John Cena, the guy you hate you don't love?

I used to be a fan of Cena back when he had the heel rapper gimmick. I think once he became a face and went to Raw is when I stopped liking him. It just seemed like he was shoved down our throats for a long time. But lately, I'm starting to like him again. I think his feud with the Miz has been great. I do hope he turns heel soon just for a change even though it most likely will never happen.
I agree he's a hard worker. In his early matches he used the DDT, different pinning combinations, a few different power moves and a faster-paced approached. He's getting booed cus he's that white-meat babyface that you love to hate(Shawn Michaels in late 1996 got booed in the Garden at Survivor Series 1996). A nice tweener turn like Punk is doing now would be perfect. Instead of cowardly weak heel like the trend is today, he can be a powerful, in-your-face heel that whoops ass. He's gotta expand on his move repetoire and give the fans some shock factor. His promo with the Miz seemed a little Edgier than usually and he was talking kinda like the homey G lingo he used to use.

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