The things you don't wanna hear....Cena best promo guy in the business? Reallllyyyyy?

Okay, fine. You hate Cena because he's a bad performer. But you're also a masochist because you spend dozens (hundreds?) of hours/year bitching about him on a message board, watching him on TV, bringing signs to live events, and booing him.

I guess that's logical. I mean, I hate MTV. I watch it all the time and bitch about it. I go on message boards and talk about all the shows in detail and how much I hate it. I go to MTV sponsored events and boo them....o wait, no I don't because that's fuckin ******ed. If people REALLY hated him because he was bad at his job (which, Samoa Joe, Terry Funk, Ric Flair, CM Punk, Bryan Alvarez, and Dave Metlzer say he's not and they all have more credibility than you), then you wouldn't make noise, you wouldn't make signs, you'd cheer the other guy, or you'd walk out on his matches. You don't.

So which is it. Do you hate him like a heel? Or are you so much of a masochist that you spend more time bitching about him than praising others? "You" btw, is referring to people who boo him in general.

A masochist!? What in the fuck are you talking about? This is getting stupid I'm sitting here and your telling me what I'm thinking and doing lol. Saying all this bullshit how I'm spending hours and hours bitching about cena, making signs and booing him...
I don't know if you've ever disliked a character before. But it really is natural to do so, so IF by chance you do or ever have, I'm sure there's a difference in opinion to somebody that is far more credible than your dumbass aswell so your argument is irrelevant. It's called an opinion and I at least back it up with a legit argument based on my own opinion, not fact. You just talk shit. I don't think talking shit based on assumption is a really good basis for an argument.

Whatever I told you previously is exactly the way I feel. Nothing what you said about why I dislike cenas character and any other of this bullshit your spewing is true. So you can keep assuming and talking all the shit you want lol I honestly don't think you'll ever shut your mouth and agree to disagree due to opposite opinion.

Your entire argument is based on my opinion in this ONE thread and you assume that my life is based around hating cena. You fuckin moron I only joined this message board a few months ago meanwhile you joined in fucking 2008... So based on your methods I could say you and your thousands of posts can fuck off you hypocrite.

So if you actually judged someone as a whole and not only by one opinion in one thread you'd learn a lot. I love wwe and just because I hate one mans character, which is normal by the way, doesn't make someone a fuckin masochist lol.

Get yourself together bud....I'm Steve Rodgers
You don't seem to understand. You're stupid. No, I'm not saying that as an insult, but rather just a fact. You're not very bright. You don't understand pro wrestling, your logic is atrocious and you are terrible at trying to make points.

I call you stupid because you are and because I only have so much patience to deal with stupid obnoxious people.

Oh, the hypocrisy.

My god, its actually hilarious how convinced you are that you're right. The best part is, you have no justification for anything you say other than "i think this way, so it must be correct".

If you're wondering why i called you a mark, its because you're an example that the WWE's marketing machine has worked pretty well. So many ideas of yours seem exactly what WWE would love everyone to think, the idea that John Cena is the best is just one of them. When you naively tried to tell me in another thread that the company is a complete meritocracy with no nepotism or politics whatsoever, despite so many former and current employees saying otherwise. Lol, you even said Batista has incredible ring skills smh.

Honestly, i could really go off on a bunch of tangents regarding specific things you assert, but i just don't want to open any more cans of worms here. You'll probably just call me an idiot for holding a different view and feel smug about it.
HAHA man please,

You sent me an infraction on private MSG because of spamming while we were going back and forth, I didn't send a lot of messages, was just answering yours lol, you sent me an infraction, you're trying to make me lose it by acting like that, I won't I think you're the worst admin I've ever seen,
I sent you an Infraction because I told you to not PM me anymore or you will receive an Infraction. You PM'd me, you received an Infraction.

Don't blame me because you're too stupid to understand what "no" means.

Your points are awful, you just defend it by calling me stupid, so sad.
No, my points are accurate. I just call you stupid because you are. I can direct you to many other debates I've had and even am currently having in a thread of yours where I don't call the other person stupid because they disagree. Why? Because they are not stupid. You are.

The fact that you're not able to keep a conversation civilized is shameful.
The fact you say stupid things is what's sad.

I'm not WRONG by thinking Bully Ray is better than Cena
Yes, you are, as I've already explained.

That's my fkin opinion lol, how many times do I have to explain to you what an opinion his?
Disguising an incorrect position by wrapping the word "opinion" around it doesn't change the fact it's an incorrect position. You're wrong.

It's pretty basic: There's no right or wrong in an opinion, you can't state a fact to something subjective. Do you need more explanation? If you can't get that I'm wondering if you can tie your own shoes?!
Opinions can be wrong. Like I said, usually it's the people who have been coddled to believe everyone's opinion is as valuable as another's who don't understand the fact opinions can be wrong.

If I said it was my opinion that a squirrel was more physically deadly than a tiger, I would be wrong. It doesn't matter than I use the word "opinion", I'd be 100% wrong. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Try to insult me all you want by saying stupid shits and not adressing what I'm telling you, send me bs stuff on PM and send me threats of blocking me.
I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm just telling you what many other people in this thread have now told you. You're dumb.

If I think that Cena is not entertaining, that I prefer listening to a speach from Road fkin Dogg than John Cena, it's my fkin right
I agree.

But when you say Road fkin Dogg is better than Cena, you are then making a statement of objectivity, not subjectivity. Which means we're dealing not with personal preferences anymore, but rather cold hard facts. And the cold hard fact says you are completely wrong.

I know for a fact that people who disagree with you will be more vocal than the ones who agree, did you know that?
Considering you and I are on two different sides of this coin, but almost no one is disagreeing with me, I don't suppose I see the point you're trying to make here.

And since you're probably too stupid to understand what I'm saying, I'll be more clear. You said people who disagree will be more vocal, but basically no one has been vocal against me, only you.

Get your mind straight buddy, you'll never succeed in life with that attitude, and if you're creating an online persona and are not like that in real life, than you have a bigger problem than I thaught.
No, in real life I don't handle stupidity well. And if some dumbass were to come up to me (which is essentially what you did in your opening post) and start bombarding me with stupidity, I'd do exactly the same to them as I've done to you.

If you don't want people to call you out for your stupidity, don't say stupid things. It's that simple.

Let's go Slyfox, SLYFOX SUCKS!
...oh. I get it now. I've been operating under the assumption you're stupid. Now I see it's not so much that you are stupid as you are roughly 13 years old. It actually explains quite a bit.
For the record, I think this is the easiest argument I've ever had with someone, you're awful, you're arguments are awful, and while your knowledge of wrestling might be impressive, your talents as a moderator are absolutely awful,

I honestly feel, and I swear to god I do, that I'm arguing with someone that has major issues, and therefore I shouldn't make a mockery of you and your awful posts.

But hey, you're getting weaker and weaker each posts, so here we go!

I sent you an Infraction because I told you to not PM me anymore or you will receive an Infraction. You PM'd me, you received an Infraction.

Don't blame me because you're too stupid to understand what "no" means.

Blabla, You sent me an infraction because you try to bully me, when we go back in forth in an argument (not spamming, back and forth, BACK AND FORTH) and I can't answer you because you will deduct a point for spamming? lol,
To be fair, I didn't read your last message with the threath before answering you because you write 4 pages of absolute rubbish and I don't always have the time to play with you. So I missed the part where you said : "Here are my weak ass arguments and I know they're weak, so if you answer my message I will deduct a point because I can't defend myself anymore"

No, my points are accurate. I just call you stupid because you are. I can direct you to many other debates I've had and even am currently having in a thread of yours where I don't call the other person stupid because they disagree. Why? Because they are not stupid. You are.

The fact you say stupid things is what's sad.

Predictable, this is your only answer, not defended by any facts, you're a pretentious douche, and your avatar pic is relevant in proving that. See what I did here? I didn't call you stupid, I don't know if you are, your posts on this wrestling forum clearly tend to demonstrate that you are, but I can't state that it's a fact. But you are, a pretentious douche. And THAT is a fact :)

Disguising an incorrect position by wrapping the word "opinion" around it doesn't change the fact it's an incorrect position. You're wrong.

Opinions can be wrong. Like I said, usually it's the people who have been coddled to believe everyone's opinion is as valuable as another's who don't understand the fact opinions can be wrong.

Oh my god, please man go back to school, read a book, do someting to fix that crooked brain of yours. You look uneducated and THAT statement is probably the dumbest thing I've read on this forum EVER. (And that's after reading that Crash Holly didn't get the push he deserved!)

If I said it was my opinion that a squirrel was more physically deadly than a tiger, I would be wrong. It doesn't matter than I use the word "opinion", I'd be 100% wrong. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


I don't state facts that are not facts like you do, you compare saying that A MOTHERFKIN SQUIRREL IS STRONGER THAN A TIGER to say : BULLY RAY HAS BEST PROMOS THAN JOHN CENA.
Thanks bro, this is freakin great. not te statement, but the fact that your brain allowed you to write this,

I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm just telling you what many other people in this thread have now told you. You're dumb.

Sleep alone
Tell people they're stupid 55 times because that's all I got

- Slyfuck's day

But when you say Road fkin Dogg is better than Cena, you are then making a statement of objectivity, not subjectivity. Which means we're dealing not with personal preferences anymore, but rather cold hard facts. And the cold hard fact says you are completely wrong.

Ayayaya, I think he's better, what's objective about that? Come on man I've been saying for a week now that opinions are not facts, and yet you continue that way... wake up buddy

Considering you and I are on two different sides of this coin, but almost no one is disagreeing with me, I don't suppose I see the point you're trying to make here.

Since you can, go check my inbox message and points people gave me while saying you're a total douche, people don't argue with you (And I won't anymore) Cause you're a waste of time and you spend so much time answering posts that people get bored, you add no value to conversations you're just a generic blogger who calls everyone that disagrees wit you stupid. I garantee, that a lot of people agree with me.

And since you're probably too stupid to understand what I'm saying, I'll be more clear. You said people who disagree will be more vocal, but basically no one has been vocal against me, only you.

Just go read the thread at least 4 people are publicly vocal against you, you ignoring them don't make them invisible buddy!

No, in real life I don't handle stupidity well. And if some dumbass were to come up to me (which is essentially what you did in your opening post) and start bombarding me with stupidity, I'd do exactly the same to them as I've done to you.

If you don't want people to call you out for your stupidity, don't say stupid things. It's that simple.

You telling me I'm stupid is like if George VI tells me I studder.
Go look it up if you don't get that one.

...oh. I get it now. I've been operating under the assumption you're stupid. Now I see it's not so much that you are stupid as you are roughly 13 years old. It actually explains quite a bit.

You're going to say I'm a 13 years old now? WTFFFFFFFF dude you're sooooo lammmmeeeeeeeee.... So fkin generic. What are you? 11? ;)

Bully Ray is better at promo's than Cena,
I'm better than you at life
You're better than me at wasting time
Road Dog is more entertaining than Cena

I'm not a Cena hater, I just don't think screaming that he loves te business and the passion of the crowd 4 times per promo is getting old, I got entertain during his feud with the Rock when he became a bit more edgy, the Cena we have now, is not as good as Bully Ray ... in my opinion, and look around the web, i'm not the only one who thinks that.

I'm a big purple pinwheel Sly ... so why don't you go ahead and.....

BTW Sly,

Not by erasing my thread about who's better between Bully Ray and Cena at promo's that i'll prove you I'm not the only one who thinks that?


I know you know you would be proved WRONG, and can't handle it
A masochist!? What in the fuck are you talking about? This is getting stupid I'm sitting here and your telling me what I'm thinking and doing lol. Saying all this bullshit how I'm spending hours and hours bitching about cena, making signs and booing him...
I don't know if you've ever disliked a character before. But it really is natural to do so, so IF by chance you do or ever have, I'm sure there's a difference in opinion to somebody that is far more credible than your dumbass aswell so your argument is irrelevant. It's called an opinion and I at least back it up with a legit argument based on my own opinion, not fact. You just talk shit. I don't think talking shit based on assumption is a really good basis for an argument.

Whatever I told you previously is exactly the way I feel. Nothing what you said about why I dislike cenas character and any other of this bullshit your spewing is true. So you can keep assuming and talking all the shit you want lol I honestly don't think you'll ever shut your mouth and agree to disagree due to opposite opinion.

Your entire argument is based on my opinion in this ONE thread and you assume that my life is based around hating cena. You fuckin moron I only joined this message board a few months ago meanwhile you joined in fucking 2008... So based on your methods I could say you and your thousands of posts can fuck off you hypocrite.

So if you actually judged someone as a whole and not only by one opinion in one thread you'd learn a lot. I love wwe and just because I hate one mans character, which is normal by the way, doesn't make someone a fuckin masochist lol.

Get yourself together bud....I'm Steve Rodgers
No, it's logic. Also, I clarified that "you" is all the Cena haters in general. It has to be one of two things. Here are facts:

Cena has had a mixed reaction since 2006ish
People haven't slowed down on the product much if at all (you can't directly compare ratings from 8 years ago, different market).

So, given that, people either legitimately hate the character but are masochists who keep watching something they hate because....who the fuck knows. OR they hate him like most people hate heels. There is no other option. Why would you (again, the people who boo him, not you in particular you narcissist) boo a guy and say you hate a guy, but then spend more energy on him than anyone else? Either you hate him like a heel, or you're a masochist.

Again, it's me questioning the psychology of people who boo him. So you, or anyone who claims to hate him but still watches the product and gets on forums and spends soooo much time and energy talking about him.
Ayayaya, I think he's better, what's objective about that? Come on man I've been saying for a week now that opinions are not facts, and yet you continue that way... wake up buddy

In my opinion Shawn Stasiak, aka Meat, displayed better mic skills than The Rock during the Attitude Era. In my opinion Christian Ponder is a better quarterback than Peyton Manning.

Still think opinions can't be wrong?

John Cena has been one of the best promo guys for a long time. It's not surprising that Cena can cut a great promo. What's surprising is people are still surprised by this. There have been many times that Cena cuts a great promo before a PPV and people go to the LD and say they were surprised by the great job Cena did. Why are people continually surprised by something that happens over and over again? It would be like a baseball fan in the 90s saying they were surprised the Braves won their division. It's so ingrained in people's minds to criticize Cena that they always revert back to that thought process despite being proven wrong over and over.

You look uneducated and THAT statement is probably the dumbest thing I've read on this forum EVER.

Sly, a professional educator, looks uneducated? Have you read your own posts? Your spelling is atrocious. We don't grade on spelling and grammar here (I know I'm not perfect) but you might want to revisit your third grade English class before making a comment like that. By the way, when you type "aldo" you mean although. Maybe you're using some kind of lame slang but it makes you look stupid. It's hard to take you seriously. Just read this again.

BTW Sly,

Not by erasing my thread about who's better between Bully Ray and Cena at promo's that i'll prove you I'm not the only one who thinks that?


I know you know you would be proved WRONG, and can't handle it

What the hell did you just say?
My god,

I'll be careful with my comments as a few of you sent my threaths of being band from the site because I'm "Spamming" and I'm "Disrespectful to moderators"................

Because I think John Cena is not as good as promos, not as entertaining as you guys think he is, you can't accept it and therefore bash my idea and say I'm wrong, You don't agree with the opinion so you make outrageous statements as comparaison.

If you think Stasiak is better than Rock. WHO THE FUCK AM I TO SAY YOU ARE WRONG?!?!?! I can say well this doesn't make sense to me, or ask you why you think that to generate discussion, but I would never say YOU'RE WRONG. I've never had to debate something as simple for so long with some moderators of a BLOG , A PLACE WHERE YOU SHARE YOUR OPINIONS lol...

I don't think he's good, I think he's generic, not original.

You're comparing wrestling to baseball, are you kidding me? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME. A sport, any sport, where success is measured by win and losses, championships and failures, compare to wrestling, an entertainment business where we're hungry for surprises, changes, new stuff, new ideas. Maybe you wanted the Braves to beat the Phillies in an I quit match that would've lasted 85 innings, not me. Win after 9 innings, only goal in baseball.
When you throw examples and try to be funny, you've got to be careful that it's relevant to the conversation, to me your post has no added value to the debate and therefore should be considered as spamming.

Making fun of my grammar, fine, I've been through this with Sly, english isn't my first language, I post here cause I found the articles interesting and started reading the blog and enjoyed it. Am I being understood when I write? I think so. I used to have fun, before all you guys started to gang up on me with, excuse me for saying this, but weak and lame attacks.

I'm sorry I'm not perfect yet in english, I'm taking classes to get better, I'll get there. Maybe when we sign up there should be a test or something...

As far as Sly being uneducated, I find his attacks weak, I find the reasonning behind calling me an idiot and a moron is cheap. I think it's pretentious, I tried talking to him, explaning, that I don't agree with his statements, and he acted like a moron. Not like a site moderator, like a douche. I find it awful for someone who has responsabilities and customers to act like that, I find it, uneducated.

Thanks for the although comment, sorry I looked stupid for my grammar mistake, seems like everything makes me look stupid for you guys,

I said it multiple times, I'm not a Cena hater, it is possible to think he has flaws while respecting the guy and think he has added value in the WWE. IT IS POSSIBLE, it's not one thing or the other, there is a shade of grey.

Guys, leave me alone, you're not good people, I don't want to chat or exchange my opinions with you, I wanna have fun and chat with other "Regular folks" That won't call me an idiot when I disagree with them.

The good thing about the internet is that you have options, if you don't care about keeping your customers, fine, I'll TRY to find another wrestling blog on the web...................
Guys, leave me alone, you're not good people, I don't want to chat or exchange my opinions with you, I wanna have fun and chat with other "Regular folks" That won't call me an idiot when I disagree with them.

You are very much welcome to chat and share your opinions with us. Just understand that others might challenge those opinions. Don't just assume that you can post anything you want without anyone being able to disagree with you by hiding behind the word opinion. Many people simply say 'I can't be wrong because it's my opinion.' They often make the mistake that they have a right to share their opinion but others don't have the right to disagree with it.

You listed several mediocre guys and said they were better than the guy that's been on top of the number one company for the past decade. Surely you expected some to disagree with you.

I apologize for taking a shot at your spelling and grammar. That wasn't necessary. I do recommend using a spell check if possible.
You are very much welcome to chat and share your opinions with us. Just understand that others might challenge those opinions. Don't just assume that you can post anything you want without anyone being able to disagree with you by hiding behind the word opinion. Many people simply say 'I can't be wrong because it's my opinion.' They often make the mistake that they have a right to share their opinion but others don't have the right to disagree with it.

You listed several mediocre guys and said they were better than the guy that's been on top of the number one company for the past decade. Surely you expected some to disagree with you.

I apologize for taking a shot at your spelling and grammar. That wasn't necessary. I do recommend using a spell check if possible.

If this isn't spamming I don't know what is.
If i had written the above message someone would've deleted it immediately. Be consistant moderators.

I don't mind being challenged and I love it.
The problem is that you're being disrespectful by doing it and you're stating that your opinions are facts. You need to make sure that your attitude towards the others generates discussion instead of frustration or else you'll lose your customer base,

Mediocre guys in my list?? I might not have english as my first language but saying any of those guys are mediocre is like saying that a player in the MLB is a mediocre player. Just the fact that you're able to reach the major leagues should automatically shield you from being called mediocre don't you think?
For the record, I think this is the easiest argument I've ever had with someone, you're awful, you're arguments are awful, and while your knowledge of wrestling might be impressive, your talents as a moderator are absolutely awful,
I'll keep that in mind when I'm busy later not giving a fuck.

Blabla, You sent me an infraction because you try to bully me, when we go back in forth in an argument (not spamming, back and forth, BACK AND FORTH) and I can't answer you because you will deduct a point for spamming? lol,
To be fair, I didn't read your last message with the threath before answering you because you write 4 pages of absolute rubbish and I don't always have the time to play with you. So I missed the part where you said : "Here are my weak ass arguments and I know they're weak, so if you answer my message I will deduct a point because I can't defend myself anymore"
No, you were sent an Infraction because you sent me a PM about a discipline issue which had already been explained to you and after I told you not to PM me again about it. You ignored the warning, sent me a PM, and now act shocked you received an Infraction.

You're a moron. You say you don't have time to "play", yet how many posts have you made in this thread against me? You say you don't have time, yet you still sent me the PM. You say you didn't read the PM (which we both know is untrue), yet you claim to know what my arguments in the PM were.

You're not fooling anyone. You're stupid. You've been exposed as stupid. You know very little about wrestling. You've been exposed as knowing very little about wrestling. And yet you still keep shouting from the rooftops, which is surprising since you claim you don't have time to play.

Now, the issue regarding the Infraction over PM has been discussed completely. You broke the rules, were given a Warning, complained and was answered and then violated my instructions and were given another Infraction. You whined about it in a regular thread (which you're not really supposed to do, but I took pity on you and didn't Infract you again), but this discussion is now over. If you write even one more word about the Infraction, you will be given another Infraction.

Predictable, this is your only answer
It's not my only answer, but it's the only one you seem to understand. There have been multiple arguments I've given you on a variety of subjects, and you have failed to understand almost all of them. Whether it was about the relevance of a poll or the irony of you calling someone dumb when you have such terrible grammar and spelling, you have failed every time to grasp anything other than the most rudimentary of concepts. So I keep coming back to the one thing you seem to understand, which is that you simply are stupid.

Furthermore, my statement WAS supported by facts. You could go to the other thread you created about Cena, see that I'm having a good debate with someone and not calling them stupid, just like I said.

Oh my god, please man go back to school, read a book, do someting to fix that crooked brain of yours. You look uneducated and THAT statement is probably the dumbest thing I've read on this forum EVER. (And that's after reading that Crash Holly didn't get the push he deserved!)
Why would I go back to school to learn what I already know? Opinions can be wrong, because they can be based on incorrect information or understandings. You've been given multiple examples now of how opinions can be wrong by objective measures. The fact you still don't understand this is further proof of your stupidity.

I don't state facts that are not facts like you do, you compare saying that A MOTHERFKIN SQUIRREL IS STRONGER THAN A TIGER to say : BULLY RAY HAS BEST PROMOS THAN JOHN CENA.
Thanks bro, this is freakin great. not te statement, but the fact that your brain allowed you to write this,
See, this is why people are calling you stupid. You don't understand the concept of comparison examples.

Saying a squirrel is more physically deadly than a tiger would be wrong, regardless of whether or not I put the word "opinion" around it. Using the word "opinion" is not a blanket from criticism, no matter how much you want to pretend it is.

Sleep alone
Tell people they're stupid 55 times because that's all I got

- Slyfuck's day
Once more, you demonstrate your stupidity by regurgitating baseless insults I've read hundreds of times on the forums. I bet you were proud of those too, weren't you?

Ayayaya, I think he's better, what's objective about that?
Consult a dictionary. "Better" is a word which indicates objective standards of comparison. You can say you like him more, but you cannot say he is better.

I've explained this to you many times now. The fact you still don't understand the difference illustrates your stupidity.

Since you can, go check my inbox message and points people gave me while saying you're a total douche, people don't argue with you (And I won't anymore) Cause you're a waste of time and you spend so much time answering posts that people get bored, you add no value to conversations you're just a generic blogger who calls everyone that disagrees wit you stupid. I garantee, that a lot of people agree with me.
Prove it. I can't read your PMs, but I can read your reputation comments. Only two people have said something negative about me, but one says I'm probably not as bad as I seem and the other has the words "I have to poop" in his biography section of his profile.

Furthermore, while you only have two positive reputations on your profile for this thread, you have four negative, including one calling you a troll and the other calling you a monumental ******.

In other words, you're full of it.

Just go read the thread at least 4 people are publicly vocal against you, you ignoring them don't make them invisible buddy!
You're the only person who has quoted me in this thread. I checked. You could not be more wrong.

You telling me I'm stupid is like if George VI tells me I studder.
Go look it up if you don't get that one.
Congratulations, you watched a popular movie and found a way to make yourself seem intelligent by posting a fairly well known fact. That totally makes you seem less stupid. :rolleyes:

You're going to say I'm a 13 years old now?
Do you even realize what you just said? How in the world would I think anything else? You just used a cheesy wrestling chant in a debate. I refuse to believe someone over the age of 15 would do something so ridiculous.

WTFFFFFFFF dude you're sooooo lammmmeeeeeeeee.... So fkin generic. What are you? 11? ;)
Your attempt at a comeback fails incredibly hard, though I'm sure you'll have no idea of the difference between the two of us. The unintelligent generally don't.

Bully Ray is better at promo's than Cena,
Except he's not. We have objective measures by which we can use to determine this. Your basis for saying this is "But,'s my opinion and opinions can't be wrong!". My argument has been "John Cena used his promo ability to become the greatest professional wrestling in North America for the past decade, while Ray was fired from the company Cena now leads".

Only one of us is providing any real logic. You are just sounding like a child who thinks wrapping the word "opinion" around stupidity makes said stupidity acceptable.

I'm not a Cena hater
Really? Then why did you say this?

There, transformation complete, I'm a Cena hater now

So not only are you stupid (posting directly contradictory statements and forgetting they never go away), you've also now proven yourself a liar. Good job.

I know you know you would be proved WRONG, and can't handle it
I see you STILL don't understand the irrelevance of polls on an Internet wrestling forum. Which is another reason I call you stupid.
If this isn't spamming I don't know what is.
Clearly you don't know what spamming is. That's why you've been hit with two Warnings and two Infractions for spamming.

His post wasn't spamming because he included on topic material and supported his position. That's why it is not spamming.
If i had written the above message someone would've deleted it immediately. Be consistant moderators.
We're very consistent, we just understand spam rules. You don't.

The problem is that you're being disrespectful
No, the problem is you're stupid. If you were more intelligent, I wouldn't have to be disrespectful.

Mediocre guys in my list?? I might not have english as my first language but saying any of those guys are mediocre is like saying that a player in the MLB is a mediocre player. Just the fact that you're able to reach the major leagues should automatically shield you from being called mediocre don't you think?
No, not when we're doing relative comparisons.
Here we go again, you have too much time on your hand, instead of writting bs like you are you should learn shit, read a book or something, I've told you before and I'll tell you again, this is by far th easiest argument I've ever had, I read your stuff and I'm honestly not sure if you're for real. I don't know if I,ve ever seen a bigger douche lol. You think you're all that but you're a mockery, everyone tat reads you thinks that, while only 2 (You and your buddy or alter-ego) are calling me stupid. Man you need to stop, you'll never win this argument cause you're wrong. Here we go again!

I'll keep that in mind when I'm busy later not giving a fuck.

As I'll keep your answers as a bedtime story. Saying you don't give a fuck is WRONG, it's a fact that you think your weak and need to defend yourself, I've stated 5 times allready that I wish you would just shut your mouth and leave me alone. Yet you continue making a fool out of yourself.

No, you were sent an Infraction because you sent me a PM about a discipline issue which had already been explained to you and after I told you not to PM me again about it. You ignored the warning, sent me a PM, and now act shocked you received an Infraction.

Who gives a shit about a blog infraction? lol. Only thing I wanted to point out is tat you're a bad moderator, you send me that long ass message saying absolutely nothing when I said I wouldn't read anymore novels of yours, in that novel you included a liner saying "If you message me again i'll send you an infraction" LOL I didn't read it, don't care about any form of authority you have, find it sad. We were chatting in private, you wanted to take it public, when I answered in public you accused me of spamming but you,re the one who didn't want to keep this private. How fucked is that? Can't/won't expect much more from you!

You're a moron. You say you don't have time to "play", yet how many posts have you made in this thread against me? You say you don't have time, yet you still sent me the PM. You say you didn't read the PM (which we both know is untrue), yet you claim to know what my arguments in the PM were.

Only one actually, accusing you of being disrespectful, the rest is just answering your bs and insults, leave me alone, there won't be anything else about you, you'll stop being making fun of.

You're not fooling anyone. You're stupid. You've been exposed as stupid. You know very little about wrestling. You've been exposed as knowing very little about wrestling. And yet you still keep shouting from the rooftops, which is surprising since you claim you don't have time to play.

LOL Your reality isn't the world's. I know little about wrestling lol, ok if that was the case, does that forbid me to participate in discussions? LOL, man you're full of yourself, it's bad. You're god! No one shares your opinion of me except maybe 1 or 2 of your buddies, and your arguments are irrelevant for saying that : "I don't know much about wrestling" lol, you don't know muc about being humble, but o wait, you have nothing to be humble for cause you're nothing lol

It's not my only answer, but it's the only one you seem to understand. There have been multiple arguments I've given you on a variety of subjects, and you have failed to understand almost all of them. Whether it was about the relevance of a poll or the irony of you calling someone dumb when you have such terrible grammar and spelling, you have failed every time to grasp anything other than the most rudimentary of concepts. So I keep coming back to the one thing you seem to understand, which is that you simply are stupid.

LOL again, you have only one concept, I just went over a few of your post, and your argument for calling me stupid is te list I've provided and my grammar. What concepts are you even tlaking about? You can't even understand that being dumb and making spelling mistakes have nothing to do together in the case of a foreigner trying to write in english. How can you convince someone that you're able to elaborate a concept if you can't understand a simple one? Man you're terrible!!!

Furthermore, my statement WAS supported by facts. You could go to the other thread you created about Cena, see that I'm having a good debate with someone and not calling them stupid, just like I said.

Is someone seriously reading that? I could read the trilogy of Lord of the rings 3 times and still would have time to spare while someone reads that.

Here are the first two lines you,ve ever wrote to me :

"So two lines in a 5+ minute promo and a couple of hugs he shared with the greatest professional wrestler of all time turned you into a Cena hater?

Yeah, I suspect you were there already. I suppose I could give you props for a new twist on an old idea, but I don't feel it appropriate to reward idiocy."

how do you expect me to respect you ? LOL, how can we have a friendly debate when you lack respect and clearly have a problem with me ?? LOL.
COME ON MAN you're killing yourself!

Why would I go back to school to learn what I already know? Opinions can be wrong, because they can be based on incorrect information or understandings. You've been given multiple examples now of how opinions can be wrong by objective measures. The fact you still don't understand this is further proof of your stupidity.


1- Incorrect information? What is the incorrect information in that case? That I think Cena is not entertaining at promos? How can that be an incorrect information
2- Understanding ? What would I have to understand in this case that would keep me from having the same opinion?! Makes no sense
3- You've been giving a lot of examples that opinions can't be wrong but you and your team erased them all from this thread lollllll
4- Now opinions can't be wrong, THAT'S A FACT. Go look it up, go back to school, go learn buddy, you treating me stupid for understanding a FACT that you can't seem to grasp... how sad....

See, this is why people are calling you stupid. You don't understand the concept of comparison examples.

People? LOL you mean you and your buddy? Your barely people, hell your barely intelligent enough to be called humans. Go see in my inbox how many people think I'm right and your wrong, come back to earth buddy, you're not in the majority here. Maybe more people don't like my list than people who do, I can live with that. But you can't live with the fact that you lost this argument and you're just digging yourself in a bigger hole.

Saying a squirrel is more physically deadly than a tiger would be wrong, regardless of whether or not I put the word "opinion" around it. Using the word "opinion" is not a blanket from criticism, no matter how much you want to pretend it is.

Agreed opinion is not a blanket to criticism, never said or thaught that. But an opinion should not allow you to call people names. We're all nobody's on a blog, you're not better because you can block me if you want, au contraire, it makes you look like a douche for using that to win arguments (I know you're going to say you don't use it but you do)

Consult a dictionary. "Better" is a word which indicates objective standards of comparison. You can say you like him more, but you cannot say he is better.

Wait what? LOL that's just playing with words and is quite frankly just childish, you're digging

Only two people have said something negative about me, but one says I'm probably not as bad as I seem and the other has the words "I have to poop" in his biography section of his profile.

If, for you, the fact that someone writes "I have to poop" demonishes his credibility then I don't know wtf you're doing with that avatar picture.

By the way, why are you talking about my rep when I can't see yours? Isn't that private and why I can't see what people say on your posts? why would you share mine with everybody when I can't see what people write on yours? Man your rep as a moderator is sinking. Your using your privileges in an argument, if it's not infractions or erasing my posts now it's sharing my user info. Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit, just think your an awful moderator.

Furthermore, while you only have two positive reputations on your profile for this thread, you have four negative, including one calling you a troll and the other calling you a monumental ******.

By 2 of your buddies (Troll and monumental ******) and the other 2 didn't agree with me so they gave me negative points which I would never do but hey it's their right. BTW you have a lot of free time on your hand.

You're the only person who has quoted me in this thread. I checked. You could not be more wrong.

Like I said 3 of them were erased, don't play dumb. You know it. I'm not wrong, again, you want to have a chat? I can explain stuff to you if needed, hell i'll fly to wherever you are, I'll deduct my expenses as charity work.

Congratulations, you watched a popular movie and found a way to make yourself seem intelligent by posting a fairly well known fact. That totally makes you seem less stupid. :rolleyes:

HAHAHAHAA I wanted to make sure that you were going to be able to understand it, so what's better than a reference to a popular movie :D

Do you even realize what you just said? How in the world would I think anything else? You just used a cheesy wrestling chant in a debate. I refuse to believe someone over the age of 15 would do something so ridiculous.

It was clever, just like Cena you have your kids (You're friends that are moderators) and grown ass man with testicules think you suck. Not my problem if you didn't understand the logic behind the sentence, it's not like if I wrote IF YOU SMEEELLLLLLL.... which would'nt have made no sense, but we're tlaking about Cena, you make no sense, mature people think your weak, so it was clever. Get over it.

Your attempt at a comeback fails incredibly hard, though I'm sure you'll have no idea of the difference between the two of us. The unintelligent generally don't.

Again, for the 15th time in this post, the only argument you have which is based on my opinion of John Cena. Dude you don't get it, you're not on te winning end of this one, you look like a fool! You're wrong and you keep on making the same mistake over and over, you're getting killed!

Except he's not. We have objective measures by which we can use to determine this. Your basis for saying this is "But,'s my opinion and opinions can't be wrong!". My argument has been "John Cena used his promo ability to become the greatest professional wrestling in North America for the past decade, while Ray was fired from the company Cena now leads".

OMG.... you're so weird!! First of all not renewing a contract and being fired is NOT THE SAME FKIN THING. How do you expect to have credibility after that? Great wrestling knowledge.......
I've said many times and I'll say it again because you don't seem to want to listen :

- Bully Ray is more entertaining than Cena
- Bully Ray is more unpredictable than Cena
- Bully Ray is less generic
- Bully Ray is believable, (aldo you might think superero Cena is believable)
- The fact that John is WWE and Bubba Ray is TNA is irrelevant so we can reject 50% of your statement.
- Bret was on top of the wrestling industry for a while and it certainly wasn't because of his mic skills so there's no direct correlation there.
- Bully Ray is better at selling a fight, sure, Cena is ok, he's intense, but he's generic, his promos before Del Rio were the same than the ones before Miz. It's the same thing - If you're falling for it every time like it never happened good for you!!!!!
- You put Cena in a ring with a mic, Bully Ray next to him with a mic, I wanna hear Bully Ray's promo, I'll change channel for Cena's as I can write it down before he opens his mouth.

There you wanted arguments, all in the same paragraph, I've said all this before but you seem stuck on a concept you don't grasp. Call me stupid for eveyting I just said. That's what you do

So not only are you stupid (posting directly contradictory statements and forgetting they never go away), you've also now proven yourself a liar. Good job.

A liar? LOLLLLLLLLLL so out of context, man you just never stop saying stupid shits, I hate is guts for what he did to Bray, but you gotta respect the guy none of te less for what the hard work he puts in so I'm not a "Cena hater" which I learned by reading comments is apparently someone who wants Cena to retire or disappear. My god who has that much time to waste!!! You won't gain credibility by quoting stuff out of context.

I see you STILL don't understand the irrelevance of polls on an Internet wrestling forum. Which is another reason I call you stupid.

Sure, think something is irrelevant but offer the option to do it, makes sense. So as per your last statement everyone doing a poll here is stupid?

His post wasn't spamming because he included on topic material and supported his position. That's why it is not spamming.
We're very consistent, we just understand spam rules. You don't.

No, the problem is you're stupid. If you were more intelligent, I wouldn't have to be disrespectful.

No, not when we're doing relative comparisons.

A one liner with no added value that didn't say shit, I got erased for writing a post that contained more relevant shit than that,

You were disrespectful right off the bat, because I said what I lot of people thaught : That John Cena said some unnecessary shit to Bray during a promo. You're a bad person, and a weak one. You defend your opinion by calling people stupid or by boring them with hour long responses. That's what you do.

And finally, there was no relative comparaisons when saying : Those guys are mediocre. There is no relative definition when using mediocre, mediocre means not very good, low quality (Example: your posts are mediocre) You can't use it to compare, once again, you are wrong.......

Please stop, I have pity for you and it's getting old. Move on, you can't win this argument
while only 2 (You and your buddy or alter-ego) are calling me stupid.
There's been many more than two, though it surprises me not at all you are unable to count any higher.

As I'll keep your answers as a bedtime story. Saying you don't give a fuck is WRONG, it's a fact that you think your weak and need to defend yourself, I've stated 5 times allready that I wish you would just shut your mouth and leave me alone. Yet you continue making a fool out of yourself.
I said I don't care about your opinions of me as an administrator, not about your erroneous statements about wrestling.

This is why I call you stupid.

Who gives a shit about a blog infraction?
You, apparently, since you're still talking about it after I told you to quit. Enjoy the Infraction and the automatic week long ban which comes with the accumulation of points you've incurred.

Only one actually, accusing you of being disrespectful, the rest
You only sent one...and the rest. Which means you didn't send just one, which means you were taking the time to "play".

You're dumb.

leave me alone
Leave you alone? You named me first and you're replying to all of my posts. Could you be any more childish at this point?

LOL Your reality isn't the world's. I know little about wrestling lol, ok if that was the case, does that forbid me to participate in discussions?
No, but for most people it would mean you not act like a complete jackass about something which you are clearly in the wrong.

LOL again, you have only one concept, I just went over a few of your post, and your argument for calling me stupid is te list I've provided and my grammar.
No, it's been your inability to understand basic concepts. I've listed some of them. There's another one already been illustrated in this post.

Is someone seriously reading that?
Irrelevant to the point I was making. Not surprised you didn't understand that.

how do you expect me to respect you ?
I could not care less if a stupid person respects me. Do you see me asking for your respect anywhere in any thread? All I want is for you to not say stupid things. And you've been a complete and abject failure in that regard.


1- Incorrect information? What is the incorrect information in that case? That I think Cena is not entertaining at promos? How can that be an incorrect information
Because he's the biggest draw in North America, if not the world. If Cena wasn't entertaining, why would people pay money to watch him?

2- Understanding ? What would I have to understand in this case that would keep me from having the same opinion?!
A basic understanding of pro wrestling would be a huge leap forward for you.
3- You've been giving a lot of examples that opinions can't be wrong but you and your team erased them all from this thread lollllll
That doesn't even make sense.
4- Now opinions can't be wrong, THAT'S A FACT.
Yes, they can, as I've already explained to you.

People? LOL you mean you and your buddy?
No, I mean all the people in this thread, all the people in the All-Star thread (which doesn't exist, of course) the couple of people in your reputation, etc.

But you can't live with the fact that you lost this argument and you're just digging yourself in a bigger hole.
How can I lose when I'm right? You don't make sense. Then again, I've grown to expect that from you.

But an opinion should not allow you to call people names.
And I'm not calling you names because of an opinion. I'm calling you stupid because you are.

Wait what? LOL that's just playing with words and is quite frankly just childish, you're digging
No, it's not playing with words. Any intelligent person would understand what I just said.

If, for you, the fact that someone writes "I have to poop" demonishes his credibility then I don't know wtf you're doing with that avatar picture.
Because "I have to poop" is as intellectually devoid as a character known for his incredible intelligence, charisma and morality? You're a moron.

By the way, why are you talking about my rep when I can't see yours?
Because I'm an admininstrator and you're not.

Isn't that private
You told me to check it. It was in your last post.

why would you share mine with everybody when I can't see what people write on yours?
Because you told me to. I'll tell you exactly what people said on mine, if you would only ask nicely.

Like I said 3 of them were erased, don't play dumb.
So...your posts are erased and your posts are other people quoting me? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

It was clever
No, it was not clever. At all. It makes a person think you're 13 years old.

OMG.... you're so weird!! First of all not renewing a contract and being fired is NOT THE SAME FKIN THING.
It is when the company is the one who decided not to renegotiate.

- Bully Ray is more entertaining than Cena
Drawing statistics say otherwise.
- Bully Ray is more unpredictable than Cena Unpredictable has nothing to do with quality.
- Bully Ray is less generic
Yes, loud fat people are so rare in this country. :rolleyes:
- Bully Ray is believable, (aldo you might think superero Cena is believable)
Cena is incredibly believable.
- The fact that John is WWE and Bubba Ray is TNA is irrelevant so we can reject 50% of your statement.
The fact Cena has been the biggest draw in the wrestling world in the company Ray was let go from is however.
- Bret was on top of the wrestling industry for a while and it certainly wasn't because of his mic skills so there's no direct correlation there.
We're not talking just mic, we're talking promo. Keep up.
- Bully Ray is better at selling a fight
Drawing statistics say otherwise.
- You put Cena in a ring with a mic, Bully Ray next to him with a mic, I wanna hear Bully Ray's promo, I'll change channel for Cena's as I can write it down before he opens his mouth.
And yet, when we put Rock in the ring on the mic next to Cena, Cena came out ahead more times than not.

You're wrong. Clearly and completely.

There you wanted arguments
But I want arguments based on facts.

A liar? LOLLLLLLLLLL so out of context, man you just never stop saying stupid shits, I hate is guts for what he did to Bray, but you gotta respect the guy none of te less for what the hard work he puts in so I'm not a "Cena hater" which I learned by reading comments is apparently someone who wants Cena to retire or disappear. My god who has that much time to waste!!! You won't gain credibility by quoting stuff out of context.
Yes, you are a liar. You said you were a Cena hater now. Now you're saying you're not. Either you were lying then or lying now. Either way, you're a liar.

Sure, think something is irrelevant but offer the option to do it, makes sense. So as per your last statement everyone doing a poll here is stupid?
The poll options are useful for many reasons, just not for using .0006% of the wrestling audience as a statement on quality.

A one liner with no added value that didn't say shit, I got erased for writing a post that contained more relevant shit than that
Again, you clearly don't understand the rules, you should not argue them with the person who created them.

You were disrespectful right off the bat
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was you who created this thread and called me out in the second paragraph.

Wait, it was. Moron.

And finally, there was no relative comparaisons when saying : Those guys are mediocre. There is no relative definition when using mediocre, mediocre means not very good, low quality (Example: your posts are mediocre) You can't use it to compare, once again, you are wrong.......
To anyone with a modicum of intelligence, mediocre was clearly being used in the context of nationally recognized pro wrestlers.

Please stop, I have pity for you and it's getting old. Move on, you can't win this argument
I'm not stopping, I have no reason to stop. You're stupid, your arguments are irrelevant and easily defeated and I'm right.

But since you've now been banned, I guess it doesn't really matter much.
This is a fun thread. Although I do feel bad for picking on someone with an IQ in the mid 50's. I would however like to touch on his domino's pizza comparison to John Cena. He says Domino's is not spectacular. I don't personally care for Domino's but a lot of people obviously do because they've been in business over 30 years. I'd wager that some of those people actually do find their pizza to be spectacular. And even the ones who don't like it enough to keep it in business. But then there's that little Italian place down the street that every body in town is raving about. Oh wait, they went out of business last year. But everyone said they were so good, how could they go out of business. I must have heard how amazing they were from like 20 people! They sounded pretty passionate about it too. Hmm... Maybe, just maybe having millions of people who kinda like something is better than a handful of fanatics who won't shut up until everyone on God's green Earth tells them how right they are just to shut them up. If I were running a business i'd rather have real success, not the kind of indy cult following you seem to wish upon the WWE. Hell, if I were Daniel Bryan, CM Punk or anybody else I'd want John Cena at the top of the card because I knew that night I'd end up making some money. Have fun on your vacation Jeffery. I'm looking forward to your return.

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