I'm not the worlds biggest Cena fan. I don't hate him but I'm not a big supporter of him either and there's a variety of reasons that Cena gets stick and they're all quite right:
He throws the worst punches in wrestling. They stopped the Divas throwing punches because they looked dreadful and Cena's are worse. It completely removes you from getting sucked into the match.
He can't wrestle. This is frustrating as, when he fought the Great Khali and such dreadful workers, he carried them to rather good matches but, he so easily drags things down with more talented workers. The best workers he has good matches with but, against average wrestlers, he tends to suck.
Calling the matches. Against people like Sheamus his calling of moves and the such were so blatant it was pathetic. There was no attempt to hide the calling and, again, drags you out of the match.
THE STF is so loosely applied you can clearly see he's not putting any stress on his opponent. I know he's not meant to hurt them but he could at least make it look like he does.
Dead mode. He takes a huge beating, looks dead, then gets up seconds later as if he's not hurt. Very poor.
Promos. As Batista showed during their programme, Cena's promo's suck. Not his delivery, that's great, but his material as the generic superhero babyface.
Again, everything that's wrong with Cena is easy to sort out (with a bit of effort from him and creative helping him too) but, the sad thing is, until he either stops being the number one draw or decides to ask for help, he's still going to hear those boo's.
Although I don't think it's in his power to improve these things by himself. Think about it, if he could, surely he would've by now.
He throws the worst punches in wrestling. They stopped the Divas throwing punches because they looked dreadful and Cena's are worse. It completely removes you from getting sucked into the match.
He can't wrestle. This is frustrating as, when he fought the Great Khali and such dreadful workers, he carried them to rather good matches but, he so easily drags things down with more talented workers. The best workers he has good matches with but, against average wrestlers, he tends to suck.
Calling the matches. Against people like Sheamus his calling of moves and the such were so blatant it was pathetic. There was no attempt to hide the calling and, again, drags you out of the match.
THE STF is so loosely applied you can clearly see he's not putting any stress on his opponent. I know he's not meant to hurt them but he could at least make it look like he does.
Dead mode. He takes a huge beating, looks dead, then gets up seconds later as if he's not hurt. Very poor.
Promos. As Batista showed during their programme, Cena's promo's suck. Not his delivery, that's great, but his material as the generic superhero babyface.
Again, everything that's wrong with Cena is easy to sort out (with a bit of effort from him and creative helping him too) but, the sad thing is, until he either stops being the number one draw or decides to ask for help, he's still going to hear those boo's.
Although I don't think it's in his power to improve these things by himself. Think about it, if he could, surely he would've by now.