The ECW Invasion Dreamer, Raven, Richards & More!

In March '09, Shane was on TNA for a very short stint. He didn't look to be in all that great of shape. I don't even remember the matches because I was too distracted by how much he let himself go.

I liked him as an interviewer on TNA, but am unsure of his current in-ring ability, and if he's been working up to something like this. Hope he has. :icon_neutral:
Tna isnt bad at all the whole extreme invasion hasn't even aired yet and people are making judgements due something for once sit back enjoy the show and see were it goes.
I think the key here is not to just bring in a bunch of ECW guys to have a reunion. The key is to take ECW, something that still has a huge following of fans with nowhere to go, and combine it with the current TNA product. TNA fans are going to except ECW because it's the heart and soul of what they love about the TNA product. They don't need all the old ECW roster, because they have guys like AJ Styles, Abyss, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Beer Money, Rob Terry, Matt Morgan, EY, Homicide, Hernandez...the list goes on and on. Guys like Anderson, Joe, Angle, and Styles can provide that legitimacy that Guerrero, Benoit, and Melenko did for the old ECW. Abyss, Beer Money, Terry, Morgan, EY, Hernandez...hell the whole TNA roster has shown that it can go extreme and take a beating like no other. And they difinitely don't need the bWo to be entertaining. It would be cool to see some of the old guys make a return or even just an appearance, but they don't need it. They have enough originals with Tazz, Dreamer, Hardy, RVD, Team 3D, Raven, Richards, Rhino, and more. Like I said, it's not about ECW this time around. It's about TNECW...haha...that's a great name. Total Nonstop Extreme Championship Wrestling. The heart and soul, fans, and creativity of both TNA and ECW combined should be something really interesting to see...
So your saying that Sabu won't come to the ring with a chair and use it because he can't do it anymore i say BULLSHIT, because Sabu would still do some crazy shit like he did in 99 because he wants to hear the roar from the fans, and fans can make you do just about anything
Watch this. Granted, he looked like he was high during that match, but his other recent performances haven't been much better. It would be nice to see Sabu in TNA again just for the massive reaction that he'd be bound to get, but he sure ain't what he used to be.

I actually think one of TNA's best bets with this faction is attempting to acquire Justin Credible. Judging by semi-recent indy shows on youtube and such, he's one of the only major former ECW talent that can still put on a decent showing.
2. The BWO- sure they were a cheap knockoff the NWO but these guys were really funny you had the Blue guy and Big Stevie Cool, sure they have stevie but there missing the Blue Meanie and Nova and i doubt they will be able to get those two guys.

I dont think many fans would be particularly bothered anymore if the bWo didnt show up, they wouldnt add much. Although there is the catchphrase "We're taking over!" they wouldnt be threatening in any way in an invasion. However, I could see them appearing at some point if Nova and Meanie are available.

3. Joey Styles- this man did the commentary for ECW by himself which was unheard of when ECW was around, hell whenever i watched bound for glory 2005 when Jeff did the swanton bomb off the top of the entrance set onto the monster abyss through 2 tables, people could hear don west but in my mind the only thing i could hear was OH MY GOD. The famous words said everytime something extreme would happen in ECW. With him working for i truly doubt we will be hearing those words again.

They are not going to have a commentator as a member of an invasion team, and as Joey is in the WWE working on thw website, he definitely will not be a part of this invasion

4. Paul E- The evil Cult Leader of the little tribe of Extreme. Paul E did something Vince Mcmahon and Eric Bishoff still refuse to do. Show the Fans RESPECT. When ever a guy would get injuried from taking a bad bump, Paul would come out and say what happen and show the fans the footage and told them he got hurt. Paul wouldn't bullshit the fans in anyway and i still respect for that though Paul was ECW greatest strenght he was also ECW greatest weakness.

YES YES YES YES! TNA NEED Paul E to make this invasion be as successful as it can be. The guy is dynamite on the mic, and as the owner of the original ECW, Paul would be the perfect guy to lead his former guys into TNA to take over

5. Sabu- this man was just crazy, he would put his body on the line like no other man would have the ballz to do. He is covered with scars from head to toe and he did earn every one of those scars, now Sabu was in TNA for a short time and i don't know what caused him to leave or if he even left on good terms but with RVD and RAVEN still in the company I think he will be comming back.

He would be perfect for the Invasion, I really hope TNA can get hold of Sabu, he is always entertaining and would add alot to the team, and would work well with Raven and Dreamer

6. Mikie Whipwreck- this poor kid got his ass beat in every match he was in and kept comming back for more and earn the fans respect the old fashion way.

A maybe, but I dont think many fans would even know who he was

7. THE SANDMAN- the former 5 time ECW champion, i don't know what you call this crazy basdard. Who would have a party before the match start and kick ass damn near drunk, hell i am surpised he knew where he was half the time.

I think it is important for TNA to try and sign up Sandman on a short term deal for the invasion, he IS ECW. If you can get Dreamer, Raven, Sabu, Rhino and Sandman together, that is an amazing ECW reunion

8. Terry Funk- The middle aged and crazy man who made ECW what it was, this man won the world title on there first ppv and proved that age wouldn't be a factor though due to his past injuries and doctors telling him he can't wrestle anymore i truly doubt he would be comming to TNA to do anything

Again, another ECW legend, and I would like to see him but if he shows up it will more than likely be a 1 time deal, Funk is just too old now

I think TNA should try and sign up a few other ECW legends, as it is unlikely they will be able to get all the guys you mentioned. I think good options would be

Shane Douglas
Justin Credible
Lance Storm (if he would be interested)
Masato Tanaka
Kid Kash
Okay so Taz lied when he broke his neck and Paul still sent him his paychecks until he returned to the ring is that it. Paul did want his wrestlers to move on to bigger and better things like when Vinny Mack contacted the Dudleys and wanted to stay in ECW only for a dollar more on there contract Paul E said i can't do it Go. Paul E somewhat looked out for his talent. Also i heard about that, when the Dudleys came to TNA they had a verbal contract with Heyman, and in courts verbal contracts mean shit because those are really hard to prove.Allright now lets say your boss says he can't pay you and you loved that job. You would walk out wouldn't you, RVD, Little Guido, Dreamer, and everybody stayed in ECW even though he couldn't pay them and thats shows how much a wrestler loves his company

You now what a straw man argument is? Did I say Taz didnt get payed?! Did I? This Is what happens when your full of shit and have little or no idea what your talking about - you attribute arguments to someone they never actually made. Pathetic really. The contract the D's had was with Vince actually and Heyman told them that they OWNED THE NAME. He lied. End of. Get over it.

Really who the fuck are you Dr. Cox from Scrubs calling me girl names when i am a dude, really dude thats fucking second grade shit and your in the WrestleZone Forums Bitch so come up with some better shit BOY, and correct never say never but when a doctor says no you can't, it would be kinda wise to listen to a doctor. Do you understand, that is how worker's comp works when you can't do something because a doctor says so.

Dont really watch TV so I dont know who this Cox guy is but Im sure your tiny little mind believes that show invented calling people girls names. Dont act like a girl when you get a response you dont like and you wont get spoken to like one.

wow you ask me if i speak english when you can't spell mother fucker right wow thats like calling the kettle calling the pot black. Maybe you need to start speaking English right

Start speaking English right correctly*

Hot shot
Steve Corino is the MAN

YES, yes he is. And I cant believe I forgot to put him in my list of guys TNA should sign for the invasion...I even have him as my dumb am i? lol

(sorry had to take the swearing out cos I am at work, and it wont send if there is swearing in a message)


YES, yes he is. And I cant believe I forgot to put him in my list of guys TNA should sign for the invasion...I even have him as my dumb am i? lol

(sorry had to take the swearing out cos I am at work, and it wont send if there is swearing in a message)



Absolutely no idea why the 'E or TNA have never taken a serious look at giving this guy a shot - it boggles my brain. To me Corino is a great promo and an ever better worker. He's a talent and TNA should have brought him in invasion or no invasion

You want the literal definition of a travesty? That's it.

Someone else mentioned Shane Douglas - spot on. The Franchise was the corner stone of ECW in its best period, '94 - '96. How anyone claiming to love ECW or be excited by its supposed resurrection could forget the contribution this man made is beyond me.

RE: The swearing. Its a an ECW thread. nuff said lol
Who cares. They can't make TNA any worse that it is. I just wish they would come up with their own ideas instead of ripping off old WWE/WCW gimmicks. What's next the NWO invades. Well, they do have Bichoff.

Okay first off both the WWE and TNA have used eachothers ideas in the past in fact thats been around since there was more then one wrestling company. Remember DX was a knockoff of the NWO and the Four Horsemen. The Montrel Screwjob has been used countless times. Also one of the WWE divis i think its one half of Laycool is using AJ Styles Finisher. Money in the Bank is kinda close to TNA's King of the Mountain match. Okay fact of the matter is old gimmicks will be used over and over again if they were successful the first couple of times. Also the NWO already invaded remember the BAND in TNA so how long has it been sinced you actually watched a whole TNA show
You now what a straw man argument is? Did I say Taz didnt get payed?! Did I? This Is what happens when your full of shit and have little or no idea what your talking about - you attribute arguments to someone they never actually made. Pathetic really. The contract the D's had was with Vince actually and Heyman told them that they OWNED THE NAME. He lied. End of. Get over it.

Okay fine i agree with you alright Heyman lied to the Dudleys but you also forgot to mention that the Dudleys could have fought it when they realized that they didn't own the name. They could have taken it to court and could have got there name back, but they didn't they just decided to change the name because they didn't care about the name.

Dont really watch TV so I dont know who this Cox guy is but Im sure your tiny little mind believes that show invented calling people girls names. Dont act like a girl when you get a response you dont like and you wont get spoken to like one.

Start speaking English right correctly*

Hot shot

wow i am not even going to say anything about this one, because girl names don't bother me, okay your just acting like a second grader calling people names. I do speak English correctly and spell it correctly unlike you. So please man go back to school and learn some shit man. Also for the people that said Shane Douglas i can't believe i forgot him, Damnit i knew i was forgetting some people and Shane Douglas was a main guy anything thanks you guys
This thread has kind of confirmed something, at least to some degree, that I've been wondering when it comes to this ECW Invasion angle. I've been wondering if this is something that's going to revolutionize TNA. Could this finally be the thing that gets TNA to the next level? After reading some of the responses just now, I'm leaning more toward no.

After reading the responses of this thread, it seems to me that the ECW Invasion is going to have an extremely heavy nostangia factor more than anything else. TNA has relied heavily on nostalgia for several years now when bringing in a lot of the older and more established wrestling stars onto its roster. The more I read articles about this on wrestling news sites, the more I read responses from fans in forums, the feeling of TNA relying on nostalgia for the ECW Invasion gets stronger.

A lot of ECW fans are thinking back on days gone by and remembering some of what happened in ECW back in the glory days 12-15 years ago and are hoping that history is going to repeat itself. The problem is that a lot of those wrestlers are much older and most of them have never been big stars within wrestling outside of ECW. In the end, this may very well come across as something we've seen a lot of from TNA: older stars being given a shot in the spotlight, relying on memories and moments generated years earlier while stepping on younger talent and avoiding building new talent.

I might be wrong, I hope I am, but this is just what it feels like to me as of right now.
I would say that even with all of those pieces in place, the ECW invasion probably wouldn't work as well as they are hoping. Really all they are doing is rehashing an old idea (that WWE did TWICE no less, and other promotions did) in hopes to get people interested (not to mention I find it really interesting that this angle happened almost PARALLEL with the Nexus invasion storyline), but the best thing for them to do is to scrap the idea and just leave ECW alone. The fact of the matter is most of these guys mentioned (and the guys they actually have for the ECW invasion) are past their prime and haven't been relevant in years, if TNA ran this angle 5-6 years ago it may have worked, but that time has since passed. Guys like Sabu, Dreamer, Raven can't hold a candle to the TNA's current talent pool, they just don't have the tools they once had (Sabu isn't half the wrestler he used to be, Dreamer was never that good (Heyman made him relevant, but without Paul E, Dreamer is just a bum), the only one that could make it is Raven because he adds alot of psychology to his matches, but Raven also doesn't have the tools in the ring anymore (even less than he used to have)) and because of this reason it will be difficult for the audience to actually buy this invasion angle without laughing at it. The idea may sound good on paper, but mark my words it will blow up in TNA's face.
Okay fine i agree with you alright Heyman lied to the Dudleys but you also forgot to mention that the Dudleys could have fought it when they realized that they didn't own the name. They could have taken it to court and could have got there name back, but they didn't they just decided to change the name because they didn't care about the name.

Its not about agreeing with me. Its about telling it like it is. You seem to be one of these fans who takes whatever facts support your agenda or bias and conveniently forgets the rest. The D's were not the only ones who Heyman screwed out of money. Almost half the guys who worked ECW are on record saying exactly that. I personally dont like it when people misrepresent the facts and you, along with a lot of other people, do exactly that. Its irrelevant whether the D's could have fought it - its not the point. I wasnt fighting their corner for them - you brought them up as an example of how I was wrong about Heyman and Ive shown you that you are in fact the one who's wrong. You talk about Heyman as if hes a saint because he spoke to the fans with respect, fine; totally agree that its something that is lacking these days. But the guys who made ECW what is was, who sacrificed their bodies, their families - what did he do for them? Yeah thats right - he stole food off their tables. Dont ever forget that.

wow i am not even going to say anything about this one, because girl names don't bother me, okay your just acting like a second grader calling people names. I do speak English correctly and spell it correctly unlike you. So please man go back to school and learn some shit man. Also for the people that said Shane Douglas i can't believe i forgot him, Damnit i knew i was forgetting some people and Shane Douglas was a main guy anything thanks you guys

Everything after "wow i am not even going to say anything about this one" renders that statement redundant - cause you did address it. I'm calling you Wendy because you almost broke out into a rant because I had the cheek to point out that TNA have signed some old dudes recently even when they have same problem YOU said would stop Funk from coming in.

Do you read your own posts?
Fallen Angel...

Seems like you're way too concerned about the "who" and should focus more on HOW they're used. Think back to the original DX; would anyone have believed you if you said DX could live on without Shawn Michaels? Nevertheless, it happened because the group was well-booked. You don't need EVERY element of the original ECW to make this work. RVD, Dreamer, Raven, Taz, Rhino, Dudleyz... you've got more than enough to establish the identity and encite nostalgia. If they're used well (big "if" for TNA), then it'll be successful.
I just watched this weeks Impact and the ending segment with the ECW 4 vs TNA wrestlers was good. I really enjoyed it a lot.... But it seemed like half the crowd were dead silent. The only thing that bothered me about it was Al Snow. WHY AL SNOW?
ok i just watched , you know its like any other tna angle so far, 1 big clusterfuck with no clue whats going on with no development of the story. I mean ill be patient its week 1but a lot of things aggravated me.

1) Why would Dixie invite them ?
2) Hogan is on camera all the time, but this is the one he should have been here for and apart of
3) Why didnt Mick Foley fight with them ?
4) If Abyss isnt with them, now who the fuck is he talking about ?
5) Un real that 6 or 7 middle aged guys can lay 30-40 people out, especially all the younger current members of the TNA roster, didnt work

Now dont get me wrong im excited theyre trying something and im not giving up hope at all. I loved ECW like everyone else, but the way they introduced it is the same disappointing way they always start with an angle and then never seem to finish it with a purpose. I dont know im hopeful but i dont think it came off that great at all.....
Fallen Angel...

Seems like you're way too concerned about the "who" and should focus more on HOW they're used. Think back to the original DX; would anyone have believed you if you said DX could live on without Shawn Michaels? Nevertheless, it happened because the group was well-booked. You don't need EVERY element of the original ECW to make this work. RVD, Dreamer, Raven, Taz, Rhino, Dudleyz... you've got more than enough to establish the identity and encite nostalgia. If they're used well (big "if" for TNA), then it'll be successful.

yeah but you just can't have ECW with only a few guys, you need most of the roster that made ECW. Because without a lot of guys ECW wouldn't be what it was. Yes they have Dreamer, RAVEN, Stevie, RVD, and Team 3-D but if they want to do an invasion you need a lot more guys to do with. Remember the ECW/WCW invasion of the WWE sure it was a failure at the start but it had a lot of guys that played a part in both companies
ok i just watched , you know its like any other tna angle so far, 1 big clusterfuck with no clue whats going on with no development of the story. I mean ill be patient its week 1but a lot of things aggravated me.

1) Why would Dixie invite them ?
2) Hogan is on camera all the time, but this is the one he should have been here for and apart of
3) Why didnt Mick Foley fight with them ?
4) If Abyss isnt with them, now who the fuck is he talking about ?
5) Un real that 6 or 7 middle aged guys can lay 30-40 people out, especially all the younger current members of the TNA roster, didnt work

I agree with this 100%. I could come up with answers for all the questions, but you're right. That's a lot of things to believe randomly fell into place, especially the whole part with them taking out the roster.

Now I may have missed this part, but RVD is on the ECW side right? What about Pat Kenney aka Simon Diamond and Al Snow? I thought they were on the ECW side but they seemed shocked when Dixie announced that she invited them. So are we to believe that they came out to fight with the ECW guys for no reason at all?

Another thing is the fact that Rhyno, Stevie Richards, and Raven have all been on the TNA roster for numerous years, and haven't really dominated. So why would the addition of Dreamer help them? If they were extreme and used weapons, then I might buy it.

Also, why would guys like Kendrick and Wolfe come out and help? Sure the whole "you're taking on TNA" angle, but that's not feasible to me.

There are just so many points that don't make sense here. But I'll wait and see. Also, Dixie is just a horrible horrible on screen character.
Just like TNA to try and one up WWE. Dreamer's debut was weak at best. I think TNA is wasting time by trying to go to the extreme with the original ECW crew "invading" TNA. I believe we have seen this angle before........back in 2005 anybody WWE vs ECW/WCW angle. How about 2010 WWE vs Nexus (Way better angle). Now Hard Justice is going to the extreme (Whatever that means). As for Paul Heyman signing with TNA, Never gonna Happen as TNA cannot afford him with all the high salaries they are paying all the old timers. If this is the big announcement that Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett have been talking about, then adios TNA.
ok i just watched , you know its like any other tna angle so far, 1 big clusterfuck with no clue whats going on with no development of the story. I mean ill be patient its week 1but a lot of things aggravated me.

Not exactly a poster boy for patience, are ya? ;)

1) Why would Dixie invite them ?

No one knows – hence the cliffhanger. It's designed to get you to watch next week.

2) Hogan is on camera all the time, but this is the one he should have been here for and apart of

Disagree. Would have made it all about him, not about the invasion, or more importantly Carter.

3) Why didnt Mick Foley fight with them ?

Aside from the fact he's not a TNA wrestler or employee, see #1.

4) If Abyss isnt with them, now who the fuck is he talking about ?

See #1.

5) Un real that 6 or 7 middle aged guys can lay 30-40 people out, especially all the younger current members of the TNA roster, didnt work

So a punch from Dreamer is ineffective because he's over 40, but a punch from Wolfe should knock out anyone? Doesn't bode well for any matches Angle's going to be in soon.

Now dont get me wrong im excited theyre trying something and im not giving up hope at all. I loved ECW like everyone else, but the way they introduced it is the same disappointing way they always start with an angle and then never seem to finish it with a purpose. I dont know im hopeful but i dont think it came off that great at all.....

See #1.
damn real i hear ya, i said ill be patient and i will, but it just seems TNA never ties up things that make sense. I mean people still want to know if this ties in to Sting's deception or Joes kidnappers. I was hopeful Abyss would be a bad ass member with them and now thats not the case, and if RVD is with them why didnt they put more focus on it ? it was kind of hiding in the background with the melee going on around him, and if hes not really with them it would make even less sense. I mean hes the world champion the whole thing should have centered around him

You see the difference for me, with the old WCW/ECW invasion, the NWO, or even with the Nexus was when it first happened you didnt see it coming, we knew this was coming and if we didnt have the internet we still would have known from all the appearances in the stands that eventually they were attacking, for weeks tenay and tazz have played stupid and it was completely obvious i thought at least.

Look im hopeful i really am , i dont watch TNA as much as a lot of you do (i do see impact every week dont order the pay per views) but i would want to watch more programming if its good. It just didnt have the effect for me that a lot of those great moments have had in the past. Ill put you this way when the MEM formed i came off more excited and hopeful than i did tonight and that i think is the problem, just my opinion, i am rooting for this too be good though i hope it will be
Just like TNA to try and one up WWE. Dreamer's debut was weak at best. I think TNA is wasting time by trying to go to the extreme with the original ECW crew "invading" TNA. I believe we have seen this angle before........back in 2005 anybody WWE vs ECW/WCW angle. How about 2010 WWE vs Nexus (Way better angle). Now Hard Justice is going to the extreme (Whatever that means). As for Paul Heyman signing with TNA, Never gonna Happen as TNA cannot afford him with all the high salaries they are paying all the old timers. If this is the big announcement that Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett have been talking about, then adios TNA.

you said the same thing some of the people i talked said, we seen this before what else is new. I don't know if its just me but why do i want to turn on tv and watch something that i already seen in WWE with the whole Invasion and why do i want to see it again.. Say when this is all finish, the whole angle, what are they going to do with Raven, stevie and Rhino??
Some of you can try and put a happy face on this thing, but it was (as someone said earlier) a complete clusterf***.

Abyss has been talking about "them" for quite some time now. OK, maybe he wasn't talking about the ECW guys. If there is another group of guys we don't even know about backing up Abyss, fine. But, if the ECW guys have already turned on him, without him ever saying who he was talking about, it's garbage.

Maybe the ECW guys are supposed to be a babyface faction. Maybe Dixie brought them in to keep law and order. Who knows. The problem I have with tonights ending is the fact they gave me no inclination as to where this is going. People can talk about "have patience," and usually I'm in agreement. But, in this case, they gave us nothing to go off of. It was a jumbled up mess, and some things made no sense.

The only thing I can figure is that the ECW guys must be playing the babyface role. They must be there to help RVD/Hogan/Dixie, and whoever else. RVD and Jay Lethal are two of TNA's most popular faces. If it does end up that tonight was an attempt to turn them heel, why did they all attack Abyss? If they are supposed to be a babyface group, why did they beat up on TNA management and security? Traditionally, as a faction, that's a pretty heel-ish thing to do, correct? Same thing with invading a company.

It's not that they didn't give us enough info; they gave us none. They gave me no logic, no reasoning. The story inside the ring did not tell a story, not at all. It may have been a cliffhanger, but it wasn't a good one.
It was a decent cliffhanger because it didn't give you all the answers automatically. The Nexus angle didn't give us all the answers when it happened. I feel the angle would of been more effective if the ECW guys would of attacked Abyss and then leave instead of having practically the entire backstage come out. The heels were the first ones to come out followed by security. For the most part it looks like the former ECW guys are on the side of each other. Team 3D, Al Snow, etc. were the TNA wrestlers that attacked the other TNA guys instead of the ECW guys.

It will probably lead to a short Invasion one night stand type angle where the old ECW guys want one last night of glory. I really have no problem with it considering how the ECW name has been butchered to death over the years. If Paul Heyman is apart of this angle then it could be something special, but I doubt we will see him anytime soon. If not then this will probably been one last hoorah for the ECW guys.

I really don't have a problem with TNA being extreme or even having an extreme PPV with a few ECW originals for one night. We all know its been done before, but honestly there is no other angle in TNA right now that is being discussed. This whole Invasion angle will probably be over with long before people stop complaining about it before giving it a chance.
Wow, I came home tonight, caught up on Impact, then read the LD and how all my favorite people viewed this episode and specifically, this Invasion thing. The gloves are off boys! I'm glad most people are anonymous, because there could have been blood! What's amazing to me is that whenever something happens, inevitably sides are taken and illogical arguments clutter an otherwise successful discussion. The last 20 pages of the LD had some of the most ridiculous arguments and went nowhere after a while. So I figured I'd chime in here and attack this thing head on.

1. The Nexus angle and the ECW angle are quite different. While Nexus can literally be traced back to the first eliminations, ECW guys started "invading" a few weeks prior to tonight with the culmination (which I guess means finally getting Foley) being the mayhem tonight. If you doubt where I'm coming from with Nexus, go back and watch the eliminations. Every guy had the same ending, a cryptic "you haven't seen the last of me" message. If you don't want to believe that these messages foreshadow the invasion, then at least look at the explanation given for the first attack. Nexus used everything that went wrong with the NXT concept as reasons behind being angry. It has a realistic feel to it, and it is certainly a new idea for guys that very few are aware of to invade to make a name for themselves. This is why I don't see as many similarities to the nWo as others do.

The TNA invasion is more like the nWo one in that it's established guys from another promotion invading. However, nWo was invaders seemingly from a rival company while ECW is a defunct company invading a new one. It's kind of like the Washington Senators (who moved to Texas in 1972) invading Major League Baseball today. It just lacks a lot of relevancy. However, I will give the thing a chance, because if it's short term, I can live with it. That is another reason why it does not compare to Nexus, because Nexus is clearly a long term idea that is growing by the week.

2. It seems that everyone was taking sides in regards to whether the ECW invasion will create stars. Some say that it doesn't need to while others claim that it is essential in any storyline. Again, if it is short term, it really doesn't have to, but at the same time, will it do a lot of good if the ECW guys get a "one off" and they all go over? If Dreamer beats Lethal, Rhyno beats Morgan, Richards beats Styles, and Foley beats Wolfe, will that help the young guys? You can't argue that the young guys would win because a One Nght deal would call for the guys to get their last hurrah in the sun and they aren't going to be jobbed out on such a show. Thus, is a short term hurrah worth having your top talent lose to old, fat men if that is where they are going with this?

3. I know this has nothing to do with the ECW invasion, but in regards to the Nexus which was discussed ad nauseum in the LD, people seem to be hung up on whether any stars will come from it. If you are worried about that and are asking "where are the personalities within the group?", then you are missing the entire point of the angle. That angle is about a bunch of young guys who were put through shit on a reality show and decided to ban together for the common goal of getting hired and now for a greater purpose. They are all on the same page and have shown that at every turn. Thus, they all need to have the same personality at this point (cold and calculating). They speak when necessary, but mostly, they make life hell for everyone around. As far as creating stars, they already have. The group is a star. They came on NXT, which got a .8 rating the week before and the show got a 1.11. Raw's ratings are also up recently, so it's pretty evident that the group, even with "nobodies" IS drawing viewers at a more substantial rate than anything else. I am interested to see if the ECW invasion garners interest in TNA in that way, so I will be looking for NEXT week's ratings to see if people tune in after hearing about it to see how it all plays out.

4. The only thing these angles have in common is the fact that they are invasions in a sense. I do have some problems with the TNA one, because it was quite clustered in the end. Also, I do wonder why a group attacking the biggest heel on the show would want to be stopped by anyone? Conceivably, people would WANT Abyss to get attacked. I mean, wouldn't you want the guy who wields a stick with nails in it to not be able to move, thus not be able to attack you with it? Also, if anyone had a problem with most of these guys, couldn't they have gone into the crowd and attacked them in the weeks leading up to this? All they did that made it worse tonight was, again, they attacked the biggest heel on the program. They attacked as faces and it should have been left as an attack on Abyss with security trying to fend them off as they got cheers from the crowd.

Conclusion, WHO CARES if it creates stars and WHO CARES how much it is like Nexus (which it's not at all). The thing is looking like a short term return of ECW guys. Let the people who like that sort of thing (not me) enjoy seeing their favorites of years past, and hopefully in a month or 2, we can move past this. Just don't use the cliched arguments of "it's TNA copying WWE" or "It's better than WWE because these guys are known whereas Nexus guys have no name recognition". These arguments are tired and have no merit. Get some new material, but in the meantime, watch both shows and do so with a positive outlook. You might just get some enjoyment out of it instead of always looking to criticize the company you are not a mark for.

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