The ECW Invasion Dreamer, Raven, Richards & More!

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Tommy Dreamer is sort of the beginning of a type of "ECW Invasion". In all honesty, what else can they really do with the guy? The only meaningful time in his career was really the time he spent in the original ECW. Attempting to recreate a type of ECW type of mood or feeling with a faction of original ECW alumni in their 40s sounds very much like something TNA would do.

I don't know how it's going to work out. It might be something that turns out to be good or something that turns out to be bad. I know that's a little obvious, of course, but who knows how this will turn out. When it comes to TNA, the hype definitely overshadows the reality more often than not.

I'm guessing that, in the beginning, it'll probably be Tommy Dreamer along with Stevie Richards and maybe Raven. It wouldn't surprise me if they attempted to bring in someone like Shane Douglas to be part of it. I don't expect RVD to be in on it, at least not while he's TNA World Heavyweight Champion, but I might be wrong. As of right now, however, I think it's the most logical way for TNA to move with Dreamer.

As of right now, it's not really something that appeals to me. ECW has had its day and I don't think that it's going to make TNA appear to be anymore fresh or original. Rather, it'll only reinforce the image of TNA using bits and pieces of other promotions in the hopes of taking itself to the next level as quickly as it can.
I agree, I think an ECW faction 10 years ago would have potential to be interesting, but it's just sad to see these recycled old guys try to re-capture their glory days, which in my opinion weren't all that glorious in the first place.

Tommy Dreamer, with all due respect, is old, fat, and out of shape with a dated gimmick in an even more dated faction (potentially). Seems right up TNA's alley to me. Rather than establishing their own identity and focusing on youth, energy, novelty, or being unique and different, they will continue to recycle the same old same old.

Same applies to Raven, Richards, Sandman, or anyone else they can round up from the old ECW days. Wouldn't people prefer to see Wolfe, or Pope, or guys like this, or would they prefer to relive the 90's?

Oh wait, Hogan's still in charge, forget it.
• What are your thoughts on Dreamer's debut? Was it handled well?

I enjoyed it and the fans certainly did as well. As much as Dreamer hasn't done in his career, he was always over, for the most part at least. It was something to get people excited and take attention away from the actual match, which was pretty worthless.

• Do you think this is a prelude to an ECW invasion style storyline where other "ECW Originals" would show face in TNA as well? If so, who else do you see debuting or re-debuting with the company in the [near] future? Sandman? Sabu?

It appears that way, doesn't it? Dreamer wouldn't really be useful for anything else, now would he. If you got him, Rhino, Raven, Stevie and then 3D joining up with them, that'd be a decent group, at least as far as older and mostly washed up guys though. Weren't they doing something like this awhile ago with Rhino and 3D? Didn't work, obviously.

• Do you think Dreamer has anything to do with Dixie's hyped up tidbits about something that will "change TNA forever"?

If so, that'd be quite disappointing. I don't think so though, as we was just the "nice little surprise." I'm thinking the new thing'll be another TV show, at least it should be. I can't see anything else really getting me excited, especially if it revolves around Tommy Dreamer.
• What are your thoughts on Dreamer's debut? Was it handled well?

As well as they possibly could. Tommy Dreamer's whole career was feces. If TNA has any pride and title prestige, they wouldn't put any titles on him. Nothing against the man, but he could barely win the main title in the shittiest promotion around (in theory), let alone what's supposed to be second only to the biggest wrestling promotion of all time. Tommy Dreamer is over with a couple of ECW diehards, but other than that, he's not worth much. He was a poor man's Mick Foley, and that's pretty bad, considering Mick Foley was quite a poor man himself.

• Do you think this is a prelude to an ECW invasion style storyline where other "ECW Originals" would show face in TNA as well? If so, who else do you see debuting or re-debuting with the company in the [near] future? Sandman? Sabu?

To be honest, when they're alone, the only good wrestlers to really come out of ECW and have deserved success are RVD and maybe Raven. Everyone else is either a glorified spot monkey or a fat alcholic. But, when they're together, they can do something. I wouldn't mind seeing Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Team 3D, Van Dam, Raven, Shane Douglas, and maybe Heyman team up as a sort of ECW Invasion. Maybe even put in a couple of "Extreme" younguns like Jesse Neal or Shannon Moore. Yeah, that could work.

• Do you think Dreamer has anything to do with Dixie's hyped up tidbits about something that will "change TNA forever"?

If it is, TNA has outdone itself with misleading promises. Dreamer is shit for the most part, and Dixie and Hogan should just quit now if they expect people like him to change their company forever.

In other news, why does TNA always advertise their "surprises"? Why do they have to hint at someone big debuting and then crush all of our dreams when we find out it's just Tommy Dreamer.
Man im pretty amped about Dreamers debut.. Dreamer Feels like he could a still help out companies. I culd see Tommy and Tazz teaming up to destroy Beer money or The Band.. Also a fued with abyys would be entertain..
Tommy Dreamer and Tazz could bring back Sabu or Sandman to bring in the extreme violence in TNA they could fued with beer money hell even Abyys would be bad. Imagine a dreamer sting fued or abyys in the monsters brawl.. SICK
Dreamer will always be a fave of mine simply for his rivalry with Raven back in the day.

He should concentrate on his backstage career. These days no gold should be near his waist. He didn't even want the ECW championship back in the original ECW, as he got over as a total underdog.

"I was actually pissed off. I wanted to go my entire ECW career without winning titles. The only reason I won titles is because guys left." - Tommy Dreamer, The Rise and Fall of ECW 16/11/04

That said I'm sure Dreamer can still swing a chair with the best. As I've said before, wheel him out for the odd hardcore match or to put over the heel Abyss. I'm not sure where this thing with the Dudley Boyz is going other than "they broke my valet's neck in another promotion"
1. What are your thoughts on Dreamer's debut? Was it handled well?

2. Do you think this is a prelude to an ECW invasion style storyline where other "ECW Originals" would show face in TNA as well? If so, who else do you see debuting or re-debuting with the company in the [near] future? Sandman? Sabu?

3. Do you think Dreamer has anything to do with Dixie's hyped up tidbits about something that will "change TNA forever"?

1. It's great to see Tommy Dreamer in action again. He's a great performer, whether he's on the mic or wrestling in a match. So far, imo, yes. Storyline wise, it seems to me that Dreamer will be having a rivalry with Team 3D based on Brother Ray's issues with Jesse Neal. We might get to see some old-school hardcore matches, which fans would love. He might face Abyss, Raven or Richards in the said match. It'll be like ECW Vs TNA, hardcore style. So far, so good.

2. I don't see that happening but anything is possible. It would be kinda cool if that happened. If no ECW storyline invasion is invovled though, I'd like to see Sandman and Sabu coming back to TNA. And I'd like to see New Jack teaming up with Shark Boy again. Remember them as a tag team? lol. We could have Lance Storm bringing Eric Young, Robert Roode and Petey Williams as Team Canada for one night probably.

3. From what I've been seeing, it looks as though Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff changed the show was about young talents getting the attention to having the show for WWE rejects. I mean no disrespect but it's getting pretty old and such. It almost feels like WCW again. It has changed in a way but I don't think it's going to stay this way forever.
To begin with, I thought Tommy's debut was okay. It has been done before, but it was still kinda surprising since I hadnt heard any spoilers predicting his debut. But after finally getting around to watching this weeks impact, I believe that Tommy Dreamer is somehow going to be related to the whole Abyss heel turn that happened. They made a point during the course of the 3-way dance to show that Tommy was still in the audience watching the match. And after the match when Abyss started attacking everyone, before pulling out the bag of glass, he first used a ken-do stick, which I dont recall Abyss using before, or at least not often if he has. But Tommy used the Ken-do stick quite often back in ECW. And after Abyss gave Anderson the Shock Treatment, he did a Tommy Dreamer like pose. So that leads me to think that Dreamer is somehow going to be tied into Abyss's new direction. Now whether it is just Tommy, or if it is an ECW group is still yet to be seen. If they bring Stevie Richards into this, than since he was suppose to be Abyss's Doctor at one point, it would kind of make since why they could have some influence over him.

As far as whether Tommy is related to the hype about "changing TNA forever", I am doubtful at best. Dixie tweeted the following on the day of Slammiversary

To clarify. I will not be making an announcement about how TNA will change forever. You will just see for yourselves in the coming weeks.

However, there is still a nice surprise for tonight's Slammiversary pay-per-view.

I think Tommy was just the "nice surprise" for Slammiversary, not related with TNA's change. Considering that she had also mentioned in a tweet prior to those that she had talked to the president of spike TV about it, I think the change will be related to TV some how. Either going live every week, or taking it on the road, or something along those lines. I think if it was bringing in Heyman or a change in creative that she would not have felt the need to talk with the President of Spike over that.
Like it or not, can anyone realistically deny it's happening?

We've now witnessed Tommy Dreamer's TNA debut at Slammiversary when his presence ran interference during the match between Jesse Neal & Brother Ray that's lead to him twice since walking through the crowd to watch the remainder of iMPACT! from ring-side, that's now lead to the TNA return of Stevie Richards and Raven tonight, and if this pattern is any indication, it's likely more will come.

Let's keep all the Tommy Dreamer, ECW, Raven/Richards, etc. discussion here.
If they are trying to take over wouldn't they need a figure head to do so? I mean the point of taking over is to "run" the company so I think it is more then obviously Paul Heyman is involved some how.
Oh lord an ECW vs. TNA storyline? What TNA saw what WWE doing what the NXT angled and now they are trying to counter attack that? Them ECW wrestlers are old and washed upnow. This isn't the 1990s anymore, so if anything they need to do a ROH vs TNA storyline.
I have always liked Dreamer, and I was an ECW fan but seeing the guys getting old and washed up, still trying to relive their glory days is a little sad, as they all pale in comparison to how good they were back in the day.

I am just happy that Raven is back on TV in any way, I just love that guy!

As for the ECW "invasion", I am ok with it for nostalgia, as long as it doesnt take up too much of the show
This is a bad idea, Dreamer, Raven and Sandman have not been relevant for 15 years and are all well past their prime. To make matters worse, WWE does an anti-establishment invasion type angle with young guys that are the future of the business and somehow people think it would be a good idea to counter with old washed up guys from ECW??

If this is Dixie's idea of changing the face of TNA - she really needs to stop.
Weeeelllllllp, If I remember so correctly, it was I that originally discussed my hatred at the fact that Raven, Stevie, and Tommy Dreamer, who mind you have been archrivals ever since their careers began in earnest, in ECW,about a week or so ago. And I remember everyone coming out of the woodwork saying I was wrong. I remember everyone justifying TNA's lazy booking by stating the WWE has done it before, and that I should just accept it.

Whether or not the WWE has done it before or not is extremely inconsequential on the matter. I couldn't give a rat's ass if the WWE, WCW, ECW, the NWA, AWA, or any other promotion has done this before. My displeasure with this angle streams from one simple, undeniable fact.

This is the absolute laziest example of booking I have ever seen in TNA, and that's really saying something.

I'm disgusted with TNA is taking the easy route in booking, and even when they take that easy route of recycling up old, outdated things that use to be cool, and hoping to get a cheap pop out of it. Instead of building a legitimate, original story, TNA has made it a focal point to take things that occured six or seven years, ignore certain things about the storyline (like that Dreamer and Raven have had a rivalry dating back to, oh, fucking childhood.) that would otherwise make the storyline obselete, and hoping that it can entice old wrestling fans to watch their nonsensical booking,

You know what was the best segment of TNA last night? That would be Doug Williams and Brian Kendrick. Something that was original, and not overdone to death, which actually has a legitimate storyline going with it, and a little known secret of the wrestling community called "psychology". You know how much time that got? Three minutes. Three fucking minutes. Because TNA needed all that time to build up to this Invasion angle, which takes absolutely no thought or effort whatsoever, and hope that the fans pop to ECW.

You know, this is absolutely why TNA will never make it out of the Impact zone for an extended period of time. If this angle were to be shot in Philadelphia, or at the Hammerstein's Ballroom, this would have been boo'ed to shit. As an ECW fan, I'm absolutely tired of companies trying to lazily make a profit off of something that was never their creation. At the very least, the WWE has history with ECW, in that it footed some of ECW's bill, and tried to garner them more publicity as early as 1997. TNA has no connection to ECW, either than having some of ECW's old employees under payroll. ECW has no reason to invade TNA, so the ultimate question is, "why?"

Oh, that's right, it's TNA. And they never have to explain anything, because their mark fans refuse to believe that their company produces lazy, uninspired television. At the least, a realistic WWE mark can point out there's plenty wrong in the WWE. However, one thing that is apparent in the WWE right now is legitimate effort, far more than I can say for the majority of the TNA locker room, save for Jay Lethal, Kurt Angle, and the aforementioned Kendrick and Williams. Either than that, TNA isn't even a reach to the past; TNA is a lazily stretched out hand, akin to what one would see in the Sisteen Chapel, hoping a handful of ECW fans will wo go the extra mile to fill in the plotholes one finds in their stories. When one says "You should accept lazy writing", I die a little inside. You should never, as a wrestling fan, have to merely accept a bad product, and hope it will get better. What you should do is push your company to produce more edgy, exciting television that actually looks like creative is pushing legitimate effort into. Don't be complacent with mediocrity.

And yes, this storyline absolutely reeks of mediocrity.
Weeeelllllllp, If I remember so correctly, it was I that originally discussed my hatred at the fact that Raven, Stevie, and Tommy Dreamer, who mind you have been archrivals ever since their careers began in earnest, in ECW,about a week or so ago. And I remember everyone coming out of the woodwork saying I was wrong. I remember everyone justifying TNA's lazy booking by stating the WWE has done it before, and that I should just accept it.

Whether or not the WWE has done it before or not is extremely inconsequential on the matter. I couldn't give a rat's ass if the WWE, WCW, ECW, the NWA, AWA, or any other promotion has done this before. My displeasure with this angle streams from one simple, undeniable fact.

This is the absolute laziest example of booking I have ever seen in TNA, and that's really saying something.
Big black letters.
I'm disgusted with TNA is taking the easy route in booking, and even when they take that easy route of recycling up old, outdated things that use to be cool, and hoping to get a cheap pop out of it. Instead of building a legitimate, original story, TNA has made it a focal point to take things that occured six or seven years, ignore certain things about the storyline (like that Dreamer and Raven have had a rivalry dating back to, oh, fucking childhood.) that would otherwise make the storyline obselete, and hoping that it can entice old wrestling fans to watch their nonsensical booking,
Just why is so hard to believe that Dreamer and Raven put their differences aside? Austin and McMahon did it. Matt and Jeff Hardy did it. Kane and Undertaker did it. And Undertaker scarred and abandoned Kane for life. It would be stupider to have them feud against each other.

You know what was the best segment of TNA last night? That would be Doug Williams and Brian Kendrick. Something that was original, and not overdone to death, which actually has a legitimate storyline going with it, and a little known secret of the wrestling community called "psychology". You know how much time that got? Three minutes. Three fucking minutes. Because TNA needed all that time to build up to this Invasion angle, which takes absolutely no thought or effort whatsoever, and hope that the fans pop to ECW.
Considering how the X Division is the mid card and there is a high possibility that RVD and Abyss will be involved in this "Invasion" angle, that kinda places them higher on the card. Booking 101 there. Not to mention that an invasion trumps a mid card promo.

You know, this is absolutely why TNA will never make it out of the Impact zone for an extended period of time.
Lack of income actually, but that's corporate's fault.
If this angle were to be shot in Philadelphia, or at the Hammerstein's Ballroom, this would have been boo'ed to shit. As an ECW fan, I'm absolutely tired of companies trying to lazily make a profit off of something that was never their creation. At the very least, the WWE has history with ECW, in that it footed some of ECW's bill, and tried to garner them more publicity as early as 1997. TNA has no connection to ECW, either than having some of ECW's old employees under payroll. ECW has no reason to invade TNA, so the ultimate question is, "why?"
Because they are sick of being treated like shit. They are sick of other people ruining their name (WWECW). They want to take action. So they manipulate Abyss (via Mick Foley) to set things up.
Oh, that's right, it's TNA. And they never have to explain anything, because their mark fans refuse to believe that their company produces lazy, uninspired television.
I just explained it to you. The angle hasn't even started yet.
At the least, a realistic WWE mark can point out there's plenty wrong in the WWE. However, one thing that is apparent in the WWE right now is legitimate effort,
I wouldn't call bringing guest hosts for cheap humor legit effort. They had Dennis Leary, Cedric The Entertainer, Cheech and Chong, Seth Green and Freddie Prinze and yet they come off as idiots.
far more than I can say for the majority of the TNA locker room, save for Jay Lethal, Kurt Angle, and the aforementioned Kendrick and Williams. Either than that, TNA isn't even a reach to the past; TNA is a lazily stretched out hand, akin to what one would see in the Sisteen Chapel, hoping a handful of ECW fans will wo go the extra mile to fill in the plotholes one finds in their stories.
Fan's are fan's. If you get 'em it's a score for us. Its not the first time TNA has touched ECW. When the 2006 "revival" NA Lockdown. Huge support for them. SO I somehow doubt the ECW fan's would look down on this.
When one says "You should accept lazy writing", I die a little inside. You should never, as a wrestling fan, have to merely accept a bad product, and hope it will get better. What you should do is push your company to produce more edgy, exciting television that actually looks like creative is pushing legitimate effort into. Don't be complacent with mediocrity.
That's what I say about WWE. But instead of getting edgier, they get more childish. I admit that The Nexus angle is grabbing my attention, but it already carries a major screw up in the form of Bryan Danielson.
And yes, this storyline absolutely reeks of mediocrity.
Well for one, it hasn't even started. Two, lots of people said HBK/Taker II was not gonna live up well. Lots of people said the Invasion would be a dream come true. Lots of people said Ted DiBiase would turn face and go big. That John Morrison would be the next big thing. And it all brew up and never came true. You say this will blow. Will you be wrong? In pro wrestling, never say never.
I like this post dude--escpially the PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THIS THREAD!!Part..HAHA..The spells very true xD Anyway back to the topic...
I thought "The Innovator of Violence"' Tommy Dreamers debut in TNA was awesome xDThe crowd was very suprised to see him--and just about everybody was jumping up and down screaming in the iMPACT Zone!!And certainly Brother Ray was stunned as well *if you look again--take a look at Ray's face*ROFL XD...I hope that this can be something new and fresh for TNA to start on--but i have a feeling that this isnt the big 'Suprise' Dixie is talking about...Sure there might be an ECW like faction occuring sometime in the near future-but i dont think it will be that big of a suprise,that Dixie has been Twittering about!!!!
BTW out of Sandman or Sabu i want to see Debut in TNA--it would probs be Sandman!!
OK,for awhile now we've been talking about TNA's recent idea to create an ECW "invasion" faction.We've seen Tommy Dreamer debut,and last week he showed up with Raven and Richards.There's even been talks of creating an "ECW-like" second show.And therein lies the question....

How does Spike feel about that?

We know that once upon a time,Spike was called TNN.They were ultimately one of(if not THE)main reasons why the original ECW went out of business.Knowing TNA and their love of crash TV,when they say ECW,they don't mean WWECW,they mean the real deal.

My question is if TNA does do an "ECW-like" show(possibly with Paul Heyman himself no less)...

  • Will it cause problems between TNA and SpikeTV?

  • Will it turn into an issue if TNA is infact trying to sign Paul Heyman?

  • And if this whole thing works out and they get an "ECW-like" show,how will this,in any way,HELP TNA?
Will it cause problems between TNA and SpikeTV?
Considering how the TV show has to be discussed with them, none. It's possibly gonna be Xplosion and since Spike has agreed to that one, a bigger no.
Will it turn into an issue if TNA is infact trying to sign Paul Heyman?
Personal issues must be places aside when in face with the professional. If the intention is to lure Paulie, Spike must be aware of it. Secondly, that was many years ago. Are the same execs running the show? I doubt it, because if they did Paul would've mentioned something about that when discussing the possibility of joining TNA.

And if this whole thing works out and they get an "ECW-like" show,how will this,in any way,HELP TNA?
How is getting a second show possibly a bad thing? They need it. If for a while they will plug gimmick matches then so be it. Point is that TNA needs a second show. I seriously doubt its gonna be a total throwback to ECW. In any case it may be a showcase for the ECW stable as well as a showcase for the X Division.
Considering how the TV show has to be discussed with them, none. It's possibly gonna be Xplosion and since Spike has agreed to that one, a bigger no.

Ah your right Riaku,I forgot aboout Xplosion.

Personal issues must be places aside when in face with the professional. If the intention is to lure Paulie, Spike must be aware of it. Secondly, that was many years ago. Are the same execs running the show? I doubt it, because if they did Paul would've mentioned something about that when discussing the possibility of joining TNA.

Point taken.I would also think that Paulie probably talked to the Spike execs along with TNA anyway.But then again,Paulie doesn't seem the type to deal with network executives.

How is getting a second show possibly a bad thing? They need it. If for a while they will plug gimmick matches then so be it. Point is that TNA needs a second show. I seriously doubt its gonna be a total throwback to ECW. In any case it may be a showcase for the ECW stable as well as a showcase for the X Division.

Getting a second show is definitely NOT a bad thing and they do need it.Gimmick matches don't bother me as long as they keep it simple.I don't see this as a bad thing for TNA.My thought was that if they're gonna do an ECW-type show on the network that kicked the original ECW off,there might be some personal issues between SpikeTV and Heyman.But like you said,there might not be any problems since most likely the same execs that ran TNN,aren't running SpikeTV.
Big black letters.

Yeah, I usually like using them when what I'm talking about makes no sense.

Just why is so hard to believe that Dreamer and Raven put their differences aside? Austin and McMahon did it. Matt and Jeff Hardy did it. Kane and Undertaker did it. And Undertaker scarred and abandoned Kane for life. It would be stupider to have them feud against each other.

Look, I've said it before; just because another company has done it, doesn't mean that it's not lazy to do. I don't care if Kane and Taker, Mutt and Jeff, or Frick and Frack have done it in another promotion. My point is that it doesn't stop this from being lazy, half assed booking. Pointing out those names literally does absolutely nothing to change my opinion

Considering how the X Division is the mid card and there is a high possibility that RVD and Abyss will be involved in this "Invasion" angle, that kinda places them higher on the card. Booking 101 there. Not to mention that an invasion trumps a mid card promo.

Well, using your logic you use later in this post, we can't be sure of RVD, because the angle hasn't played out, right?

Anyway, I see what you're getting at, and yes, even though Doug Williams and Brian Kendrick is actually innovative, I agree with you that the ECW angle, if it will involve the biggest names in the company, deserves to be placed into the main event. My main point of concern is that Williams/Kendrick promo got three minutes. That, quite frankly, is crap. If the X Division is truly the mid card, as you point out, then Williams and Kendrick deserve more than three minutes to get over their angle. I'm not saying to give them there own quarter, but a little more time for the actually interesting angles in TNA would be nice. Combined, the Hogan/Abyss/ECW shlock got about a full hour on television. You don't mean to tell me some of that time couldn't be used towards the feuds that need it most, like Hernandez/Morgan, or Williams/Kendrick. Hell, how about giving it to the Knockouts? The Knockouts are a good reason as to why half the crowd watches anyway, and you don't mean to tell me they don't deserve more time.

Oh, yeah, that's right, it's TNA. And the main names need an hour to get their angle over, though everyone can already guess how it's going to go, and what's going to happen. That, or, you know, it's easier to book an angle that's been done countless times in another promotion. Or, you know, in your rival promotion that happens to be doing the exact same thing, at the moment.

Lack of income actually, but that's corporate's fault.

Well, no, it's the companies fault, really. Even the most inept executives can still make money with good programming. See; WCW in 1997.

Because they are sick of being treated like shit. They are sick of other people ruining their name (WWECW). They want to take action. So they manipulate Abyss (via Mick Foley) to set things up.

And they do so, not by going to the actual promotion that has allegedly tarnished their image, but rather the rival promotion, who had nothing to do with ECW until TNA's bookers decided they needed more cheap pops?

Look, by the logic you just used, ECW should want to help TNA in its war with the WWE, if you can call it that. What's ECW going to do, get Dixie to sell the company to Tod Gordon? Get it to break away from the NWA.

Oh wait, that already happened, didn't it? Well, they missed the boat on that angle. Besides, of all the people they're setting up, why are they setting up Abyss? He may be hardcore, but he hasn't been relevant to wrestling in years. The more logical choice would be RVD, but good fucking luck getting him over as a heel.

Mick Foley would make sense, if Mick didn't already express his distaste for ECW, and Paul Heyman. Do you not remember "Cane Dewey"? Do I have to bring up that he was part of the alliance against ECW at the Second "One Night Stand". Mick Foley may hate Hulk Hogan in storyline, but there's only one person he dislikes more, and distrusts more. That, my friend, is Paul Heyman. So if we're still going by storylines that started before TNA' inception, again, doesn't make sense.

Then again, this is the company that's booking Raven and Dreamer to be biffles. So I guess that sense thing shouldn't exist.

I just explained it to you. The angle hasn't even started yet.

I'm tired of fans using this as a crutch. It's bullshit. We know enough from past experience just exactly what TNA is setting up right now. We saw it in WCW, WWE, the UWF, New Japan, you name it. So don't dare hang on that crutch, because we all know what's about to come up in this angle. Don't play dumb with me Killjoy, you and I both know you're smarter than that.

I wouldn't call bringing guest hosts for cheap humor legit effort. They had Dennis Leary, Cedric The Entertainer, Cheech and Chong, Seth Green and Freddie Prinze and yet they come off as idiots.

Which, mind you, has been brought to some sense of a halt, mind you.

Fan's are fan's. If you get 'em it's a score for us. Its not the first time TNA has touched ECW. When the 2006 "revival" NA Lockdown. Huge support for them. SO I somehow doubt the ECW fan's would look down on this.

Well, perhaps those are the ECW "fans", those that watched, but weren't the true fans who were around in 96, 97, you get the drill. I got a really mark feeling out of that crowd, something I never get from ECW fans. Besides, the only "ECW" chant came for the Dudley Boys. Either than that, TNA was pretty much shat on that entire night.

Even then, we're talking about a one night appearance, not an entire angle based solely on nostalgia.

That's what I say about WWE. But instead of getting edgier, they get more childish. I admit that The Nexus angle is grabbing my attention, but it already carries a major screw up in the form of Bryan Danielson.

What does this have to do with anything? Are you just looking for things to complain about the WWE? Besides, wait the ninety days, and he'll be back, I assure you.

Well for one, it hasn't even started. Two, lots of people said HBK/Taker II was not gonna live up well. Lots of people said the Invasion would be a dream come true. Lots of people said Ted DiBiase would turn face and go big. That John Morrison would be the next big thing. And it all brew up and never came true. You say this will blow. Will you be wrong? In pro wrestling, never say never.

Oh, how adorable. You end with a cliche to sum up your admittedly well written post. How clever.

Look, the reason I have no faith is because we're talking about a company that has no[/no] experience of TNA in it's Creative department, and in the executive standpoint. Mind you, if they did have executives from ECW, they'd be out of business by this point. But that doesn't matter; what does matter is that unless Paul Heyman becomes part of Creative, this angle will be run by clueless marks who have no idea what ECW even stands for. At least in WWECW, you had Paul Heyman running the show for a while, and at least he understood the ECW culture. I highly doubt Dixie, Hogan, and Bischoff will have any clue what to do with ECW.
Well, i think the deception angle was done good. RVD was an ECW legend was he not? i think that RVD would join Raven, Richards, Tommy, maybe Abyss and somebody else. deception for the whc would fit if RVD went to this ECW faction. Actually, what if taz wwent as the 6th person and the manager for the ECW angle..
is it a coincidence that WWE got rid of ECW..right before TNA started bringing in the old ECW guys..i think not.

1. Could it be possible that TNA has purchased the rights to ECW?
2.Could Dixie Carters "tidbits" be hints to ECW's know the REAL ECW?
3. Would this benefit TNA, having ECW as an extension to the company?
4. Last but not least, Would Paul Heyman come to TNA to manage the ECW extension?

give me your knowledge guys...this is just throwing things around...and dont say it couldnt be possible...we know TNA has enough money, and in talks about adding another show to their line-up...We also know that Vince loves making money, and he could sell ECW for a pretty penny...
No, and no offense but this is quite a ridiculous thought. I mean, do you seriously think that we wouldn't have known about this already? Just because wrestlers from a defunct company are going to an active company, doesn't in any way hint that the active company has bought said defunct company, this whole thought process you're having is really quite baffling.

But to answer the (ludicrous) questions on this thread, no, Dixie Carters "tidbits" are not hinting at a return of ECW, and quick question, you say "the real ECW" do you really think TNA would be able to create anything like the original ECW? TNA would certainly benefit from owing ECW, the footage rights they would own could be used to create DVD's which would generate more money, which is always a good thing. And no, I do not see Paul Heyman coming to TNA to work in any capacity, even with this ECW faction coming to TNA, I doubt Paul E. will be following.

So sorry, I don't believe any of this did, or will happen as Vince is probaly content on sitting on all the merchandise, action figures and that huge video library that ECW provides, I doubt he'll sell it.
1. Could it be possible that TNA has purchased the rights to ECW?

No, no and no. Vince may be a businessman, but he isn't stupid. I doubt he'd sell any of his stock to a corporation trying to one-up him.

2. Could Dixie Carters "tidbits" be hints to EcW's know, the REAL ECW?

It's a possibility, but the "real" ECW? The only way the "real" ECW could come back is if it wasn't a puppet product of a company and was instead it's own company as before.

3. Would this benefit TNA, having ECW as an extension to the company?

As a second show? Greatly, if they ever bought it. But to the iMPACT! show? HELL no, TNA's roster is like a small house about to burst due to too many people! Signing in a bunch of ECW wrestlers won't improve the current condition of the roster.

4. Last, but not least, Would Paul Heyman come to TNA to manage the ECW extension?

To get in Vince's face? (Didn't they leave on bad terms?) Yes. However, he hasn't said mum about it and I bet you a dollar he would be gloating about managing the "new" ECW on Twitter or something.

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