I think I know why people Boo John Cena

I'm not the worlds biggest Cena fan. I don't hate him but I'm not a big supporter of him either and there's a variety of reasons that Cena gets stick and they're all quite right:

He throws the worst punches in wrestling. They stopped the Divas throwing punches because they looked dreadful and Cena's are worse. It completely removes you from getting sucked into the match.

He can't wrestle. This is frustrating as, when he fought the Great Khali and such dreadful workers, he carried them to rather good matches but, he so easily drags things down with more talented workers. The best workers he has good matches with but, against average wrestlers, he tends to suck.

Calling the matches. Against people like Sheamus his calling of moves and the such were so blatant it was pathetic. There was no attempt to hide the calling and, again, drags you out of the match.

THE STF is so loosely applied you can clearly see he's not putting any stress on his opponent. I know he's not meant to hurt them but he could at least make it look like he does.

Dead mode. He takes a huge beating, looks dead, then gets up seconds later as if he's not hurt. Very poor.

Promos. As Batista showed during their programme, Cena's promo's suck. Not his delivery, that's great, but his material as the generic superhero babyface.

Again, everything that's wrong with Cena is easy to sort out (with a bit of effort from him and creative helping him too) but, the sad thing is, until he either stops being the number one draw or decides to ask for help, he's still going to hear those boo's.

Although I don't think it's in his power to improve these things by himself. Think about it, if he could, surely he would've by now.
To be honest, he just doesn't do anything for me,say like austin,the rock and even the undertaker, to me he's not the hero/good guy type,that i like, i've never booed him,i just change the channel when he's on tv and i change it often now since wwe has become what it is now. looks like florence henderson of brady bunch fame is hosting this monday,this is why i start watching something else most of the time.there's a popular phrase people are using about wanting their country back,well i want my wwe back!
It's quite simple for me. I don't like Cena because he has become stale. Week in and week out it's the same thing with Cena. He cuts a promo about being "real" and being a "fighter". Then he has a match where he gets beat up for 98% of it, then hits his move set and wins. I used to like Cena! Now when his music hits my eyes roll because i already know what is gonna happen.

Do i blame him for this boring PG era of wrestling? Partly. Do i blame WWE for embracing it? Hell no! It is what is selling. Look in the crowd and see all the kids and women wearing Cena merchandise, and do the math. Probably $30 for a t shirt, $20 for a hat, and $15 for wristbands. $65 for the whole set multiplied by the probably 300 people at the event who have bought it. Multiply that by close to 300 live events a year and there you have it! Think back to the Attitude Era. Everyone had a Stone Cold shirt and foam middle finger! It's what was in demand at the time.

As long as Cena remains a marketing machine, people will continue to boo him because creative would be insane to do anything about it with the money he makes for them.
Honestly, the reason why I think people boo Cena, not because they dislike him but just because now it’s the cool thing to do.

What I don’t understand is that when there is a match between Cena and another opponent, instead of cheering the other opponents haters would rather cheer ‘Cena Sucks” against those that say “Let’s Go Cena”. It’s kind of like the cool thing to do now.

I don’t think it has anything to do with disliking Cena now.

I also think it’s funny how people say that Cena does nothing etc, when he does more then people think.

Rather it’s good or bad, people would rather voice there opinions on Cena by cheering or booing rather then cheer there favourites in a match that right there is doing something.
i would rather watch Mae Young come out and do a Bra and Panties match, then to sit and listen to another "this is my life, this is all i got" speech. honestly. with a few exceptions, like chris jericho, that's ALL the guys in the back's lives. it's all they got too, but you dont hear them coming out week after week, after week saying it. im not asking for rapper cena back, as funny as he was, but do SOMETHING with him, hell i dont even mind the punches, put up with it for years with HBK, just modify his character just a bit,
This is just plain ridiculous. We have majority of people in this post analyzing this guys moveset, promo delivery, gimmick etc. None of us are pros in this field, and none of us work for WWE. I like how people think they kow what is wrong with Cena and can fix this and that etc. SHUT UP. You people sound ridiculous. Im not going to analyze Cena's every promo, move, step he takes, etc etc.

The problem is Cena is stale. A good bit of you all find him to be stale. I have been to about 7 or 8 live events since 2006, and everyone who goes knows they always get into a bit of chatter with alot of fans on lines, in seats next to them and so on and so forth. A lot fo Cena haters said that hes just plain boring now. He has had the same gimmick for the last 4 years. It is time for a change, and that change has to come sooner rather than later.

Oh yea and Harry, you wanna see blatant match calling that "takes you away from the match"..........watch a Triple H and Stone Cold match. It looks like they're reading a book to each other while they are in the ring lol
Okay let me put my two cents into theis first off im a cena fan but not a mark i respect him i just dont mark ou for him when i see him. i normally root for his opponent to win but i dont hate him.

Now then with that being said the reason people hates Cena two words: Wrestlemania 20.....thats right i effing said it

"Oh I'll feed you baby birds i won't leave with a cliffhanger"
So check this out..Lok at the card at Wrestlemani 20..it was basically a big sendoff for the hugest names in the WWE.. I'll show you

Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg- I mean it was all over the internet they were leaving and those two were the hugest stars in the company at the time even though they stunck up the place they still were the biggest names leaving
example 2

Rock and sock connection this on one of the last matches for foley (so we thought)
and one of the last times we saw the Rock in the ring. those two were the biggest names in the atitude era and post atitiude era

with four big names..no scratch that four of the hugest names in the company leaving and with HBK and HHH and Beniot fueding, Taker and Kane fueding. whos left. Orton and Batista were'nt over enough to jump into the main event. whose left thats over with the crowd and can handle the spotlight John Cena his match at mania 20 he literally carried the Big Show and entertained the crowd so well.

now the crowd didnt want to see those big names leaving and they were pissed off about it. so once they saw Cena getting that main event push through out the year of 2004 and 2005 they started hate him.go back to mania 21 i heard boos then too not everyone liked his gimmick back then either so dont blame the gimmick te only reason they hate Cena nostalgic purposes because they think Cena stole the "Big four" spotlight and they couldnt and still cant handle that thier a new household name...

so there you go people thats my two cents
The criticism of Cena's moveset gets about as old as Moses. HHH, HBK, Rock, Austin, Taker, etc used the same moveset over and over. So what if he gets beat up most of the match and then comes back to win. The good guy is supposed to get destroyed by the bad guy and then makes his comeback. Wrestling 101 right there. I mostly blame Kurt Angle for the reason Cena gets booed today because of their matches in 2005. Angle was the heel yet did big move after big move trying to wow the crowd. If Angle played the role he was supposed to play, Cena would have been better when he went up against HHH. Of course Hunter didn't try to do him any favors either during their WM match.
Honestly, the reason why I think people boo Cena, not because they dislike him but just because now it’s the cool thing to do.

What I don’t understand is that when there is a match between Cena and another opponent, instead of cheering the other opponents haters would rather cheer ‘Cena Sucks” against those that say “Let’s Go Cena”. It’s kind of like the cool thing to do now.

I don’t think it has anything to do with disliking Cena now.

I also think it’s funny how people say that Cena does nothing etc, when he does more then people think.

Rather it’s good or bad, people would rather voice there opinions on Cena by cheering or booing rather then cheer there favourites in a match that right there is doing something.

no, not the "cool thing to do" the majority of not only live WWE fans, but us here in the IWC are actually against his character. it's the old Superman one he gave to Hogan, and a lesser degree the Ultimate Warrior back in the day, and to the younger fans who never watched those guys as much as we did, they love it of course! but to us Fans who have been there since even before the "attitude" Era, it's boring. Stale. been there done that. if someone came out and started drinking beer, and throwing up middle fingers (Orton's getting close..) he'll be booed by a lot of people too, because again, that's re-using someone we seen before.
I mostly blame Kurt Angle for the reason Cena gets booed today because of their matches in 2005. Angle was the heel yet did big move after big move trying to wow the crowd. If Angle played the role he was supposed to play, Cena would have been better when he went up against HHH.

:wtf: really?? really?? im sorry, but thats the first time i ever herd that.. only because Kurt was one of the ones to put John over in the first place. his first appearance was against him, his push towards main event came when he joined Kurt on his survivor series team. i always found Angle vs Cena to be some of the best matches of Cena's career. be it on his team, battle rap, or going one on one, Angle helped make Cena. im not saying he gets ALL the credit, there were supporting roles too, Brock, 'Taker ect. but i guarantee that when the John Cena book comes out, he will credit Kurt to a lot.
no, not the "cool thing to do" the majority of not only live WWE fans, but us here in the IWC are actually against his character. it's the old Superman one he gave to Hogan, and a lesser degree the Ultimate Warrior back in the day, and to the younger fans who never watched those guys as much as we did, they love it of course! but to us Fans who have been there since even before the "attitude" Era, it's boring. Stale. been there done that. if someone came out and started drinking beer, and throwing up middle fingers (Orton's getting close..) he'll be booed by a lot of people too, because again, that's re-using someone we seen before.

Yes it is the cool thing to do. Seriously your opinions and views don't matter. Your against the superman gimmick?

Am I suppose to Care?

Sorry but this makes the IWC hypocrites. They loved the superhero gimmicks back in the days and now that Cena has it, you complain?

I watched during that time and Hogan, Warrior, Rock and yes even Austin are exactly like Cena.

News flash, Hogan and Warrior was exactly the same as Cena BORING and you guys loved it.

So really some of you need to get off your high horse and realize Cena is making WWE money and that is all WWE cares about.
Cena doesn't suck, they boo him because he is way too cheesy...
The Rock used to cut hilarious promos and then would layeth the smackdown on someone's candy ass... Cena makes a couple weak jokes and then gets all serious, week after week after week... And the older fans do not like seeing him overcome the odds every god damn week too.
The Rock however had cheesy promo's too. What was so great about the saying "Roody Poo Candy Ass?"

I do agree that the Rock promo is what made him famous but if people were honest, his promo's were pretty cheesy as well.

CENA on the other hand, is fine with his promo's. He cuts some what the same promo's has Austin and The Rock has done back then.

I don't see anything wrong with Cena promo's.
I think people boo Cena because it's the "cool" thing to do. But at the same time, I feel that it goes beyond that. I think that the biggest factor is his never give up gimmick. I think his haters are mostly Attitude Era diehards (I'm not saying all Attitdude Era fans are Cena haters) that despise the PG era. What better way to voice their hatred than to boo the PG era's poster boy?

I think most of the hate for Cena is undeserved. He's a good worker and contrary to what the Cena haters will tell you, he is a good wrestler. His gimmick may come off as cheesy at times but besides that, I don't feel that he deserves the heat he gets at times. Just my two cents.
I boo Cena cause I really can't stand him at all.
I hate the way he talks on the mike, I hate his shirts and his stupid arm bands and his never give up attitude,
I can't stand the strict PG rating and he's the king on top of it cause all the stupid kiddies LOVE Cena,
He's overrated, all he has is charisma and nothing more......

He's another Hulk Hogan for this decade and I absolutely can not stand Hulk Hogan
Yes it is the cool thing to do. Seriously your opinions and views don't matter. Your against the superman gimmick?

Am I suppose to Care?

Sorry but this makes the IWC hypocrites. They loved the superhero gimmicks back in the days and now that Cena has it, you complain?

I watched during that time and Hogan, Warrior, Rock and yes even Austin are exactly like Cena.

News flash, Hogan and Warrior was exactly the same as Cena BORING and you guys loved it.

So really some of you need to get off your high horse and realize Cena is making WWE money and that is all WWE cares about.

We KNOW thats all the WWE cares about, but no, you can not say that every single person here who says something bad about you role modle Cena is a hypocrite and loved hogan and warrior for the same reasons we hate cena now. personally hogan was only good as a heel. he may have single handedly sold out arenas yes, BUT as a character he cut WAAAY better promo's as a Heel in the NWO. no, Rock and Austin were NOT the same as Cena, why? because they would cut some of the best promo's in the history of WWF/E. when was the last time you watched a Cena promo that you 100% enjoyed and it made you laugh? because i do not recall one in recent memory. what you Cena lovers need to do is to accept some constructive criticism. it's okay to back your favorite wrestler, but you have to know there is going to be a lot of heat for it too. if the IWC was as big back in the '80s as it is now, you would see the EXACT same Anti-Cena threads you see now, about the likes of Hogan, Savage, Warrior. After years and years of changing things at a rapid pace, and surprising us with random heel turns, to have things stay the same, and the promo's/matches to stay the same YES of COURSE there will be an outcry for change. are you honestly saying that you love things the way they are, and would be happy if they never change a thing about Cena's character in any way/shape/form? because if so then kudo's to you my friend, you're defenitly 1 in a million. but at the same time, the insults are not needed, everyone is entitled to their opinion, you may not share in it, but that does NOT make yours the only one that matters. you may say that one person's view doesnt matter, and that you dont care what they say, but to get emotional about it show's that you DO care. your opinion matters just as much as the next guys does.
I personally was a fan of John Cena when he was doing his "Basic Thuganomics" gimmick. Back then I found him to be pretty cool. But now, well what can I say? His whole super-Cena thing to me is irritating. It really annoying to see him get beat up for the majority of the match and then get up do a few moves and get the win. Most people complain that he only has five moves. My complaint is that the five moves that he does are lame. I don't care if he knows five moves or seven or even a hundred. It is just that his moves suck. The attitude adjustment or whatever he calls it has to be one of the lamest moves ever.
Yes it is the cool thing to do. Seriously your opinions and views don't matter. Your against the superman gimmick?

Am I suppose to Care?

Sorry but this makes the IWC hypocrites. They loved the superhero gimmicks back in the days and now that Cena has it, you complain?

I watched during that time and Hogan, Warrior, Rock and yes even Austin are exactly like Cena.

News flash, Hogan and Warrior was exactly the same as Cena BORING and you guys loved it.

So really some of you need to get off your high horse and realize Cena is making WWE money and that is all WWE cares about.

:wtf: Did you ever even see the Rock and Austin wrestle? They sold the shit out of their opponents moves and I don't think I ever saw them nosell their opponents moves to win, especially in every match that didn't have some kind of stipulation. As to them loving Hogan and Warrior then for being the no talent superhero hacks is because they grew up and got tired of the same old shit.
EDIT: Hogan also became stale to the point where he got next to no reaction in the mid 90's in his first few years in WCW and only became popular again AFTER he went from superhero to megaheel
We KNOW thats all the WWE cares about, but no, you can not say that every single person here who says something bad about you role modle Cena is a hypocrite and loved hogan and warrior for the same reasons we hate cena now. personally hogan was only good as a heel. he may have single handedly sold out arenas yes, BUT as a character he cut WAAAY better promo's as a Heel in the NWO. no, Rock and Austin were NOT the same as Cena, why? because they would cut some of the best promo's in the history of WWF/E. when was the last time you watched a Cena promo that you 100% enjoyed and it made you laugh? because i do not recall one in recent memory. what you Cena lovers need to do is to accept some constructive criticism. it's okay to back your favorite wrestler, but you have to know there is going to be a lot of heat for it too. if the IWC was as big back in the '80s as it is now, you would see the EXACT same Anti-Cena threads you see now, about the likes of Hogan, Savage, Warrior. After years and years of changing things at a rapid pace, and surprising us with random heel turns, to have things stay the same, and the promo's/matches to stay the same YES of COURSE there will be an outcry for change. are you honestly saying that you love things the way they are, and would be happy if they never change a thing about Cena's character in any way/shape/form? because if so then kudo's to you my friend, you're defenitly 1 in a million. but at the same time, the insults are not needed, everyone is entitled to their opinion, you may not share in it, but that does NOT make yours the only one that matters. you may say that one person's view doesnt matter, and that you dont care what they say, but to get emotional about it show's that you DO care. your opinion matters just as much as the next guys does.

The Rock and Austin were some of the most overrated promo cutters ever. They used the same catchphrases over and over and people ate it up. When Cena does the same thing, people complained. All Rock talked about was sticking stuff up people's asses and what makes Cena's promos so worse than that?

Ok, when you start complaining about John Cena “Superman Gimmick” When the Hogan and Warrior had it back then and were the most popular wrestlers then yes I can certainly say that you guys are being hypocrites.

Rock and Austin were the same as Cena. They were for Entertainment purposes only and only had a selective amount of moves like Cena. Anyone can do Austin’s stunner and what was so great about The Rock People’s Elbow?

There promo’s were good, but they were not great as you make them out to be. Especially The Rock, he had some childish Promo’s as well and I know it’s hard for you to admit it since you are probably a Attitude Era mark, but let me ask you what was so great about the saying “Roody poo Candy Ass”?

Just because you didn’t enjoy Cena promo’s that does not mean that Cena promo’s suck, there are some blind haters of Cena that won’t admit the similarities between him and the wrestlers back in that Era.

Ok, first all, I accept Criticism of Cena that does not mean that I have to agree with every single Criticism that comes out and just because you guys say a certain thing that does not make you automatically right. Some of you need to learn the difference between Opinions and Facts.

I am fine with the way things are now, Parents can bring there children to come and watch and unless you have kid’s or have nephews and nieces who enjoy wrestling, you will never know what it feels like to actually have them there enjoying the same thing that you have when you were a kid.

I’m stating my opinion just like the rest of you and some of you make the Attitude Era over-rated.

:wtf: Did you ever even see the Rock and Austin wrestle? They sold the shit out of their opponents moves and I don't think I ever saw them nosell their opponents moves to win, especially in every match that didn't have some kind of stipulation. As to them loving Hogan and Warrior then for being the no talent superhero hacks is because they grew up and got tired of the same old shit.

The Rock and Austin were not meant to be wrestlers, they were used as Entertainers. When people think of The Rock they don’t think about what great of a wrestler he was but how his promo’s rocked. Same with Austin. Austin wasn’t a great wrestler but he cut great promo’s. His feuds are what made Austin and his bad ass attitude, again not his wrestling.

Cena is used for entertainment purposes as well but he is also a decent wrestler.
I have been thinking that when people start to boo John Cena, do they even know why there are booing him?

Some do, and some don't. I know exactly why I boo the guy at live shows. I don't like him. It has nothing to do with the IWC, or any other outside source. I just don't care for his character. There are several guys I would rather see in his position, and I'm not afraid to voice that opinion. Do I think the "Cena hate" goes above and beyond sometimes? Definitely.

I think some people boo him because it's the cool thing to do. I agree with you on that. But some people are just plain stupid. They are sheep, and follow the lead of people they view as more intelligent than themselves. Happens everywhere, not just among Cena-haters.

Some people joke and say he tries to act black? For those people shut the fuck up.

I have never heard/seen anyone use this as a reason.

They say he only knows five moves? You can say that about almost any wrestler out there know days.

True, some people bitch about the fact that he only knows five moves. I don't have a problem with big superstars using the same moves, I just don't like the ones he uses, nor do I like the execution of those moves.

The Five Knuckle Shuffle is horrible. It's cheesy, and annoying. But, I also felt the same way about The People's Elbow, so that's not just about hating Cena. The Attitude Adjustment isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, it's basically a firemans carry, but he's done it to some pretty big dudes, so I have no problem with it. His flying shoulder blocks are awful. They have zero explosion, and they are constantly rushed. He applies no pressure to the STF. Although, he did wrench on it pretty good last week against Darren Young.

I don't care if a top guy only does/knows five moves. Whatever, who cares. But, I just so happen to hate just about every move Cena does, and more importantly, the way he executes those move. Personal preference.

But on all honestly I think they boo him because they think its the fun thing to do at arena's just like chanting you suck at kurt angle's theme music. Kurt doesn't suck but It was a fun thing to do.
So people may boo him not because they really hate him but they think its the fun thing to do now?

I'm not even going to get into the Kurt Angle comparison, because it's stupid.

Sure, some people probably boo Cena because they think it's fun to be "with the crowd." But I don't think that's why all people do it. You are generalizing. There are plenty of people out there like myself, who really just can't stand watching the guy. That simple. And then, of course, you have your sheep.

I guarantee that half the people that boo him at show's really want to cheer for him but I think that they are more embarrassed to cheer for him now because he represents a different area in the wwe days since its all pg now.

You guarantee this? Pretty bold statement. I don't think you can guarantee what's going on in other peoples minds.

When you try and figure out why other people boo Cena, it's almost as if you can't accept the fact that some people hate the guy. My personal hatred for Cena has lessened. I have a hard time really hating on a guy who does so much good for so many people. But that doesn't mean I like his character any more than I did a year ago.

So do you guys think that I may be on too something?

I think you may have a point that some people are sheep. But that's not really an original idea. I think you (and a lot of other people, some fans of Cena, some not) have a difficult time accepting the fact that there are some people out there who just don't like the guy. They're bored with him, think he sucks, think he can't wrestle, don't like his jean shorts, whatever. I think where you go off track is assuming you can figure out why these people hate the guy. There are several reasons, it's not an easy thing to figure out.
I don't like Cena, but not because it's "cool". It's because there's nothing GOOD about him to cheer for! Why do I want to cheer for a goliath that never loses? I'd rather cheer for an underdog. I mean, if Cena loses, you just can't feel sorry for him, because the way he is booked, he should NEVER lose. It's hard to side with a face who is unstoppable. Those faces really just can't draw sympathy as well. It's why HHH isn't as good as a face. In addition:

Cena's promos are very very very very kiddie. Some people will like that, others won't. I don't like them at all, but they fit with the direction the WWE is heading. The whole serious...serious....serious....EXPLODE!!!! promo is getting very old, but the little kids pop when he does it, and that's what Cena is clinging to at this point. I wouldn't doubt that he would love to try some other things to turn viewers like myself, but he's got a formula that works for the majority. And look, I boo when I'm at a show, but it's hard to deny the fact that he gets plenty of positive pops no matter where he is. Even when you consider isolated house shows where he's being giving a little bit o' the business, the vast majority of the "WWE Universe" likes him. How else is all that merch selling?

In the ring, he really isn't that good. He's not awful, though. For those saying that many other wrestlers have "used the same moveset in their matches", you're overlooking the biggest problem with Cena. It's one thing for Kofi Kingston to set up a boom drop at one point, do a pendulum kick at another point, hit a high crossbody later, then pick up the pin somehow, but Cena does the SAME PATTERN every time! It's not just that he has 5 signature moves, it's that they are always all laced together! Yes yes, I know that in (blank) match the opponent interrupted it for a short time before he went back and finished the combo, but almost always he does the same 5 moves in a row, which is very lazy and very boring. Fans thrive on surprises, and there is not much in that department when it comes to Cena.

Overall, Cena's "acting" is poor. Poor selling, weird delivery on promos and speeches, and he can really look upset in an anti-cena arena. He needs some acting help. On that point, remember that match against (I believe) Batista where he would be knocked out on the floor outside for 9 seconds, selling like death, then would explode up and run into the ring at the last moment to beat the count? I don't know what the hell he was thinking, but it looked laugh out loud ridiculous and absolutely ruined the illusion of the match being real. He just has some really weird qualities.

In summation, I dislike almost everything about him, but I can't quite shake my finger at WWE yet because I do feel like I'm in the minority. There are still plenty of people who love him. What's funny is that if Cena turned heel, allllll of those little kids would be booing him like no other. That's the beauty of the PG era, all the kids watching will cheer or boo whomever WWE wants. If they turned Cena, he would get major heat and no doubt perform much much better in all areas. I would actually enjoy seeing Cena using his superman role as a heel. It would set up someone for a major push if they could finally defeat him. What's funny is that all of the IWC haters would probably start cheering for him though, haha.
Those that are complaining about Cena Selling makes me laugh.

Because you guys act like you are some expert on it.

Also anyways his gimmick is a "Super-Hero" gimmick, if that is his gimmick why would he have to sell?

If he starts selling, this would not be his gimmick, since he is suppose to be according to a lot of you a "Super-Hero" gimmick.

Since when to "Super-Hero's" Sell?

This isn't a legit reason to dislike the guy when his gimmick is not asking him to sell.

The Rock and Austin were not meant to be wrestlers, they were used at Entertainers. When people think of The Rock they don’t think about what great of a wrestler he was but how his promo’s rocked. Same with Austin. Austin wasn’t a great wrestler but he cut great promo’s. His feuds are what made Austin and his bad ass attitude, again not his wrestling.

Cena is used for entertainment purposes as well but he is also a decent wrestler.

So you're saying that you never hear people talk about the amazing matches The Rock and Stone Cold had? I find that to be complete bullshit, I've seen countless posts on here about them. What sets Auston and The Rock apart from Cena is not only could they put on 5 star matches but they could also incorporate their catch phrases SUCCESSFULLY into just about anything that they had to talk about. The Rock could rant about almost anything and he would have the fans eating out of the palms of his hands on the edge of their seats to figure out what innovative thing he'd think up next whereas Cena will say the same tired speech over and over again with an [insert opponents name here] and then attempt to get the cheap pop for the hometown where he usually falls flat on his face. The Rock and Austin also went through heel and face turns when they weren't being the tweener characters that they perfect i.e. Stone Colds 2001 heel turn and The Rocks turn in 02/03ish.

I never said that I don't hear people discuss Austin and The Rock wrestling, what I am saying is the mjaority of the discussions is about Austin's feuds and The Rock promo's rather you want to admit it or not.

The Rock states his promo's over and over again, it's been mostly about sticking up someone ass or whatever, come on people need to stop being biased.

I stand by my views that Cena, The Rock and Austin all have similarites.

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