Official Wrestle Mania 23 Thread.

RTTs card looks good, especially with austin being with Trump. I do see this happening.

Like the money in the bank, except for Umaga. I bet he can't even climb a ladder without killing either himself or someone else.
A moment I would love to see at WM23 is HBK winning the wwe championship then HHH comes out in his crutches or whatever and celebrates with him. However I would love it more if HHH crotch chopped Michaels and gives him a pedigree but that won't happen unless HHH is amazing at recovering.
Well finally a TNA Fan who says it as it I mean I agree with you John Faggboy Cena sux as a champ Cannot stand the Undertaker which is a 20 yo gimmick!
While it is true RVD is signing with TNA so is Rey Mysterio by 2008 but Y2J Chris Jericho is in negotiations with TNA and hopefully they get him in TNA and also Big Slow Paul Wright is heading to TNA so WWF will lose another star lol again! WHen they get their 2 hour slot by then these wrestlers as well as Bill Goldberg will be in TNA! Lita and Trish also are heading there!
Not even Hulk Hogan is in in WWE hehhee he is considering TNA negotiations so add Scott Hall and Sean Waltman there and you got a new nWo cliq formed with a different name hopefully it will happen!
As for bone cold Steve Austin thanx to Late Owen Hart who crippled him I cannot stand him watch him be the referee between John Cena vs HBGayy
thus leading to SummerSlam John Cena vs Steve Austin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also heard Bret Hart is also looking into heading to TNA as well as The Rock!

So tell me where in the blue fucking hell do you come up with this crap?, first off RVD hasn't come out and said he's signing with TNA, Jericho isn't ready to come back to wrestling yet, Mysterio still signed to WWE and pretty sure he's not leaving anytime soon, Big Show isn't going anywhere near a wrestling ring in the next few years he's tired and burned out, as far as I know Goldberg and TNA don't want to work together, the only reason Hogan isn't in WWE is because he got in troble for leaking HOF inductees on the radio, now he has no choice but to try and get signed to TNA if he wants to wrestle, and I don't see that happening, no one ever said Trish and Lita are heading to TNA yet Scott Hall isn't in any shape to wrestle any thing but a cheeseburger, and Sean Waltman is signed to WSX, and Bret Hart was only looking into makeing a few appearances and that was a while ago and never happened, and the Rock ha, LMAO, the Rock is done with wrestleing and has never even mentioned TNA ever, the only reason why Rock has to still say that he is done with wrestling in every interveiw is because of dipshits like you who keep saying he's comeing back, he's not, he's fucking done!!!!
Like I said in anther thread research your shiot before you post it you fucking donkey-rapping ass fuck!!!:twak:
BRAVO JUSTINSAYNE! Finally somebody shuts up the stupid TNA fanboy who doesn't know shit.

World Title Match:
Batista vs The Undertaker

WWE Title Match:
Shawn Michaels vs John Cena

In Ring Debate:
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Vinnie Jones

JBL's Last Dance:
Ken Kennedy vs JBL

Street Fight:
Mick Foley w/Donald Trump vs Umaga w/Vince McMahon

Playboy Invitational:
Raw vs Smackdown vs ECW

#1 Contenders Match:
Edge vs Randy Orton

Tag Team Titles - TLC:
The Hardy Boyz vs MNM vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs WGTT

U.S Title Match:
Chris Benoit vs MVP vs Fit Finlay vs Booker T

10 Man Tag Team Match:
The New Breed vs ECW Originals
If Edge doesn't win the qualifying match tonight does that basically make Edge vs. Orton a definate for WM.
I was very surprised that Edge is going to be involved because I was almost certain that he and Orton were going to steal the show at Wrestlemania, although he is a great addition to the match. Wrestlemania still looks to be nothing special but at least we are having some buildup now, but no feuds are worth watching, at all, and I think that is what will hurt it this year. I am sure they will have the one or two matches that make up for the other crap and I think this years money in the Bank may be that match. Edge is a good addition but I don't think he will win it or that he needs to be in it because he deserves to be higher than that. He should be main eventing and leaving this match to guys who need a push like he got when he won it.
its been said that Bobby Lashley will not defend the ECW title at WM23 (that shows how much VKM cares for the show) but will be on Trumps Side in the hair vs hair match
The Money in the Bank match this year looks to be really star studded this year and i think the 3rd unoffical mainevent as of rite now those who have quailified are KING BOOKER, EDGE, and CM PUNK then

source: PWTorch Newsletter
-- Toy maker JAKKS is preparing to release a Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy “Money in the Bank” toy set. This is an indication that they will be involved in this match at WrestleMania.

So that means the Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy will be in the match as well leaving only one spot left. With they way storylines are going you have to belive it will be Randy Orton so then this years Money in the Bank looks to have 3 former World Champions and a former IC and US Champion with Punk being the only one to never hold a WWE title.

I do expect Orton to win and begin teh whole Edge Vs Orton program which we all thought was going to go down at WM23 but it not, as it will be the
starting point for it.

So i think MITB will look like this



Orton wins by knocking Edge off teh ladder as Edge is grabbing the briefcase and then Orton climbs up and wins it and thus Edge be pissed Orton cost him the shot a contact for the WWE Championship and his wrestlemania undefeated streak so we have program as Edge wants his revenge on Orton

(Lil side note: If Edge didnt have to have Neck surgery back in late Feb 2003 he would have been Benoits tag team partner in the 3 way WWE tag team titles match at WM19. As Team Angle was slated to retain really Edge woudl have lost a long time ago)
edge wins the money in the bank and cashes in on the main event, then, instead of john cena vs hbk, we have: cena vs hbk vs edge and edge will win the title, and orton... i don't think he'll be in the mitb match, i hope he's not...
I have come up with what I believe to be what WWE will use as the WrestleMania card.

World Championship:
Batista (c) vs. Undertaker

WWE Championship:
John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels

Umaga w/ Vince vs. Bobby Lashley w/ Trump

Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Orton

The Great Khali vs. Kane

ECW Extreme Rules Elimination Tag Match
RVD, Sabu, Sandman and Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn

United States Championship
Chris Benoit (c) vs. MVP

Women's Championship
Melina (c) vs. Ashley

Ric Flair vs. Carlito

Cruiserweight Open Type Match
Chavo vs. Helms vs. Funaki vs. Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Wang Yang vs. Moore vs. Noble vs. Daivari

I would want a Hardcore match between Nitro and Foley, but there will probably be a tag title match instead or if the WWE really wants to disappoint, JBL vs. The
iight from what i see so far these are the matches for wrestlemania..
-World Heavyweight Championship
Batista(c) vs Undertaker
-WWE Championship
John Cena(c) vs Shawn Michaels
-Trump vs McMahon Hair vs Hair
Umaga vs Bobby Lashely Special Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin
-Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Edge, CM Punk, King Booker, Jeff Hardy, Marcus Cor Von and Mr. Kennedy
-Women's Championship
Melina(c) vs Ashely
-Kane vs The Great Khali
-World Tag Team Championship
Cryme Tyme(c) vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

All matches are definite, just not announced yet
and ps to strafro thhey arent gonna have a cruiserweight open in back to back ppv's its a waste of a match and there is a problem with ur MITB it has 3raw guys and 1 ECW guy vince may not care about them as a brand but hes gonna build some of them up for when ecw is done
To be horesnt with you thats a good card but exactly like they did at last years wrestlemania 22 i see 23 to have a dark match and that would id be guessing the cruiserweight title or maybe that ecw match i dont really know cause WM has a 4 1/2 hour block to fill
I don't think mitb should have people who r already main eventers or trying to get back the championship gold. The mitb should be a tool to get people who are on the cusp of the main event into it. People like edge and booker shouldn't be in this match cuz theyve already reached the top.

The booking is looking really bad right now because it seems they r promoting lashley w/Trump vs. Umaga w/Mcmahon as the semi main event. Lashley vs. Umaga = Crap
the dark match for wrestlemania the last two years has been that interpromotional/meaningless battle royal, it was good the first year but terrible this year i dont see the WWE putting a title match as a dark match if they r gonna they would put it no the card i just dont see that happenin and i agree wit tony we should see the future of the WWE in MITB last year we had flair, rvd and finlay who are already proven..this year i say the winner is jeff hardy and he cashes in at the WWE PPV in North Carolina his hometown i forgot which ppv that is
iight from what i see so far these are the matches for wrestlemania..
-World Heavyweight Championship
Batista(c) vs Undertaker
-WWE Championship
John Cena(c) vs Shawn Michaels
-Trump vs McMahon Hair vs Hair
Umaga vs Bobby Lashely Special Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin
-Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Edge, CM Punk, King Booker, Jeff Hardy, Marcus Cor Von and Mr. Kennedy
-Women's Championship
Melina(c) vs Ashely
-Kane vs The Great Khali
-World Tag Team Championship
Cryme Tyme(c) vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

All matches are definite, just not announced yet

And where are you sources for this?
I think that we have seen some developments regarding wrestlemania 23, but the stuff they have been developing is not exactly enthralling. There is no match that makes us want to watch, but perhaps the Money in the Bank match could save it, but I don't think the right wrestlers are in it. The match was meant to be a spotfest, but I don't think some of the participants are built for one of those matches. It is shaping up to be crap and I don't think there is going to be that many good matches. Last years was saved by Edge vs Foley and Michaels vs McMahon, but there doesn't look to be that match on the card and that is a shame. I certainly don't see a match that makes us want to watch, and that is a little saddenning and I don't really feel like watching it, and that's a great shame.

We could all see that it wasn't going to be that spectacular but I guess that is becoming more of a reality now and we are actually realising that it is not worth the 40 dollars that we are expected to shell out. They just have the wrong wrestlers in the wrong matches and the wrestlers that could save it in matches that won't help them.
World Championship:
Batista (c) vs. Undertaker

WWE Championship:
John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels

Umaga w/ Vince vs. Bobby Lashley w/ Trump

Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Marcus Cor Von

Casket Match
The Great Khali vs. Kane

ECW Extreme Rules Elimination Tag Match
RVD, Sabu, Sandman and Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn

United States Championship
Chris Benoit (c) vs. MVP

Women's Championship
Melina (c) vs. Ashley

Ric Flair vs. Carlito

Cruiserweight Open Type Match
Chavo vs. Helms vs. Funaki vs. Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Wang Yang vs. Moore vs. Noble vs. Daivari

Boogeyman vs. Finlay

Hardcore Championship Match
Nitro vs. Mick Foley

APA Reunion Match
Ron Simmons and JbL vs. WGT
Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Orton
If Kennedy's in the match I have no doubt he'll be the victor. I think this could be the worst M.I.T.B. match. I doubt Kennedy, Booker or Orton will be any good in it. Although I may be proven wrong.
If Kennedy's in the match I have no doubt he'll be the victor. I think this could be the worst M.I.T.B. match. I doubt Kennedy, Booker or Orton will be any good in it. Although I may be proven wrong.

I believe you are wrong about Kennedy being bad in the M.I.T.B match. The match will be good if they take Orton or Booker out of it... But since Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro and Shelton Benjamin will probably not participate due to the fact that they will be competing in tag team action, I guess it will not be as good as the first two... I hope they put Super Crazy in the match just for the heck of it, even if he doesn't win he'll put on an awesome match.

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