Official Wrestle Mania 23 Thread.

This is what i feel Wrestlemania is going to be and i persoanlly feel it will not really worth its money this year but well herw it goes

World Heaveyweight Championship
(C) Batista vs Undertaker

WWE Championship
(C) John Cena vs Shawn Michales

Battle of the Billionaires
Loser Gets their hard shaved bald if their representive loses
Special Guest Refree: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Intercontential Champion Umaga w/Aramndo Alejadro Estrada & Mr. McMahon vs ECW Champion Bobby Lashley w/Donald Trump

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Winner gets a guaranteed World Title shot within 12 months
Edge vs CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton vs King Booker w/Sharmell vs Mr. Kennedy

Interpromational Intergender 6-Person Tag Team Match for WWE Tag Team and Womens Championships
If MNM beat London & Kendrick they new Tag Champs or vica versa London & Kendrick beat MNM retain Tag Titles/ Ashely beats Melina new womens champ or visca versa Melina retains
WWE Tag Team Champions London & Kendrick and Ashley vs Johnny Nitro, Joety Mercury and Womens Champion Melina

Interpromotional Match
Kane vs The Great Khali

United States Championship
(C) Chris Benoit vs MVP

Extreme 10-Man Tag Team Match
New Breed: Marcus Con Von, Matt Striker, Kevin Throne, Snitsky, and Elijah Burke vs Originals: RVD, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer & Sandman

Fatel 4-Way Crusierweight Championship
(C) Chavo Guerrero vs Gregory Helms Vs Davari Vs Jimmy Wang Yang

3-Way World Tag Team Championship
(C) Cryme Time vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs Ric Flair & Carlito w/ Torrie

I think this can work as i see Rated-RKo winning the belts but losing them quickly to Cryme Time as a Orton and Edge miscue to start their program more and really jump start it in the Money in the Bank Match..and everythinng else i dunno
World Heaveyweight Championship
Batista (c) vs Undertaker

WWE Championship
John Cena (c) vs Shawn Michales

Battle of the Billionaires - Hair vs Hair
Special Guest Refree: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Intercontential Champion Umaga w/Aramndo Alejadro Estrada & Mr. McMahon vs ECW Champion Bobby Lashley w/Donald Trump

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Edge vs CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy vs Hardcore Holly vs King Booker w/Sharmell vs Mr. Kennedy

Women Championship - Triple Threat
Melina (c) vs Mickie James vs Ashley

Interpromotional Match
Kane vs The Great Khali

Extreme Rules 10 Man Elimination Match
The New Breed: Marcus Con Von, Matt Striker, Kevin Throne, Snitsky, and Elijah Burke vs Originals: RVD, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer & Sandman w/Paul Heyman

Grudge Match
Matt Hardy vs Joey Mercury w/Johnny Nitro

World Tag Team Championship
Cryme Time vs Ric Flair & Carlito w/Torrie Wilson

Crusierweight Championship - Battle Royal
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs Gregory Helms vs Davari vs Shannon Moore vs Scotty 2 Hotty vs Funaki vs Jimmy Wang Yang

United States Championship
Chris Benoit (c) vs MVP
For the Money in the Bank match, with the participants scheduled to be: Jeff Hardy vs Kennedy vs Edge vs Punk vs Booker vs ?, I think that the last participant has to be a face because that would even it up, and they also have to be from ECW, so I hope that it is someone like Sabu or RVD because they deserve to be in a match like this. I hope that we see some feuding between the guys after it is all decided this week, because that can really ignite more heat into the match. I expect that Jeff Hardy and Edge will do most of the big spots as they are the experienced guys in this and I hope they put on a good show, but that's how I think it will be anyway.
My current pridictions

-World Heavyweight Title
Batista vs. Undertaker

-WWE Title
John Cena vs. HBK

-Battle of the Billionaires: Hair vs. Hair Match- Sp. Ref: Stone Cold
Umaga w/ Mr. McMahon vs. Lashley w/Donald Trump

-Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Sabu

-Six-Person Intergender tag match:Women’s Title vs. Tag Titles
Melina, & MNM vs. Ashley, London, & Kendrick

-Grudge Match
Kane vs. Andre Khali

-8-Man Elimination Tag match-Extreme Rules
RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, & Balls Mahoney vs. Striker, Burke, Cor Von, & Thorn

-U.S. Title Match
Benoit vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Finley

-Legend vs. Legend Killer Match
Randy Orton vs. Dusty Rhodes

-Tag Titles-Four Corners match
Carlito & Ric Flair vs. WGTT vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Cade & Murdoch

from the looks of it the MITB match could be the show stealer of the year, with Cena/HBK being another good match as HBK will definelty bring his A-game and can carry most anyone to a great match at WM, the rest of the card should be decent
i think in the money in da bank match orton will win and since he seedmed interested in edge's idea to cash it in after the match at mania orton will do it after cena retains starting a feud between orton vs cena so that will give hbk time off then or maybe he'll cash it in during the match when there both down then his music plays and the announcer says he has cashed it in, i think that would be entertaining
WM dream match for me would be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs John Cena definitely! Great Khali vs Big Show ( more like Big Slow) Rey Mysterio vs Gregory Helms and thats it!

As for Wrestlemania 23 Card

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels

Undertaker vs Batista

Mick Foley vs Umaga

Ric Flair vs Carlito

Melina vs Mickie James

Probably Jeff Hardy vs Umaga

Burger King Mascot vs Ronald McDonald mascot

Kevin Federline vs Justin Timberflake (referee Britney Spears)

Tag Team MNM vs Deuce& Domino vs Kendrick and London

Kane vs Kennedy

Lashly vs Great Khali

Was any of that actually serious? Dude...K-Fed vs. Justin Timberlake with Britney Spears as Special Ref? Burger King Mascot vs. Ronald Mcdonald? Umaga in two matches? Not to mention half of the guys on the undercard are already involved in the MITB match or hair vs. hair match.

As for Wrestlemania 23, I'm not looking as forward to is as I would like. The WWE needs to shape up after the disaster PPV that was No Way Out. I enjoyed the Royal Rumble alot and thought there was some great action, and I had no problems with any other PPV's in a long while, but No Way Out was just garbage. Ah well, here's to hoping Wrestlemania brings it back on track.
Wrestlemania has the potential to be either really good or it has the potenial to be the worst wrestlemania ever.

the main events are

cena vs HBK and Undertaker vs Batista If Michaels and Taker win, it be a true mania monent but, if both taker and cena lose then I expect WWE to get some serious heat. Cena and HBK should be a given, Cena has been champion for way to long and its time for someone else to be champ. Taker vs Batista could honestly go either way, batista just won the title and is heavily backed by wwe but taker is undefeated and also backed by wwe. I don't how to call this one but i'm pulling for taker.

another match is VKM vs Trump w/ reps. Hair vs Hair match. I personaly don't care about this match, although I am looking forward to seeing Stone Cold again.

Then you have the money in the bank... I was hoping Kane was going to be in the match and hopefully win but looks like thats not going to happen... I'll bet Kennedy wins.

Kane vs Khali... I am not happy about this match, In fact I was thinking about ordering Wrestlemaina this year, but since WWE had to go and make this bullshit match, i'm not going to waste my money. Of course I support kane to win and even if he gets squashed, i'll continue supporting him. This match should be a testament to just how much Kane loves WWE and how much he is willing to sacrific for it.

Since there are usually 8 or 9 matches in a big PPV these are a few matchs that I would like to see happen, not all of then will, but I'd like to see a card with variety.

-Boogey vs Finlay... Boogeyman has found himself a credible feud that doesn't involve 5 minute squash matches. I think finlay has done a good job with the boogeyman, boogey is improving. At the rate the feud is going, i could stand boogeyman vs finlay at mania.

-US title match with CHris beniot and Gregory Helms, you could also put Matt Hardy and Mercury in Match. MVP would also be great in this match. So any combination of these superstars (w/ beniot as champ) in perferably a triple treat for the US title

-Hopefully wwe does a desent womens match this year. Melina vs Mickie vs Victoria would be perfect. Good way for Melina to test her skills and to build her as a credible fighting champ.

- A match involving carlito, cryme tyme vs world greatest tag team, masters or a match with flair and crazy vs kenny and masters, I just trying to throw out some names just to get some ideas for a match. I want to see a match displaying the RAW midcard because RAW has a decent mid card but they never really display it properly (IE. HBK and Cena are tag champs, wtf?)

-for ECW the most likely senario would be an elimination style match between the New Breed and the Origionals. I would say that the Origionals prevail, just so WWE doesn't feel so guilty when they make yet another stupid mistake that just continues to bury ECW.

- Since London and Kendrick have proven themselve the team to beat on smackdown, I think that they deseve to not only defend the gold at mania but also retain the gold at maina. to make it interesting, you could put L and K vs deuce and Domino vs Regal and Taylor in the match. It has the potenial to be a good match

-Finally, simply Orton vs Edge, I hope that Orton turns face but keeps the legend killer gimmick. I agree with orthers when they say that this match may be the show stealer.

Batista vs Taker
Cena vs Michaels
Hair vs Hair - Lashley w/Trump vs Umaga w/Vince Guest Ref Austin
Melina vs Ashley
Kane vs Khali
Benoit vs Matt vs Mercury vs MVP
Street Fight - Orton vs Foley
New Breed vs Originals
MITB 3 - Edge vs Booker vs Punk vs Jeff vs Kennedy vs Holly
Chavo vs Yang

Hmm it aint brilliant but it aint too bad either, wot do you lot think??
If this happens again, any predictions?

I'll go...


I think Orton wins it.

Orton is my favorite wrestler but, I think Edge wins it for obviosus reasons, he's the most expiernced, and is smarter than the rest of them, I think Edge or Orton wins it but more I think Edge wins.
WHC Match
Batista vs Undertaker
WWEC Match
John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
Battle Of the Billionaires
Hair vs Hair - Lashley w/Trump vs Umaga w/Vince Guest Ref SC Steve Austin
Rumored/Kinda confirmed
Melina vs Ashley
Kane vs Khali
New Breed vs Originals ECW
MITB 3 - Edge vs Booker vs Punk vs Kennedy vs Carlito vs. Orton
Cruiserweight Open Match
TLC Match?
Hardyz vs. MNM vs. Paul London and Kendrick vs. WGTT vs. Duece and Domino
HBK vs Cena (WWE title)
Undertaker vs Batista (Heavyweight title)
MITB- Edge vs Jeff Hardy vs Kennedy vs Booker T vs CM punk vs Chavo
London and Kendrick vs MNM (Tag titles)
Carlito vs Flair
Special guest ref- Lashley W/Trump vs Umaga W/Vince
Melina vs Mickie vs Ashley (WWE womens title)
Healms vs Benoit vs MVP (US title)
Cryme Tyme/Crazy vs WGTT/Kenny
That is i think the best we can realisticaly hope for at Mania, if this is the card i might just be swayed into watching it
Randy Orton is seemingly lost. This guy is a main eventer right now, but only a few people have him on any of the mock cards right now. It would seem right to put him in the mitb match, but it would make the number of wrestlers in each brand unbalanced. If the wwe can't put him in the mitb match what is left for him. There aren't enough upper card guys left who aren't already in feuds. Ya can't just dump orton at the biggest ppv of the year. I would put him in the mitb match, but if the wwe is gonna make it 2, 2, 2 across the brands than I hav no idea what they should do with him. The only feud that would allow him to keep his credibility is a feud with a legend. We've already seen a Foley vs Orton program and an Austin vs. Orton match seems out of the question and I don't like the idea of Dusty Rhodes vs Orton cause I personally think it would suck. So what is left for the Legend Killer at Wrestle Mania?
Randy Orton is seemingly lost. This guy is a main eventer right now, but only a few people have him on any of the mock cards right now. It would seem right to put him in the mitb match, but it would make the number of wrestlers in each brand unbalanced. If the wwe can't put him in the mitb match what is left for him. There aren't enough upper card guys left who aren't already in feuds. Ya can't just dump orton at the biggest ppv of the year. I would put him in the mitb match, but if the wwe is gonna make it 2, 2, 2 across the brands than I hav no idea what they should do with him. The only feud that would allow him to keep his credibility is a feud with a legend. We've already seen a Foley vs Orton program and an Austin vs. Orton match seems out of the question and I don't like the idea of Dusty Rhodes vs Orton cause I personally think it would suck. So what is left for the Legend Killer at Wrestle Mania?
I don't know, personally I would like to see a Kane vs. Orton match but it looks like WWE is going to be ******ed and stick Kane in a match with Khali(why?), another good match would be Benoit vs. Orton, right now Benoit doesn't have a match either and we all know these guys can pull out a good match, the only Legends I could see him having matches with are Dusty Rhodes and Piper, Austin would be a good choice but he's refing the Billionaires match and he already had a WM feud with Foley, a couple of matches I wouldn't mind seeing, as far as legends go, are a rematch with Hogan, and a match with the Rock would be great to, also a match with Jericho would steal the show for sure but I don't see any of those happening, the most likely scenario would be for Orton to be put in the MITB match, there is also the possiability of them putting him in a match with Boogyman too(hope that doesn't happen)
What if they put both the tag titles and the womens title on the line in the Six person match, the stipulation would be that if Ashley, London and Kendrick win then Ashley becomes Womens champion, but if MNM and Melina win then MNM become Tag champions, I know it's a little confussing but I think it would make for a very interesting match and would be a lot better thenm to waste valuable WM air time on a singles match between Ashley and Melina(neither are really great in the ring), this would also allow two more titles to be on the line at WM, and in my opion all the titles should be defended at WM, I pretty sure that if they did this match it would be a first, I've never seen them put both the womens title and tag titles on the line in the same match before, could be very interesting

Another idea for Orton would be to put him in an interpromotional match with Benoit, I think the two of them could put together a good match like they did a few years back at Summerslam, don't know how they would set up the feud though

which one the orton match or the Six-person tag?
6 person tag
There's 8 people in this year's M.I.T.B. hopefully they dont just have Jeff Hardy involved. Matt is by far the most over and he's a superior wrestler. My pick for the other spot is Benoit. Although I was hoping for a Benoit vs. Helms or Finlay match.
Right that means Orton has gotta be in the MITB Match. Apparently Foley aint gonna be at Mania which sucks but eh well. Not sure wot else is gonna go down now, but hopefully it'll be gud.
I'm very excited that they've chosen to include 8 wrestlers this year instead of 6 in the MITB ladder match, it's a bit more fresh and hey more action right? Although I'm royally pissed that Shelton Benjamin is pretty much guaranteed to lose tonight against Jeff Hardy and he was definately the MVP of the last two MITB matches. Maybe they could fit him in some otherway, angle wise?

Let's hope Vince does some serious rethinking before this years Wrestlemania.
They will probly have a last chance match or something, i dont know why WWE are fiddling with the rules though. MITB is one of the best things they have done in recent years, and they are potentialy wrecking it.
with there being eight guys instaed of six in the MITB match this is how I see it
Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Sabu vs. Orton vs. Matt Hardy, with Orton turning on Edge at the end of the match and then winning it, then since I think Cena is going to probably win his match agaisnt HBK, I think Orton will cash in the MITB title shot immediatly following that match and during Ortons title shot Edge will run in a spear Edge costing him the match

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