[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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just noticed dat WWE requested dat they pull the cena vs orton summerslam match off you tube yet u can watch their previous matches such as the eddie tribute show. Rumor has it that after slam went off the air they threw signs and bottles into the ring while booing cena and chanting bull shi**. perhaps WWE pulled it to save Cena face credit. Or they could just be pissed cause they have yet released the footage themselves and dont wont you tube to be the first.
Let's talk about what makes Cena a good wrestler. Oh wait, I'm sorry, I can't find anything that makes Cena a good wrestler! Let's talk about Raw Monday! He comes out and cuts the same promo that he always does. "I have one thing to say to you, the champ is still here!" Did anyone but me see this coming? That isn't the half of it! He had the gaul to say, "You had your shot, now you know that you move down and another person moves up." Since when has this been the case in WWE? Batista vies for the title every damn title match on SD! C.M. Punk as been in the title picture going on three months now. If this was the case in WWE, Cena wouldn't be nearly as boring to watch. It is one thing to watch Cena do the same things over and over again. It is another to watch him do this with the same competition over and over again, which is the case!

The only way that Cena is going to gain any credit at this juncture in his career is to drop the title and just feud with some other superstars. They cannot use Cena and try to make him the next Hogan. There is never going to be another period in wrestling like the Hogan era! It was alright for Hogan to be on top all of the time! We've already seen it. It isn't going to work over 20 years later! And I don't want to hear anyone say that I am comparing Cena to Hulk Hogan. In term of entertainment I am not. Hogan was much more entertaining and he put a better show on than Cena! The only comparison that can be made is the way that the WWE is trying to make Cena seem immortal like Hogan.

I wished he would lose, go on vacation, and come back as a strong heel! That would be sweet!
First post ever on WZ forums...bear with me...

I think the reason that many in the IWC despise Cena so much is because he has been shoved down our throats for all this time. Also, being the top guy in the company, his performance each and every night is viewed under a microscope by most fans, leaving him even more open to criticism. I certainly wouldn't put him among the top wrestlers in WWE, but I wouldn't put him among the worst either. It's called World Wrestling Entertainment, and Cena got over in the first place by being entertaining (I never got into the white rapper thing but a lot of people did I guess) and by being charismatic. Like it or not, those qualities are just as important in the business as actual wrestling ability. Cena sells a ton of crap, most of which is bought by parents looking to please their children because they love John Cena. (When I attended Vengeance back in June, 85 % of the kids 13 and under that I saw had Cena shirts on.) With that being said, he doesn't need the belt anymore to be over with the kids and to continue to sell merchandise. So far, his reign over the last several years has been rather Hogan-esque, and that just won't work in the 21st century. Title reigns as long as Hogan's were in the '80's just aren't gonna be popular with fans these days: our attention spans are so short that we turn on a guy just because we are bored with the status quo. And me? Yes, I'm bored. I'm tired of seeing Cena always being made the underdog, despite the fact that he wins cleanly EVERY TIME. I'm tired of him being the one to first beat the giant undefeated monsters, as if he's the only one good enough to do it. I'm tired of seeing him win specialty matches that he has no experience in, while beating the "master" of said match. The guy who wins every time is not an underdog. Are the Yankees an underdog? Hell no. Now that my rant is over, I don't believe the guy deserves all the shit he gets in most venues. He obviously works very hard and he seems like a good guy. I don't even think a heel turn is necessary, they just need to remove him from the title picture for a while and I think this anti-Cena backlash would subside a little.
Since you seem unable to grasp simple arguments and all seem to be a little confussed i will give you a brief history lesson of John Cena as champion so even you people with brains the size of a grape can understand.

At Wrestlemania 23 John Cena started a tyrany defeating JBL for the WWE championship. Although pushed relentlessly by the WWE marketing team, superstars such as Christian and Y2J became more popular as the feuded with the champion. Even at this early point in the reign of Cena fans turned on him, partly because he sucked in the ring, but partly because they resented the fact that Jericho and Christian (two wrestlers who weren't given the chance to run with the company despite been 2 of the most loyal, charismatic and hard working in-ring competitors in recent years.) had been sacrificed to further the overated champion. With Christian and Jericho, two major threats to Cena's popularity out of the way the WWe though they would use Kurt Angle to make Cena look better in the ring. This backfired massively however fans generally sided with Angle because he was a great wrestler, had the charisma and mic-skills, and did not need the use of a cheap gimmick, or constant marketing tools by the WWe to cover up his crap in ring skills (Cena). Cena FINALLY relinqushed the WWE title at New years revolution 2006, but not before been made to look super human by defeating 5 wrestlers in a elimination chamber. Edge took the title but was only given a 30 day title run, before Cena was gifted the belt at the Royal Rumble. His second reign comming so soon after his first was farsical, and the fans who were already moderatley anti-Cena turned on him in favour of HHH. Cena defeated HHH to a rapture of boo's and Cena was becomming a bit of a standing joke as WWE champion. At Vengenace Cena defeated not only HHH, but Edge as well in a triple threat match, and at this moment in time fans had turned on Cena completely. The decision was made to allow RVD to cash in his money in the bank as it would take the heat off Cena and help establish ECW. Cena was anhiliated by ECW's core fan base at one night stand where RVD won the title. EDge however would win the title from RVd and Cena in a triple threat match, and only Cena's second major PPV loss in over a year would occur at summerslam. At Unforgiven in Toronto in 2006, John Cena restarted where he left off by resuming the most boring title reign in WWE history, John Cena would then defeat the Big show by FU-ing him, suposidley Cena was now super human and rarely defended his title as the WWE did not want him to accumulate heat from fans again instead he competited in tag team matches at PPV's. The superman Cena storyline was extended to bring in Umaga, Cena defeated Umaga at the first two PPV's of 2007, fans seemed to like the new Cena who was given less Tv time, and was now no longer the worse wrestler in the title picture. When HBK became his number 1 contender though the fans turned on him again in the most part, they had seen enough of Cena and it didnt matter who took the title from him, he was also undoubtadly helped by the dx storyline giving him momentum to propel him into the title picture. Cena defeated HBK at wrestlemania, before going on to have a boring feud with Khali that no1 really cares about. AFter that he defeated Lashley who Vince had been pushing for months, and fed him to Cena in a desperate attempt to make Cena popular. Next Cena defeated 4 former champions at Vengenace orton was given a push and became no. 1 contender, people had high hopes that finally Cena would not be shoved down our thorats anymore but Cena proved again that he is 'superman'. As of writing this Cena has defeated- Jericho, HHH, HBK, Kurt Angle, Edge, Christian, RVD, Booker T, Mick Foley, JBL, and Orton (and some crap guys) in championship matches. The last wrestler who was not one of these forementioned wrestlers to carry a world championship on RAw was Chris Benoit in 2004. What a joke.
Amazing, you typed all that out, and for nothing!! You're basically repeating what you said before, giving me an extremely "biased" view of John Cena's "title reign" history.

If you're going to debate about John Cean, at least give some good points, not snide little comments like "the most boring WWE Title reign," since that's only your opinion, not fact, and obviously a lot of people don't carry the same opinion because if Cena's title reigns were so horrible the crowd wouldn't be going wild everytime they saw him. You can call him overrated all you want, but again that doesn't mean he's a bad wrestler. All it means is that Cena is good enough to overrate. :lol2: Now if you can wrap your head around that one, well then.. :headbanger:

Flames Out
Amazing, you typed all that out, and for nothing!! You're basically repeating what you said before, giving me an extremely "biased" view of John Cena's "title reign" history.

If you're going to debate about John Cean, at least give some good points, not snide little comments like "the most boring WWE Title reign," since that's only your opinion, not fact, and obviously a lot of people don't carry the same opinion because if Cena's title reigns were so horrible the crowd wouldn't be going wild everytime they saw him. You can call him overrated all you want, but again that doesn't mean he's a bad wrestler. All it means is that Cena is good enough to overrate. :lol2: Now if you can wrap your head around that one, well then.. :headbanger:

Flames Out

Oh, snap, Capt., you just got punked out by a 15-year-old kid!
Dragon, I completely agree with you. Yes, Cena is a bit overrated, but I still like him, and he's still decent. He's gotten very good at slapping on the STFU. It used to be where Cena would have to hit the FU, manually flip his opponent over, and apply the hold. Now, he can hit a great drop toe-hold, keep his opponents' feet intertwined with his, and slap on the crossface. Now, if he can just make the STFU look less fake ( it usually kinda obvious that he's not applying any pressure) and convince vince to let him use a few more moves, he'll be all set. I still think a heel turn is in order, though, only cuz ther are a lotta face contenders but not alotta heel contenders.
I hate admitting this, but again I will... Cena is good enough to overrate. I don't mean good enough in the ring, but as far as outreach stuff like going to Baghdad or going to see sick children, he's always one of the first in line to go. As an in ring performer I hate him, but I think the stuff he does outside the ring is great. Another reason that Cena gets such wild crowd reactions is for all that stuff... Not many people think about what goes on outside the ring, but even thopse things do give guys fan support. As long as Cena keeps getting that support (and he will for a while) he'll probably stay near main event status.
What exactly does the phrase, "John Cena is good enough to overrate," mean? Are you saying that, that is a good thing? If you are, that is the dumbest statement that I have ever read on this thread!

Let's recall shall we? Ultimate Warrior was overrated. Was he a good wrestler? NO! Batista and Great Khali are highly overrated and we've seen the shit that they put on!

John Cena being overrated clearly means that fans (such as yourselves) thinks he is better than he actually is. If you really paid attention to him, you'd see the same Cena that I do. A sucky ass wrestler!
What exactly does the phrase, "John Cena is good enough to overrate," mean? Are you saying that, that is a good thing? If you are, that is the dumbest statement that I have ever read on this thread!

Let's recall shall we? Ultimate Warrior was overrated. Was he a good wrestler? NO! Batista and Great Khali are highly overrated and we've seen the shit that they put on!

John Cena being overrated clearly means that fans (such as yourselves) thinks he is better than he actually is. If you really paid attention to him, you'd see the same Cena that I do. A sucky ass wrestler!

Okay let me rephrase for those who didn't catch what I meant... I meant that Cena is good enough to overrate... NOT IN THE RING... All I said is that one of the reasons that people may like him so, is cause of the stuff he does outside of the ring, it's very possible to be overrated because of that... I've said it 10000 times I don't think Cena's good in the ring, but the stuff he does out of it certainly has people liking him, therefore making him see overrated
pfft whatever, click on search thread and search everything i have said because i have given my argument to 1) why Cena is a crap wrestler, 2) why he sucks on the mic/is boring, and 3) why he should not be champion. I am not going over myself over and over for this "15 year old" who is very keen to point out flaws in everyone elses arguments however trivial i.e. punctuation. But offers little more explanation to her theories other than "You can call him overrated all you want, but again that doesn't mean he's a bad wrestler. All it means is that Cena is good enough to overrate." If he was that good people wouldn't boo him pronto.

And whoever just said i got punked out get a life mate, an example of getting punked would be for example me shoving your John Cena action figure up your arse, and then asking you "do you mind John Cena now?" not some "kid" as you called her/or him, i don't really know or really care, whos main argument is "the crowd wouldn't be going wild everytime they saw him." Im going to stop now before i get done for flaming..
Nothing. They can cheer whoever the hell they want to cheer. Rather it be the Almighty God or the Legend Killer. Fan's make Vince the cash. So therefore they should get the right to cheer or boo or chant whatever they want. Cena is stale..People aren't starting to like it too much. He's loved some place and hated others. O Well.

By The Way. How do you know they were booing RKO for a stale moveset? (Yet he actually used more than 7 moves)
Orton's moveset is still stale and repetitive *shrugs*.

And, there is something wrong with booing heels and cheering the faces, when there is no reason to. If you are going to boo heels and cheer faces, why should the WWE even try to have dispositions? If they didn't have dispositions then everyone has the same boring, bland character, and storylines are pointless. Booing the heel, simply to show "smarkdom" is harmful to the business.

Your Evil Sly
I try :D

Before I get onto Cena I just want to say that Mysterio absoloutely sucks, why the fuck does everyone like him? Because he is short? Because he was Eddie Gurrero's friend? Its fucking stupid he can't work for shit, all he does is his stupid acrobatics, someone tell him to go to the fucking circus the freak.
If you actually understood what professional wrestling was really about, you'd understand why this statement is so incredibly bad, it's funny.

They should have had Chavo win because he is such a hard worker but they let Rey win because all the stupid mexicans buy his merchandise.

Hahahahaha, like Eternal Dragon said, ignorant and racist. Not to mention Chavo is Hispanic as well....

Will someone though please shoot the Great Khali, he's just sooo annoying to watch, I hate Cena and am not a fan of Batista but for once it wasn't Batista fault. Khali/Batista was the worse match i have ever seen i think, it was worse than the diva battle royale for christs sake.
Which just proves how good Cena is that he got two watchable matches out of Khali.

Then you have guys who actualy are talented in which Cena gets CARRIED I know you can't take it Slyfox but its true listen to what other people are telling you, HE GETS CARRIED- Orton, HBK, HHH, Edge saying any of those are not talented SLyfox is nieve even by your standards, I'm not a massive fan of any of them, they are ok but thats it, but they are talented and you implying they are not is making you look stupid.
Wait wait wait...you're saying I'm naive and claiming that Orton and Edge are good wrestlers in a strict 1-on-1 classic match setting? When has either of them had a good match in a classic 1-on-1 setting? Outside of their match with Cena, of course.

Then there are guys who are just shite and only get the honour of wrestling Cena because of their monster gimmick- Khali, Big Slow, Snitsky, Umaga. All of whom suck in the ring quite frankly, and Cena's matches with them? They absoloutely sucked, they were crap, nothing, waste of time, completely pointless matches, as their only aim was to make Cena look good and they didnt even really suceed in doing that.

Cena vs. Umaga sucked? Do you even understand what it means to be a good match? Or do you just look and see which wrestlers everyone thinks are supposed to be good, and then assume that the matches are good because good wrestlers are in them?

Slyfox you can make all the excuses for Cena
It's not excuses, it's fact. The excuses are coming from your end by saying everyone and their mother have carried Cena to good matches. How incredibly naive of you to think that every single good match Cena has had was because of the other wrestler.

you want "Orton ran the offensive portion" Well its a bit coinsidental that against Angle, Jericho, Edge, HBK, HHH, etc. He didnt run the 'offensive portion' thats because he can't, thats because he's a shit wrestler, Cena sits back and lets the other guy beat him then does his stupid shoulder blocks, his punches, and clothelines every now and again until it is time for the moves of doom.
Hahahahaha. You're post continue to crack me up.

Cena didn't run the offense side of the match in his Raw match with HBK? Have you even seen it? I doubt it, otherwise you wouldn't be spouting such mindless garbage. Cena's matches with Edge were back and forth affairs, and his match with HHH was back and forth for the last half of the match.

Try watching the matches before you comment on them. You'll appear less ignorant.

"fans that complain about Cena's "repetitive and non-exsistant" move-set failed to notice that most of the offense from Orton yesterday at SS was sleeper holds (big surprise)."
Obviously that was because they wouldn't be so silly as to let Cena risk injury by letting Orton do anything other than minimum risk moves and Orton's signiture moves.
Then, they are making sure none of their other risk injuries as well, because it was the same moves Orton always does in every match.

What are you even talking about?

Youstupid Cena huggers are starting to annoy me more than Cena himself.

Cena huggers. That's awesome.

Your all totally unaware that Cena is not that good in the ring,
Yeah, except we have numerous good matches by Cena to back our position.

Your position is that everyone in the WWE can carry a great match except Cena. Who really appears more unaware?

What is it that makes Cena so special in your eyes
How about the numerous good matches he's had?

Therefore it must be that you have been so hooked by Vince's marketing of this guy that your obsessed with him, its like you've all been hypnotised!
I would argue that you've become blinded by your so-called "smarkdom" that reinforces false notions of workrate and the belief that number of moves equals a better wrestler. Your smarkdom also leads you to believe that any power wrestler must automatically suck, technical wrestling is the only respectable style of wrestling, and anyone who is the top guy in a major fed must suck.

Spare me this concept of "hooked by Vince's marketing". Get off the IWC hallucinogens.

I honestly think that Carlito grew tired of the fact that he was always being used as the comic routine. Carlito has talent, & his character could be that of a World Champion someday.. but the fact is, until he has someone to face him.. where he can showcase his talent.. he'll never be looked at, as anything more than a joke.. or a mid-carder. *** How does this involve Cena? Because Cena (in my opinion) can't carry a match. He has the heat on him from the crowd to electrify a match.. but much like Randy Orton, or a lot of other wrestlers.. he has basic moves that become stale & are constantly relied on, over & over.

There for the longest time, Carlito (& Shelton Benjamin) were bringing new moves to their matches.. but they went un-noticed, & it could very well be a fact that McMahon or any number of creative members are telling these guys NOT to OVER SHINE John Cena during matches with him.. cause Cena has been made their star.. not a guy with big hair, or a 5 star calibar superstar.

Regarding Shelton Benjamin.. he broke out into single's stardom agianst Triple H. & truly never got a huge push. He had a great Intercontinental Championship run, that went longer than even Orton's.. which in turn went longer than anyone in like what.. 4 plus years? But Benjamin never got the chance to improve to the next (Main Event) level, because stars like John Cena would look pale in comparsion. Benjamin could wrestle circles around Cena.. & thats not me disliking Cena.. because he CAN wrestle.. thats just me saying Benjamin is that much BETTER than Cena, as a wrestler.. not a performer.

And that, my friend.. is the number one thing that has Cena in the Main Event.. & Benjamin looking like sisqo.. the fact that Benjamin has NO character.. his best character push came from having a fat lady in a wheelchair as his Mom.. pathetic. If fans truly loved the sport for the moves & athletic ability.. Benjamin, Morrison, & Carlito would all be dominating the John Cena's of the business.


How does that not show that professional wrestling is not about moves and athleticism? Professional wrestling is about theater, drama, pageantry. I can go out in my backyard right now, do a couple of flips and lock in 25 different moves and holds.

But who gives a damn?

Pro wrestling is about more than just moves and athleticism. It's about workrate (real workrate, not smark definition of workrate), it's about storytelling, it's about pagenatry. The best wrestlers know how to present all of those in entertaining fashion on a long term basis.

Which is why Cena is on top of the wrestling world.

This is the match that all of you Cena supporters on this site should hate and should watch, because it proves everything that has been said negatively about Cena's in ring ability! He can't wrestle!
How is arguably the best match of the night, and one of the better ones in Orton's career, proof of Cena's bad ability? That's just silly.

I COMPLETELY AGREE, 100%!!!! John Cena is NOT on the same level as Hulk Hogan. He's dwarfed that level & has shot further passed Hogan, than anyone could've ever thought possible! As far as Hogan's move-set being compared to Cena.. look, I'll bad mouth Cena to wrestling's technical greats like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, & Bret Hart.. but Hogan!?:lol2:

You have GOT to be kidding. Lets run through this, shall we? Hogan = punches, chops, lift-up poses, bodyslams, taking an ass-beating than completely ruining wrestling by no selling ANYTHING, irish-whip, big boot, leg drop. 20 minute post-match pose down..

Now then, I'm pretty sure I've missed something, maybe a sleeper hold? But don't EVER compare John Cena to Hulk Hogan in saying Hogan is far superior.. Cena's move-set may not be anything special.. but at least he's got a better variety than the Great Khali! :lol2:

And yes, that was a 'shot' at Hogan, comparing the "Almighty one" to Khali. Oh, I went there.. hahahaha John Cena sucks, but I'd pick a match with him in it, over a match with 'Mr. No-Sell' anyday!

I'll defend and support John Cena as much, if not more, than anyone, but to say Cena is on Hogan's level, in any way shape or form, is absolutely preposterous.

Hogan is the greatest professional wrestler to ever live. He's the Babe Ruth of wrestling, the Michael Jordan of Sports-Entertainment. No one, not even Stone Cold Steve Austin, can compare to Hogan.

1. Picking up Khali and Big Show is impressive, but the selling of the FU is on person who receives it, not Cena. The FU to bigger guys is properly done when Cena turns them over to slam them, they have to tuck their head down and allow their back to hit the mat, so in all essence it's a front somersault. Cena's part is to drop to his knees to make it look more powerful. Same with anyone that's ever been FU'ed. The selling is all on who takes the FU. All Cena does is lift em and fall to his knees. And of course the FU is gonna look devastating when he does it to guys who are over 400+ lbs...they're fuckin heavy. Not to mention that Cena FU'ed Khali off a fuckin crane. If someone threw you off a crane...yeah, let's just end it right there.
Oh I get it. When Cena does an FU, it only looks good because other people sell it well.

But, when Cena sells and makes all of his opponents look good, that's because he sucks.

Double standard much?

3. The STFU is supposed to be a step over toehold sleeper. Not a step over toehold CHINLOCK. Maybe Cena needs to learn how to uh...apply a sleeper hold? Maybe he just shouldn't use submissions period?
Do you even know what a sleeper is?

Educate yourself my son...then come back and try justifying the FU/STFU as being "powerful/adequate finishers."
Hahahaha...ahh, the irony.

Since you seem unable to grasp simple arguments and all seem to be a little confussed i will give you a brief history lesson of John Cena as champion so even you people with brains the size of a grape can understand.
Flame-bait much?

I also like you mention that Cena supporters are unable to grasp simple arguments, and yet refuse to admit the evidence of all the good Cena matches.

Can you say hypocrisy?

At Wrestlemania 23 John Cena started a tyrany defeating JBL for the WWE championship. Although pushed relentlessly by the WWE marketing team, superstars such as Christian and Y2J became more popular as the feuded with the champion. Even at this early point in the reign of Cena fans turned on him, partly because he sucked in the ring, but partly because they resented the fact that Jericho and Christian (two wrestlers who weren't given the chance to run with the company despite been 2 of the most loyal, charismatic and hard working in-ring competitors in recent years.) had been sacrificed to further the overated champion. With Christian and Jericho, two major threats to Cena's popularity out of the way the WWe though they would use Kurt Angle to make Cena look better in the ring. This backfired massively however fans generally sided with Angle because he was a great wrestler, had the charisma and mic-skills, and did not need the use of a cheap gimmick, or constant marketing tools by the WWe to cover up his crap in ring skills (Cena). Cena FINALLY relinqushed the WWE title at New years revolution 2006, but not before been made to look super human by defeating 5 wrestlers in a elimination chamber. Edge took the title but was only given a 30 day title run, before Cena was gifted the belt at the Royal Rumble. His second reign comming so soon after his first was farsical, and the fans who were already moderatley anti-Cena turned on him in favour of HHH. Cena defeated HHH to a rapture of boo's and Cena was becomming a bit of a standing joke as WWE champion. At Vengenace Cena defeated not only HHH, but Edge as well in a triple threat match, and at this moment in time fans had turned on Cena completely. The decision was made to allow RVD to cash in his money in the bank as it would take the heat off Cena and help establish ECW. Cena was anhiliated by ECW's core fan base at one night stand where RVD won the title. EDge however would win the title from RVd and Cena in a triple threat match, and only Cena's second major PPV loss in over a year would occur at summerslam. At Unforgiven in Toronto in 2006, John Cena restarted where he left off by resuming the most boring title reign in WWE history, John Cena would then defeat the Big show by FU-ing him, suposidley Cena was now super human and rarely defended his title as the WWE did not want him to accumulate heat from fans again instead he competited in tag team matches at PPV's. The superman Cena storyline was extended to bring in Umaga, Cena defeated Umaga at the first two PPV's of 2007, fans seemed to like the new Cena who was given less Tv time, and was now no longer the worse wrestler in the title picture. When HBK became his number 1 contender though the fans turned on him again in the most part, they had seen enough of Cena and it didnt matter who took the title from him, he was also undoubtadly helped by the dx storyline giving him momentum to propel him into the title picture. Cena defeated HBK at wrestlemania, before going on to have a boring feud with Khali that no1 really cares about. AFter that he defeated Lashley who Vince had been pushing for months, and fed him to Cena in a desperate attempt to make Cena popular. Next Cena defeated 4 former champions at Vengenace orton was given a push and became no. 1 contender, people had high hopes that finally Cena would not be shoved down our thorats anymore but Cena proved again that he is 'superman'. As of writing this Cena has defeated- Jericho, HHH, HBK, Kurt Angle, Edge, Christian, RVD, Booker T, Mick Foley, JBL, and Orton (and some crap guys) in championship matches. The last wrestler who was not one of these forementioned wrestlers to carry a world championship on RAw was Chris Benoit in 2004. What a joke.

At least you provided an unbiased and objective post. :rolleyes:

I'm not going to go through and note all the incredible slant and inaccuracies in your statement. 1) Because I already have before and 2) It's not worth my time any more.

pfft whatever, click on search thread and search everything i have said because i have given my argument to 1) why Cena is a crap wrestler, 2) why he sucks on the mic/is boring, and 3) why he should not be champion. I am not going over myself over and over for this "15 year old" who is very keen to point out flaws in everyone elses arguments however trivial i.e. punctuation. But offers little more explanation to her theories other than "You can call him overrated all you want, but again that doesn't mean he's a bad wrestler. All it means is that Cena is good enough to overrate." If he was that good people wouldn't boo him pronto.
Why should she continue to state her position when she has given her argument to 1)Why Cena is a good wrestler, 2) Why Cena is entertaining on the mic, and 3) Why it is he IS champion?

Again, hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind...

Im going to stop now before i get done for flaming..
Actually, you should stop, because it's obvious you don't even watch the matches you are commenting on, and if you do, you do with such an un-objective slant and bias that it is impossible to take you seriously.

On a side note, would someone care to explain to me how it is Orton has never had any spectacular matches to his name while Cena has numerous high quality matches under his belt, but when Orton's match with Cena turned out to be pretty good, it's because Orton carried Cena?

Would someone care to explain to me how that makes any sense what so ever?
If I could explain it I would, but I can't so I wont. Sly, I give credit where credit is due. Though I hate the fact that Cena beat Umaga, the matches were pretty good. I just did not like how Umaga dominates the whole match and Cena goes out of nowhere with the STFU to win, other then that I am not complaining about that feud, but IMO that's the problem with Cena. Time after time we see his opponent dominate him all match long until the end where Cena hits an FU or STFU out of nowhere. I've pretty much given up on ranting about Cena cause though I hate him in the ring... As a person I respect Cena alot, I like what he does out of the ring and cause of that I think ya he deserves to be champ. Cena has just had it for an incredibly long time, and it'd just be nice to see someone... anyone else with it. IMO nobody should hold any title that long, except mabey the tag titles.
Time after time we see his opponent dominate him all match long until the end where Cena hits an FU or STFU out of nowhere.
But that's not really what happens in most of his PPV matches. Heck, some of his Raw matches don't follow that patterns (Raw in London, Carlito a few weeks back).

Watch his match with RVD at ONS. Vs. HBK at Raw. Vs. Lashley at GAB.

He doesn't follow that routine in those matches at all, and actually controls the offensive portion. In several other matches, they are back and forth matches.

That really is not near as common as stated.
Orton's moveset is still stale and repetitive *shrugs*.

Not really. He actually has more than 7 moves. He proved it at SS. Sure there was alot of restholds but it made sense as he was looking for a Punt. So he weakened Cena with the headlocks.

There is a reason for booing the face at times. The reason is some are tired of seeing the same old shit. 24/27 months is unbelievable. People are going to get bored with the same guy dominating the same spot that long. Not saying everyone but that's where most of it comes from. Others also think Cena is shit when it come's to wrestling. I think both.

Fans can cheer what they want to cheer who they cheer for.Period.

But that's not really what happens in most of his PPV matches. Heck, some of his Raw matches don't follow that patterns (Raw in London, Carlito a few weeks back).

RKO at SS, Snitsky on RAW a few weeks back.
But that's not really what happens in most of his PPV matches. Heck, some of his Raw matches don't follow that patterns (Raw in London, Carlito a few weeks back).

Watch his match with RVD at ONS. Vs. HBK at Raw. Vs. Lashley at GAB.

He doesn't follow that routine in those matches at all, and actually controls the offensive portion. In several other matches, they are back and forth matches.

That really is not near as common as stated.

Hmmm... I see your point, I guess I'm not looking far back enough. I'm thinking about his bouts with Umaga, Khali, hell even Orton for that matter. all three of em really did a decent number on Cena and got no result from it. Your absolutly right though that the matches u mentioned Cena did have quite a bit of offence
Not really. He actually has more than 7 moves. He proved it at SS. Sure there was alot of restholds but it made sense as he was looking for a Punt. So he weakened Cena with the headlocks.
Agreed. Doesn't mean his moveset isn't stale and repetitive and they were the same moves we see in every single Randy Orton match.

I'm not complaining about their use, I'm just saying, if we are going to boo Cena for stale and repetitive moveset, then we need to do the same for Orton.

There is a reason for booing the face at times. The reason is some are tired of seeing the same old shit. 24/27 months is unbelievable. People are going to get bored with the same guy dominating the same spot that long. Not saying everyone but that's where most of it comes from. Others also think Cena is shit when it come's to wrestling. I think both.

Fans can cheer what they want to cheer who they cheer for.Period.
I just think it's silly to cheer for heels and boo faces just to show how rebellious or "smarky" you can be. Which, let's face it, is the biggest reason people boo Cena. And, Cena's run has been incredible, with numerous good to great matches, never a BAD PPV match, and generally entertaining. Additionally, he has not dominated Raw, a la Triple H in 2003, and many times is in only brief exchanges on Raw.

RKO at SS, Snitsky on RAW a few weeks back.
I agree that most, but not all, Raw matches of Cena follows that pattern. But, they have to. They have a short amount of time to get across a point, and they don't want to give away great matches consistently on Raw. If you get great matches every week on Raw, why buy the PPV?

But, most of his PPV matches don't follow that pattern, and the ones that do, generally follow the pattern because his opponents are not good sellers, whether because of their ability and/or their gimmick.

Hmmm... I see your point, I guess I'm not looking far back enough. I'm thinking about his bouts with Umaga, Khali, hell even Orton for that matter. all three of em really did a decent number on Cena and got no result from it. Your absolutly right though that the matches u mentioned Cena did have quite a bit of offence
Umaga at Royal Rumble was a bit more back and forth than you are giving credit for, but you have to remember Umaga is a monster gimmick. Monsters don't work well if they are constantly having to sell beatings. Monsters work better when they are doing the beating.

Khali, besides having the monster gimmick, is a terrible seller. Orton has never been great at selling.

So, even in the matches where it does follow the face, heel, face routine, there are reasons for it.
So... correct me if I'm wrong, cause I'm not sure I get what you mean, but what I think your saying is the matches Cena takes the majority of the beating, he is against opponents that don't sell well, or are monsters? On a side note, I do think Cena sells incredibly well, even back when he was on SD! he sold moves very well.
So... correct me if I'm wrong, cause I'm not sure I get what you mean, but what I think your saying is the matches Cena takes the majority of the beating, he is against opponents that don't sell well, or are monsters? On a side note, I do think Cena sells incredibly well, even back when he was on SD! he sold moves very well.
I'm saying there is a lot of reasoning that goes into the way a match is layed out. Who carries offense well, who sells well, whose gimmick is to do what, who's in trouble and who's is doing well, the storyline of the feud, future storylines, importance of the match, and the theme of the match, as well as other things that I haven't thought of or don't know about.

Why did Rey use the exact same formula of getting beat up for most of the match so he could make his big comeback at the end? Because, they were pushing him as an underdog champion. How come Khali usually dominates all of his matches until the end? Because Khali is a monster and monsters aren't supposed to get a beating until the feud blowoff. Why is it Mr. Perfect used to sell in so many matches despite being the heel? Because he was so damn good at it. How come Cena dominated the Raw match with Carlito, before Carlito got him with a surprise Backstabber? To build the feud with Orton. Why did Cena run the offense at ONS2? Because he was going to be the heavily booed guy, and the heels generally run the offense in the WWE to lead to the babyface comeback.

There are a lot of reasons why a match plays out the way they do. To say that it is only for this reason or that reason really doesn't do the complexity of the situation justice.

So, why did Cena sell most of the match? 1) Because he is a far superior seller to Orton 2) He is the face, and the WWE style usually consists of face comebacks and 3) To make Orton look really good in the match. It's like Orton said the next night on Raw, about how he was so close and Cena got lucky. It made Orton look good.

But, some people don't take the time to look that in-depth. They just want to bash Cena and the WWE, without taking the time to truly consider all the things that go into it.
OK, so Cena getting his arse kicked for the majority of the match is his style or whatever. Does that mean that it's particularly entertaining? I mean, you yourself admit he does it a lot in his title matches (except vs. RVD at ONS, of course) because he's... sigh... the underdog champion at the moment. Don't you find that incredibly repetitive? The good majority of people watching couldn't give a damn or couldn't even tell who the superior seller is. Also, Cena and Orton are of a similar size, yet Cena, the face, got his arse absolutely handed to him and there were very little, if any, underhand tactics involved. That goes decisively against the WWE formula.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
OK, so Cena getting his arse kicked for the majority of the match is his style or whatever. Does that mean that it's particularly entertaining? I mean, you yourself admit he does it a lot in his title matches
When did I say that?

I said he does it a lot in his matches on Raw.

Don't you find that incredibly repetitive?
Repetitively of high quality, yes.

The good majority of people watching couldn't give a damn or couldn't even tell who the superior seller is.
Maybe not conciously, but they can notice the difference between a good match and a bad one. And, if the selling is poor, the match quality suffers.

Also, Cena and Orton are of a similar size, yet Cena, the face, got his arse absolutely handed to him and there were very little, if any, underhand tactics involved. That goes decisively against the WWE formula.
Wait, how did that match go against the common WWE formula? :confused:

Cena started strong, Orton was strong throughout the match, and Cena stole it at the end after a crowd-rousing comeback. That is precisely the classic WWE style. It's what Shawn Michaels always uses.
Cena hasn't really gotten a good oppertunity at fighting a heel to be honest. Which in my opinion explains some of the boos.

His previous few matches have been against two men who don't have any mic skills and weak gimmicks (The Great Khali, and Umaga) Randy is honestly the best one ive seen so far. Ofc not to take anything away from the matches which i think were pretty good, but it leaves you wondering, "wait...why is cena fighting umaga?"

Who would cheer for superman if he never fought a tough villan and just beat up on random tough guys? See what i mean?

A Cena / Booker feud would REALLY get Cena over with the crowd. But obviously its gonna be another month of Orton.
I'll have to agree with Riccay on that. Cena hasn't fought a strong heel in awhile and it does add bore to Cena.

How can one say, "If we boo Cena for a stale and repetitive moveset, then we'd have to boo Orton for the same?" Orton's moveset is alot of the same moves. He has added alot of new ones to it however, the rope DDT and the punt! Let me explain the difference between Orton and Cena! Cena uses the same moves constantly and we know this, but with Cena we can watch the match and know exactly when it is coming and what is coming next! With Orton, however, he uses the same moves constantly, but we never know when they are coming or what is coming next or how his match is going to end! Save for the punt. You can pretty much see that coming! Orton's neckbreaker is almost always a reverse that we never know is going to happen and the same goes for the RKO!

Cena=Predictability Orton=Not so predictable!
Cena hasn't really gotten a good oppertunity at fighting a heel to be honest. Which in my opinion explains some of the boos.

Wrong. The boo's come from the fans that are tired of his "Superhero" character that overcomes all odds. Also some come from his wrestling ability which isn't very good.

Has nothing to do with him not going up against "Strong Heels"

Randy Orton is the biggest heel in WWE right now. Yet he still was over with the crowd in a positive way. Even after trying heel tactics.

His previous few matches have been against two men who don't have any mic skills and weak gimmicks (The Great Khali, and Umaga) Randy is honestly the best one ive seen so far. Ofc not to take anything away from the matches which i think were pretty good, but it leaves you wondering, "wait...why is cena fighting umaga?"

Umaga was a good heel at the time. He wasn't near as over as Orton but he got good heat. The matches weren't great. I watched NYR again the other night. What a bore.

Go back to SS 06 against Edge. Edge was a very strong heel. Similar to RKO and Cena was once again booed out of the building by his hometown...Which isn't very good.

Who would cheer for superman if he never fought a tough villan and just beat up on random tough guys? See what i mean?

Superman isn't a wrestler with a limited predictable moveset and promos. Superman hasn't been shoved down out throats for 24/27 months.

The overcoming all odds game is stale. They have dragged it on too long with Cena.

A Cena / Booker feud would REALLY get Cena over with the crowd. But obviously its gonna be another month of Orton.

Doubt it. Bookman is the 2nd best heel on the RAW brand and was still getting pops on RAW this Monday.

People are fed up with him. So they will continue to boo. They have that right.
How can one say, "If we boo Cena for a stale and repetitive moveset, then we'd have to boo Orton for the same?" Orton's moveset is alot of the same moves. He has added alot of new ones to it however, the rope DDT and the punt! Let me explain the difference between Orton and Cena! Cena uses the same moves constantly and we know this, but with Cena we can watch the match and know exactly when it is coming and what is coming next! With Orton, however, he uses the same moves constantly, but we never know when they are coming or what is coming next or how his match is going to end! Save for the punt. You can pretty much see that coming! Orton's neckbreaker is almost always a reverse that we never know is going to happen and the same goes for the RKO!

Cena=Predictability Orton=Not so predictable!
Hahahahahaha. Some people (^) are really scrambling now to justify their dislike for Cena, when presented with the fact that everyone else does the same thing.

Cena has added the Blockbuster and the top rope leg drop. So, he's added just as many moves as Randy Orton.

And, how can you watch a Randy Orton match and not know what moves are coming? How can you not call every punch, every dropkick, every multiple reverse chinlocks, not to mention how he always sets up his RKO.

There's nothing wrong with that, but now you're just grasping at straws.

Maybe it's time to admit you are wrong and Cena is a good wrestler?
Alright enough is enough... Cena IS a good wrestler there I said it. Slyfox you persuaded me congrats... That's all I really have to say about that, if you take a close look everyone in WWE does the same thing... Sly your right...
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