[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I SAW him say that he "can't say I have never taken steroids"

Yeah, what he meant was he cant say he has never taken streroids because no matter how many times he tests negative there will always be ppl out there saying that he is on them!

I have been watching wrestling LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE

What does that have 2 do with anything

and you think I "just make up shit to bash cena".

You obviously are, bkoz ur post is all wrong and certainly hard 2 understand.

I saw him say it!!!

Were u there were u, or is there some other interview that i havent herd about yet???

I saw THE WHOLE UNEDITED interview and he said it, mate.

The one on wwe.com or the one on CNN death grip special (which was edited badly) by the way.

You need to find a differant god, yours took steroids. MATE!!

HAHAHA, i duno about that, can u name a wrestler that hasnt been tested positive b4!!!
I garuntee that ur fav wrestler has...
I SAW him say that he "can't say I have never taken steroids" I have been watching wrestling LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE and you think I "just make up shit to bash cena". I saw him say it!!! I saw THE WHOLE UNEDITED interview and he said it, mate. If the wwe doesn't do anything, it just gives the critics more ammo to bash wrestling. If the wwe was smart, which they're not, they would say he took them BEFORE he was signed with them many years ago. Instead, they bash ccn, who I don't trust, and try to say they edited the interview to make him say it, HE SAID IT, I SAW IT!!!

You need to find a differant god, yours took steroids. MATE!!!

He as well said he never took them so you got to agree with petit how he mentioned that the reason he said that because ''no matter how many times he tests negative there will always be ppl out there saying that he is on them!'''
I SAW him say that he "can't say I have never taken steroids" I have been watching wrestling LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE and you think I "just make up shit to bash cena". I saw him say it!!! I saw THE WHOLE UNEDITED interview and he said it, mate. If the wwe doesn't do anything, it just gives the critics more ammo to bash wrestling. If the wwe was smart, which they're not, they would say he took them BEFORE he was signed with them many years ago. Instead, they bash ccn, who I don't trust, and try to say they edited the interview to make him say it, HE SAID IT, I SAW IT!!!

You need to find a differant god, yours took steroids. MATE!!!

lol ya u saw him say it and by the looks of it u werent smart enough to understand it... cena should really start dumbing down his awnsers so ppl actually get what hes saying, when he said that he meant that even if he tests negative a million times ppl will still think hes on roids ya idiot

now has he ever used them? does he use them? maybe.. maybe not... the point is no1 has ever proved that hes on them, and without any proof to back up what many fans say, last time i checked, he is innocent... innocent until proven guilty... if he is on roids, then damn he cheats the tests very well, but until some1 can prove it u shouldnt be saying hes on roids as a fact..
I SAW him say that he "can't say I have never taken steroids" I have been watching wrestling LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE and you think I "just make up shit to bash cena". I saw him say it!!! I saw THE WHOLE UNEDITED interview and he said it, mate. If the wwe doesn't do anything, it just gives the critics more ammo to bash wrestling. If the wwe was smart, which they're not, they would say he took them BEFORE he was signed with them many years ago. Instead, they bash ccn, who I don't trust, and try to say they edited the interview to make him say it, HE SAID IT, I SAW IT!!!

You need to find a differant god, yours took steroids. MATE!!!

I don't know how long you've been watching wrestling, but it really has nothing to do with hearing and comprehension.

When directly asked if he's taken steroids, John Cena replies with "absolutely not". Then, he goes on to say it doesn't matter how many times he says it, there will always be people (read: YOU) who won't believe it and will always call him a cheater. So, what he says now is that he can't say that he hasn't (because people like you won't believe that), but that you'll never catch him doing it (because he doesn't).

So, honestly, yes, I think you are just picking out what you want to hear in order to run down Cena.

And, I don't worship Cena as a gad. I just understand he's better than anyone else in the business right now.

And, as far as more ammo to bash pro wrestling. You're kidding right? Like there isn't enough ammo out there to do that already?

The final story is that Cena says he's never done steroids, not even in his bodybuilder days, and there is absolutely NOTHING out there to suggest that he has, other than his impressive physique. There are no acne break-outs (like you see on plenty of guys), there's no gynecomastia, there have been no reports of Cena being out due to heart problems (like MVP was), and the man went 3 years working every day nonstop without an injury.

Cena says he's never done steroids, and while I'm always cautious of believing a pro wrestler about anything, his word has yet to be invalidated in any way.
The only reason that CNN would even try to do that is because Ted Turner owns CNN, and im sure that he had something to do with the footage being edited, just to try and take a shot at WWE, but i'm glad that they are firing back, if something like that ended Cena's career, or damaged it, i'm sure Ted would be very happy...
I don't understand how this could possibly even begin to "ruin" Cena's career. Even if he DID do steroids, the WWE would know about it (otherwise Cena wouldn't have said anything) and he'd still have been the champion. How many real fans would STOP watching wrestling because Cena took steroids?

That's just the worst case scenario. The cold hard truth is that Cena never took steroids and the only one who came out looking bad is CNN. They hurt themselves. Game over.
I've been wondering why it is in particular that it is John Cena that is singled out by the IWC for being cr*p and having a repatitive moveset.

Lets face it he is n't great in the ring and his moveset is repetitive but that hardly qualifys him for the abuse that he recieves. There are plenty of other wrestlers with about the same level of abitity as Cena on WWE pay, look at Umaga, Chris Masters and Hulk Hogan. Cena was champ for nearly a year because he sold the most merchandice, put the butts in seats not because vinnie mac likes him, same reason as Batista and JBL were champs for so long. Lets face it the marks in the audience lap up Cena's gimmik and from the mind of an eight year old mark which action figure would you rather have the one of the WWE champion or the guy he beat on six separate occasions.

as for his limited moveset it's one hell of a lot more varied than Hogan who recieves a huge pop no matter what or how bad the match is. and lets not forget which wrestler first had the six moves of doom Bret Hart yet dispite him using the same formula to end the match he never recieves 'same old shit' chants. granted Bret is a better wrestler than Cena but you catch my drift.

Cena, yes the IWC's criticisms are true but does that really qualify him for 'if Cena wins we riot' signs? unlike Batista Cena doesnt really need to be carried he can put on an ok match himself. Unlike Randy Orton he isn't lazy in the ring, doesn't have an appauling backstage attitude, doesn't have a lack of respect, and has never been caught with drugs directly in violation of the wellbeing policy. Yet both of those wrestlers recieve their 'proper' responces from the fans.

rant over, have a nice day.

I think John Cena gets it the most, because everyone in the WWE acts like he's an amazing wrestler. I mean, who else do you see with the belt for that long?
He beat some of the best, which outraged big wwe fans. A lot of the other wrestlers that aren't amazing know it, and don't trry to act it. Cena does, which obviously annoys people.
Also, the fact that all fans know Cena was only champ because he brought money to the wwe took away from our passion for it, which everyone took out on Cena.
the problem with cena is he is forced down our throats, sure there are some similarities between the way he wrestles compared to other classic wrestlers, but you have to remember when bret hart, hogan etc were wrestling it was a different time completely, back in the day when we were young or in some cases not even born yet all we wanted week in week out were clotheslines a powerbomb etc etc and we were happy with it, but as the years have gone on the classic formula has gotten repetitive, the reason we enjoy a bret hart match despite its faults is because its bret hart, the reason we 'enjoy' a hogan match is because its hogan, theres no denying that half the battle is the fact its their name is on the card and it makes you want to watch it

unfortunatley wwe just cant seem to keep up with the times, there still throwing the same shit at the wall and hoping it sticks from ten years ago, look at the attitude era, it 'revolutionised' wrestling, why? because it sold, we wanted to see the rock do the same shit week in and week out because it sold with us, because everything the announcers said he was, he was, when he lost we beleived it and it was made beleivable, it wasnt made to look like a complete farse, look at wrestlemania 17, austin beat the rock and turned heel joining forces with mcmahon, sure it was a screwjob, but as the fans we lapped it up and we loved every minute of seeing them feud

the difference between all this and cena is that times have changed, the attitude era is gone and we are faced with gimmick wrestling again on the most part, wwe tried to recapture the glory of the 90's with dx and personally i didnt take to it it just felt rehashed and run down, they are trying to promote cena as 'the biggest and best wrestler in sports entertainment today' but it never catches on with the IWC because we have seen the biggest and the best ten years ago, what we want is change, and wwe is not supplying that, for instance they still think we want a huge 350 lbs guy who destroys everyone in sight with clothelines and whatever else they can throw out, as a fan its fun to see on occasions but not all the time,

this is the problem with cena, hes booked so repetitive to an audience that want to see soemthing different but arnt getting it, look at one night stand 2006, that was filled with the IWC, the classic fans, fans from years ago that wanted to see ecw, and putting cena at the top of the card was insulting, those fans with the 'if cena wins we riot' sign, those fans that threw cenas shirt and hat back to him, they are the real fans, these are the fans that know what they want to see, not the 8 year old marks in the audience wearing chain gang t shirts and the teenage girls screamng their faces off everytime cena waves his steroid injected hand in front of his face

maybe its our own faults for being so critical all the time, i mean marks would lap up anything wwe fed them on a spoon because thats what there there for, hell we did it when we were younger, yet now we know what goes on what they churn out just isnt good enough, nobody needs to hear week in and week out that cena is 'smashmouth' and 'innovative' when its blatently an exscuse for lack of in ring talent, we dont need to hear about how great he is and how he 'defies the odds every time' how he 'will beat any challenger' because its become stale,

truth be told the only segmant with cena ive enjoyed this year is when he had the feud with khali and he cut some huge promo about how he was going to take khali down and he would defy the odds etc etc, JR at king were sat ringside maturbating over how pumped cena was, then he marched to the back all determined furrowing his gorilla brow, only to get put on his ass, and i watched raw live as they zoomed in on all the cena fans sat crying their little pre pubecent heads off, yet what did he do at the end of the feud, FU'd khali of a truck, completely unbeleivable

i went to a live raw taping in the uk a while ago and i was there with about 9 or ten friends and we were sitting a few rows back from the front, before i entered the building i had an anti cena sign confisctated (for the record all it said was '**** fena'), then during cenas match we all booed him (why go to a raw taping if you cant express an oppinion) and three little kids turned around in the row in front and told us to 'shut up or theyde kick are ass', a comment i found both hilarious and a perfect example of the younger fans these days, lapping up everything wwe throws at them.

anyway this rant has gone on far too long, in any case the reason cena is hated is because hes forced down our throats, and made to beleive hes something hes not, and the end of the day most die hard fans and the IWC will hate him regardlessly.

btw this is complete truth
Also, the fact that all fans know Cena was only champ because he brought money to the wwe took away from our passion for it, which everyone took out on Cena.
I like you how you say Cena is pushed down our throats, and how the Attitude era revolutionized wrestling. Were you even alive during the Attitude era? Because Steve Austin was forced down people's throats a whole hell of a lot more than John Cena ever was. Every week in was Austin vs. McMahon, Austin vs. Triple H, Austin vs. Undertaker, Austin vs. Rock. And, every time, Austin would win, or get cheated. EVERY time. And, everything always came back to McMahon vs. Austin. Corporation, Corporate Ministry, the Corporate Champion. It was always Austin vs. McMahon.

If that's not shoving down people's throats, I don't know what is.

Of course, the difference is, I understand that is what makes successful business. When someone is your top draw, it's idiotic to NOT have him be the focus of your show every week. Putting Austin in the main-event every week was smart because he was a mega draw. Putting Cena in the main-event ever week is smart because he's the biggest draw in the company.

I also like how you ended your post.

"Also, the fact that all fans know Cena was only champ because he brought money to the wwe took away from our passion for it, which everyone took out on Cena."

Umm, what other reason is there for someone to be champ, other than because he brought money to the WWE? That's the whole point of being the champion.
I like you how you say Cena is pushed down our throats, and how the Attitude era revolutionized wrestling. Were you even alive during the Attitude era? Because Steve Austin was forced down people's throats a whole hell of a lot more than John Cena ever was. Every week in was Austin vs. McMahon, Austin vs. Triple H, Austin vs. Undertaker, Austin vs. Rock. And, every time, Austin would win, or get cheated. EVERY time. And, everything always came back to McMahon vs. Austin. Corporation, Corporate Ministry, the Corporate Champion. It was always Austin vs. McMahon.

That's a great point. The one major difference was that during the Attitude Era there were more entertaining and legitimate stars to distract us from the week in, week out Austin vs McMahon feud. We got the Rock vs Foley as a welcomed interruption. We got DX vs The Nation. We had the rebirth of the Undertaker and his feud with Kane. We had the start of the careers of The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian. At every turn there was something cool happening.

Now-a-days, you have John Cena playing the Austin role, but it's harder to find distractions. HHH, Michaels, Edge, Kennedy, and Lashley have had trouble getting legit momentum due to injuries. The steroid controversy is at an all-time high. 3 brands have effectively watered down the product, especially for people like me who have a life and cannot sit around three nights a week for WWE and one night a week for TNA. I miss ECW and Smackdown everyweek, so Raw and Impact are all I have.

During the attitude era, RAW was all I needed.
That's a great point. The one major difference was that during the Attitude Era there were more entertaining and legitimate stars to distract us from the week in, week out Austin vs McMahon feud. We got the Rock vs Foley as a welcomed interruption. We got DX vs The Nation. We had the rebirth of the Undertaker and his feud with Kane. We had the start of the careers of The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian. At every turn there was something cool happening.
I disagree. I htink the biggest difference is that there was only one 2 hour show every week on Monday, and that was it. So, you couldn't wait to see wrestling because it only happened once a week. Now, it comes on three times a week (four with TNA), and the business is just oversaturated.

Now-a-days, you have John Cena playing the Austin role, but it's harder to find distractions. HHH, Michaels, Edge, Kennedy, and Lashley have had trouble getting legit momentum due to injuries. The steroid controversy is at an all-time high. 3 brands have effectively watered down the product, especially for people like me who have a life and cannot sit around three nights a week for WWE and one night a week for TNA. I miss ECW and Smackdown everyweek, so Raw and Impact are all I have.
Yes, but imagine Cena, HHH, HBK, Lashley, Edge, Undertaker, Batista, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, MVP, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Kane, Umaga, Cade/Murdoch, London/Kendrick, WGTT, John Morrison, Elijah Burke, The Great Khali and Randy Orton....all on the same 2 hour show every week.

How does that strike you as an entertaining show?

During the attitude era, RAW was all I needed.
It was also all you had.
I disagree. I htink the biggest difference is that there was only one 2 hour show every week on Monday, and that was it. So, you couldn't wait to see wrestling because it only happened once a week. Now, it comes on three times a week (four with TNA), and the business is just oversaturated.

Yes, but imagine Cena, HHH, HBK, Lashley, Edge, Undertaker, Batista, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, MVP, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Kane, Umaga, Cade/Murdoch, London/Kendrick, WGTT, John Morrison, Elijah Burke, The Great Khali and Randy Orton....all on the same 2 hour show every week.

How does that strike you as an entertaining show?

The business is very oversaturated. I definetly agree with that and your point that it was only on once so you were pumped up to watch it. But I agree with IrishCanadian with the fact that there was always something exciting. Although Austin/McMahon was constantly happening you were always interested in everything rather than just that feud. Whereas nowadays, the main event is so pushed down our throats that everybody loses interest in the uppercard and midcard. And because they focus all of their attention on the main event the upper and mid card matches either sucks or are pointless.

That doesn't sound entertaining. It strikes me as out of control. That is why ECW should be removed send the talent to Smackdown or cut it in half. Then really focus on every match on the card. So that our pay-per-views aren't useless. And every match is worth while.

That is why John Cena's injury made me happy. I thought that finally things weren't just going to be focused on him and attention would go to every match.
I SAW him say that he "can't say I have never taken steroids" I have been watching wrestling LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE and you think I "just make up shit to bash cena". I saw him say it!!! I saw THE WHOLE UNEDITED interview and he said it, mate. If the wwe doesn't do anything, it just gives the critics more ammo to bash wrestling. If the wwe was smart, which they're not, they would say he took them BEFORE he was signed with them many years ago. Instead, they bash ccn, who I don't trust, and try to say they edited the interview to make him say it, HE SAID IT, I SAW IT!!!

You need to find a differant god, yours took steroids. MATE!!!

ok obviously you went deaf or something after you heard that because you didnt hear the whole sentence. His entire phrase was, "I cant say that i have never taken steriods, but you will never be able to prove that i have" MEANING, and this came straight from him, that if he tells you that he isnt taking steriods and he gets tested and passes, no one will believe him anyway because they will think that he is just doing something to cover it up, no one ever believes a wrestler or an athete that built. so he isnt going to waste his time by trying to explain it to everyone, just keep throwing the tests at him.

the article is on wwe.com
oh and i was just reading all of these other replys. i think everyone has very good points, my opinion is that Cena is good. no one can disagree with that. i know hes no Stone Cold or the Rock but he is good.

i think that people are going to be a fan of who ever they want to be a fan of, and they will have their reasons. but i think that the way the wwe has brought cena up to have a lot of younger fans is the best because those are the fans that are going to be with them during the next 5, 10, 20 years. and then they will pass it down to their kids. it is good business whether you like it or not.
Cena is no different then whoever Vince crowns as the next legend....he's only got like five moves and he's shoved down our throats constantly.....a lot of people have been successful with that, but just something about Cena makes it not work for me and I just want him to drop back to being a mid card guy.
I liked the Cena/Carlito feud on Smakdown a fews years back....plus his "choke on these nuts" phrase...but it seems like Wwe has taken what they liked and wrote the "Cena part of him" out. Now were lucky to see/hear anything new that he could come up with....I guess we will have to wait till they repackage him in a few years so he can get over with the crowd. Then again they could just make him Heel and we all would be more than happy to boo him.
My hatred for cena has really diminished since he got injured. I used to growl at every clothesline , flying shoulder block and FU. Every single throwback, protobomb , 5 knuckle shuffle and STFU. But now i can watch a cena match from during his 13 month title reign and not do that. Looking at cena now , when not having my judgement clouded by fury, i can see cena for the hell of an entertainer he is , Cena will never be a great technical wrestler , but he is the biggest draw in this buisness since stone cold and thats a fact. I see Triple H move from heel to buried heel , even moving onto faces now(he must be bored of beating umaga). At this moment I can see whats wrong with wrestling , and it isnt john cena , a great guy who gives 150% every match , its politicking assholes like Hunter hearst helmsley , setting himself up for yet another wrestlemania main event . It makes me sick that he can keep doing this.
The best thing for WWE to do is Have Cena turn heel when he comes back. They should not Hype his return and have it come out of nowhere at a raw. They should make Jericho the champion and have him Fued with Orton and HHH over the next 5 months cuz wwe loves to have run down fueds. Build Jericho Up as the big babyface Champion and have Cena come out of nowhere and fued with Jericho. I no they already had a long fued but this time Cena will be his cocky self and everyone will hate him. In my opinion Cena is a great heel and this could get him over extremely well. I would compare him to Edge as to getting heel heat. Any Comments.....
i don't agree with anyone when they say john cena does the same moves or has a lousy move set he did his best to keep the title when john gets back he is going to retain his title just like when he won it.
Dont you see now hes gone you can say aw he was great i actually regret hating him so much hes a hell of an entertainer, boo fucking who wrestling is about technical ability, what if Rey didnt do high flying moves hed be a fucking bore, come on if Lashley didnt have his moveset hed be Batista mark II, if Mick Foley wasnt so hardcore hed wouldnt be wrestling.

Yes you need a good gimmick and some tv time but just having 5 moves and being good on the mic dosnt qualify you to be a champ or a wrestler.

BORING BORING BORING thats what Cena is see when he was US champion he had an extensive moveset and slick mic skills even when rapper Cena was face vs Big Show i liked him but for him to win over Big Show at Wrestlemania 20 with the knuckle dusters after getting officially his ass handed to him nah it was then i knew that this kid has glitches fix them keep him doing the athletic stuff not the entertainment.

All some people need is a balance some playa can wrestle but never has a good gimmick to go along, but then some nobody can come in and wrestle with out any training i think that you need to have a balance this is what CENA DOSNT HAVE.

This is what alows WWE to bring in singers and tv personality to wrestle this allows guy with no ability to beat guys with ability making it seem unreal when a guy does a thousand powerful moves yet this other joke is fine and does his finisher and a few punches.

Thats it i quit im feed up with the powerful meat head brawlers who only punch and do stuff like clothesline its boring and im never watching when Cena comes back ill only watch if they start to move WWE away from the kids audience.
Thats bullshit! if rey-rey didnt have his moveset he'd probably be standing outside home depot. :laugh:

BORING BORING BORING thats what Cena is see when he was US champion he had an extensive moveset and slick mic skills even when rapper Cena was face vs Big Show i liked him but for him to win over Big Show at Wrestlemania 20 with the knuckle dusters after getting officially his ass handed to him nah it was then i knew that this kid has glitches fix them keep him doing the athletic stuff not the entertainment.

All some people need is a balance some playa can wrestle but never has a good gimmick to go along, but then some nobody can come in and wrestle with out any training i think that you need to have a balance this is what CENA DOSNT HAVE.


UUUHHH... i think he actually fu'd the 500 lb bastard to win. but c'mon balance!? he entertains, is great on the mic, sells moves excellently, and has 2or 3 MOTY candidates this year alone! BALANCED!? i think you need a dictionary.
Dont you see now hes gone you can say aw he was great i actually regret hating him so much hes a hell of an entertainer, boo fucking who wrestling is about technical ability, what if Rey didnt do high flying moves hed be a fucking bore, come on if Lashley didnt have his moveset hed be Batista mark II, if Mick Foley wasnt so hardcore hed wouldnt be wrestling.

Yes you need a good gimmick and some tv time but just having 5 moves and being good on the mic dosnt qualify you to be a champ or a wrestler.

BORING BORING BORING thats what Cena is see when he was US champion he had an extensive moveset and slick mic skills even when rapper Cena was face vs Big Show i liked him but for him to win over Big Show at Wrestlemania 20 with the knuckle dusters after getting officially his ass handed to him nah it was then i knew that this kid has glitches fix them keep him doing the athletic stuff not the entertainment.

All some people need is a balance some playa can wrestle but never has a good gimmick to go along, but then some nobody can come in and wrestle with out any training i think that you need to have a balance this is what CENA DOSNT HAVE.

This is what alows WWE to bring in singers and tv personality to wrestle this allows guy with no ability to beat guys with ability making it seem unreal when a guy does a thousand powerful moves yet this other joke is fine and does his finisher and a few punches.

Thats it i quit im feed up with the powerful meat head brawlers who only punch and do stuff like clothesline its boring and im never watching when Cena comes back ill only watch if they start to move WWE away from the kids audience.

ok u do realise that u just admited that he is a good wrestler? u said how b4 he had good mic skills and his wrestling was entertaining, and now he sucks... ok try to understand this, it isnt cenas job to choose wich moves he does, wwe booked him to be the babyface with the 5 moves of doom, and his mic skills are still great, but what he says is lame.. its not the same thing

if any1 watches cenas old matches u will see how he CAN wrestle, and its not that he CANT now, its that WWE doesnt want him to be using a lot of moves, probably cuz they wanted to lower his risk of being injured? or cuz the champ needed basically just signature moves? but that doesnt mean he cant wrestle as hes proved otherwise in older matches

also wrestling isnt just moves, cenas works the crowd so f*ckin well, he has great pace in a match and sells very well, also hes probably one of the most charasmatic wrestler out of all the young ones...

a good wrestler doesnt become bad over night, it depends on the booking...

and no, wrestling isnt about technical ability, sorry but its the typical smark attitude, if the guy cant cut a promo, doesnt have mic skills, doesnt have charisma, cant sell, and only has technical ability hes not a great wrestler.. a wrestler has to know how to do more then a couple of moves... if u want great technical ability go watch REAL wrestling... also if wrestling is about technical ability then i guess the rock sucked right? or the undertaker, stone cold (actually he could wrestle but his raw gimmick was being just a brawler), triple h, man the list can go on... its funny how ppl bash cena but consider guys like the rock to be the best when he did like... 4 moves tops..
It's interesting to see the IWC's reaction to him now.

I think this injury is all he needed. When he had that huge title reign, we were all sick of him and wanted him to give up the title and everything, but now that he's injured, people have lightened up a little bit. Maybe a FEW people will bash him when he returns.

I wonder how they'll have him return, though.
i agree with Collinstown2000, Cena should change his gimmick and turn heel.. the face Cena has had all the feuds he can accept the payoff match vs. Orton and maybe a feud with Kennedy...apart fom that, turning heel would allow him to feud with Taker, Batista, Jericho, HHH, Kennedy when he is face, Lashley, Edge when he is face, Rey, Hardys.....there r a lot of faces in the company, and all the heels hav already been beaten by cena
Let's face it. Cena was extremely over with WWE fans with his "Doctor of Thuganomics" gimmick. The throwback jerseys, the "freestyle" raps, the "thug walk" to the ring, the backwards fitted, laid back style, etc. Listen to the fans' reaction when he came out during the very first WWE draft (in '04, when he picked for Paul Heyman) or when he entered the 2005 Royal Rumble. As soon as his music hit, the fans popped like he was Austin or somebody. He was WAY over. People LIKED him (myself included).

But then WWE went AWAY from that. They changed his theme song (which many ppl may not see as a big deal but I definitely didnt like the change) he stopped rapping/freestyling on his opponents, he changed his style and became "I love the marines" Cena, being the ultimate good guy, which MANY people HATE nowadays. Hell, I remember in Jan of '06, after he lost to Edge at NY's Revolution, he gave that "Kiss My Ass" speech and fans CHEERED him again. So he just needs to get that EDGE back, and that SWAGGER he had.

All in all, I don't really have a PROBLEM with Cena. But I DO prefer his rapper gimmick 100 times more than this "marine soldier, never say die" thing he has goin' right now.
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