RAW 6/26: The Treasonous Golden Gauntlet Of Ambulance-Inducing Pain And Entouraging!

Has anyone been excited for the Hardys since about a day after their return? They've lost quite a bit of their interest for me.
Has anyone been excited for the Hardys since about a day after their return? They've lost quite a bit of their interest for me.

It was one hell of a surprise at Mania, but yea they should bring the broken gimmick in if they can. I still like them though.
Has anyone been excited for the Hardys since about a day after their return? They've lost quite a bit of their interest for me.

I'm a big fan of Jeff Hardy solo, he's got an undeniable thing about him that fans go nuts for. The tag nostalgia act I'm over, because at this point it has stunted The Club and The Revival and it broke up Enzo and Cass prematurely.
I'm excited for a Jeff Hardy singles run. Not sure how Matt will do if they don't use the Broken gimmick but he would be good in a role like Christian had, just a solid veteran hand to have around.
This is the most interesting Goldust has been in a long long time.

I hope people that aren't familiar with Joe are buying into what the E is selling.

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