John Cena: Future IC/US Champion?

I'd have to say no also, because if we're looking at this from a realistic point of view, there's no chance of this actually happening.

John Cena has conquered damn near every seemingly insurmountable obstacle in his path. He's been a WWE and WHC multiple times, he beat Triple H and Shawn in the main event of Wrestlemania, he beat MMA Lesnar, he finally beat CM Punk last year, he won two Royal Rumbles, a MITB match, and he beat The Rock in the main event of Wrestlemania last year for the title. When you look at the big picture, John Cena only has two or three untouched challenges in front of him: The Streak and tying or breaking Flair's record for world championship wins.

At this stage in his career, there's no point in Cena returning to the mid card, because he's above any mid card titles. Cena still has some gas left in the tank, so he'll continue to chase the WWE WHC, and stay near the main event.
A few things have to happen for this to work for me:

#1 John has to accept that his promos and matches will not close the show

#2 John has to stop giving up indecisive losses. If he loses, he owns that and moves on.

I still remember after John lost to Punk the second time, there was the whole foot on the rope bullshit. If ANY of that shit happens, then it's just the same old bullshit from John Cena with a different assortment of tin and leather around his waist.

If John accepts a role in the mid-card, he has to play the mid-card role to a T. He can still do his *ugh* five-knuckle shuffle, but he can't kick out of his opponent's finishers anymore. That bullshit is so fucking redundant it makes me want to strangle the WWE bookers. John has to take a trouble in paradise or a sister Abigail, and fucking stay down. Oh no, John Cena just got pinned. Big fucking whoop. That's what you do sometimes, you fucking lay down because the whole fucking story isn't all about John Cena. No distractions from outside, no foot on the ropes that the ref didn't see, and for FUCKS SAKE no motherfucking table matches PERIOD.
Too be honest, I personally wouldn't mind Cena with the IC/US Title. It actually might be a good idea because as of now the IC/US titles don't have the hype they've had in the previous years. If Cena does become the IC/US champion then, that would make the IC/US title actually mean something again.
I've never liked it when guys who had long runs as World Champion, go back down and carry the mid-card title.

Doesn't matter who it was, when it was, or what the logic was. I just don't like the concept.

It just doesn't make sense to me that someone who has been at the very top of the mountain, would be excited and/or "proud" of being the secondary champion.
If they unified the two titles that it would be a good run for the belt and elevate what has been a fallen mid card division with too many Upper Mid Card and former champions around.
John Cena would make a great US champ.
I think he's better in the mid-card. Cena always should've been a mid-carder.
The fact that he became a top star is a crime.
I can't see him winning the IC title or the US ever again. He's too big for either title. I think he'll just step out and do random feuds like he's done over the past few years. If this speculated feud with Bray Wyatt happens, that's atleast guaranteed 2 months he's away from the title scene.
I have said in the past (not on this board, but amongst my friends), that John Cena should go after the IC Title, so that he can complete the set and become a GrandSlam Champion and Triple Crown champion.

He'd be a Triple Crown Champion, but not a Grand Slam Champion. He's held the U.S. belt before, but that doesn't count towards anything. The Grand Slam is impossible because there's no official third tier/lower midcard title (The IC and U.S. titles are both technically considered to be second tier/upper midcard). No one can become a Grand Slam Champion unless they held the European or Hardcore Title before those older belts were retired, WWE reactivates one of those defunct belts, or creates a new title of similar level..

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