Raw LD Thread (7-22-13): WEEEELLLLLLL...

From the Legends of Midsouth I really want to see Orndorff vs. Dibiase, I've read amazing reviews about their clashes. Both underrated,
I don't usually go on the forums too much expect for the LD so this may sound stupid but what's the point of getting rep? What does it do?
Finally got a chance to recheck the nip slip. I'll trade still images for rep.

this is a dirty game we play.

Also, this is the second bella titty which has popped out. There was one a few years ago.

Stone Cold and Sandow would be a great fuckin commentary team someday, maybe with Mathews as the analyst
HBK/RKO said:
I don't usually go on the forums too much expect for the LD so this may sound stupid but what's the point of getting rep? What does it do?

It makes your e-penis HUGE.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
Wow thanks guys for all the tips. I can't wait to have a bigger dick and more stamina. I better start making more jokes to get more rep so I can start my ascension to being a sex god
Dude! Why do you think I love it? I have a beard and buy razors just because of the way Austin reads the ad.

the story of the home depot and having to shoot a flare gun if you get lost on the way to the bathroom had me damn near in tears laughing
Cody Rhodes and Fandango had a small match, i wanted to see more but that botch was scary. I hope Rhodes is okay, and I hope he shaves that worm in his lips. I am enjoying that storyline and the babyface Rhodes so far. Let's go Punk now! Promo time!

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