Pet Peeves

I call a customer service line and either enter or say all my information only to have the live person ask it all over again when I'm finally connected. What was the point of me telling the machine?
Getting gas. I hate it. Weird people always talk to me and try to make me give them rides. No, go to the payphone and call yourself a taxi.

Tying shoes. It seems like a gigantic waste of time, especially when there are slip-on shoes.

Not liking the Jaguars because you're a Gator fan. Guess what? You can like two teams, especially when one is college and the other is pro. Why do you have to choose one or the other?

People who bash what I like for no given reason. You don't like the music I listen to? Fine, but your non-stopping nagging and complaining is only going to make me want to turn it up, not off. If you just simply say "I don't like this song" then I'll change it. Don't keep nagging.

Things touching my feet. I'm just creeped out by all things involving feet for some reason.

Friends coming to my house unannounced. Did I say you could come over? No. What if I had plans with someone else right now and you just ruined them. Please call first.
Anyone who has the audacity to thank Jesus or whatever (often monotheistic) God for some type of accomplishment they've achieved in life, as if that same omnipotent and omniscient all-loving creator would be so nepotistic as to give them what they wanted, while condemning their enemies/competition to loss simply because they prayed.

Here's a question for ya, jackasses – what happens when we both pray to the same God and I win? Does that mean God loves me more? :rolleyes:
Christ's sake...
It has to be telemarketers. Even with an unlisted number sometimes you get telemarketers calling you. Even worse is trying to call a cable or internet company about your problems and the jackass doesn't comprehend English. You call about a problem being nice to the representative, and they give you an attitude. That is why I don't call unless there is a serious problem. I don't want to go through the hassle.

Another Pet Peeve of mine is seeing another loser become famous for no reason. There could be a child out there finding the cure for cancer, but we have to give the spotlight to some ignorant soulless parents that have a reality show for having 19 kids.
Flamboyant gays

Really nothing against gays
i get it your gay

People who don't use common sense here is a example

i get a Pm on a site and the subject title is "Hey lover"

so i am thinking the fuck?
So i open it up and the person is like "hey want to be freinds?"
Seriously you say you want to be freinds but title of Pm is hey lover?

People who say can i ask you a question
You just did

People who post song lyrics to FB
With respect to these forums specifically, a pet peeve of mine is people who nitpick and dissect a post to death by multi quoting. You know, people who break the entire post down, sentence by sentence, in fact phrase by phrase sometimes, to the point that their response is so disjointed that you don't even know what the hell they are talking about.
With respect to these forums specifically, a pet peeve of mine is people who nitpick and dissect a post to death by multi quoting. You know, people who break the entire post down, sentence by sentence, in fact phrase by phrase sometimes, to the point that their response is so disjointed that you don't even know what the hell they are talking about.
I thought we really had something.
I thought we really had something.

Coco, what the hell are you talking about? I am not referring to you in any way, you are able to communicate sensibly (sometimes :) ) in paragraph form, so at least I know what you're talking about and can agree or disagree with you.

I'm talking about the guys who take your entire post and disassemble it sentence by sentence. Quote one sentence, respond with one sentence, over and over again, until I no longer know, or even care, what we are talking about. Guys like Reddannihilation (with all due respect, Redd). Whenever I make a post about TNA, which may, on occasion, be a little critical of them, he tends to respond with these multiquotes. I cannot even follow his train of thought because it's so disjointed. Even if he's correct (which is seldom because he's a TNA mark) I'm confused and disinterested by the end. That's not meant as a criticism, just an observation.

And by the way, Coco, did I recently read that you are a fellow Canadian? I may have actually found a new respect for you.
People who read out loud what they're typing in an email or letter.

People who sit next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.

Noisy eaters.
People who fucking eat with their mouths open, it's disgusting.

People who text in movie theaters.

People who say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less", ok, you can care less, what's your fucking point?

People on facebook who constantly update their status with stupid ass song quotes that have nothing to do with anything.

Scene kids who are against conformity but then they look like every other scene kid.

People who say "matoor" instead of "mature". You say "furniture" not "furnitoor"

I could go on and on, those are just ones off the top of my head
Spoilerfan, I want to give you a big ole' flamboyant gay hug right about now. . . .

1. People with lots of pet peeves. Really? Get the fuck over it already.
2. People who drive like idiots.
3. Music/Movie snobs. I don't like Lady Gaga. You know what I do about that? I don't listen to her. I don't go around putting down people who do. Why? Because I'm not an asshat.
4. People who claim not to have a problem with gays, but with flamboyant ones because they're shoving their sexuality down everyone's throats. If that were really the case you'd be offended every time someone mentions they have a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband or celebrity crush. If that were the case you wouldn't be posting on a wrestling forum where almost every thread tends to break down into discussion about boobs and ass. You have a problem with gay people being gay. It bothers you. It makes you uncomfortable. (Which is understandable.) Admit it and move on. (Hi, spoilerfan.)
5. Professors who are awful at public speaking/communicating ideas. Why? WHY
1. People who can't use your and you're mixed up, and their, they're and there mixed up. Is it really that hard to get them right?
2. People who say "same difference" instead of "same thing". Yes people, a lot of things have the same differences. It means nothing.
3. Idiots who will bash up another person for no reason. Get a life.
4. People that think the world revolves around them.
People who read out loud what they're typing in an email or letter.

People who sit next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.

Noisy eaters.

Once while I was watching South Africa play Australia at the cricket. I was sitting down with my mates down at the end of the row and the whole other side of me was empty, this other kid comes to our row and sits right next to me.

I hate people that say because you listen to Rn'b that your a black wannabe.
I hate how spell texts or emails like ThI$, 1t'$ $o FrE@K1nG annoying.
I hate how people have no common sense.
I hate people that act dumb.
1. Loud people.
2. "Random" people. Especially the ones who have their little inside jokes and are obnoxiously loud.
3. People calling bands emo/screamo when they are clearly NOT emo/screamo.
4. Open doors. Eye dee kay why, I just have a tendency of always closin' 'em.
5. Silence. I always have a telly or fan on so I can hear it. Music doesn't cut it for some reason.
6. Tomato (sliced, not ketchup) in my food. I bitch about it a lot.
7. People who take me less seriously cuz I like pro wrestling. If only people knew what smarks are.
I just thought of another I can add to the list.

People who use the urinal right next to the one I'm using, especially if there is 5 open on eithr side of me. Use a further away urinal, I don't want to be weiner buddies. Also, don't talk to me at a urinal if I don't know you.
People who call themselves insomniacs, who really just choose not to sleep. It takes me fucking 3-4 hours to fall asleep some nights. I don't want to hear some fucktarded nimwit calling themselves an insomniac when they really aren't.
I don't know if this is a pet peeve, but I hate when I sit a work doing nothing for two hours then four customers walk in the door within five minutes of each other. How does this always happen? Or the phone doesn't ring for an hour then when it does I get another call while still on the first.
soapguy i don't have problems with homosexuals i am freinds with three and really don't mind
i dont discriminate i hate everyone
Just kidding
People who continue to invite me to events on Facebook that I reject weekly. You sending the invite to me again and again isn't going to make me want to come to your stupid party any more than I already didn't want to go in the first place, if anything, it makes me want to not go even more.

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