I think I know why people Boo John Cena

I boo Cena because the promos he gives, tonights included, are cringe worthy to me. The crap that comes out of his mouth is embarrassing to listen to. I know we are in the PG13 era but tonight affirmed for me why, at least his promos, will always have me booing.
I boo John Cena because he is kiss assI've told people that for the longest. Simple as that. He just talks about the WWE universe too much to me.
You want to talk about a limited move set and predictable match endings though; how many matches has HHH ended with this sequence: kneelift, face-buster, spine-buster, flex, kick, pedigree? There was a period over the fall/winter where DX was to the Raw main event what Cena is now, and I hated that, too. Every week was Jericho trying to get back on Raw and DX thwarting him, for at least two months, if not longer. Boring, predictable and a waste of time and talent. Remember that the first main event on Raw was Taker vs. Damien Demento. Maybe we don't have to scale it back to the point of making someone like DD one of the participants, but could we at least vary the performers and scenarios from week to week?

Also, while I'm at it, I've seen it mentioned a few times and I simply must ask, since when was Warrior ever "well respected" or "a good worker" who deserved what he was handed? He was not liked by the majority of the people in the locker room and was fired multiple times, to the point where he only wrestled three matches in WCW, one of which is notorious for being possibly the worst worked PPV main event ever (according to Bischoff, Hogan and others) after they built tremendous hype for him? I'm all ears.

Dotty, it's an honor for my first post to be considered for sigs. :P

I couldn't agree more. The "Ultimate" Warrior was one of the poorest workers in the history of wrestling. He would have never been shot to superstardom the way he was had it not been for VKM's facination with body builders. I'm guessing here, but I bet we couldn't count on one hand the number of matches he had over 15 mins. Why? because he didn't have the moveset to produce matches that long. While we're on the subject, no one in the history of wrestling, including Cena and Hogan, has ever taken on the "superman" persona more than the Warrior. He would no sell like crazy and then pop up and destroy his opponent. He should not even be in the discussion with the likes of Cena, Hogan, Rock, Austin, HBK or so many others that have carried the company on their backs.
Not everybody has to like Cena but, I like to think there's certain types of people who boo Cena for different reasons. Some of them are good opinions and the others are flat out funny. Here is three good arguments that I come against when I talk about Cena to friends.

1) How Much He Wins

The WWE, in my opinion, is in some way like a real sports league even though all of the matches are pre-determined. Each wrestler can be compared to a team in a league (I'm going to use the NBA from this for my example). You have your bottom feeder teams like the Nets, the T'Wolves, the Knigs, and the 76ers. This is the equivalent to the wrestlers who are on the roster and don't show up much or the ones who are brought on T.V. to just to lose like a Zach Ryder or a William Regal. Then you have your next tier guys who are young and talented and might get lucky a couple of times when the spotlight is on them but, is usually missing one thing and usually is the favorite of the internet fans like a team like the OKC Thunder. An example of that in the wrestling world would be a Shelton Benjamin or Jack Swagger. After that, you get to the good teams who can always in contention of winning the title (Boston, Orlando, Clevland). I see Kane, Jericho, HBK when he was still in the WWE, and the Big Show in these spots. They will win the big one at times, but it's not consistant. Finally, you have the traditional powers who are at the top seemingly all of the time like the L.A Lakers. Here in the WWE, you will find guys like this in Triple H and John Cena. The biggest similarity between these two are: They are the most hated teams/wrestlers in the business due to their success on the court or in the ring. Don't agree with it but to each his own.

2) Not a technical Genius in the Ring

This argument does apply to the people that say "Cena only knows 5 moves" because we all know that's a dumb statement and to say anything else is ignorant. This is the argument for the people who actually enjoy a straight up technical match in the ring. These people don't like Cena because "he's sloppy in the ring." I don't have a problem with those kind of guys, if it's not for you then it's not for you. We all know and he has said on many occasions that he is nowhere near the best wrestler in the business.

3) Face of the New Era After the Attitude Era

This is probably the category where most of the people who boo Cena fall under. I'm sure it's been mentioned here before but the WWE is drastically changing from the Attitude Era. No more real bad swearing, buckets of blood, girls running around in thongs and string bikinis or posing for Playboy, or any other type of that stuff anymore. These were things that most of us as the IWC grew up and fell in love with. Now, insert the PG Era and the focus of the fanbase is now spread out to a wider audience (the families) instead of the older males. The swearing is kept to a minimum, the blood only trickles now instead of spilling, and the ladies are covering up a little bit. Some of the Attitude Era fans see these actions as "too kiddie" and are turned off by it. Others who still watch the show are going to vent their fustrations out loud and what better target for these fans to go after than the face of the current picture in John Cena? Cena doesn't appeal to these fans because what Cena preaches in his promos ("live by the Never Back Down, Never Quit, Hustle, Loyalty, Respect and you will get what you want creed"), these people know is only true once in a blue moon. Austin was loved by these fans because he was able to connect with them, who wouldn't want to beat up the boss who they hate in real life, right? Cena is pretty much the exact opposite to Austin character wise and will never connect with these fans. For you guys, I suggest crossing the line and go watch TNA, which isn't as bad as some people say it is or do the next best thing and say nothing when he comes out.

Sorry for the long rant and hope I made some sort of sense.
It has become the fun thing to do, which is why people do it right after the cena cheers and would rather do that, then cheer for there favourites. It kind of became the "Cool" thing to do now.
Tbh i think it's because he's over hyped, like he is that big that alot of people hate that everyone's all OMG I LOOOOOVE CENA! or what not.
People just boo Cena for the sake of booing Cena. it really doesn't matter what he does anymore, he's just going to be booed for the rest of his career because, frankly, it's what people are used to. Like people chanting ''what'' after Austin said it, it's just never going to go away.
The first time that I ever heard John Cena get boo'ed by the WWE universe was back in the fall of '05 on RAW when Cena was cutting a promo in the ring back when Cena was getting away from his freestyling thing. Ti'l this day, John Cena still gets boo'ed.

We all don't like the "newer" John Cena for diffrent reason's prior to his rapper gimmick on Smackdown. He's more of a boy scout now with his gimmick today. And he's the poster child of the WWE "PG" era like Stone Cold was of the atittude era.

Everytime a anti-John Cena fan comes to a live taping of RAW with a anti-John Cena sign it gets taken away by security? And everytime the WWE universe boo's Cena to the point where the announcers (J.R. King, Cole) would state "you can love him or you can HATE him". Hate is a strong word, and I don't think that people really "hate" John Cena. They just don't like him!

So the question remains, is it so wrong to boo John Cena?
NO I don't think it's wrong to boo Cena because fans are only cheering and booing for who they want.

I Do think it's bad though to expect WWE to change a wrestler based on a few boo's.
or the "You Screwed Bret" chant anytime HBK came to Canada. didnt matter how big the guy was, or how much of a face he was, if he was here, he would get booed by a majority of the fans, all due to one night.
NO I don't think it's wrong to boo Cena because fans are only cheering and booing for who they want.

I Do think it's bad though to expect WWE to change a wrestler based on a few boo's.
Do you remember a wrestler by the name of Rocky Maivia? Which ended up being the legendary Rock! When the Rock was Rocky Maivia, the WWF/E universe would boo the hell out of him when he was a babyface rookie. So Vince McMahon and the creative staff backstage decided to switch geers with his on-screen role by turning him heel.

Now if that was done for John Cena, Cena can use the heel role and let the people who boo him know where he's coming from in anger like the Rock did. And the Rock got hated & loved for it by the fans. So I hope that it is John Cena who's behind "the Nexus" group in the storyline and he FINALLY turns into a long over due heel.
John Cena the rapper? Please. What a crock of shit. Not as bad as American Badass, but shit nonetheless.

As with nearly all wrestlers, they enter with a gimmick. In order to evolve you must shed your gimmick and bring a portion of realness to the wrestling character. The only one who has made a gimmick successfully work in today's WWE world in the Undertaker.

He came in at a time when Emimem was popular and all these white rappers were on board. Unfortunately, this was also a time when (to me it seems) the majority of the IWC were after that impressionable teen age. It was the Attitude Era and the pre-PG era.

And sad as that is, that is all the IWC seem to want. Fucking pathetic if you ask me. And if you didn't ask me, I'm saying it. Fucking pathetic.

It seems that a large percentage of people don't understand that this is basically an ongoing movie if you will. An ever evolving story with CHARACTERS. It's fake. Like all the other TV shows you watch.

So when people boo Cena, what are they booing? Him or his character? His 5 moves? Fuck that. HHH has 4 moves. Mark Henry has 3. And now it seems Randy Orton has 3 moves and that is including the pin. Fuck that.

Glen Jacobs did not come and tombstone the priest at Mark Calloway and Michelle McCool's wedding like he did as Kane in the ring all those years back. CHARACTERS.

And if he's for the kids so what? A character that they look up to who tells them to not back down or give up. Who shows through perserverance and hard work that anything is possible. Yeah boo that. Give the kids chair shots and blood and 40ft elbow drops. Let them know that creativity and hard work and good wrestling doesn't make a good show. Heavy violence and shock is what needed right? No imagination and poor memory is unfortunately what the IWC has due to growing up and watching in the Attitude Era.

When you boo (X-Pac style) an excellent athlete like John Cena for reasons other than storyline, then you are doing a disservice to the super athletes in the ring, the REAL fans of the WWE and wrestling in general.

If you boo Cena because you like heels, fine. If you boo Cena because he banged your mom, fine. If you boo Cena hoping that it will turn him heel like it did the Rock, then you're fucking idiotic. That's not how shit works. It has to be unexpected for it to have an impact.

The people that boo Cena are ignorant. The people who boo Cena are probably the same people who cheered Orton for DDTing Stephanie. Dickfaces and douchbags who never grew up or out of the Attitude Era. They will be forever 17 years old. The WWE will never cater to people like that. Shit, even John Cena takes pot shots at the IWC every other week.

I've been watching the WWE and its characters for the last to 25+ years. I've seen a lot of horseshit step in that ring. Nostalgia throws a pretty veil over memories. That is why people love the Rock & Stone Cold and easily forget the 90% of the show that was Droz vs Savio Vega & D'Lo Brown vs Mideon.

So, why do people boo Cena? It's not because "he wins too much" or "5 moves" or "he's too cheesy" or "he just sucks".

It's because they don't know how to watch wrestling correctly. And I feel sorry for people like that becuase they've got blinders on and are missing the overall story.
I'm not saying that if you boo John Cena that your a bad person or a hater. It's that we all have the right to freedom of speech. So I see what the WWE is doing by having Cena as a babyface for the past six years. They've created the twenty-first centery Hulk Hogan, okay we get that!

Going back to why I/we hope that the WWE creative team on RAW turns John Cena heel and revealing that he's behind the nexus group. And then he can really go the (Hollywood) Hulk Hogan route with the heel turn like Hogan did with the nWo back in WCW.
I see what you mean when you say 'it's just something to do', but I think people are genuinly sick of him. I admit, I too was once a 'Chain Gang Soldier', but after I came to realise that Cena's going to have that title with him 80% of the year, all I could think was 'What the fuck?'. This goes for the WWE in general: World Championships lack diverse champions. You get maybe, 5 different people to hold the WWE Championship a year, most of whom probably held it the year before and knowing that Cena's probably going to be one of those 5 every year for the rest of his career really pisses me off.
I think they boo him because they are jealous of him and the fact that he has been a face for too long and desperately needs a change in character / storyline.

Come up with a storyline/character for Cena that will keep everyone happy?
Who really cares why people boo him? It's something that's inherent in this business. All faces will be booed by some people at one point or another. All heels will be cheered by people at some point or another. For whatever reason. The only reason it's more of a split for him is that he's the face of the company and the fans see him so much that it creates a greater divide.

The thing is that whether people love him or hate him, boo him or cheer him, they still want to see what's gonna happen next.
Fans liked to boo Kurt Angle because Angle was an instigator, and did his best to tick the fans off. Plus the "You Suck" chant went perfectly with his intro song. Despite all this, deep down fans respected Angle, everyone knew he was a wrestler's wrestler.

But with Cena, this guy legitimately sucks, and the boos are from the heart. I dont think its a "its cool to hate Cena now" Because those who like him defend him here online, and also openly cheer for him on live events. There can be one person holding a Cena sign rooting for him, and 8 people all around that fan chanting Cena sucks.

Cena does not suck, as much as I hate to say it he doesn't. Something happened and he clicked with the 8 year olds in the crowds. They like it when people say butts. To an 8 year old saying somene looks like a monkeys butt is fucking hillarious. If Vladamir Kozlov mentioned that William Regal looked like a puppies butt he would probably receive a massive pop from the crowds the WWE is catering to these days.

I think a heel Cena would be incredible, unfortunately they can't take the risk right now, nor do they have a credible reason for him to turn heel. Cena's heel turn could rival Hogans turn at Bash at the Beach a few years ago.

Cena doesn't suck, he can actually work a half way decent match, its his current character that i boo. Its stale an been beaten to death. 7 guys beat him into what should have been a coma, yet he comes out the next week without even a limp. The a few weeks ago he throws Darren Young around for a couple of minutes, an Young is probably sitting next to the Undertaker in a vegatative state somewhere.

Super Cena = Lame Cena

im sorry, but does it honestly matter why some people (and by some, i'd say listen to everyone in the crowd at tonight's PPV that WASN'T a woman, or under the age of 16) we do it for whatever reason we want to. you say it's because we're "jealous" of what? that he makes millions of dollars, does movies, TV shows and travels all over the world? no. if that were the case then why does someone like Big Show get cheered for? or mark Henry? or ANY one in the WWE. hell i'll even throw Kurt Angle in there too. i had a talk with a Few NHL players a couple years back, who not only make more money, but have a larger fan base, and some of them didn't like John Cena either. know why? they said it was boring to watch him. i really don't feel that i NEED to justify why i have a negative reaction to him. i don't "boo all faces and cheer all heels" like one person said. i still don't like Teddy jr, or Swagger. but i do cheer for Miz, and Jericho. because those guys are awesome to watch, AND to listen to their promo's. When it comes to Promo skills, Y2J is probably one of, if not then THE best in the company today. he is by far not even close to boring.

So do not assume you know the reason why every single person doesn't like John Cena, because you don't. people don't like him for a lot of different reasons, and it's all a matter of opinion, does not make them any less of a WWE fan than you if they do, and if you think so well then you are just as stubborn and ignorant then you are accusing others of.

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