[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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boy where did wwe go after 2005, man i loved 2005 everyone including cena for a bit could wrestle and put on awsome matches that had me excited, couldnt wait to watching wrestling and when the clock stood still, but now a days i hate it they seem to care more about a paycheck instead of making it good, o well rip wwf/wwe 1998-2005 we miss you.

On to cena, I was a huge basher of him until this drug situation, I found out its not his wrestling that gets him on vinces good side, its his respect and attitude that gets him over so im going to stop bashing on him far as im concerened im going to stick with the cutting off the t.v on main events but say nothing bad about the man.
I'm going to continue to bash Cena! To say that I am grasping at straws in not correct. Orton does set up for the RKO, but when he does set up for it, he rarly ever hits it. His RKO's always come out of nowhere and you know that!

I can't admit something that isn't true! Now while you may think that Cena is God in wrestling, that is your opinion! I don't, have never, and will never like Cena. You have told me why you like and I have told you why I don't. I have enjoyed this arguement, but you have to see the faults in Cena. In past posts, I have admitted to the things that Cena does well and the things that I like about Cena, but you seem to think that he is a perfect wrestler with no fault. C'mon! I know you can find something wrong or do I have to run through it all again?
I'm going to continue to bash Cena! To say that I am grasping at straws in not correct. Orton does set up for the RKO, but when he does set up for it, he rarly ever hits it. His RKO's always come out of nowhere and you know that!

I can't admit something that isn't true! Now while you may think that Cena is God in wrestling, that is your opinion! I don't, have never, and will never like Cena. You have told me why you like and I have told you why I don't. I have enjoyed this arguement, but you have to see the faults in Cena. In past posts, I have admitted to the things that Cena does well and the things that I like about Cena, but you seem to think that he is a perfect wrestler with no fault. C'mon! I know you can find something wrong or do I have to run through it all again?

I must say, good sir, that you're one of the few Cena "haters" who has ever been able to get your point across effectively. Now, you'll never get me to stop liking Cena, you're not that good, but at least you're evidence isn't "F**k Cena, Cena sucks @$$, anyone who likes Cena is a F****ing ******" like most of the guys round here. Have you read Capt. Charisma's posts? I don't think he's ever managed to get through a post w/o using an insult or expletive( Charisma, if you're reading this, an expletive is a swearword.) However, let me ask you this- would rather have Cena as champ, or one of those guys who got suspended for Wellness violations? This is like, the 3rd time this year that Randy Orton's name has been linked to steroid investigations. Do you wanna know why I think Cena's champ all the time? Because the last WWE champ :robvandam: embarrassed them by getting pulled over High outta his mind. Cena's a safe bet to not bring heat on the company. Orton, Booker, Kennedy, and Umaga were all named in that report. All four of these men have had World title opportunities this year. Now what if they had the Strap on them when this story broke. Let's be honest- WWE knows EXACTLY who's on roids, who's popping pills, all that. They know who risky. Cena is their safest bet, financially and politically. 'nuff said. I'm outta here.
actually if orton was in every main event of every raw and ppv for the last 2 years nonstop every1 would be saying the guys is stale and repetitive too, lets face it, every1 would be stale at the point where cena is now, the difference is some guys can still entertain with their gimmick/mic skills/promos, cena isnt a bad wrestler, neither is he a god, hes average in ring, but hes really good on the rest of the stuff a wrestler needs, even though i dont like him i have to admit it, if he changed his superhero gimmick and dropped the title so he could have more freedom in ring i think he could impress all of us, not that he deserved such a long reign but he would prove that hes not as bad as every1 says

its actually really hard for some1 to stay on top as long as he did and still draw, even if they are mostly kids, not every1 in WWE could do this... a champ doesnt need to drop the title to stop being stale, they can change his gimmick, if WWE changed cena to heel, even while being champ, im sure he could have an even longer reign and draw even more for now

long reigns dont mean boring reigns, it all depends on how they build the champ, too bad for us they made cena a kids champ and made most of us hate...
However, let me ask you this- would rather have Cena as champ, or one of those guys who got suspended for Wellness violations? This is like, the 3rd time this year that Randy Orton's name has been linked to steroid investigations.

Hmmm...Has Randy even been listed as suspended yet? It really doesn't matter about the "Wellness Policy" I can guarantee you almost every single wrestler in WWE today has juiced at least once. It's common sense. Just look at most of them. Sure RKO has been getting in trouble but he has since straightened up his act. It would not/will not hurt to have him as Champion to freshen things up if he isn't one of those 10 jackasses.

I do give Cena credit for keeping his ass out of trouble. Cena is not a risk while being champ. He seems like a good guy but his character is another story.

Do you wanna know why I think Cena's champ all the time? Because the last WWE champ :robvandam: embarrassed them by getting pulled over High outta his mind.

Edge stayed out of trouble. Edge was just a quick transitional champ. WWE always has to shove Cena down our throats. No matter what It is a must do. Edge should have gotten a lengthy run once with the title.

Now we have Bookman,RKO,Trips,Kennedy who are all worthy of taking the strap from Cena anytime now...Will it happen? No. Instead the will plug in Snitsky sooner or later make Cena end his "streak" yada yada yah.

There is other choices right now. If this whole steriod BS is true. Then yes Cena should stay champion and WILL stay champion until at least next year if not WM.

Cena's a safe bet to not bring heat on the company.


Orton, Booker, Kennedy, and Umaga were all named in that report.

You can't always trust these dumbass reports. I find it hard to believe that Rey was busted and still hasn't been brought down nor mentioned. Same with Batista,Lashley and basically the whole WWE roster.

All four of these men have had World title opportunities this year.

Wrong...Kennedy hasn't........Yet....

Now what if they had the Strap on them when this story broke. Let's be honest- WWE knows EXACTLY who's on roids, who's popping pills, all that. They know who risky. Cena is their safest bet, financially and politically. 'nuff said. I'm outta here.

So you think ALLLLLLL of these superstars they got are just popping pills,smoking blunts,shootin' juice and Cena isn't??? Hmmmmm. I find that hard to believe. Espiecially when he is busting his ass off everynight even with 5 moves that would be hard to do and quite painful. He hasn't been brought up yet I know but still...

Cena stays out of trouble:thumbsup: to Johnny Boy but still either way. It's time to drop the strap.
I'm going to continue to bash Cena! To say that I am grasping at straws in not correct. Orton does set up for the RKO, but when he does set up for it, he rarly ever hits it. His RKO's always come out of nowhere and you know that!
If you don't think RKO's moveset is just as repetitive as Triple H's or HBK's or Rey Mysterio's or John Cena's, you are crazy.

I know you can find something wrong or do I have to run through it all again?
Of course, there are several things that Cena can still improve at. But, he does most things better than everyone else.

Cena is never going to be a technical wrestler. It'd be stupid to make Cena a technical wrestler. All of these smarks who boo him and say he doesn't know how to wrestle don't understand that difference in being a pro-wrestler and being a technical pro-wrestler. Some of the best pro-wrestlers in the world have been brawlers. Technical wrestling is boring, to the majority of American audiences. No one wants to see it. They want to see big strong brawlers, or guys who can fly in the ring. Very rare are the technical wrestlers that are successful. I mean, Finlay? Regal? BORING. Undertaker? Triple H? Cena? Three of the biggest moneymakers in the company.

It's amazing how people just don't understand what pro-wrestling is really about, and how they cling to this notion that to be a good wrestler you have to be a good "technical" wrestler. It's just silly, and reminds me of an old saying, "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing".

Edge stayed out of trouble. Edge was just a quick transitional champ. WWE always has to shove Cena down our throats. No matter what It is a must do. Edge should have gotten a lengthy run once with the title.
He was going to. Then he got hurt....again....

Now we have Bookman,RKO,Trips,Kennedy who are all worthy of taking the strap from Cena anytime now...Will it happen? No. Instead the will plug in Snitsky sooner or later make Cena end his "streak" yada yada yah.
In what way are ANY of those 4 ready to take the title, whether it be in on-screen fashion or off-screen?

Booker is 42 years old, has had numerous contract disputes with the WWE, and hasn't won a feud in forever. RKO is only 5 months removed from his latest disciplinary action. Triple H JUST got back, and has wrestled ONE match. Kennedy...well, he sucks in the ring, has yet to produce any quality interview, seems to be a bit of a loose cannon, and with the exception of Lashley, has done little noteworthy on TV.

Wrong...Kennedy hasn't........Yet....

Kennedy vs. Batista - Royal Rumble 2007
I think there is a difference in cena hater. Some cena haters hate him for having stale moves and a staler gimmick. I find this to be untrue. He has done quite a lot to create new moves and impress the crowd. His original rapper gimmick was good, and this marine thing works with the superman thing. I find that most people are just tired of him being champ. I'd like to see a heel turn or just a title chase.

I mean, even if stone cold magically could overcome his injury and wrestle again, and he held the title for 24/27 months, people would start wanting something different.

So you thump your keyboards and you say cena sucks, I say share the strap. And thats the bottom line....cause the smark community said so
He was going to. Then he got hurt....again....

I might have missed something be I don't recall him being hurt in Jan. during his very short run after he cashed in the MITB. Like I said though I really wouldn't be surprised.

Booker is 42 years old, has had numerous contract disputes with the WWE, and hasn't won a feud in forever.

Agreed. Thank's to Trips Booker is pretty much buried from another title oppurtunity for now though I do still see him and Cena in a 1 on 1 feud sometime if he isn't suspended.

RKO is only 5 months removed from his latest disciplinary action.

Who Cares? He has obviously straightened up his act or he would have been being burried instead of killing legends and getting title shots. Yes the injuries had something to do with it but it was 5! MONTHS ago. It's over, and wouldn't hurt for him to have a run ro freashen up the brand.

Triple H JUST got back, and has wrestled ONE match.

Agreed but shortly. No doubt about it. He will get that title as soon as he is ready. November is my guess.

Kennedy...well, he sucks in the ring, has yet to produce any quality interview, seems to be a bit of a loose cannon, and with the exception of Lashley, has done little noteworthy on TV.

1st promo on RAW. Match/Feud...Taker was his best yet. Little noteworthy...Hmmm...wait until around 3 weeks from now...

Kennedy vs. Batista - Royal Rumble 2007

Wrong! WWE title not WHC......Yet....
I might have missed something be I don't recall him being hurt in Jan. during his very short run after he cashed in the MITB. Like I said though I really wouldn't be surprised.
Well, I was meaning with the current WHC reign.

Agreed. Thank's to Trips Booker is pretty much buried from another title oppurtunity for now though I do still see him and Cena in a 1 on 1 feud sometime if he isn't suspended.
I'll agree with everything you said here.

Who Cares?
WWE Management?

He has obviously straightened up his act or he would have been being burried instead of killing legends and getting title shots. Yes the injuries had something to do with it but it was 5! MONTHS ago. It's over, and wouldn't hurt for him to have a run ro freashen up the brand.
You're acting like 5 months is a LONG time. It's really not. Remember how he got suspended for unprofessional conduct back in April of 2006? Merely a year later, he was sent home for unprofessional conduct. If Orton can't stay out of trouble for more than a year, that's worrisome, if I'm considering putting the biggest title in the company on him.

Agreed but shortly. No doubt about it. He will get that title as soon as he is ready. November is my guess.
Hopefully, McMahon will realize that Triple H as champion is nothing but a step backwards.

1st promo on RAW. Match/Feud...Taker was his best yet. Little noteworthy...Hmmm...wait until around 3 weeks from now...
His 1st promo on Raw. I don't even remember, so I wouldn't call it great. But, feel free to find it on Youtube or Dailymotion, and I'll watch it again. His best Match/Feud was with one of the best workers in the company...hmmm...since Cena is apparently carried by everyone he's in the ring against that's a smark favorite, then obviously Kennedy was carried by Taker.

As for that 3 week prediction? If this recent steroid scandal list is those who are suspended, I wouldn't exactly put stock in that 3 weeks thing...

Wrong! WWE title not WHC......Yet....
Hmm...let's review the conversation...

Orton, Booker, Kennedy, and Umaga were all named in that report. All four of these men have had World title opportunities this year.

Wrong...Kennedy hasn't........Yet....


Kennedy vs. Batista - Royal Rumble 2007

Edgefan#1 clearly said "World title opportunities". Which Kennedy had at Royal Rumble (which is the only match Kennedy has ever impressed me in). He/She did not say WWE Title.
You mentioned Undertaker as not being technical! Bullshit! Taker' has implimented alot of technical moves to his moveset! Dragon sleeper, Triangle choke, the way that he prepares the arm before old school. Taker' is ten times more technical than Cena and to say that he isn't is just damn stupid! Taker' vs. Angle, No Way Out 06 was a damn wrestling clinic and classic! The reason that Taker' is the most successful big guy in the business is because of his in ring ability because he does things that big guys shouldn't be able to do or, by your standpoint, shouldn't do! Cena could learn alot from Taker', but you wouldn't admit that now would you. To even suggest that Cena is on that level is just dumb!
You mentioned Undertaker as not being technical! Bullshit! Taker' has implimented alot of technical moves to his moveset! Dragon sleeper, Triangle choke, the way that he prepares the arm before old school. Taker' is ten times more technical than Cena and to say that he isn't is just damn stupid! Taker' vs. Angle, No Way Out 06 was a damn wrestling clinic and classic! The reason that Taker' is the most successful big guy in the business is because of his in ring ability because he does things that big guys shouldn't be able to do or, by your standpoint, shouldn't do! Cena could learn alot from Taker', but you wouldn't admit that now would you. To even suggest that Cena is on that level is just dumb!
The WWE themselves refer to The Undertaker as "The best pure striker in WWE history". His moves are mostly impact moves. He adds the occasional arm bar and such here and there (but, so does Cena), but the majority of his match is brawling.

That's not an insult, and there's nothing wrong with it. But, it is fact.
You can be a striker without being a brawler. Just look at Low Ki/Senshi, KENTA or Samoa Joe. They constantly have fights that involve many strikes but it doesn't devolve into some sort of brawl where half of the blows aren no-sold. Not that I'm saying you stated the contrary, I'm just pointing it out for the benefit of the debate.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
You can be a striker without being a brawler. Just look at Low Ki/Senshi, KENTA or Samoa Joe. They constantly have fights that involve many strikes but it doesn't devolve into some sort of brawl where half of the blows aren't no-sold. No that I'm saying you stated the contrary, I'm just pointing it out for the benefit of the debate.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

Right, but that doesn't change the fact that a) Undertaker works a brawling style of match and b) that he does not work a technical style of match.

I mean, you said Low Ki and Joe are strikers. Are they technical wrestlers (in TNA at least)? Of course not.

I'm not disagreeing with you, and you are correct. Just clarifying.
I might be changing the subject just a bit but bear with me, you said that cena fighting khali was a horrible match, which I agree with but when you said that cena vs orton was a great match, that must mean that orton is a very good wrester as well, since he used 90% of the offence in the match. You also said that cena vs lashley was back and forth, are you kidding me, lashley controlled atleast 80% of that match, watch it again. Sly don't you ever compare the undertaker to johnny boy. One more thing your a hulk hogan fan, I hope you know that he was a crap wrestler, sure he made the wwf nationwide but he was one of the worst wrestlers in history. One last thing if your ten years old, you couldn't have been there for hulkamania, hell he was in the nwo when you were born.
I might be changing the subject just a bit but bear with me, you said that cena fighting khali was a horrible match,
I said Cena vs. Khali was a solid match. Nothing good, nothing bad.

which I agree with but when you said that cena vs orton was a great match, that must mean that orton is a very good wrester as well, since he used 90% of the offence in the match.
I never said Orton was a bad wrestler.

But, compare list of good matches between the two, and who comes out ahead?

You also said that cena vs lashley was back and forth, are you kidding me, lashley controlled atleast 80% of that match, watch it again.
I've seen it several times.

Sly don't you ever compare the undertaker to johnny boy.
Oh come on now. The Undertaker isn't that bad. He's worthy of a comparison to Cena.

One more thing your a hulk hogan fan
Damn straight.

I hope you know that he was a crap wrestler
How do you figure?

sure he made the wwf nationwide but he was one of the worst wrestlers in history.
This is just a silly and ignorant statement, no matter how good Hogan was or was not. I can name you 15 wrestlers today alone that can't hold a candle up to Hogan, without even trying.

One last thing if your ten years old, you couldn't have been there for hulkamania, hell he was in the nwo when you were born.
Well, that raises an interesting question, now doesn't it?
ne last thing if your ten years old, you couldn't have been there for hulkamania, hell he was in the nwo when you were born.

Sly isn't 10. haha, he made that up.

But, I'll get myself in this argument, too. Not battling with anyone, yet.

I like John Cena. I don't like John Cena as champion anymore. I don't like a lot of his PPV matches anymore becuase about 8 times, he was beat up, beat up, then miraculously does "The Five Moves of Doom", and wins the match. I hated the ending of the Cena Orton match, not because Cena won, but because he made it look like Cena's finisher is way more effective than Orton's finisher, after he was beat up the whole time. It would of been more realistic if maybe after the FU, he would have done the STFU, which isn't all to great either, but its two finishers, not one.

John has been champ too long. We all know that. Sure he brings in merchandise, but does he really give us what half the fans want? Not necessarily. I still say he should of lost to Umaga in their first match, then beat him in the last man standing. It's time for a change.

I know ol' Sly id gonna rant on about his one, asking me why these people should be contenders, then he'lll say why not, but oh well. Triple H is probably going to headline Unforgiven, because hes HHH. But there's other people who can be in contention, too. Mr. Kennedy needs a little more time, and needs to get out of the way of the whole steroid scandal. King Bookahhh is old, yet still a good wrestler, but was squashed at SS, so i think he's out. Why not bring up a mid-carder? Carlito has been hangin' with the main eventers latley, so why shoulnd't he get a shot? I don't see him as WWE champion, but he could possibly be a contender. Umaga could successfully defend his title, (get a manager in the meantime to speak for him) then deny it much like Stone Cold did, back in the day, not sure when, but leed him in the main event picture.

But to answer the pool question, I'm 50/50 with him. He isn't a bad wrestler, because like Slyfox said hes not technical, but hes a brawler, and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't nessesarliy like his promos, he tries to make them entertaining but i don't like them all that much. but what i mostly don't like about him, I guess i could say his booking. He wins too much, only lost 5 in 2007, and i think, not sure, they were all tag team matches. I was furious when he beat Randy Orton, yet i still watch. In real life, I've heard nothing but good things about him, so once again, I do not like the booking of John Cena, but he's not all that bad of a wrestler.
I figure hogan was a bad wrestler because he did the same moves over and over, just like cena, all that he did in his wwe career was, punch, punch, bodyslam, kick to the face, leg drop. Watch summerslam 05 vs HBK and my point will be proven.
I figure hogan was a bad wrestler because he did the same moves over and over,
So, moves are what makes a good match eh?

all that he did in his wwe career was, punch, punch, bodyslam, kick to the face, leg drop.
So what does it say about his ability to sell the story of the match if he could do that, and STILL have the fans eating out of the palm of his hand?

Oh, and that was basically his routine from 88 or 89-95. Try watching some Hogan before 88, or from Japan.

Watch summerslam 05 vs HBK and my point will be proven.
Wait, so a match in 2005, when Hogan was 52 years old with several major surgeries including knee surgery, against an opponent who clearly was not happy about being in the match is indicative of Hogan's ability in his prime?

Yeah, THAT makes a lot of sense. :rolleyes:
Well, I was meaning with the current WHC reign.

Agreed. I was meaning when Cena just had to be the top guy despite Edge being the top heel in the company and use to freshen things up.

WWE Management?

I'm not sure they care much since he has been getting the biggest push on RAW lately.

You're acting like 5 months is a LONG time. It's really not. Remember how he got suspended for unprofessional conduct back in April of 2006?


Merely a year later, he was sent home for unprofessional conduct. If Orton can't stay out of trouble for more than a year, that's worrisome, if I'm considering putting the biggest title in the company on him.

I agree but still even Management themselves said Orton is keeping his cool.(I usually think those reports are BS sometimes) but still. If he is being a jackass then they wouldn't have him in the spot he is in now.

The point is it is time for something new in the main event scene. Orton is the only real choice as of right now.

He gets suspended again for steriods...Then No. Cena should stay on top. And he will stay on top until possibly WM.

Hopefully, McMahon will realize that Triple H as champion is nothing but a step backwards.

Agreed. It's time to build up the young talent.

Out with the Old in with the New.

I have always liked Trips though but it's time for something new.

His 1st promo on Raw. I don't even remember, so I wouldn't call it great.

It wasn't "Great". I don't even call it great but it was a solid promo. He literally turned the crowd on him in 2 sentences.

Mr Kennedy is a god on the mic.

Kennedy promo's > Cena promo's

His best Match/Feud was with one of the best workers in the company...hmmm...since Cena is apparently carried by everyone he's in the ring against that's a smark favorite, then obviously Kennedy was carried by Taker.

Cena's been around since what? 03? Cena is the WWE Champion and is carried quite a bit.

As for that 3 week prediction? If this recent steroid scandal list is those who are suspended, I wouldn't exactly put stock in that 3 weeks thing...

I have no idea where this scandal is going that's why I'm hesitant and more worthy champions at the time.

If he is suspended. Well that's just tough shit. Kennedy can have fun taking the backseat to Trips dominating RAW again next year.

Edgefan#1 clearly said "World title opportunities". Which Kennedy had at Royal Rumble (which is the only match Kennedy has ever impressed me in). He/She did not say WWE Title.

O Well,My fault.
This Cena arguement as gotten out of hand! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what Sly has said about Taker'! Listen, it's a fact, when Taker' wakes up in the morning he pisses excellence! He doesn't have to worry about showing up and being booed, he doesn't have to worry about being carried in a match or if he is going to stink the joint out! Taker' is the man in wrestling, pure and simple! Cena isn't even worthy of being mentioned in that class.

Cena isn't anywhere near the level of greatness Taker' is. Taker' is a better in ring technician, Taker' has a better persona, and when he does cut one, his promos are always interesting to watch! Now then, having said that, he does use his signature moves alot and they are very predictable, but his signature moves are ten times more exciting and spectacular than Cena's! Cena is just boring anymore. Sly, you said that Taker uses submissions periodically in some of his matches! Since his return in 2004 he has used some sort of submission or submission wrestling style in over 85% of his matches! Face it! When it comes to Taker' he can do it all. High impact, blunt force moves and he can wrestle with the best of them. Can Cena do this? The short and again, simple answer is HELL NO! You can argue that it would be stupid for him too! But I kinda think that a guy, the size of Taker', being able to do the things that he does in that ring, is spectacular to say the least and interesting to watch. By the way, Kennedy was carried by Taker'!
This Cena arguement as gotten out of hand! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what Sly has said about Taker'! Listen, it's a fact, when Taker' wakes up in the morning he pisses excellence! He doesn't have to worry about showing up and being booed, he doesn't have to worry about being carried in a match or if he is going to stink the joint out! Taker' is the man in wrestling, pure and simple! Cena isn't even worthy of being mentioned in that class.

Cena isn't anywhere near the level of greatness Taker' is. Taker' is a better in ring technician, Taker' has a better persona, and when he does cut one, his promos are always interesting to watch! Now then, having said that, he does use his signature moves alot and they are very predictable, but his signature moves are ten times more exciting and spectacular than Cena's! Cena is just boring anymore. Sly, you said that Taker uses submissions periodically in some of his matches! Since his return in 2004 he has used some sort of submission or submission wrestling style in over 85% of his matches! Face it! When it comes to Taker' he can do it all. High impact, blunt force moves and he can wrestle with the best of them. Can Cena do this? The short and again, simple answer is HELL NO! You can argue that it would be stupid for him too! But I kinda think that a guy, the size of Taker', being able to do the things that he does in that ring, is spectacular to say the least and interesting to watch. By the way, Kennedy was carried by Taker'!
You seem to be missing the point...as usual.

No one ever said Undertaker was a bad wrestler. No one, well at least I didn't. But, he's not a technical wrestler. He's more of a brawler than a technical wrestler.

I'm not sure how you got me saying he was a bad wrestler out of that, but I didn't.
Ok Cena can walk the walk and talk the talk but omg that title has got to go i don't hate the guy but it has got to go his wrestling is starting to look like stit and he is boring me out of my mind.
If you wanna base WWE superstars on their actual wrestling talent, you'd be left with a class of shelton benjamin, bobby lashley and maybe a few more.

people who were not good wrestlers go by some crappy names like triple h, hulk hogan, undertaker, the rock

i dont know about you guys, but im gonna remember the rock a lot longer than i do shelton benjamin
I've noticed that their are different styles of wrestling in WWE. Cena IMO is a brawler. Not much technical besides the STFU, but there is a lot of high impact stuff going on there which is why I consider him a brawler. Same thing with Taker, but honestly can't see either Cena or Taker having the same mat skills as say Shelton Benjamin or Kurt Angle for that matter. It's just not their style. I know I pretty much repeated what Sly said earlier, but I figured I'd back him up on it cause even though some people don't seem to get it, Cena as a brawler wrestler is good
Ok look this Cena bullshit is getting old fast. All the people who hate him good for you but its getting out of hand let me explain. Cena has been champ for 24+ of last 30 months of course your gonna hate him, no one like repetition. Kids are a)future of WWE making money and b) big part of wwe making money so unfortuneatly Cena is face of making money right now not his fault. I cant help it kids dont wanna buy a cuddle with me snitskey doll (or whatever the hell those are called) vs a Cena one. Also think about this...all you cena haters take your so called most favorite wrestler ok now from today tell Janruary 2010 they are champ your gonna hate them know why? REPETITION it sucks. So yea hes repeat champ dont rag on him so much for it he makes money. HOWEVER WWE LISTEN UP. Eventually the Cena thing will flop 100 % vs 99 now and you'll be out of money entriely so Cena should lose soon or else...just saying
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