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[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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oh my god this is so unexpected
u pray for these things but they usually don't happen.
What goes around comes around!
Some guys saying on this forum they the dont like to see anybody get injured or have to suffer?we have had to suffer for the last 13 months of this ridiculous title reign,talk about going beyond a joke.
new belt, new champion new matches this is a much needed kick in the ass for vince and wwe.things were getting stale and too predictable.

of course all the 9-10 year old boys and teenage girls will start pissing and moaning saying hes the best....i give a sh1t

some guy said 'love him or hate him,Cena`s the reason alot of us watch RAW'
he's the reason why alot of fans are not watching raw!


Cena i've just wasted my hate on you :cuss2:
John Cena was a Beast he beat just about everyone starting with HHH all the way to bobby lashley most of u thought he was going two lose at vengence night of champions against BL<MF>RKO>KBOOKER didnt u but that is past now
the champ will be back my pick for new champ is RKO

J-love out
and thus marks my return to watching wwe! i could not stand Cena, him holding the title for over a year is an absolute joke! Dont get me wrong i hope he comes through this ok but there are many more deserving of the title on the roster than cena. id sooner give it to funaki than give cena another title run.
I was sorry to hear about Cenas injury on Tuesday morning, I hope John makes a smooth recovery, but I can't help but feel hyped up for the opportunity open to the other guys. There is a gap there to fill it will be exciting who steps up there game in order to fill it.
I am far from being a Cena fanatic, but I would like the Cena haters to take one point on board. The business would be a much better place if more guys like Cena went out there every night with his heart and desire.
Well (sorry for my English , since i&#180;m from Germany ^^),
Even i&#180;m a Fan of Randy Orton , i&#180;ve got that feeling that he won&#180;t get the title at No Mercy.
It&#180;s the same as when Edge had to surrender the title.
The first man that came in somebodies mind was Batista.
But they used the title to hype someone completely different.. Khali.
Or take a look when John Morrison became ECW Champion.
Who could dream of this , since he only made his crap wrestling at Raw?
So I guess , they&#180;ll hype someone no one will dream of.
Like Shelton Benjamin , Cody Rhodes or stuff like that....
I hope that this will not be the case , but i&#180;m afraid of :/
Since i don&#180;t want to see Randy Orton to be "only" the number one contender for the title , like Batista all the time.

Well thats what i think ^^&#176;
I'm sorry but i still can't feel anything kind of sadness for Cena at all. He embodies everything that is wrong with wrestling today IMO so getting him out of the picture anyway at all is great news for me. The WWE is hurting so badly because of lack of creativity in the office and in the ring. I think people are finally getting sick of all this crap thats been going on for the past couple years and are turning the channel. Getting Cena out will draw more attention now to RAW since I doubt they will see a signifigant buy rate for No Mercy but i guess we'll see. Now all we need to do is hope the ring explodes for Khali/Batista and were really on are way to an improved product!
You know it makes me laugh, I mean cena gets hurt and some of you seem happy about it, if you wish cena to lose because you dont like his wrestling fine, but if you happy he is not the champ because of injury you are wrong and sick I mean when batista surrendered the title, when edge did the same hardly anyone said anything nasty, yet when cena is forced to surrender, yes people cena was prepared to do what was right for the business and drop the title in the ring, you slaughter him, he is not the best wrestler, he is not the best on the mic, but he has heart, desire and by being willing to work through this terrible injury he has shown plenty of guts and courage to me qualities a great champion needs to have and in my opinion cena has those qualities x 10
I not that happy that cena is injured becuse i was sorta lookin foward to that last man stading match at no mercy but i am glad he gets to get a rest i mean hes been the champion pretty much 2 years or so and hes defended every ppv and and performs at live and house shows. But i am happy that we will see a see a new champ i think everybody was just tired of looking at that guy we seen him so much but if he takes a break then we he comes back it wont that bad to see him fight for the title.
but with cena it got so predictable, they turned him into a ridiculous superman character who "never looses" jeesh beating khali and Umaga wtf? wins elimation chamber beats edge at TLC for goodness sake! i for one am glad to see him gone
While I'm not the biggest John Cena fan, the WWE will certainly miss his charisma, interview skills, as well as his wrestling over the past 6-8 months. I can respect the opinion of fans out there who truly hate Cena, but I ask those fans who they would pick to fill Cena's boots. If the reply comes as "Randy Orton," then you folks are more ignorant than I thought. While Cena might not be everyone's favorite performer, his provided a solid and consistent presence on television each week. Those of you who don't like him can at least attest to the fact he projects well on the microphone (meaning you hear him clearly, as opposed to a mumbler like Shelton Benjamin, or the monotone, expressionless, unprojecting voice of Randy Orton).
Years ago, many would argue that John Cena wouldn't have been champion due to his weak wrestling skills. I'll attest to Cena's lack of wrestling skills, but, frankly, with the exception of maybe half a dozen wrestlers, nearly the entire roster has problems putting on an entertaining wrestling match. Randy Orton's arsenal of an excellent dropkick (credit where credit's due), an abundance of rest locks and rest holds, and an overdone finishing move done better by many (Austin, DDP), as well as his high school drama acting skills. Disagree? Then point out to me 3 different emotions Orton has expressed in an interview over the past 2 years? Arrogance? Covered. Angry/Deranged/Frustrated (all count as one since he potrays all the same way)? Covered. Other than that, Orton has nothing to offer besides good looks and his family's history to back him up.
The truth is, for the past year or so, the WWE's product has incorporated reality television, 3rd rate sitcom writers, and watered down wrestling to produce an overall weak product. John Cena was one of the few strengths and consistent draws, regardless of personal opinion. Now's the time for someone else to step up and carry the WWE into the next generation. Here's hoping this doesn't end in another HHH title reign (I am a HHH fan, but am the first to admit that he held on to the title for way too long and way too many times).

P.S. I have not watched RAW in a month and judging by the RAW reports I 've read, with the exception of two 30 second promos, I haven't missed anything. Time for Vinnie Mac to put on his thinking cap before ratings going down for a 3rd week in a row. I personally hope these ratings keep tanking, so they can wake Vinnie Mac up to the fact that while wrestling fans may tolerate a lot for the their love of the sport/genrem we will not be condescended to, nor will we be fed crap.
If this happened to Batista i would be saying the same thing pretty much. Batista though actually had some decent angles going at one point in his wrestling career. Edge ive always liked from way back to the Brood until now. He has been in some of the more memorable matches in the last 10 years. Cena entertains ugly women and stupid little kids that don't know what a good match is.
I for one am not happy Cena got injured. It sucks to be injured and I do wish a full recovery. But, I am happy that the WWE will have to go another route. I am sick and tired of seeing Cena this and Cena that, So I am looking forward to seeing where WWE goes with this.
The only reason why i&#180;m a litte bit sad about Cena&#180;s injury is the fact that i was really looking forward for the last man standing match.
I wanted to see Cena losing the title in a match und not by injury.
Because that way "he never lost the title in a match" -.-
In my opinion guys like Orton or Cody Rhodes ARE the future of the WWE , since they have a beautiful style of wrestling.
Jeff Hardy , Bobby Lashley etc... its just amazing to watch them wrestle.

Well there&#180;s nothing beauty seeing Cena wrestle.
Since he has not the abilities like the other , you can only like him , cause he was the champ.
WWE created a champ thats only based on his charisma , not his skills.
So , in my opinion it won&#180;t be that hard for the WWE to "replace" Cena.
Make a champ with better skills as Cena and let him having the title as long as cena and this guy will be like god
I dont know. This is a horrible thing. He just has to hand over the title, which is never a good sign, creative is probably going nuts. I agree with Mr Sams i believe he has never been injured. They are imo going to have a battle royal to crown the new champion, or they will just have a regular match with Kennedy and Orton.

IMO this is a huge blow to the WWE and might take a hit in ratings, but honestly i dont know. Its good to see a new champion buts it not good to see Cena relinquish it because of injury.

apparently this Pec muscle seems to be torn worse than Edge's because he is out for 4 months or something. This is a huge blow but could add something to the WWE we havent saw in a long time. But in all honesty i Respect Cena for wanting to Wrestle at No Mercy because he was willing to risk his body more for the sake of the fans.

damn kennedy injuring everybody first lashley now cena u know wwe is all about change so its a great time for somebody to step other than cena this happened to batista and edge in less than 2 years
WOW. What a difference a day makes. I go away for a day, come back to my computer, and find this.

John Cena is gone for a while, fan fucking tastic. Not good that he is injured however. Even though I hate, hate, HATE, Cena, I didn't wish harm upon him. I will give that he was the biggest draw the WWE has/had, and that this is indeed a major blow to WWE. This isn't how I wanted it to go. I wanted Cena to get the shit kicked out of him, and lose very clean. Now we're going to hear he was never beaten for it for however long it takes him to heal and get his title back...lovely.

So from here we'll find what others can draw, new faces, new storylines, till the return. This will be my happiest 6-12 months in wrestling - possibly. Who knows, maybe I'll miss him, wish him to come back, and not hate him anymore. It was the repetetive reign that made me hate the guy and WWE Creative.

Anyways, I wish him well and no permanent damage. Even though I hate him, I know that we can't go without him unless something really big happens that changes everything before he gets back. Unlikely.
as much as i didnt want 2 c cena with the title its going to be bad news for wwe as the main storylines hav revolved around him and with all the other injuries/suspensions just now the sooner y2j is back the better. i hav fingers crossed for a hardy v kennedy v orton ladder match for the wwe title with jericho making an apperance during the match, hopefully kk wont win and altho hardy is my fav wrestler i hope the put the title on orton. i hope it will b a ladder match or tlc but maby thats asking too much lol
For those of you saying thank God he's injured... I'm sorry, I'm not normally one to go out and speak out, but seriously... What if Cena was injured to the point he could not come back? Sure that's not the case and we wouldn't have to deal with him as champ again, which I personally hope we dont see for a long time even after he returns, but what if. You'd be pretty much saying Thank God Cena's life just got completly f*****. All I'm tryin to say, it's good he's off the title, but to be saying horray for the fact he's injured... thats messed up big time...
Let me first say i never want to see someone get injured, however with that being said i think this may be good for the wwe. Now they can push other people and repackage a new john cena when he comes back. We all were getting tired of the cena gimmick and now creative can really come up with something. I wouldn't be surprised to see wwe bring back someone quick for the main event this sunday(hbk). Remember orton took him out and it really would be a nice surprise to see the maineventer back where he belongs.
Yes lets all celebrate a man who did nothing wrong getting a serious injury! Cena's a great guy and just because you don't like his wrestling gimmick lets all celebrate the fact that he tore his pectoral muscle?

You guys are great. Honestly.

I may not like Randy Orton, or Rob Van Dam, but i would never see myself celbrating one of them having a serious injury. This just proves how you guys dont give a shit about these peoples lives as long as they entertain you. Pathetic.

Yes, I am glad. These people are performers, television characters. In any kind of REAL sense as far as it impacts my daily life, they might as well be figments, imaginary people. I don't know them, will never know them, and have no real desire to know them. They may as well not exist as individuals. Therefore, I am not moved by their problems, like they are not moved by mine. Nor should they be. Besides, the company they work for sees them as pieces of meat, why shouldn't I?

Even those mourning this and similar injuries do so primarily out of selfish motivations, whether they want to admit it or not. They're upset he's hurt because it affects THEIR entertainment, not his career.

BTW, my months-long WWE strike can now end! Huzzah!
Wow WWE has had a shit time this year. They just lost their marketing champion so it looks like DX will have to be back soon so that WWE can sell t-shirts. i hope that this brings back Edge, HBK and Y2J a little quicker. i do wish Cena well but i think that this could be a huge push for other superstars. and the Wrestlemania main event might end in cheers this time.
Is Kennedy known as a stiff wrestler??

I think that this will be better for the WWE in the long run. This storyline between Cena and Orton has been drawn out for way too long. If the WWE could pull it off, Orton v Jericho v HBK would be a great main event for No Mercy, especially since HBK was put out of action by Orton months back. I really don't want to see them throw HHH back into the title mix so quickly. I am a HHH fan but I don't want him to just get the belt back so easily. I could see something where the winner of HHH v Umaga earns a title shot vs Orton with HHH winning then in the main event Vince screwing HHH and taking Orton as his "new son" or something along those lines. If i were the WWE and couldn't get Jericho and HBK back thats what I would do and fade out the whole Hornswoggle as son storyline because that was just rediculous.

Also do you think they will keep the Championship as a Last Man Standing? Matches like that normally last from 40-60 minutes. It would be real hard for the WWE to make all of their matches extend, especially with such a short card.
Hm , the short card of no mercy.
Didn&#180;t thought about this yet.
Well there are a lot of possibilies to fill the card like:
- Announcing some more SD! Matches for NM
- Making a mini-tournament for the WWE Championship
- Make the other Matches longer and make some more interviews , videos and stuff like that.
Yes, I am glad. These people are performers, television characters. In any kind of REAL sense as far as it impacts my daily life, they might as well be figments, imaginary people. I don't know them, will never know them, and have no real desire to know them. They may as well not exist as individuals. Therefore, I am not moved by their problems, like they are not moved by mine. Nor should they be. Besides, the company they work for sees them as pieces of meat, why shouldn't I?

Even those mourning this and similar injuries do so primarily out of selfish motivations, whether they want to admit it or not. They're upset he's hurt because it affects THEIR entertainment, not his career.

BTW, my months-long WWE strike can now end! Huzzah!

Because they are human BEINGS. These are people who exist in real life, and have real families, and pay real taxes.

The only thing that seperates humans from animals is remorse for others. Thats one of the most assinine posts i have ever seen in my life. As a strong WWE fan it hurts to see Cena have to surrender his title like this. But i am more concerned with the fact that this man was injured and may never come back the same. His carreer lies in the balance. Cena is a young guy (About 30?) and this can really mess up his life.

You see Cena as strictly for your entertainment, well I have some news for you pal, this isnt ancient Rome. we don't just throw people into the arena and watch them get the living crap beat out of them and then be happy that they're severely hurt / dead.

And television characters? SHIT. If Homer Simpson or Agent Mulder got hurt, no one would care because they are characters. John (Felix Anthony) Cena is a real person and he is really hurt.

Show some respect for a guy who gets out there and puts a great show on for you. Like his character or not, he's a human being.
Because they are human BEINGS. These are people who exist in real life, and have real families, and pay real taxes.

The only thing that seperates humans from animals is remorse for others. Thats one of the most assinine posts i have ever seen in my life. As a strong WWE fan it hurts to see Cena have to surrender his title like this. But i am more concerned with the fact that this man was injured and may never come back the same. His carreer lies in the balance. Cena is a young guy (About 30?) and this can really mess up his life.

You see Cena as strictly for your entertainment, well I have some news for you pal, this isnt ancient Rome. we don't just throw people into the arena and watch them get the living crap beat out of them and then be happy that they're severely hurt / dead.

And television characters? SHIT. If Homer Simpson or Agent Mulder got hurt, no one would care because they are characters. John (Felix Anthony) Cena is a real person and he is really hurt.

Show some respect for a guy who gets out there and puts a great show on for you. Like his character or not, he's a human being.

I agree. Where does anyone get off sayin they're not consirned or they don't care, espically because of the "character". He like all of us are humans, and as far as remarks about he doesn't care about any of us... Last time I checked Cena does more charity work then anyone...
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