The paradox of John Cena

I just wanted to make a little point, I don't get this "Cena turn heel" argument, why you might ask.

Well as far as I can work out this Paradox of Cena (nice way to put it OP) will still ring true but it will just flip roles. If he turns heel because the IWC has been asking for it for a few years when he does they'll cheer and the current fans will boo. Although I want him as a bad ass tweener type character when you have a Randy Orton and before, Edge, does Cena need to be a heel or tweener? I have my doubts.

To everyone saying he does the same shit look at all the top Superstars in their prime, everyone from Triple H to Hulk Hogan did the same shit, but the reason people hate it when Cena does is the fact that it's not cool to like him In the same way that its not cool to like Bieber. But you cannot deny they both are talented, Cena gets people watching and Bieber (like him or not;i hate his songs but that's another story) has immense star qualities. For example ask yourself this if you had literally billions of fans would you be able to stay as composed as he is. Another example, when someone threw a bottle at him he just laughed it off, but what would you have done, I'm guessing it would involve jumping off the stage and destroying someone.

What I'm getting at is I don't mind it when people hate Cena for his stupid endless never give up speeches but when you say people like him have no talent, that's just plain stupid.
John Cena bothers me for the same reason a lot of people in the real world bother me, his unshakeable positive outlook. Dude never gets angry, he didn't say one thing about the Rock costing him the match at WM. I know he loses his smile and gets serious and sometimes even drops a pile of chairs onto people, but things seem to never go bad for him. Orton goes both ways, Rey gets pissed and angry and vengeful, Edge would lose his mind the same way wether or not he was a heel or a face that week.

Cena just stays positive, its annoying as hell. I work in a restaurant and it sucks like working in every other restaurant ever. There are some people who love being there and love working, and it drives me crazy, our job sucks. Now I get that Cena loves his job, but the fact that his life makes him happy every second of every day (at least in character, who knows if he's really like that too) makes me really hate him. The only time in the past year recently where he wasn't completely upbeat was when he made his goodbye speech, and even then he was having all that fun, he remained positive.

I hate Cena because he has a one dimensional character, he's fucking Ned Flanders.
Okay honestly i Completely Agree and i don't Watch WWE for Cena at all but if its what attracts people whatever my problem is Cena doesn't need to be in the title picture to be a draw. Cena can draw a crowd no matter what he is doing so let him be in a feud where he shows human emotions such as Anger and Hatred that doesn't vanish after he beats the person one time John Cena is not human he is an android Vince had built to increase profits in the WWE
i think of John Cena as a fantastic human being, in fact thats the reason he is at the level that he's as, is he a good wrestler? he's not as horrible as what people like to make it out to be, but he just isn't intriguing,

Shawn Michaels was intriguing in the ring, he made you want to watch the match, he made you follow every second of that match,

SCSA VS THE ROCK, i was watching WWE vintage collection and it had some random boring match and then it went to Rock vs Austin, it was a casual Raw match after WM 15 i think, it was out standing, the moves were almost perfect, the way they sold every part of the match was a joy to watch, i watched this at around 1 am and even tho i wanted to go to sleep i couldn't the match was just too good to miss,

John Cena is not as you like to say a guy "we never get bored of" because to me he is just that, i watch wrestling every now and then, and in reality it is because of cena, he is the top guy yet i just cant care about him, every week is the same old same old, every match is the same match as the one before,

His persona, if he stuck with the Doctor of thuganomics he would have been in a different league, he was something fresh with that gimmick, he made that gimmick work, the crowd loved his gimmick, yet now he seems to get booed more often then cheered, as the top face of the company....... it's kind of sad, The Rock returns after 7 years and people still chant every single phrase of his, the response is louder then anything Cena can truly achieve, yet if cena were to retire today and return in 7 years i could barely see the crowd caring all that much for him,

the reason he isn't in the leagues of Prime rock, Prime Austin, and Prime Hogan, is because there isn't much that makes him stand out, he is the number 1 guy, but simply because he was put there, he needs to be more unique, he needs a catch phrase, (and no i don't mean YOU CANT SEE ME), the Rock cuts a 15 minute promo easily because people are eagerly waiting for him to say "the millions" and so on, same with Austin and Hogan with there catch phrases,

Cena needs to be shaken up as a character badly, when you go out every week and put on the same promo, same match people will get tired, when Cena got injured (as sad as this may sound), i actually enjoyed wrestling a lot more, simply because he wasn't there, it was fresh, there was room for other people,

to sum things up, i don't think Cena is horrible, but i will never understand why he was chosen to be the main guy in WWE, beside his hard work and commitment to WWE in the long run, he is just an average guy Running at the Top of the food chain with a Big amount of talent, but not big enough to be the best
They came incredibly close to reinventing Cena in 2010 with the whole Nexus plot, but they wimped out at the last minute and blew it. Instead of making Cena look human, they made Cena look like even more of a superhero, and buried Wade Barrett as a result. That's why I, personally, don't like Cena.
The paradox lol i could agree with you more man spot on greatest thread in a long time. a guys earlier mention android i remember in his ovw days he was the prototype. His matches remind me of Android 18 versus Vegeta in DBZ she lets him whoop her but then gives him one kick and we all know(if you watch anime) what happened. His matches are live that gets his but whooped then boom ,bang snitt, boop, and crash...... 1,2,3 cena wins.
The paradox of John Cena.

Well, there's a few thing's really. There's the fact that 9 out of 10 he's gonna put on the bestm atch of the night. The fan's are alway's into his match. His rival is the most over when he facing Cena (see Barret). The guy is one of the best wrestler's today in the company. Sure he may not do 15 moves and 5 flips a match, but Hogan didn't wither. And as much as I desrespect him, he is the biggest wrestler ever.

There's some strange thing's I have heard though, some weird opinion's, Like, "he can't wrestler anymore, he could in 03, not he can't." "He should turn heel," but why, when's he's doing very great at being the top face, and nothing's slowing down as far as his merchandise sales and the majority of the fan's still love him.

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