Official Wrestle Mania 23 Thread.

There were more Raw superstar's than Smackdown in the Rumble. And Raw had more match's at Summer Slam. It may not be right but Raw is valued more highly than the other two brand's. So I would'nt be surprised if Raw had more wrestler's involved.
World Championship:
Batista (c) vs. Undertaker

WWE Championship:
John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels

Umaga w/ Vince vs. Bobby Lashley w/ Trump

Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Marcus Cor Von

Casket Match
The Great Khali vs. Kane

ECW Extreme Rules Elimination Tag Match
RVD, Sabu, Sandman and Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn

United States Championship
Chris Benoit (c) vs. MVP

Women's Championship
Melina (c) vs. Ashley

Ric Flair vs. Carlito

Cruiserweight Open Type Match
Chavo vs. Helms vs. Funaki vs. Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Wang Yang vs. Moore vs. Noble vs. Daivari

Boogeyman vs. Finlay

Hardcore Championship Match
Nitro vs. Mick Foley

APA Reunion Match
Ron Simmons and JbL vs. WGT


1-taker vs batista, COULD be a Hell in a Cell (according to the WWE Mag:Batista interview )
2-Cena vs HBK, COULD be interrupted by someone, read below...
3-"Hair Match", I think this 1 is done, expect a "stunning" final (i hope)
4-Khali vs Kane, Sounds boring, but i wanna see what happen at the end, maybe another interruption (Snitsky?)
5-MITB #3:Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Randy Orton, Weel, i removed Marcus Cor Von, Because of (read Below...), and i honestly dont See Edge Winning this 1, I think is between King Sucka, CM Punk (depending on his results til mania) and Orton, who is my favorite choice, and i see cashing it in the Cena vs HBK match seconds before starts. (or at least, sounds GREAT to me!)
6-USA Champ Benoit vs MVP, well. this one could be a little **yawwnning**, Benoit using Sharpshooter and thats it. I think they should use REY MYSTERIO VS CHAVO GUERRERO for the CruiserWeight Champ (remember Chavo Won it at NWO)
7-ECW The New Breed vs Originals, in a Extreme Rules Elimination....They deserve the Spot at Mania!!
8-MElina(c) vs Ashley, Sounds good, Ashley wins By a Boobie Bash Atack! :headbanger:
9-i Hope this not happens(cause the result), but i think is London & Kendrick vs MNM vs TGWTT vs Douche Bag and Domino's Pizza (with Sherry or whatever the name is...) and unfortunately, i see this last two winning, they're receiving a big push SO FAST...
10-From here to the Dark matches, anything goes, (Boogeyman, Finlay, Appearances by the HOT ROD, the American Dream, and the others HOF, Carlito, Flair, Ron Simmons, even Vito, i dont give a :shit: about this part...

IMO, i think is a DECENT Card, not the greatest, but after this mania, i expect some good things(Edge - Orton for the Title, Rey - Helms, Batista turn heel, Cena FINALLY lose the belt, King Sucka turns BOOKER T (i REALLY HOPE!), Kennedy CHAMP?? i dont know, theres infinite possibilities, Thats what i like about Sport-Entertainment...

What im Gonna miss on WM23:

-TLC Match London and Kendrick, vs MNM vs TGWTT vs HArdys vs Cryme Time
-masked Kane against ... Whatever, the mask would be IT!!
- Vince's hair! :lol2:
-Cactus Jack
-HHH Cleaning the Mat with Cena's Ass
-The Big Show (Original Vince's choice for the Hair match...)
-Face it, NOBODY'S gonna miss HOGAN! that piece of :shit:

Hardcore Championship Match
Nitro vs. Mick Foley

You do realize that the Hardcore Championship was disbanded years ago right?

Wrestlemania isn't shaping up as well as I would've hoped for, but I'm sure I'll get it anyways because I always get Wrestlemania in hopes of the day it all starts to seem like classic WWF stuff.
I think MITB will be Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kennedy vs. Orton, but if they wanted it to be 2 guys from each brand then instead of Orton the sixth man in the match should be Sabu, then the Originals vs. New breed match could be RVD, Dreamer, Sandman, & Balls vs. Striker, Burke, Cor Von, & Thorn, I also wouldn't be surprised if the Exterme Expose does their thing at WM
All ihave to say is good thing i buy the WWE DVDS instead of the actually PPV's as rite now this one is ok nothing special about it at all...I mean really a downer mania i feel with the way it is shaping up
Me im scheduled to go overseas soon, but im delaying it for mania, i hope mania isbloody worth it!! or i am ganna get pissed. I would love to see a foley vs nitro hardcore match, or even an oldies version, flair vs rhodes would be great.
Seriously, what kind of B.S is this? I hate the storyline where the two guys who are going up against each other at WM, act all friendly towards each other. You expect them to turn on each other some time and it just feels weird to do it like that. HBK and Cena for example. Who advertises their DVD's a month before they go for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania? That promo was seriously ******ed and WWE needs to get Cena to turn on HBK like Batista turned on 'Taker. I see both 'Taker and Shawn winning but I think it's B.S that HHH put over Cena and HBK doesn't have to. Call me a HHH mark but the fact of the matter is, if 'Taker had gotten the push last year instead of Rey, HHH and 'Taker would've beaten Cena and Batista. That's just my opinion but I don't think Shawn should go over Cena just because he's a babyface and HHH was a heel.
Seriously, what kind of B.S is this? I hate the storyline where the two guys who are going up against each other at WM, act all friendly towards each other. You expect them to turn on each other some time and it just feels weird to do it like that. HBK and Cena for example. Who advertises their DVD's a month before they go for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania? That promo was seriously ******ed and WWE needs to get Cena to turn on HBK like Batista turned on 'Taker. I see both 'Taker and Shawn winning but I think it's B.S that HHH put over Cena and HBK doesn't have to. Call me a HHH mark but the fact of the matter is, if 'Taker had gotten the push last year instead of Rey, HHH and 'Taker would've beaten Cena and Batista. That's just my opinion but I don't think Shawn should go over Cena just because he's a babyface and HHH was a heel.

No, what would be ******ed would be having the same shit on Raw & Smackdown. What you suggested is ******ed, since it would be the same shit. Monday... new guy turns on legend, dun dun dun, friday night, new guy turns on Didnt I just see this shit?

Its much more interesting having the Face vs Face match where both are tag champs, but I'm predicting they loose the belts 2 weeks or so before WM23 when they cant co-operate and turn on each other then.

The Promo was funny btw.
Does anyone see Stone Cold turning on Vince once again? Austin stunner's Umaga to let Trump take the win and Vince goes bald..Anyone?
I See Vince getting help from Austin

The only scenario where that could happen is if Austin is going to be on Raw for at least a couple of months. Austin usually is on for short stints and is face and generates huge pops, much like mick foley. That is why it is the only scenario cuz if you remember foley turned heel last year against flair.
As much as everyone wants it to happen i just don see HHH having any kind of physical role in Mania, i think he knows that if he returns too soon he may reinjure his knee and maby even end his carrere(?) its just too risky to have him back this soon. When he gets health he will make a huge return propmtly ending DX and turning on shawn just like he did with ric flair.
Benoit vs Healms for the US title is also a likely match. Healms should win to keep the push on him, and then if the match works well they should feud over it for a couple of months. If not there are plenty of mid-carders which can take over after that.

As for the main events I can see the Taker match been OK, despite Batisita's obvious lack of in-ring abilty Taker has carried worst guys in his time. But a taker win should be the plan. As for Cena HBK, It doesnt fill me up with excitemtn like past wrestlemania events but the last few years the main events have only been a small part of the show. The last main event which really made the event was The Rock vs Stone cold (the one where Austin turned heel). I wouldnt worry too much about the main events because the last few years its been the upper card matches not the main events which have stolen the PPV. For example, Hogan vs The rock, Stone cold vs The rock 3, HBK vs Angle, the 1st MITB match was also quite good, HBK vs Jericho, Taker vs Orton was a pretty good match and hell even Mickie James vs Trish was ok last year. I am confident there will be at least 1/2 good matches on the card.
Jeff Hardy
Mr Kennedy
CM Punk
Hardcore Holly

With either Jeff or Kennedy winning. Could be very interesting.
Money int he bank people will be -

Cm punk
Booker t
Ken Kennedy
Randy orton

It will go down to orton and edge arguing over the briefcase
I would like to see some mid card matches in the card this year, because there has been a lack of them and i don't want to see guys who have been busting their asses all year to be taken off the card. That is guys like Orton and Nitro, because they look directionless right now and I hate to say it, but they don't look like being in a feud or even a match right now. Maybe an interbrand match would be good but I don't think they are going that way. Although, they usually have one or two so I think we may see at least one match between the brands and I hope it involves Nitro or Orton or anybody who deserves a push. Not looking good for them at the moment.
I would like to see some mid card matches in the card this year, because there has been a lack of them and i don't want to see guys who have been busting their asses all year to be taken off the card. That is guys like Orton and Nitro, because they look directionless right now and I hate to say it, but they don't look like being in a feud or even a match right now. Maybe an interbrand match would be good but I don't think they are going that way. Although, they usually have one or two so I think we may see at least one match between the brands and I hope it involves Nitro or Orton or anybody who deserves a push. Not looking good for them at the moment.

I think that if they don't put Orton in the MITB match then we could see him "killing another legend" maybe a match against Dusty Rhodes or something along those lines, and as for Nitro I wouldn't be surprised if MNM and Melina are in a six man tag match against London, Kendrick, & Ashley
I think that if they don't put Orton in the MITB match then we could see him "killing another legend" maybe a match against Dusty Rhodes or something along those lines, and as for Nitro I wouldn't be surprised if MNM and Melina are in a six man tag match against London, Kendrick, & Ashley
doubt that will happen
I.M.O. Wrestle Mania is going to be very similar to the W.M.'s from 10 year's and 20 year's ago. One excellent match. One good match. The rest utter shit.
I think that if they don't put Orton in the MITB match then we could see him "killing another legend" maybe a match against Dusty Rhodes or something along those lines

I don't think they will have Rhodes wrestling because he is probably not up to it. As he is in the Hall of Fame inductions, I doubt he would be in a feud at that time. Orton shouldn't have to be doing those matches though because he is past that stage and I think he doesn't need to rely on going over legends to get him over with the fans. I hope he doesn't face Piper though, but at least that will get him on the card. It is probably too short a time to make a feud like that though, but you could be right with the way they are heading.

And as for Nitro I wouldn't be surprised if MNM and Melina are in a six man tag match against London, Kendrick, & Ashley

That would be an interesting match but I think Melina will face Ashley in a women's title match as that seems pretty much decided I think, but the MNM vs London and Kendrick match is an interesting idea and I would love to see it. It would give both teams a credible match at the PPV and it would do wonders for them if they can steal the show. TLC would be good but there is already the MITB match so I don't think we will see that, but it is an idea I hope they go for. The Hardys can't face MNM and no team on SmackDown is built up enough to face L & K at Wrestlemania so instead of leaving them off the card, why not put them together because they will do well. Good suggestion and I hope they go with it, but they will need to hurry up if they are to have a feud.
That would be an interesting match but I think Melina will face Ashley in a women's title match as that seems pretty much decided I think, but the MNM vs London and Kendrick match is an interesting idea and I would love to see it. It would give both teams a credible match at the PPV and it would do wonders for them if they can steal the show. TLC would be good but there is already the MITB match so I don't think we will see that, but it is an idea I hope they go for. The Hardys can't face MNM and no team on SmackDown is built up enough to face L & K at Wrestlemania so instead of leaving them off the card, why not put them together because they will do well. Good suggestion and I hope they go with it, but they will need to hurry up if they are to have a feud.

What if they put both the tag titles and the womens title on the line in the Six person match, the stipulation would be that if Ashley, London and Kendrick win then Ashley becomes Womens champion, but if MNM and Melina win then MNM become Tag champions, I know it's a little confussing but I think it would make for a very interesting match and would be a lot better thenm to waste valuable WM air time on a singles match between Ashley and Melina(neither are really great in the ring), this would also allow two more titles to be on the line at WM, and in my opion all the titles should be defended at WM, I pretty sure that if they did this match it would be a first, I've never seen them put both the womens title and tag titles on the line in the same match before, could be very interesting

Another idea for Orton would be to put him in an interpromotional match with Benoit, I think the two of them could put together a good match like they did a few years back at Summerslam, don't know how they would set up the feud though

doubt that will happen

which one the orton match or the Six-person tag?
I say the wrestlemania matches will be

Lashley v. Umaga(ECW World Title???) Stone cold ref

Cena v. HBK

Batista v. Undertaker

Money in The bank

RAW- Jeff Hardy, Edge

SD!- Kennedy, Booker

ECW- CM Punk, Hardcore Holly

Cryme Tyme v. W.G.T.T (Tag team titles)

Benoit v. MVP (US)

Kane v. Khali

RVD,Sabu,Dreamer,Sandman v. Striker, Burke, Thorn, Marcus Cor Von
In like a extreme rules elimation tornado tag

Melina v. Mickie James v. Ashley (Womens title)

Let's all i know 4 now

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