John Cena - Get Over It.

Most people hate Cena because it "cool" to hate on Cena, however some people including myself hate Cena because he keeps doing the same thing over and over again. There is nothing fresh about his character anymore, its not edgy nor is it fun unlike the rapper gimmick he had.

He buries his opponents by not selling their moves, aka ddt on the concrete floor or the 30 minute hammering he took from Miz and A-Ri and still winning the match.

John Cena = Superman. I like superman but I would like to see him challenged or even get his arse whooped by his nemesis time to time, but it never happens.

All his losses don't make his opponents look stronger because he never looses clean. It's always via Dq, count out or a mistake of his.

All the great wrestler of the past have gotten their arse whipped with no exceptions. Rock, austin, taker, triple h, mankind, jericho. All have been involved in brual matches and have been beaten to a plup and they were big stars as well but I have yet to see John Cena truly get the shite kicked out of him.

On top of all this, his comedic timing is horrendous. He can't tell a joke without looking stupid.

So the Rock did different moves every night? You sure about that? Because I watched him spit on his hand and run across the ring every thursday night for 6 years -_-

Austin wouldn't even put Lesnar over, and you IWC guys love him right? Oh but because Austin always had something anti-authority to say he was the greatest man to ever hold a mic right?

Undertaker shouldn't even be a topic of discussion because he literally rises from defeat in his matches.

Triple H? Triple got his ass kicked? By who, Ultimate Warrior? Sure he got his comeuppances every now and then,but at the hands of Randy Orton and Batista his former proteges.

Mankind was never meant to be a top guy. Fan reaction got him to where he is(was) and in my mind it never should have happened because he wasn't that entertaining to begin with.

Jericho was never a top guy either. Sure he's main event level,but he's never been the face of the company,he was just a really good mouthpiece with technical ability,something you don't really see everyday.

Everyone has a pre planned finish. Even John fucking Morrison has a five step finish,and he's like the Jesus of professional wrestling.

Now onto Cena. Who exactly has Cena buried? You say he buried Miz and Riley, but together and now separately their at the top of the card without gold. John Cena does not equal superman and let me tell you why. John Cena got his ass kicked up and down arenas all last summer at the hands of Nexus, and hasn't done too well against CM Punk either. It really wouldn't make sense to have the face of the company lose night after night because guess what? That would make him a loser,and losers can't carry a brand as much as you would love to see it. I guess that's what you want? What do you want exactly? You want Cena to come out and make a 6 minute rhyming promo insulting his opponent that night and then lose? But because he said a few cuss words and made a joke about ******io, he's okay right? No, it's not okay. See the problem here his, John Cena used to rap. But he grew up and you didn't. Now who's the little kid?

I didn't even bother reading your post I just quoted it and picked apart but I just found a brilliant little nugget in there that I've bolded just for you.

Isn't that how faces lose, traditionally? Because they fuck up and the heel takes advantage? Yeah, Hunter used to pull that shit on Dwayne every week but it didn't seem to matter to you then? Or did you just forget?

Did you really just f'n compare Cena to Ric Flair? You have got to be f'n kidding me. Flair was unbelievable in his prime. He made the worst wrestlers look GREAT. You wanted to see Flair lose because he was the ULTIMATE HEEL. His moveset wasn't limited to 5 moves of doom that even Cena references. His passion was unmatched by ANYONE. You believed the story Flair told everytime he was in the ring. Just because Cena makes his face turn red and tell us every week he is there for us. He is there for a god damn pay check. If they told him he was to make as much as Gillberg do you think he would come out and wrestle? FUCK NO. Don't give me that bullshit that Cena is like Flair.


We do NOT and I repeat NOT hate John Cena as a human being. Everyone of the IWC members that dislike Cenas CHARACTER respect the MAN for doing what he does to promote the SHOW we LOVE. But for the last fucking time, we are BORED TO DEATH WITH HIS CHARACTER. WE WANT CHANGE. Change is GOOD. ALL THE GREATS have changed to some degree.

And yet what you are unable to comprehend is that what he is doing IS working. Guess what, I responded to a post of yours where you said the name "Cena" like 6 times. Yet you hate what he is doing. Do you think Google spider bots give a crap if you like him or not? No but they do care that you are posting about him and posting his name. How is that relevant? Simple, he is being talked about.

Old sayings don't get to be old sayings unless there is a little bit of truth to them. There is an old saying "there is no such thing as bad press" and what you are doing is giving Cena press. Your talking about him so he must be doing something right. Does he have the talent Flair does? Oh hell no. Not on his best day. But I do respect what he is doing and this IS the best direction for him at this point.

Now to address your "DUMB ASS CENA FAN" comment. Just who are you talking to? A person who posts here? Or are you just saying this in general? I do respect what Cena does but he is far from my favorite wrestler. I can comprehend how what he is doing is best for the WWE not just right now but the future as well.

The thing is Cena appeals to the young fan. Young fans grow up to be older fans. Then they go to wikipedia and youtube and look up old matches and wrestlers and become experts and post in forums to show off how smart they are. But at the end of the day they still mark out the minute that old hero's music starts regardless of how much they bitch about how bad they sucked back in the day.

Not only is he appealing to the young fan he is also making the old fan want to see him loose. Guess what, he is putting over CM Punk right now. If Punk was doing this against the Miz do you think we would care as much? What about HHH? Or Undertaker? I gotta say no on all of these. Like it or not all your doing is proving me right with every post.
Ok it looks like here that the people that boo Cena are being stereotyped as "smarks", or "clueless jerks that don't get it" but thats not the case. I never realized there were so many members of the CeNation that post on here. To sum it all up here's why people dont wanna get behind this guy:

1. When Cena tries to be funny, it bombs. It makes you cringe. 8 year olds may find it funny but grown people don't. His humor is not "cool", it's not witty. Not everybody can be like Bobby Heenan and nail it. Cena is best when he's serious. But when he keeps cracking these shitty ass jokes they write for him, it just comes across as lame.

2. Cena NEVER shows any weakness. He ALWAYS, ALWAYS comes back from EVERYTHING. From being beatdown from 10 guys last year with Nexus and stretchered out, he came back the following week, nothing wrong and cracking jokes as usual. Now yes this is more of creative's fault than Cena's b/c of the way the angle was booked but part of being a babyface is that the audience has to develop some sort of sympathy for what has happened to you so they can emotionally get behind you when kick that no good heel's ass. But Cena gets booed in most of those matches b/c he's always coming back or nothing bad has happened to him previously. The way they book Cena is really how they should book their heels.

3. I know it's professional wrestling, but holy shit Cena's offense looks so fake, sloppy, and phony. Does anyone ever notice his punches nearly never connect with his opponents? They miss like 6-8 inches! Hell Hogan's punches look more realistic than Cena's. In the age of UFC and MMA you have guys like Tito Ortiz and Rashad Evans beating the holy hell out of each other, but then you turn it on to Raw Monday night, and see John Cena's sloppy ring work. What grown ass male would wanna cheer that???

4. CM Punk and The Rock. Both of these men in their promos have basically been pointing out why he gets booed and are only repeating things are mentioned on message boards and it makes Cena look like a dope. He's not offering any real defense for himself other than "This is what I do and I do it for them and blah blah blah." It's hokey and cheesy. There is no edginess in Cena's character at all. While The Rock and CM punk are cutting these cool, eyebrow raising promos, Cena has shown he is nowhere near their level. Dont get me wrong Cena can be a great promo guy, it's just his material is cheesy.

5. I noticed an earlier poster questioned Cena's passion for the business. He does have passion but not enough passion. A lot of top guys through the years stood up to their promoters, even Vince and basically let them know that what they're doing is killing the business. Cena doesn't do that. He just goes with the flow being a nice corporate ass kiss up. Steve Austin and The Rock would let you know if the material you were giving them is shit. Cena wont do that. Thats why a lot of his promos are just dull and stale.

Guys like Dusty Rhodes, Steve Austin, The Rock, Jerry Lawler, Shawn Michaels these were all top babyfaces in their era who talked the talk and walked the walk and who can get it done in that ring. You never hear them get booed every week when they come out b/c fans were emotionally behind them and took what they did seriously. No one can't take what Cena does seriously b/c overall his character wouldnt be somebody a 20 or 30 year old would solidly wanna get behind.
I really hope this is the last in the "defend John Cena" series. He grew on me a bit, especially during the Punk promo, when he was simply killing it, but at the same time he made it real evident that he doesnt care what the average fans, or what you think. Its funny how he mocks the internet fans and now its the "thing" to make threads defending him.

Newsflash. Cena is huge. He is a star.
I dont think that requires pointing out.

He is consistant with everything he does.
What exactly does this mean?

He's a model employee,
I dont make money off of him, so fankly I could care less.

his matches are always solid, they're nowhere near as predictable as some make out (2 or 3 years ago, they were formulaic, I will admit),
Hes not horrible in the ring, but hes pretty stiff.

but I am sick and tired of people bitching about him.
Yet you're on a wrestling forum. This sort of defeats the purpose dont you think?

Yeah, he's been at the top for a long time but, lets face it, he's there because a. he deserves to be, and b. because no-one has come near him for a long time
DO you really think nobody has been able to come near him, or that WWE hasnt given anyone a Cena push because they dont want to exert that effort until they milk Cena for everything hes got? As long as people buy merch, WWE doesnt care what goes on the TV. Some of you realize this but you want to pull strings and say the Attitude Era or the Ruthless Agression era where flawed because ____ ___ and _____ when this era has been about the same guy for almost a decade. I'm starting to side with the people who stopped watching wrestling.

So, my point is, is there anyone else who believes that the heat Cena gets, largely, isn't warranted?
That just depends on what people are saying about him. Everyone says something different. No his moveset isnt only 5 moves, he wouldnt have a job if that were the case. But face it, hes not the best in the ring, hes been shoved down our throats, and WWE puts so much emphasis on him that they forget or purposely neglect building other stars to his caliber. People are going to bitch because they're fans and what they're seeing doesnt interest them. Get over it.
Guys like Dusty Rhodes, Steve Austin, The Rock, Jerry Lawler, Shawn Michaels these were all top babyfaces in their era who talked the talk and walked the walk and who can get it done in that ring. You never hear them get booed every week when they come out b/c fans were emotionally behind them and took what they did seriously. No one can't take what Cena does seriously b/c overall his character wouldnt be somebody a 20 or 30 year old would solidly wanna get behind.

Times have changed. There was a time that if you were booed you were the heel. If the fans were behind you then you were the face. Listen to the old guys talk about it. Now when you do something that would have made you a heel back in Lawler and Rhodes day the fans cheer.

So let me ask you this, why is it that heads could wrap around a heel being cheered but can't seem to get it when a face is booed?
I'm not exactly fond of Cena but I don't bitch and complain and nor do I boo him, I just don't give any reaction because I see no point in doing so, if I boo him will he suddenly turn heel the next week on RAW? HELL NO! If the hate for Cena was REALLY genuine he wouldn't be selling all this merch and he sure as hell wouldn't be the top guy. People DO need to get over it.
As much as I hate to do it... *raises hand*

I DO NOT LIKE CENA. But I have no reason to hate him. Thus I don't boo him. You see, John Cena is overrated but I don't hate him for it. Instead I look at all the underrated guys and watch them work their magic in the ring (*coughs* mainly Justin G). I could care less about what Cena does other then get his ass kicked and then become Super Cena to win. I have no reason to boo him, no reason to hate him.


Okay, ONCE I had a genuine reason and that was because he AA'd Justin Gabriel onto a car.

Other than that I just ignore him
Jesus fucking christ.

The WWE audience is NOT uniform. Thus, one action WILL get different reactions from two sides. The all american babyface is a babyface for most fans but a heel to others.

Think about this too. If that many people ACTUALLY hated Cena. Then why does he sell so much merch, why do they make noise (if they're so bored why not just go to the bathroom during his match?), and why do his segments get the highest ratings?

If you say "well they really do hate him, they're just voicing their displeasure" then that means the segment of the audience that boos him isn't large enough to make a difference because he makes the company so much money so they shouldn't even care about what the think.

Otherwise the other option is that he purposely acts the way he does because it gets him a reaction in which 100% of the audience is 100% emotionally involved in his match and it sells the most tickets.

No matter how you look at it, people who think Cena sucks are wrong. Ric Flair, Harley Race, Samoa Joe, RVD, CM Punk, and Bryan Alvarez, all guys with WAAAAAY more credibility than any spot mark or attitude era mark on here, ALL say Cena is not only good, but good in the ring.

Do we not have a "All John Cena stuff" thread for this to go in?

think about this too, if Cena was actually so boring, then why does he have more threads on here stirring up more replies? Is it because he sucks so bad that you can't stand it and you have to talk about him? That's stupid. Usually when something bores me I don't wanna talk about it. Instead it's more similar to in 1997 when I was 8 and I hated Hollywood Hogan. I would have my sting action figure beat the shit out of my Hogan action figure. It's called heat. Cena gets it from you guys by being a goody two-shoes, all american babyface. It's not cool to be a good good guy, you have to be a bad good guy to be cool in 2011. So really, because anti-heroes are the heroes of this generation, Cena is the anti-hero of the anti-hero generation.

Also, what the fuck would turning Cena heel do? You guys would cheer him, the kids would boo him, WWE would lose money and someone else would have to make all his appearances. So basically, you guys are the ONLY ONES who get what you want. You know who else thinks from a selfish "everyone wants what I want" perspective? Children.
Otherwise the other option is that he purposely acts the way he does because it gets him a reaction in which 100% of the audience is 100% emotionally involved in his match and it sells the most tickets.

One of the aspects that makes pro wrestling great to follow is the "suspending belief" scenario that allows us to openly love and hate certain characters, knowing that those characters might change their ways tomorrow and see all the love turn to hate (or vice-versa). It's not really different from TV and movies where we get invested in a character in a short period of time and can actually feel depressed when a long term actor has "died," which means he was killed on the show. I've reacted this way a couple of times..... then ridiculed myself for acting like a fool.....then realized that the producers and actors of the show simply did a good job and had their audience responding exactly the way they intended. I was happy to go along with what they were doing.

Same goes for pro wrestling, except we're not talking about a 2 hour movie or 22 one-hour TV episodes a year. This is continuous and we get so invested in the performers that it all becomes real, at least while the show is on.

But remember, there's a huge difference between loving or hating the character and loving or hating the person playing the character.....and I think there are folks on this forum that miss the distinction. The pro wrestler you're talking about doesn't have hurt feelings if you hate him. In fact, if he's portraying a heel, it's exactly what he wants.

Then there's John Cena. He's a face who gets booed as well as cheered. By the actions of his character, you get the feeling that John Cena (the man) is happy as hell that people boo him.....and happy as hell they cheer him. He understands that getting a reaction is everything, no matter what type of reaction it is. Look at all the folks on this forum that talk about wrestlers who get no reaction at all. That's the worst thing for a WWE performer, right?

Is it logical for people to boo an uber-face like Cena? Well, only if you're confusing storyline with fantasy a little too much. Cena's ring routine is "stale" because management wants him to keep performing that way; it isn't his idea. But it's still humorous to see wrestling fans get legitimately upset because Cena is playing Super-Cena. Here he is, overcoming adversity to defeat the villain.....upholding the ideals of good and virtue.....and getting his butt booed as if he just tied a girl to the railroad tracks and sneered (while twirling his mustache, no doubt) as the train ran over her. Cena probably understands the crowd's mentality better than we do; that's why he embraces those who jeer him.

If you want to get mad at Creative, or management, or Vince McMahon for details of the storyline and production.....that's fine, but don't "hate" Cena for playing his part the way he does.

Or, do hate him. Either way, he's gonna be happy knowing he's got still more people watching and talking about him doing what he does so well.
I don't boo Cena because it's the col thing to do, I boo Cena because I can't stand to see him on my TV in the top picture again and again with the same character, with the same lines, same funny then serious "I'm gonna kick your ass" attitude, I just can't take it anymore.

People been hating him for 4-5 years and I was still behind him because of his ethic, passion and work rate. And he wasn't bothering me that much back then, but since 2 years I can't stand him. I almost want the guy to get injured or go to film a movie because he I know I would like him upon his return (just like at the Rumble). When he was drafted to Smackdown! I was SO HAPPY thinking Raw might be watchable again (well lately Raw's been quite good, still need to get rid of Cole though).

So for people who think he deserves it because like Chavo said in tweet, Eddie and him thaught him better than that, to do more than a lazy routine and to always push harder which he is doing lately. But the WWE deserve to have Cena booed because they don't want to change anything. To me it will only get worst and worst and we've seen it with SummerSlam that wasn't held in Chicago.
I don't boo Cena because it's the col thing to do, I boo Cena because I can't stand to see him on my TV in the top picture again and again with the same character, with the same lines, same funny then serious "I'm gonna kick your ass" attitude, I just can't take it anymore.

People been hating him for 4-5 years and I was still behind him because of his ethic, passion and work rate. And he wasn't bothering me that much back then, but since 2 years I can't stand him. I almost want the guy to get injured or go to film a movie because he I know I would like him upon his return (just like at the Rumble). When he was drafted to Smackdown! I was SO HAPPY thinking Raw might be watchable again (well lately Raw's been quite good, still need to get rid of Cole though).

So for people who think he deserves it because like Chavo said in tweet, Eddie and him thaught him better than that, to do more than a lazy routine and to always push harder which he is doing lately. But the WWE deserve to have Cena booed because they don't want to change anything. To me it will only get worst and worst and we've seen it with SummerSlam that wasn't held in Chicago.
He doesn't bore you. If you were bored, you wouldn't boo, you'd get up and leave. When my girlfriend watches real housewives of new jersey I don't sit there and boo or bitch, I fuckin leave. that's the difference, you're being worked into hating him no different than any other heel (in the WWE's non-uniform audience the same action can be a heel and a face action depending on the audience member, not a tweener, something new and different entirely). It's not cool to like Cena. Plus what the fuck are you talking about, for at least a year his promos have been more than just cliches, he said meaningful stuff against Rock and Punk. Not his fault his foils usually can't hang with him as far as overness.

Also, STOP BRINGING UP CHAVO. All the Cena haters always bring up what Chavo said. Chavo never drew a fucking dime and if his last name wasn't Guerrero he'd be making burritos at your local mexican restaurant. RVD, Samoa Joe, Ric Flair, and Harley Race all drew more in one night than Chavo did in a career and they all say he's very good.

Not only that but Cena doesn't do the same routine. He has his spots and moves he does like everyone else, but he tells a story in the ring every time out.
He doesn't bore you. If you were bored, you wouldn't boo, you'd get up and leave. When my girlfriend watches real housewives of new jersey I don't sit there and boo or bitch, I fuckin leave. that's the difference, you're being worked into hating him no different than any other heel (in the WWE's non-uniform audience the same action can be a heel and a face action depending on the audience member, not a tweener, something new and different entirely). It's no cool to like Cena. Plus what the fuck are you talking about, for at least a year his promos have been more than just cliches, he said meaningful stuff against Rock and Punk. Not his fault his foils usually can't hang with him as far as overness.

Also, STOP BRINGING UP CHAVO. All the Cena haters always bring up what Chavo said. Chavo never drew a fucking dime and if his last name wasn't Guerrero he'd be making burritos at your local mexican restaurant. RVD, Samoa Joe, Ric Flair, and Harley Race all drew more in one night than Chavo did in a career and they all say he's very good.

Not only that but Cena doesn't do the same routine. He has his spots and moves he does like everyone else, but he tells a story in the ring every time out.

Sorry I boo Cena when I am there live because I am sick and tired of him. When I am watching TV I fast foward or don't watch his segment, is it better for you Mr. nitpicking based on words?

You like Cena and everything he does is perfect, but I don't see it that way. He is not always great stop it already. I even gave him props for upiing his game lately, even before Punk.

And I don't care that Chavo never draw he is still right. HBK had his routine but he still put great matches between his routines and he never got lazy in the process, Cena is and was, lately less so.

Cena to me is like Ferrari, Detroit Red Wings or the Yankees. I could go all my life without seeing them ever winning anything again and I would be happy, that's how I feel and I couldn't care less what you feel about it.
People are going to like him, people are going to dislike him. For whatever reasons that may be it is an opinion and up to an individual to decide what side of the fence they stand. I don't have a problem with anybody hating him or loving him for any reason, despite if I think it's deserved or not. I personally do not like John Cena because the character he plays does nothing for me and I can't relate to him on any level.. I am sure many people dislike him because it's "cool" aswell as like him because it's "cool" but as far as I am concerned that's life and it is way too over analysed..
I do not think that there is a reason to warrant it. It just really depends on what kind of superstars you like.
If you are a person who likes a heal persona John Cena is going to have heat because they dont like "good" superstars. Now like a wrestling fan like me im going to love any superstar that is a "good" superstar. In my opinion it is not warrented.
Sorry I boo Cena when I am there live because I am sick and tired of him. When I am watching TV I fast foward or don't watch his segment, is it better for you Mr. nitpicking based on words?

You like Cena and everything he does is perfect, but I don't see it that way. He is not always great stop it already. I even gave him props for upiing his game lately, even before Punk.

And I don't care that Chavo never draw he is still right. HBK had his routine but he still put great matches between his routines and he never got lazy in the process, Cena is and was, lately less so.

Cena to me is like Ferrari, Detroit Red Wings or the Yankees. I could go all my life without seeing them ever winning anything again and I would be happy, that's how I feel and I couldn't care less what you feel about it.

Cena isn't lazy. He bumps a lot in his matches and always sells his ass off. He works pretty much every house show and Raw and is pretty much always the main event. He always gives it an energetic effort. I mean, if you mean he's not taking huge crazy bumps at house shows or on the 7 minute Raw matches, well that's because he's smart. Why would he? Taking huge bumps don't get you over (probably why Chavo thinks Cena is lazy is because Chavo would do all sorts of moves to try to get over but it never worked). Cena gets over by being smart in the ring and making every move mean something and telling an in ring story every time out there so the crowd cares about the whole match. That makes him lazy? Bryan Alvarez said in 2008 "if you doubt Cena's in ring ability, you lose credibility" and guys like Flair, Race, RVD, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and many others have said just how good he is. Shit he got a 5 star match from the king of smarks Meltzer himself. Cena vs Umaga Royal Rumble 2007, Cena vs JBL "I Quit", Cena vs Batista summerslam, Cena vs Jericho, Cena vs HBK, Cena vs RVD, Cena vs Punk. You don't have that many great matches against such a variety of oppoenents without being really fuckin good.

Cena IS like the Red Wings or Yankees. People LOVE TO HATE them. I HATE the Yankees. I hope they never win another world series. But guess what, if my Braves ever win a title, I want it to be a 7 game epic against those fuckin Yankees. That's why people tune in. They tune in to either see the Yankees win or lose. It's the same with Cena. It's a good thing.

I'm glad you gave Cena props. However, you should really at least consider rethinking your mindset that maybe he knows that most of the people who boo him, deep down love to boo him and love to hate him, and so he does this stuff on purpose. Read around here, more and more people are figuring it out every day. Given the number of smiles on people you see who chant "Cena sucks" at live shows, it's FUN to boo Cena.

Ever have that guy at work you just give shit to all the time? You don't hate him, it's just fun.

Now, maybe you are one of the very (very) few who legitimately aren't entertained in any way by Cena. I'm personally not a huge fan of his, I respect him and appreciate him as one of the top 10 guys in the world at what he does, but I don't own any of his merchandise, I don't follow him on twitter. I can seperate myself and see what's happening. I'm a bigger Daniel Bryan fan, but I would never suggest he wins the world title, he's not over enough.
Cena isn't lazy. He bumps a lot in his matches and always sells his ass off. He works pretty much every house show and Raw and is pretty much always the main event. He always gives it an energetic effort. I mean, if you mean he's not taking huge crazy bumps at house shows or on the 7 minute Raw matches, well that's because he's smart. Why would he? Taking huge bumps don't get you over (probably why Chavo thinks Cena is lazy is because Chavo would do all sorts of moves to try to get over but it never worked). Cena gets over by being smart in the ring and making every move mean something and telling an in ring story every time out there so the crowd cares about the whole match. That makes him lazy? Bryan Alvarez said in 2008 "if you doubt Cena's in ring ability, you lose credibility" and guys like Flair, Race, RVD, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and many others have said just how good he is. Shit he got a 5 star match from the king of smarks Meltzer himself. Cena vs Umaga Royal Rumble 2007, Cena vs JBL "I Quit", Cena vs Batista summerslam, Cena vs Jericho, Cena vs HBK, Cena vs RVD, Cena vs Punk. You don't have that many great matches against such a variety of oppoenents without being really fuckin good.

Cena IS like the Red Wings or Yankees. People LOVE TO HATE them. I HATE the Yankees. I hope they never win another world series. But guess what, if my Braves ever win a title, I want it to be a 7 game epic against those fuckin Yankees. That's why people tune in. They tune in to either see the Yankees win or lose. It's the same with Cena. It's a good thing.

I'm glad you gave Cena props. However, you should really at least consider rethinking your mindset that maybe he knows that most of the people who boo him, deep down love to boo him and love to hate him, and so he does this stuff on purpose. Read around here, more and more people are figuring it out every day. Given the number of smiles on people you see who chant "Cena sucks" at live shows, it's FUN to boo Cena.

Ever have that guy at work you just give shit to all the time? You don't hate him, it's just fun.

Now, maybe you are one of the very (very) few who legitimately aren't entertained in any way by Cena. I'm personally not a huge fan of his, I respect him and appreciate him as one of the top 10 guys in the world at what he does, but I don't own any of his merchandise, I don't follow him on twitter. I can seperate myself and see what's happening. I'm a bigger Daniel Bryan fan, but I would never suggest he wins the world title, he's not over enough.

I will read your reply later, can't right now and address it, but here's something more I wrote based on the previous exchange and where it seems like it was going...

Let's set things straight. For blind Cena haters he is 1 star quality. For his blind fans he is 5 star material. He isn't both. Cena is a solid 3-4 star quality. Cena is a Rock or Austin. He is not an HBK or Hart. Cena CAN'T carry a BAD wrestler. HBK and Hart could, Rock and Austin couldn't. Now that we have made those basic element clear, let's keep going.

Cena is in a league of his own and that's hurting him in the long run. Cena is the only one who could stand with behemoth such as Hogan, Rock and Austin in the current roster (Orton and Punk are getting close in term of general overness and stock value so to say). So in the end you know that Cena will always win. Cena will try to hack like the odds are stack against him and that he will mostly lose but you know he will win in the end and it's hurting him in the long run. Cena need to look down on his challenger and he need to look them as equal. As long as he can't look them as equal it will hurt the product and the anything can happen factor because you know that in the end, Cena will win.

Now let's talk about Cena "GREAT" (/irony) in ring psychology. Cena don't do much as far as moves goes but what he does he does it great, that I can agree. I can also agree that Cena is AWESOME at selling move (sometime he over do it, but still). An example when he is dazed or things like that or scream. When Cena apply the STF it look like you are screwed. But when Mysterio did it to Cena I wasn't believing a second that it was a painful move. But most of Cena's match in his carreer have been I am getting beat, I sell all match long with 2 or 3 failed comeback and then boom big comeback, be honest and stop trying to pretend it's not true. I am honest in my comment and I am expecting the same from the people I am dealing with.

Now since I am honest I will keep being it, most of the WWE face have that psychology because that's what Vince and the road agent want them to do (and that's how most of the pro wrestling match have always been and maybe they should change it a little but that's a matter for another topic.) the heel lead the match and the face sells and struggle then the face make a comeback and in the end he win or lose (of course). Same for tag team, the face will always struggle to the quick and cocky tag of the heels and then BAM HOT TAG, AND HOUSE CLEANING WITH POWER MOVES.

And if we want to take it into the realm of reality if I was in a fight I would make my comeback with what I know works, but as far as watching a match goes it can get predictable and stale.

I will close it on what I think is really important and that people fail to understand most of the time. You have the right to love Cena and I have the right to hate him and it doesn't matter to me or to you what the other think. You see I don't hate Cena 100%, I hate how he's booked, I hate his character and other things but I still respect what he does and how hard he work, but we have a right to be tired of him without being blind haters (some are, some aren't and I know it's hard to know it when you reply to a comment, but still).
I will read your reply later, can't right now and address it, but here's something more I wrote based on the previous exchange and where it seems like it was going...

Let's set things straight. For blind Cena haters he is 1 star quality. For his blind fans he is 5 star material. He isn't both. Cena is a solid 3-4 star quality. Cena is a Rock or Austin. He is not an HBK or Hart. Cena CAN'T carry a BAD wrestler. HBK and Hart could, Rock and Austin couldn't. Now that we have made those basic element clear, let's keep going.

Cena is in a league of his own and that's hurting him in the long run. Cena is the only one who could stand with behemoth such as Hogan, Rock and Austin in the current roster (Orton and Punk are getting close in term of general overness and stock value so to say). So in the end you know that Cena will always win. Cena will try to hack like the odds are stack against him and that he will mostly lose but you know he will win in the end and it's hurting him in the long run. Cena need to look down on his challenger and he need to look them as equal. As long as he can't look them as equal it will hurt the product and the anything can happen factor because you know that in the end, Cena will win.

Now let's talk about Cena "GREAT" (/irony) in ring psychology. Cena don't do much as far as moves goes but what he does he does it great, that I can agree. I can also agree that Cena is AWESOME at selling move (sometime he over do it, but still). An example when he is dazed or things like that or scream. When Cena apply the STF it look like you are screwed. But when Mysterio did it to Cena I wasn't believing a second that it was a painful move. But most of Cena's match in his carreer have been I am getting beat, I sell all match long with 2 or 3 failed comeback and then boom big comeback, be honest and stop trying to pretend it's not true. I am honest in my comment and I am expecting the same from the people I am dealing with.

Now since I am honest I will keep being it, most of the WWE face have that psychology because that's what Vince and the road agent want them to do (and that's how most of the pro wrestling match have always been and maybe they should change it a little but that's a matter for another topic.) the heel lead the match and the face sells and struggle then the face make a comeback and in the end he win or lose (of course). Same for tag team, the face will always struggle to the quick and cocky tag of the heels and then BAM HOT TAG, AND HOUSE CLEANING WITH POWER MOVES.

And if we want to take it into the realm of reality if I was in a fight I would make my comeback with what I know works, but as far as watching a match goes it can get predictable and stale.

I will close it on what I think is really important and that people fail to understand most of the time. You have the right to love Cena and I have the right to hate him and it doesn't matter to me or to you what the other think. You see I don't hate Cena 100%, I hate how he's booked, I hate his character and other things but I still respect what he does and how hard he work, but we have a right to be tired of him without being blind haters (some are, some aren't and I know it's hard to know it when you reply to a comment, but still).
I agree with a lot of what you said. One thing that did bug me was the whole "carrying thing". A "good match" is subjective. To me, to "carry" someone is to get them over. Bret and HBK could have smark-friendly matches with anyone, but Cena, hogan, rock, and austin could all get anyone over.

I think this is the main place we differ. I don't care what I think, what you think, or what anyone thinks of Cena. I look at it from the perspective of "is he doing his job better than anyone else." It doesn't matter if I don't like how he's booked or if you don't, or if someone else does, fact is, he's safe in the ring, and he draws the most. The two jobs of a wrestler he does.

Now, obviously you said you like his newer stuff, which I think everyone has liked the Punk feud and most people have liked Cena's booking since the Rock stuff.

I do think there's a lot of truth to you saying what hurts Cena is there is no one who is his equal. Personally I don't think that has anything to do with Cena, his booking, or any one else's booking. I just don't think anyone else has the ability to get as over as him. Rock is as over as him, which is why their shit works so well together. Punk is almost as over as him, which is why this shit works so well.

I guess it all boils down to two different economic facts. Fact 1, people like watching the highest competition (MLB>AAA>AA>A+>A>R as far as attendance), and fact 2, people like parity(lots of economic studies, no coincidence the NFL has the most parity and is the most popular).

So think about Cena. Nobody else draws as much as him. So really, he's at a higher level than most guys, so to see the "highest competition" you don't always feel like it. Fact 2 of parity, well WWE can't afford to let Cena lose too much or not be in the main feud because he draws more than pretty much anyone. So there goes parity.

In other words, other people need to step their game up for more people to accept Cena. Miz is damn close, he has the multi-media crossover appeal, can work the mic, can go in the ring. CM Punk can work the audience but needs more cross-over appeal.

I think you need to throw out percieved repetitiveness, throw out how you think he's booked, throw out saying you respect him, throw all that subjective stuff out. I think that no matter what your opinion of Cena is, if you throw out all the silly "he's a 4/5 on the mic, a 3/5 on technical skills, a 4/5 on ring psychology, so he's about a 3.75/5 overall" and look at what really matters, overness, and safety in the ring. You must admit he's one of the best in the world at doing his job.

I hate the yankees and red sox, but I admit, their ownership and their front office is one of the most amazingly run pro sports organizations in the world.
I agree with a lot of what you said. One thing that did bug me was the whole "carrying thing". A "good match" is subjective. To me, to "carry" someone is to get them over. Bret and HBK could have smark-friendly matches with anyone, but Cena, hogan, rock, and austin could all get anyone over.

I think this is the main place we differ. I don't care what I think, what you think, or what anyone thinks of Cena. I look at it from the perspective of "is he doing his job better than anyone else." It doesn't matter if I don't like how he's booked or if you don't, or if someone else does, fact is, he's safe in the ring, and he draws the most. The two jobs of a wrestler he does.

Now, obviously you said you like his newer stuff, which I think everyone has liked the Punk feud and most people have liked Cena's booking since the Rock stuff.

I do think there's a lot of truth to you saying what hurts Cena is there is no one who is his equal. Personally I don't think that has anything to do with Cena, his booking, or any one else's booking. I just don't think anyone else has the ability to get as over as him. Rock is as over as him, which is why their shit works so well together. Punk is almost as over as him, which is why this shit works so well.

I guess it all boils down to two different economic facts. Fact 1, people like watching the highest competition (MLB>AAA>AA>A+>A>R as far as attendance), and fact 2, people like parity(lots of economic studies, no coincidence the NFL has the most parity and is the most popular).

So think about Cena. Nobody else draws as much as him. So really, he's at a higher level than most guys, so to see the "highest competition" you don't always feel like it. Fact 2 of parity, well WWE can't afford to let Cena lose too much or not be in the main feud because he draws more than pretty much anyone. So there goes parity.

In other words, other people need to step their game up for more people to accept Cena. Miz is damn close, he has the multi-media crossover appeal, can work the mic, can go in the ring. CM Punk can work the audience but needs more cross-over appeal.

I think you need to throw out percieved repetitiveness, throw out how you think he's booked, throw out saying you respect him, throw all that subjective stuff out. I think that no matter what your opinion of Cena is, if you throw out all the silly "he's a 4/5 on the mic, a 3/5 on technical skills, a 4/5 on ring psychology, so he's about a 3.75/5 overall" and look at what really matters, overness, and safety in the ring. You must admit he's one of the best in the world at doing his job.

I hate the yankees and red sox, but I admit, their ownership and their front office is one of the most amazingly run pro sports organizations in the world.

I agree with you and that's why I said he is in a league of his own. As far as carrying I know what you mean but I will just give you another example. I've always loved HHH, even when all the planet hated him, I had HHH shirt and dig him and his personna a lot. To me HHH was very good in the ring, he was good at selling (he made Maven and Benjamin look like beast in term of overness) but when I saw his bouts with Steiner I realised that HHH wasn't a wrestler who could make a bad wrestler look good or should say great. HHH can make a good guy look great but he has trouble with a bad wrestler. His feuds with Nash were not that hot either.

While Bret and HBK can take a bag of shit and make it look like it's the hottest thing ever (I could had Jericho with them and maybe Punk one day). In term of overness I TOTALLY agree with you and they can make their opponnents look credible. Miz work his ass off (not just in promotional event, but to improve in the ring and promos) last year and he still does and to me he is golden even if some people hate him because he happenned to be a reality star before reaching his dream and the rub he got from Cena really cemented his position in the company and to cross over a little with the other thread we were having a debate on (not too much for the mods) various thing can help you to solidify your position in a company. A well booked title reign, a rub from a more over superstar, the right gimmick for the right performer or the perfect timing for a storyline.

So I think Punk and Miz may reach Cena in term of character and we may have more diverse feuds, but to me the fact that Cena is THE face of the company is a problem versus having 2 or 3 faces of the company like back in the Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker and Kane days. Let's just take SummerSlam, I ordered Money In The Bank for the ladder matches, Orton-Christian and mostly Punk vs Cena, but I didn't order SS because there wasn't nothing that I wanted to see except Cena-Punk. Miz wasn't even booked if I am right and there's nothing that really appeal to me other than the main even picture and that may be another problem as it over expose the product (Cena in that case). Back in the day you wanted to see Taka Michonoku vs Val Venis as much as you wanted to see Austin vs Taker or Austin vs Rock (well not as much but still).

The younger talent that people are praising just can't get over. I don't and will probably never care about Kingston, Swagger, Drew McIntyre and others. On Smackdown! some of them are shining (Cody Rhodes) but they just can't get us interested enough in them and that's the performers and bookers fault, they don't care so why should we.

So to get back on topic we agree that Cena needs more credible challengers that you really believe he could lose. I agree that Cena is good as a WWE entertainer or Superstar and even a wrestler (but we agree he is no HBK, Bret or DB) but when I look at his match I will rely of the predictability and other things, I can't turn off in my mind the fact that I've seen this comeback routine a thousand time and that I don't like it.

When I am talking about being lazy I will agree with you he is not in the term that he is selling which is the hardest part in wrestling, not doing the move, but taking them. And he is bumping and I don't want Cena to do flip, third ropes leg drop or put himself in a postion where he may risk injury. I agree that he needs to work smart to not get injured as the company rely on him. But I also now that Cena used to be Prototype and used to know more than 5 moves. I know the management limits him like every big face and that he needs his routine because the people in powers thinks that people are comforted in that routine but I know that he could vary things, do different move or combinaison of the same one he use. Cena is better than they let him be and that's hurting him also and he is lazy to let himself be booked that way all the time.

Whether HBK or Bret where face or heel, leading or following the match you wanted to see their match because there was always something different and some innovations in their matches, Cena don't have that much going for him that's all I am saying. Sure he is producing some 5 stars match with the right opponnents but there's not a lot of innovations that you see coming from him and I don't mean risking injuries, just varyings things up a little.
yeah everyone has their moveset but didnt u ever notice that those guys u named could do other moves? when cena is in a tag match he comes in and does his lame shoulder blocks etc and thats all she wrote every time. his moveset to close out a match is all he has. all his matches he just gets his ass whooped the whole time and then makes his comeback. maybe pay more attention and realize that cena is the only wrestler to ever hear the chant "you cant wrestle" we know a lame ass wrestler when we see one and thats why we boo him. not because its the cool thing to do because if that were the case then stone cold hhh taker etc would get booed too right? cena may be the face of the company but thats not saying much when u see how bad the ratings have gotten and the simple fact that he doesnt do anything new in the ring. if hes so dedicated then how come he doesnt better himself? you talk about bret hart having a moveset and yeah he did but what else could he do...he could carry a match with the best of them. cena doesnt at all. most of his main events at mania etc are him getting beat on like against hbk and then he makes his little comeback and wins. its lame and come up with something better next time. actually pay attention when he attempts to wrestle. we expect full on dedication in the ring and cena doesnt show it and should do more to turn the fans opinions around about his in ring work
His whole "rap" persona from the very beginning through me off, and his ring attire as well. Jean shorts and sneakers?

Sure it's a new era, but I don't think you should dress like a hobo and break away from traditional attire. It's wrestling, not a street fight.
Do I think the hate Cena gets is warranted? No, not at all. I think, for the most part, people hate him for stupid reasons, and that the majority of Cena haters are spoiled brats who can't accept the fact that the Attitude Era is gone.

Do the people who boo Cena have the right to do it? Absolutely, because that's the beauty of being a wrestling fan. You can cheer and boo whoever you want without consequence. I can't fault anyone for making their dislike of Cena known. If I'm going to a WWE event, I'm going to cheer all the people I enjoy and boo the people I don't. I would expect that to be the same for any fan wanting to get their money's worth.
My opinion is as follows...

Cena does get a lot of stick off a lot of people (myself included) but its not his fault....

The heat i give is to John Cena, the character. John Cena, the person is possibly one of the greatest employees WWE will ever have! He shows up everyday, does his thing, goes away and even when he could be having time to himself, he is promoting the company or doing charity work! This is the sign of a great employee.

Now as for John Cena, the character...this is down to creative not wanting to change what works, Cena was the biggest selling superstar in terms of merchandise for 6 years, why would creative want to change anything about him? He sells shirts, hats, wristbands, headbands etc wherever he goes. Yes we might think he is shoved in our faces and is stale and predictable, but we have to look past what we see and look at it from a business point of view...If you owned a shop, and had something that was selling out everyday and people were always coming to buy it, would you want to change it for something new? I know i sure wouldn't because it's what is making you the money which is what this is all about.
This thread isn't needed. There's already a Cena thread here. The same things will be said here that will be said in the other Cena thread. People will come on here to say why they don't like Cena just like the other one. Not me necessarily, but you get my point.
Is cena hate warranted? Some, not it all, on a personal level this man is everything you want as the "face" of your company, his make a wish contribution, his mic skills (I don't like him, but he's in the top 5, ever) his build, look, girls want to be with him, and kids want to be him, but that's why I don't like him, as a man, I'd love to be in the position that he is, undoubtably anyone on these boards would, but also, as a man, he isn't what I classify as a great wrestler, and I watch wrestling, I appreciate that he's a great story teller, on the mic and trew
He is the biggest guy in the business in 21st century, and this is for a fact.
Next comes the cheering and booing part. For cheerers- 1. marks cheer for him because he is a face. 2. others cheer for him in view for all that he does every week, and i am not talking about make a wish, i cheer for him because he is an inspiration, a well deserved role model and a treat to watch him perform. For booers- 1. smarks boo him because A. he is a face, or B. to look cool, or C. they are a bunch of idiots. 2. others boo him because of him having the same character, his limited moveset (that was alloted to him, not handpicked by him), and in view of where the face of the company has come now, From the Austin's and Rock's to a person that is made for the younger audience.

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