[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

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  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I too think it will be HHH vs Orton vs Umaga for the title. They may throw in Kennedy and make it a Fatal 4 way. Personally, I think Orton will win and set up HHH vs Orton, which should be good.
I dont want to sound evil but i am glad Cena has suffered this injury!

It means some one else will get a chance to hold the title.

I am slightly miffed that he wont lose the title in a match. Sure i dont likr him but i dont want to see someone has held the title for the best part of 3 years to have to surrender the title.

I thought this may be significant - from wwe.com
Or does Cena’s injury represent a new opportunity for a Superstar who is not a member of the Raw locker room?

perhaps Mark Henry could debut at no Mercy and win the wwe title?
I just thought of this (so sorry for the double post) but what if they added the returner (either Jericho of HBK) to the match? That should be interesting.
Finally!!! Orton can finally claim the WWE Title without John Cena standing in his way. I have had enough of Cena holding the title. I admit this is a huge blow and now would be the time for HBK to return or Jericho to debut.
Hmm i might start to believe in god now. ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! I hope its worse and they botch the surgery and his arm falls off. That would be even better news!!! I hope he takes that shitty spinner title belt with his no talented ass. Best news in like 7 years.

nah nah nah nah,
nah nah nah nah.
I am amongst the Cena haters, so lets get that out of the way

Im not happy that hes injured, but I AM happy that we do finally get to see a new champ. Finally, we get to see someone else carry the strap for a while. It forces the writers to focus the show on someone else for once. One thing most of us agree with is that RAW was very stale with Cena on top. It was the same old thing week in and week out, and I think the IWC will be looking forward to FINALLY not having Cena SHOVED down our throats. I dont even care who the champ is. Orton is a good choice, Trips will probably get the belt at some point. Not to mention whenever HBK and Jericho comes back.

I would expect RAW ratings to rise at least in the short term with a new champ......Now Im bummed, I got tickets to Yankees-Indians game 3, but now Im REALLY looking forward to No Mercy.
There Is A Lord!
I hate Cena but I must say it is a shame to see him lose the title under these circumstances. But I do respect his heart and the fact thta no matter what he never backs down and he never quits.
Dosent mean I like him though :lol2:
I have to say that this could be the best for Cena's character at this time. It does hurt WWE especially with Edge, Booker, and HBK still out with injuries or suspension. But this gives time for Cena to lose the belt without losing a match and time away from the spotlight to regain the fans that he lost with him constantly being in the spotlight. With Cena out for almost 8 months, he could return to almost a HHH type response. It sucks that he will miss Wrestlemania and such, but it could be good for his character.

Now for a potential match for No Mercy, I think it would be the most logical for HHH vs Umaga to include Orton for the title. Orton vs. Kennedy just doesn't sound right for the title and there are no other top faces that would bring a big draw. Jeff Hardy would be the best option, but everyone would know that he would lose to Orton.
You know I am sick of Cena but i hate when someone goes out like this. Hey, I like the guy and I would want him to lose respectly. I also would like to know what will happen on Sunday
Orton vs HHH WM 24...look for Y2J to make an appearance this sunday, battle royal guys i think
I'm actually interested in seeing how the WWE handles all of this. They probably don't want Orton as Champ because of his bad credit, and with Congress cracking down, Orton probably the last person they want representing the WWE. Then again, so is HHH. I just can't see any possible guy that can fix this. Orton is a rebal, HHH is more than likely on the juice, Even Kennedy and Umaga just returned from asuspention, that wouldn't look good at all. Carlito isn't big enough yet, nor is Shelton, or anyone for that matter. They can't just put the title on HBK or Jeriucho assuming they do return. Like it or not, the reason Cena was the champ is cause no one else currently on RAW deserved it.

EDIT: I'm also kinda upset this is how the title is changing hands. We;ve had a total of 5 World title changes since Wm, and 4 of them are because the champ had to be stripped. This is Bullshit.
I say this is the perfect opertunaty to put Jericho into this since Jericho got fired because of Cena in a wwe title match so him coming back and winning the championship would be perfect. Then when Cena comes back they will restart the feud they had before Jericho got fired.
I think this can help a bit.. Start pushing some other guys and don't have Cena and HHH just bury everyone they see.. It's a lame act.. Start with something fresh
I've gotta say it is too bad that this happened. With all the build up for the Cena VS Orton Last man standing match I was really looking forward to seeing that match. On one hand though It will be refreshing to see a new WWE Champion!
i feel sorry for Cena but atleast it will make better viewing, i think they should make Undertaker V orton for the title at no mercy, but i know it wont happen.
some real possibilities i think will face randy orton at no mercy are Kane, or The Great Khali(since there constantly swopping him brands every month)
I am neither a Cena fan or a Cena hater, but as for now I think it sucks that he is out. I was hoping for a clean loss to Orton at No Mercy and have Cena take a back seat for awhile, but alas that will never happen. I for one do hope that he recovers and we get to Cena again shortly. As has been said before, noone gets as much of a response from the crowd as Cena does. People either love him or hate him, but either way people want to see him. It looks like the IWC will have to find a new whipping boy for the next 8 months.
The only reason Cena was champ for so long is that everyone who hated him wanted to to see him get beat so bad that they would put up with his horrible ass matches and stupid promos just to see him punched once. I feel robbed of not watching RAW last night to see him get hurt I would have been jumping around.
From the Official No Mercy site: (preview of championship match when you click on it):

No Mercy will represent the end of an era for John Cena and the beginning of a new one for one Superstar as a new WWE Champion will be crowned.

For more than a year, John Cena proudly held the WWE Championship. He turned back all challengers, but an injury brought an end to his nearly 13-month title reign. Cena suffered a complete tear of his right pectoral tendon during a match with Mr. Kennedy on Raw. Because of the seriousness of the injury, WWE officials will not allow Cena to compete in his scheduled Last Man Standing Match with Randy Orton at No Mercy, and had no choice but to surrender the title.

Cena’s injury represents a new opportunity for several WWE Superstars. Orton has shown that he will do anything for the WWE Championship. Mr. Kennedy has long said that he is the future of WWE and believes he has a point to prove. And what about Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy, who has received very few WWE Championship opportunities in his career? Or does Cena’s injury represent a new opportunity for a Superstar who is not a member of the Raw locker room?

Details at this time are unclear. One thing is certain, however: There will be a WWE Championship Match this Sunday at No Mercy, and a new WWE Champion will be crowned.

Who will be the next WWE Champion? The only way to find out is to catch No Mercy, live on pay-per-view on Sunday, Oct. 7 at 8/7 CT. Stay with WWE.com for more updates on No Mercy and the WWE Championship Match as they become available.[/quote]

P.S. If this is not allowed to be posted here. I will remove it.
I DO NOT believe Kennedy will get the shot. A lot of people seem to be saying it'll be Orton/Kennedy, BUT the way i see it Vince and creative have to be angry at him for taking out their "crown jewel." I see four scenerios possible other than a battle royal. All of them are ridiculous, but they are the best i see. 1) SCSA returns to action against Orton. Worst case scenario. 2) HBK returns for revenge. 3) Lashley should be close to a return now right. Lashley/Orton. 4) the biggest draw scenario: Y2J returns although everyone sees a much longer builup.
This injury screews WWE. Cena haters: you hate Cena we know you hate Cena. But, let's face it: what other main event caliber face talent is on Raw right now other than HHH who is set to turn back heel eventually?
IMO i think Y2J will become the new champion this coming sunday. i will debate you like hell too if you think i'm wrong cause it could happen.... either Jericho or RKO i see with the title by the end of the No Mercy ppv. Jericho's promo video did say he was showing up on sunday oct 7 right? Raw Is Jericho!!!!

Edit: oh and also remember when the news broke out about Jericho chosen wwe over tna and that he will be returning @ the no mercy ppv... hmmm?
Hmm i might start to believe in god now. ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! I hope its worse and they botch the surgery and his arm falls off. That would be even better news!!! I hope he takes that shitty spinner title belt with his no talented ass. Best news in like 7 years.

nah nah nah nah,
nah nah nah nah.
Hey Pal,
That was very classy...Just like all the other haters, celebrating a serious injury like that. I'm glad we'll have a new champion, but show some maturity!!!
For all the Cena haters out there: give the guy some respect for giving it his all in the ring. He may not have the ring skills or mic skills of a HHH, but he busted his A$$. A true wrestling fan would respect that.
all i can say is thank goodness it happened. im so sick and tired of cena being shoved down our throats...not because of his gimmick, tho it is extremely corny, but because he absolutely freakin sucks in the ring. the guy has NO CLUE how to sell pain and even worse than that is watching him put on the STFU and struggle so hard trying to make his opponent tap but you can clearly see the move is not hooked on the chin or neck or anything. half the time his arms are not even touching his opponents head. he just puts his arms in a "V" position and looks like hes pulling. and his finisher...another thing that hurts him IMO is that sorry finisher...a gay little firemans carry slam? cmon...thats barely a set up move FOR a set up move lol.

good riddance. hopefully he spends some time in OVW again before coming back because he seriously needs the training.

hmm seems i forgot to beat on his HORRIBLE mic skills also...o well.
glad to be seeing a big change and a new champ after i was completely sick of cena. its going to be very interesting with cena gone for 6-8 months and see what the ratings will do. should see some wrestlers step up to the plate for the wwe champ. and the ic champ to resurrect that to apart of raw.

out of the ring, i respect cena and i hope he gets well.
I'm not a Cena hater like it seems everybody on here is but I'll admit he was getting really boring. Same thing over and over again but this is a huge blow to WWE right now. I think Orton Vs Jericho or Michaels is the best bet because they need somebody huge to come up big and they just don't have anybody to turn to right now to pull it off. Maybe switcing Taker from Smackdown is a possibility but besides that the only other option would be TRIPS and I think WWE knows everybody was getting sick of him as well. Cena may be hated by most but has more heart than almost any superstar ever in the WWE. The guy lives for what he does and never backs down from anything they ask him to do. He carried the WWE for months with all the injuries and suspensions not to mention just the lack of quality talent in WWE right now. They need to get some big names back and soon or else they are going to see the lowest ratings ever if they don't, well minus the next few weeks with everybody wondering what happens without CENA. I don't know about you guys but I think WWE is in serious trouble here now, if they weren't far enough before it's over the top now
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