Most people hate Cena because it "cool" to hate on Cena, however some people including myself hate Cena because he keeps doing the same thing over and over again. There is nothing fresh about his character anymore, its not edgy nor is it fun unlike the rapper gimmick he had.
He buries his opponents by not selling their moves, aka ddt on the concrete floor or the 30 minute hammering he took from Miz and A-Ri and still winning the match.
John Cena = Superman. I like superman but I would like to see him challenged or even get his arse whooped by his nemesis time to time, but it never happens.
All his losses don't make his opponents look stronger because he never looses clean. It's always via Dq, count out or a mistake of his.
All the great wrestler of the past have gotten their arse whipped with no exceptions. Rock, austin, taker, triple h, mankind, jericho. All have been involved in brual matches and have been beaten to a plup and they were big stars as well but I have yet to see John Cena truly get the shite kicked out of him.
On top of all this, his comedic timing is horrendous. He can't tell a joke without looking stupid.
So the Rock did different moves every night? You sure about that? Because I watched him spit on his hand and run across the ring every thursday night for 6 years -_-
Austin wouldn't even put Lesnar over, and you IWC guys love him right? Oh but because Austin always had something anti-authority to say he was the greatest man to ever hold a mic right?
Undertaker shouldn't even be a topic of discussion because he literally rises from defeat in his matches.
Triple H? Triple got his ass kicked? By who, Ultimate Warrior? Sure he got his comeuppances every now and then,but at the hands of Randy Orton and Batista his former proteges.
Mankind was never meant to be a top guy. Fan reaction got him to where he is(was) and in my mind it never should have happened because he wasn't that entertaining to begin with.
Jericho was never a top guy either. Sure he's main event level,but he's never been the face of the company,he was just a really good mouthpiece with technical ability,something you don't really see everyday.
Everyone has a pre planned finish. Even John fucking Morrison has a five step finish,and he's like the Jesus of professional wrestling.
Now onto Cena. Who exactly has Cena buried? You say he buried Miz and Riley, but together and now separately their at the top of the card without gold. John Cena does not equal superman and let me tell you why. John Cena got his ass kicked up and down arenas all last summer at the hands of Nexus, and hasn't done too well against CM Punk either. It really wouldn't make sense to have the face of the company lose night after night because guess what? That would make him a loser,and losers can't carry a brand as much as you would love to see it. I guess that's what you want? What do you want exactly? You want Cena to come out and make a 6 minute rhyming promo insulting his opponent that night and then lose? But because he said a few cuss words and made a joke about ******io, he's okay right? No, it's not okay. See the problem here his, John Cena used to rap. But he grew up and you didn't. Now who's the little kid?
I didn't even bother reading your post I just quoted it and picked apart but I just found a brilliant little nugget in there that I've bolded just for you.
Isn't that how faces lose, traditionally? Because they fuck up and the heel takes advantage? Yeah, Hunter used to pull that shit on Dwayne every week but it didn't seem to matter to you then? Or did you just forget?