The things you don't wanna hear....Cena best promo guy in the business? Reallllyyyyy?

Yeah, some people on this site are needlessly obnoxious. The thing is, I don't think anyone has ever convinced anyone of anything in the history of the world by being a prick. Anyone with half a brain (or more) in their head would realize this. It just pisses people off, makes them get defensive, and makes them take an even stronger stance against the position of the person insulting them.

Case in point. I don't think you'd be taking THIS hard of a stance against Cena's mic abilities if you were thinking about this rationally. I'll give you Paul Heyman, and I think anyone would be hard pressed to find a better promo guy in the history of the business than him. Some of the others you mentioned (Angle, Truth, Ziggler) can definitely talk, but are they better than Cena? Can they engage the audience as well as Cena? I personally don't think so. The only other person you mentioned that I'd put in Cena's league is Bully Ray, and maybe Road Dogg.

As for the more glaringly wrong names on your list....Del Rio couldn't hold a crowds attention if he was on fire. Stephanie Mcmahon is so horrible that I've been actively using "graduate from the Stephanie Mcmahon school of acting" as the highest insult I can think of for an actress since the Attitude era. HHH can't put anyone over but himself. Titus and Barrett aren't anywhere near Cena's level. The Miz is well spoken, but people don't care what he has to say. Cena is better than all those guys, and to be clear, I hate most of Cena's promos. I think his comedy act is horrible, I despise his "listen to the crowds energy!" scthick whenever he's getting booed, and I think if he was as good on the mic as he's cracked up to be, he would be able to talk his way out of being booed by half the audience. But that's not really about Cena's speaking ability, rather it's about what he's saying and who he's trying to entertain. His lines are likely written for him by someone else, and he has to stay within the boundaries of the character he's portraying. A good actor can deliver shitty lines with passion and ability. A great public speaker can be saddled giving a presentation on something inherently boring. And a good talker like Cena can be stuck playing a character that grates on the nerves of the adult audience. And yeah, he's good. You can tell that he's good because whether the crowd is booing him or cheering him, they are LISTENING to him. And responding. They are engaged. The guy can talk, he's just not bothering to say anything I want to hear. Because I'm not the audience he's trying to appeal to.
EXACTLY. Cena is cringeworthy on the mic. When he acts pissed, it's the most pathetic anger act this side of a jr high play. When he puts on his preacher act, it's completely sad. I end up changing the channel every time, the guy is disturbing. If I wanted bad acting, I'd turn on Nickelodeon.

Then when he kisses the crowd's ass so they can like him? SCUST. No one likes a kissass.

I know he's not allowed to be the Dr of Thugonomics again, but still, he sucks out there. You gotta make lemonade outta the lemons you're given, and instead he makes diarrhea.
I don't think Cena is one of the greatest of all time at all. To me he's cheap. The reactions he gets are usually cheap pops. An example, was them being in Washington and him constantly referring to Daniel Bryan. Like if you took Mick Foley's cheap pops and scattered them throughout typical babyface BS then that's a Cena promo. Getting a good crowd reaction without cheap pops is good.

Then you consider how much harder it is to stay in character. Someone like Sandow can never botch a word because it would be out of character. As a wrestler in training, one of the hardest things I'm working on is getting facial expressions down. Truth can play the crazy gimmick well and so can AJ. They incorporate this into their promos. People like Taker who has to play a character and never crack a smile while still delivering the message are good.

One thing I don't like either is the way he just shits on his opponents and down plays them, yet still acts as some soret of underdog. For instance, Bray Wyatt cut a great promo on him on Monday. Bray is also unbeaten and the only one off the top of my head to win clean over Daniel Bryan during his rise. Bray and his family have back to back wins over the Shield which is impressive as well. This man attacked Cena multiple times and left him laying and cost him the title at two PPVs in a row. Then Cena just laughs him off as if he is not a threat and makes it seem like he'll fight Bray at WMXXX if Bray has the balls to accept, when Bray has been bringing it to Cena the whole time.
Guys, just a quick moderator note here from my perspective. Posts are getting deleted and/or warned and/or infracted because these are the non spam sections whereby the posts have to stay on the original topic and contribute to the discussion. These posts add to your post count and are expected to follow the rules which are quite clearly stated. Comments complaining because the moderators are disrespectful, or posts which simply insult other posters, etc,, all of this stuff is going to continue to get deleted. If you are going to continue to post in this thread, or any other non spam thread, please keep your comments on the topic at hand. Please comment on what your thoughts are regarding John Cena and his promo abilities or lack thereof. Frankly, it doesn't matter if I agree with you or not. But if you continue to post in this manner, further discipline is coming.

If you aren't clear about the rules or want to discuss any of this further, feel free to PM me. But you cannot keep making these spam posts in the non spam sections.

Thank you.
Ok, My last thread generated tons of discussion about love/hate of John Cena while it was intented to just point out 2 lines he said during his promo vs Wyatt that was stupid and unecessary.


I started thinking, who is better than Cena for promos, (cause I can't just say I don't agree without defending my opinion) and here is what I came up with (CM Punk is not included for obvious reasons) in NO particular order :

1 - Paul Heyman
2 - Stephanie Macmahon (Look at the promo vs AJ Lee)
3 - Miz
4 - R-Truth (Don't what me!!!)
5 - Bray Wyatt (DAH!)
6 - Bully Ray
7 - Kurt Angle
8 - Road dogg
9 - Titus O'neal will be better shortly
10 - Trips

A case can also be made for

1 - Randy Orton
2 - Del Rio
3 - Ziggler
4 - Barrett

I didn't want to start explaining each choice and I know for a fact some of you won't agree with the choices and that's fine, when I wrote that I thaught of : Range, Crowd reaction, Capability of adaptation to the crowd and the "I don't wanna change the channel factor".

Can't wait to read your thoughts.


I also replied to your last post. The difference between the 2 is in your last 1 your reasoning was..."well bc of what Cena said, I can see why people can hate Cena"....well like i said in the last post...thats ridiculous. Hatred towards the guy who does EVERYTHING.....EVERYYYYTTTHING for that company should not garner hatred. He should garner nothing but respect, but he doesn't because there are too many Cena haters and too many people who do not know about respect in the wrestling business.

But nonetheless, I will admit I like this post better. You stated that you respect cena even though in the last one u see why people hate him...but ok...lets go with it.

1 - Paul Heyman (absolutely one of the best promo guys in the business....especially when it comes to a shoot doubt)

2 - Stephanie Macmahon (Now with all do respect...I love Steph...but I love Steph for the same reason a bazillion other men do...What is she wearing this week? Is she ever going to drop the damn business suits and go back to the hot clothes she wore 10 years ago and why waste those 10,000 breasts if your not going to use them the way you did in the past.As far as cutting promos...ummmmm maybe 1 or 2 good ones, but screaming like she did Monday night in a manly voice, not good promo work and not very attractive)

3 - Miz (In my opinion has come a long way but not really a top promo guy, def good but not in a Cena category

4 - R-Truth (Don't what me!!!)(really?)comedic yes, other then that I cant even entertain this one

5 - Bray Wyatt (Mr Rotundo Jr. is def a great promo guy, but let's keep in mind that this is after the Mask, this is after Duke Rotundo and this is after a failing Husky Harris who they wrote off with a punt, so hes great but he better be on his 3rd try)

6 - Bully Ray (shows a lot of realism in his promos, knows how to work the mic and is very impressive, but no John Cena)

7 - Kurt Angle(Depends on the situation and what storyline he is given to work with

8 - Road dogg(good voice on the mic...comedic again but not a promo guy)

9 - Titus O'neal (good character potential as a face but not a good promo guy)

10 - Trips( I will agree on this one. He delivers the realism to almost every promo whether an Undertaker Wrestlemania promo or a DX promo or an authority promo, without a doubt)

Ziggler and DelRio (not really)
Orton (not anymore IMO)
Barrett(Hope fully the bad news will be that they wish him luck in his future endeavors

So I have to say after lookin at your list of all this talent I still believe they are the best promos, the ones from the heart, the ones that are creative, funny, and used to build other stars (several times)

Now if you want to talk promos that you can argue are better then John Cena well then the names you are missing are
1. Arn Anderson
2. Ric Flair
3. Randy Savage
4. Bobby Heenan
5.Jimmy Cornette

Then we have an argument on the best promos of all time!
Well if a discussion is what you want OP then a discussion you shall have... TO even think that Cena is not in the top ten of promos is just asinine and thats putting it kindly.. Cena no matter where he goes,or what he does,gets a response.. You say that there is no one in the business you respect more than Cena,but by your comments your saying the opposite.

The Miz is better than Cena at promos?:lmao: and the Billion dollar princess is better at promos than Cena?:wtf: My mom who watches zero wrestling and has no clue who anyone is,is better than Ms McMahon. Lets be honest,Stephanie only has her job because she was fortunate to be born a McMahon. Cena gets a response in every arena everytime he speaks. True sometimes his comedy skit goes overboard,but the man when he is serious can cut a awesome promo.. A knife in the heart and speaks the truth kind of promo! As far as you calling out slyfox or any other MOD Not the Best For Business.. Cena hands down top ten promo guy of all-time and probably the No1 guy right now in the E!! Cena like or hate him OP,is the best at what he does for a reason.. He works hard at it,bleeds the company through and through. Thats probably a small reason why he has been at top for as long as he has!! just a thought
Cena, the performer, is great at doing promos. It never sounds scripted, he is passionate when he needs to be, and he never screws up.

But Cena, the character, just does lame promos. He is rarely given anything noteworthy to say or anything that sticks with you when it's over. It's the material, not the man with the mic in his hand. His mocking of Wyatt the other night was the exception to the rule.

His character doesn't really lend itself to giving what I would call "great promos". But his execution of the promos are flawless.
Cena, the performer, is great at doing promos. It never sounds scripted, he is passionate when he needs to be, and he never screws up.

But Cena, the character, just does lame promos. He is rarely given anything noteworthy to say or anything that sticks with you when it's over. It's the material, not the man with the mic in his hand. His mocking of Wyatt the other night was the exception to the rule.

His character doesn't really lend itself to giving what I would call "great promos". But his execution of the promos are flawless.

Awesome post, this is exactly what I'm trying to say .

Pedigree, I respect the guy and his hard work, the fact that he has a fkin huge house and a bunkers hot girlfriend,
He's disciplined and devoted to his company, which is commandable,

If I had a business I would want a John Cena to work for me, he would put in the hours while I go play golf with high school buds,

Does that mean he would be my best employee ?? Hell no, not necessarely, and you guys seem to think that because he works hard he deserves the job.

His promos are good? No
Do they do the job? Sometimes
Is it textbook what a SAFE promo should be? Yes
Does he get 15 times the mic time of everybody else? Yes
Give his time to Truth, Miz, or whoever, you'll DM me saying man now I know what a good promo is!

As far as Billion dollar Princess, in the past few weeks she had trouble getting into character: was she sarcastic? Does she really wanna please the universe? I guess WWE was going back and forth with this and made her look a bit weak,

But the promo this week on Bryan and the one vs AJ were absolute gold,
Saying that she sucks :lmao: I'll invite you to go on yourutbe and type best Promos Stephanie Mcmahon, than you come back here and tell me if you still think she sucks.

For the record, I watched probably all the promos in wrestling in the past 15 years, more than once, so my comments are not coming out of my ass.

Hell I'll even throw another curveball in the conversation to see who the real wrestling fans are :

Kofi Kingston is better than John Cena on the mic, Yes Kofi Kingston,
Go see his promos during his feud vs Randy Orton on youtube, when he's on top of Randy's car, Absolutely awesome.

As far as best of all times : Please stop excluding Austin and Rock from your lists, hurts your credibility when bashing my list.
Besides Heyman, who as many have said, is a manager and not a wrestler, none of those on the list are better than Cena in any way.

Currently, Cena's improvisation on the mic, is what connects him to the crowd so well. I admit his often comedic promos might turn many of us off, but when he is in the zone and truly passionate, there are very few who can touch him....

Also, if you wanted to be so unreasonable with your list of "better promo guys than Cena", at least try to put together a good list. Half of those guys can't even come close to Dean Ambrose who is a stellar mic worker that you didn't mention even though I agree with quite a few posters, that this was done to elicit a response and is quite good trolling,lMO. Reminds of the Goat guy's threads,tbh.
Didn't you quit this forum twice already Jeffrey?

I guess we are supposed to take this from a personal perspective and not a business perspective. In that I'd say that Cena is kind of hit and miss for me. He's probably had some of the best promos of the past year but I find maybe half the time not to care that much. The good stuff he's done certainly puts him easily in my top 10, probably more likely top three. If we are talking business perspective the guy is easily number one.

Heyman is up there in the top three. He is consistently solidly entertaining. He's not the reason someone buys a PPV (back when they still existed) but he is entertaining. He just has great timing no matter what he is saying.

Stephanie is similar to Heyman in that she is consistently entertaining. Partially for the wrong reasons but I don't care. I am fascinated with the McMahon family and cannot wait for her girls to grow up and hopefully feud with each other and their dad.

Shield is up there too but it probably has more to do with their different approach. As individuals I haven't paid enough attention to know if any of them are any good but as a group they do not entertaining work.

Punk was very good. Bryan has had his moments. I love psycho inept champion Randy and some of his old stuff could work as well but I don't remember that happening often. Jericho was one of my favorites. R-Truth was a fun maniac but otherwise is pretty bad. Bully Ray has improved immensely. AJ Styles may be the most uncomfortable on the mic in history. Brock has serious limitations. HHH is very good, sometimes great. Ziggler entertained me on the mic once in his 27 years with WWE. Wade Barrett is fine but seems totally overrated by some. HBK was pretty good, great at times and at his best as a retired performer. I like car crash Flair. I'd like to see Hogan still do his Clash of the Titans type stuff for other guys nowadays. Piper may he my all time favorite. The Rock on s up there too. Any face of Foley made me mess my pants. Austin was great but got stale and the heel turn was a killer. Edge was best as a tag guy with Christian but got too much time as a singles guy. Christian is definitely better on the mic by himself. Heenan actually morphed himself in to a weasel. I never got Macho's mic popularity as a kid but I think I was too thrown off by his clothes and abusive boyfriend tendencies.

But really all I want to most importantly say is that The Miz is horrible. It took me a while to realize it because WWE was such a shell of what it was and what it is today back in 2010 and 2011 but he fails at entertaining as much as anyone.
John Cena the man can cut a top 10 all time promo. John Cena the cartoonish super hero is out there to pander to little boys under the age of 10. So, those boys will annoy Mom and Dad in to buying them the Cena shirt/hat/sweat band combo set in every bright ass color the merchandising department can push out next.

It's that simple. It sucks for anyone old enough to remember how good some of his pre Cenation promos were. Cena tends to phone it in, and who could blame the guy? He has to get bored delivering the same promo in every town around the world night after night. His promos suffer at times because he has become a victim of his own success. He can't throw in anything off the top of his head. If it doesn't fit the strict box his character has long since morphed in to. He can't show realistic anger because that would upset the kids. Think 90's animated Batman vs The Dark Knight. There's a line now that Vince and Cena won't dare cross unless the money stops rolling in. I don't want heel Cena. That would seem too forced in the other direction. I would enjoy a babyface Cena that actually sells a beating once in while. That finally gets pissed off enough from said beatings to jump someone in the parking lot. The back and fourth with Wyatt was a great reprieve from usual cut, paste, repeat shtick that accompanies a Cena promo.

Heyman is on another level with his promo ability. If he wasn't in Pro wrestling he'd be leading a cult that involved denouncing the evils of money, by handing all of your money to Heyman. Or at the very least at the top of several shady pyramid schemes. If you think I'm exaggerating think back to the crazy shit he could talk the ECW orginals in to doing. Checks would be late, and might bounce if you weren't the first few guys to hit the bank. Yet, those men and women continued to buy in to Heyman. Back then they would've followed him all the way to the bingo hall in downtown hell.

When you think underrated promo guys of all time Double A Arn Anderson is the 1st one that springs to my mind. He was the perfect straight man to Ric Flair's over the top Woooooing and running around the ring like a chicken with his head cut off and ass on fire. Flair could spazz out and knee drop the invisible man at times. But the 4 horseman worked for so long because after Flair would go off the rails. AA would look dead at the camera and calmly tell the crowd and the opponents what was going to happen. He made no bones about it. He didn't play dumb to the fact that the horsemen used the numbers game, and cheated to get titles. His promos with Flair and the Horseman are great stuff
To address the issue of whether or not John Cena deserves to be in a top ten list of promo people, I'll give my two cents.

John Cena understands how crowds react. John knows when to express himself using iambic pentameter-esque emphasis on his statements.

Personal feelings aside; if I was financially liable unto the WWE for the decision, I would put John in my top ten for his ability to connect with his fan-base and for his ability to stay in character when acknowledging overwhelming jeers from the crowd.

I think it's very silly to suggest that Stephanie McMahon or The Miz are even on par with John Cena when it comes to delivering a convincing promo. At that point you're just trying to use your personal preference as an explanation for why John doesn't impress you on the mic. An actual explanation would suit you much better.

Do I enjoy John's promos? I don't enjoy them in a positive way, but they don't make me pass out from boredom either. I can recognize how John conducts his promos and why those examples make him more talented than most other performers. Getting pissed off at John is part of the fun of watching pro-wrestling, the performers succeed if they manage to elicit an emotional response.

I've never gotten the appeal of The Miz, and I have no idea of why in the Hell Vince was so high on him. He bombed on Tough Enough, he was filler on ECW and pairing him with Alex Riley turned out to be the train wreck anyone would have predicted it would be. The dude could never improvise anything clever during his Miz TV skits, he called Zeb Coulter "Zebby" and used "really?" as an argument. Pull up a good example of Miz on the mic and I'll accept that I just haven't seen enough of his work.
jeffrey9800 said:
Guys like Slyfox can't defend an argument without calling people idiots and morons.

Slyfox is a delusional mark, i wouldn't take it personally.

On topic, Cena is decent, but not the best currently and certainly not the best of all time. It's a testament to WWE's marketing skills that people actually think that, give someone enough title reigns and at least some people will think its because he's the greatest.

Excluding CM Punk who would be number 1, i would rank it as:

1) Heyman: I don't even need to say why Heyman's great.

2) Stephanie McMahon: she's an excellent heel who's really in tune with what pisses off the fans and executes it well. Her range is also good, when she started screaming and ego tripping on Bryan last Raw, that was some convincing work.

3) AJ Lee: she's pretty smooth on the mic, knows which buttons to push for sympathy or hate and is really quick witted, anytime she's on commentary is a real treat.

4) Cena: He's decent at controlling a crowd, confusing them when they really want to boo him and stuff. He's good, but not the best.

5) Ambrose: We haven't seen enough of him but his acting is great as far as his character is concerned.
I saw how people can be fkin disrespectful for no reason, Guys like Slyfox can't defend an argument without calling people idiots and morons.
No, not surprisingly, you don't get it. Of course I can defend an argument without calling people idiots and morons. But you're an idiot and a moron. I'm not trying to put you down, you're just stupid, at least when it comes to pro wrestling.

I understand why you would be sensitive to that fact, but it's a fact nonetheless.

It's a blog for christ sakes, it's for OPINIONS.
Who gives a damn? Just because you call it an opinion doesn't mean it cannot be wrong. Opinions can be wrong. This thread of yours is a prime example.

To my new thread :

There is some guys who said that Cena was the best promo guy in the business,
He is, or at least is "tied" with others as best promo guy. And the amazing thing is how often he proves it. I cannot even begin to count the number of time he'll come out to a booing crowd and by the end of the promo, have them eating out of his hand.

I respect that opinion but Cena is very generic in his promos,
You obviously don't watch wrestling. Or you don't understand it. That's the only way you could say this with a straight face.

1 - Paul Heyman
2 - Stephanie Macmahon (Look at the promo vs AJ Lee)
3 - Miz
4 - R-Truth (Don't what me!!!)
5 - Bray Wyatt (DAH!)
6 - Bully Ray
7 - Kurt Angle
8 - Road dogg
9 - Titus O'neal will be better shortly
10 - Trips

1. Obviously he's good...but he's not a wrestler. So while I disagree with you, it's a different animal all together.
2. Obviously you're lying or trolling. Or completely incapable of understanding what makes a good promo.
3. :lmao: Miz is better than Cena in promo ability? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
4. ...yes, you clearly don't understand pro wrestling.
5. No, just no. I give Wyatt plenty of credit for making such a stupid gimmick work and work well. But he's not anywhere close to Cena's level. He has no where near the versatility.
6. No, just no.
7. Kurt Angle is overrated in almost every aspect of pro wrestling.
8. :lmao::lmao::lmao: That's all I have to say about that.
9. You cannot be so stupid to think this.
10. Trips never could hang with Rock when Rock was younger, and Rock has only become so much better since then. John Cena not only hung with Rock, in many ways he surpassed him during their two feuds. Rock and Cena had a great back and forth, Trips could never keep up.

A case can also be made for

1 - Randy Orton
2 - Del Rio
3 - Ziggler
4 - Barrett
No, no it cannot. You're either completely ignorant to the concept of pro wrestling or you are allowing your dislike of Cena to color your opinion. Either way, you just sound dumb.

Can't wait to read your thoughts.
My thoughts are you post like a typical IWC buffoon, whose limited understanding of pro wrestling doesn't prevent you from shouting it all the same.
Posts like this one, with all due respect to the OP, make me wonder if the guy truly believes what he is saying, or if he is just trolling the masses to try to elicit the response that this thread is going to create.
I certainly hope it's the latter. It always saddens me to think there are people as stupid as that.
First of all,

To people who are trying to insult me for my list and my opinion, go fuck yourself you closed minded pieces of shit.
Holy hypocrite alert, Batman.

So because they disagree with your list in a way you don't like, they are pieces of shit? I wonder if you'll realize why I call you a hypocrite.

Dude, you are way out of place if you think that being polite in a forum of pro-wrestling fans will earn the same kind of favor.
He wasn't polite.
As far as an argument with Slyfox, I don't respect the guy, I don't think he's a good blogger who is entertaining to read, he's offensive and passes WAY too much time in these forums.
I'm not a blogger. And as far as passing way too much time in these forums...well, just think about what you're saying for a second...
Slyfox is a delusional mark, i wouldn't take it personally.
Do you even know what that term means? No, seriously, I want you to demonstrate you understand the term "mark".
To address the issue of whether or not John Cena deserves to be in a top ten list of promo people, I'll give my two cents.

John Cena understands how crowds react. John knows when to express himself using iambic pentameter-esque emphasis on his statements.

Personal feelings aside; if I was financially liable unto the WWE for the decision, I would put John in my top ten for his ability to connect with his fan-base and for his ability to stay in character when acknowledging overwhelming jeers from the crowd.

I think it's very silly to suggest that Stephanie McMahon or The Miz are even on par with John Cena when it comes to delivering a convincing promo. At that point you're just trying to use your personal preference as an explanation for why John doesn't impress you on the mic. An actual explanation would suit you much better.

Do I enjoy John's promos? I don't enjoy them in a positive way, but they don't make me pass out from boredom either. I can recognize how John conducts his promos and why those examples make him more talented than most other performers. Getting pissed off at John is part of the fun of watching pro-wrestling, the performers succeed if they manage to elicit an emotional response.

I've never gotten the appeal of The Miz, and I have no idea of why in the Hell Vince was so high on him. He bombed on Tough Enough, he was filler on ECW and pairing him with Alex Riley turned out to be the train wreck anyone would have predicted it would be. The dude could never improvise anything clever during his Miz TV skits, he called Zeb Coulter "Zebby" and used "really?" as an argument. Pull up a good example of Miz on the mic and I'll accept that I just haven't seen enough of his work.

Hey buddy,

I would invite you to read the thread about Stephanie Macmahon on the first page of the forum, its called Stephanie Macmahon underrated, it's by reading that blog that people made me realize she should be on the list.

As far as Miz and R-truth goes, I got ton of heat because of those 2 names so yesterday night, I took some time on my ipad to review some of their work to see if I was completely wrong,

My god I was not, My links seem to not work, but here i'll try it again :
This is not even the Miz best promo, it was before a match vs MVP, the delivery is spot on, e generates heat in that promo like not a lot of people do in 2009(? not sure when it was exactly), My god he was impressive, and he went on to be WWE champ, certainly not of his in ring skillz, I think we can all agree on that. Miz was so good at one point on the mic, that every arena he would go to people would scream MIZ IS AWESOME even if he was telling people their city was trash. I know and understand that now it's tough to put yourself 5 years ago but I invite anyone who doesn't agree with that choice to go watc a couple of his promos. BTW Miz as a face SUCKS ASS, I know, but as a heel, I don't know if there's any wrestler better than him.

I went on some blogs, reading some content of when R-Truth got his match vs Cena at capitol punishment, .... PEOPLE WERE GOING NUTS over his promos, man that stuff was entertaining, unpredictable, and he was selling himself as a legit threath and at THE SAME TIME he was selling himself as a nut job, man thats some hard shiet to do. He was absolutely perfect.

To tell you the truth, during that feud in 2010-11 they made Cena look like a tool, but, from watching a few promos and matces yesterday, Cena would never stop saying he was going to legit beat their asses even after he would lose to them, he never gave him any credibility which completely killed their momentum,

3 days ago I would've never said tat Cena has burried people, but now that I pay attention to it... oh man he did!
This is why I think my opinion of John Cena is a bit too unique for these boards. I hate the stale on-dimesion of the character but the actor, is easily the best multi-talented man on the roster. He's got the looks, the energy in the ring, is usually a safe worker, and is terrific on the mic.

He's the only guy I've every seen on the mic who could go toe to toe with The Rock. Spare me the Austin and HHH references. They weren't consistent on the mic in the Attitude Era. Cena has the right tone, speech delivery and content to keep people invested in a storyline. His gimmick sucks ass and is so stale that I want to slice my wrists but he's definitely among the greatest wrestlers on the mic.

The only person I'd say that makes me think he's just as talented (at the moment) is Damien Sandow. He's got the look, he's got the gimmick, the tone, the delivery and the cadence. I think it's borderline criminal that they aren't putting Barret, Del Rio, and yes even Cesaro aside for Sandow. He's a way easier-to-push heel whose got ALL of the tools needed.
LOL, what a disrespectful moderator, you're a joke and souldn't be a moderator wen you write stuff like that, come on man, are you power hungry? That way you do like I've see you done in the past? When someone proves you wrong or make you look bad you erase their message and send them a GENERIC wrestlezone e-mail. Doesn't surprise me, you, my friend, bully people around with wack messages, you don't defend you're point you,re just calling everyone a moron and an idiot, and if you don't like they're response you bury them.

You're John Cena.

No, not surprisingly, you don't get it. Of course I can defend an argument without calling people idiots and morons. But you're an idiot and a moron. I'm not trying to put you down, you're just stupid, at least when it comes to pro wrestling.

I could be generic and start a thread just saying : "Hey what a matc the Wyatts and Shield had last night!!!" You would have 800 person reading it and 4 replies, you know why? Cause it's fkin boring. I want to generate discussion and apparently I had in the past weeks, I fkin love when someone to agree with me and there's a debate going on, but when it's guys like you that think their on top of the world it makes the debate unhealthy and not fun. Of course I've put some controversial names up there, that's the point, I'm not here to get you guys approval, I'm here to discuss and share thoughts. Not to be treated as a moron by the moderator. If i'm stupid when it comes to pro wrestling, you're stupid when it comes to be a decent human being, but hey that's just an opinion ;).

I understand why you would be sensitive to that fact, but it's a fact nonetheless.

Apparently you're god

Who gives a damn? Just because you call it an opinion doesn't mean it cannot be wrong. Opinions can be wrong. This thread of yours is a prime example.

Omg, did you really just say that? I don't feel like answering the rest of your bs anymore cause only this little phrase, makes me think i'm discussing wit a 10 year old, are you for real?!?!?! An opinion can be wrong? I'm not stating facts, and don't pretend to, I'm sharing my point of view and debate it. That last sentence makes you look like a closed minded moron. And you probably are.

He is, or at least is "tied" with others as best promo guy. And the amazing thing is how often he proves it. I cannot even begin to count the number of time he'll come out to a booing crowd and by the end of the promo, have them eating out of his hand.

I see this happened once or twice, not more, and it was because he was talking about soldiers or how the city was awesome, or oh yeah, once because he had mention some make a wish kids. lol. talk about cheap pop, your argument is kinda weak but I can't expect much more.

1. Obviously he's good...but he's not a wrestler. So while I disagree with you, it's a different animal all together.
2. Obviously you're lying or trolling. Or completely incapable of understanding what makes a good promo.
3. :lmao: Miz is better than Cena in promo ability? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
4. ...yes, you clearly don't understand pro wrestling.
5. No, just no. I give Wyatt plenty of credit for making such a stupid gimmick work and work well. But he's not anywhere close to Cena's level. He has no where near the versatility.
6. No, just no.
7. Kurt Angle is overrated in almost every aspect of pro wrestling.
8. That's all I have to say about that.
9. You cannot be so stupid to think this.
10. Trips never could hang with Rock when Rock was younger, and Rock has only become so much better since then. John Cena not only hung with Rock, in many ways he surpassed him during their two feuds. Rock and Cena had a great back and forth, Trips could never keep up.

You add nothing to the thread, I should report you... oh wait....

1- I said Promo guy in wrestling, no debate there
2- You just treated a shit load of people trolls in the blog you moderate, I'll invite you to go read the blog with title Stephanie Mcmahon underated, you obviously don't know squat about wrestling, it's funny how everyone who doesn't share you're opinion doesn't know shiet about wrestling, a case could be made for you to go consult
3- Not stupid at all, and you not even considering it makes me wonder if you're even watching wrestling, I'll invite you to go listen to some pure heel promos of the MIZ where people at the end were chanting MIZ IS AWESOME. But I understand why tis is debatable with intelligent people, you're just disrespectful so your opinion clearly isn't worth shit.
4- See 3
5 - :lmao::lmao::lmao: That's because you don't understand half of what he says lol
6 - Let's start a poll, we both post 3 promos , you of Cena, me of Bully Ray, let the people decide who's the best.
7 - :lmao:I don't even know what to say to that. It's so wrong, I feel sad for you.
8 - I've debated that, I stand by my point, go read it
9 - How many times are you going to call me stupid in one post? Man you really are John Cena, I took a sot there and retracted myself after thinking about it. But he's still very good
10 - I respect that opinion and can see your point, to me Trips is more entertaining than Cena, Cena could never react like Trips did vs DB on Raw and be believable, hell he can't be believable on a surprise win by roll up.

So because they disagree with your list in a way you don't like, they are pieces of shit? I wonder if you'll realize why I call you a hypocrite.

What? :lmao::lol: grab a dictionary, open it to the page insult, read it, come back, edit your post, wash your face.

I can't do this all day, I have a job, but people like you frustrate me so much, you think your opinion is everyting, think you're right, but my god you're terrible. you're saying stuff without saying stuff, you can't defend your logic for shiet, you're just bashing the others without any added value, you don't debate nothing, you should report your own posts.

You know what, I'll make a wish for you, maybe Cena can go see you for an hour or two, sign your hat and you can be generic together.
Not stupid at all, and you not even considering it makes me wonder if you're even watching wrestling, I'll invite you to go listen to some pure heel promos of the MIZ where people at the end were chanting MIZ IS AWESOME.

Do you see what's wrong with fans praising a heel promo?

All you did was say Cena is generic and threw out a list of names who you feel are better without providing solid reasons for your opinions. Everyone has one, but you must back it up. Cena's promos hype the build and match like only top stars of the past have...

...but I guess Stone Cold Steve Austin's opinion of giving Cena an A+ on his promos doesn't mean much compared to the great jeffrey9800.
LOL, what a disrespectful moderator, you're a joke and souldn't be a moderator wen you write stuff like that, come on man, are you power hungry?
I'm not a moderator, I'm an administrator and there's nothing in any rule book anywhere which says that being an administrator means you have to be nice to idiots.

And as far as being power hungry, great job on regurgitating one of the oldest lines on Internet forums regarding mods/admins. No, really. Bang up job and numerous points for originality.

That way you do like I've see you done in the past? When someone proves you wrong or make you look bad you erase their message and send them a GENERIC wrestlezone e-mail.
I haven't deleted any post of yours, at least not recently. And you weren't sent a generic wrestlezone e-mail, you were sent a discipline notice for spamming the thread.

Doesn't surprise me, you, my friend, bully people around with wack messages, you don't defend you're point you,re just calling everyone a moron and an idiot, and if you don't like they're response you bury them.
You don't seem to understand. You're stupid. No, I'm not saying that as an insult, but rather just a fact. You're not very bright. You don't understand pro wrestling, your logic is atrocious and you are terrible at trying to make points.

I call you stupid because you are and because I only have so much patience to deal with stupid obnoxious people.

You're John Cena.
I wish, because then I'd be getting paid a lot more money to deal with idiots like you.

I could be generic and start a thread just saying : "Hey what a matc the Wyatts and Shield had last night!!!" You would have 800 person reading it and 4 replies, you know why? Cause it's fkin boring. I want to generate discussion and apparently I had in the past weeks
You're saying this like I care what thread you start or how much discussion you generate. I was posting on this forum for five and a half years before you joined, I honestly could not care less what you think you're doing.

Not to be treated as a moron by the moderator.
You don't want to be treated like a moron, but you don't understand I'm not a moderator, even after I've told you through PM I'm not. How else am I supposed to treat you?

If i'm stupid when it comes to pro wrestling
There's really no "if" are.

you're stupid when it comes to be a decent human being
Only when dealing with morons. If you could form a decent and/or coherent argument, I wouldn't mock your lack of intelligence.

Apparently you're god
Yes, you're finally starting to get it.

Omg, did you really just say that? I don't feel like answering the rest of your bs anymore cause only this little phrase, makes me think i'm discussing wit a 10 year old, are you for real?!?!?! An opinion can be wrong?
Yes, opinions can be wrong. It's only people who can't stand the idea their thoughts might be inferior who think otherwise.

I see this happened once or twice, not more
But it's happened much more often, so I really don't care why you don't notice it more often.

and it was because he was talking about soldiers or how the city was awesome, or oh yeah, once because he had mention some make a wish kids. lol. talk about cheap pop, your argument is kinda weak but I can't expect much more.
No, it's because he is phenomenal at working an audience. Almost everyone in this thread who isn't a blind Cena hater has told you you're wrong. And while bandwagon arguments are not valid by themselves, they have taken the time to explain why you are wrong.

You should take more time and read what they say, and not lean on your irrational Cena hate.

You add nothing to the thread, I should report you... oh wait....
I gave a position and supported it. Thus, it was following the rules. You probably don't want to debate interpretations of the rules with the person who created them and knows EXACTLY what they mean.

1- I said Promo guy in wrestling, no debate there
2- You just treated a shit load of people trolls in the blog you moderate, I'll invite you to go read the blog with title Stephanie Mcmahon underated, you obviously don't know squat about wrestling, it's funny how everyone who doesn't share you're opinion doesn't know shiet about wrestling, a case could be made for you to go consult
3- Not stupid at all, and you not even considering it makes me wonder if you're even watching wrestling, I'll invite you to go listen to some pure heel promos of the MIZ where people at the end were chanting MIZ IS AWESOME. But I understand why tis is debatable with intelligent people, you're just disrespectful so your opinion clearly isn't worth shit.
4- See 3
5 - :lmao::lmao::lmao: That's because you don't understand half of what he says lol
6 - Let's start a poll, we both post 3 promos , you of Cena, me of Bully Ray, let the people decide who's the best.
7 - :lmao:I don't even know what to say to that. It's so wrong, I feel sad for you.
8 - I've debated that, I stand by my point, go read it
9 - How many times are you going to call me stupid in one post? Man you really are John Cena, I took a sot there and retracted myself after thinking about it. But he's still very good
10 - I respect that opinion and can see your point, to me Trips is more entertaining than Cena, Cena could never react like Trips did vs DB on Raw and be believable, hell he can't be believable on a surprise win by roll up.
1. Except for all the people who have debated it...and, like I said, it's a completely different animal. Giving a promo as a manager is completely different than giving it as the worker.

2. No, I said YOU were trolling or lying. I don't need to read some thread you keep referencing to know Stephanie is not nearly as good as Cena. I've watched both for many many years, I don't need some silly thread on the Internet to tell me what to think.

3. Yes, it's very stupid. Miz is absolutely putrid on the mic as a face and his heel mic skills essentially boil down to spouting one unoriginal catchprhase. The idea someone is a good promo guy because people chant along with a catchphrase is quite amusing and only goes to prove what I said about you not having any clue as to what pro wrestling is about.

4. See all the times I've told you you don't understand pro wrestling.

5. That doesn't even make sense. But hey, way to avoid the subject with an irrelevant comment because we both know you can't argue.

6. Why? What would starting a poll on an Internet wrestling forum prove? First of all, I suspect who would win would depend where the poll was posted, but regardless of who won, what does 30 votes in an online poll prove?

But here's the thing...we don't HAVE to post a poll because we already KNOW who's better. One guy used his promo skills to skyrocket to the top of the wrestling world, while the other guy was cut by the very same company the first guy has been championing. We already know.

7. Kurt Angle is ridiculously overrated. If he hadn't been an Olympic wrestler, more people would realize it.

8. Good for you for standing by a point which is so obviously false it's laughable. Do you understand the difference between spouting a catchphrase and working a promo? Do you even understand the point of a promo?

9. I'll call you stupid as many times as I need to. If you don't want me to call you stupid, quit saying stupid things. It's really that simple. For crying out loud, when listing 10 guys you say are better, you listed someone who is not only clearly inferior, but you even SAY he's inferior when you said "will be better shortly". Do you not realize, ignoring for a moment the absurdity of saying Titus O'Neal is close to Cena's level, you just contradicted your own point?

No, I suppose you don't. That's why I call you stupid.

10. I don't care who you personally find more entertaining. That's not my concern. If you personally find Bastion Booger more entertaining than Randy Savage, then so be it. But don't say Bastion Booger is BETTER than Savage, because it's clearly wrong. And don't say the guys on your list are BETTER than Cena, because it's clearly not true. Maybe you enjoy them more, but you cannot use any objective standard by which to claim they are better than Cena.

What? :lmao::lol: grab a dictionary, open it to the page insult, read it, come back, edit your post, wash your face.
So you're saying didn't understand why you were being hypocritical. Color me surprised.

I can't do this all day, I have a job
Me too, luckily today is a day where I the work I'm doing causes me lots of free time. I'd explain it, but I doubt you'd understand it.

but people like you frustrate me so much
I'm not surprised, those of little intellect are usually intimidated by those who are clearly more intelligent.

you think your opinion is everyting, think you're right
I think I'm right because I am. I know I'm right because it's been proven I'm right. What plays out on our TV screens every week is proof I'm right.

you're saying stuff without saying stuff, you can't defend your logic for shiet, you're just bashing the others without any added value, you don't debate nothing, you should report your own posts.
Why would I report posts which do not violate the rules and are appropriate for the level of ridiculousness you spout?

You know what, I'll make a wish for you, maybe Cena can go see you for an hour or two, sign your hat and you can be generic together.
That sounds great. And then maybe we'll go grab a drink together and laugh at stupid people like you who yell oh-so-loudly about that which they do not understand.

I'm free tomorrow, if that helps?
Hey buddy,

Well hey yourself there neighbor, what can I do you for?

I would invite you to read the thread about Stephanie Macmahon on the first page of the forum, its called Stephanie Macmahon underrated, it's by reading that blog that people made me realize she should be on the list.

Mr. Jeffrey, there's a big difference between a Mac and a Mc. I'm neither, but I've made this mistake before and I also learned to never piss off a British Marine.

Oh, Stephanie yeah. Umm. Have you ever had someone make such a horrible impression on you that nothing could ever save them? I very begrudgingly recognized Stephanie on my top ten because I wanted to only include names that are currently with the WWE. I'll read the blog with your blessing.

As far as Miz and R-truth goes, I got ton of heat because of those 2 names so yesterday night, I took some time on my ipad to review some of their work to see if I was completely wrong,

I think I need some popcorn for this. Well, I just happen to have my trusty bucket of popcorn right here and.... hang on. WHO IN THE FUCK STOLE MY TRUSTY BOWL OF POPCORN!!? MOTHER FUCKING SMURFING BULLSHIT!!

My god I was not, My links seem to not work, but here i'll try it again :
This is not even the Miz best promo, it was before a match vs MVP, the delivery is spot on, e generates heat in that promo like not a lot of people do in 2009(? not sure when it was exactly), My god he was impressive, and he went on to be WWE champ, certainly not of his in ring skillz, I think we can all agree on that. Miz was so good at one point on the mic, that every arena he would go to people would scream MIZ IS AWESOME even if he was telling people their city was trash. I know and understand that now it's tough to put yourself 5 years ago but I invite anyone who doesn't agree with that choice to go watc a couple of his promos. BTW Miz as a face SUCKS ASS, I know, but as a heel, I don't know if there's any wrestler better than him.

I, umm. Okay. You had to do research to find an example of why the Miz is better than most, and you deliberately chose not to include his best promo? You don't have to pull a Walter Cronkite and explain the video I just saw for me, I have eyes and ears dude. Yeah, that promo was great. He had a lot to say about how badly he was hazed when he was a newbie and he was damn justified in what he said. It was a great promo, but I'm going to argue that it was more over for being about real life issues and not indicative of his ability to pull off an unscripted promo on the fly.

I get it, he had a chip on his shoulder. He expressed his angst through dead-pan rants that started to get less and less emotional. I won't take anything away from you for actually presenting an example that validated an assumption that Miz is good on the mic, some other people on here could learn from your effort. Cheers for that.

I went on some blogs, reading some content of when R-Truth got his match vs Cena at capitol punishment, .... PEOPLE WERE GOING NUTS over his promos, man that stuff was entertaining, unpredictable, and he was selling himself as a legit threath and at THE SAME TIME he was selling himself as a nut job, man thats some hard shiet to do. He was absolutely perfect.

Okay. I remember this chapter in WWE history as well. R-Truth wasn't saying anything clever, he was acting like a ****** and to me it was more amusing for itself than it was an example of someone who was building hype for an upcoming title match. For me, it was a new low for the WWE. I wasn't at all excited for the match, nothing was built except that R-Truth has an imaginary friend. Absolutely perfect would have been addressing the match and having something clever to say regarding why we should care about the match.

To tell you the truth, during that feud in 2010-11 they made Cena look like a tool, but, from watching a few promos and matces yesterday, Cena would never stop saying he was going to legit beat their asses even after he would lose to them, he never gave him any credibility which completely killed their momentum,

Umm, okay. They made Cena look like a tool in 2010-11, BUT his promos yesterday involved Cena hamming it up and it made his opponents look weak? I, umm, okay. Fine, it's fine.

3 days ago I would've never said tat Cena has burried people, but now that I pay attention to it... oh man he did!

Okay, dude. I would agree with someone who says that Cena buries people, but I'm not going to side with someone who uses vague terms to validate their reasoning. What exactly caused your "EUREKA!" moment?
Hey Envious,

Just to answer your question, some guy posted a comment about Cena totally disrespecting the Wyatt's even if they layed him out more than once, and then to continue with my comments of the last post, Cena was getting layed out by Miz and R-Truth more than once, and still didn't acknowledge them as legitimate threats, and then I started thinking about Ziggler, Del Rio etc... that would be my "Eureka" moment,

As far as my research goes, well in my mind it was pretty clear, but I got so much heat that I needed to double check you know? Man I wish peeps would be cool about debating shiet, I truly think that there's no right or wrong when debating an opinion, especially about something like wrestling, hell Right to censor had their fanbase at one point!!!

Anyways, Cheers
6. Why? What would starting a poll on an Internet wrestling forum prove? First of all, I suspect who would win would depend where the poll was posted, but regardless of who won, what does 30 votes in an online poll prove?

But here's the thing...we don't HAVE to post a poll because we already KNOW who's better. One guy used his promo skills to skyrocket to the top of the wrestling world, while the other guy was cut by the very same company the first guy has been championing. We already know.

You erased the whole post I was answering to your bs, I was sure you were going to do that, I'll try just adressing 1 point of what you said.

I was asking if we should do a poll asking people who they thaught was better between Bully ray and Cena, your answer above.

Are you for real? You don't respect the opinion of the people in a forum you're the admin of? Why the fock are you even participating??? NO WE DON'T KNOW WHO'S the best for a fact it's fkin subjective, you can't fkin say something is right or wrong when it's subjective,

Your logic is awful! Because Cena is WWE and Bully Ray is TNA that means Cena is better? Than who's better: Jinder Mahal or Sting?
Or you for real???

And having the opinion of people of who would they choose between Bully Ray and Cena as best promo guy is interesting, it's fkin fun, that's why you write and read in a blog, to give and understand opinions (Or in your case reject and bash)

Man you just admitted to not respecting the opinions of people coming here.
BTW what is this obsession of yours of being right and proving stuff, who cares!!! Man if you need to prove yourself that much go back to school, find a real job. Wash your face go out there !!! You won't prove anything in a forum no matter how hard you try. Only thing you're proving is that you have issues man, lots ...

Bully Ray is better at promos than Cena in my opinion, and I'm sure a lot of peeps would agree with me, and even if they don't I fuckin respect their opinion.
Slyfox, honestly I think you have a problem, I can't do this all day, but your basis is : I'm stupid because I don't agree with you (Yes I know what you'll say you predictable kid : "No You're stupid cause you're wrong and I'm right!" Close?)

It's a shame, I'm not here to debate who's better, who knows more about wrestling or if you're a moderator or a fkin administrator, seriously who gives a rats ass,

Congrats you're right about wrestling, your opinion is supreme, that's why you work full time for WWE and I don't.

But one thing is for sure and your last post is a proof :,you suck at life, you're a terrible person with awful judgement. You could probably teach me a thing or 2 about wrestling (Aldo you didn't give me any proof of that) but I could teach you a thing or 2 about respecting others.

Calling people stupid and morons for disagreeing with you is a great sign of mental weakness.

You're weak buddy, your only arguments are : "You're an idiot, you're stupid" congrats, great arguments.

The only thing you'll drink with Cena is whatever comes out of eachother's ballsack.
You don't need to reply, I won't read it, like I won't listen to a John Cena promo, I know what your message will say : " I'M THE BEST ! YOU AINT WORTH NOTHING! YOU'RE A MORON FOR GOING AFTER ME!!" BLABLABLABLABLA,

Awful moderator, yes I said moderator, sorry, trolls don't admin shit.
I agree. Name-calling is so childish.

Even though I think that Cena is VERY talented on the mic, I cannot argue against any of the others being good or great talents as well. There's nothing idiotic or moronic about your opinion. I think people just tend to get easily offended when many others disagree with them.

Giving promos is a really hard thing to accomplish on live TV. There are a lot of guys who seem to think they have the chops to pull it off yet when they try, they fail miserably. Ziggler always seems a bit nervous in front of a live crowd trying to "smile it off". Del Rio resorts to calling people chiwawas and peros. If you have nothing scathing to say about the guy you're feuding with, it's hard to get over on the mic. Although, being eloquent is also important. CM Punk is very good at being eloquent. His speech delivery is almost non-existent but he doesn't flub a lot. Even Daniel Bryan has done a good job at being clear in his promos lately by speaking with a strong voice and not making mistakes.

Of the main event roster (of wrestlers) today, Cena is the best at these speech attributes. This is why I think he's overall the best promo guy in the business. But rest assured, I do NOT think you are an idiot for thinking otherwise. Besides, you stated a lot of examples that I tend to agree with as well. Nicely done.
I couldn't make it through the first 5 posts without trying to :banghead: myself to death. For starters, John Cena is decent on the microphone. He always has been. He can carry the crowd with his speeches, and that's all well in good... but if you listen, he sounds about as legit as Lil' Wayne's lyrics. For me, his star qualities come from his looks and his in-ring ability. And yes, Cena's one of the best in the world in terms of wrestling. You don't have great matches with nearly anybody and not be considered one of the best.

But to say that Cena is the best talker, it makes me laugh. Triple H is, was, and always will be light years ahead of Cena. He can make you love him or hate him, and he takes everything seriously. Cena, on the other hand, couldn't even bother to take Bray Wyatt serious despite the fact that at Royal Rumble, Wyatt managed to cleanly beat the one guy Cena hasn't been able to beat in the WWE title picture in Daniel Bryan. If anything, that's the grandest motivation for anybody.

Second, the guy for me is either extremely stiff on the microphone or extremely loose... there's not a decent in between. It kind of gets annoying after a while. Sure, it could be part of his character but he's been talking like that ever since he was feuding with Billy Kidman. Highly doubt that was his character then.

Even still, I can tolerate Cena. He's got something about him that works, and he always gets the crowd into the matches. Like HBK, the guy puts his heart into everything he does. Maybe that's why his promos are the way they are. But I still wouldn't say he's the best... in fact, at best, I'd say that talking wise he is at number 12 out of all the wrestling that I actually do watch. And I watch a lot of wrestling.

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