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[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I would LOVE to see Cena as a heel when he returns. He can utilize his mic skills so much more and it'll allow the faces to make fun of him the same way most fans do (aside from the ladies and children). the great heels lately, McMahon, Angle, HHH, Edge, all have had great skills insulting the audience and getting everyone to hate them by using their words. People liked them, but hated their characters. People just plain hate Khali, Morrison, etc. because they can't back up their actions with the same on the mic.
I hated wrestling when Cena was the champ, and was praying for him to get injured. But now that he is gone, i think wrestling is even more unbearable to watch. Not because i realise now how great a wrestler he was or how good he was on the mic or anything like that, but i miss tuning in every week hoping for him to get injured or lose the title!!!
I hated wrestling when Cena was the champ, and was praying for him to get injured. But now that he is gone, i think wrestling is even more unbearable to watch. Not because i realise now how great a wrestler he was or how good he was on the mic or anything like that, but i miss tuning in every week hoping for him to get injured or lose the title!!!

Dude, if that is what u watch wrestling for then ill be damed....
obviously u arent a real wrestling fan, and obviously you are a cena fan, becoz u watch the show just for him, as u stated...

I think cena is one of the most underated wrestlers in the WWE, he isnt underated by the WWE, he is underated by all of the WWE fans, particularly males 18-30 years old....

When he returns, i hope he can come back as a heel 2, i think this would be great 4 him, as he could really show how gfood he is on the mic.
Dude, if that is what u watch wrestling for then ill be damed....
obviously u arent a real wrestling fan, and obviously you are a cena fan, becoz u watch the show just for him, as u stated...

I think cena is one of the most underated wrestlers in the WWE, he isnt underated by the WWE, he is underated by all of the WWE fans, particularly males 18-30 years old....

When he returns, i hope he can come back as a heel 2, i think this would be great 4 him, as he could really show how gfood he is on the mic.

Au Contraire my friend. I do like wrestling - hence why i was hoping Cena lost the title.... And to be honest, the actual wrestling in the majority of matches is poor - unless it is a wrestlemania and they pull out all of the stops. If it was about WRESTLING only, then TNA would be bigger than WWE, as they have the best wrestlers in my view - who aren't just instructed to do the same moves in the same order. WWE is more watchable because of the Storylines, and the fact that even if it has been a crap show, you keep watching knowing a shocking heel turn/superstar return/bastard daughter storyline could hppen.
Hold up...remember when Cena debuted against Kurt Angle. There was a lot of potential with him. Even as being champion as long as he was, he's still young and only going to get better. It's not like he's been wrestling since 1992 or something with the same moves. The Rock didn't have many moves but he gained a few more as he continued his career. And Cena can carry matches. He carried Lashley through their title match. Bret Hart had a few moves but he also got creative when needed. And he put on first class matches aka 5 stars. And truthfully, Umaga is better than people think. He has more moves and he doesn't bring them out every match because everyone can't sell them that well. Think about that flying samoan drop. Is HHH really going to sell that one well? And I like Cena. I love the mix reaction. I still think he needs to turn heel because that's when he's able to really bring out his best. We'll see when he gets back. And I still think he deserves the title when he gets back. Not right away, but maybe a year after he returns. That's real talk.
Hold up...remember when Cena debuted against Kurt Angle. There was a lot of potential with him. Even as being champion as long as he was, he's still young and only going to get better. It's not like he's been wrestling since 1992 or something with the same moves. The Rock didn't have many moves but he gained a few more as he continued his career. And Cena can carry matches. He carried Lashley through their title match. Bret Hart had a few moves but he also got creative when needed. And he put on first class matches aka 5 stars. And truthfully, Umaga is better than people think. He has more moves and he doesn't bring them out every match because everyone can't sell them that well. Think about that flying samoan drop. Is HHH really going to sell that one well? And I like Cena. I love the mix reaction. I still think he needs to turn heel because that's when he's able to really bring out his best. We'll see when he gets back. And I still think he deserves the title when he gets back. Not right away, but maybe a year after he returns. That's real talk.

carried lashley? lashley had a big portion of offensive moves during the match, maybe ppl should go back on youtube and watch it cuz this isnt the first time ive heard that lashley was carried by cena, the truth is both guys carried their end and put on a good match

and cena should be granted a title shot when hes back, he was never beaten, i dont care if he was champ for ''too long'', and even if i didnt enjoy him, he had the belt for a year and had to give it up because of his injury, so i think its his right to have a title shot waiting for him... same goes for edge...
Well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post this..

Chris Jericho said:
On Cena-
"You have to go back to the summer of 2002 to see my real influence on Cena. He had just come in, and I thought he was great. He would do these really cool promos in the backstage area, practicing with Steve Lombardi, that I would watch. I thought he was very charismatic. I asked Vince if I could do a program with him. He asked me why, and I said I thought he was good and charismatic. He didn't agree, and I said 'I'm telling you Vince, this guy's got something' We worked the program and got to the PPV in Detroit and I begged Vince, 'Please let me put this guy over.' He asked why and I said this guy is going to be something for you. I put him over and was then switched from Smackdown to Raw. But they didn't do much with him till he did the rapper routine on the Halloween show. Then when I was getting ready to leave WWE, I think the original plan was for me to do something with Carlito. I said to Vince, 'let me do a program with Cena. Let me put him over to the hilt and pass the torch. ....

I told John not to let people make him believe what they're saying. I told him, you're a good worker. You just need to show people that yes you know what you're doing, because you do. I can't think of the last time I saw a bad PPV match involving John Cena. The guy delivers every single night and he goes above and beyond to help other guys look good."

Source: PWI Magazine

poster on another forum said:
Jericho's on the Observer Live right now. He's talking about how he put forth a lot of ideas in his farewell angle, and really pushed to have himself put over Cena. He's also talking about how he loved his firing angle, and on the spot he called the part with security carrying him out. Also he said he's been a Cena fan for a while, and specifically requested the program in '02 where he put over rookie Cena on PPV.

Pay particular attention to the bolded.

So, Hulk Hogan says John Cena is good, Bret Hart has said Cena is good, and now Jericho has said Cena is good. Who still tries to deny it?
It is a pity Cena messed up though isnt it, he could have been an entertaining champion, but as soon as Jericho left and there was no-one left to mind him he started fucking up and been boring. I think after Jericho left Cena didnt know what to do, no-one would help him anymore so I think he got nerveous and didnt want to try anything risky because he is too scared what people think of him. Now Jericho is back Cena might start been entertaining again.
It is a pity Cena messed up though isnt it
Messed up how? By having good PPV matches every month, like Chris Jericho said?

he could have been an entertaining champion, but as soon as Jericho left and there was no-one left to mind him he started fucking up and been boring. I think after Jericho left Cena didnt know what to do, no-one would help him anymore so I think he got nerveous and didnt want to try anything risky because he is too scared what people think of him. Now Jericho is back Cena might start been entertaining again.

Cena doesn't book his feuds, nor script his promos. All Cena can do is control what happens in the ring, and how well he delivers his scripted promos. And, he's done an excellent job over the last 3 years in both of those departments.

Even Chris Jericho, Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan agree.
So, Hulk Hogan says John Cena is good, Bret Hart has said Cena is good, and now Jericho has said Cena is good. Who still tries to deny it?

Surely not anyone..

By now people have to realize that John is well respected past and present wrestlers, Why is he not with the IWC? If wrestlers on the level of Jericho, Hogan and Bret Hart call this guy good, Then by god, He's good. Vince did an excellent job listening to Chris, It made him loads of cash, brightens his companies future with Cena on top, and kept ratings consistent. John Cena has done a spectacular job for the business, He's given us some of the most impressive title reigns, feuds and promo's ever since Jericho left.

All I can say, is Chris is right. Thanks Chris for putting forth effort to bring Cena to the top of the hill, Cena hasn't let us down.
haha someone told me that you go mental if you post anything bad about Cena. I didnt really mean that just posted it to see how long it would take you to respond lol. Cena isnt as bad as some people make out but I am not Cenas biggest fan. I have to say though Cena is not even in Jericho's league, he needs to do something special to be that good, and although the guy is solid like you have said he isnt anything special.
Surely not anyone..

By now people have to realize that John is well respected past and present wrestlers, Why is he not with the IWC? If wrestlers on the level of Jericho, Hogan and Bret Hart call this guy good, Then by god, He's good. Vince did an excellent job listening to Chris, It made him loads of cash, brightens his companies future with Cena on top, and kept ratings consistent. John Cena has done a spectacular job for the business, He's given us some of the most impressive title reigns, feuds and promo's ever since Jericho left.

All I can say, is Chris is right. Thanks Chris for putting forth effort to bring Cena to the top of the hill, Cena hasn't let us down.

Whoa, hold up for a second...
When did BIG WES become a Cena Fan? I may just haven't been posting enough lately, maybe I'm tired and confused, but last time I checked, Wes was one of the guys who be here on a consistent basis arguing AGAINST Cena. And to be honest, his last post is so well written, I can't tell if he's sarcastic or serious. Not that it angers me. The more Cena fans here, the better. But I'm just really confused.

Anyways, sarcasm or no, I agree with Wes and Slyfox. I always felt that Y2J would be one of those guys who would be resentful towards Cena's main event push, like Kurt Angle. But if Y2J, the man everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has been clamoring for to return, likes and respects Cena, then maybe it's about time that everyone else begin to show some respect to the hardest working man in the industry today.

Seriously, though, I'm confused. When and how did Big Wes become a Cena fan? I'd really appreciate it if you would clear that up for me, Wes. So confuddling... Bad week for me to stop sniffing glue.
Seriously, though, I'm confused. When and how did Big Wes become a Cena fan? I'd really appreciate it if you would clear that up for me, Wes. So confuddling... Bad week for me to stop sniffing glue.

I'm one of those who have seen the light, One of those that has noticed just how good and important John is too the wrestling business, One of those that has put his past thoughts on movesets aside and look deep into the story of the in-ring work Cena put's on, The psychology, The passion, The desire of him needing to overcome the odds people put against him, To be the true champion he really is in and out of the ring, The heart that is put behind each and every promo or match he put's on.

The guy truly is good, You just have to look beyond the stale negative statements that people throw out there, When basically those same stale negative statements are nothing more than piss-poor excuses to dislike someone so passionate for the wrestling business.
the guy is good... many ppl didnt realize how good he is, i didnt think he was good until like 2 or 3 months ago, ppl need to learn that moves isnt what makes a wrestler good

cena is great on mic, sure what he says is lame, but thats not his fault he doesnt choose what he says, but hes very natural and smooth on the mic and gives great emotion, he sells moves very well, any1 who says he doesnt know how to sell really just doesnt want to admit it, he has charisma and has put many good matches, hes had few great ones, but look back at all the matches hes had.. i think his only real bad matches were against khali and randy orton.. the rest were either good or great, thats pretty impressive IMO

and every wrestler has the same routine in ring, ppl just hate cena cuz he was in the main event for 2 whole years, it gets on their nerves, but when he comes back im sure he'll ''grow'' on many haters... even if HBK was the one in cenas shoes for the last 2 years ''beating all the odds'' ppl would be bashing him too... if cena had decent storylines to work with his reign could've been much better...
I'm one of those who have seen the light, One of those that has noticed just how good and important John is too the wrestling business, One of those that has put his past thoughts on movesets aside and look deep into the story of the in-ring work Cena put's on, The psychology, The passion, The desire of him needing to overcome the odds people put against him, To be the true champion he really is in and out of the ring, The heart that is put behind each and every promo or match he put's on.

The guy truly is good, You just have to look beyond the stale negative statements that people throw out there, When basically those same stale negative statements are nothing more than piss-poor excuses to dislike someone so passionate for the wrestling business.

You've seen the light? Wes, you were the only one on this thread that I could count on. I guess I am alone in this world. Cena should be respected, no doubt about it. I love the man for his work and charisma. But, my two puppies could get in the ring and put on a better match than Cena. And hell, their barking is better than his talking. I hate the fact that he is injured, I really do, but I love it because we are getting a new Raw and it has been a long time coming.
Cena is good and i respect him as a wrestler.. He was mr.everything in the WWE and everything was pretty much based around him.. That's where this hurts the WWE.. This is the time the WWE can push other wrestler who aren't so much over with the crowd yet so they don't face this once again if their stars get injured.. All i've seen so far is HHH running through competition, HBK thrown right into the spotlight and Randy Orton being made into one of the weakest champions i have seen..

This was also a chance for WWE to really push the tag and IC division and they fail to do so.. I though this Cena injury would be a wake up call to the WWE but it doesn't appear so
You've seen the light? Wes, you were the only one on this thread that I could count on. I guess I am alone in this world.
Bwwwaaaaa haaaa haaaa... yes, Taker Fan, Big Wes has turned on you. You are all alone. It's only a matter of time before we come to claim you too... Bwaahahahahah! Sorry, I'm just a little festive tonight. After all, it is Halloween. Seriously, though, let's get down to business.
Cena should be respected, no doubt about it. I love the man for his work and charisma. But, my two puppies could get in the ring and put on a better match than Cena. And hell, their barking is better than his talking. I hate the fact that he is injured, I really do, but I love it because we are getting a new Raw and it has been a long time coming.
You just completely contradicted yourself there. You said that your two dogs can wrestle better than Cena AND can bark better than Cena talks on the mic. But just before that you said you respect him love the guy for his work(which is wrestling) and charisma(which is mic skills). I got some news for ya, taker fan, and you might wanna sit down for this one, cuz it's big. Eh hemm-
Either you have some EXTREMELY talented puppies, or you're a John
Cena fan.
To edit a post that I that I made previously. What I meant was, I loved the man's work ethic. NOT his in ring work. That will never change, but he should be respected for his work ethic. He worked about 3 straight years without any sort of break. That is comendable.
Yeah cena has a good work ethic, but is does the same thing in the ring all the time. whats happening with his gimmics but, what is he a gangstar marine?
Hey guys, not been on these forums in ages. Just a point on John Cenas in ring work. I live in the UK so don't get to see much of indie wrestling unless I search and search the internet. One day I done that, yes I was so bored, I come across John Cena only it wasn't. It was OVW, The Exterminator. The guy was simply fantastic. So for all the haters and even the lovers, search for some videos if you haven't seen them. I mean I have been a fan of his for years and years. His debut match against Kurt Angle I knew straight away, man he has some amount of ability to be the next big thing. Thats exactally what he was, who remembers the U.S. Championship Match, Wrestlemania versus. The Big Show. The FU, now you can't say you weren't impressed by that. If that was in main event that would have been a wrestlemania moment. The Hogan/Andre Giant of the modern age. The man is so dedicated to his work, I mean whilst filiming 'The Marine' in Australia he would fly back to make sure he was on Raw every Monday. Afore I continue, on the OVW thing. There is a documentary about him that the discovery channel made. It is really good. Also his promos he makes up on the spot are fantastic. As I was...John Cena, I have pointed out the OVW thing because I think this will show that Cena isn't boring in the ring because he can't wrestle, its because its the move set thats been given to him. Us as adults find it boring, dull and well seen it, where's the remote. See the kids Cena is aimed at, my little brother and all his friends get off their seats and start jumping up and down with excitment as soon as he hits the first part of the "Five moves of Doom". Sure they know whats coming but thats why their excited. From a professional point of view creative aint doing Cena any favours but from a business point of view. Whats that I hear....Vince is only worth $700million and only making $45million a year in dividens. Just the man is so professional, so dedicated, so talented and so under valued by the people who spend $40 a ticket to chant "You Can't Wrestle". Last point is....I hope he recovers well from his injury and shows those people who clapped at the Smackdown!/ECW tapings when Vince announced he was injured that you don't know what you have until you lose it. John Cena is a true Champ! Sooner people realise, the better!
I think Cena is a bad wrestler, for someone who has recieved such a huge push, and I also think his gimmick sucks. Its sad to see that someone like Cena is one of the biggest stars of the business nowadays, when in the good ol days you had the likes of Austin and The Rock. There was just so much more you could do with them two, all you can do with Cena is get him to rap. Wow.
Like I said above, check out John Cena in OVW then tell me he is a bad wrestler. Its just the gimmick and wrestling style giving to him by creaive team. Another example is Eugene. Nick is an amazing technical wrestler. Probably one of the best in the company. Thats why he is the head of OVW at the moment. Most of yous wouldn't realise this tho because you only see him doing Rock Bottoms and Stone Cold Stunners and....keeping green paint on his clothes for 6months. So it isn't sad to think he is the/was the head of the company. Tell me who should be there? Outwith HBK and HHH. What talent outwith the 90s? On Raw you have Orton. However, as a face who is there? Jeff Hardy....reputation for no showing and recently suspended. Great ability but like his brother still developing mic skills but him and Matt on Smackdown! will be contending soon enough just not in 2007/08. I can't think of anyone other than Cena. Can you? I actually miss not having Cena around. Why? Because he is one of the few on the roster that have the passion and desire for the industry. I think some people need to look beyond the superstar sometimes. 9 out of 10 of the guys are there because of their ability otherwise they wouldn't get a snif. Its creative you should have the issue with!
I was getting sick of it but like my previous point said. Who else could you have as the face of the company. Both HHH and HBK injured. We had Orton, so say him and Cena shared the title. Us as fans would have still moaned and groaned. Problems lie with creative and ofcourse the lack of exceptional talent. We have plenty of good talent but someone has to make the jump and stick out and know one is. I mean Cena being injured should have been an opening for someone to stake a claim but no one has. Also with Jericho coming back whoever would have benfitted aint going to. Also for note I think Jericho is outstanding and be great to have him back. Personally what I think will help promote guys to the WWE Championship state is another Evolution style stable. Why do I think this....Batista = World Heavyweight Champion and Randy Orton = WWE Champion.
I absolutely dispise John Cena. When Cena first entered the WWE, when he faced off against Kurt Angle, I thought he was going to be a decent wrestler, he certainly looked like he would be at the time.... but as time went on, I started to hate him.

What I really don't like about Cena, is the fact that he has used the same few moves his whole career. Every match that I watch of his is the same. He get dominated almost the whole match, comes back does the 5 knuckle shuffle, does the FU, wins the match. I'm really sick of seeing the same outcome all of the time.

Another reason I never liked Cena, was because of how long he had the WWE Title. There's no reason for one wrestler, especially Cena, to have the title for that long. He should of had it for 2 months tops.
I absolutely dispise John Cena. When Cena first entered the WWE, when he faced off against Kurt Angle, I thought he was going to be a decent wrestler, he certainly looked like he would be at the time.... but as time went on, I started to hate him.

What I really don't like about Cena, is the fact that he has used the same few moves his whole career. Every match that I watch of his is the same. He get dominated almost the whole match, comes back does the 5 knuckle shuffle, does the FU, wins the match. I'm really sick of seeing the same outcome all of the time.

Another reason I never liked Cena, was because of how long he had the WWE Title. There's no reason for one wrestler, especially Cena, to have the title for that long. He should of had it for 2 months tops.

MAte i think you are totally wrong... As wwe_scotland said, have you seen some of cenas old matches in OVW???? He was a genious....
The only reason why cena wrestles the way he does is because its his gimmik, and if you dnt like that then fine, every1 has their own opinion...

The reason cena had the title for so long is because he sells the most merchindice, he is the face of the company bro...

Jehricho, hogan and bret hart have all said how good he is, so i think if they have said he is good, then he must be good...

And you tell me who would make a more creditable champion???
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