John Cena - Get Over It.

Here is why Cena is not deserving of hate. Who is your favorite wrestler today? Let's look and see.....

Punk: Breakout feud AGAINST CENA (at least to get to the level he's at now)
Miz: Breakout feud AGAINST CENA
Sheamus: Breakout feud AGAINST CENA
Edge: Cashed in MITB and got over as a heel AGAINST CENA
Batista: Best feud as a heel AGAINST CENA
Hell, even R-Truth looked credible AGAINST CENA
I guarantee you Del Rio's breakout feud will also be against Cena.

I could go on, but I don't want to get repetitive (like Cena is, I'll admit) Considering the fact that basically every credible heel on the roster except for Christian got over by feuding with Cena, he must be doing his job pretty damn well.

Seriously, do you people go to McDonald's and complain that your Big Mac has had the same 5 "ingredients of doom" for as long as you can remember? Of course you don't, you understand that they do it because it's delicious and it works. Do yourself a favor and look at Cena the same way. If you like your precious heels, you better damn well like Cena because he's the only person getting them over in the WWE right now.

The thing is, Cena is the only "mega star" in WWE right now so of course, when they want to put someone over, they're going to have him fight Cena. Back in the Attitude Era for example, Austin, Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, HBK, were all MEGA STARS that could put over a younger guy or that the upper midcarders could feud with to get a push.

Now, there is literally no one but Cena. I am not a fan of Cena, but the lack of depth on the roster is not his fault, I'll give him that.
I dont think most ppl boo cena because its cool, its because most ppl are tired to see him, it's happened to the best man, Hogan, rock, stone cold, jericho. When your character becomes boring, and you dont improve yourself, you become stale, you become accustomed in being on top.
That's why you need to keep your character fresh, most of the stars have done it, Hogan, rock, undertaker, jericho. They have turned heel, changed their wrestling styles a bit, changed their promos, etc.
It's just cena, since he turned face, hasn't done it, he is still using the same moves, the same promos, the same attitude, thats the biggest problem with cena , he is in a "safe" zone, and neither he or the "bosses" are doing something exciting with the cena character because they think the ppv and merchendise are going to suffer.
My 2 cents.
Cena deserves the booing. If it were back in the day, I would not be surprised if they threw garbage at him...

This comment is hilarious :lmao:

Back in the day you say, how is Cena any different form the Rock? Both have there "Five moves of Death".
Here is every Rock match ever,(Get may ass kicked, Get may ass kicked, Get may ass kicked, Samoan Drop out of no were, Slap, Slap, spit in to the hand and SLAP, Spin buster, The People's Elbow, Rock Bottom) How is that different than what Cena does now?

Now I don't normally root for the face of the company. I didn't root for Hogan, Austin, or the Rock because they would always win, and I liked rooting of the under dog. I just find it so funny how so many people Hate Cena, it's not like he's the first to be the "Superman" of the company. There are always these characters, but I don't here any complaining about how Austin always won back in the day. I wonder why that is?
I don't have much of an issue with his in ring ability. The matches against HBK/Triple H at Mania were great and also the rematch with HBK in London too. It takes two people to have a great match.

His character has gone stale and reminds me way too much of Hulk Hogan during his latter years - same old moves to win and never losing cleanly to anyone. Can anyone remember the last time he got cleanly beaten ? Was it the HBK match in London ?

A heel turn would be awesome as he'd still sell the shirts etc and it'd pull in the viewers to see the 'bad' Cena - he'd have enough material for strong promos.
It's not about Austin winning all the time. He was around for what, 3 or 4 years at the top of his game? The Rock, same thing.. The 3 to 4 years of mega-stardom. Heel* or face, they turned multiple times.

Cena. No, not him. He's the same bland character as he was last year... Year after year after burning year. He hasn't flipping changed.

Did I mention Cena's five moves of doom? No, I did not. Why? Because he isn't THAT bad.

Do I hate Cena? Maybe a little. Most of the reasons I hate him, are not his fault. His 11 or 12 title reigns irritates and pisses me off. That and the fact that he has yet to turn in the better half of a decade gets to me. I want something NEW, something not seen before.. Something that will make me WANT to watch. Current John Cena, is not that man.

And yes, if this were back in the day. 10 to 15 years ago, there would be trash thrown at him. This comment is true.
I don't hate Cena, i am just bored with his character. Like many others are.

I hate when i make my opinions as to why i dislike him.. then someone says 'oh but he works so hard and devotes his life to the company and does charity blah blah'
So? plenty of other wrestlers do that too. Cena obviously WANTS to do all this, and he does get paid. Like The Rock said 'you sure as hell ain't doing it for free' :icon_neutral:

He is booed for several reasons;

Repetitive in the ring (although he seems to be improving now)
He's a walking WWE shopzone. I mean come on...he changes his merch more than any current wrestler in WWE now. Different colored shirts, hats and wristbands every couple of months. :suspic:

Corny jokes. How many times has he ruined a promo by making poop jokes? For example;- the promo with Punk/Vince, it was a very interesting ADULT promo and Cena had to interrupt with poop jokes... really?! Sometimes he acts like an overgrown kid, that just doesn't belong up there with CM Punk.

Stale gimmick. (my opinion) I just HATE it at this point. I've been watching since 2006 and he does the same old shit each time (he was a bit more edgier in 2006 at least) but since 2007 he's unbearable annoying to watch. There's no edge to his character. He just panders way too much to the crowd, he's trying to get over with the males but it's not working at all.

Never loses cleanly.

Always winning. 11 time champ? In 7 years? That's just a jokes. If the reason they keep the belt on him cause he 'sells the most merchandise and it keeps the cry baby kids happy' then WWE is truly fucked up. :disappointed:

He never shows any..aggression. Like when CM Punk called him an ass kisser he didn't even get mad also when Punk cost him the match with R-Truth.. nope still not mad. Instead him comes out the next week and defends Punk? and says he has a right to freedom of speech? :icon_rolleyes:
Also at WM27 when Rock cost Cena the match against The Miz.. when he appeared the next night on RAW he laughed it off? 'oh whatever' That shows he doesn't take anything seriously.

This is why is dislike his character :icon_biggrin:
I tend to believe that people aren't booing Cena as a performer... they're booing the Face of the WWE, they're protesting the PG era, and they're sick of watching shows that have one match that matters and four others that no one cares about.

Time to promo the mid-card rivalries or even let Cena fight mid card rivalries to give those guys a push and raise their value...
Boy howdy, this thread is really bringing out the usual arguments in droves. Nothing personal, GreatOne, I'm just using a few of yours as examples:

He is booed for several reasons;

Repetitive in the ring (although he seems to be improving now)

As I've mentioned a couple of times before, just like EVERYONE else in this business.

He's a walking WWE shopzone. I mean come on...he changes his merch more than any current wrestler in WWE now.

Nice of you to add "current wrestler" to that, since I seem to remember a period when a certain bald wrestler would have a new "3:16" t-shirt on a weekly basis. But he was all "edgy and cool", so I guess that doesn't count.

Corny jokes. How many times has he ruined a promo by making poop jokes?

That's rich, coming from a Rock fan. The Rock's promos weren't exactly the height of cerebral, sophisticated humor, if I remember correctly.

Never loses cleanly.

*bangs head on desk repeatedly*

He's a FACE. Faces aren't SUPPOSED to lose cleanly on a regular basis. They're supposed to be able to win without cheating - HEELS need to cheat to win. That's what makes them "bad guys". You can talk all you want about "tweeners", but even Steve Austin was playing the "classic face", just in an "edgier" context. And he NEVER lost cleanly in a title match.

Always winning. 11 time champ? In 7 years? That's just a jokes.

Triple H is a 13-time champ in 10 years. CM Punk is already a 4-time champ in just a little over 3 years, which would put him on a relatively similar pace.

Is your problem that CENA's been the champ so frequently, or that the booking of pro wrestling has changed significantly lately, and title reigns are much shorter, making the number of times someone has won a title FAR less meaningful? Because one of those things isn't really John Cena's fault.

If the reason they keep the belt on him cause he 'sells the most merchandise and it keeps the cry baby kids happy' then WWE is truly fucked up. :disappointed:

As of this fiscal year, merchandise is the #1 driver of all revenue to the WWE. Kids 18 and under are the WWE's primary demographic.'s really "fucked up" to keep the people keeping you in business happy. Better to cater to whatever bullshit "in-ring ability" metric the IWC has dreamed up this month.

He never shows any..aggression. Like when CM Punk called him an ass kisser he didn't even get mad also when Punk cost him the match with R-Truth.. nope still not mad. Instead him comes out the next week and defends Punk? and says he has a right to freedom of speech? :icon_rolleyes:
Also at WM27 when Rock cost Cena the match against The Miz.. when he appeared the next night on RAW he laughed it off? 'oh whatever' That shows he doesn't take anything seriously.

This is why is dislike his character :icon_biggrin:

So in other words, he doesn't play the character the way YOU want him to, so he "sucks". As long as we're clear about your objective reasons for wanting the WWE to take their biggest star and money-maker out of the title picture.
Personaly, I never liked him. When he first started in 2002 he was alright in my book. Even when he became a rapper, I had nothing against. But around 2005, the night he beat jericho(summerslam), he really started to get on my nerves, and I as thinking:"Who the hell is john cena to get this kind of a push?". In 2006, things even got worse, with his 1 year title reign. That turned me into a hater. 1 year title reign??!!WTF, but that's alright, cause I knew he wasn't that special, and I think 50% of fans in every arena agree with me. Then comes hhh, the game, the most dominant force in the company at that time, the guy who went through them all, rvd, goldberg, booker, hbk, orton, jericho, kane,..etc, but guess what, they made him look like a ***** when he taped out to cena's submission hold AT WM. 1 year he later, it was Hbk vs cena at mania, a match that I've always thought that hbk should've won the title, if there was anyone who deserve the wwe title at that time its shawn michaels, but again, no one beat super-cena. LMAO but you wanna know what really got me mad? Is when he opened up his mouth about rock back in 2008. Even though I was pissed, I found it laughable. Really, who is this young **** to talk about the rock like that? Who the hell is john cena to tell the rock what to do?

Like I said I never liked the guy, it's not about the character or anything, I just believe that he didn't deserve that HUGE push, in other words I think he's overrated. He became THE guy by default, not because he was that good.
If you really want to know the answer I'm afraid it's incredibly simple. People want someone to blame for the decline in popularity of wrestling as a whole, John Cena is the #1 guy in all of wrestling and he's the first guy people look to.

Now there are people with genuine complaints of the man, I myself will eternally maintain that's he's not a particularly good worker, it's disputable but it's what I believe. But snatching at a ball-park figure from out of nowhere tells me about, ooh let's say 90? or so of the people who complain about him haven't got a valid criticism of the an and the best they are ever able to muster is 'CEnA SUX BECUZ....CUZ.....Coz HE JUST DOES yU MoroNs.'

Basically they don't dislike him, they just don't know where to direct their frustrations better.
first of all John Cena's matches arent " solid " because of him , if Randy Orton had the same storylines as John Cena they'll be 10x better just because YOUR champion isnt in them. and NEWSFLASH! John Cena is overrated! he's the main guy in a company that doesnt give a damn about wrestling. like The Rock said , John Cena is in WWE because of the money ( wasnt he going to school so he can hopefully be a Linebacker? yeah i think so ) he has no talent , the mic skills of a 3rd grader , with grandpa jokes. He brings the company, yes. but anyone could bring the company money if they were in Cena's place. have you noticed Randy Orton is on the WWE 12 cover and not cena? he's on the night of champions poster, alone. without cena. he's the youngest world champion , and not john cena. he's the guy that destroyed countless legends. (i sense a huge power shift in the near future)

So, cena has a solid match against 99% of people he wrestles, and it isn't because of him. No, you're right, it takes two to tango. But he doesn't botch nearly half as much as some, and the fact that his matches are consistent with everyone says to me that cena has a lot to do with that. His moves tend to be quite tight as well, and yeah, same old shit, I know, but recently he's added a few new moves and besides, Rock, HHH, taker, they all have the same movesets and have done for years, with the odd new move every so often.

And you do realise that The Rock is in a feud with cena atm? Don't take everything that a character says for gospel. Look at the amount of people that either die early or end up crippled at an early age, then tell me that Cena is in it for money and money alone. Just from looking at him you can tell he loves the business. He loves going out there and performing for the fans; even the fans that boo him.

Randy is on WWE 12 for the same reason that WWE games still have blood in them...they aren't PG. Or at least not as PG as the TV at the moment. And I wont deny it; Cena isn't as popular as Orton is with teenagers and above. But its a computer game, so big deal.

And, for the record, Cena isn't my champion. He's not my favorite wrestler. Nowhere near. I'm a Punk fan (like him, I'm straight edge). but I don't boo Cena. I really respect him, and it pisses me off when people shit on him as a person, and for dumbass reasons.
Most people hate Cena because it "cool" to hate on Cena, however some people including myself hate Cena because he keeps doing the same thing over and over again. There is nothing fresh about his character anymore, its not edgy nor is it fun unlike the rapper gimmick he had.

He buries his opponents by not selling their moves, aka ddt on the concrete floor or the 30 minute hammering he took from Miz and A-Ri and still winning the match.

John Cena = Superman. I like superman but I would like to see him challenged or even get his arse whooped by his nemesis time to time, but it never happens.

All his losses don't make his opponents look stronger because he never looses clean. It's always via Dq, count out or a mistake of his.

All the great wrestler of the past have gotten their arse whipped with no exceptions. Rock, austin, taker, triple h, mankind, jericho. All have been involved in brual matches and have been beaten to a plup and they were big stars as well but I have yet to see John Cena truly get the shite kicked out of him.

On top of all this, his comedic timing is horrendous. He can't tell a joke without looking stupid.

I pretty much agree with this. He tries to be funny but he's not. Like making fun of Jonny Ace last week. Hi-larious Cena at his best.
He seems to try and copy the Rock's style of humour but he fails miserably.

I think a change in Cena's stupid entrance music would help a lot. I'm sick of that ridiculous song. I cannot stand that or JoMo's entrance music.

Maybe if he went away for a while (like a year), he'd be less hated when he came back. All the most popular guys have been away from the business for some amount of time whether through injury or whatever. But not Cena, he's there week in, week out, shoved in your face whether you like it or not. Even when he had the surgery it felt like he'd only been gone a couple of weeks.
My main problem with Cena, and this has already been said, is that he can be lazy in the ring.

Let's go back to MITB, Punk vs Cena. This was, in every way shape and form, a classic, and a candidate for match of the year (either that, or HHH vs Taker at WM27). and while many fans argue that Punk "carried" the match, Cena put in a major contribution. we saw stuff from cena we haven't seen in a while (i cant remember the last time cena did an abdominal stretch, or hit a basic running elbow drop). they even broke up the 5 moves of doom with counter after counter by Punk. this proves that Cena can be creative, mix things up, and...wait for it...WRESTLE

after i saw this, however, i asked myself: why don't i see this every week?

Now, i realize the importance of squash matches, and how dangerous moves can shorten careers and the like. that doesn't mean that he has to stick to the same old thing every night. have him come up with a new "5 moves" that he can alternate with his current set. have him utilize a few more suplexes, backbreakers, and possibly a fall-away slam, on a more consistent basis. have him wear down the opponents legs to set up for the STF (shin breaker, half crab, chop block, elbow/leg drops to the knee, even a 5 knuckle shuffle to the inside of the knee), or work the back for the AA (backbreakers, t-bone suplex, scoop slams, fall-away slam, bow-and-arrow submisson, elbows drop to the back). the solutions are quite simple.

We don't need a match-of-the-year candidate every monday night from Cena, just a little variety every now and then. it's not alot more than he's doing right now, but it could be the shake-up that he needs to get himself over with the other half of the audience.
I don't hate Cena, i am just bored with his character. Like many others are.

I hate when i make my opinions as to why i dislike him.. then someone says 'oh but he works so hard and devotes his life to the company and does charity blah blah'
So? plenty of other wrestlers do that too. Cena obviously WANTS to do all this, and he does get paid. Like The Rock said 'you sure as hell ain't doing it for free' :icon_neutral:

He is booed for several reasons;

Repetitive in the ring (although he seems to be improving now)
He's a walking WWE shopzone. I mean come on...he changes his merch more than any current wrestler in WWE now. Different colored shirts, hats and wristbands every couple of months. :suspic:

Corny jokes. How many times has he ruined a promo by making poop jokes? For example;- the promo with Punk/Vince, it was a very interesting ADULT promo and Cena had to interrupt with poop jokes... really?! Sometimes he acts like an overgrown kid, that just doesn't belong up there with CM Punk.

Stale gimmick. (my opinion) I just HATE it at this point. I've been watching since 2006 and he does the same old shit each time (he was a bit more edgier in 2006 at least) but since 2007 he's unbearable annoying to watch. There's no edge to his character. He just panders way too much to the crowd, he's trying to get over with the males but it's not working at all.

Never loses cleanly.

Always winning. 11 time champ? In 7 years? That's just a jokes. If the reason they keep the belt on him cause he 'sells the most merchandise and it keeps the cry baby kids happy' then WWE is truly fucked up. :disappointed:

He never shows any..aggression. Like when CM Punk called him an ass kisser he didn't even get mad also when Punk cost him the match with R-Truth.. nope still not mad. Instead him comes out the next week and defends Punk? and says he has a right to freedom of speech? :icon_rolleyes:
Also at WM27 when Rock cost Cena the match against The Miz.. when he appeared the next night on RAW he laughed it off? 'oh whatever' That shows he doesn't take anything seriously.

This is why is dislike his character :icon_biggrin:

Sir, you nail everything I view about Cena right on the head. This is exactly why when I am at live events I boo John Cena. Sure its also fun to do when all the little kiddies and women cheer for him. But, at the same time, I respect John Cena as a professional athlete and wrestler. In fact, a friend and I were discussing our top 10 wrestlers of all time list (not our favorites, but in our opinion which are the top 10) and I placed John Cena at 4 behind 1. Stone Cold 2. The Rock 3. Hogan 4. Cena. Cena is the model worker, class act, always puts on good matches, does everything and anything for charity, organizations, etc. Sure I have the same complaints as the poster i quoted, but that does not mean I think Cena is one of the better wrestlers out there, and in history. Everything I boo him for is pretty much out of his control. What he does is in control by the E. Thats who they want him to be. If and when (I truly believe when) he turns heel and is able to flex his creative muscles with his character and skills, he will be one badass awesome heel.
My main problem with Cena, and this has already been said, is that he can be lazy in the ring.

have him utilize a few more suplexes, backbreakers, and possibly a fall-away slam, on a more consistent basis. have him wear down the opponents legs to set up for the STF (shin breaker, half crab, chop block, elbow/leg drops to the knee, even a 5 knuckle shuffle to the inside of the knee), or work the back for the AA (backbreakers, t-bone suplex, scoop slams, fall-away slam, bow-and-arrow submisson, elbows drop to the back). the solutions are quite simple.

I have been thinking for some time that I'd like to see a fisherman suplex or a german suplex out of Cena....

As for variance in his move sets, and mat wrestling... it would be tough to sell him being out wrestled because his superman powers allow him to break free of anything thrown at him with sheer strength... also, similar sized individuals tend to make better mat wrestling partners, IMHO. That leaves HHH and Sheamus and Swagger... maybe Riley... as the ones that could square off for wrestling. And of them, Swagger is the only true mat wrestler.
we are sick of him because he lies to us by saying he works his ass off and yeah outside of the ring he does but he doesnt change his in ring routine. he has a good flow in the ring but his moves look so lame and he does them in the same order. if you are busting your ass then how come the adults arent falling for it? we arent stupid and we know that you always strive for perfection. hbk was that way no matter how injured or how old he got and same with all the other great vets.

wwe is customer satisfaction and cena has the attitude of oh i show up and thats what counts. wtf does that mean? its how you perform and if you are going to kiss ass and do enough to remain at the top then of course you will be booed. we want guys that strive for being awesome in the ring and cenas matches are always interesting but usually because the other guy whoops his ass for most of the match and then cena does his lame same old comeback. thats why he is booed. he is a liar, an ass kisser and wont share the spotlight. kind of sounds like hogan who never completely let macho man or warrior have the spotlight.
the rock, hhh and austin all shared the spotlight and look how that turned out...the best era ever. yeah it had better storylines etc but the top stars is what draws and yeah cena is big but lets face it, half of the wwe fans hate him because he is not that good for being so dominant. and his saying of i may not have 1,000 holds but i get the job done...give me a break dumbass, we know how it works in terms of winners and losers. so yeah i am going to continue to boo him because he just something on the menu that needs to be taken off. there is a lot of talent on the roster that should have more room to grow.

cena needs to step down a little bit and let the company be about all the superstars and not just one guy because a bunch of little kids and little girls like him. the people that boo him have been watching for a lot longer and are the ones that work their asses off in a shitty economy to go to wwe shows so yeah, cena needs to realize that and improve and continue to do so no matter how the crowd reacts. the rock was being told die rocky die and what did he do...he said fuck it and evolved on the mic and in the ring and became one of the greatest ever so fuck the whole get over it with cena...he needs to do his damn job and take his tongue out of vinces ass
ok so someone said the crowd is usually 60-40 anti Cena. However, its awful funny that when WWE does a mobile poll choosing between Cena and whoever. Cena wins everytime. Now i know those polls usually asks "whos gonna win" but the casual fan just votes for their favorite star. So i dont think Cena is as hated by the fans as we think. now if they were to ask a poll between Rock and Cena, then Rock would probably win. But thats off topic. I think the reason that Cena appears to get booed so much is because usually mostly men boo cena and their voices carry farther than women and children. I think it would be safer to say that with Cena the crowd is 50/50 or at least no lower than that.

Also i think most people respect Cena but just dont like his character. I personally think Cena's Character should be altered a little but i personally am against a cena heel turn. Not really totally against it, i just dont see it as necessary. I think they could make his face character a little more edgy and let him have a lot more freedom in his charcters development. The reason i say this, is because if he turns completley heel then everything he's done the past 6 years would lose a lot of meaning. The never give up motto would become pointless. And i think if they have worked that hard to make his on screen lifestyle believable, why completeley ruin it.

I guess they could make him heel and keep his motto and values, but that would be hard, kinda unrealistic, and just kinda awquard. lol But i personally like Cena as he is. besides if it wasnt for his "superhero" gimmick, then the Nexus, or CM Punk, or even Rock storyline wouldnt mean as much. So thru his gimmick, we have got a lot of positives out of it.

Sorry that was so long but i had a lot on my chest lol...Just my opinion dont beat me up for it lol
The Cena defenders are just as bad as the ones like me that can't stand him anymore. Bottomline, Cena is as stale as any wrestler HAS ever been. The difference is, WWE just keeps sending him out there. When Austin got stale, he turned heel. When Hogan got stale, he turned heel. Its what they do. Until Cena changes a little bit, people like myself will be sick of seeing his face on my tv. Which I do, I usually change the channel now until he is off my tv, until recently because I was interested in CM Punks direction.

Thats all it is. It is NOT a personal hate for Cena, at least on my part. Its the fact every time I turn around, the new Hogan of this generation is winning the title. He isnt on the back side of 35 yet and he is close to Ric Flairs title record. ITS OLD.

am i the only one who thinks john cena doesn't have a character? When he gets made fun of in a promo or boo'd he just makes fun of himself and laughs about it. I can't remember any face ever doing this it and it pisses me off. He laughs and smiles way too much when someone is in a promo with him. I think it makes back and forth promos like the one tonight less epic, he did it with the rock, the miz, and now he's doing it with punk. Could you imagine if when rock and Austin were standing across the ring going back and forth, one of them responded the way cena does and just laughed off everything the other said about his character.. I get thats the way you should respond to heat from fans and shit outside of the show, but when he does it during promos idk it just bugs the fuck out of me the whole time. Maybe i'm the only one but who knows.. thoughts on this?
we are sick of him because he lies to us by saying he works his ass off and yeah outside of the ring he does but he doesnt change his in ring routine. he has a good flow in the ring but his moves look so lame and he does them in the same order. if you are busting your ass then how come the adults arent falling for it? we arent stupid and we know that you always strive for perfection. hbk was that way no matter how injured or how old he got and same with all the other great vets.

wwe is customer satisfaction and cena has the attitude of oh i show up and thats what counts. wtf does that mean? its how you perform and if you are going to kiss ass and do enough to remain at the top then of course you will be booed. we want guys that strive for being awesome in the ring and cenas matches are always interesting but usually because the other guy whoops his ass for most of the match and then cena does his lame same old comeback. thats why he is booed. he is a liar, an ass kisser and wont share the spotlight. kind of sounds like hogan who never completely let macho man or warrior have the spotlight.
the rock, hhh and austin all shared the spotlight and look how that turned out...the best era ever. yeah it had better storylines etc but the top stars is what draws and yeah cena is big but lets face it, half of the wwe fans hate him because he is not that good for being so dominant. and his saying of i may not have 1,000 holds but i get the job done...give me a break dumbass, we know how it works in terms of winners and losers. so yeah i am going to continue to boo him because he just something on the menu that needs to be taken off. there is a lot of talent on the roster that should have more room to grow.

cena needs to step down a little bit and let the company be about all the superstars and not just one guy because a bunch of little kids and little girls like him. the people that boo him have been watching for a lot longer and are the ones that work their asses off in a shitty economy to go to wwe shows so yeah, cena needs to realize that and improve and continue to do so no matter how the crowd reacts. the rock was being told die rocky die and what did he do...he said fuck it and evolved on the mic and in the ring and became one of the greatest ever so fuck the whole get over it with cena...he needs to do his damn job and take his tongue out of vinces ass

Everyone has their moveset and everyone does them in the same order. Especially the top guys like The Rock, Stond Cold, Triple H, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker. Ric Flair "The greatest of all time" always went to the top rope and always got thrown off the top. The big time players always repeat moves because THEY GET POPS! People who say "He always does the same moves" come off as though the only people they watch are those flippity flop spot monkeys who wrestle like they're part of a video game. People don't like Cena, and that's fine but I really wish they'd atleast give him the credit he is due. It's fun to hear the mixed reactions in the crowd. Cena plays it off so well that it's become part of his character. But the internet people who are supposed to be the smart fans need to step up their game when coming up with reasons for why Cena should change his character or turn heel when he's clearly making money hand over fist as is.
Everyone has their moveset and everyone does them in the same order. Especially the top guys like The Rock, Stond Cold, Triple H, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker. Ric Flair "The greatest of all time" always went to the top rope and always got thrown off the top. The big time players always repeat moves because THEY GET POPS! People who say "He always does the same moves" come off as though the only people they watch are those flippity flop spot monkeys who wrestle like they're part of a video game. People don't like Cena, and that's fine but I really wish they'd atleast give him the credit he is due. It's fun to hear the mixed reactions in the crowd. Cena plays it off so well that it's become part of his character. But the internet people who are supposed to be the smart fans need to step up their game when coming up with reasons for why Cena should change his character or turn heel when he's clearly making money hand over fist as is.

I couldn't agree more. The thing is the inernet fans who "should be the smart fans" don't seem to be bright enough to see that Cena is the best of both worlds as far as being a draw. Why is that? If you like him you want to see him do some super human stff like AA both Big Show and Edge at the same time. You see that he never gives up. If you don't like him there is nothing more you want to see than him get his ass kicked and/or loose the match. Pretty much like when Flair was champion back in the 80's. People wanted to see him loose to Dusty, Lex, Sting and hell we will even throw in Ricky Morton into that mix. (just to show how great Flair was)

It is easy to be a heel and get a face pop and still function as a heel. Beeing a face and getting a heel pop yet still be able to funcion as a face.... it takes more talent than Cena is given credit for.
The Cena defenders are just as bad as the ones like me that can't stand him anymore. Bottomline, Cena is as stale as any wrestler HAS ever been. The difference is, WWE just keeps sending him out there. When Austin got stale, he turned heel. When Hogan got stale, he turned heel. Its what they do. Until Cena changes a little bit, people like myself will be sick of seeing his face on my tv. Which I do, I usually change the channel now until he is off my tv, until recently because I was interested in CM Punks direction.

Thats all it is. It is NOT a personal hate for Cena, at least on my part. Its the fact every time I turn around, the new Hogan of this generation is winning the title. He isnt on the back side of 35 yet and he is close to Ric Flairs title record. ITS OLD.


Why does Cena need to change? As stated in another post he is the best of both worlds. Regardless you want to see him win or see him loose. He is bringing a future into this so we don't have the same old group of attitude era marks talking about how great things were then. He also is somebody for the people to boo.

Lets face it, we live in a world where we cheer the bad guy. Well if you cheer the bad guy then who are you going to boo? That's right... the good guy. as for Hogan changing when he got stale I'm not sure where you were before Hogan went NWO but he got stale when he was still in the WWE. He was stale by Wrestlemania 6. Should I bring up the fist helmet? How lame was that? But when Real American hit he would still get a pop. He still would today.

As for Stone Cold turning heel, how big of a stretch was that for him? He was an anti-hero to start with. He made his heel turn that didn't even take. He still go too many face pops and that was with trying to be a heel. It took him kicking good old JR's ass to get some heat and even then as a heel he cut a heel promo that started the "what" chant that even to this day people still do. Stone Cold's heel turn failed big time.
John Cena's character is stale, he knows no more than 5 moves, always wins the title. So I hate him.

Not really. I don't hate the guy. In fact, if we look at last 8 months (especially since Rock returned), the "superman" Cena is no more. Yes, he is still a difficult one to beat, but gets beaten. He is adding more moves to his repertoire and his matches have more diversity (not that he didn't have good matches earlier).

Cena heel turn won't happen. He is the biggest draw. People pay to cheer him and people still pay to boo him. That is the reality.
All I can do is echo what everybody has already said. Starting with Cena as a person, it's clear he loves the business, he is in fact a model employee and seems like an all around good guy outside of the ring so I already have a certain level of respect for the guy.

As far as the 5 Moves of Doom go, look he's entertaining enough to me in the ring for me not to hate watching him. Like everyone said Hogan had his routine, Rock had his routine, Bret Hart had his routine. His in ring work doesn't bother me.

What does bother me is his character. Hogan's character got stale, he became Hollywood Hulk Hogan. People stopped getting behind Bret Hart, he started hating Americans. They tried something new with Austin when he was still red hot if I remember it correctly. Taker took some time off and came back as the American Badass, and THEN reverted back to the Deadman after awhile to keep things fresh. Look at how much Jericho's character evolved with his "best in the world at what I do, look at me I'm wearing a suit all of a sudden gimmick." Many wrestlers have stated themselves that evolution in your character and bringing something new to the table is very important.

Why haven't they pulled the trigger on a character change for Cena? Because right now he's the hottest thing. He is the face of this PG movement whether we like it or not. Would a change in his character i.e. making him more edgy at the most hurt merchandise sales? Probably not. But the way it stand is it's obvious that it's not a risk that the company is willing to take. I want his character to evolve just as much as the next guy but for the forseeable future it's not gonna happen. I will just continue watching in anticipation and get excited when the pops from women and kids die down.
I couldn't agree more. The thing is the inernet fans who "should be the smart fans" don't seem to be bright enough to see that Cena is the best of both worlds as far as being a draw. Why is that? If you like him you want to see him do some super human stff like AA both Big Show and Edge at the same time. You see that he never gives up. If you don't like him there is nothing more you want to see than him get his ass kicked and/or loose the match. Pretty much like when Flair was champion back in the 80's. People wanted to see him loose to Dusty, Lex, Sting and hell we will even throw in Ricky Morton into that mix. (just to show how great Flair was)

It is easy to be a heel and get a face pop and still function as a heel. Beeing a face and getting a heel pop yet still be able to funcion as a face.... it takes more talent than Cena is given credit for.

Did you really just f'n compare Cena to Ric Flair? You have got to be f'n kidding me. Flair was unbelievable in his prime. He made the worst wrestlers look GREAT. You wanted to see Flair lose because he was the ULTIMATE HEEL. His moveset wasn't limited to 5 moves of doom that even Cena references. His passion was unmatched by ANYONE. You believed the story Flair told everytime he was in the ring. Just because Cena makes his face turn red and tell us every week he is there for us. He is there for a god damn pay check. If they told him he was to make as much as Gillberg do you think he would come out and wrestle? FUCK NO. Don't give me that bullshit that Cena is like Flair.


We do NOT and I repeat NOT hate John Cena as a human being. Everyone of the IWC members that dislike Cenas CHARACTER respect the MAN for doing what he does to promote the SHOW we LOVE. But for the last fucking time, we are BORED TO DEATH WITH HIS CHARACTER. WE WANT CHANGE. Change is GOOD. ALL THE GREATS have changed to some degree.

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