[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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Despite the fact that I can't STAND John Cena, I still don't want to see anyone get injured. I wish a John a successful and full recovery.

That being said, THANK GOD FOR KENNEDY! I'm absolutely elated by the fact that Cena is no longer the champion. :thumbsup:
Because they are human BEINGS. These are people who exist in real life, and have real families, and pay real taxes.

The only thing that seperates humans from animals is remorse for others. Thats one of the most assinine posts i have ever seen in my life. As a strong WWE fan it hurts to see Cena have to surrender his title like this. But i am more concerned with the fact that this man was injured and may never come back the same. His carreer lies in the balance. Cena is a young guy (About 30?) and this can really mess up his life.

You see Cena as strictly for your entertainment, well I have some news for you pal, this isnt ancient Rome. we don't just throw people into the arena and watch them get the living crap beat out of them and then be happy that they're severely hurt / dead.

And television characters? SHIT. If Homer Simpson or Agent Mulder got hurt, no one would care because they are characters. John (Felix Anthony) Cena is a real person and he is really hurt.:icon_exclaim

Show some respect for a guy who gets out there and puts a great show on for you. Like his character or not, he's a human being.

I totally agree here. I may not like cena having the title for such a long period of time, and i am dying for him 2 go heel, you cant wish injury apon him. As reading reports, he apparantly seems like a nice guy who works his A** off for the company. He is a human being and no-one should wish injury apon him...

As for the ECW/Smackdown! crowd, i think it was very dispicible 2 hear cheers once they found out the extent of the injury and how long cena is out for. When i seen that i actually felt pretty bad to be a wrestling fan...:(

Anyway i send my condolences 2 john, and wish him a speedy recovory...

PLZ come back as heel tho, he would be gun:shooter:
I agree with Pettit.....you may not like the man or hell you may even hate him but lets face for the better part of 2 years if it wasnt for John Cena the WWE may be in worse shape than it is in. Ratings arent their highest that they can be but he is without a doubt the main guy. Just look at every match of his there is a buzz in the arena. You cant say that about any other guy not Undertaker, not HBK, not HHH, no one. For the last 2 years the he has been the man in the WWE. He has kept them afloat. They are not in their glory years right now but he kept them going ok. The main had the pressure of the wrestling world on his shoulders for the last 2 plus years. What did he do? Goo out there every night and give you all he had everytime. The man loves the business and you can see it in him everytime he enters the arena. You can say what you want about his moves. Yes he does need some more. BUT if you owned the WWE, with all these injuries, wouldnt you want to protect your number 1 guy, JOHN CENA, as best you can?

Mark my words....

I know he will comeback better than ever cause the man works his ass off and loves the business and once he returns, at one point you will hear these words again.....THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!
Well.. im not the biggest cena fan, i lean towards hbk and the new talent mr kennedy mostly but i cant say i dont respect cena. Anyone who cheers or celebrates an injury is just an idiot. I wouldnt be surprised if the man died these idiots would do the same. Anyways this may seem like a huge blow right now for wwe but if they are smart.. (which i doubt).. they can even get better ratings from this incident. They can "refresh" the wwe title picture and elevate the evil Ortons career to new heights.

I keep saying the best choice i see is is to throw orton into the match with hhh and umaga.. get vince involved, its a huge attack against hhh. y2j returns makes the save for hhh chases vince to the back and orton and hhh double pin umaga. next night on raw, get the highlight reel back, have hhh and y2j make fun of orton to get orton mad and brave enough to slap hhh in the face, have orton get in y2j's face and then hhh go to drill orton but orton ducks and hhh hits y2j by accident.. orton goes for the rko on hhh, hhh pushes him away and orton runs outta the ring.. hhh and y2j get in each others face and have a heated argument before officials break them.. orton heads up the ramp smirking.

I think fans would be hell of alot interested in this 3 way battle for the wwe title. I would have to cheer for y2j to capture the belt maybe at survivor series, have kennedy win the rumble and wow, what a mania main event that would make. I could also see y2j feud with Khali if Khali jumps back to raw to give Khali another chance to be elevated and get away from Batista, jericho would also get a push at having to face a monster, if thats the case put the belt on HHH but just not on Orton. It's not the time for Orton.
Frnakly I'm going to miss Cena. I know alot of people don't like him but you have to appreciate his work thic. Its hard with lots of people booing to go out each and every week and keep performing. But I guess they do get paid. I really would not like to see Randy Orton get the title it seems to much like rewarding bad behavior. i would like to see HHH get it but with his connection to Vince I don't hold out hope. It would make it easier to buy the pay per view if they announced what the match will be.
I like John Cena and when I first heard about his injury I was in shock. This is the man WWE has pushed, pushed and pushed to be the main eventer and now he has a huge accomplishment like being the WWE Champ for over one year has now all come to a devastating end of Cena getting and injured and having to surrender the WWE Title.
At the moment I am not a fan of Cena, I am a HUGE Orton fan. If Cena wrestled Carlito for instance tho I would be on Cena's side.
I hate Cena having the WWE Title because for last 24 months he has won I don't know... Every single match? I don't blame Cena for this though, he doesn't chose to win every single match.
Today I watched the match with Kennedy and him and I felt sorry for the guy. He loves the business and he loves what he does. But I cannot wait for somebody else to be WWE Champ.
Out of all this at least something good has came out of it... Cena not being champ, but I would never wish an injury upon somebody for them to lost it.
I am/was getting bored of Cena being the "superhero" it is unrealistic and just boring. We don't want to see the same person win every PPV. I am 15 year old and I despise Cena because of this but it isn't Cena's thought, I blame McMahon. He may sell the most merchandise and the kids may love him but I agree with the person above. What about the people who have been watching it for years and years?
McMahon has been shoving Cena down our throats for too long and I hope while Cena is out with his injury McMahon and rest of the creative push other eventers to their best, Kennedy, Hardy etc...
This is horrible for WWE - I don't really like him, but you have to admit - he was making tons of money for WWE... I guess all the smarks will be happy, but now WWE's gonna be losing a hell-uva lot of money. The only people little kids can cheer for now is Batista, I think...
i think its sad that theres so called wrestling fans out there that are happy john cena is injured. sure he makes the money & he is a company guy, but he does what he does for the fans.

i do like cena, he lacked some skills, but i thought he was the 2nd coming up hulk hogan and iv always been a hogan fan. but it will be very interesting to se what kind of cena returns. do we finally get a over the top heel cena? or the same old good guy liked and hated by everyone lol. ill bank on a heel that finally tells the fans to stick it lol.
this is all kennedys fault, the dude comes back from the steroid scandal and what is the first thing he does, hmm i wonder oh yeah he injures john cena, bravo ken bravo
I wouldn't say it is Kennedy's fault, that wasn't in his intentions "Yeahh, I'm going to injure the WWE Champ.." It was Cena who did the botched hip-toss, but then again Kennedy landed on his arm...
Randy coming out after the match must of made it worse also, I do think Kennedy may get some heat backstage because of this though.
this is all kennedys fault, the dude comes back from the steroid scandal and what is the first thing he does, hmm i wonder oh yeah he injures john cena, bravo ken bravo

if cena knew how to wrestle correctly, mabey he would not have hurt him self. saying that this is kenedys fault is crazy.
although it is not something to be celebrating that cena has been injured although i can not stand it you should not wish it upon anybody i myself see it s great news as it will eventually give someone else the title and hopefully it will be kennedy but i cant see it happening it will most likely be orton
hhh will get thetittle sooner or later or they will give it to hbk i would love to see orton put his arrogance beside him an really put on a good match with someone
if cena knew how to wrestle correctly, mabey he would not have hurt him self. saying that this is kenedys fault is crazy.

No i want to beg to differ with you on this one, first of all Cena is booked to have his 5 moves of doom, so you can thank Vince Mcmahon and creative for that. When Cena first arrived in the WWE he had many moves and had a lot of potential which he still has. Cena is one of the hardest working man wrestling and with his schedule it was bound to happen sooner or later.

The move where he hurt himself was performed very sloppy but accidents happen but it was both of there faults Kennedy had bad execution of the move and Cena did not protect himself. Kennedy will have the reputation of injuring two of raws biggest stars in Cena and Lashley. Cena is injured and there is nothing we can do about it, you got to wish the guy a full recovery and a speedy recovery. Cena has been wrestling in the WWE for about 5 years and was never injured until now, but to say it is all Cena's fault is absurd because it was a sloppy move on both parts, Cena's work schedule could be a big reason and the sort of messed up Rko on the table didnt help much either, but saying the main reason because he cant wrestle is false.
im not really a big cena fan myself i dont like him i dont hate him its just that he was a good champion yea i mean the guys he whent through to keep that title but im not exactly his biggest fan i think that he only appeals to noob wrestling fans and 5 year olds no offence to anyone like but thats what i think i look at him then i see past champs and he just dosnt compare to some of them
Well, I'm pretty late in and I doubt anyone will read this, but I'll throw in my two cp.

I can't stand Cena, and it all started with his "Thuganomics" and the hip hop crap. Stone Cold for instance, was a redneck in the sense that he always drove a big truck and talked with an accent, but Stone Cold never pushed being a redneck on the fans. By him embracing the hip hop way, he somewhat alienated fans who don't care for that "culture" and annoyed fans like be who have to deal with white guys that think they're the next Eminem on a daily basis.

I currently thnk the belt that was designed for Cena, is a disgrace. Why the hell does a belt have a spinner on it? Its got the bling of a rap video and, well, the spinner. The World Championship/Old WCW belt is what a real championship belt looks like, and I'm honestly suprised the writers haven't cracked on that when they've done championship interactons. Even the ECW belt and the Smoking Skull belt had a more prestigious look to them. In would almost be as if Stone Cold had a belt made with a rebel flag or an old Texas (the country) flag on it.

Moving on to style, his in ring ability is next to none. Even taking a star like Stone Cold, or even Hogan, they at least have "mid-match moves." Stone Cold had the tackle and punch, Hogan has the "Hulk Up," Triple H has the Face Buster, Shawn Michaels has the elbow drop, etc etc. While I know a good chunk of these are used as pre-cursors to the finisher, it's not always the case, especially in PPVs. Cena doesn't have one. Just about every match I've watched, its "Five Knuckle Shuffle" to "STFU." At least he doesn't do that, "You can't see me" crap anymore. The bottom line is, in the ring, he's boring to watch; he's gotten better, but just about every match is the same, and you always know he's going to win. His character hasn't really evolved, and is very similar if not exactly the same to the same character he was when he moved to Raw.

To be honest, I think Cena in a way is more of a marketing project more then anything. They marketed his character in a way that kids and ladies would love him. Guys buy their girlfriends Cena merchandise, girls by their own Cena merchandise, and parents buy it for their kids. Just think about the football Cena Jersey. Everyone loves a football Jersey, and WWE was even personalizing them at shows. This demographic makes up the majority of the merchandise sales, so Cena stays on top while others are only purchased by fans who appreciate someone with skill. Since he is making the most merchanidse sales, WWE thinks everyone loves him, so he stays the champ.

Just my opinion, I could be completely wrong
yea i kind of agree with you but as for the fact of him not being a good wrestler i think that is a wrong point of view but opinions everybody has them right? i believe that John Cena is a good wrestler im just not a fan of his i dont believe that the insdie wwe writers made him keep that title for over a year he only lost it due to the fact that he injured himself because hes clumsy sometimes in the ring who knows how long he would of held it. yea i wouldnt say hes crap i mean look at the guys hes gone through in the past year: HBK/HHH/Bobby Lashley/Randy Orton/Batista and not to name others hes a good wrestler im just not a fan becuase he does mainly only appeal to women mainstream noob wrestling fans and 5 10 year olds. i think thats pretty stupid. HHH is my favourite wrestler for a long time and will always be as far as im concerned but the fact is that yea people will say that HHH appals to young fans aswell but HHH appeals to absoloutely everybody becuase hes the better wrestler over cena any day of the week.
most defitnatly when cena returns he will explode..while its horrible for him to get injured at the same time its a blessing in disguise because i believe honestly everyone was getting tired of seeing his with the belt around his waist...when he returns it will b a breath of fresh air..its a year from now..think about how much will change within the title picture..
Oh I agree. While I am not the biggest fan of his, he is a fan favorite. You know when his music hits a year from now the place is going to go crazy.
absoloutely agree 100% cena will get one hell of a reaction when hes back i know its a long way away but he will yea as i read before within one year the wwe title picture will drastically change! so who knows whats gonna happen when hes back?? the future can only tell cant it. not a big cena fan personally iv said before but it will be cool to see him back in the ring and as for the guy who cant type properly that hurts reading that lol. and by the way how long you been watching wrestling for? i know ortons not a favourtie really to me or a lot of people but at the end of the day he must be doing something right to still be there am i right?
I remember watching a TV show that had newbie wrestlers learning the moves and it had Cena on it..one of the characters he was playing was a robot type guy..think Robocop..it was interesting to watch so I wonder how they came up with his gimic now.

Stone cold was mentioned in here and he was so popular because people loved to watch to see what he would do next even those that hated him watched him to see his actions.

If Cena was to somehow get creative or be alowed to he might get better off with more people than he has lately
Cena didn't always have this gimmick. When he started he wore pink tights. On a halloween episode of SD! he dressed in a 'thug' costume and fans reacted pretty well to it. Vince saw this and went with it.

and bullet, Orton doesn't use the same moves the entire match. The RKO is his finish. Like Cena's FU, HBK's Sweet Chin Music, or Austin's Stunner.
My opinion on Cena hasn't always been the same. Back when he debuted on SD I didn't mind him. But when he started his "thug" gimmick I actually couldn't stand him. To the point where I couldn't even watch SD anymore. Than he switched to Raw and grew on me. And now when I look back on his heel gimmick I actually enjoy it now. I can admit he isn't that great in ring, But if you watch his older stuff from UPW and OVW he wasn't actually that bad. I think he does good for the company and is someone that is greatly respected. Just people are sick of him always winning no matter how great the odds are against him. The whole "superman" thing is a little tiring but with him being out now maybe it will give the fans some time away from him to re-appreciate him when he returns and who knows... *knock on wood* maybe he'll heel by than.
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