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[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I agree with you Petit, Cena has some pretty good moves, I enjoy seeing them. But what I'm talking about, is how little of moves he has. You see, I get really bored of seeing the same moves over and over. If Cena got a little more creative and did more, then maybe I'd be okay with him.

And Cena the face of the company? True. BUT, other wrestlers should have the chance to have the title for a long period of time. There's no point in having the title on one wrestler, because then the matches just get boring and way too predictable. But if the title changed hands a little more often, then things would be interesting.

Guys like Kennedy, and MVP, all have bright futures, why not give them a chance with the title? I know their time is coming soon, I'm just only giving some examples.
Like I said above, check out John Cena in OVW then tell me he is a bad wrestler. Its just the gimmick and wrestling style giving to him by creaive team. Another example is Eugene. Nick is an amazing technical wrestler. Probably one of the best in the company. Thats why he is the head of OVW at the moment. Most of yous wouldn't realise this tho because you only see him doing Rock Bottoms and Stone Cold Stunners and....keeping green paint on his clothes for 6months. So it isn't sad to think he is the/was the head of the company. Tell me who should be there? Outwith HBK and HHH. What talent outwith the 90s? On Raw you have Orton. However, as a face who is there? Jeff Hardy....reputation for no showing and recently suspended. Great ability but like his brother still developing mic skills but him and Matt on Smackdown! will be contending soon enough just not in 2007/08. I can't think of anyone other than Cena. Can you? I actually miss not having Cena around. Why? Because he is one of the few on the roster that have the passion and desire for the industry. I think some people need to look beyond the superstar sometimes. 9 out of 10 of the guys are there because of their ability otherwise they wouldn't get a snif. Its creative you should have the issue with!

This is the stupidest message there ever was. Use some kind of english that is readable. i dont care about this message or any other Cena basher. The fact is that Cena is the only wrestler on Smackdown that deserves an kind of push. Other than that you have old Undertaker, who I like, and boring Edge.
I agree with you Petit,

Thank you :)

And Cena the face of the company? True.

I beleive you nailed it on the head

But if the title changed hands a little more often, then things would be interesting.

That is true also.... But WWE is a business, they try 2 establish a good solid champ who will rank in the dollars, and quite frankly, thats what cena has done, and will do in the future

Guys like Kennedy, and MVP, all have bright futures, why not give them a chance with the title? I know their time is coming soon, I'm just only giving some examples.

Bro, i an exactly the same with MVP and kennedy, them 2 plus cena are my 3 favorite wrestlers lol. But as you said, they are the stars of the furture, (as is cena) You dont want them getting to tied up with the belt 2 early or you will start 2 hate them 2 because you will be sick of them with the belt (as u obviously are/was with cena. I say wait until 08/09 then them 2 will shine...
Dnt u worry

This is the stupidest message there ever was. Use some kind of english that is readable. i dont care about this message or any other Cena basher. The fact is that Cena is the only wrestler on Smackdown that deserves an kind of push.

Mate do u even watch wrestling, i didnt undertsnd 1 bit of that... Are u a cena fan or basher???
Plus cena is on raw atm. Not smackdown!
That is true also.... But WWE is a business, they try 2 establish a good solid champ who will rank in the dollars, and quite frankly, thats what cena has done, and will do in the future

The sad thing is though, that when a wrestler has the title for more than a year, it gets pretty stale. People say that Cena is Raw, but now look. He's injured, and Raw ratings are higer than they ever were. I know a lot is because of Jericho, but I mean, come on.
The sad thing is though, that when a wrestler has the title for more than a year, it gets pretty stale. People say that Cena is Raw, but now look. He's injured, and Raw ratings are higer than they ever were. I know a lot is because of Jericho, but I mean, come on.

I beleive that when cena was holding the show, pretty mych by himself, the ratings were doing mid 3's. So i dont kno how u can say that...
Yeh fair enough, this weeks rating was good, but look who u had confirmed 4 the show, DX, stone cold, Some fans would be anticipating a jehricho return, they are bound 2 be good... It done a 3.7 by the way...

But u look next week, i bet you that the rating will go down again....
Who wants 2 watch orton get kicked in the head 4 the 37th time in 3 episodes....

^^ Good 2 see the title seen is more predictible now, as most of u cena haters would say that when cena was champ the title scene was predictible....:icon_evil:
pettit makes some very good points. I really honestly cannot understand how somebody can hate John Cena. He carried Raw for about 2 years HE IS THE TOP DOG of the company whether poeple like it or not (until he got injured). Seriously though he if wasnt injured who else except for Orton wuld u cena bashers want to hold the wwe title.. hhh or hbk WE HAVE ALREADY HAD THAT.. lashley meh aint dat great.. kennedy aint ready yet and thats about it.
Cena should be a mid carder at best. Since he has gone off tv, Raw has been a lot better. More wrestling, better ratings, interesting main event fued.
What is so great about cena. What, Fancy music?? 5 moves?? Same repetion of matches for 3 years?? Dude got stale, he was average ont he mic.

Hbk, kenendy, jeff are better then him on the mic and in the ring. Cena is over hyped. Cena cant wrestle. Hbk and HHH showed everyone at wrestlemania, lashley showed everyone in the Bash. If cena had to go for an hour in a iron man match, dude will keep repeating his 5 moves over and over.

If u are gonna argue that he still beat all 3 of them i got a answer for u. Booking.

Only thing he had going was consistancy but he was still boring. If i turn wrestlemania 20 (match with big show) then switch back to WM23 i wont miss 95% of what cena did at WM20.

If you love cena soo much you havent seen much wrestling
Cena is overrtated, Cena didnt hold the compony for two years "alone" he had his rivals help him along the way I dont know how anyone can like Cena he's gimmick is a White rapper WHAT THE HELL!! come on people.

All I hear when we talk about WWE at school or with my friends ect. is how good John Cena is and just how bad Randy Orton and Triple H and Mr Kennedy are they are RAW they were RAW (well not so much Mr Kennedy when cena wasnt injured) how can anyone honestly like him. It shits me that as crap and un-talented as Cena is he has somehow got to mainevent status in a very short time. Mr Kennedy has been trying to get to the top but for some reason Vince just seems to break his heart everytime he gets close.

I dont turn on RAW every week to see John Cena I turn RAW on to see who he's fueding with and frankly that disapoints me to! Until Orton came along, Orton should have been the champ at SummerSlam according to sources but for some reason they changed the story line. John Cena is becoming the next Undertaker, Triple H, Hulk Hogan all in one just a really really shit house version of them with no talent is that the future of my favourite Television program "John Cena" I hope not.

And why ohh why did WWE let Cena have that title for so long or be in the title picture for so long cena was in the title picture since WM 21 and Cena held the title for more than a year now there great accomplishments but it kind of gets old hearing "here is your winner and still the WWE champion John Cena" or "The Current WWE Champion John Cena"

Cena In late 2003 to 2004 he wasnt that bad when he was in the US title picture I actually looked foward to seeing him every night. But come 2005 we hit rock bottom Cena and the WWE title should never have changed brands.

Ok but since Cena left due to "injury" I still havnt enjoyed RAW as much as I thought it would Shawn Michaels kicking Randy Orton every week is pretty predictible and then they ban HBK's finisher at SS WHAT THE HELL! how can you ban someones finisher, its insane. Ok i dont even know if Cena s ever coming back i got told he wanted to do movies so does batista, Superstars ain't what they used to be there not loyal to the bisiness they want to go off and do MOVIES or there going to the rival brand TNA but hey its there lives.

wow! that took alot out of me I didnt think I hated cena that much.
Cena should be a mid carder at best.

Are you serious???

And how would all of the main eventers feel if a mid card wrestler was selling alot more merchindice that you lol.... yeh that makes sence doesnt it...

Do u kno how much money Cena makes for the WWE???

And how have the ratings goone up since cena left lol???
They dropped basically straight away..... This weeks raw done a 3.7, this was because DX and stone cold and a possible Jehricho return...

Now dude i think u need 2 think about what u say b4 posting!!!

P.S Sorry about this small post by the way...
Last week ratings was 3.6 and the week before was 3.5. Seems to me ratings have improved since cen-a-nuff left.
So he was champ coz he sold merchandise. Wreslting smarks know he cant wrestle for shit and because he was vinces boy and vince saw $$ on him, he was let to hold the title that long but his wrestling skills isnt up to par
Any educated wrrestling fan will tell you cena sucks plain and simple

You rekon any educated wrestling fan would say that???? I want u 2 go back through this thread and look at all the "well educated" fans (oarticually slyfox) and look at their view on Cena!!! Seriously....

Raw has been absolute shit without cena, what has it been HBK giving orton Sweet chin music every week 4 the past 4 weeks...

Good 2 see the title scene is unpredictable, pfft.

And u calling yours truly an uneducated wrestling fan???

Cena is the face of the compacy... Plain and simple
Wreslting smarks know he cant wrestle for shit

HE cant wrestle for shit... Okk then obviously you havent been on youtube and seen his old OVW matches, wow, does that mean ur an uneducated wrestling fan???

Cena was a great wrestler, he wrestles the way he does these days is because of the creative team...
His ovw wrestling matches were alot better what he has been doing before he got injured

Like i said before about the booking and what u are saying now about creative team. To me way he takes the creative material given to him and performing himself to the audience is crap to me.

So i will say this: All cena haters and fans will agree to disagree on this matter (this thread on cena) . Personally, me i dont realy enjoy his matches.
His ovw wrestling matches were alot better what he has been doing before he got injured

So he can wrestle.... You clearly just agreed with me.

So i will say this: All cena haters and fans will agree to disagree on this matter (this thread on cena) . Personally, me i dont realy enjoy his matches.

You dont like his matches.... How??? I kno that it is ur personal opinion, but probly every PPV match of his has been great, its been said by jehricho, hogan, hart, they have all said it....

ECW: One night stand 2 vs RVD
Summerslam vs orton
Every match with edge
Vs HBK for an hour

Thats just off the top of my head, i could think of alot more, but its late over here in Oz.....

If you dont like ne of them matches then i think ur not much of a educated wrestling fan bkoz they were all 4* matches at least!!!
Gee thats easy

Batista vs Undertaker - cyber sunday
CM Punks vs John Morrison - Ecw, when punk won title

Ok man i gotta go off now. Its late night here. Have fun with the tread and take it easy.
Screw Cena, he is a fake champ. He walks around with a brass knuckle duster adn a huge CG chain to make him self look hard and LOST to RANDY ORTON. Orton WTF!!! he is soo bad.
Cena may be able to sell merchendice, but this is more than just an entertainment business. Some people forget the fact that there actually is a wrestling aspect to the WWE. Cena is not a good wrestler. A good wrestler would definately have more than 5 moves.

So remember everybody, selling merchendice may be big, but there are actual fans out there who only care about the wrestling and could give a rats ass about what they buy on Shopzone. The WWE should think about that as well.
okay the problem here is that the reason why some ppl hate cena isnt because of cena its because of the WWE, most cena haters dont hate cena, they should hate WWE booking

1- cena holding the title for a year is WWE BOOKING! its not his fault, he cant choose when he wants to drop it, WWE wanted him to be in the main event a long time so they could make him as big as stone cold or rock was in the attitude era.. wich worked actually...

2- cena can wrestle, see any of his OVW or earls smackdown matches, he knows more than 5 moves and he executes them very well, the reason he does the ''5 moves of doom'' is because WWE wants him to, they want him to be a babyface brawler, that means less moves and a comeback at the end of the match, and him using 5 moves lowers his chances of getting injured, why do u think cena wasnt in many gimmick matches? they didnt wanna risk him being injured, sure many of his matches sucked due to this but thats WWEs fault...

3- moves arent the only important thing in wrestling, like ive said 100000 times, the guys gotta have mic skills, and cena has probably one of the best mic skills in WWE right now, but ppl say he ''sucks on the mic'' cuz they dont understand what actually makes some1 good on the mic, its not what they say, what they say is up to WWE, its how natural they sound and the emotion they can put in what they're saying thats the wrestlers part, in other words, its how well they act, and cena does a very good job of that, not only that but he has charisma and can sell moves very well, unlike orton

and even though WWE held cena back a lot he has had many great matches

ONS 2 Cena vs RVD
HBK vs Cena on Raw (hour long match)
Last man standing Cena vs Umaga
TLC Cena vs Edge
WM 23 HBK vs Cena
GAB Cena vs lashley

now i also hated many of cenas match, but ppl cant argue that those matches were good, sure he had some crap ones but against who? khali? big show? not much u can do with them.. and orton.. will orton just plain sucks, but ppl seemed to have enjoyed their match at SS.. even though i thought it was horrible to say the least...
okay the problem here is that the reason why some ppl hate cena isnt because of cena its because of the WWE, most cena haters dont hate cena, they should hate WWE booking.

That is exactly right, cena haters should blame the bookers and stop blaming cena. Cena has no control on whether he is going 2 hold the wwe title for a year and he has no control over the move set he was given by the wwe. The guy can put on a very good match in my opinion. He is also not lazy in the ring like orton is and he doesnt get in trouble like Orton always does. Seriously how can you ppl honestly say Orton is worthy to hold the wwe title???

Orton isnt a bad wrestler but he doesnt compare to Cena in my opinion and Cena has a good reputation in and out of the ring AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE.
Cena may be able to sell merchendice, but this is more than just an entertainment business.
Hahaha. This shows complete ignorance.

No, professional wrestling is not more than just an entertainment business. That's ALL professional wrestling is.

Some people forget the fact that there actually is a wrestling aspect to the WWE. Cena is not a good wrestler. A good wrestler would definately have more than 5 moves.
Why? Why would a good wrestler have more than 5 moves?

I mean, if Chuck Liddell can win a UFC match with punches and kicks, why would he ever try anything else?

That's a silly notion.

So remember everybody, selling merchendice may be big, but there are actual fans out there who only care about the wrestling and could give a rats ass about what they buy on Shopzone. The WWE should think about that as well.
Your argument is defeated by the fact that Cena is the biggest draw in the company.

So, either the ones who buy merchandise are much more numerous than those who "only care about the wrestling", or those who care about wrestling think Cena is a good wrestler.

There's no other way to describe why Cena is the biggest draw in the company.
Cena may be able to sell merchendice

That is so right, that why he is so valuble 2 the WWE.

Cena is not a good wrestler.

We have discussed this mate, have you seen his OVW matches, hell have you even seen his debut match against angle??? He was a class wrestler

A good wrestler would definately have more than 5 moves.

And again, do you really think thats all cena can do??? Ive said it 100 times, watches his OVW matches..

selling merchendice may be big

You nailed it buddy!!!

P.S Is slyfox really 11, coz if he is 11 then he is one smart SOB for an 11 year old lol..
I don't think he's that bad, I just think his 5 knuckle shuffle(the rocks elbow, hogans leg drop) is a stupid move and isn't his fu just a Death valley driver?

What is the wwe going to do now that he has ADMITTED to using steroids? When was the last time they tested him?

I think they should suspend him for 30 days when he recovers from his injury and be testing him twice a month from now on. He was the face of the company and his admitting to using steroids is just another blackeye for the wwe.

If he is not PUBLICLY punished then that will give ammo to the critics of pro wrestling.
I don't think he's that bad, I just think his 5 knuckle shuffle(the rocks elbow, hogans leg drop) is a stupid move and isn't his fu just a Death valley driver?

What is the wwe going to do now that he has ADMITTED to using steroids? When was the last time they tested him?

I think they should suspend him for 30 days when he recovers from his injury and be testing him twice a month from now on. He was the face of the company and his admitting to using steroids is just another blackeye for the wwe.

If he is not PUBLICLY punished then that will give ammo to the critics of pro wrestling.
When did he admit to taking steroids? Surely, you're not talking about that CNN interview which has been proven to be edited, while the WWE themselves showed the complete full interview in which Cena clearly states that he has never taken steroids.

Because, that's old news.
What is the wwe going to do now that he has ADMITTED to using steroids?

Are you cracking wise, go 2 wwe.com and look at how much CNN edited what he said, he clearly told them "absolutly not", i have never taken steroids....Get ya facts right.

When was the last time they tested him?

They would've tested him just as much as every other superstar

think they should suspend him for 30 days when he recovers from his injury and be testing him twice a month from now on.

If that happens then Edge must be suspended 2 when he returns straight away...
What a stupid thing 2 say...^^

Look mate, i think u just make up shit 2 bash cena, and 2 be honest i dnt think ur one of the most educated fans out there!
I SAW him say that he "can't say I have never taken steroids" I have been watching wrestling LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE and you think I "just make up shit to bash cena". I saw him say it!!! I saw THE WHOLE UNEDITED interview and he said it, mate. If the wwe doesn't do anything, it just gives the critics more ammo to bash wrestling. If the wwe was smart, which they're not, they would say he took them BEFORE he was signed with them many years ago. Instead, they bash ccn, who I don't trust, and try to say they edited the interview to make him say it, HE SAID IT, I SAW IT!!!

You need to find a differant god, yours took steroids. MATE!!!
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