Let's Go, Cena!

It confounds me that guys will pay upwards of $500 to sit in the front row and verbally crap on John Cena. First off, you're contributing to his paycheck a lot more than most other folks in the house that evening. Secondly, Cena doesn't care. It's a work. So why does it matter if the socially awkward guy in the front wants to boo him. Cena is getting paid regardless, so go right ahead. It's your right to boo him, but it's a silly and antisocial way to express yourself.

Maybe it's because the money doesn't go to Cena and only Cena? Maybe it's because that money goes to a lot of on-screen talent that the people do enjoy, as well as all the behind-the-scenes guys who keep the show running every single day?
Ok, then - to take it further. It confounds us that someone would pay $500 to sit in the front row and cheer for the heel (Bray Wyatt), boo the face (John Cena), and start chants during the slow matches instead of sitting silently. It's an amazing dynamic that ONLY exists in pro-wrestling.
It confounds me that guys will pay upwards of $500 to sit in the front row and verbally crap on John Cena. First off, you're contributing to his paycheck a lot more than most other folks in the house that evening. Secondly, Cena doesn't care. It's a work. So why does it matter if the socially awkward guy in the front wants to boo him. Cena is getting paid regardless, so go right ahead. It's your right to boo him, but it's a silly and antisocial way to express yourself.

Well maybe people aren't paying $500 to go see John Cena. And we know that we're contributing to his paycheck, just like we're contributing to Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, the announcer, the time-keeper and the untold many people who make up the WWE's paychecks.

And I take exception to the terms "socially awkward and antisocial" just because I don't cheer for John Cena. I am neither. That is pure bullshit.

I've said it before and will say it again "sigh", we are all different, and have different likes and dislikes. There is no rulebook that you are given when you buy your ticket telling you who you can and can't cheer for. The only people who seem to get all bent out of shape are John Cena fans. They act totally offended that not everyone loves him as much as they do. Well I have news for you, not everyone does, and if you are going to an event and expecting the crowd to be cheer for him in unison then you will be sadly disappointed.

I used to be a Cena fan, but seeing the same thing over and over again for the last 12 years has been a turn off. And I'm talking about his matches. Is that all his fault, no that is Vince and creative not letting him go the distance. Is it a shame, yes it is, but for me the boat has sailed on Cena.
Jesus Christ, seriously. Please tell me how does someone cheering for someone they like, and booing someone they don't like makes them a shitty fan?

If they are cheering someone you don't like, and booing someone you do, and it bothers you, then you my friend have the problem not them. Quite honestly there is nothing worse that watching a match either in person, or at home and the crowd is dead. It sucks all the air out of the room, and you just want to shake the crap out of each and every one of them.

A lively crowd can make a mediocre match a good match, because when the crowd is into it, the announcers get into it, and the wrestlers feed off it. When the crowd are sitting there like fucking department store dummies, there is nothing anyone can do to make it work. I've seen what could have been some blockbuster matches, but the crowd just couldn't or wouldn't play and that's when they suck not at any other time.

wrestling is based on storylines not ability. If you're cheering someone because you think they're an awesome wrestler while they're in the process of trying to murder someone you're preventing the story from working the way it's supposed to.

You don't have to cheer the person you don't like but if you like the heel and you cheer him, you're not helping him. He wants you to boo and his bosses won't push him if he's getting the wrong crowd reaction. Now maybe they'll turn him, but if they aren't comfortable pushing his current persona as a face they will make changes to it

For the people saying it's his wrestling ability, Cena has upped his game considerably from some of his earlier work and has gotten quality matches from the Great Khali, when HBK couldn't do that. He's consistently in match of the year candidates, and well WWE doesn't generally push high flying types to the top of the card and if you're not looking for pure high risk type guys like Bryan and Punk have been at or near the top of the card. Booing Cena won't change the style WWE pushes.

In addition there have been plenty of people saying it's his character that they're booing, as though they can't deal with a guy who's character growth is completed. So there are plenty of people who aren't booing his wrestling ability

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