[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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It's obvious who should get the belt.


But seriously;

Why not Umaga?

I could see this...sorta..but then the problem becomes, what do you do with the Triple H/Umaga match? I mean, as it is, they have to re-write at least one match. I seriously doubt they'd wanna pull someone out of another match and have to rewrite that one, too.
they should let him keep the spinner belt, bring back the old title; the eagle one. Have a new champion win that at no mercy then when cena comes back there can be a match to unify the spinner/ new championship titles.. i hate the spinner belt anyway, just a thought.
I had no problem with Cena having a long run as champion, but the entire storyline has gotten stale. Week after week, we sat thru his opening monologue, then having Coach or McMahon select a hand picked opponent for him. Had to pay for a PPV to see the same results over and over. It is time for a fresh face,

I really hope it is someone completely new to the WWE, so we can see a new angle.

I'm sure the winner at No Mercy will be a temporary champion.

Good F'n Riddance! Although bad for the WWE this is great news for the true WWE 'wrestling' fans, A Main event! without Cena! For the title! WOOOHOOO! I for one will definately be buying No Mercy :D
Honestly, this thread is sickening from what I've read. How in the hell can people sit back and hate on a guy that got injured performing for the fans. Hell, you don't do that shit at any other sporting event? What type of fans boo when an opposing player gets injured and taken off the field of play?

You people are sick. That's all I can say. The Cena hating can only go so far. Hate the character. Hate creative for being lazy with the character and lazy with the title the last year. But to cheer when a guy gets injured legit in wrestling, that is disgusting.

I am not a Cena fan, but he is not the Anti-Christ of professional wrestling most on this board make him out to be. It's childish and stupid to keep going on and on about this stuff.

Say what you will, but the title reign is over, and if anything, and believe me, Slyfox will come on and start something about it, Cena held the belt for over a year, and didn't lose the strap. This might do more to make him a sympathetic character then to demonize him.

Honestly, a lot of you need a reality check and need to check yourselves as fan. Booing a character is fine, but this celebration because a guy is out of work for 8 months is just disturbing. You need to separate reality from fiction, and it's just disturbing to see how a majority of this forums posters can't seem to do that.

I gave Cena the benefit of the doubt when he first came in years ago and he is a BUM and a cancer to the industry. Getting this guy out of wrestling is the best thing that could ever happen for the TALENTED WRESTLERS. Anyone can do what Cena does who is fairly mobile. He is a drain on the industry and is just there to make money from the women and little kids. I feel bad for people who are growing up watching this crap since when i grew up I actually had guys who could perform. Everyone is entitled to liking or not liking someone but being a fan of wrestling AND Cena is like wearing a Yankees hat with a Red Sox jersey. I'm not singling you out but this seems to be the major complaint of this thread.
So let me clarify what this thread is about.

This thread is about the injury concerning John Cena, and the forfeiter of the WWE Championship.

This is not another bash John Cena Thread. IF you wish to discuss and hate on John Cena, check out the Official John Cena Thread.

This is not a rumor mill for who will be the next WWE champion: If you wish to discuss that, go to the official Raw Champion's Discussion thread.

Let's make it perfectly clear, people either love or hate John Cena. I get that, you get that, we all get it. But to come on here and mindlessly bash a man that has just ripped a muscle off of the bone completely, it's not cool, it's not funny, it's just stupid and childish to say the least.

Discuss the John Cena Injury and the Forfeiter of the title. This is a hot topic, so rest assured the moderators will be watching this thread. Spamming is not tolerated and you will be given infractions accordingly.
Say what you will, but the title reign is over, and if anything, and believe me, Slyfox will come on and start something about it, Cena held the belt for over a year, and didn't lose the strap. This might do more to make him a sympathetic character then to demonize him.
What would you like me to say? :)

As for the people who are celebrating because Cena is injured, here's my take on it. If people want to cheer because someone got injured at work, performing for fans, giving them the most value possible for their money, then those people who cheer an injury aren't worth my time. They are the lowest possible people on Earth if you ask me, and their opinion means as much to me as a bicycle does to a fish.

The real shame of this injury, besides the WWE losing one of their best and most consistent workers, is the fact that nobody got to benefit from the huge rub beating Cena would have given. Instead of gaining a lot of prestige and a huge rub, this injury makes the WWE title and the next title holder, take a step back.

Like him or hate him, you at least have to respect how good the man really is.

Just as an aside, I wonder how many of the people who are cheering the fact Cena got hurt have seen their 20th birthday yet...
I gave Cena the benefit of the doubt when he first came in years ago and he is a BUM and a cancer to the industry. Getting this guy out of wrestling is the best thing that could ever happen for the TALENTED WRESTLERS. Anyone can do what Cena does who is fairly mobile. He is a drain on the industry and is just there to make money from the women and little kids. I feel bad for people who are growing up watching this crap since when i grew up I actually had guys who could perform. Everyone is entitled to liking or not liking someone but being a fan of wrestling AND Cena is like wearing a Yankees hat with a Red Sox jersey. I'm not singling you out but this seems to be the major complaint of this thread.

Put all of that aside as far as your personal opinion on John Cena the character. That's your opinion, your entitled to it.

I think it's a baseless argument to be pissed off at John Cena though. Did John Cena put the WWE title on himself? No. Did John Cena come up with an incredibly plain, one dimensional, stale character marketed towards women and children, no? If you want to be pissed at someone, be pissed at the WWE Creative team for shoving the character down our throats for the better part of three years. You won't get any argument out of me on that one.

You should read the "Wrestlecrap" book, and you will have a better appreciation for the performers in wrestling, and a hatred for creative teams.

I just don't see how people can be happy that a guy got injured. You referenced the Red Sox and Yankees, as much as those two teams hate each other, they don't cheer when someone on the other side goes down injured. It's classless and shows what a true jackass those fans are.
I don't think jericho will become champion at no mercy due to the fact He can't work house shows, Who wants a house show without the champion being there to defend, they need a full time worker, HBK too He does not want to work a Hectic schedule so he could spend more time with his family. Jericho got his book tour(at first there is somewhat a chance towards december) HBK's got the lord and the life of a family man, So It's possible but Unlikely
I gave Cena the benefit of the doubt when he first came in years ago and he is a BUM and a cancer to the industry. Getting this guy out of wrestling is the best thing that could ever happen for the TALENTED WRESTLERS. Anyone can do what Cena does who is fairly mobile. He is a drain on the industry and is just there to make money from the women and little kids. I feel bad for people who are growing up watching this crap since when i grew up I actually had guys who could perform. Everyone is entitled to liking or not liking someone but being a fan of wrestling AND Cena is like wearing a Yankees hat with a Red Sox jersey. I'm not singling you out but this seems to be the major complaint of this thread.

Well booing for a guy that got injured is uncalled for, Shockmaster said it best. When Kevin Everett got injured you didnt hear the opponents cheer because he played for the other team did you? Even though Everetts injury is a lot more serious. Cena was champion and has carried the company on his back in time they needed him to. He has put on countless MOTY candidates. He is a very good talent, who was willing to go out of his way to risk serious injury to put on a match for the sake of the fans. Using your baseball analogy was bad Tom Brady a patriots qb was caught walking down the street with a Yankees hat and he didnt get booed or when Jeter flew in the stands and could not get up boston didnt cheer they were in silence. John Cena is a great asset to the WWE whether you like him or not, but booing a guy that puts his body on the line like every day is barbaric, whether you like the guy or not he puts his body on the line for the sake of the fans enjoyment. He was a deserving champ who put his body on the line every day basically is a champion and has the heart of a champion. But cheering when a guy puts his body on the line is basically a childish move, i am not a HHH fan but i wasnt cheering when he tore his quads, i wished the man a speedy recovery not because i like the man just because i respect him, like people should do with John Cena, he was willing to put his body on the line with a serious injury and to top it off if it was a mistake he could have risked a more serious injury. But cheering a guy because you dont like because he got injured is disrespectful.
I just don't see how people can be happy that a guy got injured. You referenced the Red Sox and Yankees said:
Have you ever been to a Sox/Yankees game??? :blink: Anyway thats not the point. You're right that it is the creative teams fault, it always is and i never heard of wrestlecrap but maybe i ll give it a read, sounds good. Unfortunately though Cena getting hurt is being cheered for because it forces a change in the booking. So i guess rethinking everything thats the reason im cheering for him getting hurt and hope its worse than expected.
It's really a shame he has to lose the title like this. Folks people know me that I hate John Cena and I have wanted him to lose that title for months now. But this is a big blow for the WWE love or hate Cena he is the WWE's biggest Draw as a face. He was making money for them as champion even if he wasn't champion he would of still brought in money for the WWE.

Now it going to be interesting to see what they do at No Mercy will they have Jericho return HBK and challenge Orton for the title? I guess we will have to wait and see.

When did Y2J say he wouldn't work house shows? I don't seem to remeber that... :confused:
He still has several scheduled dates for book signings and even concerts if I'm not mistaken. He wouldn't be able to break those dates, and wouldn't want to break those dates.

You can't perform on house shows if you have other commitments in other towns.
Finally some more good news after.Thats awesome for all real wrestling fans. Cena is not what we want. Hopefully Y2J is back and get hold of the title but Orton isn't a bad choice either. Kennedy needs some more build up. But the best thing that can happen now is Y2J in the ring.Even without the Title Y2J will still be the big draw and entertain all of us true wrestling fans. I would also like MVP to got some more meaningful push he is an awesome performer.
Finally some more good news after.Thats awesome for all real wrestling fans. Cena is not what we want. Hopefully Y2J is back and get hold of the title but Orton isn't a bad choice either. Kennedy needs some more build up. But the best thing that can happen now is Y2J in the ring.Even without the Title Y2J will still be the big draw and entertain all of us true wrestling fans. I would also like MVP to got some more meaningful push he is an awesome performer.

What is a True Wrestling fan?

Uncle Shocky Edit

Ya, as a wrestling fan for twenty plus years, I am dying to know what a real wrestling fan is, just in case I've wasted my time all of these years.
I love Cena but I was getting tired of him. I'm glad he lost the title but sorry for him getting injured. To several fans, it's the end of an era of Cena being champ and being happy, but to WWE it's a big blow. I do feel sorry for Cena's injury but you know what his time was up.

"The Show Must Go On"
What is a True Wrestling fan?

Uncle Shocky Edit

Ya, as a wrestling fan for twenty plus years, I am dying to know what a real wrestling fan is, just in case I've wasted my time all of these years.

A REAL wrestling fan never cheers for the people on top. They over-glorify any scrub that comes along, just to prove they are "different" from everyone else. A REAL wrestling fan believes that great matches occur because guys know 27 different variations of an arm bar, and that good interviews should never target children. Finally, to be a true wrestling fan, you have to turn on those which you supported when they finally get famous and become successful.

So, in a nutshell, to be a TRUE fan, love anyone who is not successful, and then turn on them when they are.
Ugh. As much as I have been ready for a title change, this is not the way I wanted to see it go down. I don't wish injury on anybody and it is certainly disappointing to see anyone's title reign end like this. I am disappointed that Cena will not be able to work the match at No Mercy. It is one thing to see him drop the belt in a match due to injury, but it is quite another to have the Orton/Cena storyline come to a close without resolution. And that sucks.

With that being said, maybe this will turn out for the best for John Cena. He has been shoved down our throats and a stepdown from the spotlight has been long overdue. Six to eight months of absence will give both the fans and Cena a chance to refresh.
let this be a lesson to the WWE, this is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket, and you push 1 guy to the moon for 2 and a half years...
Ugh. I Agree with Shockmaster on about everything.

Let's get something clear: I don't like John Cena, I don't hate him either. But as was stated, this thread has nothing to do with it.

Nor is this about who should get the title. This thread has nothing to do with that, either.

This is one of those times I hate freedom of speech. John Cena is a man that was injured doing his job night after night after night like a pack-mule. Of course he got injured. That's what the WWE does when there are few grunts to hold the workload. Shall we check?

Triple H: Check. JUST got back at Summerslam.
Shawn Michaels: Check. Still out. In no hurry to rush back. Can't blame him.
Lashley: Check. An ECW injury?! NO WAI!
Edge: Check. Get well soon Edge.
The Undertaker: Check. Shut down within mere weeks of his title reign.

This list can go on, but you get my point. Injuries happen, and they are very very real in professional wrestling. John Cena was drug through the ground and he did it willingly with a smile on his face. You want to say he never busted his ass just because you don't like his in-ring style? Well, I don't like it either, but anyone that refuses to see the man's sheer work load and respect the fact that he was the fighting champion that Lesnar claimed to me is just plain ignorant.

Hate the character.
Respect the man.

Break It Down,
Anybody who comes out talking about what great news the Cena injury is and how they are thrilled he tore a pec and may have to drop the belt - I wonder if any of you have jobs or are even culpable members of the workforce.

Let me state this clearly - I DO NOT CARE if you like John Cena. I DO NOT CARE if you hate John Cena. Could not care less how any of you feel about him right now, at all. It's a simple matter of respect.

Jake said it best, Cena keeps one of the most insane schedules in the business, traveling for matches, appearances, etc. And what thanks does he get from people like "killcenanow" or "crzyjester11" or any other Cena haters who also seem to have trouble completing a thought in an organized manner. Ridiculous. If you worked your ass off at something day in day out, it's be pretty messed up if the people you were doing it for were wishing harm on you. I'd say I wish injury on you, but here's the difference - nobody would notice, nobody would care if you were hurt.

Say what you will about his wrestling or his character. But to wish an injury on somebody is plain pathetic. I'd take Cena as champ over you as fans anyday.

yea he does a lot of appearances but so what, hes getting paid handsomely for all that stuff and will be set for life when he's through with wrestling.

tearing a muscle is a very common injury among people using steroids or growth hormone. the muscle gets too big for the tendons around it and tears... you play with fire long enough, you'll get burned.

look at recent wrestlers who have torn a muscle and missed significant time...

kennedy (lat/back)

lashley ( lat/back)

hhh ( quad twice)

batista (triceps/arm)

edge ( pec/chest)

cena (pec/chest)

seeing a pattern here? ... edge and kennedy were listed in the signature pharmacy bust, and the others are almost certainly on some type of performance enhancer ... thats the risk they take when using
cena injured!, wow... no suprise there... it was bound to happen the way he wrestles pretty much everyday for more then a year, though like many have said, im no happy that he lost the title this way and i dont wish a injury on any1... at least it will be interesting to see how WWE will handle themselves without cena to carry raw on his shoulder anymore...

now i gotta agree 100% with sly here, i thought the same thing, this just takes the belt a step back man, the person to beat cena was gonna get a huge push, wouldnt just be a main eventer, woulde be THE main eventer, the guy that finally took out cena, and i was hoping it would be some young talent wich would really get over from beating cena, but now cena is just forced to give the title away, seeming as though no1 could ever beat him, and the next champ will just be keeping it warm till the top dog is back...

and now ill probably have to see orton as champ, a guy who deserves to at least be fired and makes me fall asleep every damn match hes in, i really hope WWE puts the belt on some1 else, but at the moment there really isnt any1 else, i say give kennedy a shot, as every1 is tired of HHH, king booker is still out, and lashley is still out, its down to orton and kennedy, i pick kennedy, i hope WWE does the same...and when cena comes back, i hope he does win the belt and that finally some1, actually deserving, beats him for it...
Hello, do you honestly believe what you are written? Cause if you do, you might wanna go back and re-read it because it makes no sense. I will happily admit I AM A CENA FAN!

And before you ask, i'm male and 25 so there goes your theory of all Cena fans being females or kids. The guy has more charisma in his pinky finger than you will ever have. This guy has bled, sweat and pushed through other injuries for the entertainment of others. He should be commended, not disregarded by you vindictive, idiotic, senseless blowhards in the IWC who believe Cena deserved this injury. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Not the way I wanted Cena to lose the belt. I want to see Cena get beat by Orton. I like this fued with the exception of Cena's father being involved, but one of Cena's best in a while. It's sad that we are not going to see this fued climax, or it's going to be forced to climax. Whoever gets the next push better step up because as much as some of you hate Cena, he draws. The casual/general fans is where the money comes from. I am not a Cena hater, but I am glad that he is out of the picture. Do not mistaken that for me being glad that he is injured. I am now looking to seeing something fresh in the title fueds to come.
The fued between and Orton and Cena was outstanding and I hate to see it end this way. Orton should have beaten Cena. That would have been cool. Like Cena or hate him. I feel sorry for him. This isn't the way any champion should lose their title. Maybe Taker' will come from SD and save Raw. That would be cool.
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