I think I know why people Boo John Cena

Its probably jealousy to see a man cater to thousands of fans with tons of women screaming. I'm sure fans would have booed Jeff Hardy years ago too, if he didn't do the swanton bomb. People say his moves, clothes, belt, etc. but I just don't see why people have to boo the man out of building no matter what he says. There really is no reason for it. I'm no Cena fan and I believe his promos can be a little overbearing at times. I prefer Cena as a character out for blood attacking whoever crosses him instead of the Dudley Do Right cute happy go lucky Cena that makes corny jokes.

He isn't the only one to criticize though. Austin, Rock, and Mr. Anderson have become corny and have come off too cute at times. I was one of the biggest fans of the Rock, but sometimes I just can't stand him. The good thing about someone like the Rock or Anderson is that they are allowed to switch between heel and face. Cena has been a face for years now and isn't changing his character anytime soon.

I just think no matter who it is Cena, Hogan, Triple H, HBK, Rock, Austin, Jericho, Angle, Anderson, etc. If you see too much of a person in a role where he is unbeatable and constantly on television, of course you are going to get sick of him. That is why people boo Cena or any other superstar. I really don't think it has much to do with his ring attire, performance, or even abilities on the mic. Sometimes wrestling fans just need a break from wrestlers always on top.
I hate Cena, but it ain't cause is "the cool thing". seriously,I'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything but that is one of the stupidest thing I have read here on WZ. you may agree or not, you may like it or not, but Cena haters considered that he is a piece of crap as a wrestler (WRESTLER NOT ENTERTAINER), has this pathetic SuperCena gimmick FOR kids, needs to win most of the matches (and when he loses it's NEVER because someone is actually better than him, it's with a dirty tactic) amongst other things. I started to hate him when he defeated HHH at Mania 22. I mean, I think from that point he started to beat every single wrestler that RAW has to offer. that's why people hate him, I mean when this new guy starts to beat every single one of your favorite superstars, you don't like him! people are bored with Cena "overcoming" the odds.

oh and for the people that made the comparisons with Hogan:seriously, that was two decades ago. times change and so does people, not everyone wants to see "same old shit" LOL and I mean by that not everyone wants to see a gimmick that has been done 20 years ago (in wrestling all gimmicks are recyclables but gimmicks as big ones as Hogan are stale after seeing it many times) obviously kids doesn't know that so they accepted.
Cena, Hogan, Triple H, HBK, Rock, Austin, Jericho, Angle

Kenny, i agree with you on that, but i do have to ask, out of those guys, how many won the WWF/E title less than 10 times and are still considered the TOP guys of their time?
HBK: 4 times
Rock: 7 times
Austin: 6 times
Jericho: 4 times
Angle: 5 times
(note, i did exclude WCW title during the invasion story line, as it was a worthless title)

that is proof that your top guys CAN be top guys and not have the belt around their waist all the time as long as they have some great story lines, and promo's to back it up.
I don't hate Cena, but I do dislike him. The problem with Cena is his wrestling is so predictable, he ridiculously oversells everything, and he always comes back with the same four moves. He drastically changes from acting like a ten year old on the mic, to being super serious solider John Cena. He isn't funny on the mic and his yelling promos are terrible. Not to mention from 2005-2007 he basically had the belt the whole time and was unstoppable.

I liked Cena from 2002-early 2005. The rapper gimmick was really unique and he pulled it off extremely well as a jackass heel and a charismatic face. But once WWE decided to make him Superman and the face of the company, it's been all downhill for me. They slowly phased out his rapper gimmick and now he's just a white guy who wears jean shorts.

I can't blame WWE for constantly putting the belt on him though, because the kids absolutely love him and when they pan the Raw audience, it's basically a sea of the orange "Never give up" shirts. Cena's a mainstream star and he is the biggest draw for WWE since Austin or Rock. I just hope he doesn't break Ric Flair's 16 world title reigns, because no one deserves it and plain and simple the record just shouldn't be broken.
Ummm THe Rock got booed a lot too even as a face.think about it. the Rock main evented 5 Wrestlemanias in a row.. he was booed 4 out of 5 of them. wrestlemania 15 he was with vinny mac mania 17 it was in texas against austin 18 he was against hogan and had alot of respect for him and 19 he was a full heel agains t austin....

I really wish people would stop comparing cena to rock and austin and hogan three difrrent people. they all carried the company and honestly the rock never carried the company he was just really over with the crowd as quickly as rock rose thats how quickly he left the WWE. techinaclly the rock left in 2004 and never came back around the same time cena was on the rise. people didnt want to see someone take the rocks limelight and and they dont want anohter household name so ow everything cena does itscompared because people cant take the fact that there is life after the rock...i never like dthe rock like everyone else did mainly cause ive always rooted for the bad guy..i just wish people would stop linking cena and rock. no way are thier charecters are the same. and im glad cena left his rapper gimmick behind. it was gettign stale and old. he cant joke around like he wants because of the pg era..and in all honesty the only ones that boo him are the adult guys.. im 20 i respect cena and i dont cheer for him but i dont say hes lame and cant wrestle .newsflash NONE OF YOU CAN WRESTLE if you could youd be in the ring with cena instead of bitching about him online.
There is one main problem with this seeminly fool proof theory. You claim it is more fun to boo a competitor than to cheer them. However, take a moment to both boo and cheer while sitting at your comfy computer chair. Make these noises. Which is more pleasing to you? Certainly the cheering. It's a proven fact that cheering helps a person's heart and a person's soul. Therefore, that is where your theory falls apart.

Also, people probably boo him because they don't enjoy him.
I have been thinking that when people start to boo John Cena, do they even know why there are booing him?

Yes, I do.

Some people joke and say he tries to act black? For those people shut the fuck up.

Impeccable comeback.

They say he only knows five moves? You can say that about almost any wrestler out there know days.

That's a legitimate reason to disapprove of other wrestlers, too. Cena is no exception.

But on all honestly I think they boo him because they think its the fun thing to do at arena's just like chanting you suck at kurt angle's theme music. Kurt doesn't suck but It was a fun thing to do.
So people may boo him not because they really hate him but they think its the fun thing to do now?

I'm not a bandwaggoner. I'll boo someone if I hate their character.

So do you guys think that I may be on too something?

Well, let's see:

I guarantee that half the people that boo him at show's really want to cheer for him but I think that they are more embarrassed to cheer for him now because he represents a different area in the wwe days since its all pg now.

Yes, pseudo-intelligence. LOL.
Good thread. I have a theory on why Cena is considered so bad. Most people who boo him are the attitude-era fans. Nothing wrong with that, it was the platinum age for wrestling (Golden Age = Hulk. But that's for a different post). I think because Cena's era is the PG era much like Hogan. And the hatred for this era combined with "Five Moves of Death" makes people hate Cena. Attitude Era also provided the best promos, and the edgiest material. However, now the material is politically correct, and kid-friendly which also pisses people off because they want their promos back. WWE's hate will go to thier biggest draw: Cena. Another reason why is Attitude Era's "Great Wrestlers" I say "great" because technique wise they sucked but they could put seats in so they were considered legendary (Rock, Austin, etc.) However, now it's a repetitive moveset that is used for safety for the wrestlers which personally I'm against but that is for another post. So that is also another reason Cena haters hate cena. It's also one of the reason Orton is so cheered, his tweener persona is very over with the "smarks" who hate cena. Now, I'm going to absolutely destroy any/all arguments as to why cena sucks. I'd love refutations because this is a great topic. I just hope insults are kept to a minimum. Anyway, let's pretend WWE is a restaurant and Vince is the owner. At first this place was filled with teenagers who came to hang out, but all that controversy gave it a bad name in the press and politics so in order to save its face and possibly it's business in the future it decided to go kid-friendly. Suddenly, the press and Media no longer attack this place. Instead, it does charities. If this exact scenario took place where a diner got smart, give me one reason why we would "hate" this diner. Next point, in this same diner the main demographic is kids. And kids love the kids meal. But other fans of the diner don't like the kids meal because it has milk as opposed to beer. It has other options but they are not as popular as the kids meal. Why in the hell would anyone hate the kids meal due to it's lack of alcohol? Next point of turning him heel. If the diner gets so much revenue from the kids meal the way it is despite heavy criticisms from the minority would the diner still decide to spice things up just to please the minority? Furthermore, would you hold it against the kids meal or the diner? No.
To the point about the Five moves thing,it all comes down to style.

Example:I was watching a Oton-Taker match from 2004,in which Orton has the EXACT same moveset as he does now.The only two major differences I noticed is that he's a little more exaggerated now and he took out the dropkick and added the rope hung DDT. Orton catches no flack,but Cena catches hell for having a routine for ending matches? I don't understand.
cena cant be compared to the rock or austin, he isnt even in their league whatsoever.

rock was funny and far more entertaining. he had good timing, and didnt look like he was reading off a teleprompter like cena. there will never be another wrestler like the rock, thats why he has had so much success as an actor, he has massive charisma and acting skills. unlike cena who is like a bowl of vanilla ice cream.

saying cena does the same moves and saying the rock also does the same moves isnt right either. they may have skillsets, but the rock made matches far more entertaining with his reactions, and his selling. also his matches werent as formulaic as cenas.

also for everyone who hates cena just to be a contrarian, there are people who defend him or act like hes better than he is just to be on the other side of the argument.
No not really. If you think that fans started booing cena because of PG rating, then you are wrong. See, i remember how popular he was back in 2004 and early 2005. He was still popular in late 2005 once he became champ. Then i remember Summerslam 2005, cena/jericho, half of them booed cena, we can say that it was because of Y2J's popularity and respect. But then 2 PPVs after, Survivor series 2005, angle/cena. They have had a match earlier in the year in angle's hometown at No Way Out 2005 where ppl wholeheartedly chanted for cena. But at survivor series, ppl turned on him. They started booing him. And from then on the heat started increasing on him. And back then PG era wasn't around, but still fans booed him. Why is that? He wasn't representing kids then. then Why?
I think i know why? Now i agree with you that some of the fans are on band wagons. they boo him because other adults boo him. But such fans are less in number. Simple reason behind ppl booing cena was that he wasn't able to upgrade his character once he became champ. He wasn't able to take it to a next level and make fans especially adult fans care about him. In short he became stale. Take rocky for instance. He used to upgrade his character every six months or so. Sometimes he would bring new moves, keep on upgrading people's elbow. Sometimes, he would bring new catchphrases. Sometimes, he would bring new ways to disrespect ppl. and then there was rock n sock connection comedy. In all the phases of his career he kept on upgrading/embellishing/enhancing his character. Same goes with austin. Now of course this isn't only cena's fault. It's also management/writer's fault. but fans aren't going to boo writers. So they jeer cena. The only thing that kept on changing with cena was the colors of his attire.
In short, he became stale or rather his character became stale and along with his superman tactics and lil bit of PG era have caused all this criticism of cena.
The major problem with Cena is his repetitiveness, and for the 6th graders here who dont know what the word means: its the SAME SHIT from Cena over and over and over every damn week. For those of you who record Raw, or go to youtube, once you see Cena come out to the ring, you couldnt guess what week or month it is. Because he's always wearing that ugly orange shirt since October 2009.

People are just sick of his lame promos, poor wrestling ability, and the guy is boring as hell. He gets a pop when he comes out on Raw but I feel thats just the excitement of seeing the guy in person. Its not like "yay we're going to be entertained now and see a great match!"

Just because Cena isn't in the same league which I happen to disagree with, does not mean that you can not compare these wrestlers.

Cena, The Rock, Austin were all top stars in the business so technically they are in the same league.

Cena is funny too and The Rock and AUstin rather anyone wants to admit it or not were repetitive as well, so saying Cena is boring becasue he's repetitive but it's ok that the rock was and Austin was makes the Era mark fans hypocrites.
The major problem with Cena is his repetitiveness, and for the 6th graders here who dont know what the word means: its the SAME SHIT from Cena over and over and over every damn week. For those of you who record Raw, or go to youtube, once you see Cena come out to the ring, you couldnt guess what week or month it is. Because he's always wearing that ugly orange shirt since October 2009.

People are just sick of his lame promos, poor wrestling ability, and the guy is boring as hell. He gets a pop when he comes out on Raw but I feel thats just the excitement of seeing the guy in person. Its not like "yay we're going to be entertained now and see a great match!"

Who isn't repetitive in the WWE? Don't get me started on Randy "Ben Stein" Orton. I'm sick of his promos because he talks about the same thing whether he is a heel or tweener/face. The Rock and Stone Cold said the same shit over and over again which amounted to nothing more than what Cena talks about. Maybe you should apply the word repetitive to more wrestlers than just Cena methinks.
No, it’s not because it is the cool thing to do. Nor is it a trend that is catching on just because people think it is cool. Rather, it is a mixture of reasons that all add up to what we have these days. Personally, I think he is getting a raw deal and the reasons that people give to support their booing are flimsy at best.

You often hear:

He only knows five moves

Well that is a bit of an oversight isn’t it? You know what, I am going to count all of the moves that he performs on Raw on Monday night and see how true this is. I have a feeling that it will be a lot more than five. He has five trademark moves that you would associate with him but to say that he only knows five moves is ludicrous. In fact, the people that say this often make up lists with his “Five Moves Of Doom”, which differ from person to person… :shrug:

His gimmick is lame

I don’t see how his gimmick is bad. Yes, it has been his gimmick for an awful long time now but to say that it is worse than some of the gimmicks that are running right now is an oversight. Rey Mysterio has the same exact gimmick basically and he doesn’t get half of the shit that Cena does. I will concede that he does need a little work but his gimmick is very admirable and he preaches a message that people could really latch onto.

He is only good at entertaining kids

He entertains me so I beg to differ.

He is the face of a company that seems to have left me behind.

This I the real reason I think. The WWE has positively changed direction and some people cannot handle that that direction is not what they want. The Attitude Era was a great era to be a wrestling fan but it was never going to last forever and people don’t like that. They want wrestling to go back to being aimed towards people my age and not a lucrative children’s market. They feel that people like John Cena are to blame for this and think that id they boo him and all he stands for, the WWE will have no other choice but to go back to what brought them the recognition they received 10 years ago and it is so ignorant it is unbelievable.

At the end of the day, the people who boo Cena are genuinely blind and ignorant to what is going on in the WWE right now. You think the WWE cares if you want it to go back to the Attitude Era? Then you are a moron. They make enough money to be the best promotion in the United States and beyond. They have changed gears and kids are lapping it up. They are not an uncertain quantity like they were in the Attitude Era anymore and they are stable enough with or without your support. Booing Cena is just fashionable because people think it will make a difference and it wont.
"Booing" Cena has become the cool thing to do. You can't say it hasn't when the majority of the hates are just bandwagons.
"Booing" Cena has become the cool thing to do. You can't say it hasn't when the majority of the hates are just bandwagons.

where is your proof to that? almost every post i have read they have said their reason for it, and then you just throw all of it out and say that without backing it up? would that not just mean you love cena just because a lot of people do? that you yourself are a "bandwagon jumper"?

i was an old ECW fan. now while some of them may have only been there because they couldn't make it in WCW or WWF, they were not only great guys to watch preform, but great guys in person. i was also there in the Hammerstein Ballroom for the one night stand PPV in '06. and i can tell you from the experience, that people hated Cena not so much for the person he is, more the thing he represents. Sameness. Bland, tasteless, the reason that ECW became so popular is because it was something totally different from the "Same old Shit" well, Cena is the spokesperson for that shit. while i have seen it brought up a few times now, you said that Cena and guys like Steve Austin and Dwane "The Rock" Johnson are all the same just because they were the top guys. are you saying Brock Lesnar belongs in there then too? he was the top guy, and carried the company before Cena. hell he has the torch handed to him personally from Rock. now i understand you devotion and support of your favorite wrestler, but. it's that same devotion and support to the sport of wrestling that has a lot of us older fans wanting cena to get a shot of some character or something. he needs the thing that brought him in the WWE to begin with. "Ruthless Aggression" showed a sign of it last Monday, but if he says that god awful line of this being his life and crap, then he ruined it all.
My proof is simple.

When cena came to WWE everyone loved him.

WWE decides to go a different route with Cena, the adults bailed and decided to hate Cena.

Haters now screaming for a change or wanting him to go heel as if that will fix everything, will jump the bandwagon and start liking him again.

What would you call that?
as i recall, no, right from the start people did not like Cena. he did not enter as a super face and start carrying the company right from day one. he had his rise to fame in 05, and even then, as was pointed out, he still got a lot of heat. you could have had Cena as the one to Punt vince in the head, and yes SOME people would start cheering for him, but not most. there are a lot of people who will never be John Cena fans, no matter what they do to his character. the same as not everyone was a Hogan fan, no matter what they did to him character wise, because deep down, it was still the same.
People did like CEna when he returned, did you not remember everyone going crazy for him?

Especialy when he had his rapper gimmick.

and also i'm not talking about Day 1.

If that was so people would still like Cena now and not like his gimmick.

I like Cena, but that does not mean that I like his gimmick.

How ever a lot fo you dislike Cena and his gimmick and can't separate the 2.

The fact is there is a lot of bandwagons rather you want to admit it or not.
i'm not saying there isn't, not once has those words been said. now being as i have seen you argue over and over with almost everyone who does not support your idea, i see it will be a little hard to really get YOU to admit to anything also. you just said there that you like Cena as a person, just not his gimmick. while i really doubt anyone hates John Cena the person, because there is no reason to. he supports the troops (very well i might add, met a few the WWE stars while on tour) and the charity work is outstanding. but that's what people Boo in the arena is his GIMMICK, that's what people want to see change to is his GIMMICK. while not everyone was in favor of the hip-hop image, mainly due to it's place in mainstream society, the one i found i could get behind was his very first one, when he FIRST entered the WWE to challenge Kurt Angle on his first night. now that was when John was at his best, not only as a character, but as a performer as well.
How am I arguing? I'm debating those are 2 different things.

You started with me first, now I am not allowed to disagree with you?

You claimed there were no Cena fans bandwagon, I disagreed with you, that is allowed.
well i just went and looked back at some footage from the past few years, and here were my findings..

before DX - the crowd was mostly Pro-Cena, there were still some noticeable Boo's. but looking out into the crowd, it was mostly Cena merchandise..

Then DX reformed. they didnt try to be serious, the way the cena character is being shown, they were what DX is supposed to be, funny, over the top, goof around, AND sell the DX swag. while it should be noted that they were NOT the DX us older fans knew and loved, they were still what the Idea of DX was. "anti-authority, we do what we want, when we want" and if you have ever had the pleasure of meeting either Shawn or Paul (HHH) in person, you would know that a lot of what they did on camera, was what they were actually like. a bunch of goof-balls, and the kids ate it up in the hundreds of thousands. all those Cena shirts were replaced with DX army shirts, and DX glow sticks. the crowd reaction said it all too, take for instance MSG. the main event was DX vs Cena and Undertaker. if you listen to the reaction, Cena got a good pop, noticeable boo's though, the undertaker got an amazing reaction, but that is due to the respect he has earned with the "WWE Universe" and DX blew the roof off of that place.

So. you say the Anti-Cena people are only doing it because it's "Cool" well i say that the majority of Pro-Cena are only doing it because of the Death of DX. if they were still around, i guarantee that the "Cenation" would not be as big as it is now, because most of them would be in the DX army.
I will never understand why people boo John Cena. After all these years, people are still hating on the guy, for reasons that I personally find very humerous. I've heard it all, from the "5 moves" argument, from the "Cena's character is stale argument" to the "Cena is shoved down our throats" bullshit.

I mean let's be realistic here, since 2005, when has the guy ever produced a terrible quality match? It's been a few years since that happened, especially since Cena carried The Great Khali to a passable match. I thought in 2010, that John Cena might not receive the loudest reactions anymore, since he's been in the spotlight for quite a while, but the guy still manages to do it every single week.

And people say he may not be a "great wrestler". That's cute and all, but maybe you should reconsider what a "great wrestler" actually is, because John Cena extracts emotion from the audience in a similar fashion to Hulk Hogan back in the 80's. Sure, Cena may not know 100 submission moves, but a great wrestler is not someone who knows the most moves, he is someone who entertains and emotionally involves the viewer like no other.

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels matches at the past Wrestlemania's weren't great because of their movesets, they were terrific because both men gained a reaction from the audience, and had you at the edge of your seat, no matter who you were cheering for.

And the whole "PG" argument is bullshit. I'm not a little kid and I've been a fan of Cena since 2003 basically. If you seriously think it's cool to boo someone because they appeal to kids, then that's just rather sad. Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly like or agree with the WWE's PG rating, but if you haven't gotten over it by now, then you should just stop watching the product as I can't see it changing anytime soon.

And people say he has won too many WWE Championships. To be honest, your buddy Edge has won a few since 2005 as well. And on Raw, who else want the audience want to be WWE Champion in terms of a babyface? Randy Orton has won it a few times as well, and Triple H only has like 13 World Title reigns to his name, so I guess that leaves... John Morrison, Mark Henry, Evan Bourne...

I think I'll stick with a John Cena WWE Championship reign any day, thank you very much.
You want to talk about a limited move set and predictable match endings though; how many matches has HHH ended with this sequence: kneelift, face-buster, spine-buster, flex, kick, pedigree? There was a period over the fall/winter where DX was to the Raw main event what Cena is now, and I hated that, too. Every week was Jericho trying to get back on Raw and DX thwarting him, for at least two months, if not longer. Boring, predictable and a waste of time and talent. Remember that the first main event on Raw was Taker vs. Damien Demento. Maybe we don't have to scale it back to the point of making someone like DD one of the participants, but could we at least vary the performers and scenarios from week to week?

Also, while I'm at it, I've seen it mentioned a few times and I simply must ask, since when was Warrior ever "well respected" or "a good worker" who deserved what he was handed? He was not liked by the majority of the people in the locker room and was fired multiple times, to the point where he only wrestled three matches in WCW, one of which is notorious for being possibly the worst worked PPV main event ever (according to Bischoff, Hogan and others) after they built tremendous hype for him? I'm all ears.

Dotty, it's an honor for my first post to be considered for sigs. :p

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