Cena Booed Because People Love To Hate Him?

Yeah, that promo last night was just terrible. Just when I thought (or hoped) his promos wouldn't get any worse, he does that...cat promo. I still can't believe he said that Ricardo sounded like two old cats who were trying to vomit and have sex at the same time?!? Eww...Really?? That wasn't great or funny. It was just gross and bizarre. That promo was so bad I was actually embarrassed for him. How can anyone watch that and say it was great?!? He has great mic skills, lol?! Sorry, I just don't see it.

I really wanted Wade Barrett to win. It would have been a great moment for him and would shake things up. But, there's no point in even watching Cena's matches anymore. There's no anticipation or excitement, wondering who's going to win. You know Cena is going to win. Why can't another wrestler share the spotlight once in a while? People just don't boo him because they're trying to be cool. They have valid reasons to boo him.
The Miz has only one memorable promo in his career and that was when he was a lowly United States champion. Christian is in that same boat too. Nice try.
He's had a number of memorable promos. As many as Cena? No, but several as the WWE Champion.

There's a little flaw in your argument. When have guys like HHH, Kurt Angle, and Big Show ever proved to be close to the draw Cena is. When Austin was the top guy, did you ever see him in the midcard and draw? Nope and don't even bring up 2002 Austin which I know you will. How about the Rock when he was huge? Did he ever go upper midcard? Let me go through HHH, Angle, and Show.
Randy Savage was always the Scene Stealer. Always sitting under the thumb of either Hogan or Warrior, and frequently out drawing from mid/uppermid-card.

Undertaker has a long history of out-drawing from uppermid-card as well. In fact he did it at WM27. Who bought WM27 to see Cena vs Miz? Who bought WM27 to see HHH vs Taker? The year before? HBK vs Taker. The year before that? HBK vs Taker.

Just because people pay to see the main event doesn't mean they're not paying to see a mid-card player as well. Usually it's the mid-card that is the draw at Wrestlemania. The Main Event is big, but it's not uncommon to see a midcard match that is it the best show and the biggest draw at Wrestlemania.
2 points.

1: When I am live I boo Cena because if I sit on my hand and let the kids scream the WWE will think that everything is fine because they are loud like it or not. Booing is our only way of showing that we are tired of Cena, that and throwing his shirt back to him, that was classic.

2: To the guy saying that Austin and The Rock were the top draw and were never upper midcard, newflash for you dude, Austin and The Rock were not always feuding. Austin had feud with HHH, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Vince and others. And The Rock had feud with HHH, Angle, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show and others.

And that may be the thing, back in those days you had multiple draws, in today's era you have one draw and it's Cena so of course he is getting shoved down our throat and it's annoying.
2 points.

1: When I am live I boo Cena because if I sit on my hand and let the kids scream the WWE will think that everything is fine because they are loud like it or not. Booing is our only way of showing that we are tired of Cena, that and throwing his shirt back to him, that was classic.

And that may be the thing, back in those days you had multiple draws, in today's era you have one draw and it's Cena so of course he is getting shoved down our throat and it's annoying.

And so your answer to that is boo the only draw the WWE has? There's some backwards logic for you. Get vocal, you got that much right, but cheer the mid-carders you like. LOUD. So that way they get the pushes you want them to have. The louder you boo Cena the more over he gets.
Here are the facts. He sells more merch than anyone, he gets the loudest reactions of everyone, he likely has the highest quarter hour segment ratings than anyone. He gets boos and cheers. This leads to 2 possible explanations.

1) The people who boo him love to boo him. They're smiling when they boo him, they look like they're having fun. They're not going to the bathroom. Plus people don't generally watch what they hate.

2) The people booing him actually hate him, but due to the fact that he's the biggest draw suggests that the segment that hates him, while loud, isn't big enough to even matter.

In other words, people love to boo him. He works the boos. He's a catalyst for a loud reaction against anyone he wrestles. Notice when he gets booed the chants are "Lets go Cena Cena sucks" not typically "lets go Cena Lets go wrestler B".

Another thing, stop with this "shoved down our throats" bullshit. People wanted it. If they didn't, he wouldn't have been so fucking over would he? The WWE pushes guys, if they get over, the get pushed some more. So basically what you guys are saying is "fuckin John Cena getting super over when they push him". It's like saying you're sick of Coke pushing Coke. Just fucking dumb.

You guys seriously need to seperate your opinions and start looking at things objectively. You'll understand more and not look so stupid when you state your opinions and personal feelings as facts.

Also, it's not like anyone else could take his place. Lesnar is a hermit, Lashley and Batista couldn't take it, Orton can't get as over. Cena is the only guy with the ability, work ethic, and mass appeal.

People can be stupid and say "Austin wasn't always at the top" true, but Austin wasn't always healthy either. You can say "Rock wasn't always at the top" true, but Rock also left and started making movies after about 3 years on top. You can say "after Rock and Austin there wasn't one guy" true, but that's because none of them were far and away a bigger draw than everyone else. You could say "HBK wasn't always on top" true, but HBK also broke his back and wasn't as big of a draw. You could say "Hart wasn't always on top" true, but he didn't have the mass appeal and was older when he was pushed, thus WWE was looking for another star". You could say "he's like Hogan", which in the sense that he's by far the biggest draw in the company with a desire to stay with the company and be the top guy for 5-10 years then yes, that's true.

All these stupid opinion basd "so and so is better on the mic" "so and so is better in the ring" are dumb ass arguments. How do you guys watch baseball? "Matt Holliday's swing is prettier, thus, he's a better player than Albert Pujols". It's fucking INSANITY. Stop using your opinion to back up your opinion. Use objective means.
And so your answer to that is boo the only draw the WWE has? There's some backwards logic for you. Get vocal, you got that much right, but cheer the mid-carders you like. LOUD. So that way they get the pushes you want them to have. The louder you boo Cena the more over he gets.

When Punk was feuding with Taker I was the only one cheering for him. When Orton was feuding for Cena we were cheering him. When Christian came back we were cheering him. Why do you assume that I (ME) don't get vocal about it just because I boo Cena? But me getting vocal at DB or others won't change the 10 000 others who are apathic, won't cheer or care. I can only try
When Punk was feuding with Taker I was the only one cheering for him. When Orton was feuding for Cena we were cheering him. When Christian came back we were cheering him. Why do you assume that I (ME) don't get vocal about it just because I boo Cena? But me getting vocal at DB or others won't change the 10 000 others who are apathic, won't cheer or care. I can only try
So....to help out wrestlers you like....you make the exact opposite noise the WWE wants?

If smarks were so fucking smart, they'd BOOOO the heels they like (it's what they want) and not say anything when Cena comes out.

Instead you CHEER the heels you LIKE and BOOO the guys you DON'T LIKE. You know who else CHEERs what they LIKE and BOOOS what they DON'T LIKE? Marks. You guys who do this are fucking marks. You get worked into booing Cena just like Miz worked that one girl into looking really pissed off.

Cena COULD be more ruthless, add bullshit highspots that wouldn't make any sense, and cuss more. He doesn't though. Know why? It pisses you off and sells merch. He's working you.
I dont hate Cena i respect his presence. I just dont like him. Theres a difference from getting used to someone rather then being force fed. I dislike him because hes on everything. He has the worst music, attire, and destroyed the WWE championship. (Since wrestling isnt real im making a note tying that his "character" is the reason.) A real wrestling fan sees through bull like him, if you like Cena im not saying anything about you. Just cause he turned the "5 moves of doom" into a joke what most people do in a situation they feel attacked, doesnt change that he still did it. I cant remember when hes ever had any special match. The one with Rey for the title recently before Punks return was decent though, best in years? I think most people dislike Cena because he was supposed to be a super heel. He was trash talking and all this garbage about being "chain gang gangster" then turning into a rainbow face. Im sure a ton more people will respect John Cena more when hes not the face of the company. We just feel we deserve something different. To be honest there really isnt anyone else though. Chris Jericho left so thats out, Orton... just no. Im glad hes doing well and happy i truly am. I just think he should let his ego go and give someone else a chance. Putting Cena with another title like US/IC/Tag Team is a better move for all. It would bring back honor to the title because hes obviously a main event-er.
I dont hate Cena i respect his presence. I just dont like him. Theres a difference from getting used to someone rather then being force fed. I dislike him because hes on everything. He has the worst music, attire, and destroyed the WWE championship. (Since wrestling isnt real im making a note tying that his "character" is the reason.) A real wrestling fan sees through bull like him, if you like Cena im not saying anything about you. Just cause he turned the "5 moves of doom" into a joke what most people do in a situation they feel attacked, doesnt change that he still did it. I cant remember when hes ever had any special match. The one with Rey for the title recently before Punks return was decent though, best in years? I think most people dislike Cena because he was supposed to be a super heel. He was trash talking and all this garbage about being "chain gang gangster" then turning into a rainbow face. Im sure a ton more people will respect John Cena more when hes not the face of the company. We just feel we deserve something different. To be honest there really isnt anyone else though. Chris Jericho left so thats out, Orton... just no. Im glad hes doing well and happy i truly am. I just think he should let his ego go and give someone else a chance. Putting Cena with another title like US/IC/Tag Team is a better move for all. It would bring back honor to the title because hes obviously a main event-er.
Yea, because people who like highspots and don't appreciate ring psychology are more of a fan than anyone else. Better too.

Any idea how arrogant and stupid that sounds? How many times do I have to say this? RVD, Samoa JOe, Harley Race, Ric Flair, and even everyone's mancrush CM Punk say that Cena is really fuckin good. I guess they aren't real fans though. Or maybe you guys just don't know very much about wrestling and focus too much on moves instead of HOW guys are doing things.

"When he's not the face of the company". Well he's too over not to be, so shitty logic there. You basically just said "when WWE decides they want to lose money, then we'll like Cena".

Can't remember a special match? Well, the 5 star against Punk, but I guess you think Punk, the amazingly athletic heat getter he is, did all the work? Just like HBK carried him for an hour. Just like Jericho carried him. Just like JBL, Umaga, Batista, and RVD all carried him. Despite the fact that he's more over than anyone on that list except maybe HBK. Yea, seperate your opinion from what's really going on. Just because YOU think you would like to see something, doesn't mean the majority of their audience would.
Another thing, stop with this "shoved down our throats" bullshit. People wanted it. If they didn't, he wouldn't have been so fucking over would he? The WWE pushes guys, if they get over, the get pushed some more. So basically what you guys are saying is "fuckin John Cena getting super over when they push him". It's like saying you're sick of Coke pushing Coke. Just fucking dumb.

You know what they say about opinions! No he is shoved down everyone's throats, you need to get over it actually. Last time I checked Punk stuff sells more recently than Cena. What other wrestler is in EVERY PPV TITLE main event? NO ONE!!!!!! Only Cena! Orton doesn't get over because he is boring as hell. At least when Miz had the belt it was entertaining. When Cena has it it's lame.

People boo all the time because:

1) His act is old

2) You could honestly take a 6 month break from watching WWE and I promise you that you could come back and wouldn't miss a beat. Cena would either have the belt or cutting one of his lame promos about he's going to beat someone for the belt.

People want CHANGE!!!! People are sick of the Cena loses the belt, Cena rematch, Cena wins rematch. It's a boring viscous circle. Nobody wants him in the title picture. I wrote above honestly when he is on I change the channel to Pawn Stars or something else until his segments are over.
You know what they say about opinions! No he is shoved down everyone's throats, you need to get over it actually. Last time I checked Punk stuff sells more recently than Cena. What other wrestler is in EVERY PPV TITLE main event? NO ONE!!!!!! Only Cena! Orton doesn't get over because he is boring as hell. At least when Miz had the belt it was entertaining. When Cena has it it's lame.

People boo all the time because:

1) His act is old

2) You could honestly take a 6 month break from watching WWE and I promise you that you could come back and wouldn't miss a beat. Cena would either have the belt or cutting one of his lame promos about he's going to beat someone for the belt.

People want CHANGE!!!! People are sick of the Cena loses the belt, Cena rematch, Cena wins rematch. It's a boring viscous circle. Nobody wants him in the title picture. I wrote above honestly when he is on I change the channel to Pawn Stars or something else until his segments are over.
So Punk sells a lot of merch for the 3 months he's in a feud with John Cena, this proves punk is a bigger draw? Nevermind the fact that when Punk isn't in the ring with Cena or HHH is reactions are considerably smaller.

"Orton doesn't get over"? Lol, Ortons the second most over guy on the roster and isn't boring, you're just too stupid to see his amazing ring psychology and character work.

"what other guy is on every ppv title main event?" Iunno, what other guy is as over as Cena. If he's the most over guy, then wouldn't that mean that most people want to see him? Then again, I guess what YOU (think) you want to see is more important right?

1) That's your opinion, he's extremely over. Stop using your opinion to back up you're opinion. It's fucking stupid. Use logic for once.

2) Maybe, but you know what else would be the same? John Cena will be the biggest draw, which is a pro wrestler's job.

You sound like a child. You think that everyone else shares your same opinion. Your brain is in the egocentric phase of development, most people get out of this at age 7ish. If "everyone" wanted Cena out of the title picture he wouldn't be such a draw would he?

I haven't seen a SINGLE argument against Cena that wasn't someone stating their opinion followed by some "everyone is sick of it" bullshit. It's immature of you to think that everyone else thinks the same way you do.

Wanna know my personal opinion? I wouldn't mind seeing Cena do something else. However, I'm not a ****** who thinks everyone else thinks the same way as me, so I see how over he is and see people smiling while booing him, and realize the best thing for him to do is what he's doing until someone else proves they can draw.
Wanna know my personal opinion? I wouldn't mind seeing Cena do something else. However, I'm not a ****** who thinks everyone else thinks the same way as me, so I see how over he is and see people smiling while booing him, and realize the best thing for him to do is what he's doing until someone else proves they can draw.

Actually the only one who acts like a child is you! Every post I see you curse and talk down to people non-stop. It is you who doesn't like the fact people don't agree with you.

Cena is boring and the fans are sick of him case closed.
What show are you watching because people scream CM Punk during RAW with or without CENA or HHH!
You mean "his fans scream CM Punk"? On raw and Smackdown Punk didn't get much of a reaction. Not only that, but against Cena it was "Lets go Cena, Cena sucks' most of the time, no mention of Punk. Cena is the catalyst there.

Punk is not that over. He has a smaller but very vocal fanbase. You are probably a fan of his, which means when he comes out, you get excited and your senses are enhanced, which makes everything sound louder to you. It's okay, happens to most people who can't objectively look at something.
Lets go Cena and Cena sucks is piped in! Always the same voices

No,how they can when its live television?Look at the crowd there actually 'moving there mouths' The kids/women/some men cheer lets go Cena and the rest are saying 'Cena Sucks'.I can tell by your comments that your a CM Punk Mark,and think his the best but his not the biggest draw.Cena is and on SD Punk didn't hardly get a reaction,they was behind Triple-H! His fanbase is no-where as big as Cena's.
Actually the only one who acts like a child is you! Every post I see you curse and talk down to people non-stop. It is you who doesn't like the fact people don't agree with you.

Cena is boring and the fans are sick of him case closed.
I curse, so what? I talk down to people because they say stupid things.

"Cena is boring" your opinion, he's very over and draws a lot, so unless boring is what makes a guy a draw, you're again, only stating your opinion.

"fans are sick of him case closed" fans are so sick of him that they keep buying his merchandise, keep watching the show, keep going to shows, and keep making noise. See, this is the part where you have the mindset of a child. Obviously most people DON'T feel the same way as you. There is a smaller, vocal minority that might agree with you, but to say that "fans are sick of him" is fucking stupid. You may as well say "Jose Bautista only has 5 home runs this year" sure you can say that all you want, but factual evidence clearly shows this is not the case.

Stop stating shit without backing it up. I've backed every single one of my points up (not my opinions, I'm stating points with objective evidence). Give me a single fucking point you have that's not based on your opinion.
No,how they can when its live television?Look at the crowd there actually 'moving there mouths' The kids/women/some men cheer lets go Cena and the rest are saying 'Cena Sucks'.I can tell by your comments that your a CM Punk Mark,and think his the best but his not the biggest draw.Cena is and on SD Punk didn't hardly get a reaction,they was behind Triple-H! His fanbase is no-where as big as Cena's.

No seriously listen to it closer next time! Its gets louder and the voices each and every week are the same. The crowd does say it yes BUT also it's piped in to get the crowd going. The louder it gets you will see it's the same voices each week.
No seriously listen to it closer next time! Its gets louder and the voices each and every week are the same. The crowd does say it yes BUT also it's piped in to get the crowd going. The louder it gets you will see it's the same voices each week.
I hope you are joking. someone would have reported it because it's obvious if you hear stuff like that live at the show.

If you're not joking and it's actually true (not likely), it kind of proves that people love to boo Cena. WWE wants this reaction. If WWE didn't want this reaction, it'd be because the boos are hurting business. Instead, people loving booing Cena and will watch/pay to boo him. Kind of also makes Punk seem less over since a majority of their matches were "lets go Cena Cena sucks"
Actually the only one who acts like a child is you! Every post I see you curse and talk down to people non-stop. It is you who doesn't like the fact people don't agree with you.

Cena is boring and the fans are sick of him case closed.

It's kinda hard to stay composed all the time when people are talking out of their ass.

He hasn't said jack to me personally and he and I tend to debate topics frequently. Whether I agree with him or not he's one of the smartest guys on the site, and it's great talking with people like him.

Cena however is anything BUT boring, because if he were boring you wouldn't be talking about him. Every single time he takes the screen he says or does something that causes the IWC to get their panties in a wad and go squeeling about it non-stop until next week where they loyally tune in to watch what Cena will do to piss them off again so they can start the cycle all over again.

You know what I did when I finally saw too much of something I didn't like in wrestling? I stopped watching for 6 years, tuning in only once in a LONG while, usually the monday after wrestlemania to see if anything had gotten better, and checked the wrestling news sites until finally I saw something worth bringing my attention back.

Cena is one of the best things on TV because he's always going to cause people like to you complain about it and start people like me talking back. You know what else causes that kind of reaction? American Idol & Dancing with the Stars. Raw is the number one cable show on TV with men ages 18-45, not just in that time slot but over any time slot. Cena EARNED his spot as the main event of the show, and until sales drop he'll continue to be in that same spot.
It doesn't matter how "boring" Cena might be to some of the older fans. The amount of disrespect he gets from some of them is completely ridiculous. He goes out there every single night and works his absolute best to entertain the very same people who wear shirts to show their hatred of him. That shows how much of a better person he is. Cena is the top face. He is booked as such. Look at Hogan back in his prime. Same exact style of booking and even less "moves of doom" than Cena, but did people hate him? Nope. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a little something called a double standard. I don't care how "cool" the haters may think it is to yell "Cena sucks" or wear the "we hate Cena" shirts. It's disrespectful. He worked hard to get where he is, let the man live his dream. How'd you like it if he showed up to your work yelling "you're boring, I hate you and you suck!!!!" every time you try to do anything? The fact that it's "cool" does not justify the behavior of some fans. I'm not saying you have to LIKE Cena, I'm saying that the man deserves more respect than what he gets because he earned it, LONG ago.
It doesn't matter how "boring" Cena might be to some of the older fans. The amount of disrespect he gets from some of them is completely ridiculous. He goes out there every single night and works his absolute best to entertain the very same people who wear shirts to show their hatred of him. That shows how much of a better person he is. Cena is the top face. He is booked as such. Look at Hogan back in his prime. Same exact style of booking and even less "moves of doom" than Cena, but did people hate him? Nope. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a little something called a double standard. I don't care how "cool" the haters may think it is to yell "Cena sucks" or wear the "we hate Cena" shirts. It's disrespectful. He worked hard to get where he is, let the man live his dream. How'd you like it if he showed up to your work yelling "you're boring, I hate you and you suck!!!!" every time you try to do anything? The fact that it's "cool" does not justify the behavior of some fans. I'm not saying you have to LIKE Cena, I'm saying that the man deserves more respect than what he gets because he earned it, LONG ago.

I couldn't agree more. "Cena sucks, Punk is the BEST!" or "Punk is Overrated, Cena is the best." Let's give credit where it's due. Cena has had some GREAT matches with the likes of Edge, HBK, Umaga, Triple H, Orton, CM Punk, etc. No matter how much "wrestling" he does or how hard he tries to please even the people that hate him (his throwbacks to his "heel" persona) people will never be happy. It's "cool" to hate Cena, and as long as it's "cool" then it'll never end. "5 moves of doom, blah, blah, blah" "He needs to turn heel, blah, blah, blah" Cena could morph himself into something that EVERYONE loves and the IWC would still find something to complain about. I like Cena, I like Punk. I'm a wrestling fan, I have been since 1997. Like him or hate him, he deserves respect. Period.
It doesn't matter how "boring" Cena might be to some of the older fans. The amount of disrespect he gets from some of them is completely ridiculous. He goes out there every single night and works his absolute best to entertain the very same people who wear shirts to show their hatred of him. That shows how much of a better person he is. Cena is the top face. He is booked as such. Look at Hogan back in his prime. Same exact style of booking and even less "moves of doom" than Cena, but did people hate him? Nope. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a little something called a double standard. I don't care how "cool" the haters may think it is to yell "Cena sucks" or wear the "we hate Cena" shirts. It's disrespectful. He worked hard to get where he is, let the man live his dream. How'd you like it if he showed up to your work yelling "you're boring, I hate you and you suck!!!!" every time you try to do anything? The fact that it's "cool" does not justify the behavior of some fans. I'm not saying you have to LIKE Cena, I'm saying that the man deserves more respect than what he gets because he earned it, LONG ago.
Cena really doesn't work harder than anyone else though. All pro wrestlers work hard. Even Great Khali works hard. I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't respect John Cena. I respect him, but I still dislike the character that he plays. Its not disrespectful to boo him or wear an "I hate Cena" shirt. If you truly believe thats a bad thing to do, then I'm going to have to remind you that wrestling isn't real. Its not immoral to dislike a fake character. I will continue to boo him because its fun and because WWE encourages it. John Cena himself encourages it. Sometimes I wish wrestling fans wouldn't take it so seriously. There's no right way to enjoy wrestling. If everyone liked the same wrestlers, it wouldn't be any fun.
Whoah whoah whoa. The Miz has a had a few memorable promos. Did you not see his one with Truth a week ago that everyone was raving about. That's already one more than you said so your statement is void. Christian has a plethora of memorable moments especially if you've been watching since when he's first come about. Don't feel the need to put down other superstars just to prove your point.

I feel the need to put down whoever I put down because I can. That promo with Truth was average. I don't see the greatness everyone is talking about. It's bascially Rated RKO 2011 with far less interest. Name me a memorable Christian promo that doesn't involve Edge and I'll consider giving you a little credit.

He's had a number of memorable promos. As many as Cena? No, but several as the WWE Champion.

Such as? You mean where he always says he proved people wrong? They all run together sooner or later.

Randy Savage was always the Scene Stealer. Always sitting under the thumb of either Hogan or Warrior, and frequently out drawing from mid/uppermid-card.

Undertaker has a long history of out-drawing from uppermid-card as well. In fact he did it at WM27. Who bought WM27 to see Cena vs Miz? Who bought WM27 to see HHH vs Taker? The year before? HBK vs Taker. The year before that? HBK vs Taker.

Just because people pay to see the main event doesn't mean they're not paying to see a mid-card player as well. Usually it's the mid-card that is the draw at Wrestlemania. The Main Event is big, but it's not uncommon to see a midcard match that is it the best show and the biggest draw at Wrestlemania.

HHH, HBK, and Taker weren't upper midcard and it's asinine to think so because HBK just got out of a main event feud with Jericho and Undertaker was world champion heading to WM 26. Upper midcard my ass.
So....to help out wrestlers you like....you make the exact opposite noise the WWE wants?

If smarks were so fucking smart, they'd BOOOO the heels they like (it's what they want) and not say anything when Cena comes out.

Instead you CHEER the heels you LIKE and BOOO the guys you DON'T LIKE. You know who else CHEERs what they LIKE and BOOOS what they DON'T LIKE? Marks. You guys who do this are fucking marks. You get worked into booing Cena just like Miz worked that one girl into looking really pissed off.

Cena COULD be more ruthless, add bullshit highspots that wouldn't make any sense, and cuss more. He doesn't though. Know why? It pisses you off and sells merch. He's working you.

You make me laugh when you try to put me into one of your little category so you can sleep better at night. Christian was a face back then and we where in Canada. Punk was a heel but I have always been a fan of his. Cena bore me and the just don't say anything instead of booing is one of the most idiotic comment.

It works in theroy but not in pratice. Cena is not working me Cena is boring me because he's been doing the same thing for years. Like I told you in other thread and I doubt you already forgot about it, when I am home and Cena comes on my screen I switch channel, that's it.

Not stop trying to spin everything I say like you want and read what I am saying for what I am saying. Even if I start to cheer for any low card face like crazy it doesn't mean that everyone will.

Unfortunately for those of us who wants diversity, kids want comfort and an hero and WWE is giving it to him, alienating many fans in the process because no one is on Cena level now and that's a problem.
HHH, HBK, and Taker weren't upper midcard and it's asinine to think so because HBK just got out of a main event feud with Jericho and Undertaker was world champion heading to WM 26. Upper midcard my ass.

What do you call them then? They were NOT the main event. Not when you have 2 world title matches on the card. That's upper-midcard at best, do you want to go lower? I suppose I could go there, but I didn't think you'd want to look that bad.

See you're talking about where they stand individually but that's a logical fallacy. Unless they're feuding for the world title, they're not the main event unless specifically stated otherwise like with Hogan vs Sid, or Rock vs Austin WMXIX. That's upper-mid card. Not main event. That makes them upper-mid card players not main eventers.

Play whatever word games you want, but words have a literal definition, and literally, I'm right.

And even if you want to get rid of Taker's streak matches lately, you still haven't said a thing about Randy Savage's IC matches, which stole the show and were the smark draws of every PPV event.
TWJC, you want fact dude, I will give you the same on I've given in multiple threads.

Cena = Most over wrestler today, FACT
Cena = Most over wrestler in an era that can barely draw 3's in the ratings, FACT
Many of my friends stop watching wrestling and wrestling is not as cool as it used to be, FACT
My friends who stopped watching, may not represent the whole world, FACT
Monday night wars era used to draw in the 6's in the ratings, FACT
6 is higher than 3, FACT

Now with those fact we can establish that Cena, Cena and another top face or just another top face could draw more. Cena is the most over with the current fanbase but it doesn't mean that him and/or someone esle couldn't attract another fan base.

So Cena being the most over actually, doesn't mean you shouldn't risk or invest in something different because someone else may draw you in the 3. But as long as they protect Cena and shove it down the throat of some fans who can't take him anymore, they won't get those fans back.

In my opinions and based on my experience, wrestling was cool when us teenager were into it. Now if you are a teenager your little brother will makes you ashame to say you like wrestling when he thinks he is super cool in his Cena's gear.

I am not saying Cena don't draw and never will, but I can say that he is not drawing like others could. We can't blame Cena alone for making wrestling uncool to a lot, but a proportion of people are turned off by him on their television. We also have to look at the fact that they were mutliples draw back in the 6's era so that may have something to do.

But then again who's fault is it that there's only one big draw in the WWE? Sure the fans get behind someone but it would be idiotic and foolish to think that you don't have a better chance of getting over when the management gets behind you.

I will give you an example, back when the Miz was having his imaginary feud against Cena where we was coming out, calling him out and then saying 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0. The Miz was amazing on the mic and were calling it like we are right now. Cena then comes out and SQUASH him 2 weeks in a row. Now let's forget Miz status in the company today, but at that time even a cheap win with a weapon or a rool up via a distraction would have mean a LOT to the Miz. A lost for Cena at this point of his career can be brushed off the next night but a win for The Miz would have been tremendous.

Same things when Cena goes through the tag champ or when Miz destroy or outsmart the whole Nexus, come on the "I will find a way to outsmart and beat you using wording on your command" was lame, even Harry Potter knew best when he asked Kreatur to not speak to Malfoy or tell anyone. Maybe for his fans it was funny and they were happy, but his haters had hopes that he would be a slave for a least a week or two or that he would be fired for a least a month, even more so after the speech he gave.

Cena at the moment is facing the same problem that HHH once did when he was feuding with midcard to higher midcard RVD, he went through every challengers and he had no one left that were equal to him, we knew that HHH would win no matter what. Cena needs to lose even if it's not clean so his opponnents can look like they have a chance. The face should be the underdog, that's good business and wrestling 101. You can't stack odds against Cena because everyone (okay maybe not everyone word police) knows he will win, is there really some kids scared that Cena will lose?

The WWE create one of their biggest draw, no... their biggest draw since Austin and Rocky but they also dig themselves in a hole that they can't get out until they stop to protect Cena that much. I am not complainning that Cena wins the war in the end, even if it would be better if there was another draw so someone else could win the war and title like in the Austin and Rocky era, but he needs to lose WAY more fights than he does. The heel needs to cheat and wins 2-3-4 fights before Cena is allowed to overcome the odds, that's smart booking.

You know what else can be smart booking, bring Big Show and Kane back, they say that while sideline they had time to watch and think, think that they've become nothing more than a joke. That Mark Henry showed them what a real monster should be and that they want to align with him an start inducting some fear back into people. They then destroy Cena and Orton as a stable, take the title away from both. Every week they deastroy and cheat to win with their strenght and the power the numbers. Then you can have Cena or Orton make an upset and win the title back at a PPV or even better, Cena and Orton could fail and you could have a new face get an upset victory with the help of Cena and Orton (Mankind winning the title with the help of DX) to help create another face that your young fan base will really get behind.

"À vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire" that's a french expression that means that basically means that if you win without a challenge, your victory means nothing. Great peoples comes out of great struggle. Right now there's no heel that can seriously challenge Cena, he needs his nemesis that will have his number and that Cena just can't beat so that the day he finally beat him it just taste better, but for that Cena will need to start to lose.

And PS.: By the end of the Punk/Cena feud it was no Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks it was Let's go Cena, CM PUNK

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