I think I know why people Boo John Cena

"Parents can bring there children to come and watch and unless you have kid’s or have nephews and nieces who enjoy wrestling, you will never know what it feels like to actually have them there enjoying the same thing that you have when you were a kid."

i went to any show that was here on the west coast, so i was there not only before the attitude era, but also during. was still somewhat of a kid myself then too. Was at the "In Your House: Rock Bottom" even, Live in Vancouver. and almost every adult had a kid with them. there is nothing that went on during the Attitude Era that isn't on regular TV anyway. and yes, Rock/Austin did say their catchphrases in every promo, but thats because it's a catchphrase, you're supposed to do that, thats what sells the T-shirts with it on it. but they went beyond those "few lines" did you see the rock interviewed by Kevin Kelly? or by coach? it didnt matter who was interviewing him, there was always something different about them included in the promo, for whoever he was up against, be it 1,2,3 or even 4 guys, he would say something wild and over the top about them. i can remember one promo where he ripped into Kane, 'Taker, Austin, and a few others. in one word. "FINALLY" the crowd would go NUTS, be it as a Heel, OR a face. one word. yes i'll agree, a lot of the lines WERE over used, but there was also new stuff thrown in there each different night. but i think there was a 2 or 3 week period where Cena came out and did the "this is my life, this is all i got" promo, word for word. yes, the peoples elbow was cheezy, funny cheezy, but now are you going to defend the "5 knuckle shuffle" because it's the same move, but a little more cheezy. when they add some more flare to Cena, im tellin you that a lot of people will turn and say he aint as bad as before. Go to youtube. type in "The Rock's funniest moments" or Austin, hell, even DX. see how many results you get. now do the same for Cena, and almost all the ones you get are from his Rap gimmic.
The reason why Cena gets boos from certain sections of the crowd is simple. First look at who's booing the guy. It's usually males over the age of 20. It's a very deep, baritone chant, all males. Most older male fans feel that Cena is a real life tool. From the short buzzcut, the rap music, the wrestling in shorts and sneakers, , the "urban" accent, and he's a do-gooder in and out of the ring. He's what people hate in real life and pretty much the definition of a tool. Most of the time Cena will receive half cheers, half jeers from this age group, that's the way it will always be. I think the people that said it was the haters are right for the most part. It's almost the same case as why some of the older fans hated Rude back in the day, but his case was mostly jealously while many of today's fans are annoyed by Cena's personality. Going into Super-Cena mode doesn't really help the guy either. It kinda puts the fans frustrations more over-the-top than they would be.

As for me, I'd say that 95 percent of all wrestlers are and have been tools. Why start picking on one guy? I don't let my personal opinions of a wrestler carry over into his profession. If a guy is a tool in real life and his character is an annoying tool,(Zac Ryder) well then that's great. We're firmly in the smark/iwc are of pro wrestling and people need to lighten up a bit.

Cena is doing what he is doing to Sell merchandise as well, so I’m not sure what your trying to get at?

That it’s ok for The Rock and Austin to repeat the same things over and over again because they are trying to sell merchandise but when it comes to Cena repeating it’s not ok?

That is having double standards my friend
Those that are complaining about Cena Selling makes me laugh.

Because you guys act like you are some expert on it.

Also anyways his gimmick is a "Super-Hero" gimmick, if that is his gimmick why would he have to sell?

If he starts selling, this would not be his gimmick, since he is suppose to be according to a lot of you a "Super-Hero" gimmick.

Since when to "Super-Hero's" Sell?

This isn't a legit reason to dislike the guy when his gimmick is not asking him to sell.

Well to most fans we like to watch a match that tells a story and is unpredictable, not some guy get the shit beat out of him for 10 minutes and then super elbow out of a sleeper hold, get up and then act like he just walked out of the locker room. There is no entertainment in that and it doesn't even get much of a reaction out of me anymore, it used to get me angry now I just get disappointed in how horrible they book the finish and I've felt this way since wrestlemania 23. If he were to sell like an actual wrestler and make it look like he has to put some real effort into it maybe more of the fans would be back on his side and he'd be the face Vince fantasized about since JR scouted him
What was so unpredictable about Austin and The Rock compared to Cena? NOTHING

Yet this is what made the Attitude Era lmao

oh man the irony.
Well to most fans we like to watch a match that tells a story and is unpredictable, not some guy get the shit beat out of him for 10 minutes and then super elbow out of a sleeper hold, get up and then act like he just walked out of the locker room. There is no entertainment in that and it doesn't even get much of a reaction out of me anymore, it used to get me angry now I just get disappointed in how horrible they book the finish and I've felt this way since wrestlemania 23. If he were to sell like an actual wrestler and make it look like he has to put some real effort into it maybe more of the fans would be back on his side and he'd be the face Vince fantasized about since JR scouted him

So how is an actual wrestler supposed to sell because I think Cena does it pretty well. HBK acted like he got hit by a truck whenever he got punched and don't get me started on that stupid little flip he does whenever he gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The only wrestlers I've seen sell well on a consistent basis other than Cena are Edge, Mysterio, and Jericho.
what is Cena's catchphrases? i can think of ONE that he still uses "never give up, never back down" which by all means is a good one! i like it. but that is the only one he got, he dont have "this is all i got" on a tshirt. so why repeat it all the time? "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" that was a great one too, why he dropped it im not sure. they robbed Cena of his humor, and made him super serious all the time. the Cena/Rock comparison has been going on for a long time, as well as the cheap shots sent back and forth between the two. you're DAMN right the rock is cheezy, but he was OPENLY cheezy, he was over the top on purpose. and THATS why people loved him. stone cold was over the top and did/said what he want for a reaction, thats why we loved him. I put no blame on John himself. i know that in real life John is a funny dude. the big difference between Cena and Rock/Austin is with those guys, they had creative control over themself, not to the WC point, but they got to write a lot of their own stuff. i dont believe one bit that Cena gets to now. it's too packaged for that. when he would come out and rap about his openant? yeah, that was a lot of his own lines. i wanna see him get control back of his character. get some damn humor in there and dont be so.. blah.
I think there are two reasons people get booed. A. They have an effective character that is entertaining yet believably vile/hate worthy (IE: CM Punk, Jericho). B. The audience is sick of them (IE: Cena, Eugene). That's why a well-placed heel turn can turn it from "You make us want to puke" boos to "How dare you, you dastardly villain" boos. Cena's been around doing the same thing for too long. However, since both sides tend to accuse the members of the other side of being mindless sheep, here are two of my problems with Cena...

1. He sells very poorly. Think about his early matches The Miz or the match everyone was happy with him about with Jack Swagger. Cena drops at every punch and knee to the gut and acts disproportionately damaged by everything. Then, when he executes his shoulder block/spin out powerbomb-ish looking thing/etc. combination, he stops acting hurt completely. I think he looked tired while doing the FNS on Triple H at Wrestlemania 22. Other than that, I really can't think of another time.

2. His gimmick is now the opposite of what he started with. (This also happened with MVP. He got popular with his over-payed sports personality character, and then they turned him face and he suddenly became the man who payed his debt to society and is trying to make good.) Cena started out as being the rebel who played by his own rules and was always on the edge, especially when it came to what language was allowed. Now, Cena is similar to Michael Cole - an empty suit. He is walking WWE propaganda.

Anyway, when I go to a live event and boo Cena, I have reasons. However, it's quite possible that some people boo him without knowing why, which is just basic crowd psychology. I'm sure some people cheer Mysterio without knowing why.
what is Cena's catchphrases? i can think of ONE that he still uses "never give up, never back down" which by all means is a good one! i like it. but that is the only one he got, he dont have "this is all i got" on a tshirt. so why repeat it all the time? "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" that was a great one too, why he dropped it im not sure. they robbed Cena of his humor, and made him super serious all the time. the Cena/Rock comparison has been going on for a long time, as well as the cheap shots sent back and forth between the two. you're DAMN right the rock is cheezy, but he was OPENLY cheezy, he was over the top on purpose. and THATS why people loved him. stone cold was over the top and did/said what he want for a reaction, thats why we loved him. I put no blame on John himself. i know that in real life John is a funny dude. the big difference between Cena and Rock/Austin is with those guys, they had creative control over themself, not to the WC point, but they got to write a lot of their own stuff. i dont believe one bit that Cena gets to now. it's too packaged for that. when he would come out and rap about his openant? yeah, that was a lot of his own lines. i wanna see him get control back of his character. get some damn humor in there and dont be so.. blah.

You can’t think of Cena catch phrases are you a idiot?

His catch phrases are “You can’t See me” which he does all the time, “Never Give up”, "You want some, Come get some".

Openly cheesy that does not mean anything. **Sighs**

You just will not admit there similarities between them all will u?

There is no difference only in your small little world there is.
Pull your face out of Cena's "strudel" for 2.5 seconds so you can fully understand what is being said.

yes, he DOES have "you cant see me" but when is that used now? with the rock bottom rip off. does he really say it much anymore? no, because it came from the rapper gimmick.
i just finished saying that Cena is similar to rock and austin, but in comparison, Cena is a watered down version of them. blame the PG era if you like, but it's true.
I think its because people just HATE HIM!! There is no crazy reason why its just people who just dont like him and it could be for many reasons like they think he can not wrestle, bores them, doesnt appeal to them i dont think its because its "cool" i just think they dont like him and the character he acts. Its really that simple lets not drag it out too much.

I mostly blame Kurt Angle for the reason Cena gets booed today because of their matches in 2005. Angle was the heel yet did big move after big move trying to wow the crowd. If Angle played the role he was supposed to play, Cena would have been better when he went up against HHH. Of course Hunter didn't try to do him any favors either during their WM match.

Angle 100% did not cause that. And i know this because i was watching PPV's from late 04 and early 05 the other day and i saw the odd "Cena suxs" or a X over a chain gang sign. Kurt didnt do most of it, Kurt sure as hell didnt help it though.

This has nothing to do with being a Cena fan or anything like that especially when you are not making any sense. If you can take your blind hatred away then maybe just maybe you can see how crazy you are sounding.

That is used the same way that The Rock would use his People’s Elbow. Give me a freaken break, the people’s elbow is nothing compared to the “You Can’t see me”.

Gosh, seriously, get over it.

Let's say for argument sake that the 'You can't see me" is a rip off from Rock, and cheesy, the same thing is for the Rock that his move was cheesy as well but u wont admit to it because your a blind rock fan.
I can't say I know why people hate Cena, I can give ideas as to why I believe it happens and why I am one of the people that boo him endlessly at this point and time bc when he first came in and then followed with the Rap gimmick I was a huge fan. I can say though I don't believe it to be HIS own fault, but the fault of Vince, WWE Creative, and the PG rating moreso than bc of John himself.

If you remember back to his heel promos and freestyles, or even watch them back on youtube they are actually good and entertaining, he comes off as fun charismatic and alive whereas now with these campy and overscripted promos he comes off as robotic and phoney. See what made Austin Rock Flair HBK Jericho promos all good to great was the fact they were saying their own words and gave off the feeling that this is how they are in real life only w the volume turned up to the max. You actually connected with what they were saying cause it felt real and genuine coming from their mouths and you DEFINATLY don't get that with Cena now a days.

As far as his wrestling is concerned and comparing it with Austin, you must be completely out of your mind or not payed attention to any of his wrestling career outside of WWF bc in WCW he was one of the best workers they had but Bischoff didn't believe in him. Then he moved on to ECW and for the short time he was there he displayed how good of a worker and promo cutter he was and he WASN'T using "the same catchphrases over and over" in those promos but they were still very solid. You want a testiment to how good Austin really was in terms of wrestling just go back and look at his matches with Angle, Benoit, Jericho, Rock, HHH, Eddie Guerrero, Owen/Bret Hart, HBK....not only were those some of the best matches in WWF they were some of the best matches in wrestling PERIOD and all of those men said it was Austin ability in the ring and to tell a story that made those matches great.

Cena doesn't tell a story, he doesn't capture the fans minds and imaginations the way others before him have, maybe its the gimmick, maybe its the PG, maybe its the fact that he's already a what 9/10 time champion? it definatly has a lot to do with the way his character is booked by creative but he can open his mouth and say something about it. He opened his mouth and got Bourne his current push, he's Vince's golden boy right now so his opinions will be listened to more than others but instead he keeps his mouth shut instead of giving imput and trying to help himself. Right now I honestly think the best thing for Cena is a heel turn but Vince will never let that happen.
I think one of the main reasons why he gets so much hate from the older crowd (20+) is because he is the total embodiment of the PG era. That is, he's a clean cut, never give up overcome all odds champion challenger who always plays by the rules and never backs down. You can like the PG era or not, but there's no doubt that the current Superman gimmick Cena has running right now is the pinnacle of it (for better or worse).

Also, ANYONE who believes the current form of Cena is the same as the 80s Hogan, or the late 90s Rock/Austin is a total dumbass. Let's take a look at them.

Hogan: While it is true that Hogan would make his superhuman comebacks on a weekly basis, overcome all odds, take a look who he was doing it against and the time he was doing it in. Right in the middle of the Gulf War, he was in a feud with the anti-america Sgt. Slaughter. Slaughter (if I remember correctly) challenged everything that Hogan had stood for and basically challenged America. In that case, Hogan's gimmick of overcoming all odds was well booked and well thought out, and even a Hogan hater of the time would have to cheer for him. After all, the war was fresh in minds of the fans, and why would you ever want to cheer against the USA? Hogan had sympathy on his side.

Let's take a look at some of Cena's recent opponents and why he's upset with them. Orton, for instance, was a "bully." Same with Sheamus. And now it's against Nexus, who have drawn Cena's ire because they beat him up several times. You see the difference? Hogan's gimmick of being a all american hero/superman was well played according to the times and feuds, but the majority of Cena's are all contrite and silly. Which one is better - "Oh boy, I hope Cena can overcome all odds and beat that big bully Sheamus at MitB," or "Oh, I hope Hogan can stand up for America and beat the sympathizer Sgt. Slaughter."

Rock: I specifically want to compare Rock's promos to Cena's, in particular the humorous ones. Why were the Rock's promos so funny? Because he was making fun of someone, whether it was Kevin Kelly, Cole, or the person he was facing in the night's match. But he would do so with a distinct hint of malice in his voice. You know that when the Rock said something, he meant to really piss off whoever he said it to. Not only did he make fun of the heels, but he also made jokes about the faces and just the people in the general area.

Now, Cena's recent "jokes." I'm not talking about his rapper days, because that was actually entertaining. A typical Cena joke now would be to come out, then say something like, "Well, if you weren't so WHITE Sheamus then maybe you could actually beat me!" *Looks around at the audience with a big grin* "Wasn't that funny guys! Sheamius is so PALE! HAHAHAHAHA." Basically, his jokes are 3rd grade juvenile level and something that two adults about to wrestle each other should have no business saying.
did i NOT say that the rock was over cheesy?? yes i did. the way he took a stunner, over the top, but funny as hell, the fact that the peoples elbow was used as a signature move? funny. at the time the only other person doing something like it was Scotty 2 Hotty and the worm, also really cheesy, but funny! im not a "blind rock fan" as you claim. but Cena has not done enough yet to be in the same league of not ONLY the rock, and austin, but also the likes of the Undertaker. have they had a PPV named after him? a TV show? his own custom match? No. yes, there is no doubt in my mind, Cena is a future Hall of Famer. BUT as was the ORIGINAL point of my first post, some modification is needed for John Cena to be what WWE wants him to be. YES he sells the brand, and his merch is all over the place, BUT what im saying is it can be so much better, they can appeal to not only the kids, but the older fans too. but you can sit here and try to attack me for my view on it, as you have since you first quoted me, but it wont make a difference, because the fact of the matter is, for every Cena lover, there is just as many Anti-Cena people. attack us all you like, but we will fight back.
I am all tired of these john Cena threads. I dont believe people still talks about him. People boo Cena because they think he cant wrestle, if he increase his wrestling abilities and stop screwing other people backstage to be on the top then i think people will definately stop booing Cena. There is not point in this thread to talk about.
I'm either way on this one. I don't care to much for him but in his matches I find my self secretly cheering for him. He reminds me a lot of hulk hogan. I always hated hogan with a passion. Cena is very hard to beat but the reason for that is because he's the top face in the company. I remember one night stand in 2006 fans were chanting fuck you cena. That really pissed me off. Cena may not be the best wrestler, but we all have to respect him. This actually made me hate rvd and cheer for cena. As for people saying he sucks at promos, that not true. He's very good on the mic (when not saying want some come get some, hustle loyalty, respect etc...) and he's pretty funny. Has any one ever seen the third dvd on the john cena; my life dvd? 5 questions, cena is funny to watch. This is what I think... stop the superman shit. Give him kinda a comedic main event role. Kinda like the rock or dx had. This would probabaly stop the haters.
Hamler, i agree with you. the hammerstine ballroom was a little over the top. BUT Vince was well aware of that going into it. the ECW guys knew that would happen also. i was not surprised by it at all, but was not a fan of it. that was a little far. and i have said that Cena can be funny, i loved almost every one of his promo's when he was the US champ on smackdown. i was saying that the robot watered down cena that we get each week is a little tiring, and thats why, as the name of this thread says why people Boo John Cena
did i NOT say that the rock was over cheesy?? yes i did. the way he took a stunner, over the top, but funny as hell, the fact that the peoples elbow was used as a signature move? funny. at the time the only other person doing something like it was Scotty 2 Hotty and the worm, also really cheesy, but funny! im not a "blind rock fan" as you claim. but Cena has not done enough yet to be in the same league of not ONLY the rock, and austin, but also the likes of the Undertaker. have they had a PPV named after him? a TV show? his own custom match? No. yes, there is no doubt in my mind, Cena is a future Hall of Famer. BUT as was the ORIGINAL point of my first post, some modification is needed for John Cena to be what WWE wants him to be. YES he sells the brand, and his merch is all over the place, BUT what im saying is it can be so much better, they can appeal to not only the kids, but the older fans too. but you can sit here and try to attack me for my view on it, as you have since you first quoted me, but it wont make a difference, because the fact of the matter is, for every Cena lover, there is just as many Anti-Cena people. attack us all you like, but we will fight back.

The Rock isn't in the same league as Austin let alone claiming that Cena isn't in the league of both him and Austin.

Even though I'm a Cena fan, I do admit that he can get a bit stale. He was mediocre for about a one and a half year period after he came back at the Royal Rumble. I believe Cena is slowly regaining the form that he had in 2006 and 2007. His promos are decent and so are his matches. Cena knows a part of the crowd hates him and he acknowledges that more and more. I bet if Cena were to turn heel today, a couple of years later people will be complaining and wanting another change.
I don't like Cena as a wrestler, but, he has the best work ethic in the wrestling business probably. I boo him because his matches are predictable. I do joke around that he only has 5 moves but in reality he does have more but his matches are not as unpredictable as say an Edge or Jericho match where they might have a chance of losing. But That same flaw can go a long way. You know when Cena does loose to someone that they are GOOD.

As for the Kurt Angle, "You Suck" chants, I think that only stuck because Kurt acted like it really bothered him.
I haven't BOO'd him only because I refuse to pay the ticket prices to see a live-event of the WWE during this godawful PG Era.

If I got a free ticket, I'd boo him mercilessly and yell loudly how much he sucks.

Why? Because I boo ALL Faces. Always have, always will.

That said, if VKM ever gave Cena a Heel Turn, I'd likely stop booing and start cheering him. Even though I honestly don't care for Cena's style on the mic and his in-ring skillz, I think he's a hard-working sincere guy who's probably a good guy IRL.

So until Cena becomes a Heel (which will never happen in stupid PG Kiddie Era), I'll boo him mercilessly simply because I find booing Faces entertaining.

So - you boo all faces becuase you find it entertaining? Not becuase you dislike the character of the faces, you prefer the heels, simply because you find it entertaining?

That sums it up - the vast majority of people boo Cena becuase it's the cool thing to do. You even said yourself 'if VKM ever gave Cena a Heel Turn, I'd likely stop booing and start cheering him'. You don't know what his character would be like if he turned heel, but you have alrready made the decision to cheer him if he turned heel?

No logic there at all, as with most of the John Cena haters.

TBH, I am indifferent to Cena. He was much better when he was the rapper, but i am not too sure if that would work as a main event gimmick or not (would like to see it tried though).

Just like Hogan, Bret, Shawn, Austin and The Rock before him, Cena is the face of the company and deservedly so. In other posts I have high-lighted his passion for the business and his work for charity (make a wish foundation). I agree at times his gimmick is a little stale but to boo him becuase its the cool thing to do or simply because you boo al faces is just stupid. I am just waiting for people to turn on Randy Orton now that he is a face.

The Rock isn't in the same league as Austin let alone claiming that Cena isn't in the league of both him and Austin.

The Rock IS in the same league as Austin :-)
I don't think it's the cool thing to do. I dont mind Cena though i don't really like to watch his matches. People boo as he's Main eventing for the belt all the time! plus people who are rooted in the Attitude era probably think Cena has made the PG which they don't prefer (which is utter crap).

Weird thing is these people who hate Cena guarantee loooooooved The Rock now if Cena was in the Attitude era guarantee all the haters would be loving it. You can see that Cena would be awesome in Attitude era.

"Ham, Mayonaise, Mustard!" that made me laugh.
Before stating any kind of negativity, I'll preface my comments on Cena by saying this: I went to school in West Newbury and was in the same grade as one of his brothers. His family seem to be good people; additionally, given his record with charity, Cena seems to be a classy individual and a really nice guy. As such, I do have kind of a soft spot for him.

That said, he bores me to death. I turn on Raw every Monday, and either he's giving a promo, or someone else is and I'm counting down the seconds until his music hits. Somehow or another, whether announced at the top of the show or two commercial breaks in, it's announced that he will be in the main event, which is usually of little to no substance.

Cena in the main event is starting to remind me of penis enlargement spam. It's there every time you check your mail, and even if it's in the junk filter, you can't escape it and are perfectly aware of that. Depending on the subject line, it's good for an occasional laugh, but it's ubiquity is tiresome and unwanted by most people who aren't naive or trying to make money.
I don't think it's the cool thing to do. I dont mind Cena though i don't really like to watch his matches. People boo as he's Main eventing for the belt all the time! plus people who are rooted in the Attitude era probably think Cena has made the PG which they don't prefer (which is utter crap).

Weird thing is these people who hate Cena guarantee loooooooved The Rock now if Cena was in the Attitude era guarantee all the haters would be loving it. You can see that Cena would be awesome in Attitude era.

"Ham, Mayonaise, Mustard!" that made me laugh.
I like finishers myself and I hate that the fu can put anyone out.The Fu is a move that used to be something that everyone did in a match but since Cena is calling it the fu we're all supposed to think that it is so devastating.

No, i was not a Rock fan.I laughed a few times at some of the funny stuff that he did but the Rock had the same problem that Cena has now.His finisher was over rated too.jmo
Cena in the main event is starting to remind me of penis enlargement spam. It's there every time you check your mail, and even if it's in the junk filter, you can't escape it and are perfectly aware of that. Depending on the subject line, it's good for an occasional laugh, but it's ubiquity is tiresome and unwanted by most people who aren't naive or trying to make money.

That is going into my Sig hahahaa!

If he just wasn't so in your face it'd be alright. Saying that he rakes in the money and the majority want to seem, he's a great role model for WWE like Kid said his charity work is insane and that seem genuinely nice.

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