lol, you're a fucking idiot. WWE mark? I stated about 37 times that I want this to work.. but in MY (as in me, one person, singular, not plural, which would indicate 2 or more persons) opinion I don't think this'll work.
Yes, so you're saying "I want this to work, but it won't". Man you really want this to work.
And who says I need to give it a fucking chance?
the laws of being unbiased? No, it's cool you don't have to give it a chance, but because you're admitting that you refuse to give the angle a chance, then any argument you make against the angle will be invalid.
Did I want to give Dustin Runnels a chance as Seven, a fucking pedophile-ish character.. fuck no.
In Seven's first promo he stood outside a kids window looking in and saying he was coming. He was dropped because Turner thought it could be mis-interpreted (by dumbasses i.e. you) as a child abductor. He never said anything about wanting to rape kids. So that was pretty much your fault for being stupid.
I reserve the right to determine whether or not I like something on the 1st day or the last day of it's existence.
Sure thing there, you're probably the sort of person who says a movie isn't good without watching it. I do thank you for admitting it though, because now I can write off any argument you make against this angle as being invalid.
It's annoying, biased, dumb mother fuckers like you who take all skepticism towards TNA (and WWE "marks" are bad for it too) and instead of catching a glimpse of another view point you automatically point a finger.. "U SLOWCHING DOOSCHE BAGG!" the fuck out of there with that nonsense.
Are you 12? Serious question.
Scenarios I thought of ?
-They do the one off pay per view.. which could be OKAY AT BEST .. the feeling will be great but the action (WHICH IS WHAT I'VE STRESSED) will be sub-par at best. Sorry if my tastes involve a product in it's entirety, not what the little pieces.. ya know, like when you write a book report.. one strong paragraph won't get you an A.. more like a pat on the back.
So you know it can only be Ok because you have magic future sight?
-They continue with the angle past the pay per view.. it will lose steam, lose luster.. just like just about every other angle. Ways to make it fresh will be lost and suddenly you're left with nothing... all things come to end eventually.
And you know it will lose steam how?
- These guys turn on each other and a whole bunch of swerves happen (looking at you Russo).. how is this any good at all? This'll become one big cluster fuck.. like nearly everything else. WWF had crash tv during the attitude era (crash tv = cluster fuck) and the only reason it really worked was because of the talent. The writing, for the most part, was terrible.
Are you serious? The Attitude Era writing was terrible? The best part about the Attitude Era was the writing. You didn't watch Steve Austin after his accident for his in-ring work, you watched for the stories. And again generic "I hate Russo" comment, never mind that last years MEM storyline was the best thing in wrestling last year, Russo sux, so sayeth the WWE.
Considering the performers, the writing better be fucking magnificent. Since you're such a smart ass TNA mark (ohhh SNAPZ!) why dont you write for them? you seem confident.
The performers? What suddenly guys like Van Dam, AJ and Angle aren't any good? Okay then. And you know I'd love to write for TNA, just as soon as can drop everything and fly to the US.
All i've said was I hope they succeed.. I just don't see it.
Again this is dumb, because if you legitmately wanted them to be successful you'd wait until the angle plays out before judging it.
Yes, after 18 years of watching the greatest wrestling and the fucking worst wrestling ever, I can form an opinion of an angle after one night..
Well aren't you super, maybe you should contact TNA as a creative consultant, take your magic 8 ball with you.
I never lose the hope of it becoming entertaining though, and keep an open mind.. which is what i've been doing.
You've spent the entire thread saying "It's not gonna work" and "I have watched wrestling a lot so I know what angles are good and bad" your mind is closed and you're too dumb to even realise it.
Thanks for pissing me off over the internet and forcing me to write this and waste time. U Da Man!
Thanks for taking the internet so seriously that you actually got pissed off. Douche.