Pet Peeves

Now its my turn:

People who assume metal is screamo without listening to it. I get shit for it with people saying its just guys screaming into a mic but if you **** actually listened to it you would realize what it really is.
People who say Pokemon is for three year olds. REALLY?!? If it is explain to me what ev's, iv's and natures are and how to distribute them among Pokemon.
Another one is people who take the shit out of Xbox and PS3 and people who are same console ****. They are both equally great consoles, stop being an immature *** about it.
People trying to vouch for the sympathy ticket, no you are no schizophrenic, you are not an insomniac and you do not have a broken shoulder. People who say this make me want to give them those injuries.

Thats all I can think of now
Users who feel the need to include multiple exclamation points, question marks, periods or all of the above in their thread title.

"Who is the Best Ever?" reads just fine — doesn't need to be "Who is the Best Ever?!?!1??!?!?!"
-Loud chewing.

-People who stop in the middle of a crowded mall to look at the entrance of a store.

-"You know this is fake right?"
My mother does this regularly. Now I bother the shit out of her when she's watching 24 or a movie or something, "You know this is fake, right? Oh god, look how fake this is. OH COME ON THAT DUDE DIDN'T REALLY GET SHOT, THIS IS SO FAKE!"

-People yelling things out in movie theaters.

-People interrupting me.

-People who call multiple times when I don't answer.

-When I miss a call by like a split second, then call back, and they don't answer. DID YOU RUN AT LIGHT SPEED AWAY FROM YOUR PHONE?
Why's that IDR?!!!?!?!!?!?111?!!!!
No i'm kidding but for me it's terribly generic usernames like
When people stop and wait for you to cross the road on a tiny road, hear me out. It wastes time for them and you don't end up going any slower. In fact if the car went at the same speed and you carried on walking both people could get where they're going faster. I understand being polite, but why pick a time like that when it sets you back. Surely it's more helpful being polite to a guy also in a car waiting to turn in who would otherwise be there for 20 minutes. I've always hated that, sorry big rant.

That and people turning when they haven't indicated and nearly killing you. Then they beep at you like you did something wrong.

Youtube racists, guys who wouldn't say a word in real life.

Chalk. Talking of things that go through you, this hits me so bad that I refused to do art lessons as a kid in school.

The highly opinionated and very vocal people in society. Hate them.

When people laugh sarcastically in a comedy film in the cinema. There was a guy doing this when I went to see Due Date who did it to every......single.......joke.....

Pretty sure everyone can relate to this, something I know I did when I joined this site. People who make the obvious thread like it's some new novel idea. I KNOW....HOW ABOUT ROCK VS CENA! (I made a sting v taker thread)

Teachers or lectures who make a point of encouraging group discussions, I'm not really a people person in person.

People taking your stuff from the fridge when you left it in a bag with your name on it, fucking students....

Actually most things about students. Especially last month when people came home from a night out in my halls and started singing some stupid fucking song about a monkey for an hour at 4 in the morning. I hate students, I'm ashamed to be one.

The Hardys.
Now its my turn:

People who assume metal is screamo without listening to it. I get shit for it with people saying its just guys screaming into a mic but if you **** actually listened to it you would realize what it really is.
People who say Pokemon is for three year olds. REALLY?!? If it is explain to me what ev's, iv's and natures are and how to distribute them among Pokemon.
Another one is people who take the shit out of Xbox and PS3 and people who are same console ****. They are both equally great consoles, stop being an immature *** about it.
People trying to vouch for the sympathy ticket, no you are no schizophrenic, you are not an insomniac and you do not have a broken shoulder. People who say this make me want to give them those injuries.

Thats all I can think of now

I have that damn problem. I go to work, people notice my hate for Reggaeton and when I say I like rock, they start acting like if I like to hear guys gargle Listerine. It fucking angers me.

- I also hate it when some jackass poster writes "hear me out". I can't fucking hear you because you are WRITING!!

- Pine trees. I really hate those pieces of shit. Christmas is a bitch at times.

- Pitbull. I really hate that parasite of the music industry. If being an incoherent leech is what the music business is about, I want no part of it.

- People in the 20th Century. Get with the fucking program.

- People with loud cars. It's almost like that episode of South Park with the Harley bikers. Is that really what goes through their minds? Same thing when it comes to music. Having a surround system in the car is cool and all, but your not the fucking Ice Cream man. We don't need to hear you coming four streets away.

- Zack Ryder and Ted BiDiase fans. There's no salvation for them. Period. Move on.

- Dog's who bark at you even though you are on your own property. I throw out the fucking garbage if I want to. I don't need you bastards running at me as if I was gonna magically teleport myself across the fence.
Wannabe musicians.

I'm a music major, and my roommate's cousin is in a band full of "self-taught" musicians. They call themselves "technical musicians" because they only know how to play, but don't know exactly what they are doing.

I jammed with them, trying to write a song, and they kept saying "let's just stick to minor chords!" If you know anything about music, you'd know music is based off the KEY SIGNATURE, not whether or not all the chords are major or minor. There's a balance. Each key signature has a set of major and minor chords, it plays out!!!!!!

I also can't stand bandwagon sports fans. Pick your team, stick with them. It's fine to have a few side teams to cheer during bye weeks or when your game's not on, but only own gear for your team. And if the underdog wins a big game, don't act like you've liked them for the past 10 years. It's bull shit, we all know it. Unless you really did, but by then hopefully you'd made it evident while they weren't relevant that you were a fan.

Edit: I also hate guys that buy old Honda Civics because they "look cool", then try and "trick it out" by putting a spoiler on it. Seriously, it's an old Honda Civic. You successfully made a decent car into a douchemobile. And 99% of these guys have on a backwards hat with a perfect brim, and a Tap Out t-shirt. Every time I see them they have a hot girl with them that looks very disappointed and ashamed. I drive a 2000 Nissan Frontier with stock everything and I beat them in races ALL THE DAMN TIME on the interstate.

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