[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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For all the Cena haters out there: give the guy some respect for giving it his all in the ring. He may not have the ring skills or mic skills of a HHH, but he busted his A$$. A true wrestling fan would respect that.
I totally agree. Losing the title in a match is one thing. Losing a title the way he has to is a shame...and being out for Wrestlemania is just as bad. Let's just hope he can come back and be as good as (or better than) before the injury.
I'm happy that the title is off him. Finally RAW can freshen up a little. But I feel bad for him, as no person who puts their body on the line week in and week out deserves to be treated like this during an injury. I'm also grateful that we will not see Cena main eventing WrestleMania since WrestleMania 20.
OK here's a thought. I haven't read any other psost yet, and idc if someone else said it. But, what if this is all a storyline? You think about it, it was all reported from WWE.com .

But if it is real, which most likey it is becuase there's no reason to fake an injury, a pectoral injury hurts like a bitch, and i hope he gets better. This is a good and bad thing. Or even better, a blessing in disguise. Of course no one wants Cena actully injured, just out of the title picture. And quite frankley, this is the pretty much only way to do it. but now, it is a brand new title pictture. With Orton, possilby Kennedy, and MAYEB, just MAYBE, a returning either Jericho or HBK, it won't be all that bad anymore. WE all know HHH wil be in the title picture in No Mercy as well, do get out of this mid-card role he's been in.

So, let's hope the best for Cena, even though i don't like him.
For all the Cena haters out there: give the guy some respect for giving it his all in the ring. He may not have the ring skills or mic skills of a HHH, but he busted his A$$. A true wrestling fan would respect that.

um busted his ass doing what? look at every single cena match. he gets beat on forever and then hits one F-U and wins. ask lashley, michaels, orton, edge, etc. before you tell me im worng go look at some of his matches for the last 5 years. hell he won the title from bradshaw after getting whooped forever and hit one F-U. same with lashley...and michaels..ok now im repeating myself.

he hasnt busted his ass in one single match yet.

it takes:
in ring ability: cena is truly bad
mic skills: very unentertaining
selling pain: if it were a video game he would have negatives in this stat.

so if he doesnt even have the basics please explain how he can bust his ass doing it?

his matches are always the most boring on any card. and very predictable. and the same would have happened this sunday if he didnt get injured.
WWE should have reported it as Orton who injured Cena....I mean it works well with his gimmick...AND their fued could resume right away when Cena returns.
The worst part about the Cena being injured is that, besides the fact he was their best and most consistent worker, that whole year long title reign basically goes to waste.

Instead of using that HUGE rub someone was going to get from finally beating Cena, now the title gets passed to the next person. Instead of gaining a huge boost in prestige, the WWE Title just took a step back.

Also, I find it funny that the last two major injuries have come from matches with Mr. Kennedy.
I am one of the biggest smarks on this thread, but even I had the the fact that Cena is injured. I wanted so bad for him to lose the title, but not his lively hood. I know how much a wrestler like Cena enjoys his job and I hate the fact that he is going to be forced away from it. My thoughts and prayers go out to Cena for his injury.

I don't care how much you may dislike the guy(trust me, nobody more than me), but he never deserved to get injured. I feel sorry for him.
WWE should have reported it as Orton who injured Cena....I mean it works well with his gimmick...AND their fued could resume right away when Cena returns.

Naw, they will probably save that for one of their tv broadcast and say that both KK and Orton injured cena. and have them do promos saying they took cena out for 8 months and blah blah blah... kennedy did say he wanted to make a statement and we all know ortons story..
This may be a huge blow to WWE, but I for one am glad we won't be seeing Cena for a while. He was getting very old and it was time he lost the title anyway, so this will be a welcome change, and in 6-8 months, he'll be back and he'll get a huge push and will most likely win the title again. That sounds about right.

But where does WWE go from here? Obviously Orton will be in the title match, but do you put Kennedy in it as well, or have HHH do double duty that night? Move Undertaker to RAW and have him compete? Rush the return of HBK and have him chase after it? This is where the lacking of the big names comes into play. Say what you will, but WWE absolutely needs guys like Hogan, Savage, Goldberg etc at times like these. WWE has been so depleted as of late and having a huge name would really help to bring viewers in. If anything, bring the Undertaker over to RAW or rush the return of Jericho so fans will have a legend to get behind on the main program. Hell, slap the title on Flair and give him his last run until Cena comes back. One thing is for certain, WWE is in trouble.
I am one of the biggest smarks on this thread, but even I had the the fact that Cena is injured. I wanted so bad for him to lose the title, but not his lively hood. I know how much a wrestler like Cena enjoys his job and I hate the fact that he is going to be forced away from it. My thoughts and prayers go out to Cena for his injury.

I don't care how much you may dislike the guy(trust me, nobody more than me), but he never deserved to get injured. I feel sorry for him.
I feel bad that Cena had to lose the title this way because, after all this time, whoever would have beaten him for the title would have been a instant main-eventer, now we will never know who would have been the guy to beat him for the title. But at the same time, am happy because the thing that a dreaded the most might not happen anymore. I didn'T want to see Orton win the title from Cena and now, it looks like i might get my wish after all.
Yes lets all celebrate a man who did nothing wrong getting a serious injury! Cena's a great guy and just because you don't like his wrestling gimmick lets all celebrate the fact that he tore his pectoral muscle?

You guys are great. Honestly.

I may not like Randy Orton, or Rob Van Dam, but i would never see myself celbrating one of them having a serious injury. This just proves how you guys dont give a shit about these peoples lives as long as they entertain you. Pathetic.

Whats pathetic is you. Thats why they put their bodies on the line each time.. so we can or cannot give a sht about them ;l

Cena out gurantee's a new champ at last.. TO ALL THE PEOPLE NOT BEING TIRED OF CENA HAVING THE TITLE, :shooter:
This is very interesting, it is a huge blow to the WWE and it is a dream come true for the Cena haters lol(myself included). That does not mean I am a coldhearted bastard because I know Cena is a good guy and he did not deserve this since he was the one who led the company for two years now, but I am glad his character is injured:evil3: . It was only a matter of time before this happened anyway, Vince thought that he had an Ace in his pocket with Cena, he thought he had a guy that didn't bitch about anything, got a reaction out of all the fans, makes him a lot of money, and didn't get injured on top of all that. He over-used Cena, simple as that. Vince was the one that had him hold the title for nearly 13 months straight, that is a hell of a lot of stress and work for one man to endure. I am more happy that this is a huge blow to Vince because he is the one that brought this upon Cena, he did not think anything would go wrong with his wonder boy, but it did and I am loving every minute of it, I bet he is going crazy right now lol. There are two ways WWE can fix the main event at No Mercy: 1. The Longshot way, where they can convince a star to return early and take Cena's place against Orton(i.e. Jericho or HBK, Michaels being the more logical choice since Orton put him out of action months ago so there is a back story), or 2. The Easy way, where they will have an ever predictable Battle Royal with 20 superstars, or they will have someone who doesn't make one bit of sense to challenge Orton(i.e. Kennedy, it will be two heels unless they rush Ken into being face, he also was squashed by Cena on RAW which IMO doesn't warrant a title match).
I personally hope they pull a fast one on us, and have someone unexpected swoop in and snatch the title and have Orton chase that person. Maybe Jeff hardy. I am personally enjoying Orton chasing the title, it will mean that much more when he finally wins it.
Cena gets my respect, despite being a huge Orton fan. I did wanna see Randy beat Cena @ No Mercy. That would have been ace.
Point made....All I'm saying that you castrate the guy for not being any good in the ring or having the worst mic skills, but the dude tears his pectoral muscle doing his job, and some of the posters here say that it should've happen sooner. You can give all the disrespect you want or knock him all you want, but come on....I respect the guy!!
Another thing that sucks about Cena getting injured Sly, is look at the fantastic feud him and Orton had going, IMO This is one of the better feuds Cena has ever had and easily the best fo the year so far. I was looking forward to seeing how it all played out in the end. Not sure where WWE goes with this now, I'd much rather have Orton or Cena on top than Triple H again. Good feud, I hate to see it go to waste, Maybe this can carry on to Mania, Who knows..
Putting the title on Orton is not the answer. The guy has screwed up so many times I can't believe that wwe has kept him around. At this point in time I don't see a right answer.
As I said in my other post, I think they need to bring in a legend. How about giving Mick Foley a short run or Ric Flair? Move Undertaker to RAW? Rush HBK's return? Bring back Hogan or Sid? I think WWE is just too depleted and needs a big name to help short term ratings until they can think of something better.
Yes lets all celebrate a man who did nothing wrong getting a serious injury! Cena's a great guy and just because you don't like his wrestling gimmick lets all celebrate the fact that he tore his pectoral muscle?

You guys are great. Honestly.

I may not like Randy Orton, or Rob Van Dam, but i would never see myself celbrating one of them having a serious injury. This just proves how you guys dont give a shit about these peoples lives as long as they entertain you. Pathetic.


I probably hate Cena as much as most on here. I grew so tired of his gimmick and his invincibility real bad but you can't go and celebrate anyone getting an injury like this regardless of your hatred for him.

I feel sorry for him in a way. You can't deny he loves his job. Imagine his position of injuring yourself for that length of time meaning you can no longer do the job you love for a long period of time. Its a shame really.

What it gives though is the WWE an easy way out. They would love to have had Cena with the belt for a long time yet but with the fans being sick of it they have got an escape route here.

Will be interesting to see where they go from here. We could have a potential double comeback in HBK and Y2J which would definately boost the roster and have the fans happy.
yeah, WWE is fucked. wether we like cena or not, he gave it his all every night, and was a true champ.. but shit happens. now if this jericho shit is true, WWE wont be in AS MUCH trouble, but to see champs(Cena, Edge, Taker, Batista), and contenders(HBK, Lashley, Benoit), and top stars(HHH) go out the way they have lately,WWE needs to either step up there game, or just give up.. i give cena his props, and im not anti-cena, nor pro-cena, but like i said, shit happens, and WWE needs to bring in the goodies for the NM title match.. i was kinda looking forward to seeing orton take the title FROM cena, not win it in some shitty battle royale. but oh well, what can yuo do about it.

Side Note - WWE is lucky that the 30 day suspensions expired this week, or they would be missing the rest of there top names.. and they would REALLY be fucked..
I think its funny when people talk about wrestlers like Cena giving their all. He's a 3 move bum who has never been in a real position to have to suck it up. The only wrestler that i have ever seen have to work through serious pain in a match and give it his all was Shawn Michaels when he fought Austin at wrestlemania and he hurt his back really early and had to fight through all the pain and finish that match. Besides that when it comes to wrestling i think using the term "giving his all" doesn't apply to a fake sport.
I don't like Cena's gimmick, but I respect his work ethic. He's the hardest working man in the industry. He deserves our praise for loving the business and wanting to be the best of all time.

But as they say, the show must go on. Cena's injury could impact Smackdown. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rey Mysterio or The Undertaker join Raw in the coming weeks. Whenever Raw struggles, Smackdown pays the price. But that's the way it should be since Raw is the heart and the pulse of WWE.

This could hasten the return of Shawn Michaels. WWE might have to put Jericho in a program more quickly than expected. But above all we'll see more McMahon. The illegitimate son storyline will once again become the central focus. This is serious business right now, and though Hornswoggle is funny I don't think McMahon feels like laughing. He'll push another guy to the moon.

Cena's torn pectoral muscle has shaken the WWE to the core. We're in for some unpredictable programming. It's a fun time to be a fan.
Honestly, this thread is sickening from what I've read. How in the hell can people sit back and hate on a guy that got injured performing for the fans. Hell, you don't do that shit at any other sporting event? What type of fans boo when an opposing player gets injured and taken off the field of play?

You people are sick. That's all I can say. The Cena hating can only go so far. Hate the character. Hate creative for being lazy with the character and lazy with the title the last year. But to cheer when a guy gets injured legit in wrestling, that is disgusting.

I am not a Cena fan, but he is not the Anti-Christ of professional wrestling most on this board make him out to be. It's childish and stupid to keep going on and on about this stuff.

Say what you will, but the title reign is over, and if anything, and believe me, Slyfox will come on and start something about it, Cena held the belt for over a year, and didn't lose the strap. This might do more to make him a sympathetic character then to demonize him.

Honestly, a lot of you need a reality check and need to check yourselves as fan. Booing a character is fine, but this celebration because a guy is out of work for 8 months is just disturbing. You need to separate reality from fiction, and it's just disturbing to see how a majority of this forums posters can't seem to do that.
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