[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

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  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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Well Wes you are right as they only report a wrestler going to see the Dr. of the sports world James Andrews is its seems legit. I must say as much as i dislike Cena I never like to see a guy going down putting on a show for the fans. Though i expect if he has to miss time he will still go Sunday just in a shorter match with an ending that will add to Orton new evil/sadistic gimmick. Should be interesting to see how this develops
The word coming from backstage is that Cena is believed to have suffered a torn right pectoral muscle after a botched hiptoss on Kennedy that ended with Kennedy landing on Cena. Cena then did an arm-drag on Kennedy and the two ended up in the corner, which led to a clean break. Cena backed up to the opposite corner, clearly favoring his arm.

Well now it looks to be a Torn Pectoral, That is the same thing Edge suffered. So if this is true, I guess he will be out around 4 months which would be around January. Hmmm.. I guess we know who the Rumble winner will be, Anyways beyond that, I wonder what will go down at No Mercy, When Kennedy was injured they were very cautious on what they did with him in the ring, Same with Edge when he just handed the title in. I think we might see a punt quickly into the match. As of right now it looks like we have us a new WWE Champion, Which is a good thing. The MRI is tomorrow so we shall see.
I'm clearly off my game, as I did not see any form of injury on the show. I also missed the mention on WZ where it said he got hurt. I figured the table not breaking may of resulted in a concussion, but outside of that.. I had no idea that he got seriously hurt.

As some are saying.. Cena has been needing out of the Main Event picture for a while, to give a fresh start, & a "rebirth" so to speak, to the company.. but a real-life injury is not how it should've had to happen.

With all this being said, if he is indeed injured badly enough, then the Main Event of No Mercy is in serious jeapordy. Orton winning or not before, makes no difference if noone is there to beat. And the truly bad thing is, if Cena can't go.. they'd put the title up, possibly with Jericho facing Orton, or Edge, or H.B.K. even.. but still.. Cena wouldn't of "lost" the Championship.. which'll only cause more chaos by claiming whomever the "next" Champion is, won't actually be the Champion.

That more than anything is crap, as it'll only hurt whoever they put the title on.. even Orton, dispite millions of reports claiming he'd of won Sunday, anyways. I say they need to run a sudden tournament, or Fatal Four-Way.. have Umaga & Triple H. added, Orton thrown in, & Kennedy.. it'd be purely slapped together, but would still work.
I dont think they'd change the mainevent unless Cena really is immobile.It may make sense to have him surrender the title,because it would put him over even more as hving been the the longest reigning champ in 19 years who was never beat.Then they could have the fatal4 way elimination,with RKO elimintaing HHH to set up their long booked fued.
I'm a Cena fan,but even if I loathed him,I would never wish injury on anyone.Sometimes we forget how much tese guys sacrifice to entertain us& get caught up in "characters"& bad booking decisions by Vince
but a real-life injury is not how it should've had to happen

That pretty much sums up this whole thing. We've wanted him gone for so long, but the way that he goes out is not worth it. Even if he will be back, the problem is the title will just get put right back on him, since "He was never beaten for it." I can just imagine that bullshit now.

As for the No Mercy event, I believe that Cena will show up the same way that HBK did for his match with Orton, he was out of place because Orton "hurt him" so badly the week before. Cena will look dazed, mumble around, confused, etc, and Orton will destroy him quickly. That's how I see it to happen.

It is unfortunte that it had to come to this, but at least we'll get some fresh air now....IF this injury is real enough. This could all be a hoax or a non serous injury.
Well I DVR it and he injured himself. Which means he will drop the title Sunday and play an injury angle say a rematch on Raw the next night. Cena goes down with a punt to the head. Y2J vs. Orton at Cyber. Shame it hand to end like this but the only person that could beat Cena is Cena. This is a shame just like Batista during his first run. Angle gets the belt then Rey just seemed like there were filling in for Batista to get it back. Same with Booker, same with CM Punk holding it for Morrison and Khali now Batista just holding it for Edge. It takes away from the belt and whoever else is champ. Cena be out till Jan win the rumble Main Event Mania 24 and take the belt back. While hes out we see how much he is missed. Damn all these injurys this sucks...
Man was I the only one that noticed this injury right away? If anybody has the match DVRed or anything, go back and watch early in the match when he pushes Kennedy into the corner and there's the clean break. Cena backs across the ring and shakes his right arm. From that point on he never moves that arm again, he justs holds it against his side. The STFU was way after that. And it's definitely not a hoax, the commentators and such would've been playing it up during the match. It might turn out to be something that's not serious, but he was clearly in a lot of pain during the match and especially after it when he was talking to the ref.

If this injury is serious enough to force him to lose/vacate the title and be off TV for a few months, that's a damn shame. Love him or hate him, nobody should lose the title that way. Anybody who's happy about this can go to hell, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Love him or hate him, nobody should lose the title that way. Anybody who's happy about this can go to hell, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I don't think thats any way to address anyone. I mean, of course tons of people are going to be happy about this.. thats the type of reaction John Cena has warrented getting over the past year, with the way he wins.

I'm NOT saying he deserves that type of reaction. Noone deserves to be boo'ed when they go down with a serious injury. Whether you're face, or heel.. you don't deserve a negative reaction to something serious. (anyone who thinks its justified, just think if you got hurt & all your friends & family laughed in your face because of it)

But the fact is, John Cena has NOT endured himself to a lot of people as of late, with the way W.W.E. has built him. (I say it like that, because tons of people literally think Cena is the reason he's so big, as if the company had nothing to do with it) But you can't blame people for voicing their opinions either.

Bottomline is this.. injury or not, Cena will have to drop the Championship if he's hurt.. & that in itself will hurt the Championship, & any Champions to come, as they wouldn't of "taken it" (cleanly, if at all) from Cena. Its similar to the Undertaker, & even Edge situation. Batista wasn't given the Championship because he was a great option, he was more or less their ONLY option.

Raw has several options to go with, but the one most likely to happen, is the one they've been playing off that would've, should've, happened already.. that being, Randy Orton winning the Championship. I think its time W.W.E. pulls a swerve & has Jericho, or even H.B.K. return & take the Championship. It'd give Raw more of a push, ratings wise, than Orton taking the Championship, as that is foreseeable.
I never want to see John Cena in any form ever again. When I say this I mean it in the business sense I want his character killed off and forgotten like Muhammed Hassan. My moniker is killcenanow and I am sure to get a lot of flack for it but I feel at this time I need to clarify the meaning. I dont wish actual physical death upon the man nor did i wish an injury on him I merely never want to see him again. I want him off TV far away from wrestling and music and subway commercials.
I'm not happy with the injury because its not a career ender (kidding)
His matches, voice, belt, title reign, everything about him bothers me to no end and I would love to see the wrestling scene without him anywhere near it. This, unfortunately, will not happen
He will be hyped up for a return, any champ in between will only serve as a transitional champ, which, as we are all too well aware of, are a waste of time. His character will seemingly matter more now with the presumed injury then ever before. indeed an injury is the last thing I wanted to see.
I just had in mind a much better scenario here's how if i were GOD for a day Id play it out, Cena wakes up watches his own matches since 2002 and realizes he has made near 0 improvement and rushes to Monday night raw LIVE IN Chicago gets on the microphone and during a live uncut broadcast admits that he is over rated and feels that the only way to set the wrestling world right is to retire. and bury his career with that stupid belt of his (yeah a lil rock quote seemed to fit the bill)
It's fine, it is not like it is career ending injury or anything, it is a torn muscle and Undertaker and Edge have had those. Cena will miss some time and be back in 4 to 5 months around wrestlemania, no need to worry about Cena or his health and future. These types of injuries happen in wrestling. Right now I am looking more towards the future and how this will effect raw, I am hoping Orton gets the title and we see the Orton/HHH fued ahead of time. But maybe this will rush Jericho back sooner rather than later, his in ring ability and mic skills are really needed.
Now everyone assuming this injury is real but I do remember that Cena is supposed to have some time off for a movie coming up. See I started thinking it was fake the moment they said I will be at the PPV no matter waht making me belive this is all hype. Then they can say Orton takes advantage of the injury and takes the title. Cena gets a month off and has his rematch at the next PPV

Now it might be real and that as much as I am not a big fan will be hard on the WWE. I mean Lashley is out still and whoever the vidoe is promoting is probaly not coming for a few more weeks. I eman is going to be up to HHH and his trick hammy to carry the Raw brand. And really who is looking froward to five more months of him versus Vince. Unless they decided to move up the him and Orton feud and not save it for WM
the biggest problem with Cena is that he's been forced on us for the past 2 years. Even though that he has been practically boo'ed out of the building quite a bit, WWE constantly tries to put him over by beating virtually everyone WWE has to offer and also cleanly. The only problem is he has taken down all CURRENT superstars which raises the questions... Could he beat Stone Cold? Could he beat The Rock? Could he even beat Bret Hart? I like his character but in terms of story lines, I don't think he should have beat Shawn at WM23. You could tell Shawn was pissed about it too the next night on Raw when he shot on Hogan and Bret during his promo. The both could have saved face and hype with a Draw.
I'm not surprised by Cena's injury. You cant have a schedule like his and not get injured. No wrestler in WWE works as hard as him, it was only a matter of time.

It's a shame he's probably going to have to drop his title. Personally I didn't think he'd be loosing it this Sunday. I wanted him to drop it to the right person at the right time. Not put onto somebody because they had no other choice.
Anybody who comes out talking about what great news the Cena injury is and how they are thrilled he tore a pec and may have to drop the belt - I wonder if any of you have jobs or are even culpable members of the workforce.

Let me state this clearly - I DO NOT CARE if you like John Cena. I DO NOT CARE if you hate John Cena. Could not care less how any of you feel about him right now, at all. It's a simple matter of respect.

Jake said it best, Cena keeps one of the most insane schedules in the business, traveling for matches, appearances, etc. And what thanks does he get from people like "killcenanow" or "crzyjester11" or any other Cena haters who also seem to have trouble completing a thought in an organized manner. Ridiculous. If you worked your ass off at something day in day out, it's be pretty messed up if the people you were doing it for were wishing harm on you. I'd say I wish injury on you, but here's the difference - nobody would notice, nobody would care if you were hurt.

Say what you will about his wrestling or his character. But to wish an injury on somebody is plain pathetic. I'd take Cena as champ over you as fans anyday.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – WWE Champion John Cena has suffered a complete tear of his right pectoral tendon and is heading into surgery, according to noted orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Andrews. Because of the seriousness of the injury, WWE officials will not allow Cena to compete this Sunday at No Mercy, and he will have no choice but to surrender the title.

Dr. Andrews said Cena could miss between six and eight months of action. Cena was injured during his match Monday night on Raw with Mr. Kennedy. Before visiting Dr. Andrews, Cena had said, “No matter how serious, the injury, one way or another I’ll be ready to compete on Sunday.”

But despite Cena’s vow, WWE officials will not allow him to compete at No Mercy. Therefore, he must surrender the WWE Championship.

WWE officials vow that there will be a WWE Championship Match this Sunday at No Mercy and a new WWE Champion will be crowned.

Stay with WWE.com for further updates on Cena’s condition and on No Mercy as they become available


Thats the link. This really sucks. Even if you like the cena or not, he was willing to compete no matter the injury, but now he will be surrendering the title. And he is gone for 6-8 months.

This is terrible news and a terrible blow to WWE and Monday Night Raw.

Thoughts? Opinions? Who will fight for the WWE title?

(This is my first topic, if something is wrong i apologize, i didnt know whether to post this in WWE or Raw forum, so if i'm wrong please move it. Thanks!)
This is the best news the IWC has in a while. There's no denying that Cena is a very hated figure on the internet, and many off it despise him as well. It seems that Kennedy has done something that no one else has done before - put Cena out of action. It's almost a shame, Cena was a very consistent performer and hadn't been injured in his WWE career. As far as I can remember. The champion now will almost definitely be Orton. I see Orton/Kennedy at No Mercy, it makes the most sense. That, or they'll be a battle royal.
What would be cool now is to see both hbk and Jericho make it to No Mercy and make the match a fatal four way match for the wwe title Y2J vs HBK vs RKO vs KK.... i mean now with cena being injured and how big a blow this is for the wwe they need Jericho and Hbk to return as fast as possible...
*Cracks open a bottle of bubbly and begins pouring*

I think it's time for a celebration, they had milked the Cena cow dry over the past year and this is a perfect way for him to leave without being defeated for the belt!

He'll make a dramatic return and the process will start all over again.

Randy Orton, new champion at No Mercy.
I'm personally glad... I havn't been this excited about wrestling in awhile... I'm sooooo sick of seeing Cena.

What would be cool now is to see both hbk and Jericho make it to No Mercy and make the match a fatal four way match for the wwe title Y2J vs HBK vs RKO vs KK.... i mean now with cena being injured and how big a blow this is for the wwe they need Jericho and Hbk to return as fast as possible...

This is of course the dream scenario and very unlikely. Although I would so buy this pay per view if they announced this match.
I dont know. This is a horrible thing. He just has to hand over the title, which is never a good sign, creative is probably going nuts. I agree with Mr Sams i believe he has never been injured. They are imo going to have a battle royal to crown the new champion, or they will just have a regular match with Kennedy and Orton.

IMO this is a huge blow to the WWE and might take a hit in ratings, but honestly i dont know. Its good to see a new champion buts it not good to see Cena relinquish it because of injury.

apparently this Pec muscle seems to be torn worse than Edge's because he is out for 4 months or something. This is a huge blow but could add something to the WWE we havent saw in a long time. But in all honesty i Respect Cena for wanting to Wrestle at No Mercy because he was willing to risk his body more for the sake of the fans.
I thought it looked like Cena really was hurt in the match he usually doesnt fake injuries too good & when Kennedy tapped out so fast with Cena barely getting the STFU hooked i knew he was hurt. they shoulda realized he was hurt & had Orton not attack him he might've made it worse, on a good note Cena will be out awhile maybe he can come back better & hopefully they'll get rid of that stupid spinner belt we know Cena won't have it for atleast 8 months.
I wonder if Orton was booked to beat Cena in the first place & take the belt, if so wonder if he'll still get it?
I will admit that Cena's a tough SOB for wanting to keep fighting, he's trying really hard to be the leader and figurehead of WWE. This is great way to give his character a much needed rest and a way to get the title off of him cleanly.

Here's a thought, though Orton/Kennedy would be a good match, they are both heels and since WWE only wants to appeal to children these days, they'll need a face in the main event. I foresee the Umaga Vs HHH match will have Orton thrown in for the Title in a triple threat with Orton winning, setting up a long run of HHH chasing Orton into Mania, or something similar.
Yes lets all celebrate a man who did nothing wrong getting a serious injury! Cena's a great guy and just because you don't like his wrestling gimmick lets all celebrate the fact that he tore his pectoral muscle?

You guys are great. Honestly.

I may not like Randy Orton, or Rob Van Dam, but i would never see myself celbrating one of them having a serious injury. This just proves how you guys dont give a shit about these peoples lives as long as they entertain you. Pathetic.
It's excellent news that we will have something different to see and look up to, however it's very bad news to hear that Cena is injured, despite if you love the former champion or hate him, even though I for one will not be celebrating due to the fact this was all due to a serious injury, but at the same time I am looking forward to No Mercy seeing a new champion crowned which only makes things that much more interesting.

The fact some are "celebrating" and are happy that Cena is injured is very ironic IMHO and cold hearted.
I am a cena hater as well, but the business will continue to suffer while the big money guys are out...also, as we saw with kennedy, the dejuiced guys need a minute to get back on the ball.
Hey, maybe the Miz will want a title shot?
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