Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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Really all you'd have to do is look at your own Signature to see what is actually the case, Undertaker no longer has the "SARA" tattoo on his neck anymore. When they were divorced, he got it removed. It's a painful and expensive procedure, but I'm sure he can handle the pain of it, and he clearly has the money. But yeah, he no longer has that tattoo.

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted... lol my bad, but if you look at the guys chest it isn't taker. There's no way it is... I mean really, look back to his last couple of matches...

like i stated before, it does look like HBK (in the post before the one i replied to yours). but remember we're looking inside from the outside while it's raining, it could be blurry. keep that with Taker's hair may be longer or lighter than it was (if he didn't dye it).


it looks like Michaels, but if anything, check out the chest, not the face. HBK never had a chest like that, neither Hunter (who had a bigger chest than that). Taker was slimmer during the vegetative state and with the right stuff or diet, he may have gotten ripped (not far fetched since he wasn't thick). Hunter shaved too remember, so i doubt it may be him.
Ladies and Gentleman.


Sting is not coming. Why would they reveal this brand new guy, mostly none of the WWE Universe has heard, and putting him in a storyline with Undertaker for Wrestlemania?

Because they both wear black, their both have a dark gimmick?

What more do you need? The guy was him! It was Mark Callaway as his most famous alter ego, The Undertaker. It's not Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Sting. The guy was the Undertaker.

There may be two people in the video, but, I'm not gonna emphasis on it. I'm talking on the fact that people don't think it's Undertaker in the house, it's him!

Oh, and by he way, there's no carving's on the steps, no scorpian's on the walls, no crow noise, no bat. Just right there, The Undertaker.
BEFORE anyone jumps on my back, its 90% The Undertaker.

BUT I ask or state:

Undertaker is a Smackdown guy.

Why have him return on RAW?

Where does this leave HHH who is on the RAW Roster?

2 Big Name returns in one night?

The Corre is on Smackdown.

All in all, I am just saying it makes no sense at all for Taker to return to RAW.

Specially with the supposed impending return of HHH.
Hello everyone here are my observations i saw the third video on raw and one thing caught my attention but i need you guys you confirm it and here it is.

At the end of the video i notice that if you look real carefully at the position of the Trench Coat man he is not centered on camera leaving alot of viewing of the left side of him, this is where it gets spooky, If you look at the reflection of tfrom the last lit up window on the left, then you will notice that two faces appear in the reflection one on top of each other(do not look at the windows themselves but the reflection) i am not going to tell you who"s faces appear i will leave that up to you to decide as i do not want to lead you. remember this happens at the end of the video. If any body sees this please confirm thanks.
Hello everyone here are my observations i saw the third video on raw and one thing caught my attention but i need you guys you confirm it and here it is.

At the end of the video i notice that if you look real carefully at the position of the Trench Coat man he is not centered on camera leaving alot of viewing of the left side of him, this is where it gets spooky, If you look at the reflection of tfrom the last lit up window on the left, then you will notice that two faces appear in the reflection one on top of each other(do not look at the windows themselves but the reflection) i am not going to tell you who"s faces appear i will leave that up to you to decide as i do not want to lead you. remember this happens at the end of the video. If any body sees this please confirm thanks.

Just watched the video two times, and honestly, I have no clue what your seeing?

When do you see the faces, when taker is in the window, or when the pseron is outside?
The first promo screamed Sting, and it got me really excited that my favorite wrestler of all time may possibly be a part of Wrestlemania. Then the second promo screamed Undertaker, especially with the Cash song, and it pretty much destroyed all my anticipation/excitement. This week's promo made me really, really excited again, and I'm surprised that so many in here are just shrugging their shoulders, like, "Oh, well, it's just Taker."

I figured all along that Taker would be returning on 2/21. It's just, who's going to be there to challenge him? Like some people said last week, maybe the first promo and the second promo were showing two different people--- a theory I'm now buying into. The first promo just shows a guy walking in a trenchcoat; we see the house, but the guy doesn't ever reach it in the video. The second promo shows a guy on the porch, who then spins around and enters the house, but his feet fade away, like a ghost, something that was never implied with the guy in the first video, whose movement were solid, his feet splashing in the rain, etc.

In this week's promo we see what obviously appears to be the Undertaker walking around inside the house, looking out the window, etc. Then at the end of the video, someone else in a trenchcoat is standing out in the rain, staring at the house, and begins walking toward it.

It makes zero sense to show Taker in the house, walking around and whatnot, and then cut to him standing outside the house just to start walking toward it again. He's already in the damn house!!!! He's staring out the window!!! He's watching someone else approach; a challenger, obviously. I believe the person in the first promo is the same person we see at the end of the third promo, finally reaching his destination. The second promo was the Undertaker entering his house. Both guys appear in the new promo. This seems so incredibly obvious to me that I don't understand why more people aren't picking up on it.

I guess it's possible that the guy we see in the house is HHH or HBK or someone else dressed up as Taker, and the real Taker is the one we see at the end. Personally, I think it is Taker in the house, and I WANT to think that Sting is the one walking toward his house at the end. (And if it turns out to be HHH or someone else, that person better start wearing a trenchcoat at every damn show.)

Think about it, guys .... Why have all the hype, all the mystery, just to give it away that it's Taker??? We all know Taker is going to return in time for WM. The purpose of the promos is to build the mystery and excitement over who's coming into the Deadman's yard.
Just watched the video two times, and honestly, I have no clue what your seeing?

When do you see the faces, when taker is in the window, or when the pseron is outside?

Its When the person is out side before the the 2 21 11 part pay attention to the window reflection on the last lit window from the left of your screen it looks like an offset square of the window with a devide in it, i was just also looking at the video also the reflection is not right as the window all the way on the left is a four pane window how ever it cast a 2 paned window reflection and there is one face on the top pane and one on the bottom pane pay real close attention to it, its best to watch the it in hd if you have a dvr but you can faintly see it with the one thats on WWE"s Website

I believe this is the image that he was referring to with it looking like Sting's face from inside the house looking at the man in the trench coat right as the 3rd promo ends. It fades to black and then the date right after this frame.
The only reason i think its possible sting can be included is dont you think sting with just come out and say hey guys im not going to mania , im still with tna. Wouldnt TNA want sting to say that anyway. The fact that after 3 weeks hes still not talking or mentioned it makes me believe theres a chance hes deff going to be there.
To me, the last video is of someone outside the house, stalking The Undertaker. In one of the stills, you can absolutely see the facial structure of the person in hat/trench coat:


Now, I'm not sure what the connection will be completely, but to me, that is clearly the lower half of HBK's face, right down to the facial hair around the mouth. Whether this means he will be a "enforcer" or something that has to do with Taker's match, is yet to be seen. I still have a slight inkling that it will still be a Triple H vs Taker match, with HBK as the swerve of being the enforcer. This would generate huge buys in itself because HBK would have to count the 3 for Taker, when he would clearly favor Triple H to end the streak since he couldn't, or, count the 3 for Taker. People would view this as impossible for Taker to win.

Anything is up in the air still obviously, and I change my opinion on the matter every few hours. I just thought this was interesting still in the video.

Just been on the WWE site, the video for part 3 has been tagged as "Undertaker", not like everyone knew already it was him, but just thought I'd tell everyone.
I am 100% convinced that it is shawn. Just look at his mouth and more so his lips. That is definitely not the undertaker and definitely is hbk.
That looks like both Shawn and Taker, but it's not HBK. What does he need to come back for? He has retired and has made it very clear that he won't be returning. A promo like this is made for a superstar who is returning to avenge thier absence in the ring. Not to mention that jacket is clearly Taker's.
Nice idea for the special ref match, but it won't happen. HBK would lose all credibility if he cost Taker his streak. Not to mention that HBK respects Taker and I fully doubt he would be after revenge, nor would the WWE allow Taker's streak; a legendary feat in the WWE; come to and end.

My thoughts? It's probably Taker, but WWE could be throwing us a curveball. Maybe it actually a promo for someone who is returning in order to challenge Taker?
I think that it will ultimately be Taker for the video. But I just can't get pass the connection with Raw/Triple H reports.

If the reports of Taker vs Triple H are true, it becomes another Career vs Streak thing. They could easily have Shawn written in on Triple H's behalf to where he would ask Shawn to be the Ref, making sure his career doesn't end. Ultimately, Shawn would count the 3, keeping Taker's streak alive. Who knows!

I do know that it being "Taker's jacket" isn't much evidence due to the fact that Shawn has imitated Taker's look before:


And with that Johnny Cash music being used in the second video, they could also lean in Shawn's favor. Remember the promo video for last year's Wrestlemania "Career vs Streak" with Shawn and Taker?


Just a thought!
HBK could count Taker's win and that would keep the streak and HBK's credibility, and that's what will happen if it does turn out to be Shawn. In that case I can't wait to find out who Taker's opponent will be. If it is HHH in a Career / Streak match, that would be very interesting.

I don't know, to me, they are making it too obvious that it's Taker, which leads me to believe we're all in for a big surprise. I would actually be very disappointed if it is just Taker because it doesn't seem to be a surprise anymore. Maybe he could rise up from under the ring and disrupt a match? That would be exciting.
I think the Johnny Cash song is another aspect of the curveball. Like I said, WWE is making it way too obvious.

I want to be genuinely surprised next Monday!
The IWC has spoilt the surprise returns many a time. Look at Booker T at the Rumble and the Rock last night. Maybe this time they've managed to keep a real secret!
It could very well be HBK. Up until the image showing the anonymous person's lower chin, I thought it was a dead-cert that it was Taker, but now I am not positive. Its a dead-cert that Taker will appear on next week's show. However, I now think that its is not 1 but 2 men in that promo.

It is rumoured heavily around the IWC, that there was always 2 all along, I did not believe that but now? Its is certainly a possibility. It seemed like there was someone chasing Taker's shadow in that video. The lower chin and the facial hair doesn't look like Taker at all. It should be either Shawn or Hunter.

Either way, the WWE have raised even more question marks surrounding next week's show, and that can only be a good thing.
Its clearly implied that Taker is inside the house while another man in a trenchcoat is outside the cabin/house, "stalking" him.

That is what i got out of this video, as several film techniques are used to tell us that there are 2 people here, not just 1 as the previous videos were talking about.
If it is Shawn's visage in the video it could mean that the Undertaker is being haunted - internally or by HHH - by the fact that he ended Shawn's career.
In the 3rd video when there's the shot of the Cabin window, you can clearly see Taker walk past the window (well atleast I can).


Watch closely at the window at about 22-24 seconds and it is clearly Taker in the Cabin, so HBK would be the only logical person to be outside as Taker is inside.

But that's just what it seems like to me. So take a look at the video and watch closely!
Yeah, I kind of think it's Shawn too, I mean look up at the face, It looks like SHawn's, But undertaker has a deep chest though.
But undertaker has a deep chest though.

And on the mystery mans chest you see dark hair, no matter how dark "outside" would've been, you would've been able to tell the difference between Shawn's hair and Undertaker's. Also I never recall Shawn having hair so long or wavy (when it's drooped).
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