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[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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:flair: :flair:
Because they are human BEINGS. These are people who exist in real life, and have real families, and pay real taxes.

The only thing that seperates humans from animals is remorse for others. Thats one of the most assinine posts i have ever seen in my life. As a strong WWE fan it hurts to see Cena have to surrender his title like this. But i am more concerned with the fact that this man was injured and may never come back the same. His carreer lies in the balance. Cena is a young guy (About 30?) and this can really mess up his life.

You see Cena as strictly for your entertainment, well I have some news for you pal, this isnt ancient Rome. we don't just throw people into the arena and watch them get the living crap beat out of them and then be happy that they're severely hurt / dead.

And television characters? SHIT. If Homer Simpson or Agent Mulder got hurt, no one would care because they are characters. John (Felix Anthony) Cena is a real person and he is really hurt.

Show some respect for a guy who gets out there and puts a great show on for you. Like his character or not, he's a human being.

i dont this know guy but i couldnt agree with someone more than this. thank you for being they voice of reason in the iwc. it is nice so see someone with some compassion.
SLYFOX! Ok, here goes. I agree with most of what you say, with one major exception.

The injury to Cena did NOT put his year-long title reign to waste. No no no, my unworthy adversary, it ENHANCED IT. Let me explain.

Back in the 90's, Shawn Michaels got hurt and the Intercontinental Championship was vacated. In a match against Rick Martel, Razor Ramon won it. He then went on to have a decent run with it. When HBK got back, however, he was able to make the ACCURATE claim - "I was never beaten for my title." He had the replica belt made, and the war began.

That feud over a title that was NEVER lost by Michaels set up one of the best matches of the last 20 years - the Wrestlemania 10 Ladder Match. It didn't feel as though either guy went in with one as the "champion" and one as the "challenger."

Now, come next Summer, John Cena gets to show up and claim that NOBODY ever beat him for the title. Instant match heat, just add water. This injury and resulting title stripping almost extends Cena's streak to two years without pissing off the fans with short attention spans. If the WWE belt is on a major face (HHH?) come Cena's return, he can come back heel claiming he "wants his belt back." McLoving it.

No, anytime a wrestler loses the title without putting over his opponent, it hurts the prestige of the title. Shawn Michaels losing the title isn't what made the IC championship more meaningful, it was the feud with Razor that did it. They had a good feud with good matches which made the belt meaningful. But, you don't have to have an injury return angle to do that.

Anytime your champion drops the belt without putting over the next guy, it hurts both the next guy and the title. Now, if they write a good return feud over the belt for Cena, then maybe it will help the prestige. But, him getting injured holding the belt is not making the title more prestigious.

Why do you think people get so pissed off at Shawn Michaels being so selfish and refusing to put people over?
Hi, Im new here and a big fan of cena's. Seeing this happen to him is just terrible. Whether you like the guy's character or not, he's a hard worker, puts on a great show and yeah, he does a lot of charity work.
So I couldn't agree with this more:

Because they are human BEINGS. These are people who exist in real life, and have real families, and pay real taxes.

The only thing that seperates humans from animals is remorse for others. Thats one of the most assinine posts i have ever seen in my life. As a strong WWE fan it hurts to see Cena have to surrender his title like this. But i am more concerned with the fact that this man was injured and may never come back the same. His carreer lies in the balance. Cena is a young guy (About 30?) and this can really mess up his life.

You see Cena as strictly for your entertainment, well I have some news for you pal, this isnt ancient Rome. we don't just throw people into the arena and watch them get the living crap beat out of them and then be happy that they're severely hurt / dead.

And television characters? SHIT. If Homer Simpson or Agent Mulder got hurt, no one would care because they are characters. John (Felix Anthony) Cena is a real person and he is really hurt.

Show some respect for a guy who gets out there and puts a great show on for you. Like his character or not, he's a human being.
Finally Cena won't have the belt, thank God I hate him so much.
They should have turned him heal a year and a half ago when fans started booing him instead Vince kept him champion and thats why I have given up on wrestling.
He's been the worst champ since Hogan, and he is the single reason why I am more interest in MMA than wrestling, thanks Vince for ruining wrestling.

Alas it too late I have already given up and know watch more MMA than wrestling.
No, anytime a wrestler loses the title without putting over his opponent, it hurts the prestige of the title. Shawn Michaels losing the title isn't what made the IC championship more meaningful, it was the feud with Razor that did it. They had a good feud with good matches which made the belt meaningful. But, you don't have to have an injury return angle to do that.

Anytime your champion drops the belt without putting over the next guy, it hurts both the next guy and the title. Now, if they write a good return feud over the belt for Cena, then maybe it will help the prestige. But, him getting injured holding the belt is not making the title more prestigious.

Why do you think people get so pissed off at Shawn Michaels being so selfish and refusing to put people over?

Wow! I never thought that I would say this, and trust me it is very hard, but I acctually agree with you Sly! I don't like Cena, at all, but I think that it is horrible that he got hurt. I hate the fact that he has to be stripped of the title. It isn't fair to Cena, the guy that he may have put over, and the fans. To be honest, I griped on this site for months about how I want Cena to lose the title. He's not the champ anymore and that made alot of smarks happy, but not me. It doesn't mean anything to me if he got stripped of the title. I wanted to see him lose the title. I respect Cena and I hate the fact that he got injured. Hopefully the title will not lose it's prestige, but if history is any indicator, it will. Look at SD! We have had multiple champions in a matter of months. So who cares who holds the SD title. It could very well be someone else next week!
It is very sad that it took Cene getting injured to loose the title. I wanted to see him loose it in a match not this way. Now when Cene gets healed we can see more of this boring crap. A blow to raw, hell no not if you would like to see something new for a change. Don't get me weong Cena is a Great wrestler and very dedicated to what he does. I don't blame Cena I blame the writers and Vince. His title reign was getting so old and boring there wasn't even a point to watch Raw anymore and I love Raw. They could have least changed things up a bit, turn Cena Heel That's and idea. They had so many chances to do so and blew evey single one and let the fans down once again. Maybey not to the average fan, but when you realy know and respect wrestling thats when it does.
While i agree that it ruins the lineage of the belt with Cena just dropping it, I think it might do excellent for John Cena.

Sure, the Title takes a hit, because whoever is the next champion will be the guy that beat a ghost for it. Essentially, they didn't beat the champ and they are carrying someones title until the champ returns.

Cena's 13 month title reign, coupled with his insane run over the last 2 1/2 years minus 3 months makes this good for him. Cena never lost the title, so effectively, he may have one of the greatest title reigns in history on paper. A 13 month reign, and never getting beat for the belt, that's the kind of things young fans are going to be talking about ten years from now.
ya i cant imagine how some1 can say something like they dont care about the wrestlers health, dude they are humans just like us, i wouldnt wish harm upon any1, especially these wrestlers that, either i like or not, work almost the whole year and pretty much every single day of the week to entertain us, its one of the craziest jobs when u think about, i dont know how they handle it o_O... and wrestlers do care about the fans, they've done many things for us fans and showed us a lot of respect many times, i think we could at least do the same...

on another note, for those of u saying kennedy is hurting every1, if i remember correctly lashley was already hurt b4 his match with kennedy, they used his match against kennedy as a storyline to get lashley off tv, but it wasnt actually kennedy who injured him... though im not sure about this but i think i remember reading something like this here on WZ...

so im pretty sure this is the 1st time kennedy has injured some1 during a match, too bad for him that it was the biggest star in WWE right now, but still shit happens, and the way cena works, it was bound to happen soon....
While i agree that it ruins the lineage of the belt with Cena just dropping it, I think it might do excellent for John Cena.

Sure, the Title takes a hit, because whoever is the next champion will be the guy that beat a ghost for it. Essentially, they didn't beat the champ and they are carrying someones title until the champ returns.

Cena's 13 month title reign, coupled with his insane run over the last 2 1/2 years minus 3 months makes this good for him. Cena never lost the title, so effectively, he may have one of the greatest title reigns in history on paper. A 13 month reign, and never getting beat for the belt, that's the kind of things young fans are going to be talking about ten years from now.
I agree with everything you said. However, the one thing you have to keep in mind is that the WWE Title is more important than Cena. Because, when Cena is gone, the WWE will still go on, and will be around the next great draw of the company. It's more important, in my opinion, to keep the title strong than it is to keep any particular wrestler strong. Now, obviously, they didn't have a choice here, and your post is the "glass half-full" type of thing, but it still hurts the WWE Title, which is more important.
This is the kind of think which at times makes me ashamed to be a wrestling fan.When people can be happy that a guy gets injured and cheer when they he he could be out for a year.I applaud the guy who just made posts above mine for being some of the voices of reason in the IWC.Cena worked his ass off.way more than people's "Growth Hormone-Injecting" Mr.Kennedy.People shouldnt become Dumb-Smarks who know "how" wrestling happens,but are ignorant "why" it happens.
John was booked by Vince to keep the title for sooo long to put him over and stabilize the company.Frequent title changes& short reigns seem cool in the short term,but "superstars" rarely ever emerge.
Cena was the top draw in the company& more guys paid money to boo him than those who would have come to cheer the rest of the roster combined!
This may open up the feild for a new guy to step up,but its still a huge blow.
I agree that shit happens& he hadnt had a serious injury in 6years,which was an achievemenat IMO.
I wanted Cena out just as bad as the next guy but not like this. Can you really say this was a good way out? I'm assuming he was about to lose it that or go bad guy champion and have a nice face set him straight. Its bad that he was injured I really would have rather saw it all play out.

On one hand you have to say thats what happens when you keep a "superman champ" for so long. You keep pushing him and an opponent over and over every show the human body is bound to show its flaws eventually. Cena hasn't had a "calm" RAW night in awhile. Every show he's been beating down on somebody or having someone beat on him. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I look at it this way, its better to have happened on RAW than in a PPV where he would have had to keep it going the entire match. Its a good chance for him to rest up and hopefully return as a vengeful character rather than super man.

On the other hand I am a little interested to see a major change coming to RAW. We've seen pretty much the same thing every night. I think it'll overall be rough for the PPV but good for Cena and RAW. Half the crowd would boo Cena the other half would cheer. The half that cheered will mostly buy into whatever gimmick is put out there and the other half will be happy to just have something else to watch. Cena will hopefully recover and return bigger than ever just like Triple H did.

Overall its a bad thing that happened but in the end it will all turn out alright for everyone.
Finally Cena won't have the belt, thank God I hate him so much.
They should have turned him heal a year and a half ago when fans started booing him instead Vince kept him champion and thats why I have given up on wrestling.
He's been the worst champ since Hogan, and he is the single reason why I am more interest in MMA than wrestling, thanks Vince for ruining wrestling.

Alas it too late I have already given up and know watch more MMA than wrestling.

It sad to read what you wrote man.Alas we're all intitled to our own opinions.The reason the didnt turn him heel was because it would have killed the WWE.Vince wasnt thinking about today's fans,but rather making a future investment.People ragged on Cena (&Mysterio) for having a majority of the fans being under 12.The fact is that was the point.Today's 12yr olds, are tomorrows 25yr olds.Cena helped bring in a new generation of fans to the WWE,thereby insuring the company has a future.
This is the kind of think which at times makes me ashamed to be a wrestling fan.When people can be happy that a guy gets injured and cheer when they he he could be out for a year.I applaud the guy who just made posts above mine for being some of the voices of reason in the IWC.Cena worked his ass off.way more than people's "Growth Hormone-Injecting" Mr.Kennedy.People shouldnt become Dumb-Smarks who know "how" wrestling happens,but are ignorant "why" it happens.
John was booked by Vince to keep the title for sooo long to put him over and stabilize the company.Frequent title changes& short reigns seem cool in the short term,but "superstars" rarely ever emerge.
Cena was the top draw in the company& more guys paid money to boo him than those who would have come to cheer the rest of the roster combined!
This may open up the feild for a new guy to step up,but its still a huge blow.
I agree that shit happens& he hadnt had a serious injury in 6years,which was an achievemenat IMO.

I totally agree with this quote. It was a disgrace that when Vince announced that Cena would be out for 6 months the crowd cheered and when Vince said it oculd tak up to a year, the cheer got louder. That is disgraceful! I plan on heading off personally to wrestling school this year now that I graduated college and if God willing I made it and got hurt and people cheered because I was hurt and couldn't work and do what I loved I don't know how I would react. How do you think Cena felt that people cheered his injury? He came out every week, house shows, RAW, PPV's, charity work, you name it, and because people dont like the angle that WWE MANAGEMENT...NOT CENA...put him in, they cheered because he would lose the belt. Give me a break...that is disgusting...I hope the diagnosis is not as bad as they think and Cena comes back fast, hopefully in time for WM, and I hope he headlines it and wins the championship back. He has earned it. He had my respect already, but then, like when HHH went down both times, he finished the match. He takes pride in what he does. He knew he was injured...you dont think he could have had the ref end the match quicker or not have Orton attempt to put him through the table at the end. Wrong, he could have had thngs cut because of his injury but becuase of his loyalty to the WWE, the fans, and for his own self-respect, he finished his skit and ended it the way they had it planned to be ended. So, I am disgusted at the fans response and lost soo much respect for so many of the fans, I have gained 100 times more respect for Cena and hope he comes back faster and better than ever!
I hated the Cena Character but I respect a Man that can go out there and give it his all for the fans.He'll be back and ready his belt I say that orton gets it in some weird way
Look guys, this is not a life threatening injury. You all know as well as I do that Cena was going to "overcome the odds" again at No Mercy, considering that its a crapshoot ppv. This gives all of us dedicated funs a WELL DESERVED break of the "same ole shit" that is John Cena. I would personally like to see Umaga become WWE Champion and have a reign of terror with Vince by his side.
There was a change to see two of my favorite wrestlers to go against each other and now this, damn! Last PPV's "main event" was just horrible and I hoped a better this time out. Well, hopefully Orton gets the title now.

I was going to say the same thing about the reactions in ECW. That ain't right. I've been injured many times in my basketball career, and it would make me sick if someone would think that's great and take pleasure of seeing you hurt. That's whole lot of work to get back in shape and rehab.
Ok i couldn't be happier to see Cena gone for a while but not like this I wanted to see that no mercy match and I would hate it to if people were getting enjoyment out of me getting injured to but because its not me,


hey i'm not laughing that the real John Cena is injured just the gimmick he uses i'm sure he's not a arse in real life
Because they are human BEINGS. These are people who exist in real life, and have real families, and pay real taxes.

The only thing that seperates humans from animals is remorse for others. Thats one of the most assinine posts i have ever seen in my life. As a strong WWE fan it hurts to see Cena have to surrender his title like this. But i am more concerned with the fact that this man was injured and may never come back the same. His carreer lies in the balance. Cena is a young guy (About 30?) and this can really mess up his life.

You see Cena as strictly for your entertainment, well I have some news for you pal, this isnt ancient Rome. we don't just throw people into the arena and watch them get the living crap beat out of them and then be happy that they're severely hurt / dead.

And television characters? SHIT. If Homer Simpson or Agent Mulder got hurt, no one would care because they are characters. John (Felix Anthony) Cena is a real person and he is really hurt.

Show some respect for a guy who gets out there and puts a great show on for you. Like his character or not, he's a human being.

There is no way this should signifcantly impact Cena's life. He has been at the top of the WWE payscale for a long time now, and unless he's an absolute idiot financially, he should be set for life, even if he never wrestles again, which he will. Aside from the money, he has gotten to live his dream for a long time now, which is something many people will never be able to say.

As for my comment that these people are "characters," I mean that Cena, along with all other celebrities (including those I like to watch) have had the same level of impact on my life (and most of the rest of us) as Charlie Brown. In any measurable, "real" sense, they may as well not exist. Since I have/desire no actual contact with them, I may dislike the circumsances in which they find themselves, but don't expect a huge outpouring of sympathy.

I reserve my sympathy for the families I see torn apart on a regular basis. I reserve my sympathy for people disadvantaged by forces outside of their control, from many of which they can never recover. In terms of people and situations for which I have sympathy, a mega-rich celebrity having his career sidetracked for a year or so (at most), and then instantly being put back on top the second he returns, all the while raking in money hand over fist in merchandise sales, does not rank very high. Call me a savage if you like, but that's just how I see it.
It sad to read what you wrote man.Alas we're all intitled to our own opinions.The reason the didnt turn him heel was because it would have killed the WWE.Vince wasnt thinking about today's fans,but rather making a future investment.People ragged on Cena (&Mysterio) for having a majority of the fans being under 12.The fact is that was the point.Today's 12yr olds, are tomorrows 25yr olds.Cena helped bring in a new generation of fans to the WWE,thereby insuring the company has a future.

So by your logic, Vince is saying: "Piss on the fans that have been watching for years, I want to make sure that I get some new fans so that I can piss on them later!" I completely disagree with you. I think that once the 12yr olds get to the age where they'd rather see a good performance as opposed to a hero, Cena will no longer be their favorite and if he is still on top at that point. They will be posting on this site right along with other smarks.

Let me make my point more valid. The Ultimate Warrior was very popular when I was young, along with Hogan, and some others. One could argue, "Hogan is still popular." That is completely true, but why is he still popular? Because he was able to completely change his image and apeal to a new generation of fans. Warrior couldn't do this and because of that, he is no longer around. Look at 'Taker, he is always changing his image and his in ring style. This keeps him fresh with the fans and because of that, he will always be popular. Ohter wrestlers are able to do this aswell. HHH, The Rock, Austin, HBK. They have all changed their image and character at one point. They continue to impress new audiences and that is why they will go down as great.
I reserve my sympathy for the families I see torn apart on a regular basis. I reserve my sympathy for people disadvantaged by forces outside of their control, from many of which they can never recover. In terms of people and situations for which I have sympathy, a mega-rich celebrity having his career sidetracked for a year or so (at most), and then instantly being put back on top the second he returns, all the while raking in money hand over fist in merchandise sales, does not rank very high. Call me a savage if you like, but that's just how I see it.

in other words ur sympathy is limited or something? u cant have sympathy for cena and everything else u mentioned? im not saying u have to build a shrine and pray for cena everyday lol, all im saying is that it wouldnt kill u, or any other fan thats happy about this, to show cena some respect for working has ass off and hope he heals well and comes back...

i hated cena just as much as the next guy, doesnt mean i cant have sympathy for an injury or respect for him as a person...

anyway, i didnt watch ECW this week, i was too busy, but im sad to hear that ppl were chanting this injury, this goes to show that ppl being happy with cenas injury isnt just smarks from the IWC, its many fans in general... i really dont understand the mentality of the wrestling fans nowadays anymore o_O....

though one might wonder that we heard cheers because it was ECW.... and no disrespect, im a ECW fan myself, but there are many ******s that go to the ECW shows just to yell out crap....
in other words ur sympathy is limited or something? u cant have sympathy for cena and everything else u mentioned?

Nah, it just means that I'm not going to get all worked into a lather about something relatively minor that can't be changed. While I personally hope to never have to endure a Cena match again, I do hope that he recovers fully.

Anybody else think that this is very convenient timing, getting Cena out of the limelight in time for the steroid hearings? Not saying it's a work, I think it the injury is legit, just an interesting coincidence.
Nah, it just means that I'm not going to get all worked into a lather about something relatively minor that can't be changed. While I personally hope to never have to endure a Cena match again, I do hope that he recovers fully.

There's a difference between the ignorant thought of an extremely painful injury that requires major surgery and up to a year of gruelling rehab that will keep him from doing what he loves being "minor" and being happy about it.

First of all, I get it, there are worse things in life. I guess I just don't understand your inability to have different levels of sympathy. If it's not the absolute worst thing possible, you don't care about them? If you have a family member in Iraq and they suffer a devastating injury (losing an arm or a leg, etc.) you'll tell them you have no sympathy because you can't get all worked into a lather about something relatively minor that can't be changed...they're still alive, right? When my 5 year old daughter came home from school today with a paper cut, should I have told her I don't care because it's something minor that can't be changed? See, it's ok to have sympathy for major AND minor things. You're not given a set amount of sympathy that you're allowed to give out in your life and then it's all gone.

But it's one thing to be a jackoff and say you don't care about it and ignorantly downplay it as no big deal(obviously these people are going about their life with a complete lack of common sense), and it's another to be so incredibly selfish as to actually be HAPPY about it. And those are that people that are a disgrace to wrestling fans and mankind in general. What has Cena done to you personally to make you want him to go through this? Ok, maybe he makes two hours on Monday nights of your life a little less enjoyable. Does that really have any affect at all on you? Is your life really going to be that much better with him off Raw for the next few months or a year, that you feel it's worth it to make somebody go through that much pain and suffering for it to happen? If you answered yes to that, you are either the worst person in the world or you really need a life. Raw should not mean that much to you. If you want to say it's no big deal, ok, do you want to go through it? Are you willing to suffer a debilitating injury that requires major surgery and months of tortureous rehab so you can get back to doing what you love the most, just to make my life alittle better for two hours a week?
There's a difference between the ignorant thought of an extremely painful injury that requires major surgery and up to a year of gruelling rehab that will keep him from doing what he loves being "minor" and being happy about it.

First of all, I get it, there are worse things in life. I guess I just don't understand your inability to have different levels of sympathy. If it's not the absolute worst thing possible, you don't care about them? If you have a family member in Iraq and they suffer a devastating injury (losing an arm or a leg, etc.) you'll tell them you have no sympathy because you can't get all worked into a lather about something relatively minor that can't be changed...they're still alive, right? When my 5 year old daughter came home from school today with a paper cut, should I have told her I don't care because it's something minor that can't be changed? See, it's ok to have sympathy for major AND minor things. You're not given a set amount of sympathy that you're allowed to give out in your life and then it's all gone.

But it's one thing to be a jackoff and say you don't care about it and ignorantly downplay it as no big deal(obviously these people are going about their life with a complete lack of common sense), and it's another to be so incredibly selfish as to actually be HAPPY about it. And those are that people that are a disgrace to wrestling fans and mankind in general. What has Cena done to you personally to make you want him to go through this? Ok, maybe he makes two hours on Monday nights of your life a little less enjoyable. Does that really have any affect at all on you? Is your life really going to be that much better with him off Raw for the next few months or a year, that you feel it's worth it to make somebody go through that much pain and suffering for it to happen? If you answered yes to that, you are either the worst person in the world or you really need a life. Raw should not mean that much to you. If you want to say it's no big deal, ok, do you want to go through it? Are you willing to suffer a debilitating injury that requires major surgery and months of tortureous rehab so you can get back to doing what you love the most, just to make my life alittle better for two hours a week?

Dude, relax...he'll be back. By "relatively minor" I mean that we have seen many a superstar suffer these injuries and worse, and come back. That's relatively minor. "Major" is stuff like Droz never being able to walk again, or Stone Cold having his neck broken, or Owen's family losing their brother/father/son. Last I checked, a torn muscle is not quite the same as severed appendage, as implied in your oh-so-eloquent Iraq example. A pec tear is not life-threatening, and not usually a career-killer. Yeah, for the time being the pain and rehab will suck for Cena, but let's not lose perspective here.

As for my life improving by watching RAW on Monday Nights, my life doesn't revolve around RAW (and, yes, I appreciate the irony of making such a declaration on a wrestling message board). I just happen to be in the apparent minority who like being entertained by their TV watching. And to make RAW entertaining again, it'll take a lot more than just Cena off the show for a while (BTW, I'd really hoped his movie career would take off, so we'd be rid of him that way, not by injury). It will take decent storylines, and better matches. BTW, I didn't want something like this to happen, as so many have implied. But now that it's happened, I'm not going to sulk for Cena, I am going to look toward the future with excitement. I am excited because now the WWE is being FORCED to change their focus, hopefully meaning younger stars will get their due (but probably not).

Yes, I know that there is no Sympathy bank account, and I'm in no danger of overdrawing. And if this was a situation where Cena's life was in the balance, or he could never work again in his chosen profession, or his day-to-day was permanently changed for the worst, then I'd be commiserating right with you. But let's not get bent out of shape over an injury from which Cena can, and in all likelihood will, recover. And let me tell you, absolutely nothing would make me happier than for Cena to come back and blow everyone out of the water with phenomenal matches and promos. That'd be nice, but more than likely it will be business as usual.

In sum, does it suck that this happened to Cena? Yes. No one likes to see people injured, no matter the degree. But can we not look for the silver lining to this dark cloud and hopefully see a brighter outlook for RAW and maybe even Cena himself? I'd like to think so. A hope for a brighter tomorrow, isn't that what makes our beloved wrestling industry so great? One day, hopefully one day soon, John Cena will return to re-ascend to the right hand of Vince McMahon, and our long national nightmare will finally be over. So with that, goodnight, and Godspeed, John Cena!
Me personally, I don't mind John Cena. His work ethic from what I undertsand is great, he is dedicated to the business and entertaining the fans, and he isn't as ass backstage. It was a bad deal that he got injured, especially at this time. But, this is a cloud with a silver lining as you all know. Someone else gets the chance to be on top, and, this is just me saying, I hope it isnt Randy Orton. Don't care for the guy from everything I have heard. Amazing in-ring talent, but thats just not enough for me to like him. This injury(who people shouldnt be praising) gives WWE a chance to embrace their opportunity to put on one of the biggest title matches of the last 2 years. Hopefully, and I pray, they produce a title match that turns our heads. Those are my thoughts.
Yes lets all celebrate a man who did nothing wrong getting a serious injury! Cena's a great guy and just because you don't like his wrestling gimmick lets all celebrate the fact that he tore his pectoral muscle?

You guys are great. Honestly.

I may not like Randy Orton, or Rob Van Dam, but i would never see myself celbrating one of them having a serious injury. This just proves how you guys dont give a shit about these peoples lives as long as they entertain you. Pathetic.

right on brother, these guys are something else, it doesnt matter if you dont like cena's gimmick, this guys risk his body for all of us, and still wanted to go out on sunday and defend his title, and you guys have the nerve to bash him, this is why i say, most of you guys dont know what these wrestlers go through, like its so easy to go out there and have your body sacrifice for us. i respect every wrestler even if i dont like there gimmick because what they do is not easy.
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