe 2-3 weeks before Mania, Sting finally gives the promo "my whole career, the only thing I haven't done, and if this is my only chance I'm gunning for the top dog, etc. etc."

This would blow the roof off. Unfortunately we're gonna end up with HHH v Taker, where HHH undoubtedly loses and then goes on to become head writer at which point he books his friends to win everything...yawn.
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