[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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Well, my favorite wrestler is Orton, he has been since his Debut, i guess im a true wrestling fan in somewhat cause when the whole "rated rko'' view was going on i really liked edge, then once he left and became champ i didn't like him that much cause he changed, i used to like him when he was with Lita and now hes just not anything, hes hurt.

Orton has, is and will always be my Only favorite wrestler.

and about cena losing the title, it sucks that he got injured, but come on, we all saw it coming, you can't expect a guy to work 24/7 365 days of the year and not get tired, it was coming and we all knew it.
All U cena haters proud that he is injured is a damn shame. How disrespectful. He busts his ass every night to entertain us and he gets hurts and some of you our happy. really thats sad. John Cena was a damn good champion. Its rare this day and age for someone to go a year plus as WWE champ. but thats what was best for business.this is a major blow no doubt as he was the top dog of the WWE. Now he is out for some time and although it will be exciting whats happens on Raw it will aslo effect the entire WWE. Hate him all you want but Cena bleed to entertain us. and I am a die hard Y2J fan but I dont dislike Cena. I for on will miss his prescense on Raw. This happens though so many top talent has went down with injuries this year but that the business. I wish John Cena a speedy recovery and see u at Judgment Day 2008.
The definition of a true wrestling fan is someone who gains enjoyment from the entertainment presented. That being stated, we are all true wrestling fans. Who you like or hate doesn't mean a thing.

Anyway, I didn't care for Cena all that much, at least not in this gimmick. It's really harsh for him to be injured like that. Everyone's talking about what kind of hit WWE's gonna take, which is somewhat heartless to me, as it makes it seem like you don't care that a person is hurt and is going to lose his livelihood for the forseeable future. Anyway, respect to Cena for the workload he took, and I wish him a speedy recovery.
The worst part about the Cena being injured is that, besides the fact he was their best and most consistent worker, that whole year long title reign basically goes to waste.

Instead of using that HUGE rub someone was going to get from finally beating Cena, now the title gets passed to the next person. Instead of gaining a huge boost in prestige, the WWE Title just took a step back.

Also, I find it funny that the last two major injuries have come from matches with Mr. Kennedy.

Good point..ending this reign would be HUGE. It'd be something they'd brag about for the rest of their careers. Ending the longest reign of the modern era...a 13 month reign today with weekly TV shows and monthly PPVs is just crazy. That's like a 5+ year reign in the 70s and 80s, IMO Cena's reign is second only to Bruno's 8 years. The only thing that MIGHT be bigger than that would be ending Taker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania.

Who was the other major injury from a match with Kennedy? Lashley? He was hurt going into the match and they used that as a cover to get him off TV like they've done with HBK, Undertaker, Kennedy, etc etc. You can tell because the injury was the focus of the match, Kennedy was working on it the whole time and Lashley ended up losing the match because of it. Compare that to his match with Cena where the commentators never mentioned it once and they worked around it the whole time. That's also how you can tell it's not a hoax like some people have suggested.

By the way, if you're looking for something to cheer you up check out the poll on WWE.com asking who should win the title at No Mercy. Over 400,000 votes and the leader has 46% (as of this post). No, it's not Triple H (he has 16%), not Kennedy (he has 12%), not Orton (he has 4%)...the fans' overwhelming choice for the next WWE champion is...

VAL VENIS!!! :blink:
what i'd like to see is Kane get a title shot. sure he may not be appealing to the kids and women of raw, he's been with the company for a long time and he deserves more than a one day reign. it sucks Cena getting hurt like that but it's time for Kane to shine and reign terror like he used to.
I don't see how anyone could think that this is a good thing-whether you like him or not, no one getting injured is ever good. And whether you like him or not, Cena gave a 110% out there everytime. And I don't care what anyone says you have to respect a guy that WANTS to be out there and was determined to wrestle in the pay per view. I like Cena, I'm a Cena fan, I always have been but I was tired of him having the belt too-but this is NOT the way I wanted to see him lose it, especially since it's due to injury. I was at the show last night and sitting in the center, four rows back so I was close enough to see Cena's face and I had to admit too, I thought he might have been overacting to set up Randy coming out later and beating him down but after while I realized he wasn't faking it-and had that feeling it wasn't going to be good-it just sux this is happening when things are starting to pick back up for WWE...

Now as far as No Mercy goes, I really don't think that they should have Kennedy vs Orton as the main event because both guys are heels and that usually never goes over too well...maybe the possibility of bringing Shawn Michaels back could work, if Michaels is willing-it would work in the storyline considering Randy was the one who "put Michaels out of action." If not, maybe a Triple Threat between Michaels, Kennedy, and Orton-but if Michaels doesn't come back or doesn't want to, possibly have Triple H open the show against Umaga and then put him in the main event-he is a good performer and good athlete so it would make for a good match-my vote is still for Jeff Hardy though, seeing as he doesn't have a match for Sunday (that I know of)-because it's pretty safe to say Randy is going to get the title but at least against Hardy it would be one hell of a match...

I hope whatever WWE does is good considering they have less than a week...but as fan of John Cena, I hope he has a speedy recovery and is back sooner than later
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Let me say that I'm laughing with some comments...OMG, someone said that hopefully the surgery will go wrong and he will lose his arm? I know it's sick, but c'mon people, take it for what is wort ;)

I'm a Cena Hater, i'm not ashamed to say it, hell, I tried to bash him at every opportunity I had, there are more than two witnesses who can confirm it.

But all in all, John Felix Anthony Cena is not guilty for anything. I don't know Mr. Cena personally, if he is a scum in his private life, LET HIM BE a scum, if he is a respectable citizen who walks granmas to the other side of the road, well, that's pretty cool of him.
the point is this:
This is a freakin WRESTLING Board people, don't let your feelings numb your mind, remember, this is Wrestling, not fucking Big Brother or Survivor.
what the hell if the guy is injured? Life goes on, but there's no need to mocking on the real person. i can guarantee you that if you had a pec tear, you would be squealing like a fucking pig.
What happened when Edge got injured? everybody was disappointed, but we got over it. Nothing special happened and Edge is scheduled to return soon.
Regarding Cena, why can't we think on solutions instead of how his surgery could go wrong? (sorry, that one cracks me up)
foe example, I will not mark, but observe very closely when cena returns, as the possibility of a heel turn could be great for his career, a fresh start, maybe some more training on his moveset, try to come up with some new jokes, who knows.....

I hope he gets well as a human being. As on the character, FINALLY we are going to see him lose, and I'm jumping of joy for that, and that only ;)
wow, you guys are sick, sure, Cena's not the best wrestler of all time, but to disrespect the person that is John Cena, not the wreslting character John Cena, is completely rude, i wish John the best and a speedy recovery, from a wrestling fan standpoint, hopefully Cena trains to get a bigger moveset, then there wouldnt be so many damn Cena haters out there, but as a person, I hope that he recovers from his injury quickly, and comes back refreshed and ready for round 2 of carrying the WWE on his shoulders...
I think WWE can look at this as a positive in a different way.

One thing that many fans have complained about hurting ratings and buyrates, was the monopoly of John Cena as Champion. Now, whether McMahon wanted to or not - Cena is out and that may not necessarily be a bad thing.

This isn't the 1980's anymore, where they needed a babyface champion to sell the company as Hulk Hogan did. Hogan held the belt for 4 years, being as he was a top draw in his prime.

I don't think Cena needs the belt to get over anymore.

His absence will give the opportunity to guys like Orton, Kennedy, Lashley or perhaps someone different to step up and run with the WWE Title. When he returns, Cena will chase the belt again (being as he never lost it) and he may turn heel in doing so. It would give his character a new edge and create a new realm of possibilities.

Here is what I think will happen over the next year and a half in WWE:

This Sunday, don't be surprised if Orton, Umaga, Kennedy and Triple H engage in a Fatal Four Way with Orton likely coming out the new champion. There simply isn't anyone of equal magnitude to match with Orton and have zero story built in. With the WWE Title at stake, inserting the top 4 guys on RAW makes the most sense.

This will lead into the Orton/Triple H feud, with roles reversed and Triple H as the babyface. Expect that to lead into Survivor Series as the two may exchange the belt a few times to get away from the monotony that has surrounded the belt in the Cena Era.

Triple H/Orton/Kennedy and possibly Jericho/HBK will be in the WWE Title picture at Wrestlemania 24, and after that - expect the return of John Cena.

Depending on who the champion is - Cena could return as a heel and chase the belt again. You could keep him on RAW or move him to Smackdown, where he could create fresh matches with guys like Batista, Mysterio and maybe even a Summerslam Title match with Undertaker.

Whomever he is matched up with - the goal should be to keep the belt OFF of John Cena.

WWE should re-build Cena either as a disgruntled heel who is the former champion, or the proud former champion who never lost his belt, but can't seem to get it back.
Either direction would give fans interesting storylines, feuds and hopefully, matches.

Cena should go into the Fall of 2008 still chasing the belt and constantly getting screwed out of it in a series of PPV matches. Just as he used to constantly find ways to win - storylines should now constantly find a way to make him LOSE. This could culminate in Cena winning the Royal Rumble in January 2009 and then going into the main event of Wrestlemania 25, likely to be held at Madison Square Garden.

This is similar to what Triple H has been doing since losing the World Title to Batista in 2005. While he has remained at the forefront of WWE, he no longer NEEDS the belt to get over, while other newer stars (Cena, Batista, Edge, Mysterio) have used the title to elevate themselves.

This plan keeps Cena as a major figure, while helping other stars (Kennedy, Lashley, MVP, CM Punk) elevate themselves as WWE/World Champion or push themselves to that main event level.

Which is something the WWE badly needs.

Like him or not, John Cena isn't going to stay away for long, and when he is healthy again, he will be pushed as a top guy - although he may not necessarily need to be champion.

If done right, his absence will create fresh and new stories for WWE fans, while his return (if done right) could not only re-ignite what was becoming a stale character, but also elevate younger, newer stars the company needs to develop.
so i saw the ECW annoucement...vince said everything that we already knew..why didnt he let on whats going ot happen at NM? he didnt mention people involed or a type of match or anything...are they going to annouce it on friday night smackdown? or just online? or shcoker during the sohw? if anyone has any idea
Why is it when Edge, Booker, kennedy, Lashley, in fact anyone except HHH gets injured there is barely a mention. But when its Cena Vince comes out and acts like someone has just died, what a load of crap. No wonder people get pissed off with Cena been shoved down our throats.
Why is it when Edge, Booker, kennedy, Lashley, in fact anyone except HHH gets injured there is barely a mention. But when its Cena Vince comes out and acts like someone has just died, what a load of crap. No wonder people get pissed off with Cena been shoved down our throats.

Because out of all of those mentioned, only Edge was a Champion at the time of his injury.

Theodore Long, which was the GM of Smackdown, made a big deal out of it and Edge forfeited the title.

Vince is essentially the GM of Raw, since their isn't an official GM yet. So it is Vince's responsibility on screen to let people know about Raw's dealing. It's really quite simple, Long takes care of Smackdown, McMahon takes care of Raw.

The only reason that this is going on tonight, is because it's right before a pay per view, so the WWE needs to do something to generate buy rates.

So this is not another case of Cena being shoved down our throats, it simply is the right thing to do as far as storylines go. Mid-Card and Upper card guys getting injured doesn't stop the show, Champions going down stops the show. John Cena is not getting special treatment, he's getting the same treatment that Edge, and Batista have all received in the last two years.
Because out of all of those mentioned, only Edge was a Champion at the time of his injury.

Theodore Long, which was the GM of Smackdown, made a big deal out of it and Edge forfeited the title.

Vince is essentially the GM of Raw, since their isn't an official GM yet. So it is Vince's responsibility on screen to let people know about Raw's dealing. It's really quite simple, Long takes care of Smackdown, McMahon takes care of Raw.

The only reason that this is going on tonight, is because it's right before a pay per view, so the WWE needs to do something to generate buy rates.

So this is not another case of Cena being shoved down our throats, it simply is the right thing to do as far as storylines go. Mid-Card and Upper card guys getting injured doesn't stop the show, Champions going down stops the show. John Cena is not getting special treatment, he's getting the same treatment that Edge, and Batista have all received in the last two years.

Exactly correct, and thinking otherwise is simply looking too much into this. We forget the fact that (like him or not) John Cena has been THE top guy in the company for over two years. So, he isn't exactly considered just another guy.

Apparently, WWE will not announce their intentions for No Mercy until Sunday on the PPV.

We know there will be a new champion, but announcing the match will lead to the inevitable predictions/complaints about the new champion for the next 5 days.

Being as WWE dislikes storylines leaking out on the internet, it looks like they're avoiding that.

Will it be a Fatal Four Way? A Battle Royale? Will Orton face someone new? Will it be Jericho?

McMahon knows that the questions will all be asked between now and Sunday, so he's going to keep us in the dark as to how a new champion will be determined, hence keep us in the dark to the next storyline. He's betting on fans who were on the fence about the PPV to order this show based on the promise of a new WWE Champion.

We're finally getting what so many have asked for - no more John Cena as champion.

Who will replace him and how? Looks like we'll have to pay for the show to find out.

Like it or not - it's smart business.
You want to talk about throwing a knife at a wounded animal. That's what just happened to WWE. Now they absolutly need someone to "save" them. However as far as Cena. As far as Raw is concerned... I'm glad he's out, but and that's a big but. I feel horrible that it's due to injury. Well for everyone who was hopin Cena got injured congrats you got your wish... I just hope it's a seedy recovery...
Well, like I said before Im not happy that Cena got injured, but I am happy that we will see a new champion. Its time to see someone else get a huge push and a chance to be the top guy, and Im looking forward to it.
i as a member of the iwc have to bow my head in shame today because i see my fellow brethern acting like a bunch of self centered assholes( sorry about the language) i mean not liking cenas character is one thing but to wish harm on a man who is just doing his job and trying to make a living at what he likes to do is just sickening. i can not believe that people are actually laughing at the fact that he suffered a legit injury. i feel for him. and hope that he has a speedy recovery. and to the members of the iwc that are laughing at his pain just remember one thing that karma is a bitch she is an evil spiteful bitch.
Why didn't they just try to make this part of the story line? Do a clip of Orton jumping him backstage or something? Or just saying the RKO tore something on him? This kind of pisses me off. I think Orton will get the title or they might bring Y2J back as an early surprise and give him the title to boost the ratings and gets fans pumped and forget about Cena. Just imagine Orton in the ring waitng and Y2J comes out there. God...
Do you guys think that this was on purpose? It ALL makes sense now.

Okay, think about it. John Cena gets hurt, then they have nobody to give the title to?

The Save_Us.222 could be referring to either Y2J(I hope) or HBK.

Save us meaning they would save the wwe title. It all makes sense now. I think it was on purpose.:lol2:
Whether you like Cena or not, this is gonna be a major blow to the WWE. Cena really DID/DOES have charisma. That's why so many people love/hate him. I really hate to see someone get hurt anyways, but this is bad. I believe he was going to carry the WWE for awhile... HBK/Jericho need to come into the picture. It's getting to the point of unbelievability , these injuries and such. Suspensions, Injuries.... my god. The WWE needs to get on the ball with all this crap. They're gonna start losing to TNA...just wait... I NEVER thought i'd hear myself say that!
Happy posting, guys!
I actually Never liked John Cena, but... I don't really know how to be happy that cena's on the injured circuit, but I guess i'm happy that we have a brand new WWE Champion at No Mercy, and I do think that Randy Orton will win the wwe Championship match at No Mercy.
ok to say that this was all a story line is ignorant. if u saw the match u can cleary see how screwed up cena got, and how he and kennedy had the hcange the match rigght then and there and just finished it with a half ass STFU. Plus when orton came otu you could tell he wanted to throw cena in the steps but instead cena said somthing and orton ended up picking up the stair and hitting cena in the head. Its real, but i think itll b a good thing to get a new champ, maybe not liek this, but the fact that they arnt letting on to anything until sunday will proboly boost the ppv buys
Y hope they come up with something better than in smack down with Khali.Y hope they won t decide to give the title to umga or snitsky.For God sake no!The obvious choice is Orton and a future conflict with Triple H preparing it for for the Wrestlemania main event:Triple H vs Mr Kennedy.
I am very glad Cena is not the champion. I stopped watching wrestling for 2 years, and started watching again when he became champion a couple of years ago...never liked the guy. I almost stopped watching RAW when he retained at SummerSlam this year, but, from now on, I'll be looking forward to watching RAW because Cena is not the champ. I think he was one of the worst champs WWE ever had.
Do you guys think that this was on purpose? It ALL makes sense now.

Okay, think about it. John Cena gets hurt, then they have nobody to give the title to?

The Save_Us.222 could be referring to either Y2J(I hope) or HBK.

Save us meaning they would save the wwe title. It all makes sense now. I think it was on purpose.:lol2:

I doubt it was on purpose.Even woth Y2J or HBK returning,they would have never put a world title on them in their first weeks back.This sucks,because love him or hate him,Cena`s the reason alot of us watch RAW
SLYFOX! Ok, here goes. I agree with most of what you say, with one major exception.

The injury to Cena did NOT put his year-long title reign to waste. No no no, my unworthy adversary, it ENHANCED IT. Let me explain.

Back in the 90's, Shawn Michaels got hurt and the Intercontinental Championship was vacated. In a match against Rick Martel, Razor Ramon won it. He then went on to have a decent run with it. When HBK got back, however, he was able to make the ACCURATE claim - "I was never beaten for my title." He had the replica belt made, and the war began.

That feud over a title that was NEVER lost by Michaels set up one of the best matches of the last 20 years - the Wrestlemania 10 Ladder Match. It didn't feel as though either guy went in with one as the "champion" and one as the "challenger."

Now, come next Summer, John Cena gets to show up and claim that NOBODY ever beat him for the title. Instant match heat, just add water. This injury and resulting title stripping almost extends Cena's streak to two years without pissing off the fans with short attention spans. If the WWE belt is on a major face (HHH?) come Cena's return, he can come back heel claiming he "wants his belt back." McLoving it.
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