The ECW Invasion Dreamer, Raven, Richards & More!

Hell no. The one reason McMahon purchased ECW was so he could have all the trademarks and the video library, he's not going to sell something that makes him money for no reason.
is it a coincidence that WWE got rid of ECW..right before TNA started bringing in the old ECW guys..i think not.
No ECW ended before RVD was in TNA and now some ofter one's are coming in e.g Dreamer,Raven

1. Could it be possible that TNA has purchased the rights to ECW?
No way Vince will never let all of the rights go away from the competion!!

2.Could Dixie Carters "tidbits" be hints to ECW's know the REAL ECW?
What is the real ECW any ways? Is it a bunch of overrated jobber's getting busted open every night. But to answer your question no WWE owns ECW!! ECW just needs to be put to sleep!!

3. Would this benefit TNA, having ECW as an extension to the company?
Who knows TNA nay benfit from the old footage or not depends who is making the t-shirts and selling them?? (Don West is best at this)

4. Last but not least, Would Paul Heyman come to TNA to manage the ECW extension?
I would like to see him in TNA and think he will be their very shortly because please correct me if I am wrong but Hogan said TNA was rubbish now he is there so you never know who will be their next.
I know there is "NO Chance in Hell" that Vinnie Mac has sold the rights to ECW, but has anybody thought that with the new PG era, what the hell can they do with any footage containg half the shit that happened at the ECW arena (AKA the bingo hall).
is it a coincidence that WWE got rid of ECW..right before TNA started bringing in the old ECW guys..i think not.

Coincidence? No. I think TNA is certainly trying to capitalize on the fact that WWE has pretty much disassociated itself with the ECW brand... first by turning it into a "rookie" show and then cancelling it all together. There is a segment of the audience that misses the original ECW and it's abundantly clear that THAT is where TNAs motives lay... to capture that audience.

1. Could it be possible that TNA has purchased the rights to ECW?

Purchased outright? More than likely no. I agree that Vince is not going to sell that, simply for the tape library alone. However, I find it odd that terms like "the original ECW guys" and "former ECW wrestlers" have been uttered more and more on iMPACT as of late. Considering ECW is a brand/trademark of WWE, I'm shocked that a "cease and desist" hasn't come down yet from the Titan Towers legal team. The fact that this has gone on for weeks is a bit intriguing. Perhaps TNA struck some kind of a deal with WWE to "license" the ECW name on a short term basis.

2.Could Dixie Carters "tidbits" be hints to ECW's know the REAL ECW?

Barring yet another resurgence from within WWE, I don't think "ECW" will ever return. However, the core concepts that drove the original ECW may be a big part of TNA in the near term future. TNA has a lot of those pieces already... new guys hoping to break out, older guys finishing up their careers, the more athletic style of the X division, somewhat edgier storylines, and quite a bit of the original ECW standouts. I would not be surprised at all if the original "spirit" of ECW made its way into TNA in some shape or form. All the ingredients seem to be there.

3. Would this benefit TNA, having ECW as an extension to the company?

If done correctly, it would recapture that segment of the audience that desires harder hitting, more violent, more adult-based wrestling that WWE isn't (and at least for the time being, won't be) providing. I'm all for this, as it's an extremely neglected segment right now. TNA is looking to grow its audience and gain market share. What better way than to cater to an audience that your competition absolutely refuses to?

4. Last but not least, Would Paul Heyman come to TNA to manage the ECW extension?

Lord I hope so! While a consistently terrible businessman, the original ECW was Paul Heymans brainchild. For the time, he knew exactly which direction to take professional wrestling. He was so good at it that WWE and WCW took great delight in "borrowing" quite a few of his concepts and "acquiring" much of his talent.

Paul Heyman STILL has something positive to give to professional wrestling, assuming that he's not writing the checks. An unbridled, unrestricted Paul Heyman could do nothing but help TNA if in fact an ECW-like angle, storyline, or full-fledged show is planned.
My first assumption about "they" was ECW guys, but thinking about it, Abyss was saying "they're coming" when at least some are already there Dreamer has showed up already with Raven,Richards, and Rhyno so you else would come with them anyways so I'm thinking ECW guys could be a throw off for something/someone else and Taz already mentioned that the ECW guys was there on Impact this week.
The ECW stable was hinted at years ago, and they flopped it within a few months.
Only time will tell if v2 gets going again,

So far it seems pretty predictable, each week they'll add one or two new people into the frey overloading the current roster beyond it's already breaking point, least it's not a total rehiring of people with a sample already under TNA contracts and Abyss obviouslly siding with them at some point

Theyll make an impact, Tazz will likely join them as heel commentary, Bischoff may well be the spokesperson ala NWO til the time the Higher Power is revealed in Paul Heyman or maybe it's just Hogan all along :p.

Time will tell, at the moment it draws no interest til they actually do something.
Mick Foley would make sense, if Mick didn't already express his distaste for ECW, and Paul Heyman. Do you not remember "Cane Dewey"? Do I have to bring up that he was part of the alliance against ECW at the Second "One Night Stand". Mick Foley may hate Hulk Hogan in storyline, but there's only one person he dislikes more, and distrusts more. That, my friend, is Paul Heyman. So if we're still going by storylines that started before TNA' inception, again, doesn't make sense.

It's hard to work out if you are talking about storyline or real life. If you are talking about real life then, sorry, but I have to pick you up on this. Foley doesn't hate Paul Heyman - yeah he thinks he's a liar and a terrible businessman but EVERYONE involved with ECW says this about Heyman. However, Foley, like many in wrestling, respects his mind for the business. Yes, he doesn't like ECW fans cos of the cane Dewey stuff which led to his infamous anti-hardcore promos but that was aimed at the fans, not Heyman. And I don't think you can bring up Foley involvement in the 2nd one night stand - that's just storyline.

If Heyman was to come in (which he wont!) he wont have anything to do with the business or money side of things which are the reasons Foley, and other ECW originals, fell out with Heyman. If Heyman was bought in purely for creative reasons, and kept him away from the money, there wouldn't be a single person unhappy about it - including Foley.

And to say if there is one person Foley hates more that Hogan it's Heyman is just plain silly. First of all, I dont think Foley actually 'hates' anyone - at least not enough to stop him from making money but if there is one person then it's got to be Ric Flair. Foley and Flair have along standing hatred for each other that has only recently been patched up. Flair said in his book that Foley was not a proper wrestler and he was a glorified stuntman which Foley obviously took great exception to. It also goes back to his WCW days when Flair was booker and didn't give Foley a fair run - he also fell out with Flair when he spat on the WCW tag team belt on an ECW show. If you had to make a list of people foley "hated" then I think it's a pretty safe bet that Flair would come above Heyman on the list. In fact, Bischoff would probably come above Heyman too and he works with him in TNA as well!

However, if you are talking from a storyline perspective about Foley hating Heyman/ECW then it doesn't really matter as storylines/fueds in wrestling, especially in TNA, dont stand the test of time. Didn't Jarrett say a week or two back that he will be fighting for Bischoff when he faces Sting? The same Bischoff who only a few months ago had him flipping burgers and putting him in handicap matches?
4. Last but not least, Would Paul Heyman come to TNA to manage the ECW extension?

Absolutely not. There's no way Heyman is coming to TNA in any form.

First off, he hates Bischoff with a passion. That shoot promo he delivered at the first one night stand was a 100% shoot on Bischoff. There's no way he'd work side by side with him.

Secondly, I get the impression he doesn't miss the wrestling business one bit. His Heyman Hustle stuff is always about UFC, hardly ever about wrestling. I just saw this interview and he doesn't have any interest in wrestling at all.

Thirdly, if Heyman was to get involved in TNA he would have to do it full tilt and I think he simply has too much going on to get involved.

And lastly, seeing as he doesn't have any passion for the business anymore the only reason he would do it is for the money. If he wanted to make a lot of money wouldn't it make more sense for him to work with Lesnar seeing as for the past 2 years Lesnar has been the biggest single PPV draw? I don't know what the buy-rate was for UFC 116 but Lesnar's last title bout had a 1.2 million buy-rate. That's more than Floyd Mayweather and more than Wrestlemania. And seeing as TNA's highest selling PPV of 2009 was Genesis with 60,000 I suspect that's more than ALL of TNA's PPVs of 2009 combined. So, money wise, it doesn't make sense for him to go to TNA
Quoted from Wikipedia as reported on WZ:
On February 10, 2010, Tod Gordon announced that he and Paul Heyman would be collaborating on a new project, with an announcement coming in 2011.
Do you think this may have something to do with the TNA ECW group? Could Tod have made a deal with TNA to spin off and restart ECW with a "push start" by having an angle on TNA programming? Or TNA partially owns the new ECW?

Also is there any chance that there is a limit on the amount of time WWE has the exclusive trademark on the ECW name?

This announcement is supposed to happen in the next two months btw....
So Paul Heyman is not coming to TNA. Personally, I can see why. Professionally, I can see why. Regardless, he is still not coming.

So after foucus group testing and TNA studio crowd reaction, an ECW style group is being formed as we speak.

Tommy Dreamer - age 39
Stevie Richards - age 39
Raven - age 45

Now I lurved me some ECW back in the day. I would record that shit at 10pm or 2am on Tuesdays or Fridays & Saturdays on my new VCR. Yeah VCR. It's that thing we used before TiVo and similar shit like TiVo.

At their age do they pose a significant threat to anyone in TNA?

Honestly, I say no. You might say different, who knows?

I see them working better as a group than individually. However, aren't Raven & Richards already in TNA? Like for the past few years? How does adding Tommy Dreamer help them?

I think it's a shame that TNA let go of Christopher Daniels and pretty much the entire Knockouts Division to bring in chumps like Sean Morley, The Nasty Boys, Sean Waltman, Scott Hall. I'm feeling it's the same thing happening over again.

Imagine these 3 guys were stainding in the ring across from other wrestlers like Samoa Joe or Matt Morgan or Kurt Angle or Beer Money.

I know there are similar (read: similar) threads out there, but they're asking specific questions. I just want to read your opinions and flame/spam me all you want, but make your post interesting.

Personally, I don't see this group working for the reasons I stated above. I don't see a seperate ECW-like show working either since TNA already uses weapons, glass, tacks, blood, and the like.

What do you see?
No Impact at the Impact zone hahaha, so clever.

Really why would it? There nothing on there own when it comes to bringing something to TNA in my opinion, so why would suddenly when they join would people care?

"Oh wow there's the geriatric ECW... cool"
Everything about ECW needs to finally be left alone already.

So maybe it will interest some people, and they will be better and more relevant as a group, and some will like it.

Will it make and
On another note, ECW was pretty much no DQ for every match, yet I remember almost all the tag team matches required "legal tagging". It just seemed odd that more people didn't just jump the rope and pile in. Wasn't like they would get DQd or anything right?

A bit off topic, but I can only remember one incident were an ECW match ended in a DQ.

It was "The Franchise" Shane Douglas w/ Francine defending the ECW (might of even been a non title match) against ??????? (don't remember who), but anyways. Francine had climbed into the ring and bit the guys ear (was right after Tyson bit Holyfield's ear; gotta love how Heyman would play off this kinda stuff). The ref called the match and moments later Heyman came out and "apologized" to the crowd and people watching on TV (You know all the people watching on MSG and Sunshine Network back then >.<) for Francine's actions and ending the match in a Q, saying biting went over the line.

But as for the topic at hand.....

As much as I was a die hard ECW Fan (my friend's and I traveled all over NY for the shows), I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS! ECW is DEAD! Vince McMahon ruined it by recreating it in his image and tarnished the name enough. TNA might not be able to use the name ECW, but they will only tarnish the legacy these guys left on the wrestling industry during the mid to late 90's.
You guys are so damn predictable when it comes to TNA. It's almost like the whole boo Cena cause that's what other people are doing thing.

Look, for the last time, it's a wrestling show. You have to make people wanna watch. As much as you guys like to rip TNA, you still watching it. I know none of you are reporters...winks as I know you aint watching it just so you can post your dislikes to this website.

It's a wrestling show...A Rasslin' show as we say in Louisiana. I live in Texas now...damn...Guys whether you like what they are doing with the booking or not, it's still just entertainment. The only TNA really need to do is Move Impact out of Orlando every damn week. And do more live shows.

Sorry this is one of the worst ideas ever. These guys are nothing but a bunch of has been. All of them are should be doing wrestling legend tours, but TNA wants to pick them up to try and get the Old ECW fans to watch this. It pointless. Why would Dixie Carter hired these guys that are way over the age of 40? Do she want to get ratings? If so, then she at the wrong end. Most of the ECW fans are done with this or they are watching CZW tapes that are over 10 years old. TNA need to focus on the new and not the old guys that my dog would not even decide to chew on as a chew toy.
Sorry this is one of the worst ideas ever. These guys are nothing but a bunch of has been. All of them are should be doing wrestling legend tours, but TNA wants to pick them up to try and get the Old ECW fans to watch this. It pointless.

First off, what makes you think this is the worst idea ever, when the angle itself hasn't even been explained yet? We've had three separate instances of teasers with Dreamer debuting and the subsequently debuting with Richards & Raven, and Rhino as well. Are you saying that them just being there is the worst idea ever, or that what TNA plans to do with them is, because if it's the latter, I'd love to know about my financial future, clairvoyant one...

Why would Dixie Carter hired these guys that are way over the age of 40?

She hired Dreamer. Rhino, Richards and Raven were all already on the TNA roster.

Do she want to get ratings? If so, then she at the wrong end. Most of the ECW fans are done with this or they are watching CZW tapes that are over 10 years old.

Even if that were the case – you're pretty quick to write off the possibility they may actually be drawn back to wrestling again simply because the talent is "old", if I don't say myself.

TNA need to focus on the new and not the old guys that my dog would not even decide to chew on as a chew toy.

And how do you know this angle won't prove to be a means to do just that, the same way the "New Blood" angle put guys like Burke on the map in the WWECW of old when they went up against the "originals" too?
Seriously. How many times have she hired, fired and rehired Raven. More times then any. Raven is one of the best guys on the mic, but to see a bunch of guys that look like they are over weight in the ring is as good as a James Toney heavyweight fight.

Many have spectated that this was going to happen for quite sometime, but TNA teasers are as good as Coldstone Ice Cream. You get a sample it's good, you add the flavor cone; it's great. You go ring up the your ice cream... it's bad.

This is just like the NWO going to the WWE. The run was done. Everybody was geek for it, but it did nothing but ruined the marquee of the NWO. This is going to be the same thing.

Who will to lead this group of extreme wrestlers? Rhino? He was the last ECW/TV Champion? How about Raven? He held the ECW title longer then anybody. Also, he had more World Title reigns and Main Evented more arenas then all the wrestlers? But what about Tommy Dreamer? He was the last ECW Original to hold the ECW title? Then you have the King of Scrubs Wear... Steven Richards? The first man to wrestle in an ECW match. He Wrestled in all the major wrestling organization without a good title reign, but can hold the mic.

This is as good as it get. If they come to TNA as a group this is going to take some of the best wrestlers off the show because they need air time for this. I rather watch Midget Wrestling over that anyday. I know it seem like I'm trolling, but how can these guys win the crowd when most of them are old enough to have grandkids? If Sandman shows up... we will have a different story... Reason why... He just a another drunk guy that hit people over the head with a stick.

ECW Invasion is as washed up as my underwear with G.I.JOE on it. Dixie Carter need to stop trying to bring in wrestlers from the past and go for what the future of the company needs to be.

That is why WWE out last WCW. They went for the future and not the past. And this is almost 15 years out of it realms.

Also, I love the old ECW if you think I'm knocking it. I just do not want to see another boring invasion storyline. Why don't these guys take ideas from New Japan or All Japan Pro Wrestling.

To make it quite simple.

You tease the fans whats going to happen by dropping notes of certain wrestler. Dreamer is coming.
You pick the flavor cone. His appear
The ECW Invasion On TNA Will Be Great!!! All They Need Is Paul Heyman n The ECW Originals Will Reunite (Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards, Raven, Rhino n Probably Sabu, Team 3D, RVD, Abyss) All Lead By Paul Heyman
The ECW Invasion On TNA Will Be Great!!! All They Need Is Paul Heyman n The ECW Originals Will Reunite (Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards, Raven, Rhino n Probably Sabu, Team 3D, RVD, Abyss) All Lead By Paul Heyman

I agree with all of this, but no one would buy Abyss in this group at all. So take out Abyss, maybe bring back Sandman if he's dependable enough, Shane Douglas wouldn't be so bad, Spike Dudley and Balls Mahoney will round it all out.

Think of It,

Paul Heyman(leader)
Tommy Dreamer
Stevie Richards
Team 3D
Shane Douglas
Balls Mahoney
Spike Dudley

THAT would be a badass group of originals!!!
This angle COULD work, but I have to know a few things first off.

1.) Will it be a midcard type of angle, or will it involve the TNA World Title/Main Event

2.) Will this be a heel or face faction? Because this has been twice now, that Dreamer and the originals have come into Team 3D's pay per view match with bad intentions for Brother Ray.

3.) Who will be revealed as the leader? Paul Heyman? Abyss? Rob Van Dam? Tommy Dreamer himself?

4.) Is this who Abyss has been referring to since his heel turn?

Here's how I see this playing out. D-Von turns with Ray, and they join the faction in a beat down of Jesse Neal, revealing the faction as heel, and causing Jesse Neal to be future endeavored, or being taken off TV for a while. At Hard Justice, I believe, we will get Abyss vs RVD for the title, and leading up to it, we keep asking ourselves, who will the ECW team side with? Fellow extremist Rob Van Dam, or Abyss? Then at Hard Justice, the group costs RVD the match, Abyss becomes an ally, and then, and ONLY then is Paul Heyman finally revealed as the on screen leader of team ECW (of course, it will be called something different since WWE owns the rights to the ECW name). And from there, who knows?
Are they ever actually going to do something they come to the iMPACT Zone,watch half a match and leave. And 3/4 are contracted, TNA should tell them what them and their little melting candle friend should do!
Notice all the intrigue still surrounding this? Patience, young grasshopper, patience. What's wrong with a slow build, anyway?

This is everything that's wrong with the IWC if you ask me &#8211; they want everything now, now, now!, and the moment anything with so much as a snippet of complexity takes more than a moments time to culminate, the cries of inconsistency, no logic and this makes no sense go up like a fuckin' California wild fire.

What about this has been inconsistent? Nothing.

What about this hasn't made sense? Considering you have no idea how it's going to end, nothing.

What about this isn't logical? Again, considering you have no idea how this is going to end, nothing.

Calm down, folks &#8211; let this thing breathe.
Notice all the intrigue still surrounding this? Patience, young grasshopper, patience. What's wrong with a slow build, anyway?

This is everything that's wrong with the IWC if you ask me – they want everything now, now, now!, and the moment anything with so much as a snippet of complexity takes more than a moments time to culminate, the cries of inconsistency, no logic and this makes no sense go up like a fuckin' California wild fire.

What about this has been inconsistent? Nothing.

What about this hasn't made sense? Considering you have no idea how it's going to end, nothing.

What about this isn't logical? Again, considering you have no idea how this is going to end, nothing.

Calm down, folks – let this thing breathe.

If they're playing things slow for a bigger purpose then fine, I have no issue. But if they're stalling because they don't have Heyman on board, then that's a different issue.

Right now I'm quite happy, there's a lot up in the air at the moment - which is a good thing. But they've got to pull the trigger on this thing eventually. There's only so much of Abyss walking around with a board stuck with nails in it telling people "they" are telling hikm to do it that people are going to be able to take.

The other slight issue is that it contradicts the surprise element that usually come with invasions (not a problem with that - providing they know where they're going with it, and not simply waiting for Heyman).
TNA has been a bit dull lately and this will excite the impact zone with some old legends! Ecw was the bomb back in its day when Hayman had the say.

In my opinion i hope the ecw peeps invade and in future Paul Heyman will come to TNA. I think he'd be a better sayer to whats happening than hulk and eric.

We could be seeing would TNA was offering in the past!

P.S Could you please give me rep if you agree.

According to an "exclusive report" on the WZ main page, TNA is contemplating, or have decided already that Hard Justice will be TNA's version of ECW's "One Night Stand" in which the ECW Originals &#8211; obviously working under a different name in TNA, most likely &#8211; will compete along side the TNA wrestlers the same way the WWE stars did back in 2005.


I mean, that's pretty much what it boils down to. Why is this happening? Let's look at the names of ECW, and the names that probably will be in high demand to take part in this show;

RVD (Given)
Mike Awesome (Sadly, RIP)
Masato Tanaka (Sadly, he's really of no use without Mike Awesome. Sad, but true)
Lance Storm (Ha. Good fucking luck with that one)
Raven, Dreamer, and Stevie (All good, but I still have yet to understand why they're together.)
The Dudleys (Will Spike be available?)
Sabu (Yeah, he's not coming back to TNA under any circumstances.

Look, I can rattle off names until the third Saturday in October. My point is, simply, that TNA has none of the good workers of ECW left with them. Storm has no chance of coming, Jericho and Rey aren't walking through them doors, and Eddie and Chris... You get my point. With the idea TNA is going through, it's turning what (in spoilers) sounded awesome into something I'm thoroughly dissapointed for.

An Invasion would be accepted, if it'll be like I heard from the Spoilers for Thursday. I'm actually excited for Impact this week. But, I'm not excited to see a One Night Stand in which all of the best workers are taken away. The only good worker that I see involved in this clusterfuck is RVD. Dreamer doesn't have it anymore, Raven and Stevie don't either, and they have to reach out far across the world to bring in the good workers for one night, if possible.

Can they bring me Tajiri? Or for that matter, how about Super Crazy? Hell, I'd even take Brian fucking Lee compared to what TNA has currently involved in the roster. If they can bring back a Psicosis, or perhaps Juventud Guerrera, maybe you can get me more excited. But this seems ill-advised at best, and a three hour desecration of ECW at worst.

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